should they continue making firefly?

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 1, 2006 01:55
VIEWED: 11779
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Sunday, July 30, 2006 10:00 AM


okay, im probably one of the worlds biggest firefly fans, (i juust finished watching the series for the umpteenth time), and everyone i know always says why dont they make more, and although i would love it if they did, i think in my heart of hearts that they should not, you know, to keep what they have classic.

I just wanna know what everyone else thinks.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 10:07 AM


Should they keep making it?


*cough* As I've mentioned several times before, I was a fan of Buffy and Angel before I saw Firefly. The best thing, the very best thing, about those shows was watching the characters' personalities unfold over time. Joss is in love with his characters, and he tells the most incredible stories. The cruellest loss for me when Firefly was cancelled was all those stories as yet untold, all those little things that would happen gradually to each of the BDHs. I love that we got the BD Movie, but for me television is where Joss really comes into his own. I wanted to get to know these characters, the same way I'd gotten to know the cast of Buffy and Angel. And while I'd be thrilled as heck at Serenity II, I still long for the TV show.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 11:18 AM


while the magic between the actors and actresses may be diminished, Joss still has the ability to write amazinig dialogue and think up interesting and touching stories.

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. – H.L. Mencken


Sunday, July 30, 2006 11:31 AM


I think that if you loved the movie like you loved the series, you could well argue that the show should have continued.

Check out my Serenity Auctions for Equality Now, including DVDs and Posters signed by all 9 BDHs + Joss!


Sunday, July 30, 2006 12:08 PM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Should they keep making it?


*cough* As I've mentioned several times before, I was a fan of Buffy and Angel before I saw Firefly. The best thing, the very best thing, about those shows was watching the characters' personalities unfold over time. Joss is in love with his characters, and he tells the most incredible stories. The cruellest loss for me when Firefly was cancelled was all those stories as yet untold, all those little things that would happen gradually to each of the BDHs. I love that we got the BD Movie, but for me television is where Joss really comes into his own. I wanted to get to know these characters, the same way I'd gotten to know the cast of Buffy and Angel. And while I'd be thrilled as heck at Serenity II, I still long for the TV show.

couldn't agree more


Sunday, July 30, 2006 12:17 PM


Now I am learning about scary.

I have to agree with DesktopHippie. While what we have now is classic, just imagine what we might get! Joss has never failed to amaze me, so I know he could do it again and create even more classic episodes. Even if one or two of them wasn't the greatest, it would still be better than most of what's on TV these days.

My vote is "Yes."

"We need to keep our heads so we can ... keep our heads."


Sunday, July 30, 2006 12:49 PM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Should they keep making it?


*cough* As I've mentioned several times before, I was a fan of Buffy and Angel before I saw Firefly. The best thing, the very best thing, about those shows was watching the characters' personalities unfold over time. Joss is in love with his characters, and he tells the most incredible stories. The cruellest loss for me when Firefly was cancelled was all those stories as yet untold, all those little things that would happen gradually to each of the BDHs. I love that we got the BD Movie, but for me television is where Joss really comes into his own. I wanted to get to know these characters, the same way I'd gotten to know the cast of Buffy and Angel. And while I'd be thrilled as heck at Serenity II, I still long for the TV show.

...Freeking hell ya. :) Firefly is just too Shiny a show to let the black take it forever.

Someday there will be more firefly, and until that day I will wait and give anything I can to make that day sooner!

Jayne: "Testing, testing. Captain, can you hear me?"
Mal: "I'm standing right here."
Jayne: "You're coming through good and loud."
Mal: " 'Cause I'm standing right here."...


Sunday, July 30, 2006 12:52 PM


I'm going to say no. Not to keep it classic, but because what made the show so great (probably a certain planetary alignment) is now gone. They would spend time trying to re-create what they had and would undoubtedly fail. Now is a different time.

If it was a different crew in the same 'verse, then I'd give it a chance.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Sunday, July 30, 2006 12:56 PM


I don't know. That may be true when using different writer, but Joss always kept Buffy new and intresting, even after killing off Buffy. I think he could do it, make the show without trying to just make it what it used to be. Cause it will be different. It won't be as happy, as homely. There probebly will develope tension between Mal and Zoe, because Mal told Zoe not to Marry Wash, and people often turn blamy when people they love die. Plus theres a sugjestion that Inara might possibly bend... after all she admitted that she wasn't sure she wanted to go back to her old life. I think new firefly's will be more warish, but they could still be good in the right writers hands, and Joss's hands look awful fine. :)

Jayne: "Testing, testing. Captain, can you hear me?"
Mal: "I'm standing right here."
Jayne: "You're coming through good and loud."
Mal: " 'Cause I'm standing right here."


