Newbie Question for The Veteran Browncoats of 2002

UPDATED: Friday, February 24, 2006 06:17
VIEWED: 7938
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:27 AM


As a newbie of only a few months, I discovered that if you click on "profile", you find that some people are the original Veteran Browncoats of 2002, and I was just wondering about their views on some of the changes and trends they have seen in the past 4 years. If anyone should be handing out browncoats to new recruits, surely it should be them. Any veteran views out there?


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 5:14 AM


I'm not a veteran, Nellie, even though I do hand out 'coats... and I kinda felt funny about taking on that job, and expressed so in a thread. A fellow 'coat who was a veteran wrote me back and asked me for a 'coat, saying they hadn't gotten one when they arrived, made me feel so much better about what I was doin'. We have a lot of fun here... and sometimes we get carried away with the wacky fun... along with your question, perhaps I should add that if any veteran 'coats don't like what we're doin' to please say so.

I wouldn't want to offend.

I am very proud to be a Browncoat.. count it as a life changing thing. And I have the utmost respect for the folks who started this and braved their way thru so much time to get the movie and to be where we all are today.

I'd be interested in what they think about all the changes too.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 6:29 AM


I can only speak for myself. As a veteran, I've had some real highs and lows but mostly highs.

I really love all the enthusiasm from the "new blood"! I've been here a long time and get a little tired some times - even have taken "breaks" from the fandom once and a while.

It's great to come back and see new ideas and fired up fans. Very grateful for the reinforcements!

From what I've seen over the years at the various boards, veterans will let you know when/if you cross a line. My hot button is criticism of Joss for "not doing more". Those of us who've been here in the trenches know he's done EVERYTHING to keep the verse going. We've supported him and he's appreciative. End of story as far as I'm concerned.

So anyway keep handing out those browncoats, creating new frontiers (radio stations and such), and recruiting! I'm happy to pass the torch for a while...

"Appears they've cancelled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:14 AM


What Karen said.

I've been a Browncoat (though I didn't know that word then) since the show first aired on Fox. I didn't join the online community until the runup to Serenity's release, but I've been doing my recruiting duty all along. And I too love the enthusiasm and sense of community that folks like FollowMal are keeping alive here.

So keep on goin' as long as you're enjoying it, and don't forget to reorder more 'coats when the stocks run low.

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:22 AM


Not a veteran of the boards that long, but did watch on TV during the orignal run. Been on the boards about two years. What I've noticed is the new vitality that's been evident around here as the converted make their way to Things were getting a mite stagnant, seemed like everything had been discussed. Having new folks around breathes a little life into the place.

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:06 AM


Very well put, MSCKAREN.

I feel pretty much the same way.

It doesn't really matter how long someones been here, it only matters that they ARE here.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:38 AM


Speaking for myself, I look up to all you folks who have been here a long time. I think everyone who falls in love with the 'verse falls hard, and becomes devoted instantly. And from what I've seen, stays that way.

We new recruits are excitable and I hope we continue to hold the line with pride and the same courage you guys have had.

Thanks DonCoat, I ordered more this a.m., because I believe....

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:51 AM


I'm not a 2002 veteran, though I caught everything aired on FOX (except for the first ten minutes of TTJ - (felt like I'd missed the first two hours, imagine that...)). I didn't join the online community then, I just accepted the cancellation as the unfair way of the world and complained about it to everyone who would listen (though, none of them had ever seen the show - hence the cancellation...). Anyway, I was ecstatic to learn the DVDs were coming out (from a little blurb in TV Guide), bought them, watched them over and over and over again, then ventured online to help cope with the craving for more. I actually lurked for months before I ever even registered or posted.

Anyway, to your question...

I just find it very interesting to see the changes and trends over time. The community changes, while the subject stays the same. I joined up at a time when basically everyone online was well versed in the 'verse, if you will, because you'd only know to be here if you had the DVDs and therefore access to the commentaries and extras. Everyone was coming from the same starting point, with a shared base of Firefly experience. It's been an exciting (albeit sometimes exhausting) adjustment to get used to the mix of folks who've only managed to catch a few eps on Sci-Fi, or who've only seen the movie. But the influx of fresh enthusiasm and determination to get more from this 'verse warms the heart, and makes up for any changes in the 'community' aspect of the boards.

And of course, I do love to hear people's stories of how they found the 'verse, what their initial impressions were, when they fell in love, etc... That's never gettin' old.

