If a new season starts, what will you want to see?

UPDATED: Monday, February 27, 2006 16:02
VIEWED: 11908
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:06 PM


I was wondering what the general wants and needs of Joss's adoring masses would actually want to see if Firefly relighted.

Personally I'd be most eager in seeing some Book related stuff. Sure he's dead but let's face it, Preacher had a past, and pasts tend to come up and bite you when you least expect it.

I also wouldn't mind seeing how Zoe does after Wash died. I mean, Joss is a seasoned storyteller. He wouldn't kill Wash off for the sake of it, That leaves random story arcs and character devolpment for Zoe.

And of course, there's Inara past. Whatever that was.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:28 PM


[River, screaming] EVERYTHING!!! [/River, screaming]

I don't disagree on any particular point.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:32 PM


[Asarian, screaming] EVERYTHING RIVER!!! [/Asarian, screaming]

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:40 PM


A well-oiled companion...

Start with the part where Jayne gets knocked out by a 90 pound girl. 'Cause I don't think that's ever getting old.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:43 PM


*LOL at Asarian*

*snort, chuckle, hoot*

Good one.

!!!!Spoilers Ahead, if you don't wanna know, don't read!!!!!!!!!

I'd like to see a heist! I love the heists on the show, and the funny, I'd like to see more funny! Maybe Yo/Saff/Bridge can come back?!

Getting serious. I'd also like to see how Zoe deals with the loss of Wash. There is plenty of room for story there, sad but true.

I'd also like to learn more about Mal's past. What happened on Shadow, how he grew up, that kind of stuff.

The mysteries of Bood and Inara could play out too. That'd be nice.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:47 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


If a new season starts, what will you want to see?

Just the "Firefly" logo on the credits would be great. Seeing and hearing those opening credits is all I need to see, to know that I'm in for one hell of an entertaining hour of television.

And seeing "Written and Directed by Joss Whedon" on more than a few of the eps would be a plus, too. But that's more of a bonus than anything else. Joss's fellow writers and directors on his shows have so far never let me down.

Beyond that, the story arcs and character development can go wherever the writers want to take us. I've become such a fan of Joss's work at this point that I'm willing to just strap in and enjoy the ride; he ain't steered me wrong yet!


A baby seal walks into a club...


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:07 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

*LOL at Asarian*

*snort, chuckle, hoot*


Getting serious. I'd also like to see how Zoe deals with the loss of Wash. There is plenty of room for story there, sad but true.

Hehe; I'm hopeless, aren't I? :)

Getting serious myself, I'm still in shock over Washes death, actually. When I saw Serenity (which I saw first), and Wash died, I was like: "Okay, that's odd." Then I saw the series. And then, when I saw Serenity again, it was like: "WHAAAAAAT! WASH DIES!!" I mean, I cannot imagine FireFly without Wash, really. I find him integral to the cast.

And Book, well (now, don't all y'all get mad at me), but I think I can survive the shock of him not being around any more. I dunno why. I liked his presence plenty. But he was so brutally mean/evil to River (when she read his mind) in Objects in Space, that I'm almost relieved he's not around her any more. Sorry. :(

Also, I can kill you with my br... no, erm, I mean: also, because I can never really trust Book, I find it hard to truly bond with him.

But Wash, ouch, his death was a painful one (for me then, that is; I'm sure he felt nothing). I'm gonna miss him, for sure.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:48 PM


Hi - I'm new to all this, but...

I'd like to see what happens to the Mal/River relationship especially as she would be spending lots of time (alone) on the bridge with Mal. I'm sure that development would put Simon's nose out of joint ;)

Mal always seemed to have quite a deep connection with River (on Firefly) which Joss really developed as the major theme with Serenity. Now that River is a little more stable I would really like to see where that led. It would also impact the Inara/Mal dynamic I'm sure.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:04 PM



Originally posted by bullet1510:

Hi - I'm new to all this, but...

I'd like to see what happens to the Mal/River relationship especially as she would be spending lots of time (alone) on the bridge with Mal. I'm sure that development would put Simon's nose out of joint ;)

Not to mention mine. Let's not go there at all!

