Male and Female Imponderables--Cry Baby Cry

UPDATED: Monday, August 14, 2006 05:47
VIEWED: 11568
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Friday, August 11, 2006 1:49 PM


On singing in public: I do it often, and occassionally i'll do it loud. I don't get self conscious really, but I just dont bother to bellow at the top of my lungs all the time. But I have no problem being so loud that I can be heard by everyone in a crowded room. If they know me, they'll think it's funny or weird or somesuch, if they dont, I really don't care what they think.


"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Friday, August 11, 2006 2:30 PM



Had to go back and read your post again. Thought it was favorites but you said most recent. Actually I don't buy music anymore so these albums are fairly recent to me.


Happy Birthday: Alter Images
Move It On Over: George Thorogood and the Destroyers
The River: Bruce Springsteen
Pearl: Janis Joplin with the Full Tilt Boogie
Weird Scenes Inside The Gold MIne: The Doors

Television Shows

Firefly (If I don't include this I will go to that Special Hell)
Vets in Practice
My Name Is Earl


The Winter Soldiers: Richard M.Ketchum
The Spiral Road: Jan de Hartog
Shrouds of Glory: Winston Groom
Lord of the Rings: J.R.R. Tolkien
A Prayer for Owen Meany: John Irving

Now you guess what I'm like from this.

Chocolate covered donuts with Bavarian creme filling. Just think Homer Simpson.
Your my baby
Your my pet
We fell in love on the night we met
You took my hand
My heart went thump
Oh when we kissed we could not stop

You walked outa my dreams
Into my arms
Your my angel devine
Your sixteen
Your beautiful
And your mine
Your all mine

Please excuse if I didn't get the lyrics exactly.
I wrote straight out of my head.
Did not want to leave in the middle of a post to Google it. Just thank God I didn't start singing a Janis Joplin.



Friday, August 11, 2006 4:58 PM


I have to go with the whole "what to do when a guy you might really like and would certainly like to add to the Friends with Benefits" lives 13 hours away

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM


Friday, August 11, 2006 9:15 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I go and watch Clerks 2, come online, and y'all are talkin about chocolate! No chocolate for me, it is not good for me!
All my songs are on my computer on shuffle, so I could list the last five songs I listened to instead of CD's:
Diamonds and Pearls - Prince
Express Yourself - Madonna
If I Had $1000000 - Barenaked Ladies
Tribute - Tenacious D
Another One Bites the Dust - Queen
Where Will You Go - Evanescence (I had to put it on here; one of my favorite songs)
The Black Jewels Trilogy (again) - Anne Bishop
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide (again) - Douglas Adams
Chainfire - Terry Goodkind (the next book is out but I haven't gotten ahold of it yet)
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (again) - JK Rowling
The DaVinci Code (again) - Dan Brown
I sorta half-read a book my dad gave me called "Worse than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W Bush" by John W Dean, but it made me feel slightly ill so I couldn't finish it. I already didn't like him; there are some things I prefer not to think too hard about.
I don't watch enough TV to have five shows. Um, Firefly, Firefly, Smallville, Firefly, Penn and Teller's Bullshit... That seems about right. All were on DVD.
The saving of self thing; I really agree with the idea, but don't draw the line at marriage. I think it should be "No sex til there's a level of love and devotion" which is what I did. Didn't work out, but hey, I've never had a horrible sexual experience, so I must be doing something right!
I sung to a few of my exes, and it was all nice and sweet and romantic, then we broke up and I took an objective look and realized they were total emo kids and sort of lost my taste for singing to men. Plus Ex of Doom didn't like a lot of the things I really liked (and could sing well) but, you know, I loved it when he sang to me. It was always along to a song that was playing, but it was really sexy. He didn't do it very much.
I have never, ever been friends with any one of my exes. My mom thinks it's unhealthy, but you know it just isn't drama I want to deal with. My mom still has a great relationship with her first husband (my brother's dad) she says he's a wonderful person who she couldn't stand being married to. My dad (her second husband) she hasn't spoken to since the day I got my own car. There's just too much go se that he wouldn't work through or just couldn't be worked through. In a word, drama.
When Ex of Doom and I first started having problems and I was all weepy about it, she said I should try to hold on to him as a friend. Then he wrote his lovely little e-mail and I let her read it. She didn't think I should be his friend after that, either.
James, what did you mean by "The First One"? Did you mean the Evanescence EP or did you mean Fallen, which was their first major lable release?
Mmmmk, looks like I'm mostly caught up now...

The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart. - Gautama Siddharta


Friday, August 11, 2006 9:46 PM


last five albums, ehm, lessee
Ballboy: The Royal Theatre.
The Beta Band: The Three EP's
John Lee Hooker: Boom Boom.
Gnarls Barkely: St. Elsewhere.
The Like: Are You Thinking What I'm Thinking?

