Male and Female Imponderables - If music be the food of love, play on

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 03:04
VIEWED: 13656
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Saturday, July 22, 2006 5:37 PM


It's another name for garlic.
Garlic is good.
Of course if you spend a week in a tent it could be literal I suppose...
Or if too much perfume were applied...
Or ate too much garlic...
Well it was on the spur of the moment and it tied into the fanfic I was trying to post.
That's as much apologising as I'm liable to do tonight, sorry.

Oops there I go again.


Saturday, July 22, 2006 5:45 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Garlic? Huh. Learn something every day. Yes, yes garlic is good. Having chewed it up in raw form when I was sic, though, I can tell you it is easily overdone
There's a cute little imponderable. Who here would kiss someone if their breath reeked of garlic? If I really liked them, I probably would.




Sunday, July 23, 2006 7:10 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Um... bump?
I'm going to bed now.




Sunday, July 23, 2006 12:37 PM


hello, i'm also going to bed soon - not very well at all. but i thought i'd poke my nose in.

I missed you all!

new imponderable - if your SO wore something that you thought looked really silly - a new hairdo or a bad colour in a dress or something, would you tell them?

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Sunday, July 23, 2006 12:40 PM


and as for garlic breath. I survived an ex coming home and breathing guinness and chilli sauce fumes all over me (just) so i'f i like them enough i could cope with the garlic. 'sides, i love the stuff and its brilliant for the immune system.

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Sunday, July 23, 2006 1:07 PM


Friends, Imponderables, countrymen...lend me your ears...

I have been asked to recruit a few of you to sell Amway...I mean a few of you to help FollowMal and others in the "Summer of Serenity" campaign. We have a list of active Firefly/Serenity forums and Yahoo! groups and would like to "assign" forums and groups to people to post at and help spread the word!

We don't have all the details worked out yet, but we would like to start sometime later this week. Please PM me if you are interested!

Thanks a bunch!


Sunday, July 23, 2006 2:36 PM


An imponderable for you, from a newbie...

If I'm in love with a young woman (my age - I'm 21), and I don't get to see her very often, am I being selfish if I take her away from her parents for an extended period of time?

Unfortunately, we were high-school sweethearts, but she goes to college on the other side of the country from the Coast Guard Academy, which I attend. She is rarely home, even for the summer (being in France this summer as an exchange student) - and right now, I want her all to myself for the three beautiful weeks of leave I get before the school year starts again.

Only thing is, her parents want her home for those threee weeks, too - and they have been utterly unwilling to compromise, going so far as to issue my beloved girlfriend an ultimatum: spend the three weeks at home with them, or not be welcome at their house this summer.

I thought, with typical male cluelessness, "great! Now we get to spend the summer together!" but my girlfriend now feels herself caught. Personally, I figure that her parents are just shamelessley manipulating her, and it gets me pretty steamed, but since I've got a sort-of adversarial relationship with them, I can't really be unbiased.

Now I'm frustrated with my girlfriend (because she won't just make a decision), angry with her parents, and don't see this ending well for anyone. Why do things have to get so complicated, and is there some way to fix it all?

Semper Paratus, mac.


Sunday, July 23, 2006 5:49 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Mur. Ok, first, yes Seryn I would tell someone if I thought they looked silly. I could hardly keep myself from laughing if I thought they looked really silly, and it would be more polite to just say something.
Second, TalynDerre, that sounds like a heck of a situation. My advice, from my personal perspective, would be to back off a little bit.
This sounds counterintuitive, I know. But just listen. Right now your girl is feeling trapped, caught between you and her parents. I understand you wanting to spend as much time as possible with her because I am that way, too. But the best course of action would be to let her decide what to do. And suggest a compromise to her rather than to her parents. Say "Sweetie, I'd like to see you every other day at the very least, so please try to work that with your folks." and be all sweet and understanding about it so she wants to spend more time with you than with her unreasonable and manipulative parents. Don't ask her to choose, just give her every reason to choose you.
If you can't do that, then just avoid yelling at her about it. Tell her how you're feeling and be as reasonable as possible. Long-distance relationships are hard enough without adding tension. You don't want this to end badly, you don't want to spend time away from her while you're both steaming about this. Trust me.




Sunday, July 23, 2006 7:04 PM



if your SO wore something that you thought looked really silly...

