Which quote gets to you?

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 10:42
VIEWED: 10064
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Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:14 AM


There are hundreds of quotes I love, ones that make me cry, give me chills or spit my milk over the keyboard (has happened, btw)but not quite so many I find downright sexy.

So I've heard him say it a million times before, but just recently he said it and it gave me shivers...

When Mal is talking to Kaylee in "Out of Gas", and he says "Wanna?"

Makes me think all sorts of things


Mal: You know, you ain't quite right.
River: It's a popular theory.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:19 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

*clears throat and braces for bubble burst*
Actually he says "Wanna?" as in "Wanna spend time on this vessel and keep her flying?"
It still works, though, I suppose...




Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:20 AM


Zoe: "He ain't comin'"

nuff said


Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:29 AM


Oh, there are soooooo many.

Here's one, not a quote but an event: I get totally choked up when Kaylee gets shot in the pilot. I really don't like it when Kaylee gets hurt (or even threatened)...

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:35 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

She's asking for sexy, here, not tear-jerking. We've all talked about the tear-jerking.
I'm still trying to think of one. Plenty of characters I think are sexy, but sexy lines? None popping into my brainpan.
Well, that whole exchange between Zoe and Wash in Shindig was sexy for some very obvious reasons... "I know all the steps" "I'll say you do at that"...




Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:40 AM


"When you can't run, you crawl, and when you can't crawl, you find someone to carry you."

While "The Message" isn't one of my favorite episodes, I really thought that line as well as the ending scenes were one of the most moving episodes of the series.


"These words are all I have so I'll write them."


Sunday, July 16, 2006 8:12 AM


Love. You can know all the math in the 'Verse, but take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells ya she's hurtin' 'fore she keens. Makes her home.

One of my favorites.

Have a better one!!!


Sunday, July 16, 2006 8:16 AM


" vwhat was that?!? "

i know...lame. But i like it

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon



Sunday, July 16, 2006 8:22 AM


When they're all arguing about River in Objects in Space, and Simon says so softly "She's just a kid." It always gets to me. And I love the way it gets to the other characters too.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 10:28 AM


It's not a quote in the strictest sense, but what alsways gets me is "you can't take the sky from me".
There is so much in it - Mal's defiant unwillingness to give up, to give in, to let life roll over him and destroy him. And when I'm sitting at my desk at work, I sometimes think of the sentence, remembering, what my sky is, that they can't take away. I guess, you all know ...



Sunday, July 16, 2006 11:23 AM


On "Our Mrs. Reynolds", where Zoe says to Wash "Remember that sex we were going to have...ever again." I love that line.

When River tells Simon "I didn't think you were going to come for me." And he responds "Well, you're a dummy." Ummm.

When Shepherd Book tells Mal that if he takes advantage of Saffron, he will go to the special place, populated by child molesters and people who talk in the theater.

There are about a million quotes. Isn't that a major part of what makes the show so special?

My two cents. Dhon ma?


Sunday, July 16, 2006 11:37 AM


I still think whoever wrote the script for The first Pirates of the Caribbean was a browncoat.

"Try not to look at her for what she is, but for what she could be."
"What's that, sir?"
"Freedom, that's what."

Isn't that what Jack Sparrow said?

"No, that sir."
"Oh, that. Just step around it. Somethin' musta been livin' in here."

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Sunday, July 16, 2006 11:56 AM


Firefly and Serenity is filled with incredible and amazingly wonderful quotes, but there is one that always makes me teary. River's speech in Objects in Space. I just think it's just so heart-wrenching.


River: I don't belong... dangerous, like you... can't be controlled, can't be trusted. Everyone can just go on without me and not have to worry. People could be what they wanted to be... could be with the people they wanted… could live simple, no secrets.

Simon: No.

River: I'll be fine. I'll be your bounty, Jubal Early, and I'll just fade away.

"People tell you things all the time, without talking. The way they move, the way they aren't talking." - River Tam


Sunday, July 16, 2006 12:00 PM



Originally posted by micjwelch:
I still think whoever wrote the script for The first Pirates of the Caribbean was a browncoat.

"Try not to look at her for what she is, but for what she could be."
"What's that, sir?"
"Freedom, that's what."

Isn't that what Jack Sparrow said?

I checked and he says: "Not just the Spanish Main, luv. The entire ocean. The entire wo'ld. Wherever we want to go, we'll go. That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs but what a ship is... what the Black Pearl really is... is freedom."

Which is a very interesting paralell... Both these men's boats mean freedom. Maybe the writer WAS a Browncoat... ;)

"People tell you things all the time, without talking. The way they move, the way they aren't talking." - River Tam


Sunday, July 16, 2006 12:22 PM


Oooo...there are so many that I love....