TV shows is harder, got to actually think back several weeks to get up to five but (here's guessing...)
Firefly. (if it counts)
The Friday Night Project (which i'm currently loving to hate, i sit and swear at it and insult the presenters, probably not a healthy habit)
Sugar Rush.
(actually i'm now stuck, i can't remember further back, but i'll guess it might've been spaced. possibly...)

annd Books.
A Tale Etched In Blood And Hard Black Pencil, by Christopher Brookmyre.
The Gold Falcon, by Katherine Kerr.
Maus, by Art Spiegelman
The Wintersmith, Terry Pratchett.
The Old Patagonian Express, by Paul Theroux.

singing, i love to sing badly, i used to be in the choir at school, so i'm guessing i can't have been all bad, but i kinda prefer singing badly, it's more fun, more of a giggle and people don't get insecure about it (when i worked in the bar one christmass, a bunch of the regulars were singing, vaguely, when all of a sudden some bloke on the other side of the bar ups and sings silent night, in german, in flawless tenor, and everyone their sorts of congratulates him, then mumbles and looks awkward, good singers make people insecure (i worked that out by myself )
not sure where i stand on saving yourself, or not saving yourself as the case may be, think if i was trying to save myself for marriage (hell if i was trying to save myself for a functional, healthy relationship even) i'd have failed.
never been friends with an ex either, but not because i'm opposed to the idea, in fact i kinda like it, it's more just been circumstance, so to speak.


Friday, August 11, 2006 9:51 PM


Five cds -

Snow Patrol - Eyes Open
Placebo - Meds
U2 - All That You Can't Leave Behind
Johnny Cash - Best Of
Moby - Hotel

Five books -

Temeraire: Throne of Jade
Night Watch (Russian one, not Pratchett)
Art of the Discworld
Carpe Jugulum
World Atlas of Food

Five tv series- (I don't watch much)

Dr Who
River Cottage
...? I forget

I have the musical talent of a housebrick.

MsG - we need to get posting on the recipes board. I have a killer recipe for caramel sea-salt truffles. (I don't like chocolate and fruit together - my bad)

FMF - frequent flyer miles? I'm a Brit, and it's so strange to get my head around the different time/space thing on your side of the pond.

Ed: Oddsbodkins, I hate you and you know why...


Friday, August 11, 2006 9:53 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hi all

Just a quick one and I'll have to go and make some dinner - just got in from a lovely lunch for some friends' engagement do!

5 most recent CDs include:
James Blunt- (whatever that one's called?)
Beatles - #1s
Duran Duran - Rio
Thirsty Merc - (can't remeber the title...)
Pink Floyd - ('best of one...')

5 most recent TV shows (some on DVD though)
Australian Forensics investigation
Firefly - Heart of Gold (DVD)
1st episode of Bones (finally aired here on Thurs evening!!!)
Wire in the Blood!!
CNNNN Chaser TV's War on Everything - Aussie comedy programme...

5 most recent books read
Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban (reading it out loud to the 6 & 8 year olds I nanny!)
A retrospective of Australian photo journalism
The Creative Memories Way - Cheryl Lightle & Rhonda Anderson (waited 4 months for it to arrive from USA on Amazon)
A biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder (can't remember which one...)
A Lucky Man - Michael J Fox (brilliant reading!)

Just for fun - last 5 movies I've watched
The Chronicles of Narnia - the Lion The Witch & the Wardrobe (DVD)
The Lake House (cinema)
Serenity (DVD)
Pirates of the Caribean - Dead Man's Chest (cinema)
(Serenity again)
I, Robot (DVD)

I love to sing - except when I am very depressed and I am pretty much struggling with that at the moment... But I have been known to sing along to music in shopping centres and was in 7th heaven when I was in the Philippines and discovered that everyone sang along at the local supermarket... and loudly at that!!

Only sung to a guy on stage though - that comes from my theatrical upbringing!

Catch you all soon! - Magda x x x

Edit: I don't hate you Oddsbods!

"I love my Captain!"


Saturday, August 12, 2006 12:22 AM


Two things. First, the album I was talking about was Fallen. Just figured that out when I found the disc cover. Second... Why the hell do you have to be in the US? I'm serious... Reading Goodkind, same age, similar interests... Hell, once my job wraps up, I'll be picking up Phantom and seeing how the series ends.

Blegh. Back to work.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Saturday, August 12, 2006 12:32 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by JamesTheDark:
Why the hell do you have to be in the US?

I have asked myself that in the past, believe me!

I'm serious... Reading Goodkind, same age, similar interests...

If I ever end up on your side of the pond, I'll let you know

Hell, once my job wraps up, I'll be picking up Phantom and seeing how the series ends.

Oh, you don't think it's over do you? I've heard there's at least two more books to go!

The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, August 12, 2006 12:57 AM


You and I are on the same side of the pond, just the different sides of the US-Canada border. Still, it rankles a mite. And I think that the series is coming to a close because that's the way he seems to be writing it. He's wrapped up all as can be wrapped up, and it looks like Richard is finally going face to face with Jagang in this one, which I'm fairly sure was saved for the last hurrah. Just my opinion though.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Saturday, August 12, 2006 1:08 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Ooooh, you're in Canada. Sorry, my bad. That is quite a distance, but not nearly as bad as an ocean.
You know, I wouldn't mind living in Canada one day. I've talked about it with a few of my friends. The only problem I might have would be the cold.
Goodkind has a knack for drawing things out. I'm betting this entire book is about chainfire and Kahlan; and Richard trying to find her. I should check Amazon and see if it says whether this is the final book or not.
*edit* It's described as "Chainfire Trilogy part two, Sword of Truth book ten". So there's at least one more book.

