Damn the rumors. Make them true!

UPDATED: Tuesday, May 9, 2006 15:25
VIEWED: 9477
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Thursday, February 16, 2006 10:12 AM


My fellow Browncoats:

Despite Joss' meandering protests to the contrary, there does, indeed, exist a chance that our BDS could return to TV, where she belongs.

The emergence of CW network provides an awesome opportunity for a second chance at the show, and with a little concerted effort we could well do the impossible . . . again. Please read the following letter, addressed to the announced Head of Entertainment, Dawn Ostroff (UPN). Read it, and then send one of your own. Every week. Until we get what we want: a new Firefly/Serenity show.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease, so be squeaky. But if we keep up a concerted effort, we shall be successful. I'm unsure of Ms. Ostroff's exact address, but a letter sent to her c/o UPN should make it to her office. There is will be read by a flunky, and a tick mark will be produced on a list somewhere. Enough tick marks, and maybe we get our show.

An Open Letter to Dawn Ostroff

Dear Ms. Ostroff:

I admit, I had mixed emotions about the merger between UPN and the WB networks to create the “CW” network. On the one hand, both small networks have produced some quality programming (and, sadly, some less than stellar) over the years, taking programming risks that larger companies would not. As a result, a number of hit shows that would have languished on the larger networks were allowed to flourish. On the other hand, the combination of companies will undoubtedly make the resulting network stronger, as the better shows from both networks are combined. And then there is the chance for new programming, the subject of my letter.

Bring back Firefly.

Yeah, I said it. You have experienced the incredible talent that Joss Whedon and his creative posse possess before. You know how fanatical his fans can be. This is an opportunity to bring high-quality programming, with an established track record and built-in fanbase, to the new network in truly superlative fashion.

Unlike the Angel/Buffy crew of stars, the Firefly cast has yet to sign on for long-term projects elsewhere. They are all still available. The set of Serenity is still there (I believe) and the enthusiasm that everyone shared for the show is just as present now, after the movie. This is a show that has already gone through the painful (and expensive) development phase already, has attracted a core of die-hard fans who are very active, very vocal, and loyal to the extreme, and has already proven its “legs” in a very well-received feature film.

Yes, there are obstacles in the way. Whedon is working in comics, on movies, and is far from his TV roots. The cast is looking at guest shots and searching for more permanent work. The crew that was so integral to the experience has in many cases moved on. But I believe every one of them would jump back on board, if given the opportunity.

This is the world of TV. Anything can be done if you want to badly enough – and I speak for about a million Browncoats when I say we want it badly enough. I therefore strongly encourage you to open negotiations with Whedon, et. al. and return this outstanding series to television. Whedon, for all of his genius, really needs an episodic format in which to develop the characters that drive his stories, and CW is going to need so thick, meaty, and popular fare to survive more than a year or two. Do us all a favor and lure Whedon to your new creation. Get him his ship, his crew. And put us in the air again.

You won’t regret it, I swear. Hell, the DVD revenues alone would make it pay.


Terry Mancour


Thursday, February 16, 2006 10:23 AM


You know Nathan's making movies now right?


Thursday, February 16, 2006 10:30 AM



Originally posted by Spookyjesus:
You know Nathan's making movies now right?

Sure he is. And the others are doing guest spots. You know what else? They are all actors, and that is a very insecure profession. A movie pays once, maybe a few residuals, and then you're done. If the movie did well, you might get another offer. If it tanked . . .

I am willing to bet that Nathan and the others would JUMP at the chance to come back to FF, because, if nothing else, it's a steady paycheck and it's more exposure. Every actor I've ever known (and I've known a few) would gladly take the security of a regular TV show over the possibility of doing a movie.

Hell, you think Nathan's gonna turn down a FF series because of his blockbuster success in Slither? It could be a great movie, and it still might tank. No, offer them TV and a steady check and you have them.



Thursday, February 16, 2006 10:38 AM


And they would breach a contract to start up a TV show again?? I no doubt think they would come back to it but only if they had the time. And it's up to him to say whether he has the time or not, oh and the people who are offering him the job have a say of whether or not he can do a certain amount of other things IF he takes the job.