"You don't fix faith. It fixes you." I always liked that, becuase it doesn't necessarily have to be about religion, just believing in something.

"We are just too pretty for God to let us die." That's for days when you don't feel so pretty.

"We're still flyin'."
"That's not much."
"It's enough."

Again, for days when you're not feeling so good.

On the sexy side-

"And you're pretty...pretty. Even when you're- no, especially when you're covered in engine grease."- even though he was drunk, it was great.

"Wanna?" Regardless of the original context, it's such a great versatile line.

*sigh* So many quotes, so little time.

Mine is an evil sugar high laugh! Bwahahahaha!



Sunday, July 16, 2006 1:27 PM


There are just too many quotes that work for me to pick one. I will say that the moment that gets me is at the end of The Message when they return the body to the parents. The first time I saw that episode, the music was just so good, so beautifully written, that I had a hard time believing it was actually written for a TV show.

Then, when I watched the DVD extras and I learned that when the cast was filming that scene, they already new that the series was canceled. When I see that scene now, with that music and look at their faces... <> gets me every time.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:02 PM


The ones that get me time and again are both from 'Out of Gas.'

"Everyone dies alone."
"You're all gonna be here when I wake up?"

And to make me smile:

"I need that in Captain Dummy talk, Kaylee."



Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:23 PM


Well if we are talking about sexy lines it would have to be the line from "Shindig" where Zoe tells Kaylee that if she was going to get a dress it would have a little slink to it.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:35 PM


I just watched that very scene, and I have to say, it is incredibly sexy.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:49 PM


Hehe, sexy lines? Well, first it would have to involve Jayne, in my case it does anyway
These all come from Heart of Gold, which I guess is the sexiest episode, ummmm, if you wanna put it like that.

SIMON:Well, let's get you lying down, take
a look at you.
JAYNE:Now that's a plan!

JAYNE: Man, my John Thomas is gonna pop off
and fly around the room, there's so
much tasty here.

JAYNE: Can I start getting sexed already?

JAYNE:Now, there's people gonna die. Ain't no way 'round that. And with people dyin' comes guts and screamin' and that can bring on all sorts of screwed-up behaviors, a person's not used to it. When the time comes, most important thing is you keep your wits about you. Clear? These here are my favorites, and you're to keep 'em comin' till there ain't no more to be had. I shoot, I run out you just hand me the next biggest and so on. Is there an understanding here?
JAYNE:All right, then. Lets get to work.

JAYNE: That ain't nothin'! Y'all are
pulling, not squeezing like I said.
Next one doesn't hit that board is
giving up a special treat, dong ma?

Well I guess some of those aren't so sexy as they are crude and disgusting. But that's the kinda guy Jayne is. "Pretty cunning, dont'cha think?" I've always thought was very sexy as well, just the expression on his face as he says it. (I guess it's not too hard to guess my favorite character)


Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:54 PM


Not exactly a sexy line, but there is just something in Nathan's delivery of it that gets to me... When Mal asks River if she knows her part in all this and River asks, "do you?" and Mal responds: "This is what I do, darlin'. This is what I do." There something in his facial expression that just makes me fall in love with him. And want to jump his bones.

aka Greyfable and/or Katie

like the avatar? there are more. grab one here: Happy Summer of Serenity! -- picking up Firefly were Joss left off. We will hold 'til he gets back.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 6:00 PM


She did say sexy lines, and I can't believe no-one mentioned the 2 most obvious ones said by the same person.

I do know my bible, sir. "On the
night of their betrothal, the wife
shall open to the man, as the furrow
to the plough, and he shall work in
her, in and again, 'till she bring
him to his fall, and rest him then
upon the sweat of her breast."

That when she was born, she had no
sky, and she was open, inviting and
the stars would rush into her,
through the skin of her, making the
oceans boil with sensation, and when
she could endure no more ecstasy, she
puffed up her cheeks and blew out the

2 mythical quotes that had both men on the ground. Granted Wash got that way because Saffron knocked him out but who can say if he wasn't so devoted (ie: intimidated) to Zoe he wouldn't have given in. He was pretty close to going to that special hell, and in support of Mals defence she was naked, if she walked bare ass onto the bridge you can bet Wash wouldn't have needed much encouragment either.

Yo-Saff-Bridge. One of the rare bad guys you love to hate.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Sunday, July 16, 2006 6:51 PM


I'm going to have to second the Love speech at the end of the BDM. Also, though it's not sexy, I have a real soft spot in my heart for

Select to view spoiler:

the exchange between Simon and River right after Simon gets shot in the BDM.

