Funniest thing you have ever seen on TV or in a movie

UPDATED: Sunday, May 7, 2006 19:55
VIEWED: 19221
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:20 AM


I was flipping around the channels the other day and ran across the movie Austin Powers (the first one) and I ended up watching the scene where Austin Powers "battles" the robots by dancing and jumping around to that old 80s song from the Divinyls. I have to admit, to me, that is one of the funniest things I have ever seen in a movie or on a TV show. I am sure I have others, but that one just makes me laugh every time I see it. Granted, other people may not find that scene nearly as funny as I do, but perhaps all of you have some other scene that just brings out the chuckles or the outright conniptions every time you see it.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:27 AM


Oooh, I love Austin! And I love that scene. It sends me into fits. I dunno if it's funnier than River and Book's hair-panic scene though.



Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:39 AM


oh for me it's a toss up between

Mal: what was that?

Wash: did you see that?

Mal: was that the primary buffer panel?

Wash: it did seem to resemble--

Mal: did the primary buffer panel just fall of my gorram ship for no apparent reason?
Wash: looks like

and all of that scene against

Jayne: can't change that by gettin all... bendy

Wash: all what?

Jayne:you got the light from the console to keep you, lift you up,oh they shine like littel... angels


Wash: did he just go crazy and fall asleep?

One Day.
One Mission
One Army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, We Aim To Misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:42 AM


Ok, you got me. I will be hearing Wash say, "Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?" all day now.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:42 AM


Ok, you got me. I will be hearing Wash say, "Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?" all day now.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:54 AM


Sherman set the wayback machine to 1956.

"The pellet with the poison's in the vessel with the pestle the chalice with the pallace has the brew that is true"

Hysterically funny routine. Odd since I find Danny Kaye's work to be lackluster at best aside from that one bit.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:59 AM


still even that doesn't compare to the outtakes.

"put book friend and center, he was our friend and we should honor him" that whole scene just kills me. And when "Malcolm" says he has seen so much death and then starts dancing!

On other shows, Kitty on "that 70's show" is always cracking me up.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!

Nathan doesn't know it yet, but I am his one true love! Is that weird?
(he will believe, he will believe)


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 5:09 AM


Leslie Nielson calling balls and strikes as an umpire in Naked Gun

Jeff Daniels getting into a snowball fight with Lauren Holly in Dumb and Dumber

I highly doubt anyone will know this from TV, but Bill Cosby on Kids Say the Darndest Things getting a 6 year old child to do a commercial for Doctor C's cola (which was coke mixed with lemon juice and some other acidy type liquid)

"Boom goes the dynamite" a web clip of an amature sports reporter on a college tv show messing up as bad as anyone I have ever seen mess up, showed on VH1's webjunk 20.

Adam Sandler playing dodgeball against 1st graders in Billy Madison

These are probably my top 5 Movie/tv "laugh so hard it hurts the first time I saw it it and laugh now just thinking about them" moments that I can think of off the top of my head.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 5:12 AM


Probably Family Guy season three:

Where the whole family just beat the living beejus out of each other! and it goes on and on... Absolutely hysterical.

Also Family Guy season one:

Where a bunch of Johova witnesses' knock on Peter Griffin's door and when he answers it he just cries out:
"Oh my god It's children of the corn!" then grabs a shotgun!

There are dozens though:

KINGPIN has loadsa sidesplitting laughs. Defo the graduate pastiche. Also the look on Woody Harrelsons face when he keeps hearing people say:
"Oh he's been 'Munsoned'"

Ace Venturer: when Jim Carey realising he's kissed Sean Young who used to be a man, is in the bathroom doing just about everything he can do to 'clean' himself - including putting the toilet plunger to his face to make himself vomit!!! Man that creased me up.

Me Myself and Irene where he's trying to take a whizz in the toilet after having just slept with Renee Zelwegger(sp) and he just can't aim it straight, and he's freaking out trying to deflect the jet with pictures off the walls n all sorts!!!

Man there are so many.

Oh almost forgot: The slow mo fight scene between Xander and Harmony in: BUFFY season four!!