Sunday, July 30, 2006 1:06 PM


I don't think it can work the same way it did before with the events from the movie. One of the best things about the show was the dynamic between the crew members, and two of them are dead now.

If they ignored the events from the movie and just picked up where the series left off then it could work, but I can't see that happening.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Sunday, July 30, 2006 1:32 PM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Should they keep making it?


*cough* As I've mentioned several times before, I was a fan of Buffy and Angel before I saw Firefly. The best thing, the very best thing, about those shows was watching the characters' personalities unfold over time. Joss is in love with his characters, and he tells the most incredible stories. The cruellest loss for me when Firefly was cancelled was all those stories as yet untold, all those little things that would happen gradually to each of the BDHs. I love that we got the BD Movie, but for me television is where Joss really comes into his own. I wanted to get to know these characters, the same way I'd gotten to know the cast of Buffy and Angel. And while I'd be thrilled as heck at Serenity II, I still long for the TV show.

You said it DesktopHippie. My hope is a return to television. A two hour movie could never hold a candle to nearly 22 hours of show. Oh the arcs, and character development, etc. I'll take anything Joss, but I long for his return to tv. And nothing would make me happier than to see Firefly return. I hear what some of you are saying, things would be different, perhaps the group dynamic would have changed. But I believe there is so much story yet to be told, and I get excited thinking about how the characters would have evolved and been fleshed out under Joss' hand. Additionally, from everything I've seen and read these actors sincerely liked each other, and enjoyed working together. I think the magic and chemistry was there on our BDM, and time had passed since Firefly was wrapped, so... Bottom line, even if it is a lesser version than the original, if somehow the lightning in a bottle effect isn't there or isn't as strong. I'll take it. Don't even have to think twice. More Firefly is not a question I could ever say no to. It deserves a second chance, and I hope to hell to see it achieve that someday.

I believe.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 1:50 PM


they must. Please Mother of Mercy let there be more. Every shadow is perfect. Every bolt and drop of glue on every set makes me weep tears of joy. Every word is gold. When I get tenure, Firefly will be on the course outline. It's too rich, too carefully engineered to exclude. I've worked with aborted texts before, particulary Chaucer, and I beg: do. not. let this wonderful tale be another aborted text. It's too painful to wonder what other glories could have been.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 2:50 PM



Originally posted by JaynesBowie:

I don't know. That may be true when using different writer, but Joss always kept Buffy new and intresting, even after killing off Buffy.

The problem is though, the there has been a *long* time between cancel to new series.

Basically, what's going to happen is the if Joss uses the 'verse from the series, a lot of people that got introduced to it through the movie are going to complain. Similarly for those who started with the series if he uses the 'verse from the movie.

IF there is more, it'll have to be the movie following one line, and another series following another w/ different characters.

Otherwise, I really don't see it going well.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Sunday, July 30, 2006 2:55 PM


You know, before seeing this thread, I'd always thought yes. Book was the concience of Serenity, but no one particularly cared about him unless he was the reason they were watching the show.

Wash, on the other hand, tends to cause a problem when he's all... missing. E.g. not with the living, breathing, crew. There was a reason Joss was able to bring Buffy back -- there was magic. Wash was kinda ... oh, let's use one of my prettyful faux Klingon words here. Thoguh.("THO-guh" verb. To impale beloved characters, typically from a movie. Examples, Wash, Qui-Gon Jinn.) If I were to be impaled by a spike that was the size of a telephone pole, I wouldn't live. I wouldn't get ressurected. There's no way. What possible reason is there for Wash to come back? That's the only way the series ought to come back, with full complement. I don't want a series without Wash. If this makes me unBrowncoat ish, slap a redshirt on me and send me on an away mission on the TOS era, but really.

If I just launched into an argument you don't want to read, follow the unBrowncoat ish instructions above, but consider this: Wash is what got me hooked on Firefly, the "This Land" is my favorite 'verse moment, closely followed by "Define Interesting". Both are Wash. I love Mal, but the series just shouldn't go on without Wash.

Anyway, take note of my signature on this account.

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 3:03 PM


Like others have said, Joss is a genius when it comes to television. I was an avid Buffy fan and fell in love with the characters more and more as time progressed. I would love to see the return of Firefly, with it following the movie. The FF characters will have ups and downs, especially after the traumatic events of the movie, but I think that's the point and makes the characters all the more human and allows us to relate. Just because the revival of Firefly may bring about some changes, I still think Joss will be able to pull it off. Of course the original episoes will be regarded as the classics. I, for one, have faith in the man they call Joss.

But hey, if not that, I'll take Serenity II!


Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:04 PM


I dont care in what form it comes in, i just want more, gimme gimme gimme!