He can't necessarily just drop a job. But he hasn't really got one does he right now? He's 'thinking' about doing White Noise, and Slither he should be done with except for guesting at some places in the name of Slither. But if they were to start Firefly back up I think it may be too late, unless they started it up like NOW.

"Th3re !s n0 spo0Ne." -The Matricks


Thursday, February 16, 2006 10:42 AM



Originally posted by Dinky:
And they would breach a contract to start up a TV show again?? I no doubt think they would come back to it but only if they had the time. And it's up to him to say whether he has the time or not, oh and the people who are offering him the job have a say of whether or not he can do a certain amount of other things IF he takes the job.

He can't necessarily just drop it.

That's what agents are for. Seriously, FF/Serenity has been the biggest thing Nathan has ever been in. It's in his best interest to leverage that, and the best way to do that would be to come back to the show. To do otherwise would alienate his own loyal fan base, which would make him FAR less attractive to other studios. If you make it, they will come.



Thursday, February 16, 2006 10:49 AM


Okay, I'm trying to write a letter, but I don't know how to start. I've read your opening, and it's good, but I, well, I just don't know what to say. Help me, please, and we'll get another tick mark, I promise.

Wacky fun!


Thursday, February 16, 2006 10:55 AM



Originally posted by Mattie:
Okay, I'm trying to write a letter, but I don't know how to start. I've read your opening, and it's good, but I, well, I just don't know what to say. Help me, please, and we'll get another tick mark, I promise.

Wacky fun!

It's really quite simple. In your letter, tell them the following:

1. You love Firefly/Serenity
2. You would walk across broken glass barefoot to have it on TV again.
3. You think that CW would be a great venue for it.
4. FF/Serenity already has a built-in audience, heavy in their favorite demographic, and it has already been developed for TV.
5. CW will make embarassing stacks of cash should they do so.

Repeat as necessary.



Thursday, February 16, 2006 10:59 AM



Originally posted by Spookyjesus:
You know Nathan's making movies now right?

You know eventhough the "rumor" has been debunked concerning Firefly going to the CW, I find it odd that the "rumor" placing Nathan, Summer, and Gina at the CW offices hasn't been dismissed...because they were there.

Also, it would make sense for the CW to gauge the availability of the three principals most likely to have other projects...and all three showed to the meeting...usually the uninterested "phone in" their "not interesteds."

Just a thought.

We will hold...we hold till Mal gets back.

"And once you're gone, you can never come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black"
-Neil Young


Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:10 AM



Originally posted by Mattie:
Okay, I'm trying to write a letter, but I don't know how to start. I've read your opening, and it's good, but I, well, I just don't know what to say. Help me, please, and we'll get another tick mark, I promise.

Wacky fun!


is a link to the letter I swent Dawn yesterday.

Don't assume anything. Assume she doesn't know anything about Firefly. Tell not so much why it matters to YOU that they bring Firefly back, but why it should matter to THEM.


Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:22 AM


I hate to be the pessimist here, but I think there is a huge flaw in your logic. If some secretary or assistant read the letters, who's to say that there would be some tick mark? What if instead, they end up just tossing the letters?

I'm not saying that we shouldn't try, because if we don't try then we'd just be giving up. Giving up is not an option. However, I don't think it would be a good thing to get our hopes up about this.

Now I think I'll run away before ya'll can lynch me.

Wash: Yeah, but psychic? That sounds like science fiction.
Zoe: You live on a spaceship, dear.


Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:24 AM


I think it's a great idea. All they would have to do is a little research to see how much FOX has raked in with the DVD sales. And we are bringing more Browncoats in to the fold every day. We are doing the marketing for them.

Also - I suspect that the Browncoat demographic has money to spend on all the great stuff they are going to sell us during the commercials. That matters also. We aren't a bunch of teenagers with no money or reality TV junkies who can't remember what they saw after the hour is over.

It's certainly worth the price of a few stamps. And right now, I agree, it's our best hope.



Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:30 AM



Originally posted by Ivy:
...I suspect that the Browncoat demographic has money to spend on all the great stuff they are going to sell us during the commercials. That matters also...

