What is 'Blue Sun'?

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 6, 2013 08:47
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Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:22 PM


I was a faithful Firefly viewer and i never recall any mention of anything called blue sun but i keep reading about it here on this website could someone please tell me what it is


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 3:42 PM


1. It's a company that makes at least food products (and has T-shirts, a la Coca Cola, like the one Jayne wears). There was a Blue Sun soft drink ad on the video phone in "Ariel" (done by the weblogger from the Official Site). There was a Blue Sun poster on Persephone in "Serenity." Allegedly the food cans in "Shindig" that River messes with were Blue Sun.

2. Joss said in a video on the Official Site that Blue Sun is something to keep an eye on as the show (was supposed to have) progressed.

3. The Blue Glove Men might work for Blue Sun, but that connection hasn't been explored in the show yet.

Hope that helps.

Firefly Funsite


Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:50 PM


As near as we can figure, Blue Sun is a megacorporation that makes all kinds of stuff, including a soft drink and various food products in the Firefly Universe. For some reason, River has a particular dislike to them, possibly related to the tortures she suffered at the hands of the Blue Hand Crew. See Ariel and note what logo is on Jaynes t-shirt.

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Thursday, September 25, 2003 1:24 PM


Hmm, so the Blue Hand guys are (possibly) connected with the giant corporation Blue Sun? That might mean that River's school was run by Blue Sun or is jointly owned by Blue Sun and the Alliance. A question: Why do the Blue Hand fellows kill practically everyone they meet with that wierd wand of death? Is there some sort of bizarre and sadistic reason for this? Maybe they're a bunch of particularly ticked-off CEOs. ;) Does anybody know the answer to this question, or have a theory on it? Also, here's the number one reason you can't trust Blue Sun: their initials are "B.S." Pretty appropriate, huh?


Friday, September 26, 2003 12:28 AM


From what we have seen, Blue Sun seems to be an omnipresent corporation with tentacles into several different areas. Their logo pops up in almost every show. I suspect that they may be somehow connected with the government - what us Canucks might call a "Crown Corporation." Additionally each time River seems to totally loose it and babble semi-incoherently, there is some connection to Blue Sun.

But here is another element, that relates to the origin of the name. The Firefly solar system has "hundreds of new earths" that "were terraformed and colonized." We know that many of those "earths" are not planets, but moons around much larger planets.

Some have wondered how hundreds of worlds could exist in the human habitable zone of a solar system. Then someone suggested that this new solar system did not have to be around a yellow star like our own. It could be a system with a blue giant star - IE a Blue Sun!

As to the question about why the blue handed men kill people. I suspect that their mind altering "school" is so super top secret they want to prevent any chance of a leak. Or could it be that exposure to River has some lasting side effect that they want to neutralized?


Friday, September 26, 2003 3:28 AM


"Why do the Blue Hand fellows kill practically everyone they meet with that wierd wand of death?"

This has bugged me too. They wiped out an ENTIRE security detail for a major Alliance hospital. For simply talking to River. Hmmm...

We know they messed with her mind, that she was smart beforehand, and is now a reader. Trying to eliminate the backwash that any mindreading might cause? That might contaminate their experiment? I don't know. Insufficient data as to motives. But it does put the entire Serenity crew, passengers and subcontractors under sentence of death.

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Friday, September 26, 2003 3:32 AM


"I suspect that their mind altering "school" is so super top secret they want to prevent any chance of a leak."

The problem with that is that mass homicides are not a good way of keeping a project secret. People ending up dead, whether the bodies are discovered or not, usually gets noticed. An entire security shift? These guys did not look or act like loose kill crazies. They were pretty professional for a bunch of stone cold murderers.

"Or could it be that exposure to River has some lasting side effect that they want to neutralized?"

That is all I can come up with too. What would having your mind read do to you? I ain't so sure it would give you mind reading abilities as well, nor that they would kill you if it did. Heck, recruit them if all ya want is mind readers.

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Friday, September 26, 2003 5:53 AM



Originally posted by Drakon:
"I suspect that their mind altering "school" is so super top secret they want to prevent any chance of a leak."

The problem with that is that mass homicides are not a good way of keeping a project secret. People ending up dead, whether the bodies are discovered or not, usually gets noticed. An entire security shift? These guys did not look or act like loose kill crazies. They were pretty professional for a bunch of stone cold murderers.

My thinking is that the 'Blue Hand' chaps are saying that River killed everyone, which would provide more fuel to the warrant out for her arrest and would provide good cover for them hunting her and putting out a huge reward for her capture.

After all, who's left around to disagree...


Friday, September 26, 2003 3:48 PM



Originally posted by Drakon:
"Or could it be that exposure to River has some lasting side effect that they want to neutralized?"

That is all I can come up with too. What would having your mind read do to you? I ain't so sure it would give you mind reading abilities as well, nor that they would kill you if it did. Heck, recruit them if all ya want is mind readers.

