when/how did you become a browncoat?

UPDATED: Friday, March 31, 2006 06:27
VIEWED: 10110
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006 2:45 PM


i'm sorry if this has been talked about many times before, this is my first post on this site.

here's mine

I had never heard of firefly or serenity untill the movie came out, when i saw the trailer i Immediately thought Ninjas in space.... It looked really wierd and i didn't want to see it, but one of my freinds thought it looked interesting and i had nothing better to do so i watched it with him and my brother (now i wonder how i came up with ninjas in space). I was hooked, but i being 13 and having no income whatsoever, couldn't afford the firefly box set, and i gradually forgot about it. Several months later i was in a store looking for something to spend the gift card i had just gotten on, and i saw the jurrasic park box set, as i was studying the box, i saw mal's head on the firefly box set on the shelf infront of me.

After watching the entire series in less then 2 days, i've been checking this site daily.

"Ahh... Curse your sudden but ineviable betrayal!"-Stegosaurus


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 2:51 PM


Well, Flamingfly, you've come to the right place.
Welcome home.

*hands Flamingfly a browncoat from stores...*

there's your gear and here's my story...

I was watching SciFi Friday nights waiting for SG-1 to come on when Firefly came on, they were showing it before the BDM came out every Friday for awhile. I was instantly intrigued and before long hooked. Bought the DVD set immediately and when it came in the mail, watched it clear thru- couldn't stop! Fell in love...

I bought BSG at the same time and have not even opened it yet!

Went looking on the web, just like you I'd wager, and ended up here and have never left.

I'm proud to be a Browncoat and I'll bet you will be too.

Don't forget to share the 'verse with as many people as you can.... we ALL want a sequel or a return of the show!

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:03 PM


Many welcomes to the verse, flamingfly.

My own induction came as a result of the movie trailers. I hadn't heard of the series before, and I thought it was odd to see a big action film with no big "A" list actors in it. So after doing a little research, I found out about the series and rented the first disc. Five minutes and I was hooked. I get Netflix, so waiting for the next disc was alwasy torture. I immediately wanted to recruit my family and friends, and was somewhat sucessful. Unfortunately, my mother still has that look on her face that says she's torn between thinking I'm really cute or slightly crazy. Nevertheless, I've been a Browncoat ever since, and will be til the day I die.

At last.
We can retire and give up
this life of crime.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:11 PM


Now I am learning about scary.

Welcome, Flamingfly!

I was one of the lucky few who actually heard about the series on TV before it started, and since I'd recently become a bit of a "Buffy" fan, I decided to give it a try. I was instantly hooked from the first episode! I loved the characters, the writing, the originality of the whole thing. Then ... cancelled. I was crushed but went on.

Then, a few years later, as I was looking through some movie trailers, one called "Serenity" caught my eye and I wondered what that was about (I hate to admit it but I thought it was probably something about Buddhists). The second the trailer started, I started yelling, "Hey, they made a movie out of 'Firefly'!!!" Scared my husband quite a bit.

Now I have the DVDs and watch them repeatedly.

We're glad to have you aboard and hope to hear more from you.

"Grand entrance would not go amiss." - Mal


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:20 PM


There's a running joke between my wife and I that any show that is good will not catch our attention until at least the third season. Shortly after that it will be cancelled. We became interested in Buffy around the fourth season, and it was almost cancelled around then. Fortunately it was renewed briefly (although I think it should have ended with Buffy's battle with Glory, but that's a question for another time).

The same thing happened with Angel. We became interested in the series in the third season, and it was promptly cancelled two seasons later. Fans of Smallville should be forewarned. I'm now a fan, which means that the show is on life support.

Now we come to Firefly. When I saw the teasers for the series I perked up because it had some of my favorite things: Joss, spaceships, and action. I remember specifically when the show hooked me. It was during the teaser. There was a couple of shots of the reaver chase of Serenity at the end of the pilot. I think the last clip was the shot of Jayne in the engine room with his fist raised. That hooked me. I knew it would be great. And of course, since I fell in love with it, it was promptly cancelled. That, of course, started a new trend: if my wife and I become fans of a show right off the bat, it probably will be cancelled. See Firefly and it's running mate John Doe. There's a few others that help prove my case, but they escape me now.