The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, August 12, 2006 7:36 AM


Bump for freedom!

Ok let's see...
Last 5 CDs (in no particular order)
Firefly soundtrack
Best of Rent
Wicked soundtrack
Fallen/Anywhere but Home- Evanescence
And of course the You're A Good Man Charlie Brown soundtrack

Last 5 books (most for school)
The Handmaid's Tale-Margaret Atwood
Siddhartha- Hermann Hesse
Seabiscuit- Don't recall the author
The Great Gatsby- Whoever
And if it counts, the script to YAGMCB

Last few TV
Tru Calling (DVD)
Wonderfalls (DVD again)
Babylon 5 (DVD)
Charmed *shudder* (DVD, what was I thinking)
Angel (DVD)
Bones & House before they finaled for the season

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:24 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I have to go with the whole "what to do when a guy you might really like and would certainly like to add to the Friends with Benefits" lives 13 hours away

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM

looks like I am gonna have to make a drive!

We are The Forsaken - We aim to burn! and we don't need no stinkin levels!

one of the Forsaken TM


Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:29 AM


FMF, woot for you, you're doing that whole long distance relationship! Good job! Sorry I ignored your post, wasnt sure what to make of it.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Saturday, August 12, 2006 11:12 AM


I have issues with people singing or performing near me. Strange but true, i think it may be linked to the metrophobia, but i just find it toe curlingly embarrasing. I mean i can do anything silly, one of my co workers and i have taken to yelling darling! accross the atrium, visitors there or not. but some one starts singing to me? argh!

so no, and i've never hated anyone enough to sing to them (especially as the only songs i know are Kate Bush and Tori Amos) but on my own you can't shut me up.

I'm not sure about relationships with exes - i don't have one, regardles of how we felt on splitting, i've left all but one down in london.It seems that good aquaintences would be ideal, minimum awkwardness, especially when new partners appear.

The yes dear thing was sweet, and so true, i can't help but think, as an outsider, that really, your basic attraction and your imagination should be enough to sustain a sex life, everything else is icing.
But then i've never had to maintain a sexual relationship for longer than six months.

Last five cds?

um, White Kose Movement - Kick
Roxy music- For your pleasure
RHCP- Stadium Arcadium,
Tori Amos - Boys for Pele
Fairport Convention - Liege and Lief (? I'll check)

Though they were ages ago - recently its been my player on random - according to the list that last 5 were - The Blue Wrath, credence clearwater revival- Magic Carpet Ride, The Tenents -You S*** Me To Tears, They Might Be Giants- Boss of Me, Lazlo Bane Superman and Jose Gonzales - Hand on Your Heart.

TV shows

Life on Mars
(and then, just missing out on the top five most recent) Firefly (normal viewing of tv stopped when the last series of Dr Who ended, im on the box sets now.)


Cross Bones by Cathy Reichs
If Chins Could Kill Bruce Campbels autobiography.
Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen 9in to double figures!)
Only Forward Micheal Marshal Smith (again)
Divided Kingdom by some one who's name i can never remember and would go upstairs and see but i can't be bothered.


Girl Interrupted
The Hudsucker Proxy
The New World
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (frickin brilliant)
28 Days Later.

And last five knicker colours - Coral, blue stripey, pink stripey, black, black and white.

Oh OddBodds - what did you think of St Elseware? I'm still making up my mind, but i love the range, and his voice is great. Did you see them performing in Star Wars get up?

And of course it was Spaced () Did you hear the Pegg is now working on an action film about Bobbies? (as in, british police, not men called Bobby) cue much stage diving and sliding accross car bonnets by men in polyester shirts and penis shaped hats.

I thought about 'saving myself' but i got bored with it.

Ok, don't laugh, but this is wierd my mouse is squeaking

and im talking about the plastic one attatched to the pooter...

Not sao muc a male female, but definetly an imponderable.

I'm not to arsed about being blown to smithireens by terrorists. Even when i moved into a flat on the opposite shore of the Thames (not a big river) to Canary Warf on September 10th 2001, and spent weeks telling my mother 'no, i'm no where near it' whilst sitting at my window and watching the twinly blinky lights, was i that bothered (well, i was bothered that it was happening, and that people had died horribly, and families were now missing members, i was horrified, but as for it happening to me, i just couldn't summon up and feeling of danger. all of the bombings and now this flight stuff thats going on, and i'm wondering if i shouldn't be just a little more worried.An its not cause its remote from me, the 7/7 bombing took place in areas that vber very familiar and dear to me - a few weeks ago a young man comitted suicide in my workplace, and i cared more for my workmate who were shook by it thatn i did for the fact that it happened.

I mean, to put it in a nutshell, we went to see The Day after Tomorrow. My sister and mother came home talking about stock piling beans, my sister was visibly freaked, and i? I thought the special effects were pretty.

Is anyone else like this? and is it a good or a bad thing?