That gets to me every time.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 10:30 PM


Which quote gets to me?



How many Jaynes does it take to change a light bulb?

Two. One to try to put it in and another to find a bigger hammer.


Monday, July 17, 2006 1:24 AM


Sexy? Dunno. Though Saffron said it, that's for sure.

But I can quote the very best ANTI-sexy line in the entire show.
JAYNE: That's why I never kiss 'em on the mouth.

Makes me feel..just..downright...dirty...just thinking about it.



Monday, July 17, 2006 1:45 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by micjwelch:
I still think whoever wrote the script for The first Pirates of the Caribbean was a browncoat.

{Edit}** SPOILERISH** Not that it gives anything away and not that it happens very far into the film and it doesn't mean much anyway...{Edit}

Wow!! I just saw the 2nd movie last night and I thought there were some phrases from the 'Verse in there too!! Like the scenen when Jack brings a bit of cloth on board after risking life and limb and the other Pirates say something like ... is that all - I thought there would be, you know, Shiney"

And then just "Shiney?" ... "Shiney."

And there were other moments too, but I can't remember them!! ..."Shiney" {edit} just remembered that there are actual fireflies in one scene!! Coincidence?{edit}

Lovin' you - Magdalene x x


Monday, July 17, 2006 1:58 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by OneManShort:
Hehe, sexy lines? Well, first it would have to involve Jayne, in my case it does anyway

These all come from Heart of Gold, which I guess is the sexiest episode, ummmm, if you wanna put it like that.

I think 'Heart of Gold is my favourite episode - but then I've only seen the entire season about 4 times, bein' fairly new to the 'Verse and all...

Most of my favourite Jayne moments are sexy in a pure beefcake kind of way! And yeah - I love the 'cunning' line in The Message!

My fave for sexy is Nandi saying "...Malcolm, I've been wating for you to kiss me ever since I showed you my guns..." Does anyone know what she says (in Chinese) before that coz it adds to the sexiness!

I just realised I'm only posting about sex-related-things at the moment!!

Lovin' y'all - Magdalena x x x


Monday, July 17, 2006 2:20 AM



Originally posted by magdalena:
My fave for sexy is Nandi saying "...Malcolm, I've been wating for you to kiss me
ever since I showed you my guns..." Does anyone know what she says (in Chinese) before that
coz it adds to the sexiness!

Don't know the Chinese off the top of my head.

Of course that whole scene with Mal and Nandi just oozes with sexuality. I love that there's
nothing smutty about it, just two mature, intelligent adults finding their way to the
proper goal of their mutual attraction with wit, honesty, and desire.

The line that always hits me hardest is when Nandi says, "I want you to bed me." Not just the
words, but the tone - oof!

"That's what government's for: get in a man's way." - Mal


Monday, July 17, 2006 2:35 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by Piz:

Of course that whole scene with Mal and Nandi just oozes with sexuality. I love that there's
nothing smutty about it, just two mature, intelligent adults finding their way to the
proper goal of their mutual attraction with wit, honesty, and desire.

The line that always hits me hardest is when Nandi says, "I want you to bed me." Not just the
words, but the tone - oof!

Hmmmm on the same track here - and I love his reply - "I guess I mean to..." and when he says he "intends to take it ....slow" (not verbatim I know) I just shivered the first time I heard him say that! - still do in fact! It's so sensual that whole scene - and the music makes you ache!!

Oh yeah! Mwaaah - Magdalena x x


Monday, July 17, 2006 4:19 AM



Originally posted by magdalena:

I think 'Heart of Gold is my favourite episode - but then I've only seen the entire season about 4 times, bein' fairly new to the 'Verse and all...

Most of my favourite Jayne moments are sexy in a pure beefcake kind of way! And yeah - I love the 'cunning' line in The Message!

My fave for sexy is Nandi saying "...Malcolm, I've been wating for you to kiss me ever since I showed you my guns..." Does anyone know what she says (in Chinese) before that coz it adds to the sexiness!

I just realised I'm only posting about sex-related-things at the moment!!

Lovin' y'all - Magdalena x x x

jen mei NAI-shing duh FWO-tzoo
"Extraordinarily impatient Buddha" (Nandi, to Mal about waiting to kiss.) has all the chinese phrases and the point where they're said. There's also a few sites out there just devoted to the chinese phrases. I love when Jayne is working out with Book (that sounds wrong) like when he's lifting weights. Those are definitly some of the scenes that cause me to drool.