Hubby and I just got back from clothing shopping (woo!), and the last purchase of the day was a pair of very silly sunglasses for hubby. I told him that they made him look like Miami Vice, but apparently that's come back around to not being a bad thing (thank you, Colin Ferrell and Jamie Foxx). He was so excited about them -- like a kid with a new toy -- that I finally caved and "let" him get them. But that doesn't mean I didn't giggle at him the whole way home.

Talyn, I'm not quite sure what to say to your situation, other than, I've been there myself. I think there's something weird with high school sweethearts, where each other's parents rarely seem to approve. My parents hated my boyfriend in high school, and pulled a lot of the same things your girlfriend's parents are. Except, it turned out they were right. He was a clinically depressed, manipulative, compulsive liar. Now I kinda wished I'd listened to them earlier, heh. OTOH, my parents were high school sweethearts, and there was tension between them and my grandparents, right up through when my parents got married. 26 years later though, and it's all long since blown over.

But for this situation specifically, I tend to agree with PR. I think you should tell your girlfriend how you feel about *her* -- not about her parents -- and then emphasize that it's her choice, and that your feelings about her won't change no matter what she chooses. If you can do that, you need to be prepared for her to choose to spend those three weeks with her parents.

IMO, the more stress you add to the situation, the worse it'll end. If you, like her parents, ask her to choose -- which is totally unreasonable, adults can and should have healthy relationships with both romantic partners and their parents -- neither out-come is very good. She could choose you, but damage her relationship with her parents, and might resent you later for that. Or she could choose her parents, and damage things with you. Is it any wonder she's having trouble making the choice?

If you tell her that you miss her and you love her (assuming you're to that point) and that you'd like to see her, but that you aren't going to force her to choose, then you'll be relieving stress from the situation. Her parents apparently don't think that you two have a very mature relationship, and treat your girlfriend like she's still a teenager. So show them how wrong they are. If you want this relationship to continue to grow and to last for a long time, being the mature one (as opposed to her parents) is definitely the way to go.

That said... If there's some reason you haven't mentioned that's making her parents be this unreasonable -- differences of race or religion that don't bother you and your girlfriend but bother her parents, for instance... Well then, that changes the situation. If her parents are saying "We forbid you from seeing that boy because he is ___ and we are not," then maybe you two should decide, calmly, maturely, as a couple, that you'll be better off without them in your lives. But that is a very difficult, and likely irreversible decision to make.


You can't take the sky from me...


Sunday, July 23, 2006 9:54 PM


Wheee! Whitefall, back in action, on N. Irish time, and loving his tech-savvy uncle's family.

Ok, so..... to the situation at hand: Talyn... though clearly it wasnt across the country, i've done some... some travel-time based relationships with folk, and they're are always awkward, be they friend, cousin (all of them are in the UK lol, how's that for travel-time from California), or (i'd imagine) lover.

I gotta agree with Rose (not to be confused with Stinkingrose, lol) and CK on the subject. Your girlfriend is making a really awful descision, the absolute best thing you could do imo, is to relieve her of that burden, be the self-sacrificing one, and ask her to go to her parents', because you don't want to see her hurt (breaking up with lovers is one thing, parents is something else). Email her every day if you want, but don't turn yourself into enemy #1 with her parents: eventually she'll want their counsel, shes known them longer than you most like.... Bottom line, you're her friend, bail her out.

P.S. Dang% British£ Key@!~£boards!!!

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Sunday, July 23, 2006 9:59 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Whitefall:
Dang% British£ Key@!~£boards!!!




Sunday, July 23, 2006 10:08 PM


Lol, .

Just every time I tried to type # or @ or anything, I got it wrong. Just made stuff take longer.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Sunday, July 23, 2006 10:18 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I'm sure. Just imagining the differences made me laugh. I find odd, real-life situations very amusing. As Hobbes says so well; otherwise I might not be able to respond to much of life.




Sunday, July 23, 2006 10:21 PM


This is perfect Rose, now that I'm on UK time I can keep you company w/o falling asleep! (Because I'm diurnal. Um. Not because posting is boring or nothing...)

Edit: Ok, i'm off for now, but lol, here's a tidbit: Maybe it's just this comp, but this astounding british keyboard can rotate the screen 90 degrees in all directions at the touch of a button! Funny stuff.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Monday, July 24, 2006 3:02 AM


Morning, all!
Another Monday...why do these things seem to show up every week?

