Male and Female Imponderables--The way of the wise

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 8, 2006 03:04
VIEWED: 14621
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Sunday, August 6, 2006 4:39 AM


morning...I think:) Well I hate to be the bright cheery one again and all, but if loved sucked for you, then it wasn't love...'cause love is really great!
Traveler- laughed so hard at the trying to stop her from buying something...and you're right if it had been shoes you might have been scarred for life.

I love parties:) One thing I've had work really well is different rooms with different movies on. That way people can wander in to the movie that suits them. Or you can do the MT3K thing and have everyone make snotty comments about bad B people something to do that can be interactive or not and also allows those who might be less social to enjoy without uncomfortable silence

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Sunday, August 6, 2006 4:46 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Oh, Kate, I understand completely. My name is Rose. My birth certificate says Rose. Rose is not short for something. My full name is not Rosie or Rosalyn or Rosemary or Roseanne or Rosamund or any other form you could possibly come up with and yet there has been a constant stream of people in my life who can't believe it isn't short for something, or have given me a "nickname" that is longer than my real name! It drives... me... crazy!
Ok, heh, trite little name rant over now.




Sunday, August 6, 2006 4:48 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Morning Ms G!

Glad to catch you just before I went to bed! Enjoy your Sunday - mine was nice - not too busy and spent just enough time with my nieces/nephew to enjoy them without getting "too much of a good thing" ...

If you're around Gorgeous PR - goodnight to you too! No double postings today... must be losing my touch!

Mwaaah - Magdalena x x x

{edit} coz I did just double post!!! I was a bit slow and distracted though... but I love that we're on opposite sides of the 'verse but Phoenix Rose (& I love the name Rose and will just add Gorgeous on one side and Phoenix... well in the middle ) and I have posted simultaneusly yet agin!! Mwaaah - must be 'coz we're both fire signs then When's your birthday GPR? - Magda x x

"I love my Captain!"


Sunday, August 6, 2006 4:50 AM


My sister has that nickname problem. She's really named Margaret, but so is my mom and our aunt, so she goes by Margi ( pronounced M-ar-gee) and no one ever gets it right:)

My sister Cathy ( always Cathy never Catherine) same thing as you Kate...always trying to get people to stop making her name something it isn't.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Sunday, August 6, 2006 4:54 AM


arg, never realised that was such a common problem, have horrible problems with 'sam'

seems people just about want to see my birth certificate before they'll believe it isn't an abbreviation >.<
used to get so frustrated always being 'samuel' or similar, but eventually reached the conclusion it doesn't matter so much what people call me, least they're still on speaking terms with me but yes, used to find it very annoying, all sympathy to those similarily caught.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 4:56 AM


Its so annoyinng, isnt it? My IT teacher in year 8 called me katie everytime she took the register for the whole year, and I told her every single time!

Don't you lock up something that you wanted to see fly, hands are for shaking no not tying. Soundgarden
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Sunday, August 6, 2006 5:02 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hi ... I am going to bed... honestly - it's just that I was doing target practice with Oddbodkins on another thread and the gunpowder got me kind of hyped-up - and then all of you get on line just when I gotta go...

I keep popping in to just check that I haven't missed something... bit like a two year old that...

My name - Meredith - used t be abbreiviated to Mary by some at Primary School but I got very cross one day and I think the teacher took it to heart. Also had Mez (depends on who's calling me that, whether I mind or not), Mem (OK, by some) Mare (NO, NO, NO!!!!!) and even Mert (did not like that one!) I like Meredith so call me Meredith ... or I guess you guys call me Magdalena or Magda....

Definitely need sleep now...

Maybe just one more target......

"I love my Captain!"


Sunday, August 6, 2006 5:06 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by magdalena:
When's your birthday GPR? - Magda x x

I'm a winter solstice baby! Born on Yule six hours before the beginning of Capricorn. I think that rocks so hard, especially because I was overdue.
Forgive me if I missed it; you must have just had or are having a birthday if you're a Leo.
Well, sleep well




Sunday, August 6, 2006 5:10 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

mwaaah - good night Darlin' girl... my birthday's this Friday... then about 8 people have their birthday in the following week!

