How did you feel when you watched the last episode of Firefly.

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 9, 2006 18:27
VIEWED: 9152
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Monday, August 7, 2006 2:38 AM


When I finished watched Objects In Space I was so sad I almost cried(maybe just a little).I want to know how you felt when finished watching Objects In Space,did you think FOX are f**king gits,man that was the greatest series ever,or were you upset.


Go to for more info!

Things are about to get interesting...Define interesting...Oh GOD oh GOD we're all going to die.


Monday, August 7, 2006 2:44 AM


Gutted &

"Love. You can do all the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air you
don't love, she'll shake you off sure as a turnin' of worlds. Love keeps her in
the air when she oughtta fall down. Tells you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens.
Makes her a home." Mal


Monday, August 7, 2006 2:51 AM


Not so bad at all. Object in Space wasn't a goodbye i think. it was a very good episode (well, wich one wasn't?)

i felt much worse while watching "The message" and hear Joss saying that this moment wasn't just the funeral of Tracey, but also the one of Firefly.

Yeah, he's my hero!


Monday, August 7, 2006 2:55 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

I was thinking... well at least there's still the movie... and coz I had fallen so deeply in love with the characters, the 'verse, the idiosyncracies of the time, the quality of the incidental characters... plotlines... sets... costumes... I felt like someone had just told me that they had a terminal illness... I mean I still had the movie to look forward to and then ... well that was it...

So I hopped on the internet and googles firefly and found this here site and this has been home ever since!!

I love you guys - Magda x x

"I love my Captain!"


Monday, August 7, 2006 2:59 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Well, I have been around since the show first aired, so my level of disappointment is a special one. Those that have been here as long as I have know what I mean when I say watching the show aired out of order, seeing the pilot "Serenity" last instead of first, having the show preempted for baseball and mishandled in general created a fan base that was aggrivated, disappointed, and down right annoyed from day one.

Watching the dvds when they were released, and watching "Objects in Space" did not affect me as profoundly as it might some. You see I had already experienced that emotional rollercoaster ride when Fox cancelled my gorram show. I know watching that last aired episode made me want to howl in rage and frustration. It made me want to rail against Fox for not knowing what they had or how their mishandling doomed it from the start. I went through the rage, the grief, the depression, then finally the cold, hard resolve to do something about it.


"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, August 7, 2006 3:01 AM


I was excited myself. I had watched the entire series to prepare for the movie. Depression didn't set in until later. Nothing worse than not getting your favorite story told.

Dear Buddha, I wish the FOX execs would burn in the special hell...


"See, this is a sign of your tragic space dementia. All paranoid and crotchety, it breaks the heart."


Monday, August 7, 2006 3:34 AM


Sad and many unanswered questions, I didn't get any closure (god that sounds like my last relationship). Don't get me wrong I loved Serenity but there was still so much left to Firefly that never got to be brought to fruition.

Then I get pissed off at Fox. Assholes. Pardon my language.



Monday, August 7, 2006 3:37 AM



Originally posted by exotick:
Sad and many unanswered questions, I didn't get any closure (god that sounds like my last relationship). Don't get me wrong I loved Serenity but there was still so much left to Firefly that never got to be brought to fruition.

Then I get pissed off at Fox. Assholes. Pardon my language.


Don't worry, that'll be most of us here... you aren't alone.

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Monday, August 7, 2006 4:09 AM


Yeah, f**k F*x!

"The Message" gets to me as well. But all three of the last episodes provokes sorrow for me... I guess thats from watching the DVD extras. But then I put in the movie and I'm smiling again by the time Serenity enters atmo and I hear that fantastic little tune.


Monday, August 7, 2006 4:26 AM


I refused to watch the entire final disc of firefly for a couple of months, I so dreaded its ending I just couldnt watch it. When I finally did I was just upset and angry, I was also a little embarrased to, at least until I started coming on the board. I just couldnt believe that a tv show had made me feel so many emotions. but then coming on here and seeing i was only 1 of a million people who felt the same way I felt a little better but still angry. My brother and his wife cant bring themselves to watch objects in space either, they just cant let it end.