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:24 PM


To me, the show could be brought back without Wash. I mean, to be honest, Joss is very good at killing people off and then continuing on. Grief and pain and mending are all pretty common in his shows. I think it would be very interesting to see what happens after the BDM. River might replace Wash as pilot, or Mal and River could copilot. Or there might be the introduction of a new character as pilot (not my favorite option though). And the new crew dynamic sans Wash and Book would be very interesting to explore. What would happen without Book providing conscience, would someone else step up? Who? And without Wash, what happens to Zoe? How does the crew mend, and relationship's change? What about Simon and Kaylee now that they're together? How is there relationship going to be? How is River? What's her condition, and how does her relationship with Simon change now that she is more sane? All sorts of possibilities for change and adaptation, i think the show could be very good without Book and Wash.

My answer is an emphatic YES! Heck, i think it'd be good to get a movie or mini-series. But my favorite option is another series. I just love it so much and there are so many unanswered questions. The relationships, the adventures, the emotions and healing and all of that. There's plenty left to see!

You can't take the sky from me!


Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:42 PM



Originally posted by Fizzix:
You know, before seeing this thread, I'd always thought yes. Book was the concience of Serenity, but no one particularly cared about him unless he was the reason they were watching the show.

Wash, on the other hand, tends to cause a problem when he's all... missing. E.g. not with the living, breathing, crew. There was a reason Joss was able to bring Buffy back -- there was magic. Wash was kinda ... oh, let's use one of my prettyful faux Klingon words here. Thoguh.("THO-guh" verb. To impale beloved characters, typically from a movie. Examples, Wash, Qui-Gon Jinn.) If I were to be impaled by a spike that was the size of a telephone pole, I wouldn't live. I wouldn't get ressurected. There's no way. What possible reason is there for Wash to come back? That's the only way the series ought to come back, with full complement. I don't want a series without Wash. If this makes me unBrowncoat ish, slap a redshirt on me and send me on an away mission on the TOS era, but really.

If I just launched into an argument you don't want to read, follow the unBrowncoat ish instructions above, but consider this: Wash is what got me hooked on Firefly, the "This Land" is my favorite 'verse moment, closely followed by "Define Interesting". Both are Wash. I love Mal, but the series just shouldn't go on without Wash.

Anyway, take note of my signature on this account.

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.

While, on one hand, your words about Wash touch my Wash-loving heart (he's what got me hooked, too)... on the other hand, I don't see any reason why a lack of Wash should stop the series from coming back. It could never truly be the same without him. No way! But, the series was extremely good and it could still be extremely good without Wash. As much as it hurts to say that, it's true, IMO. It wouldn't be the same dynamic or story as it was with him... but, it would still be Firefly. It isn't like he's the only star of the show, as much as he's my favorite part of it; all the BDHs are equally a huge part of the show (i.e. equally stars). So, even though losing one of them is painful, especially when that one is your favorite, I don't think it would destroy the whole show.

Besides... at least in any future movies that may be made... he's coming back somehow. I haven't figured out how, but I have seen the articles where they say Alan Tudyk (and Ron Glass) does have a contract for the sequals, if and when they're made. So, at least in the movie, we're somehow getting some Wash! Perhaps Joss could do the same for at least parts of the series?

(By the way, Fizzix - I love those moments, "This Land" and "Define Interesting", as well. My favorite, though, has to be "Here's something you can't do." And, of course, there's always (the 1st!) "Leaf on the Wind"... <3)

I also want to address the notion that those who were introduced to Firefly through the movie would complain if the series continued in more of a Firefly-ish direction. I don't know who said this, I can't recall at the moment, but as someone who knew Serenity first, I whole heartedly disagree. Honestly, I love the series more than the movie, despite seeing the movie first, and I would be thrilled to see Firefly return in ANY form. I think most people who truly love the movie will love the series and any potential continuation, too, despite any differences.

"I'm a leaf on the wind..." - Wash

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:45 PM


Please bring it back!
I just started watching Firefly about two weeks ago and I have never been this hooked on any show or movie like this. Last week I bought both the DVD set and the movie and have been showing them to all my friends since. They too are blown away with the show and are completely lost on why it never "made-it." I just bought the graphic novel and I can't wait for it to get in the mail.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:59 PM


On a slightly related topic, I gather most think that while there will/may be more movies, more episodes are not likely?

I would love to see more episodes.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 5:07 PM


Wash could come back:

and YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there should be more
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 5:22 PM


I would pay an awful lot of money to have a new Firefly series made. [Can anyone at Univeral hear me!] Now, I don't know if a new series will ever be made. I can hope, but I can't know. But I would eagerly tune into a new series, even knowing that Wash and Book were gone. [BTW, I will always be bummed we didn't find out who the heck Book really was. An old operative, member of parliament, high military? Hmmmm] Anyway, the best part about Joss Whedon is that he understands progression. If the series were still on today entering its fifth season, I'm sure, just like in Buffy, that someone in the crew would have already died. Maybe more than one. New characters would have been introduced. Would Saffron become a part of the crew? Jubal Early? In Buffy, Angel and Spike both started out one way, and evolved. Core characters died. Others changed dramatically. What I'm saying is that change is good. As attached as we get with certain characters, we're missing out from other, just as neat characters, when we insist that nothing change, and the cast remain static. Most of all, here's hoping WE GET THAT CHANCE!

