Your best Firefly moment.

UPDATED: Friday, June 23, 2006 13:08
VIEWED: 13884
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Monday, February 20, 2006 7:01 PM


Aw, heck. Make it ANY Firefly moment.


Got in MY Firefly moment.

We were heading out to take my kids to the Crayola factory for the day since most everyone had off for the holiday. (Yay for Lincoln and Washington) My mom, dad and sis were coming with me and the two kids, and we were taking two cars. So my dad brought along his walkie-talkies...

My sister grabs one and says, "Testing."

So, of course, not being one to miss an opportunity, I quipped from her side...

"'Cause I'm standing right HERE."

My mom and sister started cracking up right there in the middle of the driveway. Even my dad got in a little chuckle.

It's even better than that because my sister got the joke, and she's not even really into Firefly!!!

AIM - Dewlanna
YID - jedi_kaele


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 3:27 AM


Well I don't really have any super good ones yet, but I guess my favorite is when my Uncle Mike recently came up, he was reading my Chinese translations, he goes "you shouldn't be reading these, let alone be saying them" so I said "well if I give you a copy you can yell at all the people at work, even over the intercom" That presuaded him to not annoy me anymore. When my Uncle Jim comes up in a few weeks I'm going to yell at him in Chinese...that should get a reaction.

"Oh no what could it be? We're all going to die. Who's flying this thing? Oh right, that would be me, back to work"


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:21 PM


The special hell line/scene can be manipulated into some pretty funny moments. It's even funny for someone who isn't a Browncoat. It's stumbled out of my mouth more than twice.

Also... I can kill you with my brain.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:32 PM


I was sitting with the friend who converted me, at a book signing (Terry Pratchett) when from behind us we heard, "If you talk over Mr. Pratchett you're going to the special hell. The one reserved for child molesters and people who talk at the cinema."

We looked at one another and turned to look at the guy who spoke. We ended up talking Firefly and Serenity anticipation until it was his turn to get his stuf signed. That was a good night.

And just last night my sister and I made a cake for desert. I couldn't help but mention how I'd made the frosting as chocolatey as possible.

"Putting the Me in Mercinary, Jayne Cobb."

"Joss, what is the future of television? What will we watch? And how will we watch it? Surely you must know, for you are wise, and slender."


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:42 PM


Oh Firefly moments...I can't pick a best one...but here are a few:

While I was sitting in the front row waiting for church to start my friend, Justin, who was up front getting ready to play guitar, snapped his head in my direction right as the service was about to start, stared at me and said "Also, I can kill you with my brain." I almost lost it right there, it was so random and hilarious.

My boyfriend's little sister and I were insulting each other in Spanish (all in good fun- I was helping her practice conjugating verbs) when finally she couldn't think of a good comeback in Spanish and said "You wanna go?" to which I replied without missing a beat "Only if it's someplace with candle light." She was like "what?!"- it was great.

In the bloopers for the BDM there's one where Nathan Fillion is standing outside the crashed ship on Miranda and he looks down and says in a rather depressed tone "I've seen so much death..." and then starts dancing! My friend Justin now feels the need to imitate this every time there is a significant break in the conversation.

I get The Hero of Canton song stuck in my head ALL THE TIME and if I'm in a good enough mood, will often sing it aloud.

"People tell you things all the time without talking. The way they move; the way they aren't talking." -River Tam, R. Tam Sessions: Session 1 Excerpt


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 9:59 PM


I was sitting in the computer Lab in the wee hours of this morning (yay for 24 hour computer labs!)

This guys sits down next to me and he starts singing the firefly theme song to himself as hes setting up his stuff.

We chatted, it was so shiny!


twas a perrty sight as jello was a slingen and the ladies were all in a heap of fun.
Twas a right shiny event for the eyes to feast on.

It was fun!!

Hoplessly addicted but in that good sort of way. :)

SCAD/Savannah,GA Browncoat


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:06 PM



Originally posted by Blueishbrowncoat:
I was sitting in the computer Lab in the wee hours of this morning (yay for 24 hour computer labs!)

This guys sits down next to me and he starts singing the firefly theme song to himself as hes setting up his stuff.

We chatted, it was so shiny!


twas a perrty sight as jello was a slingen and the ladies were all in a heap of fun.
Twas a right shiny event for the eyes to feast on.

It was fun!!

Hoplessly addicted but in that good sort of way. :)

SCAD/Savannah,GA Browncoat

Proof that we all need to sing our Firefly songs more often. It may turn up a fellow Browncoat at any hour of the day.