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:12 PM



And Book, well (now, don't all y'all get mad at me), but I think I can survive the shock of him not being around any more. I dunno why. I liked his presence plenty. But he was so brutally mean/evil to River (when she read his mind) in Objects in Space, that I'm almost relieved he's not around her any more. Sorry. :(

Also, I can kill you with my br... no, erm, I mean: also, because I can never really trust Book, I find it hard to truly bond with him.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam

I was under the impression--and correct me if I'm wrong here--that he was commenting on Jayne's betrayal on Ariel. It was right after Jayne said, "I was stupid. The money was too good," right? And Book's thought of, "I don't care half a hump whether you're innocent or not" was directed to Jayne.

At least that's how I always took it.

As for things I want to see from a new series, definately the Zoe after Wash stuff, Book's past, Inara's secret, and more of the bonding between Mal and River. Oooh, and the Kaylee/Simon stuff. Okay, I'll admit it: I'm a hopeless 'shipper!


An Unreasonable Believer
Can't Stop The Signal.
"Love. You can learn all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off as sure as the turning of worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughtta fall down, tells ya she's hurtin' 'fore she keens. Makes her a home."


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:38 PM



Originally posted by bullet1510:
Hi - I'm new to all this, but...

I'd like to see what happens to the Mal/River relationship especially as she would be spending lots of time (alone) on the bridge with Mal. I'm sure that development would put Simon's nose out of joint ;)

Mal always seemed to have quite a deep connection with River (on Firefly) which Joss really developed as the major theme with Serenity. Now that River is a little more stable I would really like to see where that led. It would also impact the Inara/Mal dynamic I'm sure.

Besides the previously mentioned everything...the Mal/River possibilities really intrigue me (good call bullet!). Not necessarily a physical relationship, but more of the dynamic we saw at the end of the BDM.

In addition...I'd like to see the return of the Lion...Jubal Early and Mrs. Malcolm Reynolds (can you say potential crewmembers).

Oh and just in case you all haven't figured it out yet and you want to know how to 'Hold the Line' and 'be a Browncoat', look to FollowMal...the beating heart of this board and my friend.

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:55 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Seeing and hearing those opening credits is all I need to see, to know that I'm in for one hell of an entertaining hour of television.
the story arcs and character development can go wherever the writers want to take us.

Must have Nathan Fillion. Not negotiable.
Not so cranky as in the movie, more like he
is in the series. Was. Is. Ugh, I'm getting
confused. ...Will be?


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:09 PM


A strengthening (platonic) relationship between River and Mal would also affect Zoe, not only would River be replacing Wash as pilot but also possibly upsurping her position as Mal's right hand woman...

Although Mal is too honorable to take advantage of River, I'm sure that there must be a smidgeon of infatuation from her side - she's 17 and OMG just look at him!!!

I definitely want to see the return of Saffron and Badger even Niska - gotta love those recurring villans. Actually Saffon's 2 for 0, so I'm sure that she would want her revenge.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:09 PM


Personally I'd love to see more of the Alliance and why people think they're so bad. Not just the crew either.

All we've got is Mal's impression on them, but heck! He's a petty thief and a smuggler. Of course he isn't gonna like them, he fought against them in the war.

Something forcing Mal to work with the Alliance would be sweet, and him having some sort of pseudo-epiphany that not ALL Alliance people are bad. Just the government as a whole. :)

I'd also like to see more about the crew's family. Is Zoe alone now? Where's Jayne's mother that she needs money he sends home? Did Kaylee's parents even know she was signing up for a crew that wasn't entirely on the level? How are they holdling up to the fact that their kids are criminals?

Aw, man. If we're gonna ask for something...

I'd also like to see more of the War for Independence/Unification. Possibly from other vets (Alliance too!) and how they're related to Mal and Zoe. That storyline is never gettin old.

And more nekkid Mal. Lots more. And more and more and more. Nothin' better.

AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:15 PM


What happened? He see your face?

Hey all,

Oh how the wacky stories with ribcages in them would ensue.

hmmm... quickly AND SPOILERS

I would love to see more on Books past. I always thought of his old cronies finding out about his death and come looking for Mal. …and he was part of good faction of the alliance and had to get out…

Is River always super girl now or triggered…

The operative has a last minute appearance and sacrifices his life to save the crew to fulfill his honor.

Zoe loses touch as Mal finds his

Kaylee teaches Simon how to be non-robotic

Jayne is just Jayne

A billion more…..

U gonna be smart here Riva?!?