"I don't give half a hump if your innocent or where does that leave you?


Sunday, July 30, 2006 6:17 PM


Of course they should. That isn't the question.

The real question is how to get the Powers that Be to get the ball rolling.

We did it before with a tremendous effort on a number of peoples parts.

With the various particulars in the middle of other really big projects right now, getting a green light on a new series/movie isn't at it's most fortuitous point.

Maybe after Joss gets the Wonder Woman thing out of his system, we can try and rally the troops and get another episode out of our Big Damn Heros.

Qui Desiridat Pacem, Preparet Bellum


Sunday, July 30, 2006 7:45 PM


I have read that Joss and Alan had talked/decided that Wash should be killed off in the second season of Firefly. I'm with you Wash lovers, but I don't think that his loss is the end of the story, or would change it enough to ruin it. I think a "similar" type of character would be introduced ie: someone who makes us giggle. It would have been interesting to see how Zoe interacts with the new "funny" crew member in the midst of her grief. I would have liked to have seen how Zoe would have changed through the grieving process. As we saw with other Joss shows, death is just part of life, and the most important thing about death is seeing how the living go on living after losing someone they love. That sounds totally confuzzled, but you probably get the point. Now we just need to enlist more Browncoats so that getting more Firefly is a given.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 8:02 PM



Originally posted by Muddersmilk:

Core characters died.

Actually, that's singular, only Buffy died. And even then, she was brought back.

When we consider the core characters of Buffy (Buffy, Xander, Willow, Giles - the original four) they all were throughout. It was only the characters that got added later that were killed and even then a lot of those survived (eg Oz, Wesley, Cordelia, etc).

Angel got sent to Hell, came back and then left. But, he still survived throught his show (go figure). Doyle only lasted a few eps, so I'm of the opinion that he's not a core character in that series.

Though I'm only 3/4 through the 1st season of Angel, I'd be surprised if anyone significant died (ie core characters - Angle, Cordelia and Wesley).


Originally posted by Muddersmilk:

What I'm saying is that change is good.

Change is good. I certainly agree. But, it has to be organic. The kind of thunking that is involved in the changes that we'd get would be quite harsh.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Sunday, July 30, 2006 8:22 PM


I'd like more Firefly in any way they could provide it, although ideally I would have liked the series to be continued with the original cast and ignoring the movie. I'd watch even if there were a new cast, though, or if movies were released rather than television eps...

However...I HATE being obsessed with a show that's being released one episode a week. I just hate that. That's why I never watched Firefly when it was on television. I figured I'd wait a few years for it to be completed and then watch all the DVD's at my leisure, without obsessing about what was going to happen each week. Of course now I realize that that thinking isn't so good for the show as it's being aired...


Monday, July 31, 2006 12:10 AM


I'd love another show, not a picture, because the figures have more time to evolve in a TV series(to tell a whole, interesting story in 90 minutes needs so much action and does not leave enough time for the characters ...).

Why not having it cover the time between the series and the movie? There would be plenty of things to tell (how Inra left, how Book left, who he were etc.)



Monday, July 31, 2006 1:19 AM


Entirely pointy.


Originally posted by SigmaNunki:

Originally posted by Muddersmilk:

Core characters died.

Actually, that's singular, only Buffy died. And even then, she was brought back.

When we consider the core characters of Buffy (Buffy, Xander, Willow, Giles - the original four) they all were throughout. It was only the characters that got added later that were killed and even then a lot of those survived (eg Oz, Wesley, Cordelia, etc).

Angel got sent to Hell, came back and then left. But, he still survived throught his show (go figure). Doyle only lasted a few eps, so I'm of the opinion that he's not a core character in that series.

Though I'm only 3/4 through the 1st season of Angel, I'd be surprised if anyone significant died (ie core characters - Angle, Cordelia and Wesley).


Originally posted by Muddersmilk:

What I'm saying is that change is good.

Change is good. I certainly agree. But, it has to be organic. The kind of thunking that is involved in the changes that we'd get would be quite harsh.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

I don't want to spoil anything but the bodycount does get pretty high before it's over.
I vote big YES to more firefly. Reconciling the events of the movie, while challenging, is not an insurmountable feat for a great writer. These are exactly the type of challenges that make Joss a genius.



Monday, July 31, 2006 4:39 AM


I'd vote NO - the magic is gone and the show would never be as good if resurrected.

