Just bought the Firefly box set and....

UPDATED: Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:33
VIEWED: 3884
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Friday, May 12, 2006 8:10 AM


I only have one DVD left to watch *sniff*.

This is a momentous moment to be savoured.

So what do I do?

Do I watch the special features that i haven't seen yet on the old eps? Listen to new commentaries? Or do I plunge straight in?
There is some agony going on here.

Any suggestions from you lovely people who've seen the last 3 eps, much appreciated!

L xx


Friday, May 12, 2006 8:17 AM


Take a deep breath.
Find yourself a goodly amount of chocolate.
Curl up, preferably in a warm safe place.

And then WATCH IT. :)

Then watch ALL the extras! (twice).

It'll be okay. And when it's all over, we'll be here for you.


Friday, May 12, 2006 8:19 AM


Oooh, I remember having the same exact problem. I told myself I'd go it one episode a day, and IIRC I ended up finishing off the entire last disk in one sitting.

Can't say there's an easy answer for your predicament... 'Cause Objects really is a pretty good episode. Also means it's worth waiting for, too, though... :P

I'd held off on the watching the commentary tracks and special features until the very end, so I had a bit more mileage left by the time I finished. 'Course once you've seen it all, it only fuels the need for more Firefly!

You can take my hope when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers. (Or if Kaylee asks me nicely...)


Friday, May 12, 2006 8:23 AM


If your done with the series and all the speical features, watch this. It's the extended gag reel. Make sure there's a bathroom near by, because you'll be peeing your pants from the laughter.

At last.
We can retire and give up
this life of crime.


Friday, May 12, 2006 8:23 AM


That's exactly the problem; I'm terrfied about the fuelling of the need for more.

Any news at all on another series/film??? Any vain hope will do here.


Friday, May 12, 2006 8:45 AM


Once you have completed the set, you may very well start suffering from the serious illness that is currently being discussed in this other thread here:

Good luck. If you start feeling any of the symptoms described, don't worry -- you are not alone. :)


Friday, May 12, 2006 8:54 AM



I would say,watch each ( of the last 3) eps at least twice before moving on to the next. save the Special features for last.

If you have time tomorrow do the same.

"Oh saddness is a knife, that plunges the heart over and over." (me)



Friday, May 12, 2006 9:22 AM


Ok people, I'm going in.

In a fit of nervous energy, I've tied my room and I genuinely considered dressing up for the occasion, but the thought that my beautiful new cream Mango trench wasn't quite the whole Browncoat look.

So I've made pop corn (twice coz I over-excitedly burnt the first lot), smoked two tabs to try and calm me down, and poured myself a large glass of red (which I'm going to drink slowly, coz it's gonna go straight to my head).

Many, many thanks for your lovely kind responses. I feel all warm. This place is very friendly.

I'll report back in a few hours.

Wish me luck,
L xx


Friday, May 12, 2006 9:40 AM



We've all been where you are at and there isn't anything to do but basically what Sameertia said to do.... watch and then watch somemore.

Watch all the gagreel, all the River Tam sessions, watch all the fanvids and then start reading fanfic.

Be in love like the rest of us and hope everyday for more. We are starting to do some things that may help that happen, that is a step forward from just hoping. Check out the Browncoat Events panel on the right of the home page for updates on all the stuff planned to help us get more 'verse.

*hands Leaina a browncoat*

Put this on, you're now one of us, welcome home.

And we WILL always be here whenever you need us, we're holdin' til Mal comes back.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Friday, May 12, 2006 3:05 PM


*this thread has the bun in tears again, coming so soon after the other...*

Leaina, you're #20765 here, and I must say you look spiffy in that browncoat FM found for you.
If you're in need of comfort food after the Viewing, please come along to the galley. I've re-stocked the cooler (ice-planets in four flavors) and refreshed the buffet so it's ready for questioning. Strawberries, mangos, pinapples, bananas, kiwis, breadstuffs of various kinds, brownies, oatmeal cookies, and (an essential) some kind of hot cheese!

Once you are yourself again you'll be ready to carry on the Good Work of sharing Firefly/Serenity with those who are still oblivious.

~6/23~Serenity/Firefly Summer~9/30~
----- why's the rum gone? -----


Friday, May 12, 2006 5:25 PM



Originally posted by Leaina:
Any news at all on another series/film??? Any vain hope will do here.



Universal has to make a decsion on whether there will be a Serenity sequel or not. If they say No, Joss can shop around. If they say yes, Joss Whedon and all the actors say they willing to make the sequel.

There is a Serenity comic book that Joss wrote.

