Male and Female Imponderables--No more Shakespeare

UPDATED: Friday, August 4, 2006 11:44
VIEWED: 18282
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Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:58 AM


Morning, all! A question and some news today.

MsG - my daughter is a super-avid reader, all the time. She has had some stress over the fact that others can't read like she can and she is disturbed over the difference. We've done the basics of telling to be happy with herself, etc. - how did you navigate those waters when you were young? How much did your parents play a part? (I like your Dad's tether idea!)

Otherwise, I've been having some problems with my SO and communication (see 2 imponderable threads ago) - but last night things broke free a bit and communication ensued. I even tried Tristan's idea of the "When you ... I feel ..." approach (or was it MsG's?), and that worked well. I had to work hard to resist the "You need to do this .." approach, which is just my problem to deal with. We've got some bad habits going, but I think they are solvable. We decided step#1 is to agree on what a marriage is, what the expectations are. Things can't work if you have different definitions!

I saw a great quote recently - "Don't wait for the light at the end of the tunnel to appear - go down there and light the damn thing yourself." Love that quote! Maybe that's what we're doing.

Am I moving forward now?


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:04 AM


Trogman- yes I had big problems with being a much better reader than the other kids. Teachers treat you like a nifty new toy and the kids treat you like a threat. Kinda sucks. I have been able to read since I was 2 and could read on a college level by the time I was 8. Turns you into a performing poodle ( ooh look what she can do)My parents put me in a school for unique kids ( I was already in the gifted school, but it didn't move fast enough)I really couldn't reccomend it. I think you have to deal with people who are different all the time and you need to learn patience with those who might not read or think as fast as you do or you end up very lonely. Just tell your munchkin that people are sometimes upset when they think someone is smarter than they are, but it will be less apparent when she is in jr. high and high school. See if you can get her to develop other interests like theater ( generally very acepting people) and music so that she has some common ground with the other kids:) Good Luck!
Also you can tell her the upside is college is a breeze:)

EDIT- have to bail and do my munchkin duty...two more days until their mom comes home:)
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:12 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Funny we're talking about baths - for me a bath is a luxury , mmmmm a nice hot bath with some essential oils and just enough bubbles to make it special without making it difficult to clean afterwards...

And definitely not as many as you and Mr G had Ms G!!! (LOL )

I can't live without a shower though and found it very difficult to come to terms with when I lived in the UK and didn't have a shower every morning!!

I am living in a gorgeous house at the moment which has a lovely bath and a fantastic shower - so I am very happy!!

But for now ... I am off to bed - 'night all my lovely browncoat friends! mwaah - Magdalena x x x

P.S. I just watched the last 2 hours of '24' and it was a brilliant series! At the end they announced that 'Bones' is going to start next Thursday so I'll get to see what you are all talking about over there!! Also watching SG1 - a few weeks into the 9th season here (in Oz) and enjoying it more each week!

Mwaaah (again!) - Magda x x x

"I love my Captain!"


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:16 AM


That is great stuff you're sayin' - you and my daughter sound very similar - she is in a gifted school now, it is not matching her so well. I am really glad to hear your input!

Oddly enough, she is in a theater/drama camp right now, for the next 3 weeks - she's loving it.



Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:31 AM


dn: Wait, you mean that real crab meat doesn't come cylindrically shaped like that? I'm crushed Actually, I'm pretty sure that it was real crab that time since it actually looked like crab meat (wasn't solid) and tasted better, too. I haven't seen a california roll made like that since, though. Maybe it's becuase that place is a little too expensive for my tastes. I didn't understand why so many people don't like natto until I had it for the first time. After eating it enough times, it has started tasting better but I still don't think that its something I'm going to keep around by choice.

I was never really big on the whole bath thing until I got here. Now its every night. I suppose that having the bath right there every night may have something to do with it, though. I'll miss it when I leave.

My heart's desire? Contentment and peace. Not to get too caught up in this fast paced world of ours and to take time for the things that are really important like the people that I love and trying to make the world a better place a little bit at a time.

