Firefly/serenity Game Mod. 'verse For Us

UPDATED: Thursday, April 6, 2006 03:11
VIEWED: 5050
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Saturday, April 1, 2006 8:09 PM


Hello my fellow Browncoats. I have been a member of this fandom since the beginning and since that time I have been waiting for a game to arrive so we could all take a more active part in the shiny ‘verse well love, but to no avail. This got me thinking, I work with a modding team that creates modifications for a game called ‘Freelancer’ released by Microsoft a few years back. The game is a great exploration free roaming game fun in its own right, but more to the point it is a great platform to build a new ‘verse. So thinking this as I have, I recently proposed to my team that we make a Serenity/Firefly mod. Many think it is a great idea, but I need your help. I need to show them that there is an interested group who would like to see this come to fruition. I would, how many of use have dreamed of own our own firefly and living the life we were born 500 years to early to live. So this is what I ask of all of you go to thread on the modding team forum, register and post your support ideas, and if you want to modify the proposals I have made, or create new ones. I welcome and beg you to do this. It can be a great game mod that will give us a space adventure that the capt'n himself would wear a pretty floral bonnet over. Also this would be free to download once it is done, no money I am not asking for anything but your support and ideas. This idea is still that, an idea and has not become a project yet, so I need your support and ideas for this to happen. So below are the links to the forum.

Proposals for the ‘Verse mod

The posts are long but still read them and comment. I hope you all are as passionate as I am about this idea. Have a great day and hope to see you soon at Xtreme Team Studios!



Saturday, April 1, 2006 9:33 PM


The 'Verse is really a common (and obvious) good name for a FF/S game.

So, now I'm going to have to bring up, so there isn't any confusion between projects, that there is a mod planned/being developed for the Oblivion engine, call "The 'Verse: A Firefly Mod For Oblivion".

There is also a "from sratch" project that I have started, titled simply "The 'Verse".

Just bring this up so that one day, a Browncoat doesn't have a conversation that ends up being, "Which game are you playing?", "The "Verse", "Which one? There's 5 of them?"

Not trying to start something. It's just that yours is the 3rd project that is using essentially (or exactly) the same name.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Saturday, April 1, 2006 9:41 PM


I and a few others are working on a Firefly mod for EV Nova, which will take place before the series.

We're willing to share resources with other projects if desired. (Planet descriptions, concepts, character timelines, etc.)

Since I'm not the one who made most of the 3D models we're using, I can't say whether those would be made available. You'd have to ask GunRunner for the majority of them.


Saturday, April 1, 2006 9:57 PM


The title isn't the 'verse but it is the term most characters use for the firefly reality, so in the interrum it is the default term but I have no interest in causing issues. This would be for the 'Freelancer" game by Microsoft.

As for sharing resources I would be very interested. we have created some interesting coding tricks to fully exploit the games possibilities. It was for other projects and for some R&D fun purposes but I fully intend on using it. Like I said we are beginning and it is just in the development stage, i just finished with the faction descriptions and i am researching ships, like the firefly 01, and 02, the TransU, and just other basic designs, then i will publish the info and pics. Also i have the Visual companion, the Commics,the DVD's and have the RPG on its way. I already have a set of fighters in a basic style that fits pretty well, again designed for another project but I haven't released them. Follow the link above and take a look around the place we have many models already but i am planning on, with many of the other modellers we have on building tons of new firefly type ships. we haev a few fans on the team and the whole idea has intrigued the majority of the memebers. So if you are interest in sharing info and helping to make these mods rock, I am and competition only serves to create a conflict in our community. Thanks for replies and please link if you want to co-operate. Thanks again!


Saturday, April 1, 2006 10:34 PM



Originally posted by ImperaTodd:

The title isn't the 'verse but it is the term most characters use for the firefly reality, so in the interrum it is the default term but I have no interest in causing issues. This would be for the 'Freelancer" game by Microsoft.

Never said that you did want to cause issues. Just mentioning the possible name conflict because all of the ongoing projects are quite quiet. So, how would you know unless someone brought it up? So, I did.

Didn't mean anything by it besides wanting resolving a potential issue before it became an actual issue. Just trying to keep things shiny


Originally posted by ImperaTodd:

As for sharing resources I would be very interested.


i just finished with the faction descriptions


Also i have the Visual companion, the Commics,the DVD's and have the RPG on its way.


So if you are interest in sharing info and helping to make these mods rock, I am


competition only serves to create a conflict in our community.

Thanks for replies and please link if you want to co-operate.

The sharing thing: I would very much enjoy collaberating with my fellow developers. Unfortunately, it really isn't a possibility for my project with regards to models, etc as we are making our own tools, fileformats, etc.

Although code is being laid down, we are still not at the point of having "end-user" stuff. Though we plan on having stuff availible by the end of summer, it'll pretty much be a non-final product; making game engines takes a lot more time than that *sigh*

But, I do have a number of ideas with regards to the criminal orgs, there structure and how it effects the user. So, depending on your projects universe, we may be able to have an exchange of ideas.

What I have planned for my project, involves the Firefly universe with pretty much none of the movie in it.