It takes place after the show and before the movie. And Joss says there will be more comic books.

How did you find about about Firefly/Serenity?

Do you live in any of the cities that are having June Charity Screenings of Serenity?

Current Status As Of May 12, 2006:
33+ Cities In 5 Countries On 3 Continents
Planning June Charity Serenity Screenings

Listing of cities on


Friday, May 12, 2006 6:04 PM


Guys! I love you already!!!

I have my shiny coat (the Mango trench is going straight in the bin), my tasty food. I feel utterly welcomed. Thank you.

Never read a comic book before. 'cept Astrix. I think I'll have to give it a try. I can't imagine it has the same satisfaction levels at all- but I shall have to try and see.


How did you find about about Firefly/Serenity?

I'm a long time Buffy and Angel fan and when Buffy was around S5 I remember hearing that Joss wanted to do a project called Firefly. But since then -not really moving in fandom circles- I heard nothing about it.

Has Firefly ever aired in the UK? And I've never had Sky or digital... I swear there's been no publicity about it.

As for Serenity, a friend of mine reviewed it for the uni paper when it came out and I remember thinking "Joss Whedon. Wow, must go". She really liked it but I was just too busy to get round to see it.

But recently I've been catching up with the later Angel eps (the last series was wicked!) on DVD and vaguely visiting so Joss site where I heard the raving about Serenity.

So I added the first Firefly DVD and Serenity to my screenselect want list and it turned up.

Do you know, at first, I wasn't sure... sacriledge, I know, but I just felt that some of the humour was a bit forced into the actors mouths and wasn't 100% comfortable. The kind of witty humour which worked in the flippant world of Buffy (when starting out) didn't fit.

But I liked it, it was good, really liked the characters. So I added the rest of the series to my list.

Then Serenity arrived through my letter box.

Wow. What a beautiful film. I was hooked. I watched it again straight away (I have terminal insomnia, so often stay up watching things rather than battle with the sleep-that-will-not-come). Then the commentary.

Then hooked, so prioritised the rest of Firefly DVDs to come. But by the time I reached the 3rd DVD it was too slow and I just bought the set.

The thing that really appeals to me, as a director myself (in a minor student way) is how happy the cast and crew seem. There's a real rapport, a real sense of fun. And that just glows through onto the screen. I've worked with a few unhappy cast and crews and the results are just never as good. Props to Joss and crew for that. It makes a real, undeniable difference.

But I rant! God, what is it about this show that makes you do that?

How did you find Firefly? Was it trailed on TV where you were?


Do you live in any of the cities that are having June Charity Screenings of Serenity?

Yes, yes! I've just found out there's one planned for London. I will so be there. So exciting. I've never shared any of my crazy obsessions with anyone before.

Brilliant plan.

Plus I will so be at the Starfury convention in September if I'm around. My first convention. Potentially v scary. Are they scary? They seem scary...


Friday, May 12, 2006 6:40 PM



Originally posted by Leaina:
How did you find Firefly? Was it trailed on TV where you were?

I watched Buffy and Angel and Firefly when they originally aired on TV in the United States. I watched the 3 episodes that never aired when they played on the Sci Fi Channel before Serenity came out. Sometime after Serenity I got the Firefly DVD Box set.

Since you are in the UK, did you see SLiTHER, Nathan (Our Captain) Fillion's new movie? I think its is the third week in the UK.

Nathan plays the Sheriff in a small town in the United States.


Friday, May 12, 2006 7:41 PM



Since you are in the UK, did you see SLiTHER, Nathan (Our Captain) Fillion's new movie? I think its is the third week in the UK.

Nathan plays the Sheriff in a small town in the United States.

Yeah, I was so excited, cause I'd just got into Firefly then suddenly Nathan Fillion at a screen near you.

He, of course, was wonderful. But I thought the film was a bit stuck between trying to be scary and trying to be funny. I mean the funny bits were good and the scary bits were scary (loved the worm possesion!) but kinda seperated.

Did you see it? What did you think?


I watched Buffy and Angel and Firefly when they originally aired on TV in the United States. I watched the 3 episodes that never aired when they played on the Sci Fi Channel before Serenity came out. Sometime after Serenity I got the Firefly DVD Box set.

You guys must have been sooooo excited when the film was about to come out! Did it live up to expectations? It would have been a good time to be a Browncoat I should imagine.


Friday, May 12, 2006 8:04 PM



Originally posted by Leaina:
I only have one DVD left to watch *sniff*.

This is a momentous moment to be savoured.

So what do I do?

Do I watch the special features that i haven't seen yet on the old eps? Listen to new commentaries? Or do I plunge straight in?
There is some agony going on here.

