Rant here

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 08:05
VIEWED: 4101
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Monday, July 24, 2006 6:23 AM


I needed a place to rant. SO I am ranting - Cingular SUCKS! If you ever have to call customer service for ANYTHING - you might as well put a bullet in your brain pan. It will be less painful, less messy and more constructive.

Rant over.

Feel free to vent, rant or generally cleanse you spleen here.

one of the Forsaken TM


Monday, July 24, 2006 6:59 AM


Yay! A rant thread!

Since it's Monday, I feel the need to rant about work. I hate my job. I mean really hate it. It's strange, I didn't use to. But in the last month or so, I've taken a real dislike to it. Fortunately, I'm only here for another month or so, and then I switch schools (I have a work-study job). Whatever job I get next, it'll definitely be something without phones. For some reason, I can't stand talking to people over the phone. It probably has to do with the inane questions they keep asking. Is there some type of job out there where I don't have to socialize with anyone?

Okay, rant over.


"Now they see the sky and they remember what they are."


Monday, July 24, 2006 7:15 AM


Healthcare sucks today!!!
I tore some ligaments in mt right collarbone, and they x-rayed JUST MY RIGHT COLLARBONE!!!
"Well, it looks pretty much the way it should", the 'Doc' said.

And they CHARGED ME to say don't do what hurts.
Meh. I found out more about it online than I did from MY DOCTOR!!!!!

Ain't ever goin' to a 'Doctor' agin lest I'm a bleedin' Chrisisall


Monday, July 24, 2006 10:32 AM


Ummm... an X-ray isn't going to show any torn ligaments... it has nothing to do with a comparison. Sounds to me like he was looking for a fractures.


Originally posted by chrisisall:
Healthcare sucks today!!!
I tore some ligaments in mt right collarbone, and they x-rayed JUST MY RIGHT COLLARBONE!!!
"Well, it looks pretty much the way it should", the 'Doc' said.

And they CHARGED ME to say don't do what hurts.
Meh. I found out more about it online than I did from MY DOCTOR!!!!!

Ain't ever goin' to a 'Doctor' agin lest I'm a bleedin' Chrisisall

Carry the Nuttin'


Monday, July 24, 2006 10:39 AM


Public Transportation for the physically handicapped college student SUCKS!! At least three times last semester they stiffed me! I would get up to a public bus stop and they would not have me on the list of people who needed picked up!! Thank no accended being in particular that I'll be going to test for my license in the next three weeks!! I REALLY despise Public Transportastion!!

Okay, I'm done now, as Randy Quaid say in Not Another Teen movie, "I feel better."

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!

"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Monday, July 24, 2006 10:44 AM


The stupid son of a bitch vending machine ate MY GODDAMN LOONEY!


Monday, July 24, 2006 11:00 AM


Damn stupid hot weather. Not because its hotter than Satans nutsack, but because all the girls gotta wear nothing where ever I go. Especially the stupid Wal-mart. Moving this rant to the Imponderable thread (shameless plug).

"Better dead and cool
Than alive and uncool."


Monday, July 24, 2006 11:14 AM


Get another doctor, Chrisisall.

Really. If you don't think your doctor is doing a good job, find another. Ask around from your friends and co-workers about their doctors. Things to look for, how they're treated by not only the doctor, but by the office staff, does the doctor take their complaints seriously and check them out throughly.

If you have an HMO, you can change your primary care physician. Call them. Don't let them tell you you can't. They're full of it and just don't want to deal with the paperwork. If they really give you a hard time, check to see what state agency you can report them to....and tell them you are going to do so. And, if you have local public forum 'I'm getting screwed' things on your local TV station, contact them as well. Your HMO won't want the negative publicity.

Your health care is suppose to take care of you, not pat you on the head and tell you to go away.



Monday, July 24, 2006 11:17 AM


Smart son of a bitch vending machine gave me about six more Powerades than I needed! some person put too many requests in at one time and jammed the machine, so I got the fruits of their labor!

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!

"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Monday, July 24, 2006 11:19 AM



Originally posted by ThePistonEngine:
Ummm... an X-ray isn't going to show any torn ligaments... it has nothing to do with a comparison. Sounds to me like he was looking for a fractures.

My right collarbone is 1/4 inch out of where it should be, he had 'no explanation' for this, and said he had no way of seeing what it should look like from the X-ray, well DUH!
I was gonna raise Hell and demand another, but I realized I could tend to it better myself than this 'professional'.
Professional means you got a 50/50 chance of getting a dumass that skated through with C's and D's!!!!



Monday, July 24, 2006 11:22 AM



Originally posted by RMMC:

Your health care is suppose to take care of you, not pat you on the head and tell you to go away.

Thanks RMMC.