Excellent. Go for the demographic angle.


Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:31 AM



Originally posted by Ivy:
I think it's a great idea. All they would have to do is a little research to see how much FOX has raked in with the DVD sales. And we are bringing more Browncoats in to the fold every day. We are doing the marketing for them.

Also - I suspect that the Browncoat demographic has money to spend on all the great stuff they are going to sell us during the commercials. That matters also. We aren't a bunch of teenagers with no money or reality TV junkies who can't remember what they saw after the hour is over.

It's certainly worth the price of a few stamps.
And right now, I agree, it's our best hope.


I'll go you one further: it's really our ONLY hope. And as far as someone just throwing the letters away, I don't think that is likely. Why? Because studios live and die on viewers, and when a viewer actually takes the time to write a letter and put a stamp on it, the studio knows that there are a hundred to a thousand of other fans who didn't. So they keep meticulous track of who writes in about what.

Not only are we a solid demographic, we are so fanatical about the show that when it was cancelled we MADE UP OUR OWN MERCHANDISING! That's pretty much unparalleled in TV history. Sure, folks will shell out their bucks for a cheap plastic toy based on a show and not blink . . . but WE KNITTED ourselves merchandise. That's gotta count for something!

And here is the address for Dawn:

Dawn Ostroff
11800 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90025

Author of Kaylee's Lament and The Treasure of Lei Fong Wu -- free FF fan novels! "Don't cost nothin'!"


Thursday, February 16, 2006 12:25 PM


About two weeks ago, my phone started ringing, and even though I never answer when I don't recognize the number, I did. Turns out it was the Neilson TV ratings people, wanting me to fill out a small survey. I did that, and they mailed me 15$ and this "TV Diary" thing. The $15 is going towards the Serenity TPB, if the guy at the comic shop gets off his ass and orders me one. (Should we start calling that the BDTPB?)

And as for that TV diary, all that's going down in that is that I watched Firefly DVDs the whole time. Unless Sci-Fi is running the reruns still? I think there was a marathon at some point, but do they still play them on a regular basis? And I've got three of 'em, I'm gonna get two people to write the same thing in the other two. I figure it wouldn't hurt to tell the people who determine how much shows are being watched that at least three people miss Firefly.

On top of that, there's always letters. We all need to write our own letter; if we send them the same one with different names, it's not as good. They need to hear different voices making the same call. Give us back our gorram show!


Thursday, February 16, 2006 1:01 PM


I'm in for a letter.. I have bought so many DVDs as gifts.. what the hell is 39 cents???

I think ANYTHING is possible.. and I would prefer another long evolving series if I got a choice.. so I am in... another coat holding the line and hell, advancing it an inch



Thursday, February 16, 2006 3:00 PM


Practice your pennmanship.

Handwrite those letters, don't just knock them off on the computer.

#1 it takes more time for people to read as they must decipher your handwriting.

#2 it shows your commitment in taking the time to handwrite something and make it legible.

I now think I've got a few letters to write this weekend. Now I just to find something other than Star Wars stationary to write it on...


Friday, February 17, 2006 4:42 AM




Tuesday, February 28, 2006 1:33 PM


Heh. I'm picturing something like the end Mr. Smith goes to Washington, when Jimmy Stewart's desk is buried under telegrams.

Thanks for the address and the prompt. I'll send the letter this week.

But a naive question: Doesn't [explicative deleted] Fox still own the rights to the TV show?


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 1:50 PM


Im just starting to write my first letters to Fox and Joss as well as the other networks so I will write one to CW as well

Thanks for the idea and details

"Shake your head boy, your eyes are stuck"


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 1:39 AM


Just a friendly bump, and to throw my two cents in here. Going to start writing some letters this afternoon before work. (Worse case scenario, I get some more piece of mind knowing I tried...)

Also, to those who don't think Nathan would do another Firefly if it got back on the air: Wouldn't be the first time an actor or actress has done movies and a series both. (IIRC Sarah Michelle Gellar and co. were in a few movies during the run of Buffy.) Also, having one of your actors in a television show with a fanatical fanbase means there's always a really good place to air commercials of your movie. Even once network agreed to start up our little show once again, it'd be some time getting everything together... Might not be until next year before we saw anything even if it happened right this moment.