I read in the bathroom when I'm living in an apartment or a house, but not so much when I'm living in a dorm. It just feels wierd to do that when you are sharing a bathroom with that many other people. I suppose that here would be the place to do it, though since a lot of the toilet seats (even in a lot of public bathrooms) are heated and have water jets built into them in case you feel that you need to have that "just washed" feeling.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:39 AM


Trogman, I am pretty sure it was MSG's idea, and it was a good one!
I was also an accelerated reader when I was young. I would just disappear for hours at a time into books. I was lucky in that no one treated me like a "prodigy", and I did have several little friends who were also accelerated like I was. I second MSG's suggestions...not really anything I can add to that!



Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:44 AM


LOL MSG, sounds like you had a both fun and romantic time!

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:47 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Deleted because...
... can't remember.

I gotta question.
Do women read in the bathroom? I've met maybe two or three who said they do. So why is reading more prevelent in the male bathroom break than in the female. Only answer I've gotten thus far is, "Men have to relax their brains somewhere." Considering leaving that as the answer. Someone change my mind. Please!

"And it burn burns burns
That ring of fire
That ring of fire."

Okay, lemme tell you, I can be inseperable from books. This is not one of those times where I am seperable from books. I don't leave things to read in the bathroom, but I read in the bathroom. And am a female. Of some species.

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:49 AM



Didn't you also mention your daughter loved horses? You might look at getting her involved there. I've seen the horse factor help tons of kids. Gives them oodles of self confidence, teaches patience, responsibility, sportsmanship, and has the added bonus of keeping the interest in boys at bay (...bay is the most common color of horse...I'm such a dork) for a little longer (if the child is really loves horses and the proper parenting is there to start with).

In my life, horses were always a stabilizing () influence. I took lessons and showed (when I could afford it...I had to pay for everything myself) from the time I was 11. I was also a brainy/nerdy child and had the gigantic glasses to prove it. I think the confidence the horses gave me helped me negotiate the tricky waters of youth. It's a life long passion and is still providing cheap therapy.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Thursday, August 3, 2006 4:50 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
There's a question; is it true that all men have a "cave" and need lots of time alone? Or are there actually plenty of men who can be mostly open and like to spend lots of time with someone? (in other words, have I just not been that lucky?)

When I have a SO, we're usually inseparable. I'm just an affectionate kind of guy. Love holding hands, being together and what not. As for other guys, well I don't know. It seems a lot guys in their 20's are looking for fast women - flavor of the week type of deal.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 5:38 AM


Hello, Fizzix! Not sure if you have been on these threads before...but if not, welcome!

RugBug...stable? sure about that?
*ducks the horseshoe lobbed at his head*

GED, never really been a major fan of "fast" women myself, but I am over the 20's. I like women that know themselves, and have a good time being who they are. Boy, that looks confusing, but it makes sense in my mind...



Thursday, August 3, 2006 5:38 AM


Mornin' to all.

I must admit to dwelling in my cave a little too much here and there. But if there is someone around to keep company with, I seem to only sleep and keep clothes there.

Ged is right on. Most guys who look for fast women are usually emotionally distant and want little time for anything but themselves. The rest who specifically look for the fast ones are just too busy for anthing more time consuming. Had to be real careful in the past not to get into those types of situations. Real easy to establish patterns that form around your lifestyle.

Be back in a bit all you wonderful Imponderablers.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 5:54 AM


So I just heard from her... she's not ready for something romantic right now, and that's okay. Ahh well, the search goes on for me though.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 5:54 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
RugBug...stable? sure about that?
*ducks the horseshoe lobbed at his head*

Heh, I deserve that horseshoe. There's no excuse for bad puns this early in the morning.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:02 AM


RugBug, nothing but love I hold for thee in my heart. Just couldn't let that one go.



Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:09 AM


Ah, morning to all you funny ponderers.

Ok, so no bath stories here... hmmm accelerated readers? Well myself, I've always read pretty well (not as well as my sisters, who read "fast like a freak" n' all the time) but I dont really recall that causing a ton of problems for me... eh, i dunno.

