Male and Female Imponderables--Why, Then The World's My Oyster

UPDATED: Saturday, July 15, 2006 20:37
VIEWED: 15052
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Friday, July 14, 2006 5:35 AM


I, too, have unfortunately come across females I could not win against. No matter what proof I'd bring to the table, it would be countered with "yes, but...". I gave up!

Place of solitude...yep, I have two of them; my armory and my costume shop. The wife will somtimes come into the costume shop, but the only time she spends in the armory is on her way through to the laundry room/storage area. I can get away and create something in the meantime.

Morning, Rigbug!

PR, seems men and women think the same on the being wrong thing, then.



Friday, July 14, 2006 5:37 AM


Sorry PR wasn't meaning to step over you or anything.

I'm pretty sure I'm not you Piz, but I suppose we could have been sucked into and alternate universe or something. I seem to give off pheromones that say to people "whats mine is yours" and "yes, complete stranger, I'ld love to listen to your problems." It's kinda annoying


Friday, July 14, 2006 5:38 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
And, unlike most of my species, I am dressing for you, not other women.


Think about it, PR. If a man comes up to you and says "Hey, nice pants" (Yeah, like THAT would ever happen...)it's nice. But if a woman comes up to you and says the same thing, I for one am very pleased and would say "Thanks! I bought them at X." or something like that. Not to show off where I bought it, but to expand the conversation. Most women I know dress for other women to notice, not for men.

"Have you ever been with a Warrior Woman?"


Friday, July 14, 2006 5:42 AM


Morning, NVG! Have fun with the parade!

RugBug, on the clothing wife ocassionally asks my opinion on what she is wearing, and I give her my honest opinion, be it "meh..." or "damn!", each comes with an explanation and possible pointers. I do not dress my wife, but I do like to help her look her best. Coming from a costumer background, I have caught myself saying things like "I think you should wear that necklace; the color will tie the ensemble together". Never had a problem telling her how she really looked, and I think we get along better for that...but, of course, I think she is the most beautiful, lovely creature in the world!

Morning, SA! My family would ocassionally go to the lengths yours does to settle a disagreement. We are all big fans of random trivia.



Friday, July 14, 2006 5:42 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:
Yep, we mostly dress for other women......

come on, is this really true..? the lure of the siren isn't only in the song....


"The boxy cut and stiff fabric does nothing to show off your wonderful figure" isn't usually part of a man's vocab

now see, this just opens up a whole new can of worms....

endeavor to persevere...


Friday, July 14, 2006 5:43 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
I have never liked being wrong, and, as the men have stated, when someone tries to "make" me admit it, it feels like they're trying to grind me under their heel, so I feel even worse about being wrong and don't want to admit it because that would make it solid.

That's why I think the best approach is to put the truth out there and leave it at that. Then it's up to the other person to accept it. If they do, admitting they were wrong becomes superfluous (and if they do, a simple "OK" or something is all the response that's needed). If they don't, then unless they try to shove it down your throat (in which case you have to stand up for the truth), you just leave it at "I disagree" and nothing more is necessary. No need ever to grind 'em about it.


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
As for the "does this make me look fat?" thing, I can't say I ever ask that. Sometimes I'll ask the simpler "how does this look?"
And, unlike most of my species, I am dressing for you, not other women.

I'll answer this by referring to FF: I think that Saffron's outfit in Our Mrs. Reynold's makes her butt look big. Compare it to when she's wearing pants in Trash - it's much smaller there. Clearly she's not fat - it's the clothes making her look wider than she really is.

So, would a "You're not fat at all, but that outfit does bad things" be acceptable?


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Can I say again that the fortress of solitude can be easily overused? Treat such things with caution.

True, but I would think that if the fortress is being overused there are deeper problems in the relationship that ought to be ferreted out. It's a symptom, not a cause.

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Friday, July 14, 2006 5:46 AM


So Tristan out of my own pointless curiousity and completely off thread. Do you belog to any of the "Societies for wacking friends with sharp pointy objects"?


Friday, July 14, 2006 5:48 AM



Originally posted by Mircea:
we could have been sucked into an alternate universe or something.

now you're getting into the whole Einstein string theory and the unification of forces deal.... far out, man!

endeavor to persevere...