As soon as the souless baby eaters at Fox started talking about cancelling the show I started emailing them constantly. Anyway, long story long, I became a Browncoat when I saw that shot of Jayne in the engine room. It's been my favorite show ever since.

By the way, it's good to see you FollowMal.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Customizeable handmade baby gifts personalized by my wife! Check them out at All proceeds go towards international adoption.

Leaning into the wind that used to carry me-Stavesacre


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:31 PM


Welcome Flamingfly!
We're glad you're here!

I personally had never heard of the series or the movie until I read a review of Serenity in the Dallas Morning News. It got an A-, which is really good for them. They only gave most of "The Lord of the Rings" a B+ or so. The reviewer's tag line was: "What Stars Wars should have been".

My wife and I walked out talking about how GOOD the movie was. On a whim, I decided to add the Firefly season to my Netflix queue. We watched them in a week, which is hard when you have jobs, kids, and other obligations. We liked it so much that we bought the Serenity and Firefly DVDs and are in the middle of our 3rd viewing of the series.

I've never geeked out about a series like this. Well, not since I was a kid watching the original Star Trek. Ye Gods, I'm getting old!

Remember - recruit more Browncoats!

*** Think of it as evolution in action ***


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:45 PM


Hey welcome to the site. This place is pretty cool. Well I also was one of those few individuals who watched the show from the very start. I absolutely loved the show and watched it every week on Fox. But then suddenly out of the blue it was cancelled and I never heard anything about it again. I didn't really pay much attention to anything back then, and I don't really now either, but I had no clue that there was even a DVD set of the series at all. So Firefly was basically erased from my life. Then I saw the trailer for Serenity and I instantly remembered how awesome Firefly was and I got all my friends together and we saw it. Then I bought the DVD set, rewatched all of them, and then I started looking for news of the series' revival online. That is how I found this website, and here I am!



Tuesday, March 28, 2006 3:54 PM


I read the review of serenity on and noticed that it did really well. Then I noticed that it was scifi. Wow, a scifi movie that received great reviews? What a concept. Then I saw the movie. Holy crap, it rocked. Then I found out it was a failed tv show, so I bought the dvd of the show. Holy kittens batman, the tv show was even better than the movie. And the rest is history. Of course I am very sad that the show is dead (for now)...I am a Doctor Who fan, and that show went off the air in 1989, only to be revived in 2005, so there is hope, just keep your fingers crossed.



Tuesday, March 28, 2006 4:10 PM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:
Unfortunately, my mother still has that look on her face that says she's torn between thinking I'm really cute or slightly crazy.

Hey! Your mom must know my mom, 'cause that's the look I've been getting for the past 20-odd years ;p

Uhmm... I'll try and make my story quick. I remember seeing the previews for the series early on. Never got into Buffy or Angel, but I thought "Hey, here's an interesting twist on the genre, and it's from the guy who did Buffy so I'm sure it'll be on for a good run :)" I work nights, so I was usually sleeping while Firefly ran, but I'd managed to tape "Bushwhacked", so I can say I at least saw one episode of the original series. My brother and I figured we were seeing the series out of order, so we counted on waiting for the reruns, which we assumed would fill the space before the second season... obviously no go with that :)

I've been emotionally involved in other cancelled shows before, so I woefully managed to push Firefly from my mind for some time. Till one day at the video store I was looking for an extra movie to rent. (One of those rent two rent one free deals.) Saw Serenity there, and remembered it was based on the show, thought it'd be a fun little space romp ;p So again... I was wrong. First time through the movie was like "oh, this is what I was missing gorramit all!" Oh, and Kaylee ;p

Anyways the rest, as they say, is history.

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 4:20 PM


I saw the adverts on tv and thought it would be an interesting show to watch, but it was on Friday nites! grr.
And we didn't get cable at the time, so most TV for us was grainy or snowy, and not a pleasure to watch.