It's weird, for all that I want to get into writing n stuff, I dont read very much at all. Eh, I blame reading logs in 2nd grade for that. Made reading into homework, so I wanted to stop whenever I could. That's my theory. Traumitized for life I am. But either way, tis a little contradictory.

And PR, as for where all the guys like me were in high school... um.... in theater? (Just in the group i'm in, we have... ok, had, some graduated, a flamboyantly gay guy, and a few not as obvious lesbians and bi folk. It's all good. I can't say how seriously they feel it, but we don't mind. The dirty minds of theater accomidate all sorts.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:15 AM


So did she ask to stay friends or what? Is this where the 20's guy statement came from? Could she possibly just be looking for someone to grapple with and you are just too good for her? Is your search continuing for an appropriate mate?
Am I asking too many questions?
Could it be I am tired and happy another morning after staying up late watching movies and laughing?
Can I be losing my already questionable mind?


Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:20 AM


NVG, are you ok? Today is the day I cannot resist these things!



Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:23 AM



Originally posted by Ged:
So I just heard from her... she's not ready for something romantic right now, and that's okay. Ahh well, the search goes on for me though.

That sucks man. Just keep looking.

At least you've had a date recently. You're topping me there. So, that should make you feel good right?


Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:28 AM


Haha thanks, but dates are pretty rare for me. But, I've stopped playing WoWcrack and have gotten back to real life, so now I guess I'll be putting myself into social places and trying to meet people. I'm still new in this state, so I have just a few friends.

On a lighter note, I've started reading the last Harry Potter novel. I bought it when it came out, but didn't get around to reading it. I loved the others ones and this one is getting interesting.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:32 AM


All is good. I took my nephew and the girl next door to town last night to buy brownie mix. Spent the rest of the evening watching Signs and cooking. She ended up falling asleep on the couch.
Been up twice since 1:00AM for baby feeding. Kinda tired and silly.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:42 AM


NVG, yeah we're going to stay friends and such. This isn't where the 20's statement came from, that was just kind of my view on some guys in their 20's. Is she looking for someone just to grapple with? I don't know, but I doubt it. I don't think I'm too good for her, I just think that she's not ready to be with someone again. She just got out of a 4 year relationship about a month ago, so it's quite understandable. As for me looking for an appropriate mate, yeah, I'm still keepin' my eye out for a good girl.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:53 AM


Forgot about the previous SO.

Seems she may be a bit distant in the chest area anyhow. Four year long distant relationship. She's gotta be a pretty busy lady to put up with that.

Glad to hear you've crawled out of the cave (and away from the WOW). Seems alotta folk get stuck in the online culture and have a tough time escaping. Might I be speaking about myself. Kinda glad I have no online access at home. Already addicted enough to FFF.NET.

MSG- Thought of the Dennis the Menace movie when everyone was talkin' about reading. From a teachers point of view, what do you think is the biggest obstacle to kids reading? Mine was a step dad who loved me well enough, but could read very little. Do you see alot of parents making things worse (directly/indirectly) for their childrens education? If so, than what could they do better? Just tryin' to give PsychoBilly (nephew) a headstart.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 7:41 AM


Helloooo. Went to my nan's today, to move 2 tonnes of logs, she was getting delivered for her new log fire, not so bad as shifting 2 tonnes of anything at my house, as she has a bungalow and a flat garden. thank god.


Originally posted by TrogMan:
When I was 15, I made my own book stand for reading while taking a bath. I tested it out, opened up the book, put it on the stand - and PLOP it fell right in the water.

And there went my inventor streak! Poof.


lol. thanks trogman, ya just made me choke on my fudge!

PR: phewf! you had me all worried their about that spider thing!

I read in the bathroom, but only in the bath. I do all my revising for exams in the bath, which goes great untill I discover a loose sheet in a book,or accidentally drop said book. My longest bath record is about 3 hours.
Can spend forever in the shower, taking showers to save water has never worked for me! I've pleaded time and time again for us to get a lock on the bathroom door (Why the hell can't people learn to knock!?!)but the answer is always: No! We have enough trouble getting you out of their now!

like many of you on here, I read all the the time. only times when i'm not reading something is when I'm asleep. I always have to find something to read. When I'm on holiday, just lying on abeach, I can get through 2 books per day.
you guys and your baths stories, you crack me up!!
My hearts desire is simply to be happy and to be loved.