Doesn't look like I missed too much, which is'll be easier to get caught up.

Killing time...I like to do things with my hands. Get you minds out of the gutter...I mean create something; be it armor or clothing or something along those lines.

If SO was wearing something "silly". I would tell her, if I thought it would cause embarassment to her.

TalynDerre, follow the advice of the ladies here...they know what they are talking about!

Alright, off to find coffee and then I will be back.



Monday, July 24, 2006 3:21 AM


I'm back! Kind of. I still haven't sorted the timezones, but it's nearly half-two afternoon here as I post, so I don't know what that makes it in PR world.

Laughing at people wearing silly things? My husband wears lycra cycling gear. Nuff said.


Monday, July 24, 2006 3:27 AM


I grew up in the 80's and early 90's. I have absolutely no stones to throw when it comes to wearing silly stuff.


Monday, July 24, 2006 4:08 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

You posted at 7am in PR world, which is technically morning but actually my evening since I'm up all night.
OK, I'm even confusing myself.
High-five me, though; I have worked out today! Yay!




Monday, July 24, 2006 5:34 AM


Ah, it's monday and the only reason I am happy is that it means I get to sit in Air conditioned splendor instead of facing this blistering heat wave. We just aren't set up for upper 90s in my town.....


Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
Laughing at people wearing silly things? My husband wears lycra cycling gear. Nuff said.

Does he wear it while riding a bike or just because he feels like it?

I've got a soft spot in my heart for silly sport specific clothing. I've done the cycling thing and currently compete on a dirty animal in what amounts to a suit coat and khakis. The epitome of silly.

Idle time: I can waste time with the best of them. I'll watch movies or putter or read a magazine.

Latest books:

1. Current: "Seven Season of Buffy: Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Discuss Their Favorite Television Show" (Not nearly as good as "Finding Serenity")
2. Running With Scissors
3. Pride and Prejudice (again)

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Monday, July 24, 2006 5:39 AM



Being 42 - if this is the meaning of life, then someone was taking the mickey!

one of the Forsaken TM


Monday, July 24, 2006 5:46 AM


RugBug - husband is a cyclist, not a perv

I used to fence - that stuff looks really odd, breeches and little white coats.

Leisure pursuits - I'll read anything, and failing that, write my own. Films are eye-candy - I don't do meaningful cinema, though I have got a copy of 'Metropolis' to watch.


Monday, July 24, 2006 5:49 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

It's entirely possible that Mr Adams did not stear entirely clear of substances in his life; I never knew the man. Though from a lot of what he said his drink of choice was tea.




Monday, July 24, 2006 6:40 AM


Mornin' all.

Gonna do some jakkin' for a sec.

Ms. Questionable just called asking about the kids and their case (info needed for her office). Figures I could help get info for her,(My mom is very busy). Gonna call her back in a minute to tell her to deal with my mom. Heart is still racing. I just want out of this whole non-ordeal. Can't stand it anymore!

"Better dead and cool
Than alive and uncool."


Monday, July 24, 2006 6:44 AM


I've got no advice to give you, NVG, so I hope a *hug* helps.


Monday, July 24, 2006 9:29 AM


Tryin' again (tenth try)

Made the call. She is just as confused as I am (and busy).
Liked the fact I told her about the confusion and the pondering about her. Told her that its been a very long time that any woman has confused and excited me so. She liked that too. More info to follow (maybe).

"Better dead and cool
Than alive and uncool."


Monday, July 24, 2006 9:31 AM


NVG, I've got my digits crossed for you, bro!



Monday, July 24, 2006 10:27 AM


I feel much better now. Feel so good that I may run right out and ask some cute girl to dinner. Been peeking around a little. Tried looking last night, but that damn tight jawed feeling came back. I figure it this way...
Ms. Questionable has been seein' some guy on and off for a few months. She did apologize profusely for all of the crap. I think she wants to be controlled. I have no desire to control anyone but myself, thats work enough.
She told me how much she values the time we've had. That I made her laugh. And she shared the feeling I had about not thinking or worrying about stuff despite the fact we'd been talking about them.
I feel that little a friendship will come out of this whole thing. I want more, but only with someone willing to meet me in the middle. Time will tell.

"Better dead and cool
Than alive and uncool."


