Male and Female Imponderables--Twilight Time

UPDATED: Friday, August 11, 2006 13:20
VIEWED: 7930
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Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:40 PM



Don't move for a girl you hardly know unless you already want to move somewhere than your current location for the following reasons:

1. If you hardly know, she really may not be worth it
2. Even if you think she's worth it, she may not think you are.
3. If you do move, you shift the balance of power to her.

Now, I know #3 sounds awful and a good relationship is based on equality, but in the beginning stages, a huge gesture like moving lets her know you really want her, and could very well scare her away.

MSG: I lured Tristan over to RWE where I am being philosophized to death. If you don't see me tomorrow, you'll know what happened.

I feel like I dress up in costumes all the time with riding and all. Boots and britches (and the spurs, why do men love the spurs?) have always felt costumey and get quite a bit of attention when I have to shop before or after the barn.

I also swing dance (but less than I used to) and dress up in 40s and 50s attire. That really feels like dressing up because it takes forever to do my hair. I love going out in my authentic garb. It's quite fun and really neat to talk with the older generation who grew up during that era.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:52 PM


Gonna bounce over ans see what y'all are discussin'. I don't get the spurs thing either. They ain't comfortable and they leave terrible marks.

MSG- Scared of the emotes. But then again the plotters are quite sneaky.


Thursday, August 10, 2006 1:53 PM


hmmm death by philosophical connundrum? that is a new one...mind one of the greek philosophers was killed when a large sea bird dropped a turtle on his head from a great anything is possible:)

I love the odd ways you can die. I find them whimisically charming:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, August 10, 2006 2:02 PM


Pondering on the various causes of death. Gotta be out. Goin' to a movie with the GND and my sister. I like having female to hang out with the potential of a mate, but not alot of pressure to sleep with. Feels... refreshing. Blood still moving quick from conversing with Ms. Increedible? earlier. Nothing significant. Besides, I'm out for the day.

Love y'all. May actually be in the whole day tomorrow.


Thursday, August 10, 2006 2:18 PM



Long coat (big surprise), pants, and a white shirt. Don't need anything more to be a big damn hero. If I were to have only one superpower, though, it'd be CONTROLLED telepathy. Don't want to have River-esque difficulties, especially since I have enough trouble with my own thoughts.

Slippery women:

Not so much my thing. Fun to look at, sure, but a pain once anything else happens. I imagine they'd be like a slick bar of soap; try to hug them and they fly out the window.

Congrats on the sushi man, Rose. Hope things go well with you.

On an upshot note, I only have 6 more days at the soul-crushing job! Soon, I won't have to go back to that horrible, nasty place, or clean up any mis-aimed human fecum ever again.

Can't think of anything else to say at the moment. Brain doesn't feel like working...

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Thursday, August 10, 2006 3:57 PM


Superpower? Me, I'd want to be able to fly. Now I know there are many problems with this: the feds, the folks with superman complexes, etc, so maybe being invisible while flying... preferably with clothes, none of that stupid nekkidness stuff.

Or maybe something marketable, that'd be nice too. Ya know, alchemy would be handy.

Costume? Nah, not big on costumes. I'd much prefer to just wear normal stuff n' dissappear.

Most of the other topics i've got very little to add.... Gratz on your sushi date though, Rose!

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Thursday, August 10, 2006 4:59 PM


Howdy again, all.
Photo session went well...I'll post pics over on the costume thread:

RugBug, I had to chime in over there. Normally, I try to practice what I preach, ie, "do not discuss religion or politics with anyone you consider a friend", but I could not help myself this time. There are too many people in there taking themselves waaayyy too seriously.

Ok,'s really late here, I have been up way too long editing pictures, and my wife is already in bed. Hasta la bye-bye all...see you on the morrow!

Oh, and MSG...there's no conspiracy against you...really!