Must have been all those early Christmas parties back in November...

Oh, and I'm a winter baby too... Winter here! Now! Though clearly not the solctice or anything cool like that!

Good night!! I mean it this time!!

"I love my Captain!"


Sunday, August 6, 2006 5:26 AM


woah, magda! Happy birthday for friday! I shall be sending you celebratory birthday vibes!!

My eyes are going all funny because I painted my nails bright metallic blue for the munkyfest yesterday, and now they are whizzing all over the keyboard making little blue blurs that are making head implode!
I also have little cartoons all up my arm where matt drew on me!

Edit: Have to go now.... maybe I shall be on in a few hours and a gazillion posts, maybe not, we shall have to see...

Don't you lock up something that you wanted to see fly, hands are for shaking no not tying. Soundgarden
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Sunday, August 6, 2006 5:39 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I also have to go to bed. Brain... fuzzy...




Sunday, August 6, 2006 5:40 AM


Oddboskins, clearly she had her own agenda for the night, albeit psychologically dysfunctional. If a lady latches on to you as such and is keen on you bedding her, that should be an immediate red flag as to her promiscuity and her character. If you're looking for something meaningful as far as a relationship goes, she most likely would not have been the one you'd want to share your life with. Also, she might have saved you a peck of trouble, as far as STD's are concerned, by going with that other guy.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:00 AM


Sorry...Whitefall can't be named Steve...That's my name and I don't want to share!

OK...I'll share!

I've always been Steve...or Steven Paul if I was in trouble with mom! Steven is just too formal to be me.

There are three boys in my family, and all three were born in November. The Iowa winters do get cold!


Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:32 AM


I'll echo Ged here Oddsbodskins. If she makes a habit of doing that at the end of the night, she's probably picked up something in her travels. And if she hasn't, she may wake up with regret and take legal action against you for "taking advantage" while she was drunk.

I never could do the barhopping scene to look for people. If I was out like that, I was already with people I knew, because there are plenty of wackos and predators of both sexes out there, looking to make a quick score of one kind or another. I want to be someone special, not just another notch on the bedpost.

So who is he?
He's my husband.
Well who in the damn galaxy ain't!


Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:49 AM


well yes indeed, but as i said earlier i didn't get the impression she was in a habit of doing it (i used to work in a pub, i'm currently working as a phsyciatric nurse, human disfunction is something of a specialty ) not so much the grounds i was looking for outside opinion on, but thanks for the cheerful thoughts and affirmation ^^


Sunday, August 6, 2006 7:58 AM


Nah, I be not a Steve. Conor, actually. Frankly, I like it, except for the millions of people who will spell it wrong. Just cause my spelling is different than everyone else in ireland doesnt mean people who've never seen the name before should spell it wrong. Oh well.

Well nice to know I didnt invent that alone-after-party thing. It's times like that that I realize just what "hanging out" (something I've never done outside of waiting for rehearsal to start) does for people. Keeps them in contact, keeps them spending time with one another. Clever people.

And lol, I can sympathize with the cast party after-slump. There's a girl in my troupe who is so pasionate about all this camraderie, that at half the cast parties we have she breaks down in tears over the joy/sadness of the end of the show. Really kind of inspiring.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Sunday, August 6, 2006 8:06 AM


Hey, Whitefall. You spelt your name wrong.

*runs away very very quickly*

It's a good name. It means "Strong as a Wolf".


Sunday, August 6, 2006 10:01 AM


Grrr, hate you hippy!!!!

Just kidding.

That's ironic, as I have no upper body strength to speak of... oh well. And for all that I'm at least half if not more irish, and so's my name, and I've not got a bit of American blood in me, because of my american accent and not being red haired (my entire extended uk/irish family, not a redhead among them) or green eyed or whatever, no one believes me, or... rather they sorta shrug it off. Apparently I'm not the cool kind of irish. Then again, as far as being irish i'm from the North, so i guess i'm british. Silly nationalities.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Sunday, August 6, 2006 1:02 PM


Ugh. Sorry for doubly posting, but I got a new topic to rant about: college.