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:17 PM


hi all i'm new.

but to the point. if there was a second season which i sure hope there will be (maybe one day) of course wanna see mal and inara finally get toether. find out who book really was. see how zoe copes without wash(very sad) some nice simon and kaylee episodes and maybe even some new peoples.

"to hell with this i'm gonna live". kaylee


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:22 PM


I'd like just a little bit more of EVERYTHING you guys have mentioned so far.

However, I think we'd see Mal and the gang further on the firnges. If the series, beg pardon, WHEN the series comes back, it will be in the aftermath of the events in the BDM. THe Alliance is PO'd, and they'll be coming after the BDHs. That means they'll have to hide a bit. That means fringes. Then again, some of their most enjoyable hijinks took place on those types of worlds, so I'm all for it.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:30 PM


1. The Operative returns as a new Shepherd. Let's see: He can be called... Shepherd Magazine. No mystery now as to why he is so sorry for all he's done, which is less than fun, but we need a Shepherd on board.

2. They take a new passenger on board for a couple of episodes who falls madly for Kaylee. She's flattered and intrigued, and of course eternally cheerful, driving Simon into a fit of jealousy that takes half the season to work itself out.

3. Jayne (temporarily) falls hook, line and sinker for a babe they meet in a port. The romance is a quick failure, but it makes him start thinking, in Jayne terms at least, about settling down. With someone. But he doesn't know who. He makes a couple of halfhearted attempts at making that someone Zoe, only to be thoroughly trounced. But you can see a change in how he views women. A very small change.

4. I like the idea of a few more heists, where something inevitably goes wrong, but everything turns out OK in the end because our BDHs are so good at improv.

5. More chance encounters with Alliance forces. Every time that happens, you'll notice Mal is careful for human life. (Think about Bushwacked. Think how concerned he was that nobody else should die, not even Alliance soldiers.) Mal meets up with a few key Alliance officers, each of whom ends up owing him something - a life, a command, a ship. Great setup for the climax of Season 3 or 4.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 5:02 PM


1. Toss out everything that was in Serenity (movie)

2. continue from where the series left off

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 5:22 PM


I'd like to see some exposition as to why Inara left her path, and also see her unbend a little Simon, she's so composed and serious most of the time that the times when she's not are so much more compelling. I'd like to see Kaylee get really mad about something and kick a little ass engineer-style. I'd like to see the group pull off something a little more like a con than a heist...they have some good talent for that. I'd like to see the BDH scare up some cash to clone Wash and reboot his memories, "Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom" style. Book, I can do without. Wash, though...the lack of his humor and heart will leave the show woefully unbalanced.

I didn't get the sense that River's "flash" of Book's thoughts were related to her, or to Jayne, in any way. I think it was just a glimpse of something Book had done in the past, an indication that at some point in time he was a ruthless killer or bounty hunter who didn't care whether the people he sought were innocent or not. The flashes she had of the other BDH weren't related to her except for Jayne's. I see that as more of an exception, his betrayal of her was foremost in his mind, as was Zoe & Wash's lust for each other and Mal and Inara's despair.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 5:42 PM



Originally posted by ForeverShiny:

I was under the impression--and correct me if I'm wrong here--that he was commenting on Jayne's betrayal on Ariel. It was right after Jayne said, "I was stupid. The money was too good," right? And Book's thought of, "I don't care half a hump whether you're innocent or not" was directed to Jayne.

In earnest, ForeverShiny, it's indeed doubtful, as I pointed out myself in another thread today, that Book was really talking to River directly. More likely, I always thought, he was thinking about something he did in his own past. I just know how shocked I was when I saw him being so brutal in the direction of River; just a whole lot of latent evilness that I care not to see River exposed to, is all. So, I would like to believe that Book's "I don't give half a hump if you're innocent or not" thought was directed at Jayne; cuz I do not like the alternative. :)

As for River in a ship, well, y'all know how I feel about that. :( I think Mal should be with Inara, a woman of his own age, and not be taking advantage of a broken 17 year old girl. :( But I stand rather alone in that belief, it seems. Sigh. Did not mean to spoil the mood. Sorry.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:03 PM



Originally posted by asarian:

... As for River in a ship, well, y'all know how I feel about that. :( I think Mal should be with Inara, a woman of his own age, and not be taking advantage of a broken 17 year old girl. :( But I stand rather alone in that belief, it seems.