Wednesday, April 26, 2006 5:12 AM


MOST of what Carlos Mencia says on Mind over Mencia is pretty damn amusing.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!

Nathan doesn't know it yet, but I am his one true love! Is that weird?
(he will believe, he will believe)


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 5:20 AM


Hmmm...toss up between "dirt nap with baby jesus" and the scene in family guy when Peter reminisces with Lois' fater about that time he tried Ectascy.

Peter: "Oh...oh Brian. you're so soft....and so, oh you ears...ohhhhh"

Fits of laughter every time.


Jayne! Try not to steal too much of their shit.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 5:21 AM


Actually, I cannot believe I forgot from Sportscenter on ESPN. There was a highlight that Kenny Mayne was supposed to report on and he could not pronounce the player's name and he even forgot the names of the teams playing. After he gave up getting it right he yells "Oh man! I really ate it on that highlight!" and ESPN aired it. Absolutely hiliarious. I wish I had that on tape. I remember waiting for the back to back rerun of that airing of Sportscenter just so I could watch it again.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 6:04 AM


Any episode of The Simpsons,The Kids In The Hall, or Monty Python.
Brian Candy, (Kids In The Hall) is one of the funniest movies EVER ! Oh, And any Old Steve Martin or Mel Brooks movie is also great for a laugh.


I swallowed a bug.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 6:27 AM


Lots of things have cracked me up over the years, but the best one lately was the scene in Dodgeball when the "coach" pulls out the bag of wrenches. That moment was priceless. I just knew what was coming next. It was a good thing we saw it on DVD because we had to pause it while we laughed.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 6:46 AM


Laughed till I cried:

Tom Hanks tripping/falling/wheelbarrowing down the hill in "The Money Pit". The flying turkey and crashing bathtub were also pretty good from that movie... I consider it a comedy classic but people seem to talk it down alot so YMMV.

Angel puppet episode

One of the Southparks - I can't remember the specific one, just thinking, "Wow! I'm laughing so hard I'm crying." I enjoy Southpark but usually not that much.

My favorite all time comedy is "Big Trouble in Little China" with Kurt Russell and Kim Catrell - god, we were all so much younger then...
Specific line that made me cry: "...or little basketcase on wheels..."

Think I'll throw that in the DVD player right now - could use a laugh...

"Appears they've cancelled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 6:58 AM


Oh, that's a toughy:

Saw Brain Candy mentioned here. That movie had me in stitches :) Let's see...

Family Guy: can't remember which episodes, but there's been two times I remember with an extended fight scene between Peter and a guy in a chicken costume. That always gets me.

Bong Water, with Luke Wilson. Jack Black just about killed me in that movie. Especially the scene where he's tromping through the forest like a deranged wood elf on 'shrooms.

And of course, Firefly. Jaynestown and OMR of course, and I always liked the scene at the end of War Stories. "This is something the Captain has to do himself." "No it's not!" "Oh.." :)

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:04 AM


I love those fights between Peter and the Chicken guy! I also forgot about the Family Guy episode where Peter had a tab at the drugstore so he brought home some kind of vomit enducing medicine, and the family got into a contest on who could hold out from throwing up the longest. CLASSIC!!!!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:07 AM



Originally posted by msckaren:
Tom Hanks tripping/falling/wheelbarrowing down the hill in "The Money Pit". The flying turkey and crashing bathtub were also pretty good from that movie... I consider it a comedy classic but people seem to talk it down alot so YMMV.

That is pretty funny. I also liked the really bad doorbell.


My favorite all time comedy is "Big Trouble in Little China" with Kurt Russell and Kim Catrell - god, we were all so much younger then...
Specific line that made me cry: "...or little basketcase on wheels..."

I agree. Underrated movie. I always loved the part when the good guys are in the sewers and that monster jumps out of the hole in the wall and that guy uses the flashy gem to kill it and says "It will come out no more." and Kurt Russell's character completely freaks out "What?! Huh?! What will come out no more?!" Or the knife getting stuck in his boot during the end battle scene? Or the lipstick? Or shooting the gun into the ceiling and getting knocked out by the falling plaster?


