Male and Female Imponderables--Cry Baby Cry

UPDATED: Monday, August 14, 2006 05:47
VIEWED: 10833
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Sunday, August 13, 2006 6:34 AM


Mornin' to all.

Wow, had to catch up quick. Lots of disussion. Really caught my eye DTH's comment on terrorism. Not alotta folks can grasp the concept until they live it. So many of my fellow Americans are too out of touch with the world around them.
Would like to rant on the subject, but it seems to be such a different language to unknowing people. In a way I am glad the people around me are unknowing of the violence men are capable.
Lots going on right now. May be back in a bit.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 6:36 AM


hehe, well, as a male who takes full advantage of a certain amount of tolerance towards geekish behaviour, i can't bring myself to be commenting, i'd only wind up gloating, knowing me.

as for parents who are less then tolerant towards the time hobbies can take up, my mum gets the same deal from my grandma SpaceAnJL, according to my grandma, my mum spends more time with her horse then her family, and all is not right with this. Now the rest of us came t terms with the fact that she loves the horse more about two days after she got it, but it still seems to get on grandma's nerve's honestly think it's just a bit of a generation gap in action.

Awww, *hugs to seryn* could be worse, just tell yourself they've just given up all hope on him, but still have hope for you

(not that i think being geeky or nerdish isn't a perfectly funky way to be, as said, taking full advantage of tolerance towards it, but there's them out there as look down on us *shifty eyes* they're out there...)


Sunday, August 13, 2006 7:03 AM


Morning, all!
Dating horror stories? I've got a few, but the one that always sends chills down my spine is the French girl I married. You talked about figuratively kissing frogs, PR? I did it in real life!
Just because this one did not seem to work out does not mean there will not be others.

Traveler, not sure I did this before, but welcome to the thread! I was with you on that River thing...I have come to the point where I don't want to deal with her anymore. I'll post warnings about her, but am going to try not to directly interact with her.

Whitefall, college is better. No matter what happens, always think that, and it will be.

Magdalena...I once again apologize for the actions of a member of my sex.

Not sure where the 9/11 imponderable came in, but I was working at Honeywell at the time on a computer database project for them. A portion of the Honeywell entity, for those that don't know, repair and perform maintenance on commercial airplane parts. It's a decent-sized plant, and it was always noisy and bustling. Except on that day. It started with someone saying they heard a Cessna or something hit one of the twin towers. An hour later, no one was working adn all the tv's were tuned to the news. Unbelievable is the only word that can sum up the whole thing.

It's easier for me to be empathetic towards the death of someone living the same "lifestyle", because I can relate better. For war-torn, drought-stricken place; I have never lived there, so my ignorance is mighty. That may not be a good thing, but it is my reality.

PurplePenguin91, welcome! Glad you're here!



Sunday, August 13, 2006 7:36 AM


Mornin' Tristan.

It is a good thing to be ignorant of such things. There has to be people in IRL to hold things together before, during, and after the fact. There has to be people worth fighting and dying to protect. And there has to be a balance of negative and posative. If I had no one to live for, I'd most definately be empty inside, outside of society, and merely a shadow of a man.
I hope for people to be greatful for every breath not polluted by cordite or rot. I hope people can bitch and moan about trivial crap and be capable of doing so without fear of violent retribution. And I hope that someday my children will not be tainted by the strange sadness that never seems to go away.
People have to know that there are folks who put themselves in harms way for their well being. That is the sacrafice of what people call heroes.
There are no special powers or fancy costumes. Just people who'd rather live normal peaceful lives, but for whatever reasons are not capable of doing so until the job is done.
So yes Tristan, it is a good thing you are ignorant to such things. You like everyone else have your own trauma and tragedy. Though we have others to help us in bad times, ultimately what we do is up to us. I honestly struggled with being home as opposed to being abroad. But I made my choice and am very glad I did.
Love to all.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 8:19 AM


Ok, i don't know how to do the emoticon thing, but NVG needs the hug passing on i thik. That was very, as someone said before, eloquent.