Regardless, we hold... And sleep soundly knowing that we're better, cooler, and downright prettier than the rest of the sci-fi fanboys and girls. ;p

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 2:17 AM



Originally posted by nuclearday:
Also, to those who don't think Nathan would do another Firefly if it got back on the air: Wouldn't be the first time an actor or actress has done movies and a series both.

I'll second this. If you lot remember the episode commentaries, Nathan mentions over and over again that Firefly was the best job he's ever had, and he makes a point of thanking Joss profusely for it during the 'Serenity' episode. I daresay he'd do it, to say nothing of the remainder of the cast -- they were all heartbroken to learn the series had been cancelled, and to find this out at an anniversary bash that ended up being their wrap party! Yeah, I think they'd do it, and with Joss being so particular about who was cast for what role, I can hardly conceive of anyone being replaced. Even if there were prior commitments made, I would go so far as to speculate that Joss would wait for them because there's no reason to screw with what works so spectacularly.

To get back on topic: I'm not altogether certain if my cable provider will even carry the channel, but I will likewise see what I can do. My handwriting could use a little practice, anyway.


Sunday, May 7, 2006 5:10 PM


Keep writing those letters fanboys and girls... I know I write at least twice or thrice a week... so yeah, bit obsessive, who cares? lol lets get or BDS back in the air shall we??

"love, keeps her in the air, lets you know she's hurt 'for she keens, makes her home"


Sunday, May 7, 2006 5:33 PM


Are we really sure we want to pitch a gritty space western to what used to be the pretty white kids with problems network?

Wouldn't they dumb Firefly down.

Takes more than combat gear to make a man
Takes more than a license for a gun
Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can
A gentleman will walk but never run

-Sting, An Englishman in New York


Sunday, May 7, 2006 5:45 PM


I would also be scared of them trying to take control and "fix" things, despite the fact that we love Joss' work and will follow him wherever he goes. Aside from being the former "pretty white kids with problems" network, the CW is a descendant of the network that managed to screw the Trek franchise into the ground.

(...then again, that took them a few decades...)

Despite these fears, I'm onboard with the letter-writing!!

Mankind makes tools; we use them to augment our hands, arms and legs.
The computer augments the brain and this makes it very unpopular with totalitarians. - Charles J.C. Lyall


Sunday, May 7, 2006 5:53 PM


For those who say it's too late... Star Trek sat around for ELEVEN years in limbo and made a comeback.

So, does anyone have the address to send this hypothetical letter to? I signed up just to find out. Hi.



Monday, May 8, 2006 12:24 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by ScrewtheAlliance:
And here is the address for Dawn:

Dawn Ostroff
11800 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90025

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, May 8, 2006 2:36 AM


Probably a stupid question, but does anyone know what channel The CW will come to rest? (the number of the channel that is.)

Edit: Thank you to both Rabit and Phoenixrose for the response! I guess I'll just have to see what happens.

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD


Monday, May 8, 2006 4:11 AM



Originally posted by jossisagod:
Probably a stupid question, but does anyone know what channel The CW will come to rest? (the number of the channel that is.)

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

That will depend upon your area. As with any network, it will be picked up locally, and the local station that picks up the CW will have it's own local number.

Did that even make any sense?



Monday, May 8, 2006 5:06 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Rabit:

Originally posted by jossisagod:
Probably a stupid question, but does anyone know what channel The CW will come to rest? (the number of the channel that is.)

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

That will depend upon your area. As with any network, it will be picked up locally, and the local station that picks up the CW will have it's own local number.

Did that even make any sense?


Made sense to me. I remember having this probelm with the sci-fi channel in my area. It jumped around a bit, actually.

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, May 8, 2006 6:17 AM


hi! all, forgive this drivel, but i'm not very computer literate. I came quite late to Firefly/Serenity, within the last month, but i"m now quite a fanatical Browncoat, I have every intention of writing to Dawn Ostroff, and will keep doing so. All the best.