Thursday, August 10, 2006 9:05 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I was gonna do stuff tonight and I slept til midnight!
Anyway, yes, what were we talking about? Cheating, I would not forgive. I know there's a lot of couples who have "come back" from something like that, but I would never be able to trust them again, hence the relationship would be dead. Dead and burried.
If I were a superhero, I would want pyrokinesis and immunity to heat/fire, and I would wear red leather pants with flame designs at the top and a similar shirt. No cape, I think it would be in the way. I'm not sure what my name would be, though. Maybe The Phoenix? Or is that not original enough?
Telepathy would be fun, too...
Oh man, I would love a Dread Pirate Roberts costume. One of the sexiest pirates ever...
I would like dressing up in costumes just for fun if I had the money to spare for them. Good costumes are not cheap.
Ms G, you are one of the healthiest Leos I've ever talked to. You've got the giving and warm aspect down! Good for you! I wondered where all the healthy Leos were hiding; they're on this site!
Oh look, the thread is done now. Guess I'll go fill out a few more of those applications...

All things, oh priests, are on fire - Gautama Siddharta


Thursday, August 10, 2006 10:22 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

OMGOMGOMG fabulously drool-worthy guy has contacted me and he is fabulously drool-worthy and doesn't smoke or drink and he likes books! I am a happy bunny!

All things, oh priests, are on fire - Gautama Siddharta


Thursday, August 10, 2006 11:41 PM


See? Who need caffeine?

Costumes - gotta go with the trenchcoat thing - The REAL Constantine, Doctor10, Neo, Spike, Mal...

I would love the (Pfeiffer) Catwoman outfit, but unfortunately I would look more like a small leather armchair than a slinky vixen (let's just say I'm a domestic tabby rather than a panther, shall we?)

I'm afraid to go near the RWED stuff - I've been the wrong end of commited Christians before...


Friday, August 11, 2006 12:48 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Oh Joy!! Happiness Gorgeous Phoenix Rose... sheer happiness!! Enjoy that feeling - everyone should get to feel it much more often than some of us do!

I have saved up my imponderable responses so - Copilot - I am without a permanent home at the moment too... I do a lot of house-sitting so it's the luck of the draw whether I have good internet access or not - so far so good this year but you never know - good luck for the job hunting!!

MSG - are you a Leo too?!?! When is your birthday? The Shiniest part of my day has been this site - I love you guys to bits!! And the whole Spike/Snape/Jayne thing... mmmmmmmmm (wish I had a drool emote to play with)

Tristan - I am blown away by the standard and detail of your costumes... not to mention ythe excellent choice of both you and your wife's characters... you two make a gorgeous (and beautifully matched) team if I may be so bold to say so! I love dressing up, but always thought that had more to do with my love of acting, of taking on another persona (so to speak)... I should post a couple of previous charcters just to let you see... Ah - might have to put that on hold though - I'll need to work out how to do that...

Anyone/everyone I've missed - sorry ...Oh Hang on! Superhero "The Groovilicious Micromistress" and I would also have the controlled telepathic/telekinetic power - and that would include making people forget they saw/met me or being able to transport myself to another location in the blink of an eye. Somehow I think I'd have to incorporate purple velvet into my outfit - but as I'd be a kind of incognito superhero I might not be too 'super-hero-ish' in my appearance...

Oh & Long Distance - I think there should be a relationship up front then if you find yourselves in a postition where you need to decide you make a sensible and mutual decision and agree to reassess along the way... That's how my friends have done it in the past - and believe me, it either makes or breaks a relationship!

Mwaaah - Love you all! - Magdalena x x x

Edit: to correct pitiful spelling...

"I love my Captain!"


Friday, August 11, 2006 12:56 AM


I never put anything about powers, did I? Scary how many people want to look in other people's heads. I thought River would be a good indication of what that might lead to. Not that it wouldn't be interesting...

I'd be into the TK/TP stuff - though I'd probably blow s*** up out of frustration. Car rage would be a whole new game - lights changing automatically, speed cameras spontaneously combusting...


Friday, August 11, 2006 3:32 AM


Morning all:) Have to go to another training for the next 5 hours but I will return( plot amongst yourself until then)

PR- That rocks!!! You so deserve it sweety. Go get yourself the hot sexy man and have a ball:)

NV- See I told you dating without pressure is great! Glad you are getting outside and hanging out with compatible woman who treats you well ( she better or the bappin hand will get her)

Tristan- wowza great costume darlin:)

Not sure who asked, but my birthday was July 28th:)

Ok have a great day and I will see you all in about 5 hours SIGH!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, August 11, 2006 4:05 AM


Morning, all!
Hey, y'all know something? It's Friday! That means the weekend is approaching! Whoo-hoo!