Now, This one had to be bought out and shown to the world.
Everybody - say thank you Arcadia.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 9:28 AM


No hugs needed. Though, pass those hugs to someone IRL today. Someone near you may need one. Give them one from me too.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 10:17 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:

Traveler, not sure I did this before, but welcome to the thread! I was with you on that River thing...I have come to the point where I don't want to deal with her anymore. I'll post warnings about her, but am going to try not to directly interact with her.

PurplePenguin91, welcome! Glad you're here!


Hello Tristan:

Those, and there were more than one, threads have been moved to Troll country. I have seen this before and you are right. Do not feed the trolls. She/He/It tried to play mind games with onthedrift, but didn't work.

Just know I will always fight to stop this kind of behavior and protect our new people and those who are very young from these lunatics.



Sunday, August 13, 2006 10:32 AM


Ok, although I just finished one of Atwood's big bad AP feminist metaphor books, I'll refrain from blowing up at SpaceAnjl's relations in feminist semi-rightousness.

Anyhoo... On the geekyness, with my family it's all about reading. My sisters would read so much, it was at least comparable to my computer time, which used to be a lot more than it is now. Used to be i'd be playing games or online all the time, now i'm on the computer when i'm not at rehearsal or school, ie doing something. So I dont feel bad about it, when I'm at home I'm usually on the computer, then I go out sometimes. (less during summer of course). The thing in my family is somehow reading is vastly glorified over computers (despite the fact that both my parents are into computer businesses) and so I get the scorn (real from my dad, mostly imagined from my mom) of being on the computer to much, even if i'm talking to fine folks like you all, while my siblings would just read in solitude. Which is better? I don't pretend to know, but i'd prefer if they were judged more equally.

As for dating, I'm just not interested, it always seems like a contradiction, 'the lie of it' to quote Mal, and I know someone else mentioned the odd dance of trying to impress each other, I'm just not interested. I love spending time with other folk, generally moreso the ladies, but I don't want to make folk uncomfortable. (I know, I know, it's not them i'm protecting, blah blah blah, but in all seriousness, most of the women I know arent interested in the trivialities of dating anyways.) I'm just working on the assumption that sooner or later I'll find folk who are into such things, someone who likes me, that I like them, that we wouldnt have to exchange the dating cliches. And if that's idealism, then stick me back in my crate, I'm an idealist.

Or a geek who's afraid of girls.

(Don't you like how I linked it all together?)

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Sunday, August 13, 2006 11:33 AM


9/11 starts much earlier than 2001 for me.
My New York starts in the Fall of 1989, when I was stationed at Governors Island. This was Old New York, before Guilliani 'cleaned' it. In other words, it was dirty, dangerous, and all together everything that makes a city interesting. 42nd and B'way was this crowded mass of people where you had to walk with your hand on your wallet and you couldnt walk 20 feet without someone walking up to you asking 'Yo yo yo smoke? Dope? Coke? ses? ses?"
When I came back years latter, Times Square was a dead place, a New York themed Disney theme park. The hookers and drug dealers where somewhere off camera, replaced by more efficient pushers and whores - those of Hollywood and Madison Av.
I used to commute through the Trade Center - I always remember the mall that was beneath the Towers - no one ever speaks of this place, but to me it was particularly New York. This vast, underground stream of people, swirling and rushing, eddies of shoppers outside the stores, rumbling business execs from New Jersey racing to their Important Jobs.
I was in Boston on September 11th of 2001. Unemployed, not yet calling my animation career dead in the water. My phone rang, and the machine picked up, it was my Mother-in-Law "Hi, in case you're wondering, I'm ok..." Uh. Why would I wonder that?
Well, I picked up and found out. And for the rest of the day I sat dumbstruck, staring at the incessant news coverage.
Its not possible. You cant knock down the World Trade Center towers. Its like saying you've just knocked down the Grand Tetons. And yet, I saw it, there they went, one then the other.
We went to Cape Cod over the weekend - my parents had intended to come up on the 13th, but that wasnt going to happen.
I noticed two things - first, that for the first time in at least 3 decades, there werent any airplanes in the sky. Second, that I was avoiding the news - an event that hadnt occured since I was a preschooler and wouldnt watch the news because of the Vietnam coverage.