Can't stop the signal



Monday, May 8, 2006 6:45 AM


Welcome home, LoisBlue, we're very glad you are here.

You'll find this a friendly and shiny place, our home here is the best.

We like fanatical Browncoats, that's cuz we're the same way. I hand out virtual browncoats to newcomers... you'll be needin' yours.

*hands LoisBlue a browncoat that fits to a T I hope!*

There are lots of great plans to help our cause, LoisBlue... check out the threads. There is a forum on the right of the page, down just a little, called Browncoat Events... check it out for news.

There is a push for the whole summer, called the Summer of Serenity, starting with June 23rd, which is Joss' birthday, which we'll celebrate by the screening of Serenity all over the world for Joss' favorite charity.

Check out their website at:

There is also a drive to purchase the DVD of Serenity on June 23rd in mass quantities to push DVD sales up. The Summer of Serenity will culminate in the anniversary of the release of Serenity, which was September 30th, called Serenity 'Versary when we will be thanking Universal for making the BDM and purchasing lots of DVD's and other Serenity merchandise. Also writing lots of letters and postcards. All thru out the summer in between there will be shindigs, cons, and lots of fun.

Please join in and watch for updates on the Events forum.

Oh, and spread the love of Firefly/Serenity to all you care for.. cuz they'll love it too.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Monday, May 8, 2006 3:27 PM


Sorry for being so late in joining; I had no idea that there were so many other Browncoats out here. I watched the show when it was on TV, went to the movie, bought the DVD's of both and just sent my first letter to any television network asking to renew a T.V. show. Good grief, Amazon has the TV DVD ranked 8th and Serenity at 38th; why isn't Firefly back on the air?



Tuesday, May 9, 2006 12:15 AM


Thanks for the lovely welcome Mal. I will most certainly wear my Browncoat with a great deal of pride. (i"ve always been a bit of a rebel, and I really do feel as though I've found a place to call home and rest my weary bones ! I'm in the Uk and there doesn't seem to be an awful lot happening here, so if you have any news about shindigs, screenings or anything like that, please post it asap. I went to the UK premier of Serenity and met Nathan, he really is a hunk, and very funny.

lois blue


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 12:21 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by loisblue:
Thanks for the lovely welcome Mal. I will most certainly wear my Browncoat with a great deal of pride. (i"ve always been a bit of a rebel, and I really do feel as though I've found a place to call home and rest my weary bones ! I'm in the Uk and there doesn't seem to be an awful lot happening here, so if you have any news about shindigs, screenings or anything like that, please post it asap. I went to the UK premier of Serenity and met Nathan, he really is a hunk, and very funny.

lois blue

Aw, mad, mad jealousy going on here!
Um, events? Not in the UK, so I don't really know. I don't even know all the events going on here... But there is a shiny new forum that's supposed to be dedicated to browncoat events. It's starting kinda slow, but you should be able to check there for what all is happening soon.

One summer.
One mission.
One legion of Browncoats.

Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 1:46 AM


Just a few tips from spending two semesters taking rhetoric classes that culminated with real world persuasive projects... (I might as well put this to use before I forget over the summer, haha!)

Most important, keep in mind who your audience is. You can't persuade a person if you don't know the audience. Your rhetoric will be most effective after taking into consideration what your audience will listen to. I.E. If you're trying to convince someone to watch Firefly, but they hate sci-fi, it's best to focus more on the western aspect, or action, or comedy of it all. Find a common ground, or stasis, to work on.

DON'T hand write the letter. Though a variety of guides say handwritten letters show more care, etc, etc, there's a general consensus that handwritten letters aren't good.

Generally speaking it damages your ethos by showing your inability to work a PC and follow standard letter-writing conventions. That being said, DO hand sign your name at the end of the letter.

Establish your ethos in the opening paragraph. Don't just jump into the meat of your subject. Ms/Mrs. Ostroff might look at your letter and wonder "Who is this person writing and why should I care what they think?" Give any credentials that might be applicable, if you don't have any, at least establish the demographic you fit in.