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:09 AM


The "ninja crab" from Finding Nemo . I think I laughed for a solid five minutes after that in the theatre were looking at me oddly. My wife can still crack me up by doing an impression of that.

Of course, from the BDM, the whole "You wanna be Captain?" segment got me.

Many, many others, but it is quite easy to get me to laugh.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:44 AM


This was in 3rd Rock From the Sun:

The funniest thing I have ever seen on TV is, hands down, when William Shatner tells John Lithgow that he saw something on the wing of the plane and John Lithgow yells, "So did I!!" I literally fell of the couch and then called my mother to see if she had seen it. (Please tell me you all know that both of them played the same character in the Outer Limits classic!!)

In movies: Everything in Monty Pythyon and the Holy Grail, Dodgeball, Without a Paddle and Animal House.

And, of course, "TRAP!" by our captain in the Serenity outtakes.


I'm going to add cursing and the hurling about of things to my repertoire.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:57 AM


...If I speak the words, "Eta-
(jumping back)
Well don't say it!
It only works on her, Jayne.
Oh. Well, now I know that.

(and anything Monty Python)

"That's the buffet table....."


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:58 AM



Originally posted by Malicious:
(Please tell me you all know that both of them played the same character in the Outer Limits classic!!)

I DID know that but I rarely watched 3rd Rock so missed this precious moment. Your description made me LOL, though. Thanks.

"Appears they've cancelled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:01 PM


More funny moments from "Big Trouble...":

Jack's CB monologues and the Chinese Hells... "...we Chinese have many hells..."

I'm laughing again!

"Appears they've cancelled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 1:05 PM


Do people remember the HBO intro theme, where the camera flew through a town's streets, towards a city, all the while a musical "intro" theme is building to a crescendo, and then the HBO theme starts playing? I saw a muppet special some 20 years back where they did a parody of that as their intro, but with wind-up cars on a cheaply-made cityscape and a toy Godzilla tripping over something, while playing the HBO theme on kazoos. The only time in my life I seriously could NOT stop laughing!

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..." - Big Damn Podcast


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 1:15 PM



Guywhowantsafireflyofhisown wrote:
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 04:39

Jayne: can't change that by gettin all... bendy

Wash: all what?

Jayne:you got the light from the console to keep you, lift you up,oh they shine like littel... angels


Wash: did he just go crazy and fall asleep?

You left off the best bit of that scene! Wash resting his foot on the unconscious Jayne. That visual makes me crack up every time..


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 1:52 PM


From Finding Nemo, Dory 'talking' to the whale. Side-splitting, bent over, cramping, painful laughter.... every time... without fail.

God... just thinking about it makes me laugh.

"I also hear that there's something called Firefly, which is either a canceled science-fiction television show or a new religion, I'm not clear on that. Either way, prayers for the resurrection are involved." – Lore Sjoberg


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 2:48 PM


The funniest thing I've ever seen in a movie was: the enterance of Darth Vader in Episode 3, when he stepped off of the bed he was chained to, I couldn't help thinking he looked more like Frankenstein's Monster rather than Darth Vader!

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:28 PM


Oh, heck...there ain't no one thing. You knew that, right?

In no particular order:

The scary hair in "Jaynestown."
The 'what's a stevedore?' scene in the Buffy ep "Who Are You?"
Spike's running commentary in opening scene of the Angel ep "In the Dark."
Pretty much all of the Farscape cartoon ep.
Crichton checking out Aeryn's body (that he happens to be inhabiting' and getting caught at it in the Farscape ep "Out of Their Minds."
The Princess Bride: 'it turns out your friend is only mostly dead.'
Young Frankenstein: 'Put. The candle. Back.'
Carol Burnett Show: 'Went With the Wind." Specifically, the dress with the curtain rod across the shoulders.
The BDM: Kaylee lamenting her lack of sentient company; The dirtnap with baby Jesus outtake, the crew listening in on Inara's wave to Mal.
WKRP in Cincinnati: Johnny hiding from the phone police, the turkey bombing,('As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.')
Saturday Night Live: 'The Last Voyage of Star Trek.' Done in 1975!
Monty Python...Too many to list.
Slap Shot: Michael Ontkean's on ice striptease.
That's all that comes to



Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:46 PM


Sometimes you own the libs. Sometimes, the libs own you.