"Putting the Me in Mercinary, Jayne Cobb."

"Joss, what is the future of television? What will we watch? And how will we watch it? Surely you must know, for you are wise, and slender."


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:30 PM


My goodness we're everywhere aren't we?

Well I don't know if I've ever had a real moment, there was one time one of my brother's was over, we were watching tv and I made a firefly quote (can't remember which one.) He recognized it, but immediately got angry and went on about how stupid I was to quote from the show... well I won't go on about that, my brother has anger management issues. He could work for Niska and feel right at home.

I've noticed since the show, especially since the movie I've seen the word ensue(s/ed) being used everywhere, I mean everywhere, the paper, News, even other shows. Coincidence?

Maybe this is the closest to qualify. Today my father was watching the Olympic hockey match between russia and the states and he says look at the Russian team memeber, and look at his ears. Course my dad is not one to clarify, in this house you need a little Riveresque esp to know what he's saying, so of course my reaction is which one? (Red/Russian-White/USA uniforms) Instead the old man says "See where I'm pointing?" Ya, so I had my near Firefly moment.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:51 AM


We were having a family dinner and everyone was around, my fiance and I were mock arguing about something, and he was talking over me, without letting me get a word in edgewise, so I grabbed his hand looked him straight in the eye and said

"Remember that sex we were planning to have? EVER AGAIN?"

And he shut up.

Everyone else stared for a second before bursting out laughing.

"He's hurting a woman, he really *is* a bad guy... and I wouldn't call him a gentleman."
- Kyle, 9, watching 'Serenity'.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:55 AM



Originally posted by Blueishbrowncoat:
SCAD/Savannah,GA Browncoat

First, howdy from Bluffton, SC, just a few miles across the border. Good to see another Browncoat in the area.

Second, I haven't had many opportunities for Firefly moments, but I had a pretty funny one yesterday at work. Yesterday was a rainy day so we had our umbrellas. The coworker that I am in contact the most with is much smaller than me; I'm a pretty big dude. Anyway, I was taking a break, getting away from the computer for a couple minutes, and I noticed our umbrellas and said "I'm much bigger than you by far, but your umbrella is a lot bigger than mine. Does that seem right to you?" Modified, sure, but I laughed about it.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:04 AM


I ran into a friend I haven't seen for a logn while about two days ago. Turns out he's married with a child now. Guess the child's name? It was a baby girl named "Serenity", and sure enough, he named her after the ship from everyone's favorite Sci-Fi/Western. We talked about the series and movie for a few minutes afterwards.

Have you ever:
Used your teeth as wire strippers?
Given yourself stitches?
Made improvised munitions with no base supplies?
Pissed in a canteen?
Gone a month without bathing?

If so, you MIGHT just be a !HOOAH MOTHERF*CKER!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 7:06 AM


I often look after my two year old nephew, and am known to quote "Firefly" at any given moment, but I didn't realize how much until recently.

I was changing his diaper, and apparently had made a face, because he looked me straight in the face and said "Don't make faces." A la River...and then he burst out giggling.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 7:34 AM


I sword fight a lot, so i get to use "it takes less than a pound of force to cut skin" from Inara in Shindig.

Figures - first time in the Core, and what do I get to do? Dig through trash. Why couldn't he send me shopping at the Tri-plex, or... Ooh! Synchronizers!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:50 AM



Originally posted by LittleMouse:
While I was sitting in the front row waiting for church to start my friend, Justin, who was up front getting ready to play guitar, snapped his head in my direction right as the service was about to start, stared at me and said "Also, I can kill you with my brain." I almost lost it right there, it was so random and hilarious.

I thought you were going to say that he snapped his head in your direction right as the service was about to start, stared at you and SANG, "JAYNE! The man they call Jayne!" Now THAT would have had me rolling the the aisles!!

"Well ya know, we studied bludgeoning in the academy first year but by the time you graduate, you just forget everything. I'm a bad cop." ----Lawrence Dobson


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:24 AM


LOL! That would have been amazing! But no- he is, however, trying to write a song about Inara that's pretty outrageous. For it he's invented the word "smwhore" which, he tells me, means "smart whore." I was like, "you're worse than Mal..."

"People tell you things all the time without talking. The way they move; the way they aren't talking." -River Tam, R. Tam Sessions: Session 1 Excerpt


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 9:34 AM


Oh boy.. I'm always slipping FF quotes into every day life.. Can't think of a really good one though..