Gettin' my degree: Chrisisall, PhDuh


Monday, July 24, 2006 11:29 AM


I am soooo fed up of my students! Not all of them, just a group that are completely uncontrollable and have absolutely no respect and disrupt every class, making me miserable and annoying the kids there who actually want to learn. I've tried everything! But they're on their summer holidays (as far as they're concerned) and are leaving at the end of the week and their group leader doesn't care about disciplining them so they just run wild without any thought to the consequences and I am so mad at them I'm just days away from fantasising about kicking them into Serenity's engine like that tattooed bad guy in The Train Job. Seriously.

Oooh. Good to get that off my chest. I'm spoiled. That's the problem. I'm used to teaching adults who really want to learn. These kids are soooo frustrating it's unreal.


Monday, July 24, 2006 3:51 PM


okay, so I've been having a SciFi day. Watched Serenity, Star Trek: TNG, even some B5. So I turn on SciFi channel to watch Dark Angel and what do I see... wrestling is coming to scifi... what exactly is scifi about a that??? Grr..arg!

Sorry to everyone who happens to like this... stuff... but come on! SciFi channel? What are they thinking! I not sure if this has been brought up before, but anyone else find ridiculous?


Monday, July 24, 2006 3:57 PM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
I am soooo fed up of my students! Not all of them, just a group that are completely uncontrollable and have absolutely no respect and disrupt every class, making me miserable and annoying the kids there who actually want to learn. I've tried everything! But they're on their summer holidays (as far as they're concerned) and are leaving at the end of the week and their group leader doesn't care about disciplining them so they just run wild without any thought to the consequences and I am so mad at them I'm just days away from fantasising about kicking them into Serenity's engine like that tattooed bad guy in The Train Job. Seriously.

Oooh. Good to get that off my chest. I'm spoiled. That's the problem. I'm used to teaching adults who really want to learn. These kids are soooo frustrating it's unreal.

That's why I didn't complete my teaching certificate...Once I got into the system I decided I didn't want to babysit other peoples problems...


Monday, July 24, 2006 4:01 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Gettin' my degree: Chrisisall, PhDuh

"See this? MD. 'Me Doctor.'" --Robin Williams

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, July 24, 2006 4:10 PM


[steam rant]

I wanted to play HL1: source, but I can't because A) Steam SUCKS! B) you have to update you steam profile thingy C) steam SUCKS! and D) updating my profile thingy takes and hour followed by a message that it had failed and I should try again, so: steam SUCKS!

seriously, who thought this was a good (or even mediocre) idea? I want a lightsaber and 10 minutes of quality time with that person

[/steam rant]

I feel better
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Monday, July 24, 2006 4:32 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by RMMC:

Your health care is suppose to take care of you, not pat you on the head and tell you to go away.

Thanks RMMC.

Gettin' my degree: Chrisisall, PhDuh

No charge.

But go get someone competent to look at that shoulder. {/mom mode}

And now for my own rant. Grrr.......

What kind of moron who drives a motorized vehicle doesn't look the way that they direct their car until [a]after they've hit someone else?
Yep, got hit by some who decided they really didn't want to be in the 'this lane MUST turn right' lane and changed lanes....right into me.
Fortunately they only thing I got was the paint from her car. (Yea, Saturns!) We both opted not to call the police (I can get the paint off and her ins won't cover broad colission.) But still....her front bumper was even with my back seat, so not only did she not look left...she didn't even look straight ahead!



Monday, July 24, 2006 4:36 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I needed a place to rant. SO I am ranting - Cingular SUCKS! If you ever have to call customer service for ANYTHING - you might as well put a bullet in your brain pan. It will be less painful, less messy and more constructive.

Ohhhhhh. Another Cingular hater! They suck so bad. When I signed up originally they wouldn't tell me what the final cost of my bill would be for the month after taxes and hidden charges, but they gave me a ballpark figure and when I got my first bill it was $6.00/mo more than they told me. I was unemployed most of the time I had the phone and I slept during the day and was usually out at night, but somehow one month they claimed I went over on my minutes enough to raise my $47.00/mo bill to $175.00+. I argued that with them for a few months and finally I stopped even calling them. They just kept telling me that if I didn't like their service that I could just pay the $250.00 cancellation fee. I told them to go to hell and they wouldn't get a dime out of me and I never used the phone again.

Well.... the bills kept pileing up and 4 months later I owed them over $400.00 between the first rediculous bill, late fees, and 4 months of service that I never even used once. They claimed that I never cancelled the phone and just because I didn't use it didn't mean that they couldn't charge me for it. They finally cancelled the service and sent me a bill for something like $685.00 with the cancellation fee. I told them they could stick it up their gorram arses.