For my Mother-in-law, the events of 9/11 were much closer. She has an insane commute, from Westchester County, NY, down to D.C. She flew out from Newark Airport while the hijacked planes were in the air, landed in D.C. - noticed on passing the TVs in the terminal that some skyscraper was on fire, then noticed as she rode the subway that the Pentagon stop was closed, but didnt think anything of it. And didnt know that the United States was under a terrorist attack until she got to her office, and was greeted by tearful coworkers who knew she was flying out of the same airport as the terrorists.

"Don't put your trust in revolutions. They always come around again. That's why they're called revolutions. People die, and nothing changes." -Terry Pratchett "Night Watch"


Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:54 PM


My 9/11 began in shop class. The class had just begun when the teacher left for a while, pretty much leaving us to our own devices. When he came back, he spotted me near the door, and told me what was happening. Strangely, he told JUST me. As if it were my job to tell everybody else. He walked right back out again, and I had to tell the rest of them that class was cancelled.
Yeah, most of that day I spent in the Sessions room watching the fires on the big TVs. I caught the second impact on a replay, having arrived too late. It didn't really touch me, but then again, that was pretty much when I was reaching the lowest part of my depression anyway. A lot of folk were twitchy that day. I wasn't. Hell, I wasn't much of anything back in the day.

As for geekiness, I think it's just the infrequency of females towards geekdom which shocks and amazes men. I am a geek, but my family takes it in stride. My mother is obsessive, most recently with canine husbandry. My father's an oddball, my brother's a musician (with all it entails), so it seems I never really did stand a chance to fall into the 'mainstream'. Bah, I wouldn't have enjoyed it that much anyway. Besides, an obsession with a TV show his hardly a Geek-worthy offence against the normal-majority... Well, in my case, it probably is, since I learned how to swear in Mandarin...

But I digress.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:00 PM



I was at work and somebody must of been in the internet and heard the news of the first plane.
Even though we all have our own terminals we gathered around just a couple. I guess when something like that happens you naturally gather together like it is some kind of defence.

At first we weren't sure what happened. There was only speculation. Then the second plane struck and the guessing game ended.

I have seen some bad things in my day. I mean close up and personal. People getting hurt.
TV seems to distance you. It really didn't sink in until I started hearing the personal stories of the people involved. The way the people on the fourth plane fought for their lives when they realized they had no choice. The people who talked to love ones on cellphones from the towers knowing they were not going to make it.

When they started talking about more personal episodes it started to hit home with me. Evil is out there and it will probably never go away. We can only prepare for it as best we can. It looks like they stopped a serious attempt in the United Kingdom. Rounded up a bounch of the guys. So it looks like our defences are getting better. But they will try again. But the chances of being killed by terrorists is small compared to the other ways to be killed. In my city a car pulls up to a house and someone just empties a gun into it. They don't care who is inside or who they hit. Sometimes it's a child. Their hard to catch because the car is stolen and they speed off the second the start firing.

If they could get those guys I would be happy. The only agenda they have is drugs and money. If a ten year old child gets killed they don't care.

So evil can be international and local. It is still the same.