I think any old-timers recognize that the "handing out browncoats to new recruits" is just a way of extending a welcome. We're Browncoats whether we were 'handed' one or brought our own.

Ain't. We. Just.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:00 AM


I must say, even though I've really only been a fan for a little over the past month, this place really just sucks you in and there's no escaping.

It's just so depressing. No one loves you, but you come back for the abuse anyway.

Oh, wait. Wrong board. :)

I felt kinda funny too, just jumping in, greeting the new folks, and having some plain wacky fun. But no one said anything, not even a grumble about FollowMal and others just jumping in and joining in the long campaign.

This is what new recruits are for. They swell the line, bring in new blood, and sometimes even challenge the veterans to regain their enthusiasm.

There's something we can never do.

We can never repay the original Browncoats for their hardwork. We can never thank them enough for keeping up the fight, for continuing our 'verse, and making it known enough that all of us could enjoy it just as much as they.

The only way I can think of to repay their hard work in some small part is to follow in their footsteps. We spread the signal, we recruit. We put our money where the companies can SEE it. And we keep places like this alive and jumping and fun to be in. We have a community of very bright avid fans that work hard at doing all we really CAN do: hope and fight.

"Love. You can know all the math in the 'Verse, but take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells ya she's hurtin' 'fore she keens. Makes her home."

We're home.

AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 10:13 AM


Hi - newish person here, but I'll lay claim to one annoyance... that's when people get all grumpy and despair-y.

I understand feeling that way, I did too for a while. But then I heard about you people who watched the original episodes in 2002, and how you kept things going. I like sci-fi and love JW, but I never heard a thing about FF until the week before the BDM opened. I never would have if the vets didn't believe hard during the Dark Years. (da-da-da daaaaa) (uh, that was the Dark Years music)

to the vets! We newbies have it easy, I can't believe anyone would lose faith now!


Ask Dr. Science ... he knows more than you do.
"I have a Master's degree ... in science!"


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:18 AM


hmmm now now nellie.. welcome to our little corner of the black... I am not a browncoat from 2002 but I am thoroughly browncoat through and through...

FollowMal picked up the honor/duty of handing out coats and that is just fine with me... first of all no one else was doing it.. and it was a job that needed to be done.. also those die hards from 02 are deserving of a little R&R time.. they have held the line all this time.. they "done"the impossible and we are all in theit debt.. they deserve some rack time while we newer folks hold the line.

so as far as this browncoat is concerned... it's all good and everyone is welcome.. except of course Kaele who always burns the rice... sheesh...



Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:43 AM


Did she burn the rice again? I wondered what that smell was... thought perhaps there'd been another explosion!

Well, mor'n likely she got the chicken right... we're still in for a feast.

Just don't let her near my storeroom anymore!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 12:10 PM


Originally, I never even knew Firefly existed. I first found out about Serenity!! (Imagine that.) I had gone to see a movie, (Alexander, I believe) and saw the trailer for the BDM. After it was through, my friends and I all looked at each other and said "! We HAVE to go see that!" I finally found out that the movie was based off a TV series and started looking for it. Nobody ever told me it had already been cancelled. (Those ! )

Eventually, I saw Firefly in the line-up on the SciFi channel. First was a teaser in the SciFi Friday line-up, just before SG-1. Right then, I made plans to either have Friday off of work, or set the recorder at work so that I could watch it after the store closed. "Screw Stargate, seen it before!"

I never missed an episode.

Then, I saw the movie on opening day. Then I went and saw it again. Bought the DVD the day it came out, but still wanted more. So! I went and bought the FF Boxset from Target, and hooked my father. My mother hates me now.

Can't stop the signal!! We will get a sequel, or another TV series... Or BOTH! Just can't give up. Or, in the words of another SciFi show:

"Never give up! Never surrender!"