Does that jive with what you are doing, or are we going in different directions? If our ideas do mesh, then I could write something up and get back to you.

Let me know

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Saturday, April 1, 2006 11:31 PM


Seems not too different from my plans really. I have few things details about groups and ways of exploiting what i have availible. A game engine? Wow that is not easy to say the least. But as we progress we maybe able to swap info and models with you, even if they are juch backround units. It is a good way to save time and cut costs. And the name thing, thanks of the heads but i never wanted to call it the 'verse. Seems to easy and I figured a few people would have already used for a few other things. So you can follow the link and see the most rough of data i have accumulated. Also i am going to do scrren captures, ship and that sort so that we can all use it. i figure set of data could help us all, for stations and planest. But as i am sure you are aware there is a lot that we have't seen or been told so i will include movie ships, planets and stations but the story i will exclude. the reavers are some of the best mystery. But as of yet i don't have a story when i talk with the coders and the modellers we will create one. So does any opf what i say interest you? if so we could definately share info and maybe models, assuming our specs are similar. Thanks for the info also and have a good night.


Sunday, April 2, 2006 10:36 AM



Originally posted by ImperaTodd:

so i will include movie ships, planets and stations but the story i will exclude

These were my plans we well


Originally posted by ImperaTodd:

So does any opf what i say interest you?

Definitely! I'll start putting on paper what is currently in my head and get back to you.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Sunday, April 2, 2006 10:53 AM


wait, Xtreme Team is doing this? Didn't they make the Proteus? Man, I loved that mod. Firefly Freelancer mod = GOOD


Sunday, April 2, 2006 7:17 PM


Yep we are the ones who built it, in fact that is my ship i designed it and the whole lot, but Xtreme (rob) coded it. He is an awesome coder and because of that i know it would rock. So come on, if you want to see some of our other work take a look at the site. We have a few new mods and have created new coding additions that can do what other teams only wish they could! But i really would like everyones help. if you like the idea go to the forum and post so. If you are modding freelancer we may be able to help one another out. Like i said we have coding techniques that can do some pretty cool things.


Sunday, April 2, 2006 7:27 PM


No disrespect intended, but why do we have to go to your site and sign up to post over there, when we have a common forum right here?

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Monday, April 3, 2006 6:29 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
No disrespect intended, but why do we have to go to your site and sign up to post over there, when we have a common forum right here?

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki

Simply this is why, some of the posts are several thousand words, i mean that very sincerly. Second there are about 5 model display areas memeber dedicated, and also it is a chance for those who play games like freelancer to see other works we have so they understand the quality of the work we do and that will translate to a very great mod for Freelancer about firefly. The space i would use would be unfair as it is not mine and is for the public use while the XTS forum, while i don't own it am an admin and been one of the key memebers for over a year, his give the freedom to post huge things and get my points well stated and clarified while allowing other to edit look and add to. i like the egalitarian thing. but of some of you would like the long posts here to look at i will copy them here aswell but they are a long read most of them, but they will also explin how much of the mod will work, if you have an understanding of Freelancer that will help.

But honestly if you don't want to, don't, no one is forcing you but it is greatly appreciated.

Have a wonderful and productive day.


Monday, April 3, 2006 7:55 AM


I am terribly sorry to say so, but I don't think that you are aware of how long posts here can be here. Go check out the threads in the real world discussion area if you don't believe me. And even in the other areas, the posts can get extremely long (look up posts by Zoid, even he himself has stated that he can be long-winded).

You have already posted your link to your site, so anyone happening on this thread will be able to see what your group have already done if they wanted to.

Also, this collaberation is not about making a freelancer mod, but about discussing the common ground that includes different game engines.

I would also imagine that it would be counter productive in the long run to use such a specific forum as anyone that is going to make a FF/S game is not going to go to your forum to search the archives and post an announcment. They are going to go to a FF/S board and post there. Since this is one of the most popular ones, it just plainly makes sense to post here. You have already done this.

Basically, you say we have to go over to your place to post to discuss your so called collaberation. Why not the Oblivion mod forums? Why not the EV Nova forums? I could hurry my process and get some forums over at freeBB and then we can discuss there. So, why not my forums?

Point of fact, we all have accounts here; this is common ground. I have no interest in hiding my ideas on an obscure board where no mass of Firefly fans will be able to make suggestions, etc about my ideas.

Your insistence here is not good open development.

If you wish to develope in the dark, then go ahead. But, I for one, will post things where the people I'm developing for can see and suggest improvments.

In breif, my way of developing is about open collaberation, wereas yours is about ego. IMO, the former is a better development model. Feel free to disagree, but don't expect me to sign up to yet another site as I, like most, have gotten sick of having to be members at dozens of sites across the net to get anything done, when membership at just a few is ok.

I wish you luck on your project, but don't think that it'll be the best it can be without the comments and suggestions from the fan communty at large.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki


Thursday, April 6, 2006 3:11 AM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
I am terribly sorry to say so, but I don't think that you are aware of how long posts here can be here. Go check out the threads in the real world discussion area if you don't believe me. And even in the other areas, the posts can get extremely long (look up posts by Zoid, even he himself has stated that he can be long-winded).