The one that comes to mind for me is from a fairly recent simpsons episode where Homer and Marge have stolen away to try and have a second honeymoon and Bart and Lisa are on their trail.

At the airport, Lisa makes the plan to cause a diversion:

Lisa: [Announces in evil, monologue voice] I'm going into the Gold Medallion club with Silver level membership! (laughs maniacally and slips through the door)

Check-in guy: The hell you are! (whips out a shotgun, cocks it) and moves out of shot after her.

I hope I've relayed this well enough I was incapacitated with laughter for long stretches for the rest of the evening after viewing this.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:47 PM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

Guywhowantsafireflyofhisown wrote:
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 04:39

Jayne: can't change that by gettin all... bendy

Wash: all what?

Jayne:you got the light from the console to keep you, lift you up,oh they shine like littel... angels


Wash: did he just go crazy and fall asleep?

You left off the best bit of that scene! Wash resting his foot on the unconscious Jayne. That visual makes me crack up every time..

I never caught that before, thanks now you have given me an excuse to watch it again( although I didn't need one

One Day.
One Mission
One Army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, We Aim To Misbehave.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:54 PM



Originally posted by Malicious:
This was in 3rd Rock From the Sun:

The funniest thing I have ever seen on TV is, hands down, when William Shatner tells John Lithgow that he saw something on the wing of the plane and John Lithgow yells, "So did I!!"

Surreal sick to the 2nd power.
(but it was Twilight Zone, show/movie)

Where've ya been, Mal Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 5:40 PM


Most things on 3rd Rock are gut-busting.
There was one where Tommy was insisting that they call him Tom, and Mary comes over when the house is empty and says "Tom? Dick? Harry?" Then she just freezes and thinks for a second, realizing the joke for the first time. I fell off the couch laughing.

Also, many things that Chandler does on Friends are quite hilarious.

But the big numero uno for me is Xander quickly covering for why the gang is always in the library, and he says "Yes, to read makes our speaking English good." I have that quote on a t-shirt now.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 6:09 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

The Simpsons Halloween special where Flanders becomes a zombie and Homer blows him away with a shotgun.

Bart: "Dad, you just blew away the Zombie Flanders!"

Homer (confused): "You mean Flanders was a zombie?"

What killed me in that scene was the whole idea that Homer didn't know - he just had always wanted some excuse to blow Flanders's head off!

Family Guy, Season One. The TV is on in the background, on Wheel of Fortune. All we can see of the puzzle is "GO _UCK YOURSELF". Turns out it's "Go tuck yourself in". :)

American Dad: The mom is working from home as a realtor, with Roger (the alien) helping out. Roger's chatting on the phone with Tammy, one of his female friends, when the mom jumps on him about getting back to work. Roger says into the phone, "Gotta go, Tams; the boss is being a real See You Next Tuesday..." I just simply could not believe they managed to get the "C"-word onto primetime network TV like that.

Chandler trying to get out of an awkward situation on Friends, jumping over the back of the couch with his backback, screaming, "Oh my God, this parachute is a knapsack!!"

And pretty much all of Arrested Development. And all of South Park, Season One.


A baby seal walks into a club...


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 6:24 PM


Here are some of mine: though honestly I have a reaally low standard for hilarity...

Bruce Almighty: "eeerroooodddding"

Too many to list in Dragnet with Dan Akroyd and Tom Hanks.

Dumb and dumber: specifically when they cry about the phone commercial.

Josie and the Pussycats (with real people): "the walls are mooshy!"

JoY RiDe: "ya, we're that were not murdered..."

So I married and ax murderer: "they're e-vil. fru-its from the de-vil."

Family guy: The whole firetruck seen "the ambulances will have to wait their turn..." OMG!
When he was tryin' to think up a fake name, looks around the room, spots a pea "pe-." He looks again to find a tear in someone's eye "-tear." Then he looks around once more and a giant griffen busts through the window and starts attacking some guy sitting in the restaurant. "Griffen...oh dammit."
When he hurts his knee and spends two minutes going "ahhh....ooooo....ahhh" they did that later again for a shorter amount of time in the A-Team ep.