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Monday, August 7, 2006 4:28 AM


I also watched the show when it was first run on Fox. I felt the same frustration over the pre-emptions etc, but I think I experienced it a little different from most. You see, I actually missed the first two weeks it was on. I wasn't reading about the show online, so I honestly didn't know they were being shown out of order. When things seemed wrong or didn't make sense, I figured it was just something I missed in those first two weeks. I didnt' even realize it was cancelled at first. When they finally showed the pilot ep, I thought that this was the first episode I missed and they were re-playing it. I was actually quite happy at the time since I thought I was finally seeing what everyone else had seen and that now the forthcoming episodes would make a little bit more sense. I was thrilled...

Then came cancellation.

When the DVD set came I pre-ordered it and got it right away. It was only then that I understood about the out of order showings, and I was pissed. I saw the train job and bushwacked for the first time I wasn't particularly thrilled with either. My wife in particular hated bushwacked and admitted that she might well have stopped watching the show if that was the second episode she saw. Then came the rest. LOVE.

For us, the last episode was Heart of Gold. We actually watched the discs through and skipped Heart of Gold and watched Objects. We simply could not bring ourselves to letting the series be completely over. I think we actually re-watched the rest of the series at least once more before we finally watched Heart. I know it was at least a couple weeks. I loved that episode while feeling heartbroken at the same time...

Absolutely heartbroken would be it.

- Leto_V

"Well, my days of not taking you
seriously are certainly coming to
a middle." - Mal


Monday, August 7, 2006 4:48 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

When I watched the last episode (and, in fact, most of the episodes), I was probably very upset/angry. I had existed when this show was around, I was related to people who had seen it and loved it; and, I hadn't heard of it?! I also remember being very sad that I hadn't been with the show from the start, and desperately wanting to do my part (hey, did that just rhyme?).

Of course, this is all speculation, as I've watched it so many times I don't remember exact details.


Go to and vote Firefly!


Monday, August 7, 2006 6:01 AM


I was among the folks who watched the show when it was first on the air (and aired poorly--gorram Fox!).

If I recall correctly, by the time the pilot aired the show was either officially cancelled or at least had the death mark of "on hiatus" with no new episodes planned to air. In any event, as I watched the pilot--FINALLY got the see the pilot--I knew that there were no episodes in the foreseeable future.

So, for me, there was very much a feeling of melancholy, and also a bit of anger at Fox for airing things out of order and for giving this wonderful show the shaft. On the other hand, there were so many "a-ha!" moments, as little things clicked into place. And even though the show was cancelled, I knew that Whedon swore it wasn't over, and he was backed by an army of Browncoats, so there was a feeling of loss, but also of hope.

When the ended with the conversation between Simon and Mal ("We're still flying" "That's not much" "It's enough"), it was like a messge right from Joss himself, and it made me a little misty. "Here's how it might have been..."


Monday, August 7, 2006 6:15 AM


I didn't get to watch it when it aired as I had a little one that demanded most of my time. I watched Train Job at a friends house and fell in love with the show. Didn't realize it was killed off so early in life 'til the episode was over and my friend told me....Immediately I was quite ticked.

I went out and bought the series and movie and sat down over a few days and watched the series from beginning to end and then watched Serenity. I think seeing it for the first time and then watching Serenity at the end of it helped with the blow that they show is no more.

I would love to see more Firefly and or Serenity, but if that is all we ever get then it will just be the little jewel of a TV show that we can all be proud to have enjoyed.



Monday, August 7, 2006 6:26 AM


I am one of the new folks around here so when I watched Objects in Space I didnt like it. the whole Early threatening Kaylee was upsetting, plus Jayne slept through the whole damn thing! Of course when I watch it now I am a little sad and disappointed and I wish they could've gotten better closure. I have come to appreciate it though and now its one of my favorites.