I think that we all have smutty minds ;) But, seriously I want to see more Sane River and Mal PLATONIC interaction, as it would really shake things up, just with people having to deal with someone who is capable of so much and who is no longer fettered by what has been done to her.

Mal would never take advantage of any type of River situation, but if Inara suddenly becomes amenable and available how would he react to her (Inara)? Not sure if he would allow himself that kind of happiness...


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:04 PM



Originally posted by Vivace:

I was wondering what the general wants and needs of Joss's adoring masses would actually want to see if Firefly relighted.

I just watched Serenity, the episode, again; and I saw Mal kiss a cross hanging around his neck! Hadn't noticed that before! So, I guess he lost his faith at the Serenity Valley battle. Interesting. Would suddenly like to know a bit more about Mal's past.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:07 PM


I would like to see more back story on Kaylee. She just up and leaves her home planet, I mean she claims to never have been on a ship before. she left everything she knew. What was her planet like? Who were her parents and friends? Why is she so intuitive about ships?

oh, and I would love to see how Zoe handles life after Wash. I hope she is pregnant.
(That is the feminine side of me coming out .)

Gelassenheit means Serenity


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:14 PM


Hiya, first time poster here...

After some thought, I sort of imagined that Zoe would leave Serenity after the death of her husband. After all, her now reckless style of fighting is a liability and the ship probably reminds her of Wash too often.

She'd become a guest star, possibly buying her own ship and mimicking Mal's lifestyle. She'd make a strong captain.

With Simon and Kaylee, it's really up in the air as to what might happen. Their pre-movie relationship always made for great moments in the series but with the absence of the Zoe/Wash coupling they might become the show's hitched pair. Given how different Simon is from Wash and Kaylee is from Zoe, they would be able to pull it off without seeming like a cheap replacement.

New crew members might show up, I think it would be funny if they had a guest star that acted a lot like Jayne which he might find wonderful in the beginning but slowly begin to realize just how much Simon hates him by the way his 'twin' acts.

One of the most important changes would be the Mal/Inara relationship. I have no good comments to add on where that might go.

Finally, Book. Now, he was one of my favorite characters and even if he was an agent or spy, he can't be a bad guy. The reason I say this is because if you remember on The Message when it looks like Book is selling out Mal and Zoe's resurrected army buddy when in actuality he has a much smarter plan that shows that Joss likes to play those sort of games with Book's character and I think that Book's enigmatic phrase in Objects In Space is an allusion to some perplexing, ultimately just twist involving Book that may never be known.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:33 PM



Originally posted by asarian:

And Book, well (now, don't all y'all get mad at me), but I think I can survive the shock of him not being around any more. I dunno why. I liked his presence plenty. But he was so brutally mean/evil to River (when she read his mind) in Objects in Space, that I'm almost relieved he's not around her any more. Sorry. :(

I always saw Book as expendable, so I didn't see his death as a major event...just something that would naturally occur.

I would like to see Zoe dealing with Wash's death, River's true personality coming out now that she's not psychotic, and find out what Inara's secret is as well as what's going on with Blue Sun.

Wash: Yeah, but psychic? That sounds like science fiction.
Zoe: You live on a spaceship, dear.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:55 PM


I agree on the subject of River... Only I hold my composure about it instead of screaming...

*twitches* <---- I'll use this guy as an eye twitch.

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:16 PM


Whew! So many new people! I'm lovin' it! And look at all my !!! you can tell I'm excitable. LOL

Bullet, I'm gonna be brief, as I've got work to do.
Welcome to the 'verse, I see you've jumped right in and we like folks to do that. You need a proper 'coat...

*hands Bullet a new Browncoat*

There.. hang around often, talk a bunch and we're very happy you are here!

Someone rustle up some coffee and such for these folks!

There I go again with the !!!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:21 PM


Well, of course, I'd want to see all the BDH's again (w/ Wash and Book as dreams/flashbacks, as previously mentioned). I could easily Zoe managing to cope w/ the loss of Wash by remembering past interaction (flashbacks) and in dreams...and not really letting go. Conflict perhaps when she finds someone who's interested in her and compatable. Book's past would be a great, slowly unfolding, mystery (as the crew encounters folks who knew him, some who assume they had a part in or knowledge of his former life).

Mostly I'd want to see Joss's very clever story-telling...where I'm happily surprised or deeply disturbed at a realization about an event or someones actions several episodes prior as something new is revealed...where character's evolve and it's not the same story over and over.