You can't step into the same river twice and the show was yanked out of that river too long ago, and I can't stop grieving over it. :(

I guess it's because for me the magic was gone in BDM already - I liked the storyline and I was very impressed with how things turned out with our heroes - but I'd rather read the script or imagine it all in my head than rewatch it: the heroes, the ship don't look and feel the same, don't feel magical for me any longer, except for a few moments. Something was missing there, and the movie was shot just 2 years after the show, and now there're 4 years...

But I haven't seen Buffy etc., so maybe the folks who are saying that Joss can pull off a radical change have something there...


Monday, July 31, 2006 5:32 AM


There has to be at least another movie or series because if there isn't either then we we'll not be talking about Firefly/Serenity in a few years,it will always be remembered as the flop TV series and the flop movie and we don't want that to happen do we.We want their to be another movie or series so that this time it will be popular and continue the story.We NEED another series or movie.


This is about to get interesting...Define interesting...Oh GOD oh GOD we're all going to die.


Monday, July 31, 2006 5:34 AM


It makes me sick to think of what Fox did to this show.Evidently not a single Fox exect watched any of it. I'm sure they were to busy looking at their paperwork and going to their offices each Monday morning (or whatever day after an eps aired) and looked at the generated viewer numbers. Unhappy they decided to can it before the end of the first season.

It really makes my stomach turn everytime I watch an eps of the series or the BDM and know that the excellence and craftmenship of this show is not continuing.They're milking it for every last bit of coin they can suck out of the public. Years from now when Summer turns 30 is not the time for someone to think " Hey we should give Firefly another shot". The time is now. If the numbers aren't stronger than before I would be more than happy to say FF was a show before its time.

You know a painter can paint a masterpiece. But if the painting is stored in the basement and no one knows about it isn't a masterpiece at all is it?

Surely someone close to the powers that be at Fox has brought this to their attention?

I've come across some hardheads in my time but I'm begining to think that Fox Studios is the training ground.

Would the show be worth making again? IMO I think so. But it needs to be soon. If the waiting game is what these ppl are playing here then for sure FF will fail. Why? In time it will loose some of the interest generated by dvd sales and web fan forums. If restarted with new characters and the like it may not be worth a rotten goose egg. Then Fox can say "See told you it wasn't a successful show." Is this what they're waiting for?

There's an old saying "Better to have tried and failed than never tried at all." Browncoats around the globe are say "Please" try once more. Whether the movie or tv companies are listning is another question.There is $$ to be made. Hope someone on a higher level has the brains to see it.



Monday, July 31, 2006 5:49 AM



Originally posted by Darkfly:
There has to be at least another movie or series because if there isn't either then we we'll not be talking about Firefly/Serenity in a few years,it will always be remembered as the flop TV series and the flop movie and we don't want that to happen do we.We want their to be another movie or series so that this time it will be popular and continue the story.We NEED another series or movie.

I have to disagree with you a little bit here. I don't think that Firefly will ever be remembered as a flop in any way, because a flopping tv show does not produce a flopping movie. I would love another series, the only thing I'm curious about is if Joss is still pushing for it, the way he was pushing for Serenity to be made. Maybe he feels his mission has been accomplished now... I think if any show proves that a change in character/situation can be successful, Red Dwarf is it. That show only had 4 characters, they got rid of one of them, replaced him with a woman, brought him back, then put the characters in jail, and still had an excellent series. I think if there's one thing Joss has, it's imagination, and Browncoats should be open to new characters, etc... Although I don't know how I would feel if Jayne was ever killed off...but there would be tears...actually there was tears when Wash was killed...more tears I guess. The whole dynamic of the show would change, but there's no guarantee that change would be for the worst. I personally am a fan of ignoring the movie, because there should have been a season 2 instead of the movie in the first place.


Monday, July 31, 2006 5:52 AM


Okay, here are my two cents. I agree with Darkfly and everyone else who said they'd love more to the show. What we did, getting a major motion picture was amazing, but wouldn't it be great if our story didn't end with that motion picture essentially failing? Morena has a quote in Done the Impossible about how great it would be if there were sequel after sequel. And I don't want this great journey we've all taken to end with a movie that barely broke even.

Here are my thoughts regarding the story. I think it would be different, and the dynamic of the show would change alot, but I have enough faith in Joss to be okay with that. Take Buffy and Angel for example, throughout the series he would kill regular cast members, or they would leave for some reason or another. And we would gain great new characters, even if we loved the old ones. And occasionally the show's dynamics would change, but that just made it more interesting to watch.