Liking your sig, NV. BTW, Whats a cracker jack?

Awww, Ged, better luck next time, at least you had fun, right?

I haven't had this much fun since the last time I ate a lightbulb
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:01 AM


Thanks RugBug! I'd love to hear anything that will help "navigate the tricky waters of youth." Kids today need all the help they can get.

We had heard about the horse factor as well; she did a horsemanship camp a few weeks ago (learning how to feed, brush, otherwise care for them), and has done some riding, will do more this fall. I think she feels the same way you do about them - just horse-crazy.

Wow, she should really meet you and MsG.

You all are so helpful!



Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:10 AM


Cracker Jacks are a snack food made popular at the beginning of the twentieth century after the advent of commercial popcorn. It is a caramel covered mixture of popcorn and peanuts. Introduced at the world fair in the 1890's.
The highly sought after toy ring is the pinnicle of food prizes. The prizes today are uaually little puzzles and the occasional tattoo.

Really flattered that my pondering has held for twenty four hours. So in general women read in the bath for the most part, men prefer showers so they read on the toilet, bubblebaths with SO's can be dangerous and hilarious at the same time, and the search goes on for answers to the many mysteries of the sexes.

Dang phone won't stop ringing. Looks like I gotta work. Hooray work!


Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:18 AM



Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:21 AM


I just remembered that British movie theaters give you an option of sweet or salty popcorn.

Let me tell you, the sweet is kinda icky. But then, I don't eat a lot of sugar.

Cracker Jacks are NOT icky!

Why do I sound like a 5 year old?

one of the Forsaken TM


Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:24 AM


*waves her hand* Token female who reads on the toilet, not in the bath. I like to just close my eyes and have a snooze in the bath, as long as I have something to prop my head up so I don't accidentally drown. Anywho, looks like I'm the exception that proves the rule.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:26 AM


Thanks Penguin. Love to see little bits of advertising/labels from the past. Not too many left for folks to take a gander at these days.
The prize was added in 1912? Thought I had enough useless knowledge on Cracker Jacks pinned to my brain. Now the page is complete. Looks like I gotta purge something.
Good-bye seventh grade!


Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:41 AM



Originally posted by Ged:

On a lighter note, I've started reading the last Harry Potter novel. I bought it when it came out, but didn't get around to reading it. I loved the others ones and this one is getting interesting.

Oh, oh, too. Started it on Monday, but had to put it aside to finish the Buffy equivalent of Finding Serenity, watch the last few episodes of Brisco County, Jr. (I want a man like Brisco...except without all the rescuing) and then I wanted to remind myself what happened in the Order of the Phoenix. I can't for the life of me remember. But will diligently start reading this weekend.

It's weird, for all that I want to get into writing n stuff, I dont read very much at all. Eh, I blame reading logs in 2nd grade for that. Made reading into homework, so I wanted to stop whenever I could. That's my theory. Traumitized for life I am. But either way, tis a little contradictory.

Whitefall: I'm yin to your yang. I hate to write but love to read. I would've been an English major in college except for all the writing. I took a ton of extra English classes just for fun. I even went so far as to obtain a copy of the Masters reading list (wasn't easy, that) and was working my way through it.

Ah, reading....*Rugbug's eyes go hazy and she drifts off to thoughts of a drizzly afternoon curled up by the fire with a good book and a glass of red wine, preferably Syrah*

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:55 AM


thanks all for your cracker jack definitions.
I just spent the last hour or so deciding whicg firefly quote to get on a t-shirt.
here's what I narrowed it down to:

I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you

I think you have a probem with your brain being missing

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayl (with or without the dino pic?)

and (cos searched monty pyhton too)
You must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... with... a herring!

I think I'm doing quite weel, as I started off with about 15, but i still can't decide. What od you guys think?