So, mi madre won this free consultation from an education advisory grp, and we just did it... and while the guy was disturbingly likable and human, and I realize it is in his best interest to get me freaked out about the whole thing and make me feel I need help, but damnit, now I'm freaked out.

So I've got the remaining couple weeks of summer where I should be doing a billion different things (and worse, i'll probably do them) like finding colleges to apply to, writing down essay questions, etc, and i've got to get letters of recommendation, tons of forms, etc, and overall, i just feel like crap atm, that life is coming apart at the seems, and it makes me wish I just had regular summer homework. Gorram it, I hate being a teen.

Someone tell me that applying to college isnt the busiest time one can ever go through.... please?

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Sunday, August 6, 2006 1:43 PM


It wasn't for me. I went to uni as a mature student. I was a chef and wanted to get into hotel management at the time. I just called the uni to see if they had any places, called the local education board to see if they'd pay for me, filled in 2 forms, and was starting less than 2 weeks later.

heh heh heh...

For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die along, unremembered and unsung...


Sunday, August 6, 2006 4:57 PM


grrrr... teachdaire, you're mean.

This whole thing is rediculous. I'm gonna spend around 20% of my life in school... urgh. Seems like only a little while ago that my list of reasons why I sucked was because I was leaving my summer homework too late, and becuase I hadnt done much writing this summer, and I should do something more constructive than a play. Now, it's great, it's like I'm behind on everything even though the school year hasnt started, and.... bleh. Stupid advisor people. They're like vultures, picking the flesh off the dead, rotting carcass that is the college admissions system.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Sunday, August 6, 2006 7:19 PM


*hugs Whitefall* *hands Whitefall a mug of hot chocolate* *rubs back*

Okay Whitefall, breathe deep....and exhale slowly. As a teacher who works with high-schoolers, here are some thoughts/suggestions:

College application isn't the busiest time of life. It is a busy time, since you need to have a lot of things done if you plan/want to go to college/university next school year. *raises hand* Wait, stop, don't freak yet. First you need to decide if you are going to college/university or junior college/community college. (The requirements differ greatly.)

Now, if you are definitely going to college/university next year:
1) decide on a handful of schools you like based on your current idea of what you want to be when you're a "grown up"
2) find out what their requirements for entry are (what does your G.P.A. have to look like, what standardized test they prefer and what the minimum scores are, when they start accepting applications, etc.)
3) talk to your career counselor/school counselor to help you figure out what you do have and what you need to do
4) start recording deadlines on your calendar (you might want to pad the dates a bit earlier so you can make sure test applications get there early/on time, and collge applications and essays have some time for tweaking
5) if you need financial aid for college, you should start looking around for scholarships, grants, and loans

You're right, Whitefall, the educational advisor who you and your mom met with is trying to sell you something. Just know that things are not as bad as they seem.

Two websites that I know of that talks about college-prep stuff (and scholarship stuff) is and -- I don't work for them, but I've looked at their stuff before and it might be a start for you.

*hugs Whitefall once more* I realize it's overwhelming, but it's not the end of your life, nor will it kill you if you make mistakes. At the very worst, you might have to spend a semester or a year at a junior/community college (where tuition tends to be much cheaper).


Sunday, August 6, 2006 8:24 PM


to the dancing anime cat lady.

Thanks. Needed that. That, and talkin' long n hard about it with my sister (who chose her college on the strength of which one gave her an enormous scholarship, but still) that it isnt as nasty as it seems.

Grr. Stupid sales folk. With their plural 'we' being all inclusive. Eh, I might avail myself of their trade (never before has college advisory sounded so dirty) on the subject of SAT essays (25 minutes is a ) but other than that, I'm gonna continue on as i've been doing, and if when school rolls around i'm as absurdly busy as I supposedly will be, then so be it. It's not being busy i have a problem with, it's business interfering with my break time, if that makes sense.

Eh, the guy told me some helpful things to know about SATs tho. Namely that my last one (I know i could have done better) could be vastly improved by just buying a book (ie the college board study book) and doing a bunch of their tests. Cause i really didnt study much the first time. So, i'm actually gonna do that. Sounds useful.