"Some people juggle geese!"


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:23 PM


Hi, K4S4Eva, welcome and *hands K a browncoat*
here's your gear.

We are very glad to have you and hope you will be happy here as this is home. Welcome home.

As for Mal and Inara getting together... well, I sorta disagree there. I love Mal, oh do I ever, just ask around and I would love to see their relationship get better and be less strained, but for the show, for the story, that just won't work. There has to be tension between them, otherwise the show will end...I know I know, there are other characters.. but think Moonlighting people. Remember that show. Dave and Maddy got together, it deflated like a baloon.

So...I wouldn't be for them getting together, just perhaps being a little less strained.
What can I say.... I like it when they fight! It's funny! Usually. Maybe the very last season... next to last show. WHEN they bring our crew back.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:26 PM


Welcome too Leebo! My heavens but the recruits are just pouring in!

*hands Leebo a browncoat* you'll be needin' this.

This is our home and we hope it will be yours too.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:27 PM



Originally posted by Kaele:
And more nekkid Mal. Lots more. And more and more and more. Nothin' better.

Kaele, you always have the very best ideas!


originally posted by OldFogey

Must have Nathan Fillion. Not negotiable.
Not so cranky as in the movie, more like he
is in the series. Was. Is. Ugh, I'm getting
confused. ...Will be?

Yup, me too. Nathan has to be Mal. Couldn't replace any of our crew. But Nathan is essential.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:11 PM


I'd like to see...

Inara's past. I *heart* Inara. Also, just more about the guild in general.

Zoe's past, and how she is dealing with Wash's death. We really don't know much about her, all things considered.

Unexplored crew relationships. We know Kaylee and Inara are buddies and that Mal was forced to deal with everyone... but how about having some scene where Zoe and Inara have to work together? Or River and Wash? (well, assuming Wash is mysteriously alive as promised...)

Like a true Whedon fan, I'd like to see Mal and Inara get together and then be ripped brutally apart by circumstances beyond there control, which will leave them still pining for each other, but with my intensity and regret than ever (what can I say? I was bored with Buffy and Angel together. I liked them apart...)

Simon relaxing a little bit. Perhaps there will be swearing involved?

The crew dealing with River now that she is at least somewhat functional. Can they accept her? Trust her? How will River cope? Does she consider this a good change or bad (the obvious answer is good - but it's still a stressful change, and most everyone gets unhappy when they have to deal with those)? How will this effect her outlook on the future, her goals? How will it effect her relationships with people? Will she crave romantic love?

Mal struggling with faith. I'm not saying I want him to turn religous -- I don't think he ever can be again -- but I want to explore what faith meant to him, how much or little he wishes he had it back....

More war stories (especially the funny ones).

Jayne's moral education. Now he knows that if you can't do something good, you should do something right. But will he ever learn what right is? Can his brain learn this? Or is he destined to a life of amorality forever. Also, more with Jayne and whores. I loved his scenes with Helen in HoG. Maybe he could end up with her somehow? That'd be cool.

The darker aspects of smuggling. What does Mal do when he's faced with starving v. smuggling drugs or weapons?

Reavers -- are they still around?

The sweet relationship of Simon and Kaylee. I see them as Willow/Tara - we can see them together for a season or two without getting bored, in contrast to Mal/Inara's Buffy/variouslove -- they must suffer, they just must. I'm not saying that Kaylee and Simon shouldn't suffer (well, they shouldn't because they are sweet and good, but for the sake of drama...), but, you know, they can suffer while being in relationship instead of loving what one cannot have....

More ambivelance towards the Alliance. Season one took a strong anti-alliance stance. They played with River's brain. They crushed Mal's spirit. They are a bad bunch. But Joss says in the BDM commentary that they are basicly a benevolent sourse. I'd like to see more of that, put Mal in the tought position where he is forced to question his prejudices....

I'd also like to see the further exploration of the biggest mystery on the show: Blue Sun. Who are they? What are they? What are they doing? What do they want? Seriously.

Okay, I will stop now. *cries because there is so much story left untold... and then goes back to writing fanfic*

"Objects in Space"
River: It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think...


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:38 PM



Originally posted by asarian:

Originally posted by ForeverShiny:

I was under the impression--and correct me if I'm wrong here--that he was commenting on Jayne's betrayal on Ariel. It was right after Jayne said, "I was stupid. The money was too good," right? And Book's thought of, "I don't care half a hump whether you're innocent or not" was directed to Jayne.