When i introduced the series to my mom she flat out refused to watch the whole episode because it upset her that there were no more to watch. I'm not even sure if she has watched the thing yet. That reminds me I have to buy mama a Serenity shirt.

Shepard used to tell me...can't do something smart, do something right.
I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Monday, August 7, 2006 6:44 AM


What i did? Well, I took out the DVD, put in DVD #1 and started all over again ...


My lessons learned from Firefly (no. 20):
There are witches in congress. (and also a beast, it seems)


Monday, August 7, 2006 6:45 AM


Without the necessary closure i'm used to being spoon-fed, I kept wondering about the significance of the show's last line: "Here I am." - as if we were now just floating around in space without any more episodes to watch. What further implications might there be? I guess i felt slightly existential in my agnostic sort of way.

Also, I had yet to reach for the dictionary to look up the word, "incorporeally." Thank you Dr. Tam.


"I''ve got a theory."


Monday, August 7, 2006 7:14 AM


Hmm... what I thought....

1)Good gosh that Summer Glau can act!
2)Good gosh that Richard Brooks is a great villain!

And also, I was and remain so happy for that little "well, here I am". Partially cause most shows that push folk off of ships dont come back to them, and the main thing is, if not for that last line, the show would have ended with that funky camera-through-the-floor pull out, of Serenity flying off into the black, and that'd be like it was an ending for everything, but then ol' Early saves the day and throws off our sadness, because hey, wait, the series was not supposed to end here!

Adn then I watched the commentaries, and I thought 'damn that joss can existentially pontificate!' Love that joss.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Monday, August 7, 2006 8:08 AM


I was sad to an excellent show had been so mistreated.

But when Mal helped River back on board Serenity I got feeling He was telling that she not just being helped inside but was also apart of the crew and they would not abandon her.

Made me feel good.

Mal has that father quality about him.

He is the captain but he is also the father of this family. So When he and River exchanged words as they entered Serenty it was saying, your a part of this crew. And to Mal the word crew means family.

I think of it this way. Firefly had a very short stay but it burned every so brightly. Stole that from Blade Runner.

If you can't come up with a good quote steal somebody elses.


Monday, August 7, 2006 8:40 AM


Oh, it was bittersweet. When I finished watching the final episode of the series, this was the exact reaction in my mind:

"My... GOD. That is the greatest television series ever made! Never before has and never after will a show reach the level of greatness that is Firefly."

And then of course I reallized it was all over and I was extremely angry at FUX for cancelling such a masterpiece. I thought "Those fucking sons of bitches cancelled this?!? WHY?!?"

I think these emoticons best display my anger at FUX:


Monday, August 7, 2006 8:56 AM


In a word: Heartbroken

"Well, here I am."


Monday, August 7, 2006 8:58 AM


I actually cried.



Monday, August 7, 2006 9:01 AM


i just simply thought: "fox are bastards. i dont like them anymore....bastardsbastardsbastardsbastards etc etc etc"

"Dont know these folks, dont much care to"
"They're whores"
"I'm in"


Monday, August 7, 2006 9:26 AM


My initial reaction was: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! then there was much cursing of F** and ranting that the execs should go to the special hell.

Don't you lock up something that you wanted to see fly, hands are for shaking no not tying. Soundgarden
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Monday, August 7, 2006 9:46 AM


I also got to watch Firefly when it aired on Fox. When that episode aired I was unaware of the cancellation. I did not even realize until much later that the show was over. I just figured that they were on another hiatius and would be back in a few weeks.

Then I saw a preview for Serenity. It was like I had blocked out that the show ever existed. But it all flooded back like a repressed memory of a bad childhood.

After I saw Serenity multiple times and then owned the DVD I finally found a copy of the Firefly at the store while wondering around.

When I finished the Series IN ORDER finally I just found this empty longing for the story to continue. It was not over and I am glad I have found a place that has the same opinion

"Let's be bad guys"


Monday, August 7, 2006 9:59 AM


I saw them on Fox when they first aired and was aware of the impending cancellation. When Serenity-the-Pilot aired (last) I cried. I have NEVER cried because a show was ending.