DON'T make guarantees in the letter. Come up with the facts like DVD sales, Serenity's domestic and global box office take, any awards Firefly or Serenity has won, and maybe throw in a poll or petition (this might be moot if enough people make a letter). Studio execs have people to crunch the numbers. You need to let them come up with the conclusion and appearing too preachy might damage your position. Just establishing your position as a fan is enough to tell them how you feel.

So DO something like "Firefly is a show that may benefit CW's infancy greatly, having had a run on FOX that culminated in a feature-length movie (avoid saying it was cancelled, you want to entice them, not scare them off). Its DVD sales and box office gross made $XXXX and it has a built in fan base estimated to be XXXX in number. All of that equals to a firm foundation for Firefly to potentially be CW's flagship show."

That also ties in with kairos (or the timing of the rhetorical situation). CW's rhetorical situation is that they're a new network in need of hit shows (you might want to research this though; do they really need shows? How many shows are carrying over from the merge?). However, it's best if you can get evidence that Joss, Nathan, or any other principles express interest in renewing the show themselves. Don't speculate that they might, provide the actual evidence like from an interview or magazine article.

Don't emphasize the difficulties of setting up Firefly either. Again, you don't want to scare them off by planting a mountain in front of them.

Now, this is where the disclaimer comes in: This is only from two semesters of a rhetoric course at the 300 and 400, undergraduate level. I haven't taken an economics course since high school, so I can't completely speak for that side of things. Take this with a grain of salt. Also, you might try examining Arrested Development and Family Guy. If it's possible in the slightest, find copies of letters they sent, or petitions, to get the shows renewed--albeit temporarily in Arrested Development's case. It's best to have a successful example to examine and deconstruct.

(Also, I apologize for any typos with it being 1:40AM Hawaii time and all)

The more Browncoats write in though, the better the chances of at least a spin-off series or the movie franchise happening.

"Knew it...probably...saw them cops...and...turned...tail..."



Tuesday, May 9, 2006 4:08 AM


You're welcome, LoisBlue,

Just keep an eye to the Browncoat Events forum to the right of your screen, there is already an announcement up under Events in there... it's a shindig in Texas, a little far for you.. but there will be more listed you can bet on it.

You got to meet Nathan!!!! Holy hero!
You are talking to a member of the Appreciatin' Nathan crew of the Browncoat Board... I am instantly envious and want to extend an invitation for you to join us over there if you would like to. ( He is a hunk and oh, so funny!) is home.. the Browncoat Board and Mal's Bunk are my home away from home. If you'd like to join send me your email address in a message or at and I'll send you an invite to the board.

If you are a Nathan Fillion fan.. you'll fit right in, we have lots of fun and well... you'll see if you'd like to join.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 5:08 AM


Oh, no need for sorrys fxstb02- we're just glad to welcome you home now! You'll love our site I hope, it's such a wonderful place.

Isn't it the most amazing thing that none of the networks are renewing this show? Or that Universal doesn't already have plans for another movie?! Well, hopefully all of us together can help them see that there is enough of us to make another go at it worthwhile. With our Summer of Serenity planned, it'll be fun and it'll also be convincing.

Oh, before I forget.. even though you've been a fan a long time... I hand out browncoats
you'll be needing yours.

*hands fxstb02 a browncoat*

Now you have your gear... join in often, we love to talk.

See you around the ship.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 2:45 PM


Thank you, and thanks for the coat; fits great. I just feel kind'r stupid for not looking around the 'net for Firefly stuff.

Anyhow, thanks again and I'll be around a lot.


It's got a name, I call it Vera.


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 3:01 PM



Originally posted by fxstb02:
Thank you, and thanks for the coat; fits great. I just feel kind'r stupid for not looking around the 'net for Firefly stuff.

Anyhow, thanks again and I'll be around a lot.


It's got a name, I call it Vera.

Nope, no feelin' bad allowed.. we got you here now and get to enjoy your company.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 3:25 PM


What happened? He see your face?


Originally posted by Spookyjesus:
You know Nathan's making movies now right?

Kiefer Sutherland has quite a few movies under his belt and is doing well with 24.

...and firefly is still beating 24 in DVD sales according to the NY Times here:






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