any anime fans?

UPDATED: Friday, August 4, 2006 03:12
VIEWED: 11159
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Monday, July 24, 2006 12:09 PM


Probably there was already a thread about anime somewhere that happened before I joined...but maybe other people missed out on it too... So I was wondering--who here likes anime? Do you watch fansubs, DVD's, or adult swim, etc? Most importantly (I'm really curious) what're your favorite shows?

Eek--I feel a little shy about sharing my favorites until I know that someone other than me is interested in this I'll just wait and see if there's a response for now...


Monday, July 24, 2006 12:39 PM


I'll watch pretty much anything. My pet peeve is I'll finally get into a show and they stop showing it or it is shown out of order. My favorites: Hellsing, Berserk, Gungrave, Full Metal Alchemist, and Rurouni Kenshin (#1 on my list). Don't be shy about you preferances here, most are glad to hear from different folks and are willing to try pretty much anything. Recommend it and it will be tried (if it can be found).

"Better dead and cool
Than alive and uncool."


Monday, July 24, 2006 12:55 PM


I'm always impressed by how genuinely nice the people on this board are...

I can't say one particular show is my absolute favorite, but Full Metal Alchemist is in the top tier, along with Princess Tutu and Kino no Tabi (Kino's Journey).

Some shows I adore almost, but not quite as much, as those three are Twelve Kingdoms, Berserk and Cowboy Bebop.

On the third tier, I'd put Gungrave, Elfen Lied and Speed Grapher...

Haven't seen any Kenshin yet--I've been meaning to for years, but it's so long I always hesitate to start it.


Monday, July 24, 2006 1:17 PM


I highly recommend watching the first two disc's of the Samurai X OVA first. It is a great way to understand the beginning before the show started. Warning: Very violent and very sad. Bring your tissues and something to drink. You won't want to move from your seat once it starts. If you do watch the third disc before watching the show, there will be some gaps.

I tried Elfen Lied, but the local geek store (been going there for 13 years now) is missing a disc. Damn, I was getting into it too.

"Better dead and cool
Than alive and uncool."


Monday, July 24, 2006 2:12 PM


I´m just getting into the anime world but I liked X, Ghost in the shell ( especially the second movie), Elfenlied and all things Ghibli.

Any shows or movies you`d recommend?

They say it’s the last song/They don’t know us,you see /Its only the last song/If we let it be

MY Shops:

You like music? You like Firefly? Then come and listen to the Firefly Music Project:


Monday, July 24, 2006 2:19 PM


I've been an anime fan since I was about 5 years old, watching Mya the Bee on Nick. There are a ton of great movies and series out there, and my favorites change all the time, but if I had to choose a few I'd say:

Movies -
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Gunsmith Cats
Appleseed (the new one)
Ninja Scroll
Princess Mononoke

Series -
Tenchi Muyo
Tenchi Universe
Tenchi Muyo - Ryo Ohki (only one disk so far but damn good)
Record of Lodoss War & RoLW Legend of the Heroic Knight
Full Metal Panic
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Gall Force

Amonong many, many others. There are many series like Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin, Full Metal Alchemist and the like, that can only be stomached in the original Japanese with subtitles. Granted, that's just my opinion.

EDIT: Can't believe I forgot Cowboy Bebop. Both the series and the movie.


I'll be in my bunk.

"Live with a man forty years. Share his house, his meals, speak on every subject. Then, tie him up and hold him over the volcano's edge--and on that day, you will finally meet the man." ~ Shan Yu


Monday, July 24, 2006 2:41 PM


I really prefer anime shows to anime movies, but some anime movies I've really liked have been:

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Perfect Blue (a very R-rated movie though)
Petshop of Horrors
Tokyo Godfathers (it's kind of bizarre, but it leaves you with a good feeling I think)
Ninja Scroll (the movie)
Princess Mononoke

I totally agree that a lot of the action anime is just unwatchable dubbed, especially Naruto. I always watch with subtitles. Bleach, along with those already mentioned, is another great action show. No one's mentioned any comedies yet though...I'm not really a fan of comedy I guess, but Cromartie High School is laugh-until-you-cry funny. Azumanga Daioh's another really funny one.


