
UPDATED: Thursday, April 20, 2006 18:57
VIEWED: 4840
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Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:41 PM


Dear god. I just got back from what could be the worst movie I have ever seen. The only redemtion was seeing our friend Nathan Fillion, with some sub-par catch phraises. I was hoping his acting career would expand from all the praise we give him, but I fear he is deemed as 'the actor in a failed show and a C- horror' If anyone else here has seen slither, please comment.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:11 PM



Originally posted by FireflySadist:
Dear god. I just got back from what could be the worst movie I have ever seen.

It was nowhere near that bad. I'll be honest I never would have gone to see it if it weren't for Nathan - not my kind of movie. But for what it was - a gory horror comedy - it held up reasonably well. The effects were servicable, the cast reasonably talented, and characters and plot devices were all introduced before they became important so nothing came out of left field. Did the movie do anything particullarly new? No, but it rehashed well enough to be worth $6.25 and 2 hours time.

Will I go see it again? No, like I said not my kind of movie but if this is the worst you've seen then I envy you and your lack of cinematic pain. I've had to endure much worse even without Joel and the 'bots to cushion the system.


"A lot of people are asking me, you know, what exactly is Firefly? It's a tv show you morons!" - Joss Whedon


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:28 PM


I rather liked it, actually. I giggled through most of it - and not because I thought it was bad, but because I found it funny. Aside from Nathan, I loved Elizabeth Banks, and Michael Rooker cracked me up: "Meat" = Funny! And of course, Gregg Henry's over the top was, well, over the top...

SLiTHER also got pretty good reviews. I think it got a higher score on Rotten Tomatoes than Serenity did.

Ain't. We. Just.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:34 PM


Went and saw it with hubby and we both cracked up!

It was fun. It was a comedy and great fun, like the old horror comedies were.

I'd go see it again and I'll definitely buy it on DVD.

Entertainment Weekly recommended it on their MUST LIST this week. And it got excellent reviews. And deserved them.

Our Cap'n did a fine job. All in all, great movie experience. Worth my money.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 11:57 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by FireflySadist:
Dear god. I just got back from what could be the worst movie I have ever seen.

If that was the worst movie you've ever seen, you've lived a charmed life indeed. I thought it delivered exactly what it promised. And it was indeed funny. Gross in some parts, to be sure, but a classic off beat sci fi / horror none the less. Don't know what you had in mind going into the movie, but I'm certain you could do MUCH worse than Slither.

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, April 17, 2006 12:36 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I'd give Slither just a middling review myself. It was funny in parts, but so cliched as to be not funny when it was trying so hard to be in other places. Nathan was good, but his part was not that well-written in my opinion, but Gregg Henry stole the show everytime he was on screen.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Monday, April 17, 2006 3:49 AM


I am really sorry that you didn't like it. My boys and I saw it and we thought it the funniest damn movie we have seen in a long time! We wanted to see it again, but the nearest movie theater to us is over an hour away. We will definately be buying the DVD!

Nathan doesn't know it yet, but I am his one true love! Is that weird?
(he will believe, he will believe)


Monday, April 17, 2006 4:43 AM


I'm afraid I found Slither to be okay at best. As for Nathan, I remember when Sean Connery was a 'second rate actor in those third rate Bond films'. He's just paying his dues right now.


Monday, April 17, 2006 3:54 PM


First Slither preview iv seen here in England it wasnt much of one and i only saw about 40 seconds worth but there describing it as a Horror comedy.

"Love. You can do all the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air you
don't love, she'll shake you off sure as a turnin' of worlds. Love keeps her in
the air when she oughtta fall down. Tells you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens.
Makes her a home." Mal


Monday, April 17, 2006 4:29 PM


I saw it with some buddies of mine and we all thought it was great . I haven't laughed that hard in a theater in a long time! At first I was amazed that no one shushd us, but, then I noticed that everyone else was cracking up too!

I would have to give it an 8.5 out of 10, because any movie that finds a way to make such a cliched genre like alien-zombie-things-killing-everything-that-moves new and entertaining is a good one in my book (it didn't hurt that Nathan was in it either).

You're welcome on my boat. God ain't.


Monday, April 17, 2006 4:53 PM


Slither was no 'Army or Darkness' but it was worth the $6.50. It was funny, just needed a little more gunplay ;)


Monday, April 17, 2006 6:38 PM


I also would not have seen it if it wasn't for Nathan, but I rather enjoyed it. I have a weakness for campy horror movies. It also has Gregg Henry who played Sheriff Bourne in "The Train Job". When I saw him I was like "He was on Firefly too!"

FUN FACT: I don't know how many Browncoats are metalheads (I AM!), but after doing some poking around on IMDB I found out that Rob Zombie is the voice of Dr. Karl (the doctor Starla talks to over the phone).

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, April 17, 2006 7:31 PM


I saw Slither more than once, because the first time I was laughing so hard I missed alot of the dialogue. I went with low expectations, and enjoyed myself more than I thought I would. Hence, the reason I went back a second time.

Things I liked:

The "damsel in distress" cliche was turned on it's ear. The gals were more ass-kicky and composed than the guys. Nate's character (Bill Pardy) was clumsy. It was kinda charming. In one scene, Bill get's beaned in the head with a shovel by one of the zombies. While floundering on the ground trying to pull his gun out of his holster, and can't, so he ends up shooting the zombie in the foot, right through the bottom of the holster. When he can finally stand up and gets his gun loose, another zombie knocks it out of his hand. At that point, Bill and Kylie have to flee the scene. Bill spends the rest of the movie without his sidearm. Such a klutz. Kinda like me. Priceless.

The actors were normal looking. Very little high-power star quality on screen. Which gave it a "this could be you" vibe.