Don't you lock up something that you wanted to see fly, hands are for shaking no not tying. Soundgarden
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:55 AM


oh, double post. fiddlesticks!

Don't you lock up something that you wanted to see fly, hands are for shaking no not tying. Soundgarden
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:57 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:
Oh, oh, too. Started it on Monday, but had to put it aside to finish the Buffy equivalent of Finding Serenity, watch the last few episodes of Brisco County, Jr. (I want a man like Brisco...except without all the rescuing) and then I wanted to remind myself what happened in the Order of the Phoenix. I can't for the life of me remember. But will diligently start reading this weekend.


In Order of the Phoenix, they had that horrible Professor Umbridge who was the teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts. She had Dumbledore unseated at Hogwarts and ran the school like a prison. I forget how or why she was removed, but she was. I think she had ties to Lucius Malfoy. Anyway, Harry gets to stay with Sirius for the summer. There's a little house elf that betrays Sirius too. So there was that prophecy held in the Ministry of Magic that the Death Eaters were looking to obtain that was about Harry and Voldemort. Sirius Black was killed by Bellatrix at the Ministry while the kids were trying to defend the prophecy from getting into their hands. So there's about as much as I can remember about it!

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 8:58 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Do you see alot of parents making things worse (directly/indirectly) for their childrens education? If so, than what could they do better? Just tryin' to give PsychoBilly (nephew) a headstart.

Hey NV, I'm not MSG (obviously) nor a teacher, but I played one for a very short time. And had the debt to prove that I was a fully accredited elementary teacher with Science, English and P.E. add-on credentials through the ninth grade (all those extra English classes I just mentioned as well as a B.S. in P.E. with a pre-physical therapy course of study were good for something).

READ TO THOSE CHILDREN. Read A LOT. Studies show that kids that are read to tend to do better in school.

Do your best to help them with homework. Schools are giving even the tiniest of tots homework these days. I think that's a travesty, but if it's assigned, it needs to be done. Help them, without doing the work, and do it cheerfully. If you can think of ways to make things more fun, the kiddies will really respond.

Also, no negative talk of school. If you're excited about it, they will be too. Kids mimic what they adults around them do, say, and their attitudes. If your actions and words show that school is fun, they will believe it until their experience proves otherwise.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Thursday, August 3, 2006 9:59 AM


I'd go with "Curse your Sudden...". That one still makes me shot milk out my noise, it is so funny. (When I'm not even drinking milk, too! )



Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:40 AM


I read both in the bath and on the toilett (although then mostly comics). Matter of fact a month or so ago I got my "those left behind" comic, poured myself a nice bubble bath, some cold coke, candles, and just enjoyed.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:40 AM


I read both in the bath and on the toilett (although then mostly comics). Matter of fact a month or so ago I got my "those left behind" comic, poured myself a nice bubble bath, some cold coke, candles, and just enjoyed.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:40 AM


I read both in the bath and on the toilett (although then mostly comics). Matter of fact a month or so ago I got my "those left behind" comic, poured myself a nice bubble bath, some cold coke, candles, and just enjoyed.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:40 AM


I read both in the bath and on the toilett (although then mostly comics). Matter of fact a month or so ago I got my "those left behind" comic, poured myself a nice bubble bath, some cold coke, candles, and just enjoyed.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:40 AM


I read both in the bath and on the toilett (although then mostly comics). Matter of fact a month or so ago I got my "those left behind" comic, poured myself a nice bubble bath, some cold coke, candles, and just enjoyed.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Thursday, August 3, 2006 10:40 AM


I read both in the bath and on the toilett (although then mostly comics). Matter of fact a month or so ago I got my "those left behind" comic, poured myself a nice bubble bath, some cold coke, candles, and just enjoyed.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:05 AM


Thanks. I try to read to PB, but he seems to be more about pictures and activity right now. He does have a great memory on what was discussed within the book. I remember learning to read then being able to see things like bill boards, menu's, and kids books in my mind and read them. Really hoping he'll be able to do the same with some of the things we show him.
Condolences on the flat spot in your financial history. Seems to be an occasional concern aired within the board by those of us with a work history in the human services field. Kinda dumb that a teacher has to have as much school as a doctor just to be paid a miniscule amount.
Not like you're aiding in the formation of the worlds young minds or anything. Or playing part time parent to alot of parent less children. Or...
... Sorry folks, ranting again. I need something to be passionate about. Think I'll start a sitting garden at the family house. Either that or work on the Rez' Rod.
Decisions, decisions.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:26 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Thanks. I try to read to PB, but he seems to be more about pictures and activity right now. He does have a great memory on what was discussed within the book.