Geekyness. This thread sure has traveled down a lot of different roads since I last came on.
If painting lead soldiers so you can fight battles on a table is geeky, than I'm there.
I didn't start till I was older and lived away from home, so my mother couldn't say much about it. But she thought it was weird. I don't speak of it much so my family really don't know what it is all about. I have a lot of interests. I'm a biker with a Harley. I read military history. First I read it to learn tactics for the games I played. Than I started discovering personal accounts of people during combat. It amazes me the courage people have in combat. I learned most of a soldiers time really isn't in actual combat but moving toward it or preparing for it. That actually seems the worst part. The waiting for battle. They want to get in there and get it over with. The waiting only adds to the tension.
At Waterloo, soldiers cleaned there muskets all night long before the battle to keep busy. This is quit common. People don't realize that most soldiers who go into combat are going for the first time. There are always alot of raw recruits who have never faced it before. That takes guts. I have grown to admire these soldiers who put their life on the line for us. It is something I don't know if I could do. I have been amazed at what a group of men can acomplish.

Well I'm going off tangent here, but this thread has many twists so I guess it is all right.



Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:15 PM


Responses to previous questions:

(been forever since I've gotten a CD so in no particular order)
Serenity Soundtrack
Gaelic Storm: Herding Cats
Irish Hearts (a live recording)
Keahiwai: Satisfied
Cirque du Soleil(sp?): Allegria

t.v. shows (as in watched watched or "on for some background and look at every so often?")
Soko ga shiritai
Batman (the WB version)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fast Forward
Antiques Roadshow

A Fistful of Charms -- Kim Harrison
Serenity (Motion Picture Adaptation) -- Kenneth R.A. DeCandio
Serenity -- Those Left Behind -- Joss Whedon
Everyday Suchness -- Gyomay M. Kubose
Today's Thought Vol. 1 -- Rev. Paul Otsumi

So what does this say about me?


Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:38 PM


Hello Dancingneko:

I have wandering back in here on and of all weekend waiting for MSG to look at my list, but she hasn't returned.

I even sang a tune because they were discussing singing to ourselves.

How are you today? I'm about ready to go to bed myself.



Sunday, August 13, 2006 4:53 PM



I think it's just that time of the school year (school starts up almost everywhere).

As for how I am, *shrug* it's been a busy weekend, work is a short week work-wise (3 day weekend coming up), but long (I might have a 14 hour day this week). Excited that I might be able to see some friends I haven't seen in ages.

It's late afternoon here so, I can imagine the East coast is ready to crash.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 5:10 PM



On a serious subject. Namely River6213. I just received an Email throught the network from FutureMrsFillion about Guy.

River6213 started to mess with Onthedrifts head when he entered her thread last night.

Tristan and I told him to ignor her and find a new thread. She followed him. Fortunately both Tristan and I followed as well and told Onthedrift to ignor her as we were doing.

This pissed her off. That's when she created that thread proclaiming to be several people. I think when she wasn't getting any morbid pleasure from messing with Onthedrift she created that thread to take down others with her.

Morbid does describe this person.

Guy did not deserve this.

I hope he takes a deep breath and does not leave.

I have to be honest and say I have a gut feeling this person is not done yet.

I love this verse to much let such bad things happen to it.

We have good people here and I will do anything for anyone who needs help here.

With Love For All


Sunday, August 13, 2006 5:22 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Poor onthedrift *hugs her* She's the only member of this site I've gotten to meet in the flesh. She's a sweetheart with very shiny fruity oaty shirts.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Sunday, August 13, 2006 5:31 PM


Hello PhoenixRose:

I think Onthedrift is going to fine the last post from her seemed ok. Tristan and I got thatoff her case.

That creature, who I won't describe as a Troll because that would an insult to the Troll whole community, wanted to hurt someone last night.

She couldn't get to Onthedrift so she created that thread claiming to be all thoughs other people.

I got the Email about Guy from FMF and hope he doesn't leave us. That creature just wanted to hurt someone and this what she used.



Sunday, August 13, 2006 6:08 PM


(Note to the imponderables: Sorry for the hijack. I thought that having said my piece on the Forsaken thread, then editing, responding, and ending it that I could come here and "hang out" away from it. My bad.)


I am glad there were people there to help Onthedrift when R attacked a newbie. That's not my issue.

What is my issue doesn't belong here. I posted my opinion earlier and was asked in not-so-many-words to tone it down (taken out of context, but the spirit came across that way).