Monday, July 24, 2006 2:55 PM


I love Fullmetal Alchemist!!! I've never been much for anime but my cousin made me watch it... and then I was hooked. Come to think of it thats how I fell in love with firefly. What can I say! lol


Monday, July 24, 2006 3:41 PM


I can't believe I'm the first to mention InuYasha. Rumiko Takahashi holds a share of my heart almost equal to Joss' (as does Hayao Miyazaki).

I watch most of my animé on YTV (a Canadian network [Youth TV], not to be confused with the Japanese YTV [Yomiuri TV]), mainly because animé in Canada costs as much as a small car.

I did however recently manage to find a copy of the Evangelion Platinum Edition box set for cheap on Ebay, and I'm working through that. Shinji isn't nearly as annoying as Death & Rebirth made him look.

I'm also collecting Gonzo's Samurai 7 series (I bought the first disk thinking it was going to be just an OVA, so now I refuse to watch it until I've secured all seven disks).

On TV, I'm especially fond of Witch Hunter Robin, Ghost in the Shell: Stand-Alone Complex (and I desperately wish YTV would pick up 2nd Gig, but they say it's too violent. 'Course, they said that about "Jungle Cruise," and fan backlash made them show it anyway, so they may yet be swayed), and Gundam Seed (and hoping YTV picks up Destiny).

I like what I've seen of Naruto, but the glacial, DBZ-like pace doesn't really endear it to me, plus YTV's been in reruns of it for a couple of months, so the gloss has kinda worn off. I also like FMA, but it's still fairly new here, so I haven't really become as obsessive as I could be.

YTV is unspeakably cool by Canadian standards; they have the largest on-air animé library in the country (completely steamrolling Teletoon, Canada's official "animation station," which shows only one almost-animé [a Japan/Canada coproduction called Spider Riders] buried amongst the hours and hours of Scooby-Doo and Looney Tunes ). They even created a late-night block to be able to show the adult-oriented stuff (WHR, GitS) --and even managed to get away with showing uncut Escaflowne (in its bloody, violent glory) on Saturday afternoons!!!

I'm really hoping they pick up Eureka Seven and Macross Zero at some point, along with, as mentioned above, GitS: 2nd Gig and Gundam Seed Destiny.

Other series I'd like to check out (but don't actually expect YTV to get) include Gunslinger Girls (I've heard that there are only three DVDs in total; is this true? If so it'd put the entire series within my range), Cowboy Bebop (given that the movie DVD is everywhere, why can't I find the series?), Azumanga Daioh (yeah, I know it's a girls' series, but it looks suitably insane and wacky), Excel Saga (again, insane and wacky), Kare Kano ('cause I'm a shameless romantic), Fafner (which looks to feature the "cast" from Gundam Seed [the character designer recycled his old work] ), Read or Dream (having seen the OVA and fallen hopelessly in love with Yomiko-chan [yes, I know she's not in the show, but the story involves her]), and Lyrical Girl Nanoha (which seems to feature some of the best magic battles I've ever seen --it's like Gundams, only with magic).

I also read a fair bit of manga, including Shaman King, R.O.D., Evangelion (assuming Hideako ever gets off his ass and finishes it ), and Magic Knight Rayearth (and Van Von Hunter, assuming it counts, being American-made).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, July 24, 2006 3:48 PM


I love
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle
but are those really anime? I'm never clear on the labels


Monday, July 24, 2006 4:01 PM


I really like Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventures, Full Metal Alchemist, Inuyasha, Tenchi Muyo, and others.
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Monday, July 24, 2006 4:26 PM


InuYasha was okay, but I could never get into it. I did, however, forget to mention Amitage III: Poly-Matrix. The sequal, Dual-Matrix was okay, but nowhere as good as the original.


I'll be in my bunk.

"Live with a man forty years. Share his house, his meals, speak on every subject. Then, tie him up and hold him over the volcano's edge--and on that day, you will finally meet the man." ~ Shan Yu


Monday, July 24, 2006 5:08 PM


Embers--I think that the three movies you mentioned are anime by anyone's definition of it, as that they're all from Japan. I like those three too! You should try Nausicaa and also Castle In The Sky. They're by the same director. Nausicaa is my favorite of his.