So for several months I missed it. By chance I saw a downloaded version (just wait!) of the Train Job. I distinctly remember seeing the belly dancer in the bar and thinking, "this is one cool show." They had me at Crow being tossed into the ship's engine.

Then I got involved with the all the fan postcarding and online petitions.

THe next two years I zoned out, until Serenity was up and running. Went out and bought 3 sets of the show, 2 sets of the movie, the graphic novel, the soundtrack, the book, the mug, the t-shirt and pins.

Gelassenheit means Serenity


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 4:25 PM



Originally posted by flamingfly:

After watching the entire series in less then 2 days, i've been checking this site daily.

Welcome home!
I started watching 'Firefly' on Fox because I was already a fan of Joss' work (Buffy & Angel)
but I wasn't hooked right away (they were showing the gorrum episodes out of order, you know?)
but when I saw 'Jaynestown' I was hooked!
This was a level of humor and metaphor and fun that I didn't think Buffy or Angel could hope to match.

of course my heart was broken when it was canceled.
I was thrilled when I got my DVDs and joined this wonderful site.
And ecstatic when I got to see my first advanced screening of 'Serenity' (that was the most exciting night of my life...which I guess says something about me....LOL)

I believe I will always be a Browncoat...and I'll always be happy when new people discover it, and us....

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse
have you checked out this thread?:

and listen to 'I'm Going To See Serenity':


Tuesday, March 28, 2006 5:16 PM


Howdy, flamingfly! Glad to have you aboard.
I see that FollowMal has issued you the browncoat.
Strawberries are my job -- they're in the galley.

No cable = No Fox = no Firefly when it was shown.
An adult child told me what I had missed, and sent me the URL for
Lurked here for what seemed a century.
Registered at last when I couldn't resist posting in the CAPTION TIGHTPANTS thread.
Oh, and I have all the DVDs and am wearing them out.

Spread the infection, flamingfly!

-- bastards singed my turtle --
----- why's the rum gone? -----


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 4:51 AM


I'm in the same boat. We didn't get the series here in Aus (well not on the comercial channels). The Serenity advertising was practically a whimper, and I heard rumours it was an adaptation of a TV series (for some reason I thought of Lexx???). Needless to say it didn't spark much interest for me to go and see it.
I've just finished watching the Firefly series I borrowed off a friend. I also watched it in 2 days and was completely hooked. I actually felt depressed after finding out that there's no season 2. I would love to have seen how the characters developed. I can honestly say, I've never felt so attached to a show or the characters in it like I've felt with Firefly - Being 35, I find this just wrong and broken... Damn you Fox, DAAAAMN YOU! *much fist shaking*
On the bright side, I will purchase my own box set of the TV series and the movie (which I still haven't seen).
I've already converted My girlfriend who I convinced to watch it with me. She was singing the theme song after the 2nd episode. I'll also buy a second copy of the movie and series to send to my teenage nephew for his birthday, 'cause I just know he's gonna luv it as well.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:08 AM


Howdy Flamingfly, welcome aboard!

Pretty much the same story here. Rented Serenity, really liked it, bought the Firefly DVDs, fell in love with it...completely.

Now, I've really, REALLY loved other TV shows in the past, but nothing has ever comes close to the obsession I have with this show. Watched "Out of Gas", my fav-O-rite episode, for about the 15th time last night, and got up this morning just to watch the last scene again before I left for work.

I'm thinking about making an appointment with a shrink...

OPERATIVE: ...and I'm unarmed.
MAL: Good.



Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:11 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site Flamingfly. Glad to have you here. Make yourself at home.

Me? I been a browncoat since the series originally aired back in '02. When Mal kicked Crow into the engine on Train Job I was hooked. Been here ever since.