Saturday, August 12, 2006 11:23 AM


Seryn, the whole point of terrorism, or freedom fighting if you will, is to get people irrationally scared. Sure, if you work in the pentagon, you might want to be worried, but frankly, the chances of getting yourself blowed up are so astronomically small, that it's fine to not worry about them. Sure, the london bombings were freaky, but... I'm just saying that it's healthy to not be concerned about abstracts, which most world disasters are to most people. I figure that it is most likely that I will go through my whole life with absolutely nothing interesting or scary happening, so why worry about the what ifs?

And as for Day After Tomorrow, not being influenced by (ok, i havent seen it but) a cheesy disaster movie is perfectly sensible. Seeing the movie does not make it any more likely that any of this stuff will happen.

Ok, per my original point, I am sorta incorrect, I just went on a heathrow to SF flight two weeks ago, that's a bit weird I admit, and my neighbor's son was killed in Iraq, and it's sad, but until something terribly terrible happens to me and mine, I will try to remain blissfully unaware. Stupid, but easier on the brainpan.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Saturday, August 12, 2006 5:22 PM


Er. I dont remember the last time I bought or recieved a CD. Would probably have to be the two-disk Queen's Greatest Hits....

Oh, now, books, on the other hand...
The Last Light of the Sun - Guy Gavriel Kay (brilliant, as usual)
The Peshawar Lancers (Sterling; lousy, badly written, ripped off stuff from The Flashman Papers, in particular Flashman & The Great Game)
The Great Influenza (John M. Barry, scary stuff about the flu pandemic near the end of WWI - scarier still the virtual suspension of the Constitution by Woodrow Wilson as background to the epidemic)
Schindler's List (Thomas Keneally, if you havent heard of it, you grew up under a rock, in a cave, on Mars.)
Impossible Odds (Dave Duncan, one of his Kings Blades series - as with all Duncan books more...chapter...)

Criminal Minds
Diego (what, another damn animal fell into the river? How did animals survive in the wild without little spanish kids rescuing them?)
Monarchy (aaah. So thats why we revolted...)
I cant think of much else....

"Don't put your trust in revolutions. They always come around again. That's why they're called revolutions. People die, and nothing changes." -Terry Pratchett "Night Watch"


Saturday, August 12, 2006 6:17 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Hi everyone. Just got back from my date.

My chemistry meter reads at absolute zero.

Seryn, I'm a lot like you. I don't have the energy to be freaking out about freak occurances.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, August 12, 2006 6:52 PM


Well Rose, it could have been worse, you could have been flaming mad, or utterly miserable, etc... but as is, it appears that you found the guy... um... human, but just not interesting. Which seems like the best aftermath of a bad date.

Or, it was horrible. Either could be true.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Saturday, August 12, 2006 6:54 PM


Hello Phoenixrose:

I have been checking in to see if MSG has looked at my list yet. Even sang her a song, since that was brought up. A lot things happening in this thread, hard to keep up when you leave for a while.

No spark from your night out eh.

Well they can't all be glorious.

Take Care;


Saturday, August 12, 2006 7:14 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Naw, it wasn't what I would call horrible. There was sushi, which was wonderful, and he wasn't a bad guy, but he obviously thought I was hot and I just... wasn't feeling it. I told him truthfully that I had a pretty good time and he could call me, but there was no kissin'. Not really sure what to say to him about it. I'm not good at letting guys down easy; they always get a little huffy about it.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, August 12, 2006 7:18 PM


Hey, all!
Just on for a few moments before bedtime...had to finally respond to another one of River's "Pay attention to me!" threads. Oy, some people!

I probably won't be on long enough to get the response, but what happened, PR, or is it not something you want to talk about?
If I don't respond tonight, I will be back on tomorrow night...I was so hoping this would work out for you!



Saturday, August 12, 2006 7:20 PM


Us men tend to let pride rule over us.

If he was nice you can give him a second date.

That is your choice.

You were there. I wasn't.

Maybe he needs some time to let down some walls.

I'm really only speculating.

I know how shy I can be with someone new. Hard for me to make a good first impression.



Saturday, August 12, 2006 7:25 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

He just... wasn't very emotive. He didn't have a lot of expression. I wasn't quite sure just what was going on with him, you know? It rankled me a bit. And the attraction just wasn't there (on my part, anyway) it was really rather blah. It's one of those things it's hard to really describe. I'll see him one more time, maybe, but I might have to give the "let's be friends" talk, which will not be fun for me. Really I think I'm just going to say "I don't feel we have real chemistry. I don't think we should date. Sorry." or something like that. Ugh. Dating.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, August 12, 2006 7:42 PM


I think it takes years for us men to understand how difficult it for a woman to have say "lets be friends".

But it is part of the process.

I don't envy the position your placed in. I mean all women in general.

He will live.



Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:25 PM


Hiya PR, since you gave me some advise with my last relationship, allow me to do the same. When I mentioned the whole "I don't think we should date." thing,(before I came begging for advise) the person I told just seemed to shut down, so I'm not sure if it'll work, of course you probably didn't do anything to lead the guy on as I led the girl on.

JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:36 PM


Eh, if it isnt working for you, it isnt working, and you should (in theory) tell the guy before you go out more. And as to 'ugh dating'... I knew there was a reason I dont do it.