When I heard the DVDs were coming out I got excited because there were three unaired episodes. I watched the whole thing in order and cried again.

Darn you Joss!


Monday, August 7, 2006 10:32 AM


It was a serious Roller Coaster ride watching it on Fox. I kept hearing rumors it was in trouble, and Fox was gonna cancel it. After watching Ariel, I thought there is no way in hell this series is getting cancelled, because it's just too damn good.

A few weeks later Fox cancelled it. But the thing that wakes me up in the middle of the night swearing, and cursing is that the week before Fox aired the pilot,(last episode)after they had confirmed they would make no more episodes, there was a ton of promotion going on. Firefly commercials every other minute"See how it all began this friday on Fox". But the previous handful of weeks....nohing, hardly no commercials and promos. It was almost as if Fox was dragging us Browncoats through the mud laughing. If it were played in the right order, with the kind of promotion it had in the final week we might still be watching Firefly every Friday night.



Monday, August 7, 2006 10:51 AM


How did you feel when you watched the last episode of Firefly.

grateful for a gem in the rough


Monday, August 7, 2006 11:01 AM


i just discovered the series a week ago. my roommate had the dvd collection. and here i am, 7 days later, having ingested every episode with a feverish excitement, and i can say i was left speechless after the last episode. it was good and bad. sweet and sour. overall, i am grateful for the show being so f'ing wonderful. not many things will stick me to my couch on warm summer days, but i used up every second i had available to watch. but like any great show (freaks & geeks being particularly similar here...a single season) it left me feeling alone afterwards. like going on a great vacation, meeting all of these new people, having adventures, and then boarding the plane and flying home to the same old same old. it's a difficult feeling to swallow, but it's that happy/sad, sweet/sour, knowing it was worth it.

now, the episode itself, objects in space. not much closure, which aided in creating the hole left inside me. the whole "river being hunted by the alliance" storyline wasn't my most favorite, (i liked the small plots and whatnot best) and was disappointed when the movie shot in the same direction. don't get me wrong...additional firefly was all i was after. and i was happy. i just wish the action was dumbed down and more focus had been put on the characters.
i don't know what i mean. i just wish there was more. is that so wrong?


Monday, August 7, 2006 12:04 PM


Yeah, the people at fox are bastards. Not only did they cancel Friefly, they cancled Wonderfalls and Family Guy. Ok, the brought Family Guy back but one out of three still doesn't change the fact that they are bastards.

"Well, here I am."


Monday, August 7, 2006 12:14 PM


Well, the first time I saw it, I did not know it was going to be the last one, so I felt excited as I was waiting for to see what the next episode would be like.

All good things must come to an end.


Monday, August 7, 2006 1:25 PM

MIKE16309 mean there's no MORE!


Monday, August 7, 2006 2:04 PM


Bummed out, sad, depressed, then pissed off at Fox.


Monday, August 7, 2006 2:28 PM


Sad, angry...

HOPEFUL. Yes, Fox cancels... but Fox resurrects.


Walk tall, or don't walk at all...


Monday, August 7, 2006 3:17 PM


This will sound odd but it didn't affect me as much as most people. Sure i was sad to see my favorite show end but, endings are never what they appear.

"A man of honor, in a den of thieves."


Monday, August 7, 2006 3:47 PM


In my previous post I didn't express how I felt.

More pissed than sad.

More depressed than happy.



Monday, August 7, 2006 8:48 PM


HollywoodMikeMiranda wrote in part:
>it left me feeling alone afterwards. like going on a great vacation, meeting all of these new people, having adventures, and then boarding the plane and flying home to the same old same old.
Worse. Went on the great vacation, met the people, had some adventures, and was sitting around the table with my new friends, plotting another one when grey, faceless suited entities arrived.
They booted the people out and stole all their stuff so it could be sold to the public. They put out the lamp and hauled the table and chairs away. They dismantled the walls. They erased the rest of my vacation and didn't even leave me my plane ticket. Here I am...

bun, massaging the metaphor to a pathetic bloody pulp
~bastards singed my turtle~


Monday, August 7, 2006 10:41 PM


Yea, the "here I am" really hit me. I connected w/ the drifting alone feeling. Wondering if this was really the end of show, when things were just starting to fully develope. Pretty empty feeling, overall.