Friday, July 14, 2006 5:51 AM


Mircea, I used to belong to the SCA, but got sick of the politics, the combat boots and plastic armor, and the lack of real interest in historical study. Sorry to bore everyone else, but I'll give a brief story of me and fighting.
I have almost always been a fighter, even before the SCA. After the SCA, I got into Ren Faires, and became a producer, director, actor, choreographer, and cotumer for a few years. Since I got out of that, I haven't done much, but the wife (who was one of my fighters) and I host a Fight Club at our house about once a week using boffer weapons.
Sorry for the longness, but I don't think you've heard any of that before.



Friday, July 14, 2006 5:52 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Mavourneen:

Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
And, unlike most of my species, I am dressing for you, not other women.


Think about it, PR. If a man comes up to you and says "Hey, nice pants" (Yeah, like THAT would ever happen...)it's nice. But if a woman comes up to you and says the same thing, I for one am very pleased and would say "Thanks! I bought them at X." or something like that. Not to show off where I bought it, but to expand the conversation. Most women I know dress for other women to notice, not for men.

Really. Maybe it's partly being bi, maybe it's just me, but I only care if a woman thinks I look good if she thinks I *signifigant look* look good ya know? And as that's far less common in my life thus far than a man thinking I look good, I would say I'm dressing for men. And when I'm with someone, yeah, I'm dressing for them. I don't need to impress anyone else. I want to know if they think it looks good.
For example, I love flowy things; outfits with lots of loose fabric. Skirts and flowy sleeves. But my ex did not think that kind of thing was sexy, so when I was going out with him, I would wear my other favorite clothes. The ones with some slink. He thought I looked great, so I didn't really care if some girl said "Hey nice top." I just cared that he wanted me out of that top pretty badly
Sorry, that might've been TMI. It's fun to tease dates with clothes, makes the end of the night more interesting.




Friday, July 14, 2006 5:57 AM



Originally posted by Piz:
I'll answer this by referring to FF: I think that Saffron's outfit in Our Mrs. Reynold's makes her butt look big. Compare it to when she's wearing pants in Trash - it's much smaller there. Clearly she's not fat - it's the clothes making her look wider than she really is.

So, would a "You're not fat at all, but that outfit does bad things" be acceptable?

That's acceptable in my world.

And I completely agree with Saffron's clothing. She looked HORRENDOUS in Our Mrs. Reynolds. Her Trash outfit was much better and actually gave her a figure.

Dayve: Dressing to impress men is fairly easy. Dressing to impress women is much harder. With men it's about showing off just a little and hinting at something more. With women it's about color, cut, fabric, current styles, etc.


Friday, July 14, 2006 5:57 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
the fortress of solitude can be easily overused? Treat such things with caution

PR, i wasn't talking about getting away from SO or avoiding serious problems... but more of a quiet place for down time...

my SO's extended family hangs out here a lot and they are serious Scrabble freaks - me, not so much - that's a time when i head out to my little work shop and do some woodwork, auto repair or just sit on the porch and watch the birds - plus it's a shady retreat. I'm not escaping reality, just putting it on hold for a while...

endeavor to persevere...


Friday, July 14, 2006 5:59 AM


Ok, PR. While maybe TMI, it explains your viewpoint. I concede...and on most points agree.

"Have you ever been with a Warrior Woman?"


Friday, July 14, 2006 6:01 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Maybe that's why I don't care about dressing for women. I've never wanted to pour all my energy into keeping up with "fashion". I only care what looks good. A color can be "in" that makes me look dead, which means I don't buy any clothes that season. A color or color combo I hate can also be "in" i.e. bright pink with bright green. Gross. I don't follow such things. I don't understand why anyone would really want to.

I'm sure you weren't talking about necessarily spending time away from SO, Dayve. But sometimes it works out that way.
Of course, my expereince with this is exclusively from someone I refer to as Ex of Doom so I might not be unbiased in this area. In fact, I just might be bitter.




Friday, July 14, 2006 6:04 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
Mircea, I used to belong to the SCA, but got sick of the politics, the combat boots and plastic armor, and the lack of real interest in historical study. Sorry to bore everyone else, but I'll give a brief story of me and fighting.
I have almost always been a fighter, even before the SCA. After the SCA, I got into Ren Faires, and became a producer, director, actor, choreographer, and cotumer for a few years. Since I got out of that, I haven't done much, but the wife (who was one of my fighters) and I host a Fight Club at our house about once a week using boffer weapons.
Sorry for the longness, but I don't think you've heard any of that before.

I mostly study/teach rapier these days.

Well yall, it's been fun, but I got work to get to. Talk to ya later


Friday, July 14, 2006 6:05 AM


Mircea, thanks for dropping by!