Monday, July 24, 2006 11:10 AM


Moved this from the rant thread. I got a very mean glare from a woman at Wal-mart the other day.
It ain't my gorram fault she fell out of her shirt and I looked. Didn't even realize until ten minutes later what I'd seen or what the glare was for. Need less to say I might have commented on her nice parts and walked away, but thats besides the point. I saw boob and didn't even enjoy it (at the time). Good thing my nephew wasn't there, he'd a said somethin'. (He likes boobies and says so when certain commercials are on TV).
So, I do feel bad for the woman, but common sense will tell you that you can't wear a tank top and no bra without folks noticing. Especially if the damn tank top don't fit well anyways. Kinda pissed now. Think I'll get some soda.

"Better dead and cool
Than alive and uncool."


Monday, July 24, 2006 11:49 AM


oh! i'm reading pride and predjudice too! for like, the 9th.... ... ...11th time. I adore that book.

Well, i say i'm reading it, but yesterday in work one of my co-workers (i'll have moaned about him before more than likely) picked it up and was on chapter 11 by the end of the day. He'd never read 'classic' literature before, but got right into it, only had to ask me to clarify one point and then nervously came and asked me if one of the sisters died before the end (awww, bless). So i didn't have the heart to take it home with me and deny him.

What surprised me most was my reaction. I was all astonishment. He went rapidly up in my estimation, but still, i was surprised that he, a bloke, a boy really, would read it.

ok, so he's a little bit gay. Well, actually he's straight, but we all thing he's in denial. And the gay gallery attendant hopes so. But still, i've never known any other man to read it. Most men i've tried to interest (she is after all, one of the best social saitirists ever) have shuddered at the thought.

I never realised it but i do think that i classify it as a 'girls' book - the proto mills & boon if you will. And while its never felt strange to me to read very masculine books - Micheal Marshal Smith, China Mieville and Bernard Cornwell are three faves that spring to mind, I can't remember a single instance of a man i know picking up a girl book - a Katie Fforde or a Jackie Collins or whatever.

So, i though i would bring it up to be pondered over.

Now, This one had to be bought out and shown to the world.
Everybody - say thank you Arcadia.


Monday, July 24, 2006 12:04 PM


Seryn, um, kinda difficult to not think gay when you've got the three reasons to watch Firefly flashing on your sig. Seriously, I have a mancrush on Mal. And nothing could keep me from drinkin' and fightin' with Jayne. But the poor unfortunate would be made my bitch if I swung in that direction.
As for your pondering; I might read some of those chick books. Better than TV. At least there is nudity and sex (I have a good imagination). Even the classics make for some bothersome moments in the pants at the library.
Sorry if I sound a bit rough around the edges. I am having a good day and would like to keep it going. Just trying to get the flash of Mal's man ass out of my head. Now I just can't stop laughing.

"Better dead and cool
Than alive and uncool."


Monday, July 24, 2006 12:05 PM


Hey, I read pride and prejudice, and i prefer the womenfolk! I read it for school, but then, I picked it, so. Still, I read it.

It sorta confused me originally tho. However, I saw the play of it a few months back, the whole thing felt a ton more cohesive. Tis a good book tho.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Monday, July 24, 2006 12:06 PM


Seryn: Jane Austen is my favorite author with Mansfield Park being my favorite of her books, but I do love them all.

How could you place Austen in the same category as Jackie Collins? I won't even read that. Austen is classic, Collins is fluff.

But I am surprised that your friend is reading P&P. It's a bit girly, but how would you classify other classics? Many, even those written by men, are of a "softer" bent.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Monday, July 24, 2006 12:18 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
Most men i've tried to interest (she is after all, one of the best social satirists ever) have shuddered at the thought.

I was made to read it at University but couldn't get through it. Skip forward 7 years and I pick up a copy out of vague interest in reading something "improving" and was utterly delighted by it.

It's a great book - though it's strange that any story told from a woman's point of view is regarded as a "girl's" book. Perhaps it has just been marketed that way recently, what with the ladies swooning over Colin Firth in wet clothing and Bridget Jones's Diary. It's funny, intelligent and interesting throughout plus it is set in my favourite place: the England that never existed.


Monday, July 24, 2006 12:22 PM


I was going to add to that sentence about the possible reason most men don't read them is becuase they are rubbish, but i didn't want to offend anyone.

