Is Zoe pregnant?

UPDATED: Saturday, April 8, 2006 13:37
VIEWED: 4977
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Friday, April 7, 2006 3:51 PM


Is it just me, or does anyone else sit around and wonder about these things? I mean, now that Wash has passed on to the great beyond (may he rest in peace), it comforts me to think that perhaps he finally at the last moment got past his objection to bringing a child into the 'verse and that Zoe now carries that baby . . .

And I wonder how Zoe might change as a result? I mean, would she feel the same about getting shot in the chest or diving in front of giant fireballs that rush down the hall?

Just the sort of things that pop into my head (maybe because I'm a mom myself).

Yessir, Cap'n Tightpants!


Friday, April 7, 2006 3:57 PM


This is something that I see often in fan fics. I think that if the series did continue, it would add a very interesting plot device to the show. It would also give more depth to Zoe's character. I always felt that her and Wash were two of the most underdeveloped characters in the show. And it would certainly be interesting to see the crew's reactions to having a child on the ship, especially Mal.

At last.
We can retire and give up
this life of crime.


Friday, April 7, 2006 4:00 PM


If I have anything to do with it, she is . LOL


Friday, April 7, 2006 5:08 PM


Seems lots of people come up with this theory independently - among them, myself. So I'd have to say, yes, I think she is.

Oh and Bibbledy, others beat me to saying it, but great nick, btw.


Friday, April 7, 2006 6:52 PM


I don't think she's pregnant.
I do think that she's going to learn that Wash froze his wrigglers, and that she has the option to have his baby if she wants to.

I wouldn't want to see a baby foisted on a grieving woman- that's a recipe for post-partum insanity if I ever saw it. Now, the option for a woman to have the baby when she's ready; I'm all for that.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 3:46 AM


If he did freeze his wrigglers, ... can I have some too?
I'm dying to have a baby here!!! And hubby is a workaholic


Saturday, April 8, 2006 4:53 AM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:
This is something that I see often in fan fics.

I noticed that too. Also in fanfics they always give the baby blue eyes. Which, unless Zoe has a blue eyed mother/father or grandfather/grandmother, isn't possible. I don't know why, but the blue eyed thing bothers me.

the woods are lovely, dark, and deep
but I have promises to keep
and miles to go before I sleep


Saturday, April 8, 2006 6:11 AM



I don't know why, but the blue eyed thing bothers me.

Perhaps because you're one of those crazy people who believes in things like logic and science and so forth? Silly Nurumla, letting reality get in the way of your fiction...


Saturday, April 8, 2006 6:41 AM


America loves a winner!

Dang! I just posted this exact thing in the 'characters we didn't get to meet' thread. Seems Zoe possibly being preggers is on many of our wish lists.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, April 8, 2006 7:09 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by deepgirl187:
I always felt that her and Wash were two of the most underdeveloped characters in the show.

I disagree somewhat. Yes, they could have had more screentime, but in what we did get, Alan and Gina were able to create what I think is the best marriage relationship I have ever seen on tv.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 7:14 AM


I hope Zoe's not expecting. Babies ruin shows. It's okay to have one in an episode or two (like Heart of Gold), but for the most part, a baby added to the crew would screw things up as the baby would become the focus of everybody. It'd mess with the way the crew interacts with each other. It's an element that would ALWAYS be there and would just become tiresome.

I mean, I wouldn't want to hear Zoe angrily telling Mal and Jayne to stop arguing because the baby's trying to sleep. I want to hear Mal and Jayne argue. It's part of the way they interact with each other, adds a certain feel to the show, and makes the show more powerful. A baby on board would mess with that.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 8:27 AM


I agree SadLittleKing

it's my insanity that keeps me sane hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Saturday, April 8, 2006 8:44 AM


I doubt it. She didn't spend the BDM sitting in the corner, crying and eating ben & jerry's and funnel cake

-Stay Shiny
"The people who made the show, and the people who saw the show, which is roughly the same number of people, fell in love with it, a little bit too much to let it go, too much to lay down arms when when the battle looked pretty much lost. In Hollywood, people like that are called unrealistic, quixotic, obsessive... In my world, they're called Browncoats."
-Joss Whedon


Saturday, April 8, 2006 10:33 AM



Originally posted by CaptainShiny:
I doubt it. She didn't spend the BDM sitting in the corner, crying and eating ben & jerry's and funnel cake

I'm gonna take a wild guess here and say you're probably a guy. ;)

FYI, the hormones don't kick in until week 2 or 3 (and the time frame of the BDM--which I gather means the movie--was only a span of a few days, if I understand it correctly). And when they do kick in, many people don't sit around crying and eating Ben & Jerry's and funnel cake--they puke, or just feel horrible, but are able to go on about their daily lives, especially if they have a personality like Zoe's. It's true, I did eat a lot of B&J's when I was prego, but it wasn't until the final months when I would've been too huge to even pretend to "hold the line".