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 12:26 PM


im relatively new, i did infact become aware of/fall in love with firefly befoer serenity, but only just. my first interaction with this 'verse, actually, was demo-ing the serenity RPG at gen con w/ a whole bunch of what were obviously browncoats. like someone earlier said, you DO fall hard- i got home from g-con, rented firefly, and did my best in the month or so befoer the bdm to make up for lost time (not that i of course got anywhere near enough, one cant catch up three years of time in one month, or many, for that matter, it just can't be done. all we can do let our anger at missing the first 3 years drive us even harder.) its a mark of how truly unique firefly is, i think, that it turns even those who are usually casual fans in to fanatical devotee's. as for those of us who are normally fanatical, well, we've come to redefine the word ;) theres a quote of joss's floating around, im usre most of you know it, that ends something like "in my world, they're called browncoats", which is the closest anyones come (to my knowledge) of defining what a browncoat is, and i think it does a really good job of it, because while it implies some of the qualitys many browncoats pride themselves on (fanatacism, stoubourness, etc.) it still leaves it fairly wide open, kinda suggeting that anyone who considers themself a browncoat is a browncoat. i can't begin to thank or say how much i respect the original 'coats, except to say that i'll spend the rest of my time in this 'verse trying to make up for those first three years (wont actually happen, but hey, ya gotta try).


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 3:31 PM



I've been a Browncoat (though I didn't know that word then) since the show first aired on Fox. I didn't join the online community until the runup to Serenity's release, but I've been doing my recruiting duty all along.

Same here. I lurked the boards, signed the petitions, but as nothing happened, I thought everything was going to nothing. Figured everyone was moving on. Didn't know that when Mal said "hold" there was these Browncoats who did just that. Thanks for those who stuck around.

Gelassenheit means Serenity


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:43 PM


The way I introduced myself to Firefly was very slow to begin with. I was a Buffy fan since ep 1 to ep 144 (I still have ALL the eps on tape as I recorded the original airings). I kinda liked Angel (only with Buffy crossovers). Then I heard about Firefly and the new genre "space western". I watched Train Job and to tell the truth, I thought it was trite and cliche. So, not a good ep to start with. I blame Fox for that, too. If they had shown the 2 hour pilot, I believe more people would have watched. Unfortunately, I never caught on to it when it originally aired. When baseball preempted the show, I actually didn't care. I'm a baseball fanatic.
So, fast forward a few years when I heard Joss was making a movie of Firefly and directing it himself. I thought that was brave. It wasn't until last year when I read enough about the story of the movie to spark my interest. I planned on seeing the movie but I wanted to see the show first. Payday came the week before the movie came out and I just went to Best Buy and bought it. Just like that. I spent that week watching all the eps in order. Like it has been said here before, I fell hard. By weeks end, I could not wait to see the movie.
After that, I went into Browncoat recruitment mode. I let my coworkers borrow the DVDs and they all got hooked. One coworker's wife hates me a little because Firefly is all she loves now.
I even made a T-shirt of my own with the Serenity logo. I tell people who ask about my shirt to go see it. It IS better than the last Star Wars movie, and this coming from a lifelong Jedi.
I agree that once you understand Firefly's story and love it, it will stay in your bloodstream forever. The original Star Wars had that same quality. All the prequels fell short because good old George chose visual effects over characterization. He lost that in the prequels. Joss bled rich characters back into the story. And THATS why we love them so much. There's a mystery to each character. We want to know more. So, here's to having more.

"No.....THIS is what going mad feels like.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 7:37 PM


Well thanks to everybody for replying, especially the 2002 veterans MSCKAREN and MOOSE. I hope their leader HAKEN will have some kind of anniversary celebration on April 1, 2006 to honor the veterans who have kept the faith all these years.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:35 PM


If you love Firefly/Serenity and do what you can to spread the word and share the love, then you're a browncoat. Don't matter none who's handing 'em out or when you got yours.


I don't need a gorram back-spaceship driver!!!


Thursday, February 23, 2006 3:05 AM



Originally posted by Shiny:
If you love Firefly/Serenity and do what you can to spread the word and share the love, then you're a browncoat. Don't matter none who's handing 'em out or when you got yours.

I didn't mean to upset Chindi or Followmal or interfere with the girls having fun---I only thought we should pay our respects to those who have fought the battle for so long before us. Please forgive me if I upset anyone, OK?

And Shiny, you just summed it all up better than anybody---my hat is off to you, honorable veteran!


Thursday, February 23, 2006 3:26 AM


Didn't upset anyone, Nellie, we just wanted to make sure we weren't doing anything we shouldn't do. We don't want to be disrespectful. I for one, have been very interested in what this thread conjured up in thought. I wanted to be sure that even in fun, I was being appropriate.

I have the utmost respect for the folks that started this... I hold them as honorable. Even when I'm having slapstick fun, my heart means to make this place home for the new folks coming in.
I want them to know that that love they felt the instant they fell in love with Firefly is here too. And that we can all make a difference together. I think the folks that started this and were here made me feel that way instantly, I'm just doing it too. In my own way. Which is one of the things I like most about this place. We let each other be ourselves.