Monday, July 17, 2006 4:27 AM


Definately the duo interogation scenes of Zoe and Wash in Bushwacked - I don't have the exact quote but she's all stonefaced and "We're private people" and he's going on and on about how sexy she is...

lol - "Have you ever been with a warrior woman?"


Monday, July 17, 2006 4:28 AM


In the Train Job, when Zoe and Mal are returning the crates of stolen mediciine, they find the sheriff.

(not exact)
Sherrif: "A man takes a job and he might not look to closely at what it is. But when he sees a situation like ours... well, he has a choice."

Mal: "I don't believe he does."

I think this quote above really shows Mal's character. He's willing to help people at the risk of himself and his crew at the hands of Niska.

I also like the quote that's in my tag line
"Mercy is the mark of a great man. Guess I'm just a good one. Well, I'm alright."

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Monday, July 17, 2006 5:38 AM


My favorite line has to be in Safe when they are about to burn River and Mal and Zoe show up and the evil villager says " she's a witch"
Mal's response " Yeah, but she's our witch, cut her down" is so great!

EDIT- and in Objects in Space at the end when River says "permission to come aboard captain" and Mal looks at her and really sees her and you see that bemused affection for her and she sweet
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 17, 2006 6:20 AM


The "Some people juggle geese" line always makes me laugh.

Oh and the whole speach that Wash does in War Stories the speach when hes on about being in a fire fight and it just ends up him having got fired from a fry cook job excellent bit of writing.

"Love. You can do all the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air you
don't love, she'll shake you off sure as a turnin' of worlds. Love keeps her in
the air when she oughtta fall down. Tells you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens.
Makes her a home." Mal


Monday, July 17, 2006 6:25 AM


Hallo, newbie here.

Don't have the whole exchange in memory, but it's the one in 'Out of Gas' where Mal is trying to motivate Kaylee. He's speaking very gently to her and at one point says, "You like breathin', don't you?" and then, "Me, too."

He's so *sweet* to her, in an incredibly tense situation, when he'd just chosen a much harsher tone for motivating Wash. He picks just the right way to lead the individuals in that crew, because he understands them each so well.


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:56 AM


ok there's one other I just about die laughing every time I hear..
Inara-" what did I say about entering my shuttle without knocking"
Mal- " That it was manly and impulsive"
Inara- yes, only I believe the word I used was don

It so perfectly showcases their relationship

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 17, 2006 9:03 AM


What happened? He see your face?

War stories...

Bastard's not gonna get days.

Mal built that toughness and loyalty into Wash by leading by example. Just good stuff.


Monday, July 17, 2006 9:19 AM



Originally posted by Whoops:
The "Some people juggle geese" line always makes me laugh.

Oh and the whole speach that Wash does in War Stories the speach when hes on about being in a fire fight and it just ends up him having got fired from a fry cook job excellent bit of writing.

"Love. You can do all the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air you
don't love, she'll shake you off sure as a turnin' of worlds. Love keeps her in
the air when she oughtta fall down. Tells you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens.
Makes her a home." Mal

Here it is [from memory, but i think i have it right]:

"I've been in a firefight. Well, i've been in a fire. Actually... i got fired, from a fry cook opportunity."

He didn't actually have the job even! That's a really funny one.

One i've always liked is Simon's "You're like a trained ape, without the training." and "To Jayne, the box-dropping, man-ape gone wrong thing."

And another favorite is the whole exchange b/w Wash and Jayne in Out of Gas:
"Wait, are you sayin' she's a witch?!"
"Yes Jayne, she's a witch. She has had congress with the Beast!"
"...She's in Congress?"
"How did your brain even learn human speech? I'm just so curious."



Monday, July 17, 2006 9:35 AM


Hmmm... lines that make me cringe... I think all of them are River.

See my tagline, I love "Doing it backwards, walking up the downslide." It's such a great metaphor for what they're doing in Ariel, breaking into a hospital in order to cure someone.

Objects in Space, I love the line "I'll be your bounty, Jubal Early". It's some combination of the look on Simon's face, of course the look on river's face, and the dilivery.

And Safe, even though I have it recorded and have seen it 50 bazillion times when I've lent my dvds out... "Postholers. Digging holes for posts." Combined with the music, Summer does this really incredible acting job, she turns at looks at Simon, while tied to a stake, about to die, and she says...

"Postholers. Digging holes for posts." in the sweetest, most pitiful way, that she doesn't realize what's happening at that moment, the delivery and her face is so innocent.

I just love that. And I love that Simon feels the same damn way, and upon seeing that, gets up on the stake with her. It's an old cliche plot, but they really make it fresh.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Monday, July 17, 2006 11:20 AM


Hiya everyone. This is my first post on so apologise in advance if i go on for too long!