Be sure to share Firefly & the movie with everyone you know.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:36 AM


Same as above; my coats been brownish from the airing of Train Job. I saw the ads before the series. 6 months before; there was almost no promotion in my town right before the series started. I didn't think I would like the show but was a fan of Joss's work and gave it a shot. Hooked solid from early on. My wife came back from work that night to find a browncoat.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:57 AM


Welcome Flamingfly! *holds out a plate of brownies*
Have a brownie!

A year ago this month I rented the first disc on the recommendation from my brother. He said I'd love it and he was right. Couldn't get the next disc fast enough. (In my defense for not coming to it sooner, my family and I were living abroad when it was on Fox)

Found this sight last fall, read tons of fanfic to satisfy need for more and lurked around until winter and was quickly drawn into this forum. Lovely place this...very friendly and welcoming.

Now own the series and BDM. Bought it for my brother. Working on converting's all good.

Have fun here!


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:59 AM


Welcome flamingfly!

Last October my mom and dad were at a wedding and I was BORED, so I was looking through all the channels to find something to watch and stumbled across Firefly on the Sci-Fi channel. It was never shown properly in the UK but I am a big Buffy/Angel fan so decided to give it a go - one episode and I ran upstairs and ordered the boxset, and well, here I am.

EDIT: Posting this reminded me that I've been a Brownocat for 6 months on Sunday - wow what a great 6 months it's been. I love you guys!

Mal: Wheel never stops turning, Badger.
Badger: That only matters to the people on the rim.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 6:48 AM


I dunno when I became a browncoat, but I never specifically call myself that.

I've been watching the show since it aired though I couldn't keep up wit the Friday night schedule. I finally managed to watch it again with "Out of Gas".. My reception was so horrible that day that I couldn't see the rest of the episode. I only managed to see up to where Mal is literally walking to the cockpit.

I think it was a couple of weeks after that I was searching for Firefly Fan sites. I think this was just before the DVDs came out. I find it all sorts of weird really. I was never like this with Buffy and I love Buffy!


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:05 AM


the fact of the matter is this, people see serenity in the top 10 dvd chart, they buy/rent and watch the movie.

they then discover firefly.

more people than ever are watching firefly and fox knows this.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:17 AM


Welcome to the 'verse, and welcome home!
I fell in love with Firefly from the first frame of "The Train Job", even though "Serenity" Should have aired first! It was like I knew FOX had done something right! I had been waiting for a show like Firefly my whole life(or at least, since Star Wars Episode 1 came out!). I loved the Star Wars Original Trilogy, but the new ones haven't done too much for me.

Well, there you have it, MY love story!

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD
Also, a daily lurker! If I don't post that is.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:21 AM


I'd never heard of the show until my husband mentioned that he wanted to watch a marathon on Sci-fi network. We made it thru half of the first episode and had to leave for some reason or another. I had completely forgotten about it until Serenity was released. We bought the DVD set (we were huge buffy/joss fans and knew we were gonna like the show) watched it and Serenity in the same weekend. Hooked ever since. I think Joss puts crack in his TV shows, cause I am an addict. We mainline buffy at least once a week.

"My ship don't crash1 She crashes, you crashed her!"


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:25 AM


I think I became a browncoat about six years before the show started, when I saw my first episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Joss' writing grabbed me from the very start, and I became a huge fan of that show, the spinoff Angel. I knew Firefly was going to be great, and I wasn't proved wrong. I felt really unhappy the day Joss announced he was giving up on TV and disbanding Mutant Enemy. I'm still hoping that he will get back to TV some day, although given the way American networks are run I don't blame him one bit for throwing in the towel. How can you work for an industry that cancels shows like Firefly?

Desktop Hippie: at one with the 'verse


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:42 AM


My boyfriend kept going on about this movie, "Serenity". Whatever. Fine. take me. Just shut up about it.

And then...omigod... then this adorable blond pilot says, "oh god oh god we're all gonna die?"
and then this good looking guy grabs the intercom and says they're gonna explode.
THEN!!!! There was this big burly guy all covered in firepower whining, "I don't wanna explode!"

And then... then some time later, the theater was trying to sweep cold popcorn out from under my feet while I yelled at the camera booth "DO IT AGAIN! AGAIN!"

heh. Theater managers have no sense of humor..


