Series Two Thoughts? morethan likely to include a vast number of spoilers - You Have Been Warned

UPDATED: Friday, June 2, 2006 09:10
VIEWED: 17653
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Monday, March 13, 2006 5:25 AM


Just thought i'd start a new thread wiv my good friend T where we could get ideas on what the vastness of Joss's mind would throw up if he was ever to create a series two

Also possible plot developments for a second film (more likely)

Men of Honour - coming soon to a Blue Sun Room near you ...


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:28 AM


Yes, such as the disgruntled corpse of Shephard Book rising from the ashes of Haven and hunting Mal down.


As you can see I'm well up for some undead-crew-relationship-angst.

Much like series 6 of Buffy.

Men of Honour - No...No it's not...


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:29 AM


Straight away with the spoilers then...

Men of Honour - your like a trained ape - without the training


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:32 AM


Shall we tell them about Kaylee and the rhino? Or Mal's 'operation'?

Oh, and don't spoil anything about Inara's bizarre alternate-reality-Holby City-crossover. I personally thought Joss dropped the ball on that one.

Men of Honour - No...No it's not...


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:35 AM


Hey, and to hell with series 2. Let's look into my crystal ball of series 5...

9:00pm, Challenge TV
Serenity:The Series

When an old flame visits the ship,
Simon wonders if his divorce from
Kaylee was the right thing to do.
Jayne's AA meetings continue. Also,
a look into River's first day of
Shephard training.

Men of Honour - No...No it's not...


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:36 AM



In 3 posts this thread has fallen from a respectable debate on the wonderous possibilities of series 2 to a gorram eta-kooram-nah-smecht

ok i will start wiv the intelectual debat seein as you seem to b missin a brain - may wanna look at that.

I personally think that River will be the new pilot, she is clearly adept at it (end of serentiy) it would also giv her a use on the ship

Men of Honour - Curse your sudden but enivitable betrayal


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:38 AM


Yes, but if you're going with adeptness the little genius could also be mechanic, medic, captain, fighter, chef and shephard.

River: The Series. One girl and a ship.

Men of Honour - Goslings, I swear.


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:40 AM


ok I agree

but clearly she cant be the chef, think Shindig, rippin labels of the cans... gonna b a lot of "mystery meals"

Men of Honour - coming soon to a Blue Sun Room near you...


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:42 AM


Ok. Zoe, complete gung-ho character change. Maybe she doesn't even listen to Mal anymore in her pent-up Hoban-Mourning. Mal and Inara have some delightful misunderstandings after River jokingly tells them what they were thinking in 'Our Mrs. Reynolds', Simon and Kaylee are all sweet and Jayne...

Jayne is Jayne.

Any elaboration on this is welcome.

Men of Honour - No...No it's not...


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:45 AM



Originally posted by Towelie:
River: The Series. One girl and a ship.

River: The Series. Season 2. One girl, who is a ship.


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:46 AM


lol works well with the signature...

kaylee and simon get married

zoe and mal? maybe?

jayne an vera?

river inherets kaylees old-now-redundent "toys"

to far...

Men of Honour - coming soon to a Blue Sun Room near you...


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:52 AM


I said it in another thread and I'm stickin' with it: Zoe's pregnant.


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:55 AM


I would think that River would possibly be the pilot. The only question is, is she recovered? From getting the whole Miranda situation out of her head is she really better or is it temperary? After she said that she was better in the movie, I believe after seeing the message she seemed different. But new complications are on the way for her I'm sure.

The Bible's a bit fuzzy on the subject of kneecaps.


Monday, March 13, 2006 7:15 AM


Yes, Zoe is blatanly pregnant! but then its wheadon so who knows?

Men of Honour - coming soon to a Blue Sun Room near you...


Monday, March 13, 2006 7:19 AM


Simon dies, and we get to see if there actually is a power in the 'verse that can stop Kaylee from bein' cheerful.