Sorry, that's out of my system for now.

Thank you for the comments on the costumes. I am happy with the way they turned out...the wife's armor especially. Y'all should see her in it in real life.

Ok, keep the costumes to the costume thread...sorry.

MSG, did we miss your birthday?!?
*kicks himself in foot*
I'm sorry...we'll do better next year!



Friday, August 11, 2006 4:05 AM


Total tanget - but I just saw this
Check out the BDH video on the left side. Totally drool-worthy and hi-larious.

Ain't we just.


Friday, August 11, 2006 4:06 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:

I would love the (Pfeiffer) Catwoman outfit, but unfortunately I would look more like a small leather armchair than a slinky vixen

I'm afraid to go near the RWED stuff - I've been the wrong end of commited Christians before...

Hi Lovely angel!

I promise I don't have a 'wrong end' and I am a committed Christian... those with wrong sides - and believe me there are way too many - are 'Christians who should be committed' in my opinion!! My philosophy is to try to embrace everyone as my equal, not to judge others, and whatever you do don't go around giving Christians a bad name!! ('thanks a heap Mel Gibson!!!' )

Having said that you're well clear of it - I thought people were takin' that thread way too seriously so I posted a totally tongue-in-cheek, but pro-Christian/God beliver message... had the best response from FMF (she is so my hero today!) and the rest went back to heavily serious stuff that's just going to give them ulcers...

I also loved your mental picture of 'a leather armchair' coz I have to say I'd look like an overpadded lounge in the catwoman suit! You make me LOL & you are awesome!

I too love the classic trenchcoated Neo/Trinity/Mal/Angel look ... hmmmm might be in my bunk!

Lovin' you - Magda x x

Edit - PS Rimgirl - I loved that little Nathan does his trick video! He's just so natural in everything I've seen him in and that just confirms it... but I just had to click on the Fruity Oaty Bar jungle and now I have it in my head!!! I'll never get to sleep now!

"I love my Captain!"


Friday, August 11, 2006 4:20 AM


Didn't mean to potshot at you, Magda - I actually had some 'friends' who went through my bookshelves trying to throw away things they felt were 'evil' at one time. I have no problem with people being who they are, as long as they are happy with me being who I am - the great thing is, most Browncoats are very chilled and open-minded. Of course, some people's minds can only be opened with an axe, but, hey...

Angel and the 'billowy-coat-o-pain' never did it for me. Definitely a Spike grrl - love my bad boys!


Friday, August 11, 2006 4:33 AM



Originally posted by RimGirl:
Total tanget - but I just saw this
Check out the BDH video on the left side. Totally drool-worthy and hi-larious.

One of my favorite fan vids!


Friday, August 11, 2006 4:48 AM


I'll have to wait until I get home to see that vid...not sure the work computer has the viewers.



Friday, August 11, 2006 4:52 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Oh Honey - I didn't want you to think you thought I was taking what you said in any way shape or form as a pot shot... I think... my brain hurts... Just wanted you to know that some of us aren't total crackpots who think they have the 'right', or as I heard one person put it 'the obligation' to barge into your personal life and impose my beliefs on you! If they are raiding your personal property - they ain't true Christians in my book!! (but I mena that in a totally non-judgemental way... now I think I'd better leave this conversation well behind me... )

There were moments with Angel - Angelus I loved, but Spike was definitely the hot, 'take-me-Spike-take-me-hard' kind of guy I could fantasise about...(the scene where Buffy 'totally nailed him' was the kind of fantasy I had entertained for some time so I think Joss is well tapped into his female audience!) Neo only did it for me in the 'blowing up the lobby scene' of the first movie, don't generally find anything Keanu Reeves does sexy - though I did see 'The Lake House' the other night... not too bad - he's maturing a bit.

Mwaaah - Magda x x x

EDIT: errr... are supposed to be ponderin' something? Any suggestions...?

"I love my Captain!"