If one of the original Browncoats were to ask me to quit being so silly, I would do it out of respect for an instant.

I hope as well that there could be some celebration of the fact that they fought so hard and won the BDM. I just also think that there is more fightin' to do and that there is more to come. We just have to hold. They gave us the example to follow. I'm going to do that.

There's nothing to forgive... we're all Browncoats together. This is home.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:54 AM


Seems to me that silliness is very much a part of the Browncoat spirit. I introduce one Hoban Washburne as exhibit A.

Would any of us love the 'verse quite as much as we do if it were always so gorram serious?

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 9:32 AM


I've been a Browncoat since day one. I was hooked by a description Joss gave in a magazine about the idea for the show. I saw all but one episode first run. I emailed Fox every day when I found out they were thinking about cancelling the show. That was an oversight on my part: I assumed someone there could read. My mistake.I was just a lurker here for a while but I'm glad I came out with my support.

As for the interesting changes, I was really getting diheartened before the film, thinking that maybe there weren't as many of us as I thought, and that perhaps I was delusional in my devotion. Since Serenity came out I've been amazed, and I mean that sincerely, at the number of psoters who have been converted by the DVDs and the film. I can't believe it. It gives me boxes of hope for the future WHEN we get our series back.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Thursday, February 23, 2006 12:22 PM


now now nellie.. ( I like that alliteration) no one is upset.. your query and respect is proper and I for one was no where near offended or upset.. sorry if I made you think so...

it's allllll good!



Thursday, February 23, 2006 3:19 PM


While I'm a relative newcomer to the boards (having showed up here not long before the Big Damn Movie came out), I am a grizzled old veteran when it comes to Firefly. I remember seeing the previews and thinking "Bwah. That show's going to suck." Blame it on the fact that they scored the previews to 'Walking on the Sun', just didn't capture the essence of it at all. Hell, I was just about ready to let the whole thing slide on by.
But then another show came along. John Doe, I'm sure you've heard of it. It also was helpfully granted the Death Slot, but one hour later. Since I was intrigued by that one, I sat through The Train Job in order to see it.
Talk about your life altering experiences.
The next week, I was there bright and early for the next episode, and I followed it all the way to the end, with all the highs and Reavers in between. And I was there when Early's four words signaled the death knell of the series. Just a horribly out of time replaying of the pilot, and Firefly was gone.
Which irritated me.
But here I am, and the community is still going strong. We have literally done the impossible. We have kept this thing alive, despite the fact that it only had a scant dozen and some episodes. We, the utopianist, quixotic browncoat fanatics for this Firefly phenomenon, have given the strength to take it just a little bit further.
We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty. We are the browncoats. And we will rise again.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 3:55 PM


Oldie here too. Been a fan since mid-Buffy.

And don't worry about offending us. Most of us have been offended by professionals.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 6:59 PM


"MOst of us have been offended by professionals"..

now THAT was pretty damn funny...

Chindi still chuckling


Friday, February 24, 2006 3:52 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by msckaren:
I can only speak for myself. As a veteran, I've had some real highs and lows but mostly highs.

I really love all the enthusiasm from the "new blood"! I've been here a long time and get a little tired some times - even have taken "breaks" from the fandom once and a while.

It's great to come back and see new ideas and fired up fans. Very grateful for the reinforcements!

From what I've seen over the years at the various boards, veterans will let you know when/if you cross a line. My hot button is criticism of Joss for "not doing more". Those of us who've been here in the trenches know he's done EVERYTHING to keep the verse going. We've supported him and he's appreciative. End of story as far as I'm concerned.

So anyway keep handing out those browncoats, creating new frontiers (radio stations and such), and recruiting! I'm happy to pass the torch for a while...

What MscKaren said.

I lurked here from just before the show aired until right around the time things hit the fan with the hiatus. I joined end of '02/beginning of '03. Was on the old Prospero/Fox board for a while but is home. Like the people here and it just has a better feel to it.

As Msckaren said we have seen ups and downs in 3 plus years, but the highs more than made it worth weathering all the lows. We have gone from fighting to keep the show on the air to having a BDM, comics, action figures, books, an RPG, and all sorts of shiny merchandise on the way.