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:49 AM


(Earl voice) "Hey, Flyman!"

I was on holiday in Maine, or some such, saw the box set in a Mall and brought it home with me.

Very little reason to do so, and to this day, I have no clue why I got it*. I'd vaguely heard it was "cowboys in space" (an utterly rubbish description, by the way...) Not a big Buffy fan. Not a hint of background. Less clue than Jayne.

Best thing I ever saw. And it still is.

Previous title holders were Babylon 5 and Farscape.


*Mrs G maintains it was the $24 pricetag, because I'm a tight Scottish git. And I was using her money...


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:54 AM


heard bout it, didnt watch in the theatre and didnt buy it till after it came out on video, saw it bought, the day after i bought the series....Browncoat

Well, here I am


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:54 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:

And then...omigod... then this adorable blond pilot says, "oh god oh god we're all gonna die?"
and then this good looking guy grabs the intercom and says they're gonna explode.
THEN!!!! There was this big burly guy all covered in firepower whining, "I don't wanna explode!"

What a perfectly adorable summary of the beginning of the movie!


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 8:47 AM


I remember seeing the commercials for the TV show and thinking "that looks pretty cool". But at the time that the show was on I wasn't watching much TV and didn't know when Firefly was on.

I saw the commercials for the movie and vaguely remembered hearing something about it being based off of a TV show, but the name of the show escaped me. I thought the commercials looked cool and seriously considered seeing it in the theaters, but I almost never get around to seeing movies in the theaters anymore. Finally a couple of months ago, I rented the BDM and watched it. For my birthday a few weeks later I asked for (and received): the BDM, the BDS, and the BDM RPG. watched the show in about 3 or 4 days and started looking online for more info. Now here I am.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 9:25 AM


I vaguely recall seeing Firefly on sci fi ages ago (shindig I think it was...)But I never really watched it past that...shame really. But yea, I saw a few ads for Serenity and remembered and thought it looked rather good. That, of course gave me a great excuse to get my "parents" the Firefly box set for "Christmas" (read "me" and "Couse I damn well wanted it" - I don't think my parents actually ever saw all of it, I keep hold of it and let them have it every now and then ) But still never got a chance to watch it properly. Then decided one night to watch all of it. Since then I've been going around to friends flats and the like and forcing them to watch one episode, then leaving the first disc round and heading off. Works like a charm, each time so far I've had calls/messages/emails/whatever pestering me to swing by with more! I refuse to let them know of that site where it's all up for download though, if they want it, they gotta buy it!
[size=7]I want a browncoat...[/size] Edit: <--note: Do not attempt random board code while drinking, specially when said board doesn't seem to feature afore mentioned code...><


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 9:48 AM


Was a Buffy/Angel fan. Heard of this new sci-fi show comming on, something about a "space western". Had no clue Joss was involved and dismissed it as rubbish(what a fool I was). Saw some information on the net about Serenity(don't watch much TV anymore, too busy playing computer games) thought it sounded kinda cool, but never gave it much thought. The movie came and went from the theaters and I never did get to see it, and was still clueless.

Right before Christmas my wife and I were shopping in Target and spotted the Firefly box set. She mentions that it's that series that came out a couple years back, and I look on the box and see Joss Whedon and think "Well, it is Joss. He does good TV. And it's reasonably priced($30). Let's get it." Take it home and it SITS ON MY BOOKSHELF FOR 2 WEEKS before I even take the wrapper off! sheesh...

Watched the first episode and was stunned. Watched The Train Job. Instant Browncoat.

Have since converted about 9 people, and have a second set of the Firefly DVD's and Serenity movie just for loaning out, cause I don't like being without a copy of my own. I think there is some kind of subliminal thing going on, cause I have never become this enamored with a TV show. Oh sure, been a fan before, but not like this. Started lurking around here and posting just a little about a month ago. Great group here indeed!

Sorry for being long winded. Thought I should tell it right though...