Friday, July 14, 2006 6:31 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:
Dressing to impress women is much harder

I can see that. My SO is an art teacher, so she maintains a closet of appropriate work clothes and i know several 'city girls' who are all about the latest fashions - and one woman who is a buyer for a major department store chain... so, believe it or not, i've had the ladies fashion discussion before - and my point being that even though fashions change each season or year - how many ways can you make a dress...? all things considered, ie, color, fabric, cut and so on, a dress is still a dress.... ok, i realize i'm an idiot here, but spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars for a single dress is insane to me....

the price of my favorite jeans just went up to fify bucks - and the kids in Singapore or whatever third world country they're made in may only get the equivlant sum in a month....

it just seems to me that whole fashion industry is often ludicrous, pretentious, and even elitist - but that's just one mans opinion... (and, backing up the thread... i refuse to admit that i'm wrong....ha)

endeavor to persevere...


Friday, July 14, 2006 6:36 AM


Everything is that way. Case in point: I watched about five minutes of Smallville last night before calling B*%%$*^t. Counseled my baby sister about watching such crap. Had to redeem myself by watching Supernatural with her. She later called BS in Smallville and made me smile. We are all subjected to such crap all the time!

"I shot the sheriff

But I did not shoot the deputy"


Friday, July 14, 2006 6:46 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
I've never wanted to pour all my energy into keeping up with "fashion". I only care what looks good. A color can be "in" that makes me look dead, which means I don't buy any clothes that season. A color or color combo I hate can also be "in" i.e. bright pink with bright green. Gross. I don't follow such things. I don't understand why anyone would really want to.

PR: Just because something is in "fashion" doesn't mean everyone should be wearing it. You shouldn't let fashion trends dictate what you should be wearing. You take what you know about your body, about what colors work for you, what's in fashion and then find things that make you feel good and look good. Ex. I LOVE the color orange, have for years. The color orange is in fashion. The color orange makes me look like I've contracted the ebola virus. I found a cute top that has orange in it, combined with navy blue, which is one of my best colors and the cut of the top (conservative halter style) is one of the best cuts on me. Bingo: color, cut, fashion, and body style criteria are all met and because of that I feel VERY good in the top and it shows.

I don't pour all my time into keeping up with trends, but I do pay attention. I really like fashion, and just like many other things, it is an art. It may not be an art that appeals to you, but there is fun to be had.


Friday, July 14, 2006 6:46 AM


Hi guys -

I think I have a bug. Went home early yesterday, snuck onto campus for free internet to post fic today (I'm such a junky) But I'm feeling a little looopy.

To catch up a few things -

Dayve: love the band names. Titty Bingo? How did that band not succeed?

CK - about SCV, the bottle wdance as wicked cool, the stands always lit up with camera flashes when we did that. And I get a lot of camera time in the finals performance, I could point myself out to you!! I remember a Sheri, but I can't remember who she was... Oh, and Phantom '89? Rocks! Even though I have to make fun of the guard. Cause I'm like that. I think my absolute favorite is Blue Devils '88.

Kenobius - too funny you saw it too!! That show is so famous, but it was a nightmare to put together. I swear they rewrote it 3 times.

Rugbug - I had a stint of riding in jr high. I tried 3' jumps and it scared the piss out of me! I didn't even finish. Go you with the pretty high-jumping horse!

As for flirting, I'm clueless. I act like me and if I happen to be flirty, it's subconscious.

That's all for yesterdays thread. Can't deal with today's - most post fic and be off to sleep some more!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Friday, July 14, 2006 7:01 AM



Originally posted by Dayve:

it just seems to me that whole fashion industry is often ludicrous, pretentious, and even elitist - but that's just one mans opinion... (and, backing up the thread... i refuse to admit that i'm wrong....ha)

And I won't ask you to. I think you're correct...and yet, I still love fashion. I just like clothes. And I like the way a well cut dress hangs. There is a section in one of my favorite magazines (InStyle) that is called "Deals and Steals." I always laugh at the "steal" which is a $100 T-Shirt. Um, yeah right.

As much as I like fashion, I won't pay much more than $20 for an article of clothing (unless it has to do with horses. I have Hunt Coats that cost $400 and breeches that cost $ pair of which they wanted to cut off of me in the ER. I about had a fit. I broke my ARM, not my leg, thank-you very much!) I think the most expensive piece of clothing I own at the moment was $70 and I feel as gorgeous as Morena Baccarin in it, so I think it was worth it. It also helped elicit a "Wow!" comment from an old flame, so that was worth it, too.