Ya, there are a lot...this was i'm more happy. yay!

"In the spaceship, the silver space ship, the lion takes control."
Always up for talkin' to my fellow Browncoats!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 6:28 PM


Okay I just have to throw a few in here.

Big Trouble in Little China - When that eyeball creature appears, Jack's response is gold, "Oh God what is that, don't tell me!"

Family Guy - Peter having a flashback to the whole family being held captive and tortured in a dungeon. While he is being whipped "If anyone sees the dungeon master can they tell him his grandmother was just down here trying to work me over." Taunting a guy while your family is in peril...priceless!

Almost anything with Chris Farley. Two in particular from Black Sheep. When he pulls the bucket out of the well and sees it is filled with snakes. Proceeds to freak out and run like hell while exclaiming "It looked at me!" The
other moment is when there is a bat in the cabin and he realizes it has attached itself to his back. No dialogue but the expression on his face is perfect.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 6:51 PM


Probably in that new movie The Benchwarmers. There is a part where some fan in the stadium at one of the baseball games says "I want a little man too." The guy sitting next to him picks up a miget from off screen says, "here ya go," and puts him on his lap.

It was so funny I just couldn't stop laughing. People were looking at me cause I was the only person in the theatre laughing.



Wednesday, April 26, 2006 7:13 PM


Ah, I forgot to mention:
Much of The Princess Bride
All of Big Trouble (the Tim Allen movie)
And the Dungeons and Dragons movie, 'cause seriously, how can you not watch that and laugh at every single part? Every horrible, horrible part.

Also, any Zucker Brothers movie. Loooove them. (Stop calling me Shirly!)


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 8:47 PM


Everyone's got some really good ones! Funny, because I'm reading the list and thinking, "Oh, yea! I remember that! That was funny!"

No, the funniest thing I've ever seen on tv, and god help me I'm not sure why, was an episode of the Howie Mandel show. Mel Gibson was his guest, and I don't know what set them off - I don't know what the heck they were even trying to talk about - but they were both so funny that they couldn't stop laughing!

And it was that infectious laughter that once it starts it doesn't stop? And the whole audience was laughing! Mel would get half a word out and start laughing again! Howie would manage like three syllables and that would set them off.

It was hysterical.
And I don't even know WHY!! What were they even saying? Hell if I know! Why was it funny? Heck if I know! But I laughed so hard that I almost cracked. I'm laughing now just remembering it!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:21 PM


Dood. Great call on BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA. An absolute favourite of mine. I love the whole supposed hero speech he gives when they are preparing to go in:

"So ok you stay here, hold the fort keep the homefires burning... If we're not back by dawn... Call the president!"

However I forgot one that perhaps falls into my favourite! For many reasons, but mainly because I always loved John Candy. He came across as the loveliest man on earth and he entertained me no end when I was a kid growing up watching all his films. I kinda liked him when he was at his goofiest and putting his foot in his mouth but no better than in UNCLE BUCK when:

[at a meeting with the assistant principal, who's got a big unsightly growth on her face]

Anita: I'm Anita Hoargarth.

Buck Russell: [Staring at it] I'm Buck Melanoma. Moley Russell's wart. Not her wart. Not her wart! I'm... I'm the wart. She's my tumor. My... my growth. My... uh, my pimple. I'm Uncle Wart. Just old Buck "Wart" Russell. That's what they call me, or Melanoma Head. They'll call me that. "Melanoma Head's coming." I'm s... uncle! Maisy Russell's uncle!

It's all in his performance - to make that work it really needs a quality comedic actor and he was certainly that! RIP JC

For a gentle good natured comedy try and watch :
Who's Harry Crumb!!!