The other thing I want to say is this. I haven't been active in the Browncoat community for a while, I felt the movie gave me some closure, and I moved on, and found new television interests. Recently though, I started going back to some of the other boards and joining chats, and I just watched Done the Impossible, and I realized that I'm not ready to let this die. I don't want to move on, even if I have to wait, or even if we don't have a chance in hell of continuing the story, I'm not finished with the firefly verse.


Monday, July 31, 2006 6:11 AM



Originally posted by 22Claws:

I don't want to spoil anything but the bodycount does get pretty high before it's over.

Not really that high, at least for core characters.

Select to view spoiler:

There was a reason why when at the end before everyone went to there posts Xander, Willow, Buffy and Giles ONLY where standing there discussing things. They were the only core characters throughout and that is reminisent of that fact.

Furtheremore, it was what 2 other "main" characters that died. I'm not including potentials here.


Originally posted by 22Claws:

I vote big YES to more firefly. Reconciling the events of the movie, while challenging, is not an insurmountable feat for a great writer. These are exactly the type of challenges that make Joss a genius.

But, I must point out how much the ending of Buffy sucked. It really was trite. Perhaps you see it differently, but I really see that (and some other things) as Joss's powers starting to fail. We'll see of course in his future work, but I really think that he is passing out of his prime.

Not sure if he's up to the task anymore. Perhaps too many "yes men."

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Monday, July 31, 2006 8:02 AM


They definitely should keep making it because if I have to suffer through one more doctor/lawyer/detective show about new relationships or starting over I'm going to jump off a bridge. A big one.

Customizeable handmade baby gifts personalized by my wife! Check them out at All proceeds go towards international adoption.

Leaning into the wind that used to carry me-Stavesacre


Monday, July 31, 2006 8:30 AM


There should definitely be a continued TV series of Firefly. Sequels to the movie would be great, but this is a show that excelled due to it's character development and relationships. Dealing with the...absence...of certain characters might be difficult, but ultimately opens up the story line even more.

But, I do not agree that the finite episodes available are classic and the story is now unattainable. If anthing, it begs to be explored, and the chance of a slightly less fantastic episode mixed into a new series is no justification for denying the series. IMHO.

"We've done the impossible. That makes us mighty"


Monday, July 31, 2006 9:55 AM


Look at it this way; the character Joss brings in to replace Book and/or Wash might well end up being the Firefly equivalent of Spike, or Wesley, or Fred, or Illyria. . .

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Monday, July 31, 2006 10:33 AM


Entirely pointy.

I was actually talking about Angel. Not Buffy.

Check the core character carnage.


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:19 AM


Fellow 'coats:

I 'strongly agree' that Firefly should be continued, in order of preference, as a series, as a mini-series, or as a series of movies. Sadly, having to wait four years between movies seems the most likely outcome, unless Jerry Bruckheimer gets involved... Does anyone really want that?!

And I'm gonna play the 'Orson Scott' card, in explanation: I'm am a huge aficionado of written science fiction. All that is best in imaginative fiction can be found within this genre. (NB: Also, a lot of utter cr*p, but I digress.) The very best fiction -- of any genre -- is a study of how The Individual deals with conflict, the lessons learned, the rising up and the falling down and the rising back up again.

We all deal with this in our daily lives. The problem is that we are absorbed in the minutiae of our culture, to the extent that we cannot clearly see where our internal motivations begin to blend with cultural imperatives. In short, it's hard to see The Individual in fine definition, when placed against a cultural background that's too familiar to us, the readers.

So... Really well-done science fiction changes the culture so that The Individual can be seen in stark contrast to ourselves. The only thing left is the dis/similarities between the protagonist/antagonist and the reader. A capable craftsman can thereby explore what it really means to be Human.

The problem has always been (and still continues to be) that rank-and-file 'entertainment users' wouldn't know actual science fiction if it bit them in the a$$! The general public -- and studio executives at every level -- think science fiction is ray guns and light sabres and reptilian-looking aliens. I'm not saying that stuff isn't entertaining; I'm saying it's not science fiction.

In conclusion then, this is precisely why we need more Firefly. Firefly, as Orson Scott Card so aptly put it, is the only true science fiction show ever aired on television. And there's d*mned little of it in the movies...

Can't quite put your finger on why you love Firefly so much? Welcome to the ranks of science fiction lovers, my friends... And I don't mean that in a condescending, 'hey! newbie!' kinda way either.

As any long-time science fiction lover will tell you, that feeling of 'I love this and I can't quite put my finger on exactly why' is common to every excellent piece of work within the genre. I'm still wondering and speculating over the implications of "Dune", read some 25 years ago (and reread every five years since). I don't expect it will ever end, and neither will my love for -- and desire for more of -- Firefly...



On a deviously related side note: Why do those of you who think Firefly should be permanently discontinued still hang around these boards? Just to stir up resentment?