I'm working on the assumption that in a few years time (ie, college probably) I might get into the relationships thing, basically once other ladyfolk are more interested and everyone is legal. This whole mutual respect thing I have going with the opposite gender tends to work out pretty well in making friends with the like-minded, though I admit I'm not looking forward to the unwritten 'rules' of dating. Such madness.

Btw, Rose, love the many changing buddha quotes.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:45 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

See, I like relationships. I really, really do. But I don't like dating. That awkward, "trying to find a relationship" thing when you have to do things like...this. When things don't click and it's just stressful. A good relationship is stress relief, and that's the difference. And I have to tell ya, Whitefall, it's not going to get magically easier in college. You might even feel more awkward because you won't have... practiced with the flirting and the dating and figuring out of things. That is just my theory, though.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, August 12, 2006 8:58 PM


It never gets easy. But if want a relationship you got to get out there. Love is a many splender thing. Can't win the lottery without buying a ticket.

I better stop with the bad quotes. But you'll do fine. College eh. Good for you.



Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:07 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Urg. I know. Damn frog-kissing.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:12 PM


Hi Rose

Did you see River6213 in "good thread".

She wants trouble. And I am determined to stop her.

Sorry to vent, but she is trys my patience.

So if my posts aren't the best, know I'm a little busy.



Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:13 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

PR - Hey Darlin'! It is so hard to date sometimes isn't it...??? I mean one minute you're thinking how hard it is to do the askin' out, then you know it's not right and your heart says 'be up front and honest' but you don't want to do any hurtin' and then you think about how hard it is to do the 'unaskin' as it were...

Be honest, and I know you'll be kind. It is always hard to see their expression when you say it, but that passes and the sooner it is done the sooner they let go of any hurt/frustration and realise that you were wonderful to be so honest with them... if they don't then you DEFINITELY didn't want to go there.

I kind of got 'tricked' into a date once. A friend from a large group I hung out with rang and arranged dinner, at the time the way he said it I assumed he meant the whole gang, I soon found out that it was just him and me and he was telling all the other guys we were going on a date!

I panicked and thought about cancelling but it was difficult as he hadn't really told me it was supposed to be a date! On the day we were going out I insisted on meeting him so that he didn't pick me up/take me home... and I added (on the phone, before the meeting time) that I hoped he knew that I wasn't looking for a relationship, but I was really looking forward to spending the evening with him as a friend. I could tell he was hurt from the silence and forced laugh. He later accused me of leading him on (???????) and asked me 'why did you feel you had to warn me off?' All in all a very uncomfortable evening. I did insist on paying for my own meal saying that I hadn't agreed to let him pay for me, and keeping in mind that this was after the uncomfortable converstaions we'd had.

But that was better than the time I went on a frist date and the guy (seriously) asked me to marry him!!!???

Also the time my date got so drunk that he passed out on the doormat of his house (fortunately we were on a double date with mutual friends and my female friend drove me and herself home whilst our 'boys' slept it off in the hallway...)

Anyone else got some horror stories...?

It might cheer my gorgeous PR up to think that she got off lightly...

Mwaaaah - darling girl! Magdalena x x x

"I love my Captain!"


Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:13 PM


Lol, actually i'm at the applying phase right now, but yeah, college, I'm not too worried about getting in, just where I get in (though I dont care too much).

Argh, Rose, don't spoil my mindset, i'm working on the assumption that everything is better in college once all moved out n stuff. Everything. Because.... what else can I do?

Frankly, this idea of being practiced in flirting and dating and stuff.... I suppose it's good if I plan to do that in the future, but call me a hopeless romantic, but I really hope I won't have to embrace a TV cliche and make an awkward noise that vaguely equates to going someplace with someone else. Oh, whatever, that'll happen when it (doesnt) happen(s), until then I've got a lot of admissions and AP classes to keep me busy. Stupid life.

P.S. Good gorram, Magdalena, those are some really disturbing tales of woe. Hopefully, in my role as guy, I won't do any of the above things.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:26 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Yeeks, those are horror stories!
Did I tell y'all about the guy who contacted me on the personals site with the message "You and I should run away together and get married!" Lord and Lady, that freaked me out a little bit!
Crazy people. Arg!
lol, sorry to bust your bubble, Whitefall. A lot of things are better in college, but as with all things you can't just snap your fingers and develop skills you've never worked on before. Flirting is a skill (and can have a lot of different meanings, so don't get rankled at the idea of flirting) and I've been working on it for the past five years and still don't have it completely down. Sometimes people see interest where there is none, or see friendlt flirting as romantic flirting, and sometimes I can be all cute and flirty and none of my signals get through at all. Showing interest can be hard to get right.
showing disinterest is a bigger pain, though.

P.S. Yeah, River is in one of her moods again. Don't try to stop her, she'll wear herself out in a bit.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:26 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Whitefall - thank you - you have made my pitiful experiences have meaning... if I can save just one innocent young woman the pain of an innappropriate proposal, or a drunken end to a drunken evening ... or a very uncomfortable dinner in a very upmarket restaurant... then it was all worth it...

I'm sure there was never any danger of you doing any of those things - the girls you date will be lucky to do so! Best of luck with the applications!