You have already posted your link to your site, so anyone happening on this thread will be able to see what your group have already done if they wanted to.

Also, this collaberation is not about making a freelancer mod, but about discussing the common ground that includes different game engines.

I would also imagine that it would be counter productive in the long run to use such a specific forum as anyone that is going to make a FF/S game is not going to go to your forum to search the archives and post an announcment. They are going to go to a FF/S board and post there. Since this is one of the most popular ones, it just plainly makes sense to post here. You have already done this.

Basically, you say we have to go over to your place to post to discuss your so called collaberation. Why not the Oblivion mod forums? Why not the EV Nova forums? I could hurry my process and get some forums over at freeBB and then we can discuss there. So, why not my forums?

Point of fact, we all have accounts here; this is common ground. I have no interest in hiding my ideas on an obscure board where no mass of Firefly fans will be able to make suggestions, etc about my ideas.

Your insistence here is not good open development.

If you wish to develope in the dark, then go ahead. But, I for one, will post things where the people I'm developing for can see and suggest improvments.

In breif, my way of developing is about open collaberation, wereas yours is about ego. IMO, the former is a better development model. Feel free to disagree, but don't expect me to sign up to yet another site as I, like most, have gotten sick of having to be members at dozens of sites across the net to get anything done, when membership at just a few is ok.

I wish you luck on your project, but don't think that it'll be the best it can be without the comments and suggestions from the fan communty at large.

"We're in a giant car heading into a brick wall at 100 miles/hr and everybody's arguing about where they want to sit."
-David Suzuki

To SigmaNunki:

You seem like you like to stir up trouble, and like to poke at people. Maybe so but in all honesty I won't be baited. I get the feeling however collaboration with you may not serve my interests or those of my team. Also my request for those to visit my site had nothing to do with any collaboration; it was intended for those who are casual viewers. It seems you like to create conflict with people and decry their methods until they capitulate to your view point. Again such interaction is not conducive to a creative environment especially my team; we are equals and value the thoughts, methods, and ideas of one another. Maybe you are trying to be helpful and maybe truthful but the truth or critiques are not assault weapons to be used against those so as to make yourself feel superior.

You say I an ego problem and that is why I want things posted on my site, what ego? I have said those who wish to visit can, additionally I have said numerous times, comment edit do what you wish to what I have written. Ego? How odd for someone to with an ego, as you insist I have, to say such things. If you are implying I am proud of my team’s work you are correct Xtreme Team Studios works very hard to do what we do, the quality of our work speaks to that end.

I ask for posting on my forum for other reasons such as, at work on my breaks is where I do a great deal of my planning and correspondence, I cannot log into this forum because of its basic cookie set up. The net access there has top notch security settings and as a result it can cause issues with use of this site such as I cannot post, but not with the forum my team uses because I have altered the cookie setup so it will conform to the security protocols my work terminals are set to. I am not sure why you have started attacking me on a personal level, I have done nothing to you and have not said anything that is so unpleasant or coarse so I ask you grow up and respect my reasons and methods. Also I WILL not be cooperating with you on any level so as your are so disrespectful, a demeanor I have not laid upon you. I am dismayed that a simple thread asking for input has been met by you with character attacks. For shame I know not how you were raised but I surely hope it was better than that. If so you do your family a disservice with such off hand attacks. Now you have taken enough of my time and taken enough of this threads length with your attacks and accusation. I hope you don’t see this as a flame attack but I will not abide some one insulting me, my intentions or those I work with. I know what respect is and I try to use it when I deal with people. Also if you wish to be civil and respectful I welcome you to post here. I don’t hold grudges and still welcome the input of all, but please leave your baser words out, they are not helpful. Good day to you.

To everyone:

What I have written is intended to give the viewer and team coders an idea as to what I wish to convert in the game and how modification maybe done. So that is yet another reason I have not posted it here. But when I finish the story ideas I will add them here happily, for comment and critique. My intent is not to make a self aggrandized piece of work but to make an accurate ultra-canon game mod that will please my fellow Browncoats. I have been a fan since the show was on Fox and watched every episode every time it was on, even those odd midnight showings; I found it and watched it. I bought the series the week it came out, saw Serenity the day it came, and bought the DVD the day it was released. I have the VC, Comic series, the trade paper Comic book, RPG, and both soundtracks (among other things issued). I am committed to the cause and the mod. I see it as a way to bring more people to our cause, even if they aren’t aware of it a first. The fun people can have in the ‘verse is going to draw them to the series and the movie and create even more fans. I for one welcome every one to include their ideas, on this thread or over at my forum. If it seemed like I only wanted input from those who trek over to Xtreme then I am sorry that was not the case. I should have been more clear so for that failing I want to apologize to all of you. So I thank every one so far and hope the former goings on in this thread don’t discourage everyone else. I have to admit though I am a little discouraged but I am trying not to be. So thanks again to every one!!!!!


Were I there during the War of Unification I would have been an Alliance Patriot, but I would have run guns for the Browncoats. No I am not a greedy baby eating monster! Gunrunning would have been the patriotic thing to do.

Governments have a way of warping ideals.






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