Monday, July 24, 2006 9:04 PM


Yeah we got a bunch around. Don't hate me, but I'm actually going back over to Japan, work for a year All time fave is Bubblegum Crisi (Original) w/ Priss baby. Ghost in the Shell + stand alone, RoboTech, Kakurenbo, Tonori no Totoro, + Lupin the 3rd etc etc. Don't even get me started.

mata, Ookami yori


Monday, July 24, 2006 9:07 PM


Yes they are all anime and also done by the Walt Disney of Japan --- Miyazaki. Plus he did My neighbor Totoro (tonari no totoro) and Castle Castelo (sp?) a Lupin the 3rd movie. very good.
so hope that helps ya Embers.

mata, Ookami yori


Monday, July 24, 2006 9:08 PM


now I have to find the Lupin the 3rd movie, didn't know there was one.
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Monday, July 24, 2006 9:19 PM


Yeah its really good, very nice version that
Miyazaki did. I don't know how easy it is to find state side though. He also did Laputa which is another cool movie. Anyone interested that is HighSchool age --- these movies are used alot in High School and sometime College classes for the Japanese language class.

mata, Ookami yori


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 5:03 AM


thanks, I added Nausicaa to my rental queue on your recommendation...(so it'll be all your fault if I don't like it... LOL)

so I'm gathering that anime just means animated but it is only used for Japanese animated films? Which actually makes the definition pretty broad since there are a lot of different artists working in Japanese animation.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 5:58 AM


Oh, I spend way too much time and money on anime. However, I AM NOT AN OTAKU! I suppose that making this my first post doesn't support that much, though.

Among my favorites: Raxephon (movie is good, but series is better IMO), Cowboy Bebop (series and movie), Ah! My goddess the movie, My Neighbor Totoro, Elfen Lied, My-Hime ... there is a lot of good anime out there.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 5:58 AM


Double post. Mods, please delete this. I think that I need to be a little more patient...


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:07 AM


I've been an anime fan for a while now.

My favourite animes include:

* Trigun. ("Love and Peace!")
* Bubblegum crisis.
* Ninja Scroll.
* Cowboy Bebop.
* Oh my Goddess!, ('Adventures of mini Goddess' too.)
* Love Hina (It's just a funny little show).
* Gungrave.
* Gunsmithcats. (This was the first anime that I came across. I used to read the comic strip in Manga magazine years ago.)
* Habaine Renmei.
* Vampire Princess.
* Tenchi Muyu.
* Lunar Legend Tsukihime.
* Dirty Pair.
* Serial Experiments Lain.
* Paranoia Agent.

Akira was the first anime movie that I bought. Bubblegum Crash (while it's not graphically stunning) is one of my favourites too.

[img] [/img]


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:11 AM


Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo

They're the only one's I've been able to get into. But i likes em both & I own em both.

"We had ties that could not be broken, except by the passing of time. Like a rock. A broken time rock. And you're very special to me, my broken time rock people." - Nathan Fillion

Stillshiny's Shop - Original creator of the -isms series


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:14 AM


I've been watching anime since I was yea high. My favs are Outlaw Star, Full Metal Alchemist, Trigun, and Cowboy Bebop.

I'm also a fan of Ranma 1/2 (manga), Oh! My Goddess(manga), Tenchi Muyo, and Inuyasha.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone remember Iria? The first time I saw it was on Sci-Fi, when they still had Saturday Morning Anime.


"Now they see the sky and they remember what they are."


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 7:27 AM



Originally posted by Ookamikawahara:
Yeah its really good, very nice version that
Miyazaki did. I don't know how easy it is to find state side though. He also did Laputa which is another cool movie.

There are many different Lupin movies. The one Miyazaki worked on is probably the best, "Castle of Cagliostro", and is available in the US. "Revenge of the Fuma Clan" is pretty good, but "Mystery of Mamo" is pretty bad. "Gold of Babylon", "Nostradamus", "Lupin: Dead or Alive" are some others.

Laputa is sold in the US as "Castle in the Sky". Very good!

I have been watching anime since '87, and watched a lot of it in the 'raw' japanese- no subtitles. Some highlights are...