In earnest, ForeverShiny, it's indeed doubtful, as I pointed out myself in another thread today, that Book was really talking to River directly. More likely, I always thought, he was thinking about something he did in his own past. I just know how shocked I was when I saw him being so brutal in the direction of River; just a whole lot of latent evilness that I care not to see River exposed to, is all. So, I would like to believe that Book's "I don't give half a hump if you're innocent or not" thought was directed at Jayne; cuz I do not like the alternative. :)

As for River in a ship, well, y'all know how I feel about that. :( I think Mal should be with Inara, a woman of his own age, and not be taking advantage of a broken 17 year old girl. :( But I stand rather alone in that belief, it seems. Sigh. Did not mean to spoil the mood. Sorry.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam

Oh, I think she's been exposed to more evilness than that of Book's past....Ooops, there goes what I think of what he was!

I happen to agree with you on that. Mal and Inara, all the way. It not only is canon, but, to me, the idea of him with River in a not-big-brother sort of way, is just...weird, honestly. I think he sees her as a little girl who can hold her own but still needs a...well, not protector, exactly , but...

An Unreasonable Believer
Can't Stop The Signal.
"Love. You can learn all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off as sure as the turning of worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughtta fall down, tells ya she's hurtin' 'fore she keens. Makes her a home."


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 11:02 PM


what would I like to see?

well, read some fanfic and stuff, fan scenarios and stuff and I eralized what I don't want to see - same story repeating over and over again. I don't want to see FF turn into Star Trek or something like that.
It need character development, it needs new twists and turns and relationships between them changing.
As for char. deaths - I miss Book, don't miss Wash that much. Sure, he was funny and stuff but IMHO he was a minor character. I like Jayne better
So, when the show returns, I intend to see some more quality sci-fi, some more quality acting and more wacky fun

if life were a Lucasarts adventure:


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:04 AM



Originally posted by ForeverShiny:

Oh, I think she's been exposed to more evilness than that of Book's past.... Ooops, there goes what I think of what he was!

Which is? :) Please, fill me in! I'm a little slow on the uptake, it seems.


I happen to agree with you on that. Mal and Inara, all the way. It not only is canon, but, to me, the idea of him with River in a not-big-brother sort of way, is just...weird, honestly. I think he sees her as a little girl who can hold her own but still needs a...well, not protector, exactly , but...

Yeah; precisely! Mal is like a big brother to River (or even a sort of father figure). The way Mal calls her "little one", or when he picks her up off the floor in the Maidenhead, and carries her in his arms, that feels very right to me; shipping with her doesn't.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:23 AM


Two things I'd really like to see:

First, an Un-clip show. Instead of simply rerunning old bits from old episodes, actually get the people to re-act the scenes, and, this is the most important part, GET THEM WRONG. Just imagine Jayne remembering just about anything Simon says! Poor ole' Simon'd have to say everything in short words with cussin' and crude language, seein's that's all Jayne can articulate.

Second, sometime in the late second season, I'd like to see River start hunting Jayne romantically. Seriously, what could be funnier than a hulking mercenary cowering in fear in his bunk from a ninety pound, eighteen year old telepath girl who just wants to cuddle?


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:23 AM


Whatever it ends up as, no matter the form it takes, I'll be watching it obsessively I'm sure. Even if I had to stay up until the wee hours of the afternoon (I'm a night-shifter, so...) just to watch a timelapse of a camera recording the buildup of grime on the grates in the cargo bay. ;p

Seriously, though, there's some really good ideas I've read above me. The con idea sounds great, more of stuff like in Ariel and the like. Yo/Saff/Bridge is always good for a laugh...
More background on all the characters of course is always great.
Liked the idea in one of the post's regarding Kaylee up and leaving her home. Still got a crush on Kaylee, so anything where she gets to do stuff is just shiny.
The whole Mal/Inara almost seems like one of those things where you don't even see them kiss until the series finale after five or six seasons. Be interesting to see where Joss would take that, what course he'd go.
Of course seeing River's development and her role in the crew post-BDM is intriguing. Likely see her participating in the heists more often, much to the chagrin of Simon...

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:27 AM



Originally posted by Rhyianan:

I always saw Book as expendable, so I didn't see his death as a major event...just something that would naturally occur.