Bill gets his ass-kicked, in a very gruesome and rather Freudian manner, and lives to tell the tale. The sexual symbolism is so over the top, you just have to laugh. And laugh. And laugh.

The only time I've ever seen such overt stuff (and I'm by no means an expert here) was in some Anime I rented by accident. Oh my!

A rockety ride, well worth the ticket price.

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Monday, April 17, 2006 8:25 PM


I liked it when Kylie saved Bill's backside (from the attacking deer)and he was properly appreciative but warned her that if he told it later it'd be *him* saving *her* -- and eventually that's exactly what happened.

Can't wait for the DVD...

-- bastards tentacled my turtle --
----- why's the rum gone? -----


Tuesday, April 18, 2006 9:28 AM


My oh my... If this is "PROBABLY" the worst movie you have ever seen.... you are one lucky soul.
As for me... Horror movies are not my thing but it has our Captain so it would be a crime and a trip down the highway of guilt and regrets if I didn't get to watch it on the movie house at least twice and I have so far.
My take on SLITHER... Ready?
Apr 03, 2006
This reminds me of David versus Goliath. A cool horror/sci fi / comedy /"B" movie going up against 2 GIANT movies .... ICE AGE 2 and INSIDE MAN. Whew.... that's not a fair fight. Anyway.... I saw all three movies this weekend (yup! had a little movie marathon with my siblings!) and no offense to the other two movies (I did enjoy them) but SLITHER was my hands down favorite among all three. Maybe it's because it has two (yes two not just one!) actors from FIREFLY (YEAH!)... Maybe it's because it has the "Pleasing to the EYES"/ ass kicking Elizabeth Banks ("Forty year Old Virgin") or maybe co'z it has 2 surprise songs (one from the 80's which almost everybody will instantly recognize and one they played right at the end of the movie) that plastered a still present stupid grin on my face (smile!). Yeah.... You looking for some fun? ....Maybe some blood.... some alien slugs from hell.... lot's of chasing and screaming.... some wickedly funny lines.... some side splitting /laugh out loud scenes..... good/uncool (smile!) kinda music.... the best human splitting scene you will ever see.... a little romance (yup!).... Well. This is your kinda movie. Lastly... To everybody wondering why people (browncoats) are overly passionate about SERENITY/ FIREFLY despite it's so and so commercial performance. Here's one of the best answers I can give you..... NATHAN FILLION. Watch this movie and you will definitely know why.
Taken from my TAGWORLD profile.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 12:58 PM


Sorry, double post, my bad (computer)


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 12:58 PM


Ok, Let me explain that I do not like gore one bit (hell, i closed my eyes in Ariel). when I heard that Nathan was in a knew horror, i thought it might be fun. I then saw it was 18a, but, oh well, i can handle a little bit of gore. Well i was so scared in that movie! And i didnt really find the humour that funny at all. All in all, not a very good movie, sure: there have been worse, but i didnt really enjoy it as much as i would have liked too, as Nathan is my hero. Sorry for saying worst movie, (army of darkness was far worse) Oh jeez, now ur gonna complain about that too... well. Sorry for ragin on your movie....


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 1:04 PM


Don't be sorry. Just a matter of opinion I think. I like Pride and Prejudice for crying out loud hehe!!!
We do agree on one thing though..... Nathan is our hero.


Thursday, April 20, 2006 9:37 AM


I knew exactly what kind of movie I was going to (camp-comedy/over-the-top cheezy gore/horror), and it met all my expectations. The only disappointment for me was that now I'm a huge Firefly/any-and-all cast fan, I wished Nathan would've have more screen time/dialogue. Such a bummer that despite all the great reviews, it didn't do so hot in the theater, so now it'll pretty much be non-existent starting tomorrow. (My wife and here friend were going to see it, but unfortunately it just isn't playing anywhere around the Seattle area) It'll do great on DVD, I'm sure, since it was one of those movies that the trailers just didn't do justice for, since most of the humor had a lot of profanity.


Thursday, April 20, 2006 11:02 AM



I am a BIG P&P fan.

Are you a Miniseries purist or did you love the new version. I think I like them both equally, which is weird because I was really angry about them making the dang thing!

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!

Nathan doesn't know it yet, but I am his one true love! Is that weird?
(he will believe, he will believe)


Thursday, April 20, 2006 11:16 AM



Originally posted by FireflySadist:
Sorry for saying worst movie, (army of darkness was far worse) ...

Well, that explains alot.

Ain't. We. Just.


Thursday, April 20, 2006 5:38 PM



Yes. I really really dig Pride and Prejudice. I like the mini series... Even read the book BUT I have to say the new version really made me a fan. I almost considered seeing an endocrinologist just to make sure my hormone (male)levels are still at a normal range(smile). I've seen the new version about as many times as I've seen the whole set of our very own FIREFLY.
Getting Serenity as a Christmas present was about the only thing that made me stop repeatedly going to the moviehouse to watch Pride and Prejudice. Yes... I'm a rookie browncoat hehe!
Anyway... Nice to know I'm not the only P and P fan around here. I think I've read somewhere that even Joss Whedon likes this story.
P. S. Nice monicker.... makes me smile everytime I read it.


Thursday, April 20, 2006 5:45 PM


Me moniker is wishful thinking. I believe if you visualize something it will happen.

I will tell you that my 15 yr old son LOVES the movie version. He was a fan of the mini - but Keira Knightley has won him hands down.

I guess we just like good writing :)


Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:57 PM


A fifteen year old that loves the new version of P and P. That's just neat!! Like him... Kiera just blew me away.
Watching Liz and Darcy argue and flirt with each other gives me the same exact feeling as watching Inara and Mal insult and sometimes... be sweet with one another.
Yup. Good writing... Good acting.... Good music... what else is there to ask for?






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