Friday, July 14, 2006 7:01 AM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
Titty Bingo? How did that band not succeed?

i don't think i was ever in a band that took ourselves seriously... we played for fun and beer money... by my jr. year in college i had pretty much given it up - even cut the hair and sold the drums -

a band in Austin took the name Titty Bingo and were a local hit for a short time - that was one of the names i actually had input on - drummers get no respect... One name i wanted to use but never got to was Vic Black and the White Girls - guess i'll save that one for my come back tour!

endeavor to persevere...


Friday, July 14, 2006 7:05 AM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
CK - about SCV, the bottle wdance as wicked cool, the stands always lit up with camera flashes when we did that. And I get a lot of camera time in the finals performance, I could point myself out to you!! I remember a Sheri, but I can't remember who she was... Oh, and Phantom '89? Rocks! Even though I have to make fun of the guard. Cause I'm like that. I think my absolute favorite is Blue Devils '88.

Kenobius - too funny you saw it too!! That show is so famous, but it was a nightmare to put together. I swear they rewrote it 3 times.

I have a video of what appears to be the Summer Music Games of '92. Runs about 11:50, you should point yourself out, if you can.


Friday, July 14, 2006 7:27 AM



Originally posted by Kenobius:
I have a video of what appears to be the Summer Music Games of '92. Runs about 11:50, you should point yourself out, if you can.

If I could get a copy of it, I could pick out the times... I'm curious to see it anyway, it's been a long time. I have a VHS tape, but no VCR anymore, LOL!!

Try mailing it to Thanks!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Friday, July 14, 2006 7:33 AM


The yayness!
Former SO found a girl into D&D and computers and art and music. Basically everything he wanted me to be! I want to slit both of their troates (sp?)!

Things he promised to teach me: How to properly use a computer, how to cook, why D&D was so much fun! Although all he did was make me feel like shit (sorry Tristian) for not already knowing.

I'm actually kinda smart. Not that it comes acrossed really well online (I can't spell I stear away from my usual flowerly prose). But for four years everything I said was wrong. My own point of view? How can an opion be wrong? It can't that's the definion of opion f**ker! So basically I was just too scared to even open my mouth.

Actual yayness? I got to have sex with a really cute boy! With bigger parts! However not so big that it was painfull!

An I carried such a torch


Friday, July 14, 2006 7:34 AM


Morning all. I promise not to bring politics into the thread, but can I just say that switching between the CNN coverage of the situation in Israel and the SciFi Firefly marathon is a little jarring? Course, Firefly with commercials is a bit jarring all on it's own...

"Does this make me look fat?": I actually mean it when I ask. Course, I never couch it in those terms, heh. It's taken awhile, but hubby has gotten to the point where he can give me an honest opinion of how clothing looks on me, especially when it comes to things I can't see real well, like my butt. He's saved me from buying several pairs of really bad pants.

And I'll have to agree with PR, I dress for hubby and for other guys (meaning, I like it when other guys are envious of hubby, etc). I've never been particularly good about giving a rat's ass about what other women think of me, hehe.

Hey M4P, hope you feel better soon! Sheri was one of the guard coaches for SCV back in the day. She's listed on SCV's webpage for the '89 Phantom, but not for '92. She may have left by then, I don't quite remember. I went looking through all the DCI videos on YouTube yesterday, and while I couldn't find a single on of the SCV '92 *show* (lots of the drum line though, heh), I did find one of the '89 show. Unfortunately the vid ended before the great shot of the huge Phantom tarp floating to the ground. And man on man, those 80's guards outfits are hi-larious!

Now I'm going to have to go look up the '88 Blue Devils show. I did find an SCV from '99 or 2000 that has a great close up shot of a friend of mine from high school, in the pit, so without a shako and quite recognizable. Quite the walk down memory lane, and I never did anything more than marching band and winterguard!


You can't take the sky from me...


Friday, July 14, 2006 7:35 AM


Ah, fashion. The only fashion I follow is that of the Renaissance period...everything else is middle-management slacks and dress shirts. Casual is jeans and a button-up shirt. Really casual doesn't matter.



Friday, July 14, 2006 7:37 AM


I think you may have been a bit too smart for him. He was probably afraid you'd excel beyond his abilities. Thats the kinda stuff that guys who are insecure with their man parts do!

Lotsa love for our COPILOT. She's tryin'.
Not like some of us sorry saps.

ADD: Hope you feel better M4P. Summer sickness is the worst.