How old is he again? A lot of times, reading to them is just letting them turn the pages when they want, reading parts, asking questions about the pictures, having them point to different colors, or characters.

There is one test for wee ones that involves a bizarre book with all kinds of errors. The very first "question" is to hand the book to the child upside down and backwards. If the child turns the book the right direction, they "pass." If not, you know they are starting from a very big deficit. Other pages are upside down, or the words are backwards. It's all about the mechanics of reading. They learn about those mechanics from sitting on your lap and reading along with you.

SBDB: you should check out CafePress. There are sooooooooo many Firefly/Serenity shirts to choose from. All the quotes you've mentioned, plus a myriad more. I only have one from 11th hour (serenity symbols w/o text) but will be getting something else soon. I think I want an "Also, I can kill you with my brain" or a "Define interesting...." Both are obscure to non-fans, but will stand out to flans in an instant.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:30 AM


Hi there Ponderers !

I've been away awhile. Took a family vacation to the beautiful Adirondack mountains. I even hiked a trail Called get this - Serenity trail ( for adventurers only ), which led to Serenity Island.Which was of course the most beautiful & cool spot on the hike.I'll post the pics when they're developed.
Anyway seems like I've missed about a billion threads while gone.

I don't have a working shower & I can't read in my tub.As Woody Allen said in Annie Hall-"This is New York City .Bad plumbing and bugs." or something similar.
I don't always have hot water, and no matter how clean I keep it ,the roaches are winning the fight.Doesn't go well with relaxing in the tub. do love my books though.


I swallowed a bug.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:42 AM


Welcome back LilAlbatross/Bryce! Sounds like you had a grand ol' time and I'm looking forward to those pics of Serenity!

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:46 AM


PsychoBilly will be three on October 31st, (Halloween and Nevada Day for all of ya's out there not in the know). If it is a book he knows, he usually corrects the mistake. Sometimes he will correct a book he doesn't know. So far he can: Count to ten in English and Mexican, Get through J before trailing off, use the restroom and wash his hands by himself, turn on the tv and change channels at will, and build an escape route over the baby barrier. Though, he still has some residual behavioral problems from before. I know he'd been around plenty of people dealing with their kids while drunk or high. I suspect he's seen some domestic violence. Once, while my moms boyfriends son and his friend were wrestling in the house, PB became very upset. He tried getting them to stop, screaming and crying the whole time. The boys didn't understand that he was scared, angering me near to the point of him witnessing more domestic violence. People don't really understand to what degree the things they do in front of their effects them.
Long winded in the subject.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 11:56 AM


Wow I would swear those kids are trying to kill me:) Just one more day..played one on one basketball with the 12 year old ( may I curl up and die now) I am so tired:) Oh well it's still fun

NV- oh yes I do see parents both directly ( you don't need no fractions to do that) and indirectly ( parent tells child the parent just got dumped and forces child to stay up all night consoling them and child gets no sleep)screwing up their kids education. Actually find the indirects a bigger problem.

Trog- well she sounds like she'll be fine. For me it helped to be part of a family of the freakish. #1 sis could identify the artist for any of the masters just by loooking at the painting by age 7, #2 sis played a game meant to help med students review for anatomy( you haven't lived till you've seen an 8 year old listing all features and functions of the limbic system)and was an assistant to a grad student at age 12. Brother got a perfect( and I mean perfect) score on the Advanced Placement Calculus test without taking the class or studying.So I am just one of the freaks in my family and that you have others for her?
Also, seriously that reading speed really helps tons later. Mine's about 350 pages per hour and it meant that all those fab reading assignments in college could be put off until the very last minute.