The best thing for me though is the vindication I feel and nothing better embodies that feeling than the growth of the fanbase. We went from a handful of people talking on this & other sites to thousands & thousands of fans online. I can remember going to Dragon Con in '03 & there not being a single panel or event for Firefly & only meeting one other fan, to all of the Cons around the country with thousands of fans in attendance & standing room only panels with the cast.

Yeah, part of me is a bit petty too. We had so many detractors who laughed at us, told us our show was dead & to "get a life". We're the ones laughing now (I think I've grown). We have done the impossible and we are mighty.

I have made some great friends through this community, friendships I will carry with me all my life. This show, the people, the message, all of it have changed me in some ways and made me a better person. I love this community and people here and on other sites helped to insure there was a future for all of the new people joining up to enjoy. That is not meant to sound like we are expecting any kind or recognition or anything because we are not. We did what we did out of love of this 'verse, the story, the characters, the cast, Joss, and one another. We did it to help keep our girl flying because the world needs quality programming and the message Joss gets across in the series and now the movie needs to be told.

We veterans are still here & we always will be. We're still in the fight, but now we have new fans to help take us to the next level. We need everyone to introduce the show & the movie to everyone they know. We need to share this 'verse with every single person willing to watch. We need to spread the word and bring in more new fans. Wear those shirts, Jayne hats, brown coats, and other Firefly/Serenity merchandise proudly Browncoats! The more exposure we get, the better.

Keep flyin'!


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Friday, February 24, 2006 4:07 AM


Member of FFF since 0ct.2002.

I watched the original episodes when they aired.

At first I thought, "Oh, Joss, this will never take off."

As the season progressed, I got more anxious about the reviews, scheduling, etc.

"Out of Gas," "Ariel," "War Stories," amazing!

And then it was canceled. No hope of DVDs. And there were still three episodes we hadn't seen and wouldn't get to see! But the episodes would be shown in the U.K.! I was furious. I always thought that downloading was criminal, but at that moment I changed my mind utterly: Fox deserved to have its property stolen. I know now that I was wrong, but I wanted to see those episodes, and remember: there were NOT going to be any DVDs of the TV episodes, and certainly no movie.

Do I call myself a browncoat? No. I am a fan.

"But ... not boring, like she made it sound." Wash, in ARIEL
"None of it means a damn thing." Mal, in OBJECTS IN SPACE


Friday, February 24, 2006 4:18 AM



Originally posted by Chindi:
"MOst of us have been offended by professionals"..

now THAT was pretty damn funny...

Actually, I got that from a Star Wars video game (when the games have better dialogue than the movies, you know something's wrong).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, February 24, 2006 4:27 AM


I'm so glad no one is offended! It's so neat hearing from the veterans, and I didn't realize how many people had been out there supporting the whole thing on their own for a long time before joining this website. They must have been very downhearted at times...


Friday, February 24, 2006 4:45 AM


I am a big fan from the first showing, but I didn't really have access to the fan boards back then. When Firefly first aired, we had an older computer that didn't have the prossing speed to make internet surfing enjoyable. We were able to find the first "Firefly assistance" site. We donated to the cause and followed their suggestions, but the computer locked up so much, we didn't look for fan sites. Once we got the new computer, it was off to the races, just in time to get the latest news about the BDM. was the first one I found and joined, so I want to send a special thank you to Haken for having the equipment and setting up this site. You allowed the ones like me the chance to catch up before anything faded away.



Friday, February 24, 2006 5:37 AM


So true!
If Lucas had let spielberg direct episodes 1-3, instead of just bits and pieces of 3 it would have been a better prequal trilogy.

I believe it was Rick Mcallum who said something along the lines of "This is classic George, this is, 'how do I tell the story completly visually.'" Any GOOD director(example:Joss Whedon) knows that now-a-days you can't tell a story completly with visuals!

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD


Friday, February 24, 2006 6:17 AM


I guess im a veteran as i watched the first run in 2002 over here in the UK. I was a fan from Serenity, thankfully they aired that first and then aired all the episodes in order, and we also got a world exclusive as Objects in Space, the last Firefly episode was aired first in England.

I had heard about Firefly on the net, downloaded clips from sites and shareware software and loved it, i thought itd be hard taking Nathan Fillion seriously after watching Two Guys and a Girl but i was wrong, he did perfectly by ballancing humour, action and drama all at once.

As for the writing of the episodes, i consider the material first class.

Serenity came along and i found this site, my laptop had crashed a year before and i couldnt join you guys.

Cant stop the Signal...






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