Thank you Neko, i do feel better, though i feel like i'm deliberately avoiding some work or something. (I hate this constant "I should be doing something but i'm not" thing. Does that ever go away?) Eh, my grades be... well they arent perfect, but 3.8, well, that's ok, and i got me some AP classes. i'll get in somewhere or rather, I should stop worrying. (That last statement... you guys need to agree with, or i'll flip out again )

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Sunday, August 6, 2006 8:28 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I'm trying to remember what my SAT scores were. I didn't study, either. I know English was very high, math was pretty good, science was good. I did good. I just never ended up using them (yet). I remember thinking the scoring was very odd and I can't remember what it's out of or what I ended up with.




Sunday, August 6, 2006 10:29 PM


oh, catch up, meh!

Odsbodskins - you were a total honey, and you were right to act the way you did, and this come from someone who isn't puritanical about casual sex, (i would never do it, but it works for other people) but i get the impression that although it would have helped in the letting off of steam sense, ultimetly it would have made things worse, left you more wound up and confused and set you on a path you didn't want to be on. So... chin up and keep looking, you're a great guy.

Dammit, if only London and Liverpool were closer!

Whitefall - i too know the way working relationships in theatre usually go, and i've just learned to enjoy whats there when and not need it when it isn't. Post party slumps i think are also chemical, all that adrenaline or happy hormones rushing around your system whilst your there, and then you stop partying and slump.

Try chocolate! that mimics endorphins or something. whatever, it works for me.
also when you get home do something you couldn't do if you had company, and throughly enjoy the alone time.

names - as a Helen, i've only really had one nickname, Hel, which i absolutely hate, mainly 'cause it just sounds crude. of all the possible nicknames i like Nell and Hen the best, but nobody has any imagination, so i've never been called that. bah!

Whitefall again. If it helps, i went through the ucas (brit admissions system) shenanigans, did the junkets, went to the open days, yadda yadda yadda yawn. then chose my actual college on the strength of two paragraphs in their prospcetus. went for the interview, got an unconditional on the strength of that and not my grades, and ended up going to the best college (most respected of its kind) in the uk. And having the time of my bloody life. despite all the emotional crap.

so i'm thinking now, maybe fate has a lot to do with it, and trust that you'll end up, after all the hard work, where you need to be.
on a more practical note, my brother decided, very late on, that he wanted to go into applied biology, so he went in to see the course director, told him that they had places left on their course and that he wouldn't mind one of them, and started the degree two weeks later.

they like to kid you that theres a set system, but the biggest lesson you can learn in life is that humans are inconsistant and anythings possible.

oh! look at all the teachers gasping!


Sunday, August 6, 2006 10:29 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
I know English was very high, math was pretty good, science was good. I did good.

Glad to hear you did good.

*I'm not usually a grammar nazi since I make my fair share of mistakes but I was amused at the irony of "I did good" coming right after "I scored well on an english exam"*


Sunday, August 6, 2006 10:43 PM


hehe, i'd offer some words of moral support whitefall, but i managed to flunk my way out of pretty much all of that, excellent standard grades (or GCSE's) followed by very mediocre highers, once they started expecting something by way of actual application and hard work. Almost talked my way into an art-history course at st andrews, managed to get the e-mail address of the professor there and made a good impression, but couldn't quite work it with their actual administrative bodies. kinda glad i didn't now, don't think it would've been my scene at all.

but, this probably won't be the most popular of advice with all around you, but if you reach the point of just thinking it's all too much, just hang it, go our, work for a few years, travel some, take some time, then come back to it when it's on your terms and likely to be a whole lot easier to get a handle on ^^

and thanks seryn, s'nice to see so many people so happy to take time and throw some good vibes to someone they barely know, the browncoats, they be a good bunch ^^

(actually in edinburgh, just got a fondness for spending time in london when i can afford to, hope i don't seem as isolated and stand-offish as most londoners, tip to all, ever fancy a giggle at someone else's expense, watch londoners freak out when you smile at them on the tube, some absolutely priceless moments to be had there )


Sunday, August 6, 2006 10:47 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Heh, I got stuck in "good" mode. Sometimes even I become lazy on the internet. I did, though, I scored 750 something, if I remember correctly. This was a few years ago...