Didn't the Blue Hand guys only get concerned when they found out the Security captain talked to River? If they weren't too concerned until they found out he had talked to them, then just being around her and possibly having your mind read by her doesn't seem like a problem. The BH guys might have only killed the security detail because they assumed River might have told them something.


Friday, September 26, 2003 3:53 PM


oops. Double post


Friday, September 26, 2003 3:54 PM



My thinking is that the 'Blue Hand' chaps are saying that River killed everyone, which would provide more fuel to the warrant out for her arrest and would provide good cover for them hunting her and putting out a huge reward for her capture.
After all, who's left around to disagree...

I think the method they were killed would raise a lot of suspicion. If someone, not the BH guys, started telling everyone that a young girl killed all these trained security guys by bleeding them to death, it would raise a lot a questions. It might put more attention on River and how she got the ability to kill with her mind, than they would want.

On the other would make some people shoot first and ask questions later.


Friday, September 26, 2003 3:56 PM


Triple post? Did Fox take over my ISP?


Friday, September 26, 2003 4:20 PM



Originally posted by DeSangro:
Also, here's the number one reason you can't trust Blue Sun: their initials are "B.S." Pretty appropriate, huh?

Hey Now! Blackstar! Often shortened to BS!

Oh, my God! Who's flying this thing? Oh, right, that would be me...


Friday, September 26, 2003 5:08 PM



Originally posted by WhooDahn:
The BH guys might have only killed the security detail because they assumed River might have told them something.

That's what I always assumed. Consider the fact that she was in the super-secret school and combine that with the fact that she's a reader, there are all kinds of things she could know that they wouldn't want anyone to hear.

In "Safe" is when River is kinda-sorta describing her mental condition and memory she says (among other things) that "there are secrets". I always wondered what those secrets were.

"I'm very sorry if she tipped off anyone about your cunningly concealed herd of cows."


Friday, September 26, 2003 11:02 PM


The only bug with River telling them something, anything is that the BHC didn't even ask or clarify or bother to find out what River actually said. You talked to her? Zap!

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Saturday, September 27, 2003 3:25 AM



Originally posted by DeSangro:
A question: Why do the Blue Hand fellows kill practically everyone they meet with that wierd wand of death?


They represent Fox in the Firefly Universe.

I rule the Special Hell.


Saturday, September 27, 2003 10:43 AM



Originally posted by Drakon:
The only bug with River telling them something, anything is that the BHC didn't even ask or clarify or bother to find out what River actually said. You talked to her? Zap!

Somehow I don't have much of a problem believing that insidious corporations that torture little girls and warp their minds for their own ends would have much of a problem killing people who they suspected of having information they didn't want them to have even if they weren't 100% sure.

Plus, if BH started asking questions about it the person they were asking might very well think again about whatever gibberish River was spouting and try to find some significance in it or figure out why it's so important since, obviously, the BH think it is. Then you'd have to kill them, anyway. So in a sort of twisted way killing them as soon as you find out that they spoke to her at all is like a time-saving measure.

Also, the fed specifically said that he only talked to the prisoners enough to process them and the BH still seemed to think that was enough to warrant killin'.

I just sort of took as a "take no chances" type of thing.

"I'm very sorry if she tipped off anyone about your cunningly concealed herd of cows."


Saturday, September 27, 2003 3:20 PM



Originally posted by blackstar:

Originally posted by DeSangro:
Also, here's the number one reason you can't trust Blue Sun: their initials are "B.S." Pretty appropriate, huh?

Hey Now! Blackstar! Often shortened to BS!

Oh, my God! Who's flying this thing? Oh, right, that would be me...

Whoa man! I'm really sorry! I didn't mean you, of course, 'BlackStar' being a pretty cool username. Again, I sincerely apologize; I never intended to step on anyone's toes here.


Saturday, September 27, 2003 3:49 PM


My thinking is that the 'Blue Hand' chaps are saying that River killed everyone, which would provide more fuel to the warrant out for her arrest and would provide good cover for them hunting her and putting out a huge reward for her capture.

After all, who's left around to disagree...

Well, what if she could? Do the wands mimic some sort of physical damage that River actually CAN inflict, but never does (in the show, at least). We know that she has some form of mind-reading ability, and is an incredible markswoman (from 'War Stories'), even with her eyes closed and head turned away. Who really knows what she's capable of? (Joss Whedon probably does, so there's someone.) Another question to ponder is did this Academy/torture chamber place's experiments fail with River and turn her into "damaged goods", so to speak, or do they need to get her back in order to finish whatever they were doing to her? Maybe River is a weapon that isn't perfected or fine-tuned yet, instead of a failure that needs to be swept under the proverbial rug. Just imagine what she could be turned that is a scarier concept of a warped human being than Niska's unrestrained sadism.


