My Article on Serenity Day, Need Opinions - Revised

UPDATED: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 11:49
VIEWED: 2249
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006 2:48 PM


Here is the revised article. I need to get opinions soon as I need to submit it by Wed to get paid for this month.

Firefly had a short run on Fox TV in 2002. Even though it was run out of order and on unscheduled days and times, it gained a huge following that even today is ever growing. Fans of the show tried to save it but failed. Only eleven of the fourteen episodes made were aired on television. Almost two years after the show ended, a movie with the same cast was released. The movie, while a win for the fans, did not do as well in the theater as fans, and creator Joss Whedon, had hoped. But that has not stopped the fans. How can a show that debuted on DVD almost a year after the cancellation and is still one of the top 25 sellers for be cancelled? This question has long plagued Browncoats; the name fans of the show/movie call themselves. Obviously with the sales of the series still selling as much as it is (and with the rest of the top 25 being movies/shows out only within the past few months) the fan base is growing by leaps and bounds.

Fans are trying to get a major bleep on the map with Fox, Universal, or any other network that will listen to bring the show back. Or at least get another movie made. The fans are calling it Serenity Day and is being held June 23, 2006. The idea is to get as many people as possible to buy a copy of the movie Serenity on that day. Mostly through major chains like, Best Buy, and Target. The thought, and hope, is that a day with so many purchases of a single title will get noticed, make someone realize the show was cancelled prematurely and needs to be brought back. The day was picked because it is Joss Whedon’s birthday and the fans want him to notice the loyalty once again. Some people are talking about making shirts, buttons, and other items to promote the day but no details have been set or products made yet.

This is not an American, British, or any other country-wide effort only. Browncoats from all over the globe will be participating in this event. Screenings of the movie in several areas on big and small screens are planned as well. Most will be for charity as well. It is going to kick of the Summer of Serenity campaign by Browncoats to get more fans, get the word out about the show, and end on September 30, the anniversary of the movie release. This day will be called the Serenity ‘Versary. It is another nod to the show because the worlds are called The Verse on the show and in the movie. Again on this day a second round of buying the DVD, as well as thank you letters to Universal for releasing the movie, will be made

It may seem that by the second date not as many DVD’s can be sold to make an impact, but many Browncoats are planning to purchase multiple copies of the movie on both days. Some will be giving the extra copies to friends and family who have not been exposed to the show. Others will be giving a copy to the local library, family in need, even leaving a copy on a public bus to get new fans. The more fans there are the more sales of the movie, show, and other merchandise, the more money made, the bigger chance of more time in The Verse.

And that is what it is all about for fans. More time with the characters they have grown to love and know from the short time they were around. Another glimpse at the lives that have touched their own in a thousand ways for the millions of fans out there. Additional flying for the Firefly class ship, Serenity. Showing that the sky can’t be taken from the Browncoats.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Thursday, May 25, 2006 1:31 AM


yay for the article! its shiny and great and lets people know whats going on where and why.

however my only quibble is in the introductory paragraph. the tone seems to imply that the browncoats efforts from the begining failed and that the movie's box office takings were also a failure. the very fact that the movie got made is an incredibly impressive achievement and should really be stresed so that the browncoats arent made to look like hopeless sci fi fans with no real achievable goals or plans. the story of firefly and serenity is such an impressive journey from a show that nobody believed in, to a big damned movie and a new ever growing cult following of the original tv series.

sorry to quibble,. the rest is great though. what is the article for? any promo articles like that are really greatly welcomed keep it up! :)

"Dear diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever."


Thursday, May 25, 2006 2:05 AM


don't apologize about your comments. That's what I wanted. To know how to make it better.

Thank you

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Thursday, May 25, 2006 2:16 AM


It is my understanding that the vast majority of the screenings are for charity as opposed to 'some'.

give them a link to: for a list of cities

change 'thousands of fans' to 'millions of fans'. We know our numbers. Big Damn Shindigity Good Time - Big Damn Podcast


Thursday, May 25, 2006 2:23 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

One factual error - Firefly aired in 2002, not 2003.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Thursday, May 25, 2006 3:46 PM



Originally posted by Cathera:
Ok below is the article I did for a place I write. I haven't submitted it yet but will soon. Please give me your opinions on it.

Firefly had a short run on Fox TV in 2003. It was ran out of order, on unscheduled days and times, and gained a huge following that even today is ever growing.

It should probably read: It was run out of order...

But that sentence is still a bit off. Maybe: Despite that it was run out of order, on unscheduled days and times, it gained a huge following that, even today, is ever growing.

The rest looked pretty good.



Monday, May 29, 2006 7:23 AM



Originally posted by ecgordon:
One factual error - Firefly aired in 2002, not 2003.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.

Oops. I was thinking about my wedding because I got engage the year FF came out but my wedding was the following year. Thank you very much.

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Monday, May 29, 2006 2:44 PM



Originally posted by Cathera:
Here is the revised article. I need to get opinions soon as I need to submit it by Wed to get paid for this month.

This is not an American, British, or any other country-wide effort only. Browncoats from all over the globe will be participating in this event. Screenings of the movie in several areas on big and small screens are planned as well. Most will be for charity as well. It is going to kick of the Summer of Serenity campaign by Browncoats to get more fans, get the word out about the show, and end on September 30, the anniversary of the movie release. This day will be called the Serenity ‘Versary. It is another nod to the show because the worlds are called The Verse on the show and in the movie. Again on this day a second round of buying the DVD, as well as thank you letters to Universal for releasing the movie, will be made

I think you can tighten this up a bit, especially as you're using 'as well' in two consecutive sentences.

Try something like: Screenings of the movie in several areas on both big and small screens are planned, mostly for charity. need a peroid at the end of this paragraph.



Monday, May 29, 2006 3:57 PM



One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 11:49 AM









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