Friday, August 11, 2006 5:08 AM


Oh, pondering BadSpike and GunhappyNeo is just fine by me, babe Add some Tightpants, a little Hero of Canton, a soupcon of Jack Sparrow, a dash of Martin Blank, and a little twist of Snape, and we got ourselves a party going on...

I have gone to a bad place. But the scenery is gorgeous.


Friday, August 11, 2006 5:41 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
a dash of Martin Blank,

You can have a dash, but I get the rest.

SpaceAnjl: I have to agree with Magdalena about your "friends." And sorry you had that experience.

I may be over taking myself too seriously again today, but what can I say, I'm having fun doing it. I'll pop in from time to time...or more if someone comes up with a good imponderable.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Friday, August 11, 2006 5:45 AM


I'm sitting here ponderin' how it is that y'all have gone so quickly into your evil, lecherous moods just by mentioning certain individuals. This does have an imponderable attached...bear with me. I know this has been mentioned before, but maybe it's time to take it back out and dust it off. Females seem to be "turned on" mentally, while males are visually stimulated. Good discussion for this early in the morning, I think. Thoughts and comments?



Friday, August 11, 2006 5:46 AM


Mornin' all.

Good Mornin' as it may actually be. Up 'til 3:30 this mornin' laughing with GND at a movie called Confederate States of America. Y'all have to see this disturbingly funny mockumentary.

I still don't get the fascination with John Cusak. Though, I have had my own man crush on the fella for alotta years. Whats up with that?

Be in and out today. Playin' with the budget. Oh how I do love work.


Friday, August 11, 2006 5:58 AM



Females seem to be "turned on" mentally, while males are visually stimulated.

We get stimulated visially too But I know what you mean. It's likely a biological thing, something to do with the way our brains are wired. That's about as much as I can offer! Maybe if we tried an experiment related to visual stimulation?

*dresses up in her Supergirl costume*

Okay, I'm ready. Let's have some science.

EDIT - just tryin' a few new gifs...

More animations available at


Friday, August 11, 2006 6:09 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
I still don't get the fascination with John Cusak. Though, I have had my own man crush on the fella for alotta years. Whats up with that?

He's funny, cute, confident, talented, comfortable in his own skin, charming, seems to love life, loves his family...should I go on? I've been a fan of his since his Better Off Dead days (he was a bit dorky in Sixteen Candles...)

My lecherous side comes out for different reasons. Sometimes it is purely aesthetics, but most of the time it is combined with character. Easy charm combined with a sense of humor gets me every time. I'm currently thinking Bruce Campbell is just too adorable for words and most of it has to do with how comfortable he looks just to be himself. One actress put it well when she said he could be a totally loving and devoted husband to his wife, but still make every other girl feel like she was special. That's a serious turn on. (My old dance partner is like that and that has always been his main attraction. He's not fantastic looking, is a little out of shape, is balding, but man oh man. :drool: A girlfriend of mine once said she would melt anytime he called to see if she wanted to play soccer... an innocous request, but man, I know exactly what she means. She never understood how I could dance with him 4-6 nights a week and not be totally smitten. Well, I was...but part of what made his so wonderful was how much he loved his then girlfriend and now wife.)

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Friday, August 11, 2006 6:11 AM


DTH, what I mean is in general terms, if you show a straight male a pictures of a scantily-clad female, you are going to get a reaction (of course many, many factors may have to be accounted for, but let's just base this on generalities). Males also get turned on mentally, but visual stimuli is primary.
Well take the SuperGirl outfit as an example...and assume it would be something I really like.
See, in my mind, I can picture the SuperGirl outfit, and it brought a smile to my face and reminded me of the movie...remembering the actress wearing that outfit, snippets of the movie, things like that. But it does not flip a switch. Now, show me a picture of SuperGirl in her outfit, and I start thinking other things because I can actually visualize the "target of my affection". I then internalize the stimuli, and begin weaving a fantasy based on what I see.

Not saying this is good or bad, just differing methods of becoming aroused. Now, with an SO, I can be turned on by hearing her talk or even by just thinking about her. But the difference is that I "know" her in the biblical sense. Does that make sense?