Wednesday, April 26, 2006 10:43 PM


.... Oh man I just thought of loads more :(

Joe Dante films always make me laugh for the 'in jokes'

Gremlins : The scene where the dad is calling Billy from his inventors conference and it intercuts between the two characters. The dad is in a room where there is a scientist in a white coat sitting in the original 'Time Machine' from the 1960 film and when the cut goes from Billy back to his dad the scientist has disappeared and all these other guys are looking around bemused as to where he's gone!!! Brilliant !!!

Gremlins 2, the new batch: I much prefered this one for the Tex Avery style humour and there is SOOOOO much of it.

Chistopher Lee walking into scene holding a 'Pod' from the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers

The Cow with a contraption on it's head walking across shot and a voice saying " I enjoy giving milk....:

The automated voice that kicks in whenever someone enters the executive toilets:
"Welcome to the MEN'S room!" [in macho voice] + "Hey buddy I sure hope you washed those hands!!!"

There's loads more but I wanna move onto...

THE BURBS I love this film. The stuff Art says and does is priceless!! But that stand off between him and Tom Hanks son in the kitchen when they are hypothesizing what the Klopeks are and they are munching on food while they do it!! Cracks me up.

The cut-out shape of art in the shed roof from when in fell into it earlier is hysterical.

Tom Hanks going on how he's been blown up! The entire scene when they first go into the Klopeks' house and Tom Hanks has to eat a pretzel and a Sardine!!! The noise as he picks out the sardine from the tin is genuis!

The dramatic music as the neighbours look on at the Klopeks house and the final shot is on Walter's dog (Some kinda poddle) :D

I should stop but I have to mention:

THE EXPLORERS and the mouse who has speaking pads in his cage. When the blue ball goes ape around the basement destroying everything in the room if you listen carefully in all the commotion; aswell as the human characters yelling to "Stop!" You can hear the mouse going : "Help! Help me!" in typical mouse voice!! Just hilarious!!!

Also he says "I L.O.V.E. Cheese!!" - dunno why but that gets me everytime :D

Ok I really should stop.... Work to do.



Wednesday, April 26, 2006 11:49 PM


On David Letterman years ago (before he switched stations even) he was doing viewer mail. For one letter he showed up at a the girls house who wrote him about choosing better shoes to wear. She was not home but her younger brother was and let Dave and the whole film crew into her bedroom when Dave asked if they could go in. The room was a wreck. They went through her closet and drawers and one guy even sat on her unmade bed eating a bannana. They then went enmass to Sears where she was working in the shoe department I think. When Dave explained that her brother had let them into her room and her reaction I wet my pants I was laughing so hard.

Another funny was once when David Letterman was on the Johnny Carson show when they were still buddies. They lived in the same neighborhood and Dave had a truck parked out front of his house that was a real eyesore in this posh neighborhood. They showed Dave video of his truck being loaded on a tow truck and taken to the stage there on his show. It was hysterical!

Wished I could get ahold of some of the old stuff like that. Some of you young ones are probably asking who is Johnny Carson.


Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:30 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
...(but it was Twilight Zone, show/movie)

Where've ya been, Mal Chrisisall

ACK! And I've been watching Twighlight Zone eps for like the past month, too! I've been smoking crack, sorry.

I been lurking. I post occasionally but no one ever responds to me. So thanks for noticing and doing so! ChrisIsAllROCKS.


I'm going to add cursing and the hurling about of things to my repertoire.


Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:44 AM


Here's my efforts

Star Wars (original movie)
* Trash compactor scene Han Solo says "My, what a wonderful smell you've discovered Your Highness"
* Stormtrooper break into Command Centre where 3PO and R2 are hiding. One hits his head on the door. Classicly unintentional!

Blazing Saddles - all of it! Especially meal time around the camp fire! Puerile i know, but hey? Shiny!!

The Italian Job (Michael Caine) "You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!"

Kelly's Heroes - all the Donald Sutherland scenes! Positive waves man!


Thursday, April 27, 2006 1:34 AM


Shanghai Noon! I love the scene where Owen Wilson is dreaming he is in bed with all those sexy women fawning all over him when one of the lusty ladies starts nibbling on his ear and he says ooh thats naughty, oooh, careful, not so hard Oooh hey .. OUCH!! and he wakes up buried up to his neck in the desert with vultures eating at his ears and head!