"I shot the sheriff

But I did not shoot the deputy"


Friday, July 14, 2006 7:49 AM


Didn't mean to lump anyone on the board in with the sorry sap crowd. Feel free to beat me senseless. Just beware, I might get to like it.

"I shot the sheriff

But I did not shoot the deputy"


Friday, July 14, 2006 7:53 AM


*beats Nvghostrider senseless*

I needed that! I'd had a long day.

*kisses nvghostrider better*

Desktop Hippie


Friday, July 14, 2006 7:57 AM


But I did not shoot the deputy!

Also I ment to put into my post this little tidbit.
The only good answer to do I look fat in this is 'I don't know can I take it off to make an objecitve compairison"? Of course followed by naughty sex on the floor, bathroom counter and the like.
Just my humble opinion!

An I carried such a torch


Friday, July 14, 2006 7:59 AM


Afternoon, Copilot. I don't want to sound like a parent, but I hope you were safe! And we know you are intelligent...I agree with NVG; that's probably why the ex ran off.

NVG, it would take a bigger man than I to beat you senseless. So, I will offer you coffee.
Makes everything all better.

Afternoon, DeskTopHippie!



Friday, July 14, 2006 8:07 AM


Only once in my intoxicated life have I ever had unprotected sex! That wasn't last night by a long shot! We've both been tested since then! Yuck!

Just the boy I "dated" for 2 weeks during senior year of high school. We havn't managed to hang out without at least making out since! He's just too darn cute! I sound like such a moron in type!

An I carried such a torch


Friday, July 14, 2006 8:09 AM


MMM, Coffee.

Ex ran off because?: She was too smart and cute for him or because of his penis issues?

Thanks for the beating and kisses DTH. Posative reinforcement is always the best support for anyone.

"I shot the sheriff

But I did not shoot the deputy"


Friday, July 14, 2006 8:10 AM


Good afternoon yourself :)

*is desperate for someone to notice her shiny new animated sig which she made all by herself*

Sorry. I'm a shameless attention seeker

Desktop Hippie


Friday, July 14, 2006 8:20 AM


Copilot, shiny! Thought so, just had to be sure!

NVG, yes, coffee is the stuff of life! And I meant because of Copilot's superior intellect.

DTH, *as if noticing the sig for the first time* Say! Is that a new sig you have there? Looks mighty fine, indeed!



Friday, July 14, 2006 8:26 AM


Why yes! It is a new sig! Can't think why you noticed. *looks innocent*

Copilot - I have absolutely no useful advice to offer. So have a *hug* I hope it helps!

Desktop Hippie


Friday, July 14, 2006 8:28 AM


I was just thinking how cute that is.

COPILOT- We live for the moronic pinings of post coital infatuation. Nothing more gratifying than having satisfied friends.

TRISTAN- Friends have protected me in the past more than my parents. I think Copilot can attest to that too. Besides, when you asked about protection I suddenly thought of an executive protection team I did a little work with. Poor little Copilot would have been wore out by anyone of those fellas. Maybe.

On the beat down thing...
You could take me Tristan, I'm a teddy bear. Or at least thats what everyone says.

"I shot the sheriff

But I did not shoot the deputy"


Friday, July 14, 2006 8:35 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
The moronic pinings of post coital infatuation

now there's a tatoo for ya.....
or maybe a country song...
could be the first line in a mystery novel....

quite the phrase turner you are NVG....

hey did anyone see DH's cool new sig.....? so pretty..!

endeavor to persevere...


Friday, July 14, 2006 8:43 AM


NVG, you just put into my head the vision of half-a-dozen suited executives standing around in the bedroom during happy time making sure everything was safe!
Hey, teddy bears can be tough!



Friday, July 14, 2006 8:50 AM


... and on the back of Dayve's advertising, I will now mention that I have other animated sigs posted in the Blue Sun room

Yes I know I'm plugging shamelessly. I spent the whole day trying to teach a bunch of hyper Italians how to speak English. No one has paid any attention to me alllll daaaaay!!!! At least here I can get some nice vibes from the shiny folk.

I love this board!

Desktop Hippie


Friday, July 14, 2006 8:56 AM


It could be worse. They could have been a bunch of uppety Canadians. Or worse yet , a bunch of haughty Frenchmen.

And you have my undivided attention.

Look, something SHINY.