Friday, August 11, 2006 6:22 AM


Yep, Tristan, that makes perfect sense. I was just being flip. Plus I like dressing up

I see what you mean about visual stimulation, and I get what the differece is. For me, remembering someone I like from a movie or TV show can spark a reaction just as much as seeing their picture. Answer me this, does reading a sexy passage in a book have the same effect on you as seeing a sexy scene in a movie? Do you "see" it in your head, and if so, does it have the same impact as the movie or not as much.

More animations available at


Friday, August 11, 2006 6:26 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Yes - it makes sense Tristan and I find most guys are like that... I think it goes pretty deep into our psyche too, since girls/women often dress 'for men' rather than for each other - we love our girlfriends no matter what they wear... but we dress to impress men... I just had that epiphany based on your post - pretty good for

I love to watch the BDH's and there are defining moments of some of my favourite men (in film and television) eg: Thopugh I have loved Colin Firth for over a decade I just have to think of him looking up at 'Bridget Jones', when she's a mess and he's holding the newspaper to get jelly knees... With Nathan it's that whole heavy breathing and kissing Nandi and saying he means to take things slow that does it... Jayne... well I just need to imagine him blocking my way in a tight corridoor and... well you get the picture. Different stimuli for different heroes though...

And I totally agree that it's the essence of a man, including that he loves his wife and children and makes every woman feel special that can be a turn on without a moment of thought of following up on the sensation... It is the very 'family man' aspect of some men that is a big turn on for some women... i wonder if it goes back to neanderthal days when we had to seduce the man and then hold on to him to provide for our offspring... (thank goodness those days are long gone!!) I do see a lot of widowers being positively deluged with women wanting to heal the pain and so on - we have had some tradgedies in Australia and two men I am thinking of were devoted to their wife (& in one case children) but lost them in horrific circumstances but were innundated with women who wanted to marry them and they are both remarried a few years later...

Did I ramble off the subject? 'Tis too late and I am going to bed - 'night all & thanks again for a shiney day!

Love you - Magdalena x x x

"I love my Captain!"


Friday, August 11, 2006 6:31 AM


I didn't come across sounding like an did I? I did not want to, and apologize if I did...
And yes, dress-up is fun!

As for the sexy passage, it depends on the type...harlequin romances do nothing for me but make me laugh. If it's something closer to realism, then yes, I can visualize it, sometimes vividly. But even in fantasies, the person I am "with" is usually my SO. As for sex in the movies (and I am guessing we are talking general releases, not the kind you have to go downtown to get), it generally bores me unless it is really well-done. And by that, I again mean realistic. An example would be A History of Violence...not the stair thing, that was a bit weird...but the first coupling they had. That was realistic, intense, and very pleasing to the eye.



Friday, August 11, 2006 6:53 AM


The visual versus mental thing? Guess it comes down to a vivid imagination sometimes coupled with memory. And also to that Imponderable about being mentally/emotionally attracted. (See previous threads for the concept of the literary crush.)

And John Cusack...the puppy dog eyes coupled with that little smile. *thread fills with drool again*

I've posted before about explicit sex - boring, (unless you are one of the people involved.) Imagination is usually much better than mechanics.


Friday, August 11, 2006 7:08 AM


I know this isnt quite the topic, but... I don't like sex scenes in movies. I think it was the commentary in Garden State that articulated it for me, that sex scenes take you out of a storyline. Like Anjl said, imagination is better, just tell the audience that the couple is having sex, then go look at something else, or the couple later. Because very rarely to never can a couple show character development in a sex scene (possible exception of the virginity thing) so why put it in the movie? Ie, in Serenity Simon and Kaylee did a shorthand sex scene, and that combined with the river-in-the-cieling joke was all we needed. We can then skip to mal talking about love, content that we know all we need to about Kaylee and Simon: they are having sex, and it's important to them, etc.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Friday, August 11, 2006 7:12 AM


(Wipes thread)

As I stated before, it seems to be increasingly difficult to find a woman who stimulates all parts of my being. Mentioned yesterday that Ms. Incredible? called on a personnel issue yesterday. Still leaves me in a bit of a whirl to speak with her. Just figure that the amount of mystery between us is too great.
Question: Have any of you liked someone so much that you were afraid to touch them? Aside from the many obvious intimacy issues I have, the physical one seems to have only residual nagging. But it became vey profound with her. basically I didn't want to look at the car on the lot and talk over finances unless I knew I'd be driving it home, opening it up on the highway and seeing how it handled hard corners and 180 J turns.
Got more issued than I thought. Just compared a woman to the Mustang I'll never be able to afford.
Think I'll work for a bit.