Mwaaah - MAgdalena x x x

EDIT: Coz - PR & I posted together again!!!!! I love that!! Yes - I love the emote too (just the kind of hug I love to get!!) Flirting is an art - and not everone is on the same wavelength so keep working at it! I swear some guys take the tiniest gesture as a come on and others... you could take off all your clothes, paint yourself blue and sing "I'm flirting with you come and get it" and they still wouldn't get the hint! (sorry - channeling Black Adder there... not a pretty mental image either...arrrgh!)

One guy I ended up dating for 7 months I'd been flirting with for weeks - when he finally asked me out I said, so you finally noticed all my flirting eh? His reply was to look blank and say "Oh, Peter said you were flirting with me... I didn't realise..."

"I love my Captain!"


Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:36 PM


hehe whitefall, it's nice to make yourself think you'll suddenly magically find it all happen (i know, i used to, it can be a very comforting thought when you're alone ) but unfortunately, it ain't so, you really do have to make things happen, take some action yourself to make them come to pass. practice flirting and so on isn't always the trick, it's practice reading people and working out what they think of you is the hard bit. i'm utterly hopeless at it, unless it's something blatently obvious, like sharing a smile with someone on the bus and catching sight of them glancing my way with a wee private smile to themself afterwards, or them yelling in my face that they hate the very ground i've walked on, i tend to be pretty dense in that respect, and of course, i attribute it to not having dated/had relationships/etc. when i was in school and EVERYONE felt that awkward. So yeah, cruel as it is to puncture illusions and so on, sometimes it's for the best, and better that you come at things with a realistic perspective i think. (i think i tied that back into what you were saying, and didn't just go on about myself, trying to relate and things, identify with, not ignore and talk about myself )

PR, i'm sorry to hear it didn't go so well =( but hey, there's the cute guy you just heard from the other day no? better to be upfront, even if he acts huffy and black-affronted, he'll get over that, and it could be easier to be friends once he does if you do ^^

Seryn, i hadn't heard the Pegg was doing that, shall have to keep my nose out for it xD any idea what jessica stevenson and nick frost are up to these days? i'm still undecided about St. Elsewhere, i think i like it, think i'm definately heading in that direction (and from what i've seen, got to agree their live performance's look incredible, all costume's and extra's and all sorts) but i've been known to change my mind for the daftest reason's.

and the topic's only imponderable: s'not worth worrying overly about terrorism, might as well worry about crossing the street or taking a shower. although i think i can top coming out of 'the day after tomorrow' and going 'look at the pretties' i was having similar thoughts when i watched the world trade centre's taking those planes, which was horribly cynical and callous and you know, a great many people died and a community has been shattered, but, you know, just because it's more spectacular then corssing the street, doesn't change the end results, and i don't remember breaking down in tears at the edge of any streets recently.


Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:40 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Yay! I love the spontanious double postings too, Magda!

Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:
practice flirting and so on isn't always the trick, it's practice reading people and working out what they think of you is the hard bit.

I define that as flirting on a certain level
And yes, there is still the drool-worthy boy. Here's hoping we have actual chemistry when it's not just a static picture.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:50 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Oh yeah! The impoderable...

I was up all night on 11th/12th September 2001 - just had to keep watching... as a reault I saw things happen in real time that were unimagineable and I wept... really wept... but the only difference I noticed the next day was that people hugged one another a little more, sterangers made eye contact, even in their cars... and there were moe prayer vigils and multi-faith groups working to help people who were traumatised than I've seen before or since...

I too, felt so sad that so many people had to die together in a pointless way... and a lot of you won't understand this (most of my friends don't) but I never hated the terrorist... I've just felt increadible sad that they have lived lives that were so devoid of perspective that they thought this was a good thing to do. What kind of a society lets that happen?

I don't fear being caught up in a terrorist attack (which you might think is easy to say living in Melbourne, but when we had the Commonwealth Games here earlier this year I saw a lot of the police and army preparations and emergency plans - not all - but more than most people saw) I think it's more likely that I'll be killed by a drunk driver or run over by a bus, but I feel sadness that this is the world we live in.

I've another, related imponderable though...

Is it easier to relate to the loss of life in, say the World Trade Centre tradgedy or the 7th July London attacks than for those in Drought stricken, war-torn or natural disaster struck places that have vastly different lifestyles to our own? If so - why is that?

OK - Morbid and creepifying...

"I love my Captain!"


Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:51 PM


perhaps so then, but that's just semantics

well, at least you fancy his picture, that bode's well, did you fancy dry-toast's picture?


Saturday, August 12, 2006 10:04 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Hmmmmm... Not as much. I thought he looked a little scruffy. Well, he does to me. Too much beardage.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, August 12, 2006 10:21 PM


hummm, s'got to be a positive then.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 1:21 AM


oh no, i can top the callousness - i'm so ashamed of this - but i was in a life drawing class when we got the first inkling of what was happening - one of the guys picked up his ohone and read the message and said something like 'someones just hit a skyscraper in New York with a plane.