Movies available in the US:
Five Star Stories (available from Kinokuniya)
Wings of Honneamise
the Patlabor movies
all Miyazaki/Ghibli movies
Jin Roh
Roujin Z
Wrath of the Ninja/Yotoden OVAs
Area 88

Shows available in the US:
Crest of Stars/Banner of Stars (HIGHLY recommended)
Master Keaton (highly recommended)
Please Save My Earth
Full Metal Alchemist
Cowboy Bebop
Zeta Gundam
Orange Road (not the movie)
Escaflowne (not the movie)
Fruits Basket
Dragonball/Dragonball Z (japanese version)
Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket

Movies not available in the US:
Touch movie

Shows not available in the US:
SPT Layzner!!!
Merow Link

"I am your father, Luke. Give in to the Dark Side, you nob!" - Doug McKenzie


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:26 AM


I wish they would go ahead and release all of Full Metal Alchemist in 1 set
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:23 AM


Can't say I'm an anime fan myself. Cowboy Bebop is the only show I've ever really gotten into (downloaded a few shows haven't seen all of them yet.) Mostly because it's reminiscent of Firefly (as it's been pointed out.)

I've seen a few of the ones mentioned (off and on) skipping channels and watching them but never enough to hold an interest. Not to be rude but most of them are the same to me. Howling castle was ok but I kept wondering about certain things that were happening and what it was about exactly.

On an art site I go to there are so many anime fan art (and many not well done) it's throwing me off anime. But if a good movie comes on (the darker the better) I'll watch it.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:55 AM


I fairly recently got hooked on manga and anime. Along the lines of what someone else previously mentioned, I can't seem to watch ANY of it in English. I think the English "voice actors" sound too cartoonish, and that really distracts me from the story.

Anyways. My absolute favourites so far:

* Cowboy Bebop (bestest ever to me; Firefly is very reminiscent of CB)
* Samurai Champloo
* Samurai 7
* Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
* Bleach (not available in the US yet)
* Ouran High School Host Club (also not available in the US)
* Fullmetal Alchemist
* Desert Punk (can't help it, it makes me laugh. a lot.)

I'm also eagerly awaiting Death Note, hoping the anime will be as good as the manga, wishing I could get my hands on the movie....

And I could ramble on and on about this stuff, showing me to be オタク, and I couldn't completely deny that, so I'll shut up now.

Not captioned for the sarcasm impaired.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:20 PM


Kitten: Have you been watching Bleach since the Soul Society/Aizen arc ended? I was watching it for a while, but gave up when it started looking like the filler arc was going to last a while. If so, has it gotten any better yet? It's been more than 2 months since I stopped watching.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:51 PM


Yep, I have all the Bleach episodes so far (89 total). The "filler" stuff was kind of annoying. It seems to have morphed into another story arc, completely separate from the "Aizen" line. The new arc is okay...; I thought the beginning was really slow and annoying, but it's getting better. They still throw in the filler episode or two now and again, of course.

I'm really just waiting for them to circle back around to the whole Aizen thing.

And I'm a hopeless sucker for Urahara, so I can't just stop watching.


Not captioned for the sarcasm impaired.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 5:41 PM


I decided to stop watching Bleach for a while when the filler came out, and to marathon it when the anime finally went back to the manga. I've been reading hte manga though and am caught up wtih the latest chapters out in Japan. I've been a little annoyed with Bleach for a while, though. It's tremendously entertaining and the story is great and all, but I feel it's kind of sexist. Well I guess it's a shounen show so I'm not surprised or offended, but the way the female characters are used has been killing my interest in the show.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 7:44 PM


*Reads thread topic quickly*
"Not really a big fan. I hear they use coffee. Kind of freakish when you........"
*Notices error at the same time he accidentally posts*


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:40 PM


Hell's Kitten:
Wow, you're more patient than I am. I watched up to the episode when that bounto lady was killed by their leader (~70 maybe?) but stopped after that. I was planning troll message boards every once in a while to figure out when they were following the manga again.

BTW, did you know about the Bleach Musicals (there is one that is touring Japan this summer and I'm pretty sure that it's different from the one that was done last summer)? I hadn't until I saw a poster for it last week. I don't think that I would understand any of it but I might go anyways; just for the WTF factor. Haven't figured out how much tickets are yet, though.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:15 AM


Hiya, Dorothea -

While I respect your opinion of Bleach, I don’t share it. And I really don't understand it; I guess you caught me off guard, which has resulting in my rambling...