Sunday, August 6, 2006 11:25 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hey Oddbodkins - I was lugging a large bag and struggling under the weight of my backpak after 6 months of accumulatin' stuff in the UK and when I got to Earls Court Station this girl who was smashed off her face and slurring her words offered to help and before I could say no she grabbed my bag and ducked through the crowd to the packed lift where I had no choice but to plunge in after her...

I'm pretty sure there are still people in that part of London who would turn and run if they saw me again... flattened quite a few - I did! But that's what you get for being friendly and finding out the the only people who are friendly back are most likely in an 'altered state'...

Hello GPR!! Glad you're doin' good! I too dun good with English but then my Mum says I were brung up proper!

Damn - got to go to a meeting now... catch you all later...

Mwaaah - Magda x x x

"I love my Captain!"


Monday, August 7, 2006 3:32 AM


Morning, all!
I missed you all this weekend...even though I did drop in twice...ok, so I'm obsessed and get withdrawals if I stay away too long.

Coffee time, and then we get to find out what to do today. Be back shortly!



Monday, August 7, 2006 3:37 AM


Afternoon, my little Imponderables (Gotta love these timezone slips - I'm gonna be in Tuesday by the time some of you guys wake up)

Still a caffeine-free zone here - may be why the posting has slowed. That and the Discworld crossover you evil people put in my head (I'm looking at you, Tristan, because EmmaRigby is off lemur-hugging)


Monday, August 7, 2006 3:47 AM


I, uh, what? Discworld crossover? Where would I find that? I may have missed some postings, so forgive me if I am about to ask an already answered question, SpaceAnJL...are you working on the crossover in fic? If so, where do I find it, as I would be interested in that.

Caffeine-free zone...sounds like some kinda prison torture...



Monday, August 7, 2006 4:02 AM


I'm writing it at present, ready to be posted for the summer challenge.

The working title: Feegles on a Firefly.

Is it any wonder I don't sleep too well? I have to say, it's one of the saner ideas in there. You really don't want to know about some of the others.

The caffeine thing is an effort to act like a rational human being. But then, I mainly write Jaynefic, so I may be a lost cause. It is like torture, only without the oh-so-pretty Captain Tightpants to keep my mind off it...


Monday, August 7, 2006 4:14 AM


I look forward to reading it when it is complete! Ought to be interestin'.

Got sort of an Imponderable today involving jobs and choices.
How many of you have jobs you just sort of "fell" into...I mean jobs you did not go after, but you find yourself working anyhow.
An example is my own. I am in insurance. I worked for this company during college as a file clerk, as my mother was working here as the receptionist (which is a bigger job than I'll see why). That was fifteen years ago. Two years ago, I am working in a flower shop (don't ask, family friends) and I get a call to see if I am interested in filling in on the front desk at the insurance company while they find a new receptionist (my mother retired several years earlier, the most recent one quit). I say sure, thinking two weeks' of pretty decent money. However, I really enjoy it. I offer to become the full-time receptionist, and I am hired. Less than six months into that, they decide I would make a better Agent, and move me into the back and begin training me. I mostly love this job, but it's not something I would have chosen to get into.
That's the kind of thing I'm talking about. Anyone else have something like that happen?



Monday, August 7, 2006 4:19 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Psht. That would be nice. I applied and went after my current job and I hate it.




Monday, August 7, 2006 4:26 AM


I'm working in a deli.

I'm a writer, basically. It is what I am, fundamentally, and the rest is just...paying the bills. But I wanted to work in academia, seemed like it would give me time and space and research in the right kind of areas (my speciality is castles)

Somehow, through A Series Of Unfortunate Events, I have found myself selling cheese for a living. Mind you, I get a nice envelope of money every week, a lot less stress and people are understanding (ie back away in fear) from the Notebook. Oh, and all the olives I can eat.