I'd like to think not. I'm inclined to believe that you don't really know why you linger here. You may say, 'For the camaraderie' or ''; but I think it goes back to the unique power of science fiction to leave you transfixed with Wonderment, and the contemplation of what it means to be human.

Firefly is science fiction, and we need more of it in the entertainment world.

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:22 AM


Guys... this is gonna sound mean, but if we get the series back.... the first season just won't feel as individual. It won't have the Firefly-esque feel to it. By Firefly-esque, I mean, cancelled show, huge fanbase. Then it's a recusitated show. To me, yes, good, new Firefly. But then it's probably gonna be betrayed by non pure essence of what is firefly.

*begins taking own measurements for coffin, and looking into how much it would be to be put into orbit into a proto-planet at some time in the future.*

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:59 AM



Originally posted by 22Claws:
I was actually talking about Angel. Not Buffy.

Check the core character carnage.

Then you should have told us which one you were talking about as my post refered to both.

But, do you mean core character or main character? Because there is a difference.

For instance, in Buffy, Anya was a main character but not a core character. Similarly with Spike, Tara, Riley, Angel and Dawn (the other characters being more side notes).

Try not to be too spoilery in your responce as I'm only through 3/4 of Angel season 1.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:59 AM



On a deviously related side note: Why do those of you who think Firefly should be permanently discontinued still hang around these boards? Just to stir up resentment?

I'd like to think not. I'm inclined to believe that you don't really know why you linger here. You may say, 'For the camaraderie' or ''; but I think it goes back to the unique power of science fiction to leave you transfixed with Wonderment, and the contemplation of what it means to be human.

Firefly is science fiction, and we need more of it in the entertainment world.

I'm one of those who does not support a return of Firefly as a tv series. I tend to agree that it's been too long since Firefly was on the air, and it would never be quite the same as the original episodes. I don't think we can get more of what was, but that doesn't mean I don't think there can't be something else.

I support the return of Firefly as a mini series, as another movie, as a video game, etc. I would even support a new series set in the same 'Verse, with maybe one or two of the characters we know, but with primarily a new cast. The universe is interesting enough (and open enough!), and Joss's writing is so wonderful that I think most of us would quickly fall in love with a new cast.

As much as I hate to compare Firefly to Star Trek (I think some people sometimes take what did happen to Star Trek to mean that the same exact thing will happen to Firefly, but that's a different topic), I think the similarities are worth pointing out here. The original Star Trek series was canceled prematurely, and by the time The Motion(less) Picture came out, I don't think a return to the tv format, with the same crew, would have worked. Too much time had passed. But the movie worked, and despite not being the most exciting thing ever made, they were able to make more (and better!) movies, still with the same crew. And then there was The Next Generation series -- new cast, later time period, same universe and same basic set up. It couldn't ever be the same show, but the license was put to good use.

That's my take on Firefly: I don't think we'll ever be able to have the same show, or be able to continue what we should have gotten to begin with. But the license is fantastic, and I think it can still be put to good use. Movies, mini series, video games, whatever. I'll take what I can get. But a return of the crew of Serenity to the weekly small-screen format... Well, I would approach it with much trepidation.


You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, July 31, 2006 12:15 PM



Originally posted by zoid:

On a deviously related side note: Why do those of you who think Firefly should be permanently discontinued still hang around these boards? Just to stir up resentment?

MRSU had it bang on in his/her post. The magic is gone.

Basically, there was something about that group of people (all of them - cast, crew, writers, etc), the time, where they where in there lives, etc that made Firefly as great as it was. In the BDM, it is clear that the magic is largely gone; something just didn't click, things were off somewhat.

As I said above, I'm not about leaving the 'verse behind for good, just not with that crew.

Furthermore, I find it insulting that I'm having to defend my love of Firefly just because I'm not going along with the party line of always wanting more.

Firefly is like a painting painted by a master painter. Perhaps someone can do something like it again, but it just wouldn't be the same. Best to change subject matter (different crew) and go from there.

As a last note, there are those of us that are working to forward it in a different medium ie games.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Monday, July 31, 2006 1:26 PM


Personally, I don't even think I'd watch it with a different crew. Actually, no I would, but I wouldn't have high hopes and it would only be because I have so much of an interest in this verse, and I love Joss.

I would state the reasons why I don't think the magic is gone, but the reasons why have already been stated, and it's just a matter of opinion anyway.


Monday, July 31, 2006 1:30 PM


"should they continue making firefly"

Is the Pope Catholic?
Do birds of a feather flock together?
Does Joanie love Chaci?
Is it impossible to determine how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
Is the ExMrFMF a sack of crud?

edit - but original actors only - all alive - hale and hearty

one of the Forsaken TM


Monday, July 31, 2006 1:32 PM



As a last note, there are those of us that are working to forward it in a different medium ie games.