That's when the bastards sicked their collection agency on me that would call every day saying that I owed the $685 + another $125 for their agency's fee. They also claimed that they were going to ruin my stellar credit record (My score was 765 at the time). When I told them I couldn't pay he said that the computer showed that I had 5 credit cards and access to over $20,000. Finally I settled with them for the original $685.00 that I couldn't afford at the time just to get them off my back. I basically paid for 14 months service for nothing in the end. Lousy gorram bastards!

I hear that there is a class action lawsuit against them. I'm not doing much at the moment. I think I'll look into it. If I find out anything good I'll let you know. Maybe I can get some of that money back.

Edit: Looks like the lawsuit is only for customers of AT&T that were screwed after Cingular bought them out and degraded all of their services so they would buy a new contract. Looks like I'm SOL. Maybe it will help you though.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, July 24, 2006 4:47 PM


*hugs DesktopHippie*
Been there...Definitely know that feeling. 'Swhy I learned/developed my "mad scientist" look (wide, crazy eyed look, derranged grin, scary cackle, and rubbing of hands as my voice drops a level or two -- sorta like this: ).

Unfortunately you've gotta "train" 'em to fear your 'crazy' persona the first or second time they act like nuts.

'Course, if you want to trade 'horror' stories of some of th' "lovelies" (and yeah, some of 'em will grow on a fungus) feel free to PM me and I'll lend a willing ear and comfort iff'n you like.

*looks at Penguin all puppydog-eyed* But, but, Penguin!! *ponders for a moment* Seriously though, some of those kids need a strong, decent, adult male in their lives. (And I wish the job was merely babysitting, there'd be a hella lot less paperwork and stupidity from politicians and others who're all hot air .)

While we're ranting: It's too hot to be starting school this week! *pouts*


Monday, July 24, 2006 4:50 PM


I love my captain

Arrg!! No shoulder on my road. Actually, no shoulder on any road around me! I've been riding my bike a lot lately to get around (no gas money and construcitve exercise) but non of the roads have any gorram shoulders!!! I either get to ride in the ditch and pick up ticks or in the road and hope no one hits me! Gahh!!!

I'm sure my being in the road also upsets the people in cars who have to drive around me.

See, I wouldn't be so bothered by it if I hadn't seen a dozen other people riding bikes on the same ruttin' road! Obviously there are a fair number of people biking on this road. Why has no one taken this into account? Three housing developements have been put up in my area in the last five years(grumble grumble, raised the water table, too many people, grumble grumble- another rant fo another time). They brought in many families with children and bicycles. And still no shoulder, no bike lane, no sidewalk! Come On!!!

Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Monday, July 24, 2006 4:52 PM


Here's my grrrrs.

DSL that is pokey slow during the hours I can surf (basically 8-11 p.m.)

Also, stupid questions from customers on the phone. I work at a bank so I get some doseys."how long will so and so be tied up?" I want to say I have absolutely no idea because I'm not a psychic, psychotic genius that can read other peoples minds. It would get me fired though.

People that want to talk to the same customer service rep that they talked to two months ago but they have no idea who it was. 20 questions then begins and at the end they'll talk to anyone who's free.

Teenage girls that come in with skimpy shorts and nothing left to the imagination. I've even seen them make out with the boyfriend in line for a teller. Just so gross.


Monday, July 24, 2006 4:53 PM


I'll add random double posts! GRRRRRRRR


Monday, July 24, 2006 4:53 PM


Sounds like she was just sitting there in your blind spot, too.


Originally posted by RMMC:

Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by RMMC:

Your health care is suppose to take care of you, not pat you on the head and tell you to go away.

Thanks RMMC.

Gettin' my degree: Chrisisall, PhDuh

No charge.

But go get someone competent to look at that shoulder. {/mom mode}

And now for my own rant. Grrr.......

What kind of moron who drives a motorized vehicle doesn't look the way that they direct their car until [a]after they've hit someone else?
Yep, got hit by some who decided they really didn't want to be in the 'this lane MUST turn right' lane and changed lanes....right into me.
Fortunately they only thing I got was the paint from her car. (Yea, Saturns!) We both opted not to call the police (I can get the paint off and her ins won't cover broad colission.) But still....her front bumper was even with my back seat, so not only did she not look left...she didn't even look straight ahead!


Carry the Nuttin'


Monday, July 24, 2006 6:45 PM


OK, here we go - rant against ruttin' FOX for the damn CANCELLATION - I just stayed up until 1am (-ish) watching the Done The Impossible preview posted elsewhere on - Grrrrr! You know, that angry-FOX-sucks feeling just isn't subsiding, after almost 4 years.

Plus, of course, my rant against the fact there aren't 30 hours in a day, and I have to get up at 6:30 to go to work. That's probably only a "three-r" Grrr, though - there IS coffee.