Monday, March 13, 2006 7:51 AM


I would like to see Jayne get a huge crush on River, because she is the perfect little assassin. He knows it would be wrong (gross) to try and be with her, but he follows her around like puppy dog, and always try to save her when fights break out, but of course, just ends up getting shown up. It would be an inside joke of much amusement between the rest of the crew.
I think you have leave Mal open, he's too solitary to be in a relationship, but he and Zoe could have some Mulder/Scully or Carter/O'Neill thing going on.
And just because Simon and Kaylee have already done the deed, doesn't mean that Simon will be able to talk to her any better than he could before - He still has to be a boob.

As for movie two: Alliance is still after Mal and crew, they were not at all forgiving. But now rogue factions of the alliance, (people who lost family and friends on Miranda) have banned together in an effort to force River to kill head Alliance officials that they aren't able to kill themselves.
River has learned to control her thoughts, and weed through her memories. She has found a disturbing bit of information that she gleened from the mind of the operative, about killing all of the other would-be-assassins that she trained with due to her escape - they had decided to scrap the whole program.
That's all I've got.


Monday, March 13, 2006 9:12 AM


I think something else we could expect is the return of Jubal Early. I thought I heard Joss say that he wanted to bring him back for the movie but wanted the Operative instead. Jubal is quite a mystery, and I don't think he's dead considering we didn't see him die.
I'm not sure about the Zoe pregnant thing. I'm sure it possible, but I think that may be too predictable for Joss. She already has her own complications to deal with since Wash is dead.
One thing I thought about after seeing the movie was that in the message they never said where that had happened. I don't believe they actually say it was at Miranda, and I'm not sure if anyone knows that Mal and crew were the ones to broadcast. The Alliance may push it off as some prank, similar to the end of the movie Resident Evil 2.
With any luck we could also see backstory for Book or maybe for Zoe and Wash. How they actually began to like eachother. Why Wash shaved the stasche lol and maybe an episode where they got married, or showed it.

The Bible's a bit fuzzy on the subject of kneecaps.


Monday, March 13, 2006 9:29 AM


Flashbacks - the last refuge of the sentimental. Sob.

I'm with Jayne becoming Captain for an episode. It could be funny. Limbs could be blown off.

Or a whole movie of limb-flying hilarity.

That or the Postmaster in The Message gets his own series. 'Tales from the Post Depot'.


Men of Honour - No...No it's not...


Monday, March 13, 2006 11:09 AM


I love the idea of people banding together because of Miranda, but instead I would have another Unification War, which is actually what my fanfic will be about, except Mal will not fight, or pregnant Zoe will get drafted.

I think a little chaos is in order.


Monday, March 13, 2006 11:33 AM



Originally posted by IsaacShepherd:
I think something else we could expect is the return of Jubal Early. I thought I heard Joss say that he wanted to bring him back for the movie but wanted the Operative instead. Jubal is quite a mystery, and I don't think he's dead considering we didn't see him die.

He'll find a way to explain him surviving, but I don't agree with it. Seems cheap to me.


Monday, March 13, 2006 3:56 PM


It could happen. A bounty hunter like that, out on the fringe, would have to be intimate with his ship. He could have some kind of homing device on his suit, that even if River did program the ship to go away, after a certain amount of time, (or withthe push of a button on his suit) it would lock onto his signal and pick him up. He could just be drifting out there, and not remember he has that option, and then all of a sudden, it hits him. I mean, he was crazy, but Josh never said he was stupid.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 7:21 AM


Speaking of series two stories hows about Jayne and Simon? River as the ship.

Things could get messy. Watch as Jayne desperately
tries to restrain himself from blamming a few holes in Simon.(with Vera of course.) If he lays a finger (or a swiss-army knife)on him then River will kill Jayne with her mind. Or some form of kitchen utensil...seeing as she is the ship she can do anything.

As for the others they can have cameos now and again (except of course the dead ones including Wash *sob* and Book *another sob* dear god why!!! sorry...i'm still in mourning...) or they can have hilarious spin-off series' like kaylee taking on Reavers with strawberries her funky parasol. And Zoe and Mal fighting yet another war.