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 5:27 AM


We were actually a little disappointed. We didn't realize when we rented the DVDs that Joss had not been allowed to even complete a full first season (I had been expecting something like Buffy, where the last episode of each season was designed to also act as a season finale, just in case the show wasn't renewed). So we saw "Objects in Space", and thought, "That was a good episode but... that's it?"

BTW, I've lent out my DVDs and made my first converts. Woo hoo!

Indigo S.


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 6:14 PM


Woo-hoo indeed, ISB!
Keep 'em coming!!!

bun, floating
~2006~Firefly Summer~2006~
==We aim to exponentiate==
-----Hide the rum!0507-----


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 7:17 PM


Well so far, I've only seen OiS thrice (and I call myself a fan...):

1st time: After a whirlwind of 3 days of Firefly when the DVD came from Amazon w/ Serenity in December, I felt amazed and disheartened at the same time. No doubt, I had less than gentile things to say about several FOX execs.

2nd time: I was happy to have finished the show with my sister and dad, and excited to show her Serenity (already watched it with dad). My dad's now a fan and my sister is a should see her in her Jayne hat...cunning!

3rd time: I caught the recent marathon on Sci-Fi, and it was glorious. I thought, "So this is what Firefly was like on TV." It was a great sensation, and I hope to have it in the future.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 4:29 AM


Darkfly, et ma famille:

When I watched "Serenity, Part I & II" on F*x I was elated, I was... Giddy! I thought, "The sky's the limit! Look, they've just aired a 2-hour special of the greatest TV show of all time. Fox must love it as much as I do!"

Of course, I had no idea that F*x had already killed the show...

When the betrayal became obvious 2 months or so later, I started pouring my feelings into posts on the newsgroup. Sometime thereafter, a British Browncoat with the handle 'hel' (as in Heloise?) began recording and posting the eps off of SciFi UK. As a consequence, I was able to rewatch them in the correct order and with the 'lost episodes' intact. When the 'complete' series DVDs became available -- 8 months later -- I immediately bought a set (like, at 12 midnite) and trashed the 'pirate' copies.

But seeing OiS from this perspective, as the last ever Firefly, filled me with dark emotions I cannot name and do not wish to examine too closely. Put it this way, though: Me, that traitorous bitch Gail Berman and a loaded pistol...



I'll not apologize for calling Berman a 'bitch' without masking a letter. Sometimes you just gotta call a bitch a bitch, and let the mommies cover the kiddies ears and 'tsk-tsk' at you. Berman screwed us all over, just to rub Whedon's nose in her power over him, singlehandedly killing Mutant Enemy -- her former comrades -- in the process.

There are times when I wish I could allow myself to hate other people, or wish a horrible wasting disease on them; but, I just can't and the very thought causes my heart, mind and soul to recoil in disgust. If I could hate someone, Gail Berman would be very near the top of my list for stabbing us all in the back, and for destroying something so beautiful as Firefly in the name of her twisted vanity...

Ummm... Not to put too fine a point on it...

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 5:03 AM


That I have to watch SERENITY again! My obesessive cycle started with the BDM ( it had something to do with Mal asking about the primary buffer panel of all things) and on to the series and when it was over..... it was time to start all over again.
The cycle continues.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 5:09 AM


I'm confused, zoid, what's this about Gail Berman? I don't know all of the story concerning Firefly's downfall, maybe you could enlighten me?


"See, this is a sign of your tragic space dementia. All paranoid and crotchety, it breaks the heart."


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 5:36 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Gail Berman, formerly a colleague of Joss' at Mutant Enemy Productions, had by that time taken over the job of Programming Head at FOX network. All I can imagine is that there had to have been some bad blood between them for her to screw him over so badly. There have been at least two threads here asking who the best (or worst, I guess) villian in the 'verse was. Both times my response was Gail Berman.