"I shot the sheriff

But I did not shoot the deputy"


Friday, July 14, 2006 9:06 AM


Don't worry, DTH! you can chill now you're here with us! *sends shiny vibes to the shiny DTH* hugs!
Ok, so I'll try to catch up...
Fashion: Sometimes I amke a point not to follow fashion. I just wear what I'm most comfortable in, mainly old jeans and my firefly and muppets t-shirts, and my ever-growing collection of Converse. I don't know about the most expensive piece of clothing, but I got my favourite pair of jeans (dark blue, shot through with multi-coloured threads) for just £2, (or $3.68 for you lot on the other side of the pond)!!

This probably won't help anyone else, but when I'm really, really depressed, I watch The 1st Wives Club, that is when even firefly won't cheer me up! I have learnt so much from that film, fool be the man who ever tries to divorce/chest on me!!
On the subject of films, has anyone seen Ravenous? I just downloaded the music from that, I love it, its so creepy!

Got a question., but it isnt really an imponderable: What weird things do you lot collect?

Eagles may soar, but ferrets don't get sucked into jet engines.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Friday, July 14, 2006 9:09 AM


DTH, Ah cannae see yon animayted sig! sorry *gets rid of awful scottish accent* ahem.
To jump on the self advertisment bandwagon: I just posted the penultimate (sp?) of my Operative fic: check it out if you want!

Currently searching for the planet of the hot, rich yet appropriately hygenic man.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Friday, July 14, 2006 9:10 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:

"I shot the sheriff

But I did not shoot the deputy"

The real question remains: Eric or Bob?

SBDB: I don't collect much anymore. I don't have enough room for anything. I do like hand painted coffee mugs, though. Have enough of those for my own coffee house.

I also have a small collection of junior fiction horse themed books. There is one collection in particular that I have that I love. It brings back such wonderful memories. The books were written in the 50s (no, I'm not that old) and I only need one more, but it sells for about $200, which is just too much.


Friday, July 14, 2006 9:12 AM


I collect copper molds. This side of the pond we call them Jell-o molds, you'd know them as pudding molds. I have them all over my kitchen. 'Bout 40 of them. I also have a pretty nifty collection of women's black velevet cocktail hats from the 40's and 50's hanging in a guest room - kindof artistic like, and there's about 25 of them right now.

"Have you ever been with a Warrior Woman?"


Friday, July 14, 2006 9:16 AM



Originally posted by Smartbutdumbblonde:
Got a question., but it isnt really an imponderable: What weird things do you lot collect?

Heh. I get to tie in two sub-threads at once. You know those little packets that come in the box with anything electronic (and sometimes vitamins or some such), the ones that contain the "dessicant" that absorbs any moisture that builds up in the package? I used to collect those.

"Why?" everyone must be wondering. Because every one of those packets has a little phrase on it that was the name of my band (I play bass and sing): "Do Not Eat"

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Friday, July 14, 2006 9:18 AM


Bob of course. Needed some warm music this morning. Then of course No Woman No Cry cues up and had to change it. Though, I kinda like the Clapton version more when I'm driving. Like to finger the frets while I drive. Wierd?

Collecting crap? I tend to change from time to time. Currently collecting change for a new tattoo. Collecting for a collection.

"I shot the sheriff

But I did not shoot the deputy"


Friday, July 14, 2006 9:24 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Bob of course.

I was hoping that was the answer. Was recently talking to a youngster (not really, she's 20) and she didn't even KNOW that it was Bob's song to start with.

I'm a fan of old ska and reggae. There's an amazing collection from Studio One that is perfect relaxing summer's day music.


Friday, July 14, 2006 9:28 AM


NVG, the French-speaking, Quebecois half of me is partially offended at that statement.

SBDB, weird things I collect...well, it used to be ex-girlfriends...
Up until about ten years ago it was Legos...all sorts, but mostly the medieval-themed ones. Nowadays, I like to collect coins and old books, mostly.

RugBug, I have to put my vote in for Bob.







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Thu, March 6, 2025 04:33 - 40 posts
Nathan Fillion's 10 Best Movies And TV Shows
Mon, March 3, 2025 05:52 - 1 posts
12 Foot filming Prop
Fri, February 28, 2025 15:56 - 3 posts
Firefly Pinterest
Fri, February 28, 2025 13:19 - 1 posts
A Gun for Misbehaving
Fri, February 28, 2025 13:08 - 14 posts
Collecting Props and Costumes
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:54 - 11 posts
Firefly cosplay
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:38 - 1 posts
Firefly props, the is active!
Fri, February 28, 2025 12:32 - 1 posts