Monday, August 7, 2006 4:42 AM


Hello, everyone!

Back from NYC - Tons of fun. I got to ride around town in a convertable at night, got to eat at a GREAT restaurant (Agave, in the Village) and - wait for it - I went skydiving! Holy crap that was awesome. A tandem jump (I was strapped to an instructor), so I was really just along for the ride. What a rush.

Tomorrow, off to Edmonton for a week for work, but I can still post from there...

Whitefall, maybe someone already said this, but college is an investment in yourself, and the journey of your education is as important as the destination of graduating. Best of luck. It is a stressful process, but worth it.

My one bit of advice about being in college - be active. Don't wait for "stuff" to happen to you, go out and find things that you want to learn or do, and the people you'd want to be with. No one will be there to alert you to opportunities - it is exciting to search them out! People who wait for "stuff" to happen to them just miss out.



Monday, August 7, 2006 4:46 AM


Re: jobs - I was very very lucky. I fell into IT/computers/networking/servers, and I love it. It is the singular best piece fo luck I've had (besides meeting my wife).

To be honest, it is not hard for me to find the good in a situation I'm in, so maybe I would like many different things...



Monday, August 7, 2006 4:46 AM


i tend to fall into most of my jobs, at the moment i'm working as a phsyciatric nurse, have been for 2 1/2 years now, was bored of bar work aways back, my dad worked in that unit as a therapist, told me about the vacancy and got me an application form, time slips by and suddenly you wind up wondering how to get out (not doing job satisfaction right now) before that, h'mmm, thE summer job at the quarries, i very much fell into. s'a family business on one side, needed something to do one summer, so wound up there in the mason's shop. actually that i really enjoyed, and it was cool, turned out i had a 'flair for working with stone' which was kinda fun
the farm work a while after that again i rather fell into, and fell out of when i got fired for being useless at it, just, friends of my parents on an organic farm.
Bar wok, and working in an old folks home, those i went and found, but the old folks home i just couldn't deal with, and i hated the manager of the bar i worked in, which made getting out imperative
think that's all of them, mostly fallen into, some for better or worse ^^


Monday, August 7, 2006 4:53 AM


I inherited a cattle ranch. It was never my intention to stay in Texas and punch cattle, and I didn’t until my parents weren’t able to do the work.

After high school, I had fully intended to move to the Great Northwest – Portland or Seattle and live in a somewhat less conservative part of the country (or so I thought). I have never really liked Texas, although not all aspects of living here are negative. Anyway, I stayed and went to a Texas University… tried a few odd jobs (one involved a lot of travel around the nation), worked in publishing for several years (my chosen field), but ultimately wound up back on the ranch.

I have to say that I don’t regret the decision, and since I married a country girl, we’re happy with our lifestyle. But, if you had told me years ago that I would be raising cattle, I would have laughed in your face. Funny how things work out.


Monday, August 7, 2006 5:08 AM


Ah, done my morning duty of voting for all things Firefly on Sy Fy Awards and caught up on the latest imponderables....

I always seem to fall into jobs...and that's exactly what I have, a job, not a career. I hated the one job I actually pursued. I fell into my current job while getting out of teaching. I went to the temp agency, they hooked me up and I've been here for almost 7 years. I think the only reason I stay is the town I live in. This place is incredibly difficult to get a good job in unless you're a doctor, lawyer, CPA or college professor. I'm none of those things, lack the ambition to slave away 12 hours a day and can't sell anything to save me life, so here I sit.

(Tristan: the guy I took the agent licensing course from kept trying to get me to become an agent. Said I would be great because of my smile. Um, yeah right. :rollseyes: I'm incredibly shy around new people and can't sell a life vest to a drowning man. )

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Monday, August 7, 2006 5:16 AM


Morning all

Change of subject, but the MAN SHOULD HAVE TO KILL THE BUG.

Sorry, done now.

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM


Monday, August 7, 2006 5:58 AM


I'll kill the bug.

Mornin' all. Gotta catch up as usual.


Monday, August 7, 2006 6:43 AM


Thank you NV. I hate it when they crunch!