Sigma, if you don't mind me asking, what have you got in the works? I'm a huge gamer and would love to see the 'Verse brought to games. I try to keep up on all the developments in that realm.


You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, July 31, 2006 1:45 PM


What he/she said.

Movies would be acceptable (giggle with giddiness), but all the little stories every week are part of the magic.
As for having lost 2 is not insurmountable.
Ask what they brought to the show, what qualities need to be filled to balance it out. Then write new characters to fill the void. If they could find the talent the first time, they can do it again. There are hundreds of amazingly talented actors (gender neutral) in the US alone who would be able to work ensemble with the extant cast.
As for wit and witticism, Joss is quoted somewhere as saying that Alan might not be done with the cast but Wash is dead. Am I the only one reading that as writing &/or directing?



Monday, July 31, 2006 1:48 PM



should they continue making firefly?

the question is Should They Continue.......but how can you continue something that's not being made...

I can see both sides being presented here. On the one hand, we all would like nothing more than to see more stories of the verse and would probably accept whatever we were given.

On the other hand, I, reluctantly agree that some of the magic from the original may be lost in the interim.

I will gladly accept any movies, tv series, books, comics, smoke signals or any other way to continue this story, and i sincerly hope that the moguls of the entertainment industry will someday pull their heads from their asses and give us what we want.... instead of more Poseidon Adventures or Miami Vice reruns....

how long has it been since anyone in hollywood has had an original idea for crying out loud.....

and if that is about as clear as mud..... mark me down in the affirmative.....

"endeavor to persevere..." Chief Dan George as Lone Waite, Indian chief


Monday, July 31, 2006 2:12 PM


I enjoyed Adam in that remake of the Poseidon Adventure! But that was a mdae for tv movie, and not as important as the major motion picture, which you're right, didn't need to be made.

FUTUREMRSFILLION, you're post made me laugh. ANd you're right, only with the original cast.

I'd actually never thought of Alan becoming a writer, but that's a pretty neat idea.


Monday, July 31, 2006 2:14 PM


CaliforniaKaylee reponded, thus:

I'm one of those who does not support a return of Firefly as a tv series. I tend to agree that it's been too long since Firefly was on the air, and it would never be quite the same as the original episodes. I don't think we can get more of what was, but that doesn't mean I don't think there can't be something else.

I support the return of Firefly as a mini series, as another movie, as a video game, etc. I would even support a new series set in the same 'Verse, with maybe one or two of the characters we know, but with primarily a new cast. The universe is interesting enough (and open enough!), and Joss's writing is so wonderful that I think most of us would quickly fall in love with a new cast.

As much as I hate to compare Firefly to Star Trek (I think some people sometimes take what did happen to Star Trek to mean that the same exact thing will happen to Firefly, but that's a different topic), I think the similarities are worth pointing out here. The original Star Trek series was canceled prematurely, and by the time The Motion(less) Picture came out, I don't think a return to the tv format, with the same crew, would have worked. Too much time had passed. But the movie worked, and despite not being the most exciting thing ever made, they were able to make more (and better!) movies, still with the same crew. And then there was The Next Generation series -- new cast, later time period, same universe and same basic set up. It couldn't ever be the same show, but the license was put to good use.

That's my take on Firefly: I don't think we'll ever be able to have the same show, or be able to continue what we should have gotten to begin with. But the license is fantastic, and I think it can still be put to good use. Movies, mini series, video games, whatever. I'll take what I can get. But a return of the crew of Serenity to the weekly small-screen format... Well, I would approach it with much trepidation.


You can't take the sky from me...

I'm really not into playing the 'Joss said' game, but... The author has specifically stated that he had a lot more stories to tell in this universe, with these characters. If anyone's interested, said he...

I am.

You see, I believe that Joss Whedon is perhaps the most gifted storyteller in the visual medium today. That's not faint praise, lightly bandied about.

I didn't particularly care for BtVS or AtS. But in Firefly, I feel Joss matured into a master storyteller for adults... as opposed to 'passing his prime' as others have opined. In Firefly, I saw a craftsman attain mastery of his art form.

When Joss says he's got more to say with this crew, if only he can find an audience, I'm front row center waiting for the lights to dim and the curtain to rise.

To quote a trite phrase, which nonetheless applies here: "In Joss We Trust"...



To SigmaNunki:
You quoted me out of context. No slight was intended to those who wish Firefly-as-we-know-it to be administered the last rites. Specifically I said:
"...Just to stir up resentment?

I'd like to think not."

So, there is no need to defend or quantify your love for Firefly. I know you love this work, and I understand your objections and reasoning.

I just don't agree that Firefly-as-we-know-it is finished, or that Joss has lost his powers as a writer of compelling videoplays. (NB: But I would like to see Joss a little more closely partnered with Tim Minear in future releases.)


"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'






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