I’ve thought about it, but I just can’t see where you find it “sexist,” especially considering that the female characters are some of the strongest and most powerful (in mind, body, and spirit) of all the characters in the series. Unohana, Yoruichi, Soi Fong, Rukia, Nanao, Orihime, Tatsuki, Matsumoto... hell, even Yachiru and Ururu are superior to a lot of the male characters. (forgive spelling errors) Only a few of those are drawn with... exaggerated... endowments, but there’s still a decent range (and going to the other extreme of drawing all strong women with flat chests brings about another equally annoying stereotype). Also I don’t recall, on the whole, any of them being used, treated or shown in a sexist manner. Kurotsuchi’s “daughter” Nemo is the only one I can think of that’s treated as a subservient thing, but Mayuri’s not a terribly nice (sane) guy in the first place.


What am I not seeing?

Not captioned for the sarcasm impaired.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:18 AM



Patient, yes. I find I have a greater threshold for patience when the thing for which I am being patient doesn’t really cost me anything. But, yeah, the whole “Bount” thing is a bit annoying... and hopefully coming to a close.

Regarding the manga vs. anime – I am by no means an expert in the subject, but I have to imagine that it would be difficult to create the anime in “real time” along side the manga. I get the feeling that the anime’s departure from the manga is needed to allow the current manga arc to progress to a point where they could start the anime production, and the manga wouldn’t be passed up by the anime. If that makes any kind of sense.

And for Bleach: the Rock Musical, I heard there was a second tour planned, but I’m not sure that it’s different from the original. (?) Regardless, I’d love to see it live. I’ve even seen most of it on vid... and... I must say, I’m speechless... and I don’t know if that’s good or bad. The WTF-factor is immense. My Japanese language skills are basically non-existent, so aside from a few words or phrases here and there, the only clue I had to what was going on was the actions. Hee. Thinking about it makes me laugh. I wish I could find a version with English subs. If you do go, do me a favour and buy the program and photos of Urahara for me

Not captioned for the sarcasm impaired.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:05 AM


I love my captain

All right, Anime. Yes I am a fan. My brothers are bigger fans. I'll mention a few here.

Generator Gawl- only about 14 eps but still a good show
El Hazard: The Magnificent World- I've never seen The Wnaderers and the "squel" to magnificent world sucks
Scorcerer Hunters - also an excelent manga.

I also like Outlaw Star and Cowboy Beebop.
Someone mentioned Hellsing earlier. I think that is a good show untill it gets ahead of the manga and starts making up a story of its own. Then it just gets wierd. I am eagerly awaiting the new version that is being made.

Escaflowne is an interesting thing to explore. The show, the movie, and both manga are all good but very different. They all have the same starting point and most of the same characters but totally different stories.

And since someone mentioned otaku, there is a funny anime out there about otaku. It's called Genshiken. It also has kind of an anime within an anime. I don't remember what it's called but it's the show the characters are obssesed with. There are even a few eps of this imaginary show included on the DVDs.

Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:09 AM


Hiya Hell's Kitten,

Nah you're right that it's not blatant, and a lot of people would probably disagree with my interpretation. So I'm not saying "this is how it is" or anything. I'll give a few examples though of the sort of stuff that nettles me...

(spoilers here)
For example--the one and only hollow Inoue kills in the entire show (when her powers are first awakened) is also the only hollow in hte show to have a female voice. To me, that means that the show creators can't believe Inoue could ever defeat a *male* hollow.

Then Yoruichi and Soi Fong are strong, but the fact that they were paired against each other again annoys me. It seems too coincidental. To me, it's again separating hte female fighters from the male fighters, like even though they keep trying to emphasize how strong Yoruichi is, they didn't want her fighting a male captain. What's more, her fight with Soi Fong isn't a real fight. In my opinion, because they're female, the maker glosses over most of the fighting, goes into a deep sad drama about their past relationship, and closes the fight with Soi Fong, who was supposedly so tough, on the ground sobbing because her friend abandoned her. None of hte male fights ends with anyone crying....