Any suggestions from you lovely people who've seen the last 3 eps, much appreciated!

L xx

Oh god! Do you know how many times we hear that?? Its so sad! That last DVD. Put it away and don't watch it for a week!

I am SO glad I'm not you right now. The 1st time watching Firefly, I watched the entire series, one Saturday. I didn’t or wasn’t aware that there was only one season. Later I spent a great deal of time searching around at stores and asking for season 2 of Firefly, and all I would get for a reply was either a really sad look on other people's faces, or people just laughed at me, which I couldn’t understand at the time. Then I found this website and you guys broke the bad news to me....I was floored...

Don't watch that last DVD for another week.



Friday, May 12, 2006 8:05 PM



Originally posted by Leaina:
Yeah, I was so excited, cause I'd just got into Firefly then suddenly Nathan Fillion at a screen near you.

He, of course, was wonderful. But I thought the film was a bit stuck between trying to be scary and trying to be funny. I mean the funny bits were good and the scary bits were scary (loved the worm possesion!) but kinda seperated.

Did you see it? What did you think?

SLiTHER, loved it. Was scared and worried about the characters the first time I saw it. So relieved when "AWESOME".

SLiTHER was a lot funnier the second time around, because I knew what was gonna happen and could concentrate on Nathan's and the other characters lines more.

Seen it several times before it disappeared from my area.

Is SLiTHER still playing in the UK? I think this is its third week in the UK.


Friday, May 12, 2006 9:01 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
then start reading fanfic.

I love this one.

Fic: "visit To A Weird 'verse, Re-revisited" Pg-13

"A tribute to Ruth Berman's classic Trek fanfic, and a story idea that wouldn't get out of my head until I wrote it down. Rated PG-13 for language. "

Nathan (Our Captain) Fillion goes to Flanvention and a "fan" sends him to the Firefly Universe and Mal (Our Captain) gets sent to the convention.


Friday, May 12, 2006 9:06 PM



Originally posted by RiveR6213:
Oh god! Do you know how many times we hear that?? Its so sad! That last DVD. Put it away and don't watch it for a week!

Don't watch that last DVD for another week.


Dammit! Where were you nine hours ago???

I don't think I could have resisted, mind.
Thanks, though.
L xx


Friday, May 12, 2006 9:09 PM



Originally posted by Anonymous1:
SLiTHER, loved it. Was scared and worried about the characters the first time I saw it. So relieved when "AWESOME".

SLiTHER was a lot funnier the second time around, because I knew what was gonna happen and could concentrate on Nathan's and the other characters lines more.

Seen it several times before it disappeared from my area.

Is SLiTHER still playing in the UK? I think this is its third week in the UK.

I'll have to see it again. If only for our Nathan.

I think it's still on here. I think the blockbusters are gonna knock it off though, we've got Mi3 and all the big ones coming out at the mo.


Friday, May 12, 2006 9:35 PM


Don't forget about the Easter egg on the last DVD! If you don't know, go to the second page of special features, go to the middle left choice, and thumb left on your remote. The disc should go to our favorite merc in his favorite hat, singing his favorite song. If these directions don't work, google firefly easter egg on the cortex. It's been a while since I watched it.

Think I'll go pop it in now!

So who is he?
He's my husband.
Well who in the damn galaxy ain't!


Saturday, May 13, 2006 5:15 AM


Howdy Leaina, pleased to make your acquaintance. May I recommend a little role thread I've been part of for the last several weeks? Go here:
then look for the earliest date ( I think it's March 6th). While it ain't Firefly, we try to fire up the imagination using the regular characters plus a few "extras". Hope you enjoy it! :^D

Everyone dies alone.


Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:13 AM



Originally posted by Leaina:
Dammit! Where were you nine hours ago???

I don't think I could have resisted, mind.
Thanks, though.
L xx

personally I wouldn't have thought less of you if you COULD resist!

BTW have you seen the River Tam Sessions? (link in my signiture)

and don't worry, sooner or later we will get our sequel!

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse
have you checked out this thread?:

and listen to 'I'm Going To See Serenity':


Saturday, May 13, 2006 10:33 AM


Hey I felt exactly the same when I got to nearly the end of the DVDs. Kinda anxious that it's all over.
You work through it, watch it again and again, punctuated with the BDM and all the DVD extras, and it never ever gets old, boring or unworthy of your attention.
Been a fan since I first saw OoG on UK Sci Fi channel, didn't have the movie for support when I first watched Firefly DVDs, it's now part of the families TV ritual. (Yep, I converted the Whole family, they had no choice)







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