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 10:53 AM


I watched the show from the first broadcast of "The Train Job" on. Can honestly state that the moment I became a fan was when Mal shoved Crow into the engine.

Watched and taped every episode I could after that, although I missed one or two due to F*x's obsession with schedule messing and baseball. Can't say I called myself a Browncoat until after the box set came out, though--partially because the series only used the term once (in "The Train Job"--review the series if you doubt me), and partially because my life was rather hectic around then, and I misplaced my tapes for long months.

Then a friend gave me the box set as a Twelth Night present, and I got hooked all over again. Spread the infection to my family, and then discovered this very web site. Been proudly wearing brown ever since.

And may I say, it's gratifying to see how many folk have discovered the series because of the film and the Sci-Fi channel broadcasts. Further proof that the show is its own best advertising.

"She's tore up plenty. But she'll fly true." -- Zoë Washburn


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 11:26 AM


One night I was sitting at home bored like a monkey, and checked the movies on demand. Serenity was the only movie availiable, and a good friend had recommended it, the rest is history.


Tee Hee


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 11:29 AM


There has been an article about the 50 best geek movies on an german political/cultural/media etc site (Telepolis, ).
It got listed several times in the content.
That's where i read the first time about it. About a months later i found a link to an enormous review (
After reading it i downloaded the first dvd. Watched it in one piece. When i finished it i went straigt to amazon an bought the series. when i found out about the comics and the movie i ordered them too.

I wanted to find more about Firefly and so i started google and found this site here.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 11:34 AM


Welcome Flamingfly! You are among friends here
I had never heard of Firefly before. I had seen the trailor for the movie and thought it looked silly, but wasn't sure I was going to see it. My husband's buddy told us all about Firefly and how we HAD to watch it. We also tried Netflix at the same time. We couldn't send the disks back fast enough. We watched them and were instantly addicted. As soon as we watched all of them we went out and bought it. Knowing that Serenity was part of the whole Firefly thing, I then wanted to see it VERY badly, but didn't ever make it to the theatre to see it :dissapointed:
I am trying to spread the love around and tell others about the best show ever.
Once you get sucked into the verse there is no getting out

I love my captain


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 11:46 AM



Originally posted by Shiny1:
Knowing that Serenity was part of the whole Firefly thing, I then wanted to see it VERY badly, but didn't ever make it to the theatre to see it :dissapointed:

Rumor has it that Serenity will be playing in select theaters on June 23 as part of a fundraiser. I know it's supposed to be playing in Albany, NY at the Palace Theater.

I missed it in the theater, too, so I'm planning to head up there in June (that's the plan anyway).


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 2:59 PM


Good to see YOU Milford!

I love this thread.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 3:27 PM


Knew I would love it from the first teaser...and did. Didn't miss an episode and taped every one. Sent emails everywhere trying to get someone to pick the series up. Almost exploded with anticipation at the prospect of the series dvd set, and bought multiple copies to share the joy. And it goes from there...haunting this site and the official board, trolling for fanfic several times a day, the movie, the movie dvd, the books, the role playing game, two sets of action figures (one for home and one for work, of course) it obsession or is it love?


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 4:07 PM


Well, I started out with Buffy, borrowing the dvds from a friend, loved it, loved this Joss Whedon guy. I then decided to give Angel a shot, so I borrowed the dvds for that as well, continued loving Joss. Then my friend tells me about another show by Joss, that's all I needed to know. So I borrow the Firefly dvds, and fall in love with the show, I buy my own set of dvds within a week.

Then when Serenity came out, I took my whole group of friends to see it, got them hooked, and now they have all purchased their own copies of Firefly, I'm even getting one of them into Buffy right now, I love Joss :)

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:46 PM


I read about Serenity in Entertainment Weekly and thought maybe I should see that, but it never came by me. Fast forward several months. I was on Netflix and it said Serenity was out so I put it in my list and on a whim I put Firfly right before it. Needless to say I saw the first two discs and couldn't wait so I took them out of my list and bought both the movie and the series. Then I bought the novelization, the visual guide, the soundtrack, and the Finding Serenity. I am hooked.