Uh.. There was one time at work when I was chatting to a co worker in the storeroom. I love chatting away as long as we work at the same time. It makes the prospect of lifting and carrying heavy boxes more appealable. As we were talking, a female co worker walked in and commented on the amount of yapping. In response, I said: "I can be terse. Once in high school, I was laconic."

When my niece (nearly 3), sister and mum came to visit one time, I walked into the front room and saw my niece's toys scattered around. I turned to my mum and my sister and said: "Were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?"

And I slipped: "I'm babbling like a moonbrain" into a conversation once, with someone who knows that I love Firefly. They asked if it came from the show. Still haven't been successful in introducing them to it though.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:02 AM


I recently curated a history exhibition at the museum where I work. We had a team meeting during installation that became rather tense because time was running short, people were getting frustrated, and I was asking them to do two days work in two hours. (And yes, there was red paint involved!) I ended it with Mal's "...that ain't helpin' me out or takin' your leave..." speech from Serenity. Three of the four folks I was working with are Browncoats, so they started laughing. It broke the tension.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:42 PM


More of a Serenity moment, but here goes...

At my work, work-in-process bins have paper tags to identify them, attatched by large springy binder clips. I work in shipping, and these binder clips seem to accumulate at an alarming rate on my desk. And I asked myself, "What can I do with all these spare clips....?"

There's now a box on my desk, labeled "Rear Hatch"

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..." - Big Damn Podcast


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:11 PM


I had a Serenity moment today, I work at a medical imaging company that deals with PACS (Picture Archival & Communication System). There was an impromptu meeting going on in a cube when one of the directors said, "It's the PACS". I responded with "The G-32 paxilon hydrochlorate added to the air processors?" I got a few strange looks but I thought it was funny.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 5:23 PM


How funny, I was prompted to sign on today (after some absence) due to a Kaylee moment!'

I ate strawberries today--the first since last year! They were delicious... A very Kaylee moment I wanted to share with y'all. I told my one coworker who likes Firefly--but she has clearly not watched it in so long 'cause I had to explain to her about the pilot and shindig strawberries and the expression on Kaylee's face! I'm hoping to get her Serenity and burn some Firefly disks for her as thank yous for some favors she's done for me (currently taping all the olympic figure skating for me since I don't have tv!) so hopefully that will fix her memory...

Cheers, Amylisai


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:10 PM


My best moment however, was with a phone customer, but I posted it not long ago so most everyone's read it already. But just today, Boss and I were arguing as usual, me making suggestions and him shooting me down and I said, without thinking about it, "There's times I think you don't take me seriously."

He just raised his eyebrows and waited for it, so I had to go on and say, "I think that aughta change."

In FLAWLESS Mal, he looks straight back at me and says, "Think it's likely to?"

My boss is a master at impressions. It scared me.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 11:03 AM


Actually the best moment so far belongs to my 13 year old, who told a local ned that he "wasn't burdened with an overabundance of schooling"..........yep made me smile.

"This movie may be a beautiful butterfly, but I loved that damn caterpillar." Joss Whedon.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:26 AM


All of these are great.

I work in a Nursing Home as an aide. Needless to say i am ALWAYS saying 'Gorramn it' But this isn't that. On Sundays we will get some church group there to either sing or just talk with the residents, it's really sweet.
This one time I was bringing a resident out to hear them sing and as I am walking passed the Charge Nurse turns to me and says, "Oh Railean the man is giving a great sermon, you should listen to it before you run off."

Without missing a beat can you guess what I responded with?

"Sermons make me sleepy."

It was great.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 8:29 AM


Every now and then the bosses are out of the facility and I get to be boss, (They are required to post a memo and everything). So today someone had to ask about the chain of command.
Well, you know the rest.

Jayne: I was gonna get me an ear too.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:02 AM


Glad this thread came back to the top today, because I've had a moment!

All four of us here at work are fans, me more than the others.
In the inventory database, we can attach notes to items - Out of Stock; New Edition Due; etc

I'm cleaning the database, and clicking on notes- I found- "How do we know unless we question it?" on a title that may or may not be going out of print;

"We are coming close to true stupidity here" on a title that was mis-ordered repeatedly (Anybody need five copies of Lonely Planet Bhutan);

"Tell him we're gonna talk this through, eh?" on something we don't want to carry but the boss thinks we should have.

There were 9 or 10 others I can't remember off the top of my head.