To which my reply was '*snort* bloody women drivers'(as in sarcastic, devils advocate tyepe way) The only defence i can off er is that i couldn't imagine it to be anything worse than some one clipping the building with a small aircraft - i did wonder what a plane was doing in NYC, but figured the report was wrong, and that it was a helicopter, not an aeroplane.

I went throught the rest of the afternoon, and it was only when i got back to halls and virtually everyone was crowded into the common room watching it on tv that i got the impression it was way more than i imagined.
Then i spent day fielding call from relatives who had heard that Canary Warf was also a target. Basically lying through my back teeth to them, so that they wouldn't worry. I was sat in the Docklands Light Rail Canary Warf station two days after assuring my grandma that i was fine! And still i couldn't muster more than vague alarm at all the machine guns out on display in various places.

And I'm not so sure about worrying more about poverty stricken countries - i work in a fairtrade shop, so their causes are in front of me daily - i give to charieties, i champion Fairtrade (which does more lasting good than charity - plus it gives them hope and dignity. I even met and spoken to farmers that were previously abused by the free trade system, and are now, along with their villages and neighbours, flourishing in fairtrade partnerships. So that is almost constantly on my mind. But at the same time, i reacted to things like the Tsumani and the hurricanes the same way that i reacted to 9/11. Sorriness for the vicitms but no real feeling of threat.
I think preventing atrocities, trying to form peace and restructuring the way things are done is the way to help everyone sort them selves out, for long term permenant changes, but thats a global, governmental thing, not something i can do, so mostly i feel remote and helpless about those sorts of things.

On a way lighter note - Nick Frost will probably be in the movie with Pegg, and Jessica will have a cameo. I'm pretty sure i've seen her in adverts recently, and i think she has a tv series coming up.
She's still working anyway. And of course, soon enough, enough people are going to get impatient enough to handcuff Simon Pegg to a chair and make him write Spaced series 3.

We can but hope.

And yes, i know an awful lot about likeing or not liking things for the most spurious of reasons.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 1:34 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I really think it depends on what's close to you. When the towers fell, I was shocked, I was saddened, I cried a little, I didn't go to class that day, but I couldn't really worry about it affecting me directly (except in the form of the gorram Patriot Act ) so I stopped really thinking about it after a few weeks. The Tsunami really only caused a ripple, a vague "Oh, those poor people, that sucks" thought and moving on. The bombs in London was more of a personal shock because my mom's main publishing house and agent and editor are all in London, and her agent and publisher both take the train to work, so there were a few scary hours before she got in touch with them. And now my uncle is living in England, too. The hurricane? That was closest to home, and let's just say I've seen a hell of a lot more Luisiana plates on cars around town than I ever had before. I'm more angry about it, because it didn't have to happen the way it did, and I want to smack the guy who said the country couldn't "afford" to repair and strengthen the New Orleans levies (yeah, you know who I'm talking about).
I look out for me and mine. I can't muster all the emotion it would take to feel empathy for everyone who was thousands of miles away. I don't think anyone has that kind of capacity; you always focus on where you are. Even the wonderful people throughout history who traveled and tried to right wrongs could only focus on where they were at the time.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Sunday, August 13, 2006 1:43 AM


Well, I was working the day it happened. And since I'm in Ireland the first we heard was that two planes had hit the towers, so we pretty much knew from the start that it was a terrorist attack. Then we heard that the Pentagon was on fire. Then more planes had crashed. Then that a plane had actually crashed into the Pentegon and that more planes were missing. Then that one of the towers had blown up. Then that they both had... it was all very chaotic and unreal. Every time we got to grips with one piece of news something else seemed to happen. I was working for an insurance company at the time - with an office in the Trade Centre - so everyone had dropped everything and was trying to figure out what was going on. We actually began thinking that Word War Three had been declared and were trying to figure out who the hell had declared it.

It's the only day I remember seeing people clustered in the streets around radios and TVs. Everything just seemed to stop. I don't think anyone who was old enough to remember will ever forget.

As an Irish person I've seen what terrorism does to both sides - the country that's the target and the country that perpetrates it. All I can say is that it doesn't lead anywhere good. We went from being proud of independence to being racked with shame as the body count went higher and the coffins got smaller. Nothing justifies taking lives like that.

More animations available at


Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:53 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Wow DesktopHippie - you said that so eloquently - I wish more people could see things like that...

We went from being proud of independence to being racked with shame as the body count went higher and the coffins got smaller. Nothing justifies taking lives like that.

I'm afraid I tend to let out my own emotions by focusing on acceptable reasons to reveal them. It's funny but it made people very uncomfortable if I cried around the time I was recovering from a brain haemorrhage (& I was really ill) but it's OK for us to share a tear over the mass death of total strangers. Maybe it was morbid of me to watch TV all night - see it was about 11pm when the 2nd plane hit the World Trade Centres here and the late news was about to roll... it just kept rolling... and I kept thinking - I'm witnessing history - the world is never going to be the same... watching the first tower collapse was weird - I tried to accept that I was watching thousands of people die but it was too abstract.