As for how I felt after I watched the last episode of Firefly. I'll get back to you when I see it, since it hasn't even been filmed yet.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 5:47 AM


i'd bought firefly on dvd and watched every episode in a marathon succession, and after it had finished my first thought was:
"What the hell were FOX thinking the kn*bheads!"

then i was wondering if i had enough cash to buy serenity.

You died mishter reynolds.
Seemed like the thing to do.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 5:58 AM



Gail Berman was one of the founding members of Mutant Enemy, executive producer and close confidant/working partner with Whedon.

Then in 2001, she accepted the position of F*x's Entertainment President.

From here, I'm just speculating...

But, I think I can make a compelling case against her, showing that she intentionally scuttled Firefly, Joss and the entirety of Mutant Enemy (her onetime creative family).

She was the Entertainment President of F*x at the time of Firefly's advent and demise (2001-2005). If she were loyal to her erstwhile compatriots, she would have done everything in her considerable and ultimate power as the EP to insure that Firefly was treated properly. Right? Instead, the pilot never airs, Joss and Tim working over a single weekend to rush out TTJ. Then Firefly gets the 'slot 'o death'. Then the episodes get shown out of order. Then the time slot gets the 'hide and go suck' routine because of playoff baseball, without any proper notification of the changes. Then Firefly gets unceremoniously yanked, without any consideration of the hardships it has had to endure.

If Berman had wanted to, if she'd had a single bone in her body that believed in Joss Whedon's creative genius and supported that genius for all it was worth, we'd still be watching Firefly on F*x today.

But she didn't do any of those things, did she? "Why didn't she?" we must all ask ourselves. I put it to you that she intentionally wanted Joss, her friends at Mutant Enemy and Firefly to fail, thereby making herself look like the only talented one, the only reason why Buffy and Angel were so successful. Without her, Mutant Enemy were a bunch of hacks, and, "See? Here's the proof: Firefly is a failure (on my network). Oh, and Tim Minear is a hack too; his "Wonderfalls" is a horrible failure as well (on my network)."

That's not the way it's supposed to work, when you're creatively connected with a team. The way it should've worked is that Berman should've chained herself to the Mutant Enemy mast, putting her job at F*x on the line for her comrades, if that's what it took. In her position, they'd have had to fire me, 'cuz I would have never allowed what happened to Firefly and Wonderfalls to transpire...

So why did she allow it? I think she not only allowed such treatment, she engineered it. All the machinations that killed Firefly were, in fact, of her own doing. Who else was more powerful than her in the television entertainment division? Who could have circumvented her power and screwed over her comrades against her will?

Do the math... (Hint: The answer is 'Nobody')



Berman is now at Paramount Pictures. Just thought I'd warn y'all...

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 6:06 AM


Well in that case, I guess we should be glad that the BDM wasn't picked up by Paramount...


"See, this is a sign of your tragic space dementia. All paranoid and crotchety, it breaks the heart."


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 8:52 AM


It's September 2002, just one year after a fairly significant event.

There is a TV show glorifying the criminal acts of a loosely-knit group of rebels, fugitives and a religious figure. Their primary target is a monolithic, imperialistic, federal government that runs black ops hidden from their citizens.

And this show is going to run on Fox. Right-wing Fox?

In the movie, the Alliance even hires contractors to police rim planets!

We're lucky we got what we did. You can't fight the zeitgeist.

Of course, George Bush is dumb again now. Michael Moore made some headway with Fahrenheit 9/11 and An Inconvenient Truth isn't being called traitorous. The SciFi channel could make a mint bringing it back. Maybe M4TV movies once a month.

I think we're going to rise again.


Wednesday, August 9, 2006 4:03 PM


Gail Berman isn't by chance married to RICK Berman, is she? Because there's a similarity I can't quite put my finger on...

Walk tall, or don't walk at all...






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