Friday, August 11, 2006 7:20 AM


Hey magdalena,

Wanted to wish you a happy birthday. I fear I am late, but I still hope is was a happy one.


Originally posted by magdalena:

It is the very 'family man' aspect of some men that is a big turn on for some women...

Then I wanted to say, that for me, it's not 'the family man' aspect, but rather a confidence in who he is and what he wants. If a man already knows he's got what he wants and desires nothing else, there is an ease about him. His actions aren't manipulative, his words aren't meant to tease or persuade, they just are. When a man knows he doesn't want another woman, he can treat every woman like they are the only one.

This of course is very different from the charmer who wants every woman to be in love with him. I've been with one of those and have the scars to prove it. He made every girl feel special, but for the ego boast of having them all want him. His charm was based on insecurity. The men I am turned on by are those who have charm based on confidence and clarity of self.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Friday, August 11, 2006 7:21 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
Of course, some people's minds can only be opened with an axe

OK, I'm not a Snape fan (though I do love Alan Rickman, don't get me wrong), and I don't watch Buffy, but I have to agree on the Neo toting guns. Maybe that's what was wrong with the other two movies; we don't see him doing the badass thing.
You know, I have to bring up a beef I have with both written and visual sex, but esspecially written; yeah, it can turn me on, we've covered that. But here's the thing is that I cannot relate to any of those women because they are not reacting or behaving like I would. No single woman in anything I've read (and I've read some serious smut) has multiple orgasms, and they nearly always respond intensley to something that I wouldn't, or at least not as quickly. Sometimes there are brief descriptions of foreplay, but usually not; it just goes straight to gettin' it on. Real women don't function like that! And most men don't either. I mean, sometimes, but usually they need something before the hot 'n heavy. Seriously, what is up with that? Even the stuff I've read that was written by women is like that! I don't get it!
Ok, rant over. Must go to bed now.

The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart. - Gautama Siddharta


Friday, August 11, 2006 7:56 AM


PR- Two words: Instant Gratification. Seems to be the way society leans. But healthy real folks wnat lasting satisfaction and security. Camp naughty bad fun is a nice place to visit, but living there could cause too many problems. I'd list them, but it depends on the person.

RUGBUG- Makes sense. Being truthful, open, and sincere helps alot. I kinda see the point on being settled and showing it. I've seen alot of indifference in my interaction with alot of females. In reality I tend to put emotion or attraction aside as to achieve my goal. What is my goal? Getting home. Seems to be the goal for everything I do. Doesn't make a whole lotta sense to me why that is my goal, it just is. Thanks for pointing out a few things. Always pondering on presenting myself in certain ways and the reaction to those presentations. Guess some further experimentation is in order this evening.


Friday, August 11, 2006 8:06 AM


NV, when you say getting home is your goal, do you mean your goal around women is to get away from them? Or are you looking for the metaphorical home, in terms of emotional space and companionship?

It's a toss-up.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Friday, August 11, 2006 8:38 AM


Actually, all of the above. Anything I ever done was done with the thought of home. The trip to whatever I faced was usually spent in meditation of the impending action. Conserving energy to fulfill the objective. Once completed, the trip home was spent readjusting to the thought of home. Purging of useless data and stimuli. Now I realize how much that is done on a daily basis.
In some ways this applies to women in every way as you mentioned. Seems a bit inhuman to consider input and stimuli from another being useless and easily purged, but it has to be done for processing purposes in my brain. So much thought is fragmented in there. When trying to remember, I sometimes have to think of minute details. The way the air smelled, the light condition, temperature, whether or not I was hungry. Little things like that.
Seems that is the only way I can remember feelings and emotions in my memories. PTSD sure jogs things up a bit. Really sucks when one small sensory trigger comes about.