Objects in space- Simon: I'm a doctor and my sister is a ship. We had a strange childhood...


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 8:02 AM



Originally posted by mattcoz:
He'll find a way to explain him surviving, but I don't agree with it. Seems cheap to me.

With the quote above referring to the possibility of Jubal Early surviving beyond the episode "Objects in Space," I don't think it takes a stretch at all.

At the very end where he says "Well...Here I am..." I don't think he is just being Jubal Early-crazy, he is actually talking to the auto-pilot on his ship. A guy alone on a space ship, especially one who's plans include extra-vehicle activities would certainly have a back-up plan if he got stranded.

But with the element of surprise gone and the need to undo all River's button pushing, Early withdraws to come up with new plan.

As far as a season two episode I'd like to see ... I really would like to see Zoe, tell the flashback story of how she saved Mal from a caper-gone-bad, which ended up netting them the cashy-money Mal used to buy Serenity.


River: Midbulk transport. Standard radion accelerator core class-code 03-K64. Firefly.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 8:46 AM


You know, I don't think that the message sent out about Miranda was enough to start a war. Heck, if it was, we'd never stop being at war in real life. And of course Zoe is pregnant. I'd say she's probably a bit hormonal too, adding another level of comedy to the stuff we miss because Wash is gone. Inara is a bit more willing to persue a relationship with Mal, but Mal is still Mal. I think it would totally screw things up if they actually got together (Anybody notice what happened when Lois and Clark got married? The series was basically over at that point.). But we will see them kiss or maybe more. They'll bounce back and forth. I think River will be a great pilot, and also a great gun hand. If I know Jayne, he will be a little twitterpated by it. Don't know if River would ever consider dating the man-ape gone wrong though. She'll also help to get the ship into order, because Simon and Kaylee are going to be a bit preoccupied for a while. Those are the things that I would say are definite in my opinion. Now some real speculation. I think that the Operative is part of a line of clones, one that Shepherd Book belonged to.

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 8:57 AM


I've come to this conclusion... Inara must die.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:53 AM



Originally posted by micjwelch:
I think it would totally screw things up if they actually got together (Anybody notice what happened when Lois and Clark got married? The series was basically over at that point.).

That's because Lois and Clark were the entire point of that series.

Firefly has seven characters and a very complex 'verse with many issues to content with. Mal and Inara getting (and staying) together wouldn't kill that in any way.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:50 AM


Here is my spin.

Miranda does not cause enough trouble initially to generate a war of succession. However, we know that River was in the presense of "Key Members of Parliment" so the directions and information known to her are only limited by a writers imagination.

As Joss is into the civil war, and I hate to make it comprable to Star Wars, but everybody loves intergalactic civil war.

Time for Mal to stop running for good. General Mal. Inara dies in the bed of some Alliance high up. Things get real dark. Jayne goes off the deep end. River is still River. Zoe is still Zoe but preggers...sure why the hell not. Simon (who can't get past the reavers) likes morphine and his relationship replaces the wash and zoe relationship. Need new spiritual guidance...bring in Ron Pearlman (he is in everything anyways)

Good way to tie alot of the old characters back into the mix.

Or, Reavers kill Inara in typical Reaver fashion, Mal and the crew go off the deep end, loadout the ship for war, hunt the reavers down while having wacky adventures with witty dialogue


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:53 AM



Now some real speculation. I think that the Operative is part of a line of clones, one that Shepherd Book belonged to.

lol, do i smell a hint of racism?

Men of Honour - coming soon to a Blue Sun Room near you...


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 11:10 AM


I actually got that idea from another thread somewhere. Someone said that the Operative would be coming back as a shepherd according to Joss Whedon. The same thread suggested that Shepherd Book was a clone.

Why is everyone so hungry for war anyway?

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 11:25 AM



Don't know if River would ever consider dating the man-ape gone wrong though.

Oh for Serenity's sake, everybody just quit thinking about this!! HE'S OLD ENOUGH TO BE HER FATHER!


Okay, I've calmed down now.