Reading Logs- any teacher who uses reading logs should be smacked hard with something heavy!!! Reading should not be a chore, and it's just laziness on the teachers part. They can scan the log and see if the kid read instead of creating complex comprehension questions for each kids book.

EDIT- NV I think the special hell should be expanded to include all neglectful and abusive parents!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, August 3, 2006 12:05 PM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
People don't really understand to what degree the things they do in front of their effects them.

They are so easly influenced it's amazing. Little, silly influence story: My mom was out to dinner with her grandaughter (my step-neice). Mom and Lexie always used to "share" my mom's Tortilla soup. Mom would give Lexie the zucchini out of it, which Lexie thought was delicious as well as fun b/c, you know, sharing and all. That is until the day my mom told the waitress that she didn't like the zucch and so gave it to granddaughter. From that day forward, Lexie will not touch zucchini. Lexie was about two and half when that happened.

Oh, *blowing the dust off the edges of my teaching education memory*, I forgot another reading/imagination game. If they know a book so well they can "read" the last page themselves, have them make up an ending. Ask questions like "What do you think would happen if______?" or ask him to come up with an ending of his own and then set him down with some crayons and paper to draw a picture for his ending. You can also do that with a brand new book. Stop before the last page and do the "How do you think it is going to end?" questions and then finish the story. Blah, blah, blah...will shut up now with reading tips.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Thursday, August 3, 2006 12:12 PM


Rugbug...yup see now that's a teacher. Ask questions, encourage imagination. Why aren't you teaching???? It's not like we have so many good teachers we can afford to let a good one get away:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, August 3, 2006 12:16 PM


I figured I didn't have anything to add to the reading on the toilet, in the bath or in the shower discussion. Mainly cause I don't do any of the above. Just seems like the book would either get cooties or wet. I like my books to be in tip top condition if at all possible.

Anyway the one thing I will do on the toilet is bring my laptop and play poker. That's if I'm in the middle of a game and the urge hits me. Which has happened more than a few times. Anybody else or am I unique on that one?


Thursday, August 3, 2006 12:21 PM


Mostly because I actually hated teaching. I liked the theories (mostly...some of it just gets me all riled up these days...for example, Skill and Drill can be an important part of the learning process. It shouldn't be the sole learning activity, but it certainly should accompany more creative lessons. But education these days frowns on Skill and Drill. And don't get me started on learning teams.... ) but don't like the day-to-day or the bureaucracy of teaching. Teachers have to really want "it", I didn't...and it wasn't fair to the kids to be there half-assed. So I quit. Haven't regretted that decision (other than having to pay off the clear credential without really using it).

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Thursday, August 3, 2006 12:24 PM


ok forgot you were in California...the land education forgot. You guys are under the weirdest set of regulations and have some of the strangest teaching set ups I have ever the way since Skill and Drill has vast research supporting it, it is used regularly in most Utah classroom as the supplemental instruction...move here!!! You can even bring your horses...we have tons of horse property and it's not anywhere near as pricey as California
EDIT- it may be a state full of religious freaks, but they're well educated religious freaks.
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, August 3, 2006 12:33 PM


Hrmmm, never thought of teaching in another state. But really, I think the biggest thing that gets in my way is not really wanted to spend most of my day with children. Didn't realize it back when I got the credential, 'cause I like children well enough, but I just don't like them that all day long, every day.

Speaking of horses: I'm out to ride the pony.

Hope you survive the last day with the kidlets. I need an exhausted emoticon here, but am too lazy to go get one.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Thursday, August 3, 2006 12:37 PM


Ah well then:) Hugs the tired Rugbug

Hey I have an odd I am sure that everyone at some point wished they had a different first name ( pretty sure all kids go through this stage) soooo what did you want to be named???

When I was 5 my step dad adopted me and I got to pick a new middle name. I really wanted to pick a new first name (so glad they didn't let me) I wanted to be named Princess Lily..
So how 'bout it Imponderables?? What did you want to be named?

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2






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