I would like to see Zoe dealing with Wash's death, River's true personality coming out now that she's not psychotic, and find out what Inara's secret is as well as what's going on with Blue Sun.

Hey Rhyianan,

I would like to see all those things happen, too. Although a completely sane River takes away a bit of her charm, I think. I do not want her to remain psychotic, of course, as I really only want what's best for her; but I don't want her to turn into just the girl next door, either (unless your girl next door is a cute little crazy person, he).

Does Inara have a secret, too? :) Blue Sun, yes, I think there's a lot to explore there (which, no doubt, involves River, story wise). And while they're at it, they might as well explain the Blue Hands.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:34 AM


I want to go into the 'courtship' of Zoe and Wash. They're complete opposites, she didn't care for him when he first came aboard, and she has such alligence with Mal. How he broke through her reserves, got her interested, all that.

I was NOT a happy camper when Joss killed him off. Of course, the good part is, just cuz he's dead in Joss' Verse, don't mean he's gone forever.

If I were to be the decider on who died in SERENTITY it would have been Simon. He's my least favorite.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:41 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Yup, me too. Nathan has to be Mal. Couldn't replace any of our crew. But Nathan is essential.

Yup, must have Summer Glau. Not negotiable. :) No, seriously, I agree, captain really needs to be Nathan. And Kaylee cannot be someone else, either. And River really needs to be Summer. And I can frankly not imagine another actress for Zoe, either.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:00 AM



Originally posted by Navaar70:

If I were to be the decider on who died in SERENTITY it would have been Simon. He's my least favorite.

Without Simon, there can be no River; and without River, well, there's no FireFly.

Also, I really think Sean Maher is a fantastic actor. Saw Serenity (the episode) again, last night. The way he approaches River, as she comes out of the box, his hands half-trembling, as he knows not good what to do, how to calm her down, that is the work of an ingenius actor.

Also watched River's performance closely again. And, even in acting, she makes Sean, though gifted, look like an idiot child. You should see her face, as Mal shoots Dobson: shock, bewilderment, unbelief and overload. Summer Glau is, by far, the best actress I've ever seen. We've come a far way since the days of, say, Marilyn Monroe, where all the pretty girl could do was be pretty and pout her lips.

Sigh. River is the sort of person I could get obsessed about... Oh wait, I already am. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:19 AM


I think the chances of River turning into a totally normal, boring person are very slim. She was interesting when she was a tiny child, before they made her crazy!


Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:42 AM



Originally posted by Navaar70:
I want to go into the 'courtship' of Zoe and Wash. They're complete opposites, she didn't care for him when he first came aboard, and she has such alligence with Mal. How he broke through her reserves, got her interested, all that.

I was NOT a happy camper when Joss killed him off. Of course, the good part is, just cuz he's dead in Joss' Verse, don't mean he's gone forever.

If I were to be the decider on who died in SERENTITY it would have been Simon. He's my least favorite.

I don't know if you listen to the firefly podcast, FireflyTalk, but on it, they played a clip of Joss in Australia. Melbourne, I believe it is, but not sure. Anyways, he said that, if/when the show were to return in any form (movie or series) that Alan Tudyck (sp?) would definately be coming back. And, no, not in that cheesy, twin-brother sort of way. So.... I don't exactly know what's gonna happen, or if [[] anything is going to happen (though I'd much prefer it if something did.) but we might not have seen the last of Alan/Wash.

Oh, and asarian, I was thinking along the lines of what they did to her at that dreaded Academy.

And to whoever put something about River seeking out Jayne, you're right, that would be hi-larious.


An Unreasonable Believer
Can't Stop The Signal.
"Love. You can learn all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off as sure as the turning of worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughtta fall down, tells ya she's hurtin' 'fore she keens. Makes her a home."


Thursday, February 23, 2006 6:20 AM



Originally posted by grizwald:

I think the chances of River turning into a totally normal, boring person are very slim. She was interesting when she was a tiny child, before they made her crazy!

Yeah; "This whole conclusion is fallacious." I keep quoting that on people in real-life situations. :) It's always a hoot, and they don't all die from it.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Thursday, February 23, 2006 6:33 AM



Originally posted by Navaar70:
I was NOT a happy camper when Joss killed him off. Of course, the good part is, just cuz he's dead in Joss' Verse, don't mean he's gone forever.