Someone said that the Operative would be coming back as a shepherd according to Joss Whedon.

Hmmm. I'd like to see that thread, because I also suggested that the Op will be a Shepherd (Shepherd Magazine, anyone?) but I certainly never heard it from Joss Whedon. It's my own maniacal musing.

They could not take the sky from them -
Our Big Damn Heroes made a film!
I'm gonna see Serenity then
go back the next morning and see it again.
Cuz no one at Fox knew this show had no equal
C'mon Universal, and greenlight the sequel!

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 1:41 PM



Originally posted by AgentRouka:

Originally posted by micjwelch:
I think it would totally screw things up if they actually got together (Anybody notice what happened when Lois and Clark got married? The series was basically over at that point.).

That's because Lois and Clark were the entire point of that series.

Firefly has seven characters and a very complex 'verse with many issues to content with. Mal and Inara getting (and staying) together wouldn't kill that in any way.

I've always imagined that if/when Mal and Inara finally get it right, that would be the perfect time to kill off Inara. Like the very second after their first kiss --BAM!-- Inara gets hit by a bus or something. Joss loves doing things like that. (Willow and Tara (the second time), anyone? Fred and Wesley, anyone? (Still can't forgive Jonathon Woodward for that one)

Could you please just make it stranger? Just stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?
~Joss Whedon


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:12 PM



Originally posted by thesoapboxer:
I've always imagined that if/when Mal and Inara finally get it right, that would be the perfect time to kill off Inara. Like the very second after their first kiss --BAM!-- Inara gets hit by a bus or something. Joss loves doing things like that. (Willow and Tara (the second time), anyone? Fred and Wesley, anyone? (Still can't forgive Jonathon Woodward for that one)

Exactly. Oh, and Jonathan is certainly a hated man, even more when you consider him taking Kaylee as a hostage. Didn't see him on Buffy but I'm sure he did something horrible on there too.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 12:21 AM


But where's that bubbling, hilarious tension? Those meaningful looks? The sweet romantic misunderstandings?
If Mal and Jayne got together things would never be the same...

Men of Honour - No...No it's not...


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 1:44 AM


Two words...Blue Sun.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 7:56 AM


I'd wonder if River would take Zoe's place for another gun if she would become pregnant. I have a feeling though if the series would continue that Jayne would begin to look over River like another older brother, perhaps out of guilt from Ariel too. Another thought is that Jayne would be next in line to get the axe right around the time that River and Jayne's relationship would develop like that. Just a guess anyways. I don't think Joss could ever get away with killing off Mal or River so it's either Jane or Inara.

The Bible's a bit fuzzy on the subject of kneecaps.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 8:21 AM


Mr. Universe's LoveBot would be The Chef.

Mal would run into The Operative everywhere, even though The Operative said he wouldn't, and at the end of every encounter, The Operative would say all dramatic like.... :"this is the last time you'll ever see me Mal."

I like the idea of Simon becoming a drug addict. Kaylee's going to have to kick his ass lock him in that storage space where they locked up River.

There would be a new, forgive the term, "Rebel Alliance" forming in the central planets... people who saw the broadwave and want to start a revolution, they probably try to contact MAL, but he wants nothing to do with it. Plus the closer he gets to the central planets, the more enemies he has. Eventually Mal DOES rise above, but only after being pushed over the edge through another death of one of his crew.

I don't think Zoe will be with anyone for a while. She's super loyal and all... she'd be ultra stubborn about wanting to raise her child alone, even though Jayne's the only one who can ever get it stop crying. This is when you find out that Jayne was the oldest of many siblings and knows how to take care of babies.

Inara will be screening clients and she'll sign some dude up.. but when she gets there it turns out to be a decoy.. and it's really Adelai Niska... kidnaps her and tortures her, because he knows how Mal feels about her. Mal finally kills this guy and when they're back on the ship, Inara and Mal finally get it on.

River becomes best friends with the LoveBot and Kaylee gets jealous.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 8:38 AM


by the way, congratulations to Fitz. kick ass caption. well done.