More about Soi Fong--I personally think that her bankai is pretty lame. They didn't want to waste a cool one on her. Also, the only other captain who's a woman doesn't even have a combative bankai. She's just the stereotypical healer woman. There are a lot of female vice captains, but you've got hte orange-haired woman, who's sort of gorgeous comic relief, or that evil captain's abused robot-girl whom Ishida rescues, or hte *cool beauty* of that captian in the pink robe--she hyperventilates and faints when her captain's going to fight old man Genryuusai. Oh or Kenpachi's little girl vice captain who's just a cute oddity and more comic relief. You don't have any female vice captains like Renji or the bald guy who seem to engage in *real* fighting. (don't read this next sentence is you dislike spoilers and haven't been following the most recent manga scanlaitons): There are THAT many female vice captains, yet Renji and the bald guy are the only ones who get thier bankais and really fight...

As for Rukia, I'm tired of the formula where you've got some girl with supernatural powers in the first ep who mysteriously loses them to a man. I went with it for a while, but gradually it just started getting on my nerves. Oh and even though Rukia is supposedly so much stronger than Renji from that flashback when they were kids, Renji could flatten her now (imo).

Well there are other things that bug me, but those are some examples. Of course not everyone would agree with me, that's just how I'm taking these things. In general, somehow I feel like Bleach is tryng to fool me--it's got all these female characters it tries to make look strong to please the female viewers, but somehow, they're just kept fundamentally separate from the male world.

Oh--and there was that volume with all the Bleach men (Ichigo, Byakuya, etc.) lined up, with thier weapons out and their muscles all showing, looking so determined, and on the next page there were all the the Bleach women (Inouei, Soi Fong, Yoruichi, etc.) on the next page just wearing bikinis. That wouldn't bother me under different circumstances, but somehow, together with the other stuff i've mentioned, it just irritates me.

Anyway, so that's where I'm coming from.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:26 AM


Has anyone followed Gilgamesh or Gunslinger Girl?
Might try again with Gilgamesh, but I lost interest for some unknown reason.
Was Gunslinger Girl just a short lived/limited series? At the end of the second? disc when all the remaining girls are watching the meteor shower humming (Beethovens Fifth symphony?) really started some waterworks for me. Don't really know why, it just did.
I can be such a chick sometimes.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:40 AM


I watched both Gunslinger Girls and Gilgamesh. I really disliked Gilgamesh...I thought that music was horrible, the art was ugly, and the plot just wouldn't progress. And I detesed the Countess. But bizarrely--I cried at the end! It wasn't the show though. It was the Beethoven in the background. Anyway, I recommend the second movement of Beethoven's Piano Concerto Opus 5 ("Emperor"), but not Gilgamesh... Funny though, about the Beethoven in both shows...

Gunslinger Girls I liked though. I watched it a several ago...can't remember if I cried or not...

What other shows are you watching? Last night I finished Princess Princess. It's totally the sort of show I usually hate and drop after the first ep, but it was absolutely hysterical. Anyone watching Ergo Proxy or Utawarerumono? I've been enjoying them, so far.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:54 AM


Due to the limits of the local video store collections I have problems finding anything new. May continue with Witch Hunter Robin or Wolf's Rain soon. Really want to finish Elfen Lied, but not out of order (Chuck, my local anime pusher, may have a replacement third disc soon). May get the seventh disc of Samurai Seven tonight. Just afraid of the end. I hate the end of good series (hence my love/hate relationship with Firefly). Might have to try Princess Princess, I think he has it.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:58 AM


NV, you might want to try renting movies through Netflix. While there isn't the instant gratification of going to the movie store, you do have a wider selection of movies to choose from, especially anime. Well worth the cashy money.


"Now they see the sky and they remember what they are."


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:14 AM


Maybe I'll give it a try. Have to look right now.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:15 AM


Dorothea -
Great explanation! Now I understand. It's nice to see someone rationalizing their point of view instead of just saying "cuz I said so! so shut up!". I like you . Most of what you mentioned, I just naturally overlook as part of the story (and maybe some of the culture creeping in); narrative device, if you will. (In my profession, which is significantly male-dominated, I see / experience so much real, detrimental sexism and discrimination that I guess I've become blind to the "smaller" things, like entertainment.)

Originally posted by Dorothea:
You don't have any female vice captains like Renji or the bald guy who seem to engage in *real* fighting.

Oh! Men are dumb and agressive, while women find better ways, is maybe what you mean?

Anyhow, I suspect that's quite enough babbling from me. This is really cutting into my Professional Lurker status.