I'm responsible for maybe 1/3, but NOT ALL!


Thursday, June 8, 2006 10:57 AM


My coolest firefly story occured not but 3 weeks ago. I was sitting on my couch particularly depressed one cold, rainy night. The month of May saw much rain this year in New York. This caused sadness and despair to many. I found myself totally alone, and the melancholy began to overcome me. I wept for some time before realizing I had some crack left in some old stems I had forgotten about. I leaped for joy as I ran toward the crack stems, knowing soon it would soon all be better. As I approached the Serenity DVD which housed my beloved stems I was ecstatic to see I had actually left my crack stems and more crack as well!!!! I then returned to my couch and played that Serenity DVD as I proceeded to smoke my newfound crack rock. What had begun as a cold, rainy night transformed into a wonderland of crack and Serenity.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 11:22 AM


Some friends were having a bbq to celebrate making the first batch of their home made wine.
As the night drew on the women gathered in one area the guys in another.
There was me, 5 others in knew and one guy (Alan) I had never seen or spoken to before.
We were drinking the wine (which was actually pretty good) and I made the comment that it tasted like Mudder's Milk. The 5 I knew all looked at me thinking I said Mother's Milk and wondered what the hell I was on. Alan laughed hard and said heroes shouldn't drink this, they only have the good stuff.

3 hours later we were still standing in the same spot having talked Firely all night. The other 5 had left us alone coz their lame and wouldn't know a top show if it was beamed directly to their brains.

When Serenity opened he was one of the gang to go.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 11:53 AM


Chris may I guess you're a marine?

Anyway, my best Firefly moment happened in class. A student in my class is humming and I usually make them stop anything that's distracting, but as I listen for a second I realize he's humming Ballad of Jayne and I break up laughing and finish for him. He alomost fell out of his chair...This is the same student who ended up with 100 extra credit points ( 50 for seeing Serenity and 50 for when writing his essay including references from Firefly)

You're only young once, but you can be immature any time!


Thursday, June 8, 2006 2:31 PM


Ex-Army, for future reference, you can distinguish services between their war grunts:

Hooah = Army
Hoorah/Oorah = Marines
Hooyah = Navy

I think the Air Force also goes by Hooah, not too sure, though. Anyways, that was an old sig from when I was still very nostolgic for American military life. I'm a Browncoat now.

They say I am a sinner and seducer, they try to put the blame on me, but I don't give a fuck for the way they see

Stand up and you'll win, surrender and you'll lose, it's heads or tails, you have to choose.

Heads or tails, which way will you choose? Die or live, surrender or fight? Wild and free, together we'll stand, strong and proud, we will claim our right.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 6:01 PM


There are so many, but I think my favorite is when my 5-year-old wanted me to play Go Fish with her, and I was trying to finish answering email on the computer. Finally, she said, "C'mon, Mommy, are we gonna play cards or are we gonna screw around?"

~ Flame ~

SERENITY on the big screen in Raleigh, NC, June 22, 2006!!


Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:27 PM


I have so many that I am trying not to post them all at the same time.
I am walking through the Barns&Noble book store when my backpack hits a stack of books and knocks them down.

Now at work I am ALWAYS saying Gorramn It when ever I mess up (and trust me it is a lot), but no one there knows what I am saying.

But anyway, I hit the books and they fall. I of course blurt out Gorramn it! This lady that has her four maybe six year old with her gasps and just stares at me. Turns out she spoke Chinese and was a fan of FireFly


Friday, June 9, 2006 4:41 AM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
Ex-Army, for future reference, you can distinguish services between their war grunts:

Hooah = Army
Hoorah/Oorah = Marines
Hooyah = Navy

Hoo-boy (accompanied by exhasperated eye-rolling) = Corps of Engineers

(Heard that somewhere and had to share. )

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, June 9, 2006 4:58 AM


At school, my friend (who has seen Serenity, but no Firefly episodes) was reading aloud my posters that I printed for my locker. She read the River "I can kill you with my brain," and without even meaning it, she said "well, I can kill you with my pinky."

I then spent the next few minutes explaining that the pinky quote was actually IN Firefly. Then we both thought it was the funniest thing ever.

~A message from Serenyty~


Friday, June 9, 2006 5:21 AM



Originally posted by Flame:
There are so many, but I think my favorite is when my 5-year-old wanted me to play Go Fish with her, and I was trying to finish answering email on the computer. Finally, she said, "C'mon, Mommy, are we gonna play cards or are we gonna screw around?"