Objects in space- Simon: I'm a doctor and my sister is a ship. We had a strange childhood...


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 8:47 AM


Also, a whole film of Jayne bounding around in his bobble hat, blowing a few holes in anything that stands in his way would be amusing.Plus he'd be singing his 'Hero of Canten' song.(obviously)

Is it 'Canten'? honestly can't remember...correct me if I'm wrong...

Objects in space- Simon: I'm a doctor and my sister is a ship. We had a strange childhood...


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 10:34 AM


lol its "canton"


(that is towelie's sister every1 she was won of our first conversions)

like the niska idea...

an the jayne baby crier stopper...

this thread is going in the right direction

Men of Honour - coming soon to a Blue Sun Room near you...


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 10:45 AM


I want MANY COOL THINGS TO HAPPEN (as I'm sure everyone else does)

But here's my wishlist

Mal/Jayne in a conundrum changing Zoe's baby's diapers. (You HAVE to have a changing scene)

Jayne, stuck on the ship during a job for one reason or another, wearing a vest that gives milk to the baby to simulate a mothers breast(you know that would be good)

Luis Guzman as the eccentric, Hispanic cook for the crew.

Alexis Denisof as the new replacement Operative of the Parliament. Less brawny and less prone to violent stabbing. More with intelligence and school smarts than anything. Like a master stategist that anticipates moves before theyre made. Not from psychic ability, but from pure smarts.

Thoughts? Concerns? Witty insights?


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 11:16 AM


In my mind I always thought Season 2 could be post season 1 but pre our BDM. There is still so much back story to tell with many of the characters.

What is everyone elses thoughts, does season 2 have to be post Serenity?

Anyone read the graphic novel (I can't call it a comic book around my house) it has a nice little pre-BDM story in it and shows how much Joss likes bringing back his bad guys.

And I really like whoever suggested Jayne becomes infatuated with River on a whole "The Professional" angle.

...I'm in.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 11:27 AM


Never thought about that... like an 'untold tales' sort of thing?

Personally though I'd find that something of an affront to the movie. Comics and such fine, maybe even (please) a nice shiny computer-game, but not the series.

It's nicer to move things forward and develop. Firefly has a lot, but gorramit it had so much more to give.

Strike one more for the cunning Alexis Denisof though.

Men of Honour - No...No it's not...


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 12:30 PM


Please, no diaper scene. It's only been done like 40,000,000,000 times.

But I CAN imagine a scene of Jayne crashed in Kaylee's hammock with a baby asleep on his chest... Not as part of the story, just something you see in the background as other characters walk by.

They could not take the sky from them -
Our Big Damn Heroes made a film!
I'm gonna see Serenity then
go back the next morning and see it again.
Cuz no one at Fox knew this show had no equal
C'mon Universal, and greenlight the sequel!

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 12:34 PM


ORRRRR wait... SIMON in the hammock, and Kaylee, who has been having her doubts about him, sees it and her heart melts all over again.

They could not take the sky from them -
Our Big Damn Heroes made a film!
I'm gonna see Serenity then
go back the next morning and see it again.
Cuz no one at Fox knew this show had no equal
C'mon Universal, and greenlight the sequel!

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 1:49 PM



Originally posted by micjwelch:
Now some real speculation. I think that the Operative is part of a line of clones, one that Shepherd Book belonged to.

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."

Ohhhh! I love that idea! So maybe, another Sheppard Book. Perhaps they share a conscienceness like the snake heads from Stargate.

Now think of a way to get Wash back! Please!


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 1:57 PM



Originally posted by thesoapboxer:

I've always imagined that if/when Mal and Inara finally get it right, that would be the perfect time to kill off Inara. Like the very second after their first kiss --BAM!-- Inara gets hit by a bus or something. Joss loves doing things like that. (Willow and Tara (the second time), anyone? Fred and Wesley, anyone? (Still can't forgive Jonathon Woodward for that one)

Dax and Worf?