My God, it's full of stars!
(Chapter 39 of the book)


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:08 AM



Originally posted by ThePistonEngine:
Sounds like she was just sitting there in your blind spot, too.

I was passing her as she had (1) gotten into the "right lane must turn right" lane
(2) she had slowed significantly down.

I knew she was there (and had she actually been looking at the road instead of the mall, she'd have know I was there as well) least when she was in her lane, but she hadn't, by her own admission, been watching where she was going.

*grumble* *grr*



Tuesday, July 25, 2006 1:40 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by ThePistonEngine:
Ummm... an X-ray isn't going to show any torn ligaments... it has nothing to do with a comparison. Sounds to me like he was looking for a fractures.

My right collarbone is 1/4 inch out of where it should be, he had 'no explanation' for this, and said he had no way of seeing what it should look like from the X-ray, well DUH!
I was gonna raise Hell and demand another, but I realized I could tend to it better myself than this 'professional'.
Professional means you got a 50/50 chance of getting a dumass that skated through with C's and D's!!!!


The same sort of thing happened to me when I toppled down a mountain once. I never went to the doctor (because my dad forgot to take me) and I ended up ok.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 1:56 PM


I love my captain

See, all that doctor stuff. Grrr.
The only hospital in my area is crap. We deliberatly avoid them because so many folk in our family have had problems with them. Hours of waiting (in the ER no less) misdiagnosis, morons with stethascopes...
Example: (I'm paraphrasing but this actually happened to me)
"I got hit in the eye and now I can't see out of it."
"Well, we'll try this eye chart. Can you read this line?
"What line? I can't see."
"Well how about the top line. What letter is it?"
"I don't know. I can't see it. I can't see the chart. I can't see you! I. Am. Blind. In. This. Eye. That's the problem! Now pull your head out of your you !!!"

Most folks in my family don't go to the doctor unless it just won't stop bleeding or there is debilitating pain involved.

Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 2:43 PM


OH THERE you are

*Bonk* I challenge thee!

one of the Forsaken TM


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:14 PM



*RMMC checks noggin for large lump*

Whaddi do on this thread?

I got the message on the other one.

Dang! What happened to limp noodles?

*rubs head*



Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:25 PM



Most folks in my family don't go to the doctor unless it just won't stop bleeding or there is debilitating pain involved.

Debilitating pain involved in my case. Been at this for two and a half years, and been through more than a dozen doctors. Still no diagnosis. Doctors keep saying they're out of tests to run, keep trying to shut me up with BS diagnoses that either do not match my symptoms, or have no differential to match in the first place, and have no course of treatment. My only choice is to research things online and then go to them and say "I want this test done, now." Don't know how much longer they'll put up with that.

So yeah, I hate doctors. Not enough energy to rant properly on the topic. I've long since screamed myself out on this one.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:22 PM


For the people who have ranted about Cingular, I gotsta add to it. I have almost no service whatsoever in my apartment, the only way I can make or recieve calls there is with me leaning agaist my picture window with the antenna touching the glass. One of the many reasons I am happy to be moving, so I can get a different cell phone company. They boast about having the fewest dropped calls of any network...thats only if you can make them on their network.

I will probably be back making one about U-haul next.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:59 AM


For fear of this becoming a chain rant on my part.

(chain rant= chain that I pull out and list every ruttin rant I have, but no one will live long enough to hear the end of the list)

I'll just list a couple small ones.

1) no toilet paper on the roll! The storage cabinet for toilet paper I could reach with my elbow while sitting there. Why is there none on the roll? I want to get up and kick some a$$. But I want to have a clean tushy first. So it's a visious circle.

2) not closing a drawer all the way once you get what you want out of it. Leaving a drawer open an inch or 2 to me is the to-pendous of lazy or sloppiness.How much more effort to give that extra little push. It blows my mind.

Anyway these are just a couple of small rants. Thread didn't say they had to be earth shattering.



Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:09 AM


Hey I'm with FMF do not use Cingular..they SUCK!!!!!!

Desktop- just a suggestion, but it works fairly well:)
Talk to somone ( adult else and ask if they have a space free in their room or whatever. Tell them you are sending a kid in to "time out") The first kid who disrupts, hand him a piece of paper and say " I am sorry you don't want to be here. Frankly, I don't want you in here either I'd rather work with people who try to learn. Get Out! Here's a paper on which you will now write a letter to your parents explaining why you are wasting your education. I am also writing one to them explaining how I feel about you preventing others from learning and how embarrassed I am to have to write and how I know they will be so embarrased by your poor choices" Point to the door and refuse to speak to or respond to anything he says. If peers attempt to back him up, say " I can write as many letters as I need to and these do go in your permanent file"

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:05 AM



I choose to rise instead of fall- U2






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