Austen is also my favorite author - mansfield park i love (have you seen the film adap.? I think they did a good job - NVG you'll like it too - theres sex in it!)but i find Fanny just a little irritating, I think P&P is my favorite - Elizabeth is just a wonderful character, and, I flatter myself - out of all Austens female characters i'm most like her, so it gives me hope that a Darcy will show up one day (if thats not the absolute most stupidest thing i've ever written).

Anyway, I'd say things like Dickens, Hardy, Homer etc are the unisex ones, and writers like Scott (Ivanhoe) and Stevensen (Treasure Island) are more male.

Its completely wrong of me to think like this, but i never realised i did until yesterday - and now i can set about changing my mind.

Now, This one had to be bought out and shown to the world.
Everybody - say thank you Arcadia.


Monday, July 24, 2006 12:31 PM


Yep, I've got the movie of Mansfield Park (and the others: S&S, Emma, Clueless). Only thing I didn't like about it was what appeared to be interjection regarding Sir Thomas Bertram and his extra-curricular activities with the slaves.

Simonwho: You do know that Bridget Jones is a retelling of Pride and Prejudice, right? Colin Firth is sexy until you watch him kissing someone. He just DOES NOT look like he's a good kisser.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Monday, July 24, 2006 12:45 PM


yes, the extracurricular with the slaves was uncalled for - it had no bearing on the story and seemed to only be there for shock value.

yes i do. But only insofar as girl, constantly embarressed by her mother, has to choose between charming rogue and uptight good guy.
Bridgit is no Lizzie, infact she irritates me to hell.
I personally can't identify with this woman that she's meant to be - the thrity something neurotic singleton or who ever, i know no one like that - and i was living in london at the time, where they're all meant to be. I just find her daft and irritating.

Someone needs to go to hollywood and teach all of these actors how to kiss on camera - no matter how gorgeous they are, they can't kiss for crap.

Personally i volunteer for that job. I honestly cant remember the last time i saw a couple kissing on screen and really wanted to be kissed like that.

actually, yes i can - Amelie. He was french - does that make a difference do you think?

Another imponderable - does anyone have first hand experience to prove or disprove these nationality stereotypes, as lovers in the widest sense i mean.

Now, This one had to be bought out and shown to the world.
Everybody - say thank you Arcadia.


Monday, July 24, 2006 12:55 PM


never read Pride and Prejudice i have to confess, my reading in classical social satire got to vanity fair before i discovered present day satire and fell in love trying to think of books i read recently written from the PoV of a female protagonist, all fun and games 'til somebody looses an eye i suppose, although, that probably counts as more neutral, erm, some Rose Tremain i think, maybe?

could be i'm less in tune with me feminine inner-literary-critic then the other bodies that've posted here


Monday, July 24, 2006 12:59 PM


Funny, I can't seem to find a memorable screen kiss in my head for the life of me.
Question: Do y'all remember your first real grown up kiss? Mine was with a girl I'd known my whole life and almost married. Eyes open. Holding hands. Outside standing navel to navel. Think I have a complex about it now. Whats the point in jumping out of a plane if you ain't gonna look?

Seryn- Careful with the French thing. Tristan may have a few things to say about the French. Mine is purely an American dislike for haughty folk who hate Americans. His is from experience.

"Better dead and cool
Than alive and uncool."


Monday, July 24, 2006 2:08 PM


Well folks, gotta be out for the day. Love y'all. Good night.

"Better dead and cool
Than alive and uncool."


Monday, July 24, 2006 3:14 PM


oh sure now that I can finally post, you all go home! Anyway, I missed you guys today. At least my problems are over so big HUGS and such to all and sundry
NV- you are in fine form today darlin and that's great to see...glad ms. whatever situation is done and mostly go find some hot , sweet, wild thing who appreciates you!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 24, 2006 5:07 PM


Ain't spoke for a while, but then again, not much has changed. My job still sucks, I still have deep seated emotional issues, none of the drains in my house work (meaning no toilets, no baths, no shower, no nothin')...

Yeah, life ain't lookin' too shiny right about now. That and it's been cold, wet and miserable for near on a week. Leave it to me to get Seasonal Affective in the middle of gorram summer!