If I were to be the decider on who died in SERENTITY it would have been Simon. He's my least favorite.

I feel the opposite way. Wash, while being a fun character, was not integral to the story as anything but a good getaway pilot which River's intuition will probably make up for in leaps and bounds.

Simon, on the other hand, is perhaps one of the best characters to grace a TV/movie screen, and Sean acts him out wonderfully. I mean the guy gives up EVERYTHING he had on a hunch when it would have been much easier to take his parent's route and ignore it. Although I'm not entirely convinced they weren't aware of the whole plot.

I think, in the movie, when Simon gets shot that scared me more than the other crew mates' injuries because it did seem like a moment he could die and it would have fit him because he'd already given up everything saving lives his own is the last he can give.

The world would be a much better place with more Simons running around.

Any firefly fans in the Kansas City, Missouri area?


Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:19 AM


I'm just gonna jump right in here...

I believe it was supposed to be about eight months between the last epiosode and the movie. And things for the crew were a lot worse when we caught up with them in the movie. What went on in those eight months? I'd like to know. Maybe when the series returns, if everyone in the cast is available and willing, Joss could show us some of that, eh? Might squeeze two whole seasons out of it. Then he could just move past the movie and see what happens. Or we could bypass the movie entirely and continue with whomever wanted to stay on-board. Anyone who wants out would be killed off in a loud, military manner.

I'd actually like to see more of the war and where Mal and Zoe went, what they did between the end of the war and the pilot episode.

Also, more of Jayne's background could be good, maybe even an entire episode dealing with his defection to Mal's crew, reminisced in Out Of Gas. And we need a chance to explore Jayne's motivations, see his home world and meet his family.

I don't believe we can expect to see Wash again unless Joss fills in the time frame between OIS and the movie. Or Shepard Book, for that matter.

On another note:

We all know Mal was a spiritual man in the begining. In the pilot, during the Battle of Serenity, at one point he kisses a crucifix he is wearing and at another point he states that "We are just to pretty for God to let us Die." Or something really close to that. The message is clear, God will protect us because ours is a just and righteous cause. We all know the Browncoats lost at Serenity Valley and, ultimately, the war. Mal seems to have had very strong faith in what little we are shown of that time, then, ten minutes later (in the pilot), it's gone. No mystery there, he prayed and believed and lost anyway. Losing that big would shake anybody's faith.

As far as Jayne and the St. Christopher's medallion, in The Message, when he's lifting weights in the cargo hold and the preacher is saying his words, Jayne comments that "The Lord should outta look after the dead." Spirituality, plain and simple.

Just a few thoughts.

PS- If my signature quote is wrong, I'll fix it... no need to correct it for me, thanx.

And I'd like to be the king of all Londania and wear a shiny hat. - Mal


Thursday, February 23, 2006 9:41 AM


All these ideas are good, though I might amend "more nekkid Mal" to "more nekkid Inara" but that's beside the point. What's this is demonstrating to me is what I thought all along: that this show is great, and will continue to be great, becuase the characters Joss created are truly well-rounded people. They have lives and stories and they make us want to know them. In terms of where Serenity takes themm, I could care less, as long as I'm along for the ride. I know Joss won't let us down.

Remember, that but for one trifling exception, the entire universe is made up of others.- Oliver Wendall Holmes


Thursday, February 23, 2006 11:46 AM


Well all your reponses gave me more to think about so:

I'd like to see some more about Jayne. I mean, besides Jaynestown, you never really see him deveolp much depth. He's pretty much been the merc who only cares about himself. Who is his mom? Why does he not get letters from his dad too? Is his dad alive, or did he die? How did his dad make a living? Was he a smuggler, Alliance soldier, Shepard. or even a slave? What about the rest of his family? He got a brother, sister? It would be funny for Jayne to get all protective over HIS sister (I'm sure Simon could get some jokes in).


Thursday, February 23, 2006 1:09 PM


Fist of all, I want to see the known cast, and then I'm 50% Happy with that .

I Think Joss will create a sectacular new season, so I don't wanna grab into his work. Of course, I want to know more about the shepherds idetity, and the experiments, done to River.

Last but not least, I want to remind everyone who's a real browncoat to sign this.

Don't interrupt me, I'm trying to look threateningly!

Yoda: the other side is dark, very dark
Obiwan: shut up and eat your toast






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