There are so many brilliant lines and memorable moments in such few episodes. The fact that there are so many people who have embraced a show with only 14 episodes speaks volumes about how damn fine all the writing is in the show. I guess the quote that sum up the whole show for me is.

Simon: 'You had the law on you, criminals and
savages... half the people on the ship have been shot or wounded including yourself, and you're
harboring known fugitives.

Mal: 'We're still flying.'

Simon:'That's not much'.

MAL: 'It's enough.'

Well i guess it not a single quote but being a new recruit to the Browncoats (Watched my first episode a couple of months back and haven't looked back), to me it just sums up the whole show as well as the struggle faced by fans and crew alike trying to continue the our 'verse'.

As for favourite single quote (well...for today anyway).
Jayne: 'Lets move this conversation in a not Jaynes fault direction'!


Monday, July 17, 2006 11:23 AM


NEWBIE!!! NEWBIE!!!! Hello and welcome! FollowMal should be along soon to fit you for your very own browncoat!

one of the Forsaken TM


Monday, July 17, 2006 11:41 AM



Originally posted by Arcadia:
This is what I do, darlin'. This is what I do."

Oh, I like Mal in that instant too. I do think the line is sexy, because his confidence in who he is and what he does shines through.

The only distracting this in that scene is the overuse of blush on Nathan. I know the scene was a reshoot, but eesh, they kind of overdid it with the make-up.


Monday, July 17, 2006 11:45 AM


From Safe

Simon: Captain... why'd you come back for us?
Mal: You're on my crew.
Simon: Yeah, but you don't even like me. Why'd you come back?
Mal: You're on my crew. Why are we still talking about this?

My favorite exchange of the series.

Could you please just make it stranger? Just stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?
~Joss Whedon


Monday, July 17, 2006 12:55 PM


Thanks for the shiny welcome Futuremrsfillion. May my newly fitted coat get browner with every post i make!

'Poor little thing, never even got to see the light of day now it's in showbusiness'.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 3:30 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by OneManShort:

jen mei NAI-shing duh FWO-tzoo
"Extraordinarily impatient Buddha" (Nandi, to Mal about waiting to kiss.) has all the chinese phrases and the point where they're said. There's also a few sites out there just devoted to the chinese phrases. I love when Jayne is working out with Book (that sounds wrong) like when he's lifting weights. Those are definitly some of the scenes that cause me to drool.

Thank you - sorry you are findin yourself short a man! Glad you've got great taste when it comes to droolability! I will look that one up! I have been thinking that there must be at least one site in the 'verse that lists the chinese and translates them in a scene by scene or episode by episode manner! I could kiss you for that!

Lovin' you! - Magdalena x x x


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 4:07 AM



Originally posted by sunnyj:
Hiya everyone. This is my first post on so apologise in advance if i go on for too long!

Jayne: 'Lets move this conversation in a not Jaynes fault direction'!

Hi there sunnyj! Seems like we've been getting a pretty high number of newbies in the last few days, which is an awesome thing because there's power in numbers. Keep posting and keep on being shiny! And there's no such thing as going on too long about Firefly, unless you're my signature, which takes up alot of space, but it is Jayne. Check out some of the artwork in the BlueSunRoom, or some of the fanfics, there's some really great stuff. Welcome!

Magdalena-Glad I could help


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 4:51 AM


Speaking of Jayne- the one quote that makes me tear up is at the end of Jaynestown and he's talking to Mal with that look of pain he says" why did he do that?"

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 5:58 AM


Or at the end of Ariel when Jayne tells Mal not to tell Simon and River what he "done."


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 8:07 AM


Those are both really good ones. I've always loved how adorable he is right after he gets his hat.

WASH: A man walks down the street in that
hat, people know he's not afraid of

JAYNE: Damn straight.

Or this one:

JAYNE: Me, I see a stiff -- one I didn't
have to kill myself -- I just get,
you know, the urge to do stuff. Work
out, run around, get some trim if
there's a willin' woman about... not
that I get flush from corpses or
anything. I ain't crazy.

BOOK: Makes sense. Looking to feel alive,
I would venture.

JAYNE: For psychology, that ain't half dumb.
My kind of life don't last, preacher.
So I expect I'm invested in making
good sport of it whilst I can.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 10:42 AM


As far as being sexy, it's kind of tangential, but it in out of gas when Jayne gets sent off with Inara, and they all come back- that scene where he's all overwhelmed from being in her space is just so funny to me. He can't deal with her sensuality and thinks she's trying to drug him with her incense. She is so out of his league!






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