On a side note does anyone else notice that a lot of use are young converts? I wonder how big our numbers are now that the movie is in the movie rental stores and people are getting hooked.

Can't stop the signal.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 8:19 PM


I really wish I could say that I have been a Browncoat supporter from the begining, but I can't.
I remember when FireFly first came on the WB I think it was. I thought to myself "I should watch that show it looks interesting." But me being the 哑的蠢驴(dumbass) that I am Never watched it. I would see the DVD for the series and see Nathan and Gina on the cover and thought to myself 'Hey those two were on Buffy and Angel I shoudl get that and see what its about' Again with the 哑的蠢驴(dumbass). I never did.
So a while went by and then I saw the preview for Serenity平静. I thought 'Hey I remeber that show I think I should watch the movie. And low and behold there were Serenity things everywhere I turned. Alright there was only the novel. But I read that before I saw the movie and they were making references to the series and I realised that I should watch the series before I see the movie.
Unfortunetly everywhere I went they didn't have the series. I had to special order it from B&N. (Barnes & Nobles) But I did watch it from start to finish in one night. It took ALL night but I did and after that I was STOKED to see the film. Since then I have been a real Browncoat.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 9:01 PM


When the show was originally aired I caught maybe two or three episodes. Can't honestly remember which ones though I have vague recollections of Inara in her shuttle. Then it gets cancelled. Why would anyone in there right mind put a decent show on Friday night?

Fast forward to last year. One of my coworkers asks me if I remember a show called Firefly. I tell her yes but it got cancelled. BTW she is fan of Buffy/Angel but never got into Firefly, go figure. She then tells me a movie based on Firefly is being made. I thought it was quite strange to make a feature film out of a show that didn't even last one season.

Sometime near the end of summer 2005 the Sci Fi channel started promoting Serenity and airing episodes of Firefly on Friday nights. Being I work second shift I have to record anything worth watching, which isn't much. I had been passing on Firefly because I was already recording both SG series and Battlestar Galactica. I really didn't see the need to devote an extra hour of TV viewing for a show that was cancelled so quickly. As Simon would say, I'm a dummy. As luck would have it I found myself off on two consecutive Fridays with nothing to do so I figured what the hell I'll check it out. That was all it took. Two episodes and I was hooked. Went to see the BDM, bought the boxset, and have purchased so much Firely/Serenity related merchandise it is downright scary!


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 9:06 PM


Friday Sptember 20th, 2002. First 30 seconds of The Train Job. Seriously, that's all it took.

Child One: "Republicans aren't real."
Child Two: "Full well they are!"


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 9:16 PM


September 20th, 2002, I watched it and fell in love with the whole concept of Firefly. It was the best damn Sci-Fi I had ever seen.

Mal: Define Interesting
Wash: Oh god, Oh god, We're all gonna die?


Friday, March 31, 2006 4:20 AM


Gracias. Wouldn't be a thread about new Browncoats without FollowMal.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Customizeable handmade baby gifts personalized by my wife! Check them out at All proceeds go towards international adoption.

Leaning into the wind that used to carry me-Stavesacre
That's why I don't kiss'em on the mouth- Jayne Cobb


Friday, March 31, 2006 5:50 AM


Gorramnit, Milford, you made me blush.

*walks off singing "The Hero of Canton" VERY content in her world *

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Friday, March 31, 2006 6:20 AM


Good. By the way, I saw the easter egg of Adam singing that this week for the first time. Found it on accident. Laughed my head off.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Customizeable handmade baby gifts personalized by my wife! Check them out at All proceeds go towards international adoption.

Leaning into the wind that used to carry me-Stavesacre
That's why I don't kiss'em on the mouth- Jayne Cobb


Friday, March 31, 2006 6:27 AM


I was visiting some family members & 2 cousins said " want to watch somthin' cool?" I said yes and on went firefly. and as I'm there I am thinking "do I really need another sci-fi show?

then I saw wash playing with his dinosaurs and was immediatly hooked







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