PR - I know what you mean about what hits closest ot home - for me the WTC attack was worse coz I had a friend who's cousin lives just near there and her husband worked in the WTC & she was staying here in Australia with her 2 young children - she spent all night trying to phone her husband and it was 3 days before we knew he was OK. The tsunami also had a direct impact on most of Australia's closest neighbours (though I cannot call them all allies) many, many Australians were killed, lost or injured in the Tsunami and thousands of Aussies were involved in the recovery projects - including many that I know. New Orleans would have had a much greater impact on you for similar reasons - but I must say I agree that it shoyuld never have been as bad as it was there - there are people to blame for that, so how come they still carry on as if they smell of roses???

Rant over - for now!

New Imponderable - which I'll have to join tomorrow as I'm about to go to bed...

Is it more acceptable for guys to spend hours on the computer than girls? My Dad lives on his computer - but my Mum is suspicious that I mention my newfound friends on the internet and thinks I might be spending 'too much time' on here? Another friend - sci fi fan and computer 'geek' told me to take it easy recently as he thought I might be spending too much time on the 'net... He must have spent 12 hours a day 7 days a week on line for as long as I have known him... but my 1/2 hour - 6 hours of shiney FFFnet time are considered 'too much'??? It's not like I'm looking at porn or joining an online cult???

Is it just me or has anyone else found this sort of thing happening?

And now that's said/asked... goodnight shiney browncoat family - I'll catch you tomorrow!

Love you - Magdelena x x x

"I love my Captain!"


Sunday, August 13, 2006 3:52 AM


On the attacks - my brother had flown back from the States the day before. I think my main feeling was sheer disbelief. But I lived and worked in London when that random nutcase was setting off nailbombs. In fact, I was coming up out of the Underground when the Soho bomb went off, which made for an exciting evening all round. Mentally and emotionally, I have to shut down when I see things like that, or I get overwhelmed.

I get a lot of stick about the time I spend on line and for that same kind of reasons. Mind you, perhaps we are a cult. I think the brown coats are much groovier than dodgy robes, though.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 5:39 AM


Hey, I decided it was time to jump into this thread.

Anyway, people make fun of me because of all the time I spend online, but they don't think it's unacceptable or anything, just weird.

And I'd say the Browncoats are more of a big wacky family than a cult.

My 9/11 experience was unique in that I was 11 and at school during the time. We were in class trying to decide a name for our gerbils, when a teacher came in and whispered to my teacher what happened. Then our teacher turned the tv on, in time to watch the 2nd plane hit. When we were watching it, some of the kids just thought it was a movie, or atleast fake in some way. But then our teacher was crying, and she turned the tv off, and most of us had figured out what happened by then.

Then I came home and watched all the news coverage for hours. I have to say, the pride I felt in our country after that was something I've never seen before. Everyone in the neighborhood had an American flag on their yard, stangers would come up and talk with you, and there was just this feeling in the air. On the other hand, it's kind of sad how many deaths it took for people to have pride in their country. But then the war came, and bad decisions all around, and now the pride in our country is at a big low.

But I think the WTC attacks affected me more then the tsunami and the hurricane because people were directly responsible for it. And watching the videos of people jumping out of the building and seeing all of the smoke completely covering N.Y.C. really affected me.

With the hurricanes, I had the amazing experience of going to help with relief efforts last spring. And you know that phrase, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Thats how all these people from louisiana felt. It's hard to explain, but for the most part these people were so optimistic, and okay with it. You see signs like, Camille was a lady but Katrina was a bitch. And tshirts saying things like, I survived hurricane Katrina and all I got was this lowsy tshirt, and a plasma screen tv. They make jokes about it, so I guess knowing how they feel about it makes me feel better too.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 5:52 AM


I don't know, despite what PR said about it taking to much to empathise about everyone, I still don't think i feel what i ought. I used to think that i was emotionally dead inside - now i know thats ridiculous, but as I've yet to 'properly' mourn my grandfather's death, and i have such a hard time feeling anything about all this, there must be a smidgen of truth to it!

ah well. I think i shall pull the 'best not to think about it' card.

Ah - the injustice of the way my brother and i are both treated - He is a Warhammer geek - he works in the shop, the house is littered with hundreds of the figures, he wears the clothes, buys the book, reads the novels, and spends hours and hourse and hours online, and in various forums.

and i'm the geek of the family.

how did that happen?!?!?!?!?!

He's indulged at every turn - if he wants to talk about it, they listen, i get the funny looks, he goes to the tournaments, i feel like an idiot for letting people know that D*C is a convention. He knows everything there is to know.

Recently my mother got into geneology, and spends hours on the pooter looking things up. She's planning a small odyssey around england to look up all our relatives.

And i'm still the geek!

life is not fair! its just not.


I need a hug.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 5:56 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I must have been staying up just to give you that, Seryn, because now I have to go to bed.

My mom just thinks I spend too much time "sitting". Which I probably do. Also, I am the geek, I can admit it. But that's me.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Sunday, August 13, 2006 6:05 AM


But Seryn, you're our geek, sweetie! Zen hug here.

I think 'otaku' behaviour is indulged in males. My mother still frets that I spend too much time writing or on-line, and not enough time 'looking after' my husband - meals on the table when he gets in, housework, sort of thing. 'Hobbies' are very nice, until they interfere with what you 'should' be doing.

There aren't words or emoticons to express quite how I feel about that.






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