It's just an object. It doesn't mean what you think.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 8:16 AM


Went to visit my mother today, she had a stroke a couple of years ago and is now in a nursing home.

One of the nurses was bringing around the tea trolley... she was wearing blue gloves...


Sunday, June 11, 2006 8:26 AM


Oh man, Firefly moments...where do I start?!

Obviously, had a fair dozen of 'em at Moonlight Rising. Before that, the one that sticks out was when I went to a Serenity screening at a library near Philly. Walked in, one of the other attendees said "Hey, Chris, how are you?" My jacket was still zipped up at that point, soooo.....

"Shiny." *zzzip* "Let's be bad guys."

Ah, wacky fun.

'Eta Gorram Na Smech!'
(That's gorram ridiculous!)


Sunday, June 11, 2006 9:37 AM


here in my little corner of the 'verse (namely Britain) we have a little comic book store that is fab. (could stay in there talking to the owner [another Browncoat] forever).

But we were having a conversation with other non-Browncoats and Firefly came up:

Owner: "Its a great show that gave us quotes like.."

He handed the converstaion over to be and i didn't realise, so all i could say was:


We both fell about laughing will the others were like "WTF!?!"

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon


Sunday, June 11, 2006 2:41 PM


Had one just today.

Mom and I went into the US while we still can (how long 'fore they close the border totally).

We stopped at McDonald's for lunch, and there was a little TV in the corner, tuned to a local news station (kinda a cool idea, I thought. If sports bars can do it, no reason Mickey D's can't). On occasion, adds would come up, and one of them was advertising CANTON COLLEGE.

I sat there grinning like an idjit as I ate.

Apparently they were offering new courses in: business administration, computers, and legal aid. I'll leave the funny mental images to the rest of you.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:32 PM


All great responses.

Mine happened last week; I was in a meeting with my manager and some of our engineers at HQ (aka, the Alliance). Anyhow, after a prolonged "discussion" with one of the design engineers, my manager finally stated something along the lines of, "You just don't understand manufacturing processes", to which I threw in (with a bland kind of voice), "He understands, he just doesn't comprehend." Everyone looked at me for about 5 seconds before continuing on, except the engineer that my manager was speaking about. I'm thinking that he could be a fan of Firefly, but I'd have to check for blue gloves before I'd be sure; could be an Aliance agent.

It has a name; I call it Vera


Friday, June 23, 2006 11:45 AM


I've had my own Firefly moments lately. A few days ago I was watching the Food Network when the cook got out some saffron (you see where this is headed, don't you?). So I lean over to my mom and say "You devil woman! I shaved my beard for you!" It took a little explaining to my mother, a non-Browncoat (I'm still working on the conversion).

The next moment came a few days later. We were low on cash and wanted to get something out to eat. So my mom had me return a CD to Circuit City. As I was chatting with the cashier, she asked why I was returning the CD (which happened to be Aerosmith). While I did stop myself from saying it, the first thing that came to mind was "A powerful need to eat sometime this month."

Sometimes you just can't help yourself, huh?


This is my story...


Friday, June 23, 2006 12:50 PM


My best one so far was a little while ago. I went to target (gooooo target!) and I hadn't gone shopping in forever, so I was suffering from withdrawl. I went in, saw all the clothes, and my eyes widdened. Before I knew what I was doing, I squealed and said in such a perfect Kaylee voice, "Oooo! Look at all the pretties!!!" I thought that I had heard that somewhere before, and thought about it. About 15 minutes later I realized that it was from firefly! lol, yeah I know i'm often slow like that

I can also do the best impression of Kaylee eating a strawberry, and have shown people my talents in the chatroom lol

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Friday, June 23, 2006 1:02 PM


Last saturday I went to a massive Foo Fighters concert in Manchester, UK. Out of all the billions of people I seen a guy with a T SHirt that simply said 'Can't stop the signal'. I went up to him and said 'You are Mr Universe?' he laughed and said 'FIrefly rules!'. We then spoke about Firefly and Serenity for about 3 hours. My friends where so pissed off with me. LMAO


Friday, June 23, 2006 1:08 PM


A few years back at the airport terminal.. lengthy delays.. obnoxiously young kid sitting across from me would not stop staring at me.. after about half an hour of him not blinking I growled at him "Shake your head kid!, your eyes is stuck!"

He never looked at me again the whole time :) (Jayne Rules)






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