Saturday, September 27, 2003 5:36 PM


No problem, DeSangro. I was kidding anyhow, I understand the reference, and I'm sure some of my friends might say im full of BS myself

Oh, my God! Who's flying this thing? Oh, right, that would be me...


Monday, January 14, 2013 5:29 AM



The problem with that is that mass homicides are not a good way of keeping a project secret. People ending up dead, whether the bodies are discovered or not, usually gets noticed. An entire security shift? These guys did not look or act like loose kill crazies. They were pretty professional for a bunch of stone cold murderers.

And yet, it happens. Lots of kids disappeared into government institutions in the height of the cold war for experimentation. People were drugged, children were exploited and pimped out, and there were deaths. You need only look for wikipedia's page on unethical human experimentation in America to find this. Most of the documents have been declassified - but you'll never hear the newsmedia bring it up.


Monday, January 14, 2013 5:32 AM



If anyone still wants to know more what blue sun is, I've heard that blue sun is pretty much the allience, it runs about everything, including the government and the academy. But this could be wrong.

Almost certainly. The Alliance looks about as fascist as it comes, and Mussolini even said that fascism was just another word for a corporatocracy, the merger between business powerhouses and government.

They're in cahoots, I say. All in cahoots.


Monday, January 14, 2013 6:55 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:

If anyone still wants to know more what blue sun is, I've heard that blue sun is pretty much the allience, it runs about everything, including the government and the academy. But this could be wrong.

Almost certainly. The Alliance looks about as fascist as it comes, and Mussolini even said that fascism was just another word for a corporatocracy, the merger between business powerhouses and government.

They're in cahoots, I say. All in cahoots.

That makes the most sense to me. Just as large corporations buy undue influence today, the progression of that trend into the future would look very much like the alliance serving the fascistic interests of corporate masters.

Their general lack of concern for the settlers' lost medicine in The Train Job points to a rather bureaucratic and uncaring "corporate face." A "freer" military would be more likely to have the flexibility to offer them some help.


Monday, January 14, 2013 7:35 AM


Because most people think Blue Sun just makes soda and canned food. They don't realize sub-companies under different names are also a big part of weapons development, terraforming, pharmaceuticals, interplanetary transit, the slave trade...

Of course, anyone who talks like that is just a whacked out conspiracy theorist. Or River Tam.


Monday, January 14, 2013 2:19 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Jayne looks better in red anyway.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013 2:50 PM


I think the name or logo is also an easter egg of sorts. If you watch some Buffy episodes that include the movie theater in Sunnydale, particularly in season four, the neon "Sun" sign looks blue.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013 6:44 PM


I think Jayne has a Blue Sun T shirt because it was a promo give-away item, came with the six-pack of Blue Sun-manufactured drinks he picked up one time. Same way he got the T shirt that reads "Fighting Elves" and the other one that reads "Perfect Cat." Someone gave him the "Dumb as a Wooden Chicken" T shirt and told him it meant something cool. At least that's my story for now!


Wednesday, January 16, 2013 4:36 AM


I think Jayne buys random crappy t-shirts in bulk at those warehouse stores because he doesn't really care what they say or what he's wearing. When it comes time to do laundry, he thinks it's too much effort so he secretly dumps the smelly shirts off at a charity where presumably they'll be washed before distribution, then goes and buys more.

Somehow both a softer, clever side of Jayne AND also kind of repugnant.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013 5:19 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
Because most people think Blue Sun just makes soda and canned food. They don't realize sub-companies under different names are also a big part of weapons development, terraforming, pharmaceuticals, interplanetary transit, the slave trade...

Of course, anyone who talks like that is just a whacked out conspiracy theorist. Or River Tam.

That's pretty much exactly the way I imagine it. Most people just don't know how involved Blue Sun is in the government. They just happily buy their mass produced products and go about their lives.


Thursday, January 17, 2013 8:31 AM


Another part of the Blue Sun Mythology that has been discussed in past posts:

In the Ariel Episode flashbacks, The Elder Mr. Tam has a Blue Sun Tie Tack. In the opening scene, he has the tie tack and a phi beta kappa key on a chain. In the confrontation with Simon when he bails Simon out of jail he just has the tie tack. This begs the questions,

"Is Mr. Tam a Blue Sun Executive?"

"Does Mr. Tam know something about where River is, and what has happened to her?"

"He seems to be afraid of what will happen to the family if Simon continues to pry. WHY???"

Alas, unless Joss and family explores the possibilities in Comic Book form, we will never know.

*** It never goes smooth...**


Wednesday, February 6, 2013 8:47 AM


A further thought on Blue Sun:

They may not have bribed/bought influence over all of the Alliance, just enough to have a controlling interest. Gives the illusion to the Core world populace that they live in democracy, while Blue Sun retains enough influence to control the show from behind the scenes.






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