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Monday, July 24, 2006 7:38 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I know I've seen some good screen kisses, but I can't bring them to mind right now.
Kissing never looks as good as it feels anyway
My first "grown-up" kiss... Eurgh. That's an unpleasant story. Not the kiss, but the story. I was sixteen and crushed on this guy pretty hard for awhile. He finally noticed, sort of asked me out, and we had a mini makeout session in a deserted hallway. Romantic, huh? Couple days later, he decided he really wasn't all that interested in me. He was a but definitely a good kisser. The only people I've kissed who were better at it than him were ladies




Monday, July 24, 2006 9:46 PM


I've never really considered the validity of screenkisses. Having never done such things myself, can't say I have much to compare to.

I'm not sure which is worse, all these sordid pasts, or that I got nothing to compete with em.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:15 AM


Can't ever get enthused by face-sucking, unless it really means something in the context of the plot. I have no interest in watching other people having fun - it's like an invasion of privacy. It really ticks me off when a film decides to just have a random 'booty shot' or whatever, for no other reason than to show skin. What I liked about Zoe and Wash was the very natural feel of their relationship.

Oddly enough, I'm better with reading than watching - I think that what goes on in someone's head is more interesting. Imponderable - I read somewhere that this is more of a female thing, engaging the brain rather than the eye. A woman can be attracted to a guy who is not conventionally good-looking, but has a sexy mind or character. Any thoughts?


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:26 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I have been very attracted to people of both genders who weren't really conventionally attractive; I just adored them. On the other side of the coin, there have been a few people who were incredibly attractive until they opened their mouths, and after that I couldn't feel that attraction again. And of course sometimes I think someone is attractive and then they open their mouths and I just have to forcibley restrain myself from squeezing them.
So yes, for me, the mind is the most important thing when it comes to both attraction and sex.
Of course, someone can be very intelligent but have oposite opinions from me. I can respect their opinions a little easier, but I don't want to be around them. So it's also compatability coupled with intelligence (or whatever).
I hope that made sense




Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:41 AM


Perfect sense, PR. Gorgeous, but the personality of tofu, does not do it for me. There are some pretty people as just need a smack.

Thought husband was cute when I first met him, and then he mentioned a very obscure book that I had also read, and we kinda took off from there.

Once dated a guy who was compatible every other way, but utterly uninterested in food. It was just fuel to him. So obviously that was never gonna work...


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:13 AM


Good morning, all!
Sorry about yesterday; I was very busy at work and didn't have too much time to post. Hopefully, today will be a bit different.

Never really been a fan of onscreen coupling. Most of them seem a bit too perfect. Heck, in real life, bits get knocked against other bits, there are the ocassional "oops, sorry" moments, and usually a lot more passion. Same goes for screen kisses. I have seen a few (no movie titles coming to mind...still too early to think) onscreen kisses that seemed "real" and convincing, but I agree with the rest of you on that part.
I have also been attracted to some SO's regardless of looks. Honestly, I would rather have an intellect than the perfect body and face. However, the two do ocassionally meet in the same package. Case in point: my wife!

Alright, off to get coffee...hopefully this thread will jump today.



Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:27 AM


If a screen kiss works, it is usually because I like the character and not just because it's a sexy kiss. For example, I think Ewan MacGregor has some incredible screen kisses. There are some others that I can think of that work for me, but I wouldn't want to give away just what a cheesy hopeless romantic I really am.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:30 AM


Ah, I missed one.
SpaceAnJL, you brought up the male/female eye/brain thing. I've had this discussion before IRL with friends...we have come to a few conclusions. Mind you, these are all generalizations that hold true to most of the population, but not all.
Males are much more into the "visual"; things we can observe and not really have to ponder. Females are more into interpreting things their own way; taking in information and translating using their own guides. This means men would rather curl up with the remote while women would rather curl up with a book. It's also why men can somtimes have a longer attention span; ie watching sports, hunting, etc., but are sometimes hindered when it comes to drawing obscure conclusions.
Again, this does not apply to all men or women at all times. As we are a diverse species, there is never going to be a "law" that applies to all members of a sex.
Any other observations along these lines?



Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:02 AM


Morning all-
I've seen some on screen moments that had that great realism ( David Caruso in Jade near the end ), but generally I know how awkward they are to film and I just end up wondering stuff like how contorted are they and I wonder where his left hand is...and in the case of Underworld 2 is it possible to have sex with someone's navel?

with the difference with male/female in amusng oneself...what does it say about me that I read a book and watch t.v. simultaneously ( oh yeah right that I have ADD)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2






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