Friday, August 11, 2006 8:54 AM


I have to say for me attraction is about 95% mental 5% physical. I'm not saying I'd be panting over a really weird looking person, but If Jayne just stood there with a blank look on his face it would do nothing for me. It's that badass glint with the mischief and glee that makes him attractive. I love Alan Rickman's presence and elegant evil, Spike's wild, hell raiser, damn the consequences thing gets me. I guess what I am saying is , for me, attitude is everything!

By the way, y'all are making it awfully hard for me to eat this spring roll :)

Tristan- the amusement of Harlequin is counting the number of euphamisms per sex act:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, August 11, 2006 8:55 AM


Oh and for all of you who love family's a nice quote from Adam Baldwin
"It was never the fame or fortune that drove me to act. It was something I love and enjoy doing it. A lot of people identify who they are by what they do and that's not me. It's what I do but not who I am. Who I am is a parent. I'm a family man."

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, August 11, 2006 8:58 AM



*starts serious bout of Adam-loving*

While I'm not big on mushy stuff, I do think it's sweet that he puts his family first.


"Oooh, synchronizers!"


Friday, August 11, 2006 8:58 AM


NVG, I love the way your mind works. Wow!

MSG, I once read a parody of a harlequin romance (is that actually an oxymoron?) that had me rolling it was so bad. Funny stuff!

Spring roll? Did you bring enough to share with the rest of the class?

I think I'll start a new thread while it's back in a flash.


Friday, August 11, 2006 11:01 AM



Originally posted by magdalena:

Thopugh I have loved Colin Firth for over a decade I just have to think of him looking up at 'Bridget Jones', when she's a mess and he's holding the newspaper to get jelly knees... With Nathan it's that whole heavy breathing and kissing Nandi and saying he means to take things slow that does it... Jayne... well I just need to imagine him blocking my way in a tight corridoor and... well you get the picture.


Did it suddenly get really warm in here? ;-D


Friday, August 11, 2006 1:16 PM


Oh Bruce Campbell - fantastic man! I just finished reading If Chins Could Kill, and i have to say its the best auto biography by one of the best actors ever. And by best, i don't mean that he could act Olivier off the stage, but that his attitude and personality and outlook on life love acting and working in the movie business are everything you could hope for. The man is close to perfect in that respect.

And i remember seing the Evil Dead Movies and thinking that underneath the slime etc, he wasn't bad looking, but after reading the biog, suddenly he is damn hot.

Which is what makes movie stars etc attractive to me - aside from the fact that they are very easy on the eye, their work, their choice of projects, the way they come accross in interviews, all these give snippets of their personalities that make them attractive. ok, nigh on lovable. Nathan Was cute, and he has the best bum in the verse, but what made me really fancy him is listening to the commentaries he did on War Stories etc. Guys like Trent Reznor - fancie the version of him projected through his music, Christian Bale - the impression i get of him from what i know of his dedication and passion for his work. So In truth, its not the charactor i fancy, nor strictly the Actor, but an amalgamation of all the things i see that i beleive reflect the actor.

Which i think is what makes it so hard to meet people IRL - everyone is so busy and so closed off that i never get the chance to form as complete a picture of who they are. Before its to late.

John Ccsack i love for different reasons - I love the way he moves, the little head movements and shy/shifty/slinky/ looks, he has an adorable smile, and eyes that can express entire series of emotions with out any help from other features. I could literally sit and watch him all day. I think i have once or twice.

My superpower? would be flight. probably wingless, or shape changing. I wouldn't have a costume i don't think. I love costumes - i love the looking, i love tha making, but more often than not, i don't tend to wear them - D*C will be the first time since my early teens that i've dressed up properly, and theres no way i'll be joining in parades or what not. I'm dressing up for me, and my friends, and for the fun of it, but a parade dosn't sound appealing.

Saying that, in about forty years time i intend to be a crazy cat lady, but added to the cats will be the tendency to go shopping in panniers, or skating in a princess line gown (i'm sure it can be done) or pta meeting dressed as Elizabeth the 1st. If you can't do it when you're a nut case...

what have i missed?


Friday, August 11, 2006 1:20 PM


The new thread!






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