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 2:10 PM


i think that series 2 should be pre serenity, co then we'd have wash and shepard! can you imagine a series without wash? i mean who'd do the "oh god who's flying this thing? oh wait that would be me" thing, there would be no amazingly funny humor in it and it would get boring after a while. The humor keeps it from being what fox wanted it to be!

Or maybe we could have a post serenity film going on and a pre serenity series! Now that would be great!

There should be a series 2, if not we should riot! on account of jayne and wash!

WASH : You walk down the street with that hat on and everybody's gonna no you're not afraid of anything.

JAYNE: Damn Straight!


Thursday, March 16, 2006 6:30 AM


speaking of converting we must tell others!!! i've been trying desperately at school but everyone there is either a mini-soon-to-be chav (kill them all!!!) or just plain stupid.

Objects in space- Simon: I'm a doctor and my sister is a ship. We had a strange childhood...


Thursday, March 16, 2006 11:13 AM


Hi I’m a script writer and here are my thoughts for some plots for a possible season 2 of firefly,

Plot One
Season 2 would start off where the movie left, I’d have River as Serenity’s new pilot, and she would be able to use her special abilities to fly the wind (like Wash was a leaf on the wind). I’d have Zoe pregnant with Wash’s baby (because in the episode “HEART OF GOLD” they both argued about it). I’d have the relationship between Mal and Inara still on the will they wont they phase. I’d have the relationship between Kaylee and Simon build and have the strain of Simon’s over protection of River. I’d leave Wash and Shepherd dead (but they’d still be in the show due to flash backs)

Plot Two
As the same as Plot One but with one difference, half way through season 2 in a episode cal “CRYOGENICS or CRYO” either Mal and the rest of the crew on serenity come across a ship in deep space that has a small electrical reading they go on board and find two cryo box‘s (like the 1 River was in, in the TV pilot) they open one and it has a scientific doctor that works for the alliance and is someone Simon knows that lead the research in cryogenic’s and cloning, during the course of the episode the doctor refuses to let Mal open the other Cryo Box, the doctor also sees a picture of Wash and starts asking questions the makes Zoe mad, forcing Mal to open the other Cryo box and the episode would end there with an over head short looking into the box, in it is Wash, part 2 of this episode would be the crew of serenity finding out about the Cryo Wash and why there is a clone of him. The reason is because Wash didn’t fight in the war, he was going to but because of his abilities at flying, the independence government enrolled Wash in a cloning program to have better pilots for the war.
The other possibility is that there is only 1 Cryo box with the doctor in it (same as above but with the difference that when the doctor sees the photo of Wash he tells them he’s seen him before during his tests, and during the end of season 2 (maybe 10 episode’s long) the crew of Serenity going searching for Wash.

Plot Three
Same as either Plot One or Plot Two but with the back drop of maybe a second war between the Independence and the alliance

Oh and how about during the course on the season it would go into more about Shepherd’s past, maybe there’s more to him then meets the eye

As I say these are just my thought’s, maybe there good, maybe they suck :)
You could always post feedback on my ideas as a writer people’s thought on my work and thoughts is always appreciated

Kieron :)


Friday, March 17, 2006 1:03 AM


Im not bein narky this is just a bit of constructive criticism, please dont hurt me!

Plot 1 and 3 is a nice summary of what we have all said and in a perfect world where Joss wasnt behind the wheel thats what would happen. Unfortunaly it is joss so we would never know. It is bound to be something we could have never expected but is still way kool, if it vere happens

Plot 2 is, sorry to say, not that good. Joss kills his chatrachters for a reason and so is not a kin to whippin them back in because ppl felt upset. As for the whole clonin' idea it is dreadfully unlikely and not in kiltre with the show, joss like to keep it realitic as possible an the whole Wash/boba fett thing wouldnt go down well.

"yeh but cloning me, that sound a little science-fiction?"

"you live on a spaceship dear, clone dear, hunny, clonny.. wha, what do i call you?"

i cant see it workin to be honest but who knows?

*cowers* please dont hurt me...

Men of Honour - coming soon to a Blue Sun Room near you...






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