I crack up so hard at that scene. One of the funniest scenes I can remember ever.


Thursday, April 27, 2006 1:36 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
The Simpsons Halloween special where Flanders becomes a zombie and Homer blows him away with a shotgun.

Those Halloween episodes are great. The one from 1996 (I think) was especially good, with the Kang and Kodos running for president story.
"You have to vote for one of us. It's a two party system."
"I think I would consider a third party candidate!"
"Go ahead. Throw your vote away!"

Great stuff with them making fun of the Clinton-Dole election.


Chandler trying to get out of an awkward situation on Friends, jumping over the back of the couch with his backback, screaming, "Oh my God, this parachute is a knapsack!!"

Actually, I forgot about Friends. My absolute favorite joke in that show was when Joey was going to be on Law & Order and he slips in that video tape of him when he realizes that his part got cut from the show and there is a clip of Chandler singing "Space Oddity" by David Bowie. "Engines...... on." I love that. I laugh so hard every time I see it in reruns.


Thursday, April 27, 2006 2:26 AM


Friends: When Ross asks everyone to sing along with the bagpipes and Phoebe starts mimicking the noise of it exactly. Also when Ursula does porn and the guys have a copy. Phoebe walks in and shouts "What am I doing" I about died.

Family guy: When Stewies teeth come in and want to fight each other but instead decide to bite the tongue. Also the whole banjo thing with him (I used to play), so I thought that was really funny.

Aqua teen hunger force: Flipflops! Those leprechans where hilarious. And the Mooninites. I laugh at whatever they say.

South Park: The whole Timmy and Jimmy crips thing.

And finally, a black eye pead herself.


Thursday, April 27, 2006 2:46 AM


Monty Python´s "Bicycle Repair Man" when everybody ran around dressed up like superman, but nobody was able to fix they´re frakkin´ bikes. I was laughing for hours!


One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave!


Thursday, April 27, 2006 3:08 AM



Calhoun wrote:
Thursday, April 27, 2006 01:34
Shanghai Noon! I love the scene where Owen Wilson is dreaming he is in bed with all those sexy women fawning all over him when one of the lusty ladies starts nibbling on his ear and he says ooh thats naughty, oooh, careful, not so hard Oooh hey .. OUCH!! and he wakes up buried up to his neck in the desert with vultures eating at his ears and head!

I crack up so hard at that scene. One of the funniest scenes I can remember ever.



Thursday, April 27, 2006 7:46 AM


Dory in Finding Nemo.

The final S2 fight between the Dark Hand and the J-Team in Jackie Chan Adventures. It's the one where all the Talismans are in play, and the Dark Hand morons are mis-using their superpowers: Chow's eye-beams break his glasses (so now he can't see anymore), and Hak-fu gets the Ox talisman, and boasts about his newfound "Strength of the Ox!" --then Tohru clobbers him: "INNER strength, Hak-fool."

Avatar: The Last Airbender, pretty much anything that happens to Sokka. And anything Uncle Iroh does.

That bit in S4 Enterprise when Trip and Archer nearly lose their shuttle (then manage to recover it and it comes to a landing about an inch in front of Archer). (and Trip's comment: "Let's not tell T'Pol about this.")

In Justice League Unlimited last season, after rescuing the Question, Huntress is carefully trying to pick a lock while Superman fights Captain Atom. She's struggling with the lock, then Supes & Atom go crashing through the wall beside her. She looks up, blinks, then gets up and calmly walks through the hole.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Thursday, April 27, 2006 8:14 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:

For a gentle good natured comedy try and watch :
Who's Harry Crumb!!!


Great call on Who's Harry Crumb. This may be Candy's most underappreciated film. Finally got a hold of it on DVD last year. Almost every scene is a laugh riot because his character is such a bumbling idiot. Just a few examples:

"Look at the size of her head, she must be enormous."

"You find that crazy typewriter, you'll find your kidnapper."

The whole Indian AC repairman bit.

At the end when he is telling Elliot how he cracked the case but we know he is dead wrong. When Elliot confesses Harry acts like he knew it all along.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.






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