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM


Monday, August 7, 2006 6:54 AM


Kinda reminds me of eating cornflakes with bananas.

So how is everyone this fine morning. Found the drool thread. I am so very jealous of Mr. Nathan FIllion. Not only is he an attractive geek, but he has the attention of so many wonderful female and a few male) Browncoats. Gotta' admit to mancrushing on the fella myself. Guess this just leads into a question or three.

Do women really like the strong silent type? And if so, then why?

Can't say that am wholly unattractive. I have problem areas. Who doesn't? But having been pegged as the strong silent type I just wonder what the fascination is.

Think I may have to invest in a kilt or two. I like showin' off my manly calves. For some strange reason they are a source of vanity for me. Kinda understandin' why women dress up (or down) in certain situations.


Monday, August 7, 2006 7:22 AM


RugBug, in this case it was me wanting to pursue the license after working here awhile. I really do love it most of the favorite part is the area of bonds, but I have to learn everything else, too. I go to Agent school Aug 21-25. I attained my CISR back in March, six months after I decided I wanted to be in insurance. Never thought I'd end up here. Friends still looked puzzled when I tell them what I do!

I do agree; you do have a great smile. And I would buy a life preserver from you, even if I wasn't drowning.

NVG, I know what you mean about Nathan...I envy him and love him all at the same time. I can also back up that kilts are wonderful and quite comfortable. I used to go to formal and semi-formal events in college wearing a kilt and jacket. Got lots of looks and some interesting comments.



Monday, August 7, 2006 7:26 AM


Cant really offer much on the strong silent type issue, being not a woman-folk...

Have yet to fall into (or have any) jobs, I know, my resume is going to be terrible. Urgh.

A correction: trogman, I know what you're getting at, but I have every intention, once in college, of going forth, boldly going where others have gone before, that sorta thing... my problem is getting into the damn thing. Well, that's just it, it's not like I have terrible grades or anything, so I cant even tell what my problem is!

Damned nameless fear.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Monday, August 7, 2006 7:40 AM


Well, as for falling into jobs that's kind of how I ended up in TX. I had been with my company for years, and a friend of mine moved up to the corporate offices and dragged me with him. It's a good job, pays decently, and the cost of living in TX is much cheaper than in Los Angeles, so I said why the heck not. Also, I had never lived anywhere but Los Angeles, so I thought it'd be a nice change to see more of the world, or of the U.S. at least.

Do I like my job? Yes, I do. It's a good job and I'm good at it. But, it's not what I want to do. I have to go back to school for a few more years to really get into the career I want to be. I need at least a Master's if I want to do anything in psychology and make a decent living.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Monday, August 7, 2006 8:59 AM


Conor *checks I've spelt it right* is a nice name, though I have no idea why I wanted to call you steve.
Good luck with the whole application thing, I really hope you get into your first choice
BTW, don't know if this will work for you, or if you've already thought of it, but whenever I am applying for something, I get my old school reports out, and copoy the good comments from them, making sure to mention that they came from my reports. so far, its worked for me, I got my work experience and my prefect postition with that little trick.

Jobs: I hate my job. I was so desperate for one that I rang up for the first one I saw, so now I deliver the buy and sell, getting £9.56 per week for 200 papers that weigh a ton and are slowly crippling me, every weather, enduring the horns, stares, and having to walk past the pot smoking chavs with a giant bright orange bag. I am quitting as soon as i get my holiday pay.

NVG: The big question about kilts though, is whether or not to be wearing pantaloons underneath

Don't you lock up something that you wanted to see fly, hands are for shaking no not tying. Soundgarden
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Monday, August 7, 2006 9:30 AM


twiddles thumbs and hums tunelessly, bored to tears and missing my fellow imponderablers.

Thinking about my last post, here is an imponderable: what sort of underwear do you prefer on the opposite sex, and which types turn you off completely?

For me, it would have to be boxers. I love the things, I even have a pair of Homer Simpson ones as pjamas. When I in a staedy relationship, I fully intend to wear my boyfriends clothes.

Don't you lock up something that you wanted to see fly, hands are for shaking no not tying. Soundgarden
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature






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