Anyway, babies don't have to ruin shows--Zoe could elect to leave the ship for a while and make a reappearance years later when the kid's Wesley Crusher's age and can serve as co-pilot. :D Seriously, I can't imagine Zoe complaining about arguments on board because her kid's sleeping--they have their own bunks and so far haven't seemed to be bothered by each other while in them, even with Zoe and Wash having sex and all. I think there must be pretty good soundproofing by 500 years from now. Also, I can totally imagine Zoe standing in the dirt in front of some Badger- or Patience-like character, her baby in a sling on her chest and her head cocked over a rifle. Not that it's realistic, but I can see her doing it.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 10:44 AM


In fact, after the first trimester you get a huge surge of energy.

When I was pregnant I walked every day after work and was disgustingly healthy after I got over the nausea.

Didn't get any where near big until just before darling daughter (now 16) was born and I'm 5 foot 8 inches. Neither did my 5'10' sister in law with her first one. I think Zoe is about that tall.

No bad cravings, just had a thing for Chinese (fits right in the 'verse) and Mexican food.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 11:32 AM


He he he . . .mexican . . .I normally love mexican, but when I was pg w/ the boys I couldn't even think about it. it sucked for me, becasue I had morning sickness the 1st 2 trimester, tne was on bedrest for the 3rd.
I'm glad you did well. I'm jealous

Oh! and as for the baby (which i don't think Zoe is pregnant) having blueeyes, whos to say that Zoe's momma or grand parent or whoever didn't have blue eyes?
One of our twins has bright blue eyes, and noone in either mine or my husband's immediate familyhas light eyes. .. goes all the way back to our grandparents.
Oh! and one of my close galfriends is black and she had herself a green eyed little girl . . .so there!


Saturday, April 8, 2006 11:40 AM


Is Zoe pregnant? Hmm....

Heart says "Yes, damn it! Give the woman some kind of comfort now that her husband got turned into a Reaver shishkabob!"

Brain says: "Nope. Joss is the king of the anti-cliche. He will kill off beloved characters to instigate other characters to undergo big changes, despite what fans might say."

Reality says: Whatever Joss comes up with if given another chance to visit the 'Verse in depth will have to do I guess


Literature has shown us some of humanity's greatest achievements; history, some of our greatest failures -- Alun Lewis


Saturday, April 8, 2006 11:59 AM


As much as I want it, I don't think Zoe is pregnant. A little one would add a lot to the story-just read a lot of the fanfic that's been posted here.

Giving her the option would be better. Lots of angst to go through.

Don't be so jealous. I had an early miscarriage (estimate was 5.5-6.5 weeks PG) before I had my daughter and I was scared until I was about 4 months along with her. This was in the day just before sonograms were common just about every other visit(1989), at least in the military medical system (ex-hubby was at stationed then at Ft. Sill,OK). So a healthy pregnancy was a blessing.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 12:11 PM


I'm so sorryto hear about your loss . ..I would never wish a miscarraige upon anyone. I can understand why you'd be scared about the second one.

I agree w/ the option thing . . .like mentioned before . . .perhaps a frozen sample or something.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 12:23 PM


I hope that Zoe's not pregnant. At this point it's what's most expected.

I would rather like to see her internal hope and anguish as she hopes and prays for a while that she actually is pregnant (maybe even going to desperate measures to prove it (i.e. breaking into an Alliance hospital)), but then the devestation when she finally realizes she'll never have her husband's child.

Sure, it's a bit dark, and we all know that darkness has no place in a Joss Whedon production....

Could you please just make it stranger? Just stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?
~Joss Whedon


Saturday, April 8, 2006 12:31 PM



Originally posted by Bibbledy:
Anyway, babies don't have to ruin shows--Zoe could elect to leave the ship for a while and make a reappearance years later when the kid's Wesley Crusher's age and can serve as co-pilot. :D Seriously, I can't imagine Zoe complaining about arguments on board because her kid's sleeping--they have their own bunks and so far haven't seemed to be bothered by each other while in them, even with Zoe and Wash having sex and all. I think there must be pretty good soundproofing by 500 years from now. Also, I can totally imagine Zoe standing in the dirt in front of some Badger- or Patience-like character, her baby in a sling on her chest and her head cocked over a rifle. Not that it's realistic, but I can see her doing it.

A scene like that would the ruin show for me. I just can't stand the way babies mess with things in that way. No soldier, in their right mind, would bring a baby into a fight or a situation in which a fight might break out.

Also, if there was a baby on board, I'd imagine Zoe wouldn't keep it locked up in her bunk all the time meaning that it would interrupt conversations and arguments around the ship in some way. And I'm not sure a scenario in which Zoe leaves for 12 years would be a good idea. By the time she came back, Mal will have chased off everyone and then we wouldn't have a show.

If Firefly returned and Joss brought a baby into it, I'd absolutely stop watching. I'd rather not witness the characters becoming soft. Mal, Zoe, Jayne....they're not supposed to be soft. They can't be if they expect to survive out in the black. A baby would make the hardened feel of these characters crumble. I just wouldn't wanna see that.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 1:37 PM


I really hope Zoe isn't pregnant TBH. Admittedly, it's typical Joss Whedon dark realism but it's still a bit obvious/predictable.

It wouldn't exactly be a happy ocassion either, however much Zoe wants Wash's baby. About a week after I saw the movie, I was watching Heart of Gold and started crying when Wash and Zoe talk about having a baby. I don't think it would really offer her comfort for her loss.

Mal: Wheel never stops turning, Badger.
Badger: That only matters to the people on the rim.






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