Not captioned for the sarcasm impaired.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:28 AM


Yayayay!! Hell Kitten likes me!!

Hell Kitten, you're probably right to ignore the stuff I mentioned and just enjoy Bleach. Usually I can do that too, but somehow I just can't do it for Bleach. I think I have an easier time ignoring really blatant sexist stuff in anime than I do ignoring hte subtle stuff. For instance, I loved Ikkitousen which is horrendously full of fanservice. However, I'm hyper-sensitive when it comes to gender-stuff in shows... Firefly is one of the very, very, very few shows I don't have a single "that's so sexist" complaint about...

BTW--not to compromise your lurker status, but what's your profession (or I mean, just your general field...). I'm in computer science, so I definitely know where you're coming from with that statement...


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:57 AM


<.end lurk.>(I'm a biomedical engineer, working in the medical device industry. My second boss, who was the company owner, used to call me "little girl" in management staff meetings. *grrr, snarl*)<.resume lurk.> <.resume anime discussion.>

Not captioned for the sarcasm impaired.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:11 PM


Don't mean to butt in but..

I work at a residential care facility with mostly women. I've had an invisible tally board for every time I hear about female problems, sexual issues, or feel descriminated against because I don't posess the "right" equipment. When I Do the whole Bugs Bunny air tally thing, they all know whats going on. Not that I'm completely serious, but I jokingly told one of the tech.s that the grand prize is a sexual harassment suit. She asked.

Observation: I have to admit to feeling a bit out of place here from time to time. I am continually amazed at the wide range of folks who post (and lurk) here.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 1:01 PM


Eskaflowne - My first anime

Evangelion - It was great until the last 2 episodes. Totally ruined.

Cowboy Bebop - I love it, I want more.

Naruto - It may be very mainstream, but I love Naruto so much. It just rocks.

Pokemon - I was young when it was on, I know I am weak, but that's what I liked at the time, I have grown up since that time.

Berserk - The greatest anime I have seen up to date. The anime does the manga great justice, it's just too bad that they didn't make more of the anime. I guess I'll just have to buy all the mangas.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 1:12 PM


I loved Berserk. But it did seem a bit homoerotic. I guess since there had been a "brotherhood" in many warrior cultures it kinda fit in the story line. Same thing with Gungrave. The main charecters in both series seemed to really "love" each other. But the issues really seemed realistic. So many clashing thoughts and feelings for all the people involved.
I know that is the reason I stayed so stuck on Rurouni Kenshin. Been in alot of the places he'd been. Felt like I resolved alot just watching the show. Who knew anime could do that?

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:14 PM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
But it did seem a bit homoerotic. I guess since there had been a "brotherhood" in many warrior cultures it kinda fit in the story line.

Also, there were fangirls to satisfy. See: yaoi.


Felt like I resolved alot just watching the show. Who knew anime could do that?
Well, Plato, probably.

His arguments (about "good drama" = "drama that gives the audience a catharsis") were primarily about staged drama, but humans are humans, and stories are stories, regardless of medium. This rationale is how I could get away with comparing InuYasha to Shakespeare or Milton.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 4:04 PM


See, this is my point. I'm not all too sophisticated. I'd only limited experience reading Socrates or Plato. I'd read some Shakespere, but hell be damned if I couldn't quote one single line from any of his work. And Milton, Whoosh, way over my head. I've always loved the imagery of William Blake, but he had pictures related to his work, (first graphic novel?). Guess its time to try school again. If not to better myself, then to at least keep up with folks with a keener sense than I. Just a little afraid of coming up with some profound observations only to have someone accuse me of regurjitating someone elses thoughts. Goes to show there is no origial thought in the world. All has been done.

Back to anime. Does anyone have any recommendations for period anime? Haven't seen many despite the grand exposition by Japaneese film makers period films.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Thursday, July 27, 2006 4:28 AM


That depends on which period you mean.

For Japanese history, there's Rourouni Kenshin and InuYasha (InuYasha is more heavily fantasy, but it's still set in the 1500s, so there's "costume" stuff going on).

As an English Major, I'm used to thinking "period" = "English Victorian era." I've come across a fanvid from something called Victorian Romance Emma, but I can't find any hard/trustworthy data on it.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.






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