I am trying to think of a "nice" way to put this. Thing is, I can't. If you want to "confront" me on the subject, PM me. Beyond that, I believe that this will be the last time I'm willing to post on a thread my opinons about the particular issue.

Showing front
Showing back
Maple leaves fall.


Sunday, August 13, 2006 6:25 PM


Couple of more thoughts here:

I'm a pretty bad geek - not as bad as some, but I tend to outdo most geeks I know simply because I'm so damned old school. I started playing D&D when it was just D&D. A few years ago I got into a game with some undergrad buddies - and produced a die that was older than the guy running the game.
I played Battletech with the original art - before the Japanese sued them for copyright infringment..
I've played all four editions of Shadowrun.
I've been to Star Trek parties.
I once refered to my son as an 'expansion pack'
I have favorite quotes - from computer games.

See, the thing is, and many people dont get this, being a geek rules. First, its a lot of fun - often involving death, destruction, and excessive use of really big guns. Albeit pretend, and theres a lot of math and dice involved...
You can make a really good living as a geek - web design, programming, theoretically even geography.
Now, the problem used to be that well, you couldnt get laid as a geek - and part of this was that geeks tended to have no clue what to do with anyone who wasnt a geek, and female was just out of the question. But now, there are female geeks. Oh yes, I know, I married one. I know several others.
So you can have your RPGs and your scifi and so on, AND get the girl and have a life and so on.

On a less pleasant topic -
This River person, he, she, it, they. Yeah, I've met her type online before. I'm guessing 15, utterly without any social clue, and desirous of power, of control, of a way of being something they arent in person. I got the claim that he/she has 19 screen names, and you all like 6 of them and its one big experiment.
Ok, concider the first part of this post when I say this; this is so incredibly sad, this person is so socially inept that he/she has to set up an experiment to understand what people do and do not like in someone. Thats either monumentally lame, or this person has something like Aspergers, and cant understand basic social interaction.
I poked at him/her with a stick until that lost its brief amusment, and now, whatever - dont feed the energy beast. Talking to this person is pointless, wringing your hands in dismay at the horrible things he/she does will only encourage more bad behavior. Let him/her go back to the life thats made them the awful person they are here - I think thats punishment enough.

"Don't put your trust in revolutions. They always come around again. That's why they're called revolutions. People die, and nothing changes." -Terry Pratchett "Night Watch"


Sunday, August 13, 2006 7:45 PM


I'm an aging feller. A bit younger than the wise Traveller, but getting there. Point is, having experienced virtual conversations since the days of Arpanet, I can only agree with those that say, in essence, "Ignore the trolls, and they shall dissipate into the ether". To wit, once I recognise a troll, I just don't bother reading or responding.

*shifts gears*

Question: at what point does one commit to a relationship? Is it necessary to do all of the talky-work required to establish the need for marriage/offspring/mortgage? Or is there a point where both understand that this is just "it", and the details can be worked out later? My guess is that this is contextual, in the sense that some folk are, to put it bluntly, just looking to get laid, which is fine. My own opinion is that there comes a specific point in time where one decides to risk oneself to a total commitment to the other person. And that's a scary moment, oh yeah. In short, there's a gamble involved, and what I'm asking is, when does one toss the gorram dice?

I've been a somewhat sentient being on this planet for a long time, and I still don't know the answer to that one.



Sunday, August 13, 2006 8:03 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Eurgh. Once I'm in love, I commit a great deal. That hasn't worked out all that well every time. But if there's a real relationship, I'm commited to that relationship. I had only one relationship where that wasn't the case and it was just really really bad. But I tend to be in it for the long run, really. Relationshps end for whatever reason, true. Sometimes it's a good reason and sometimes it isn't, but I never want it to be "I was never that into you in the first place".
And there's progression to relationships, of course. I'm nt going to go "Oh I love you let's get married!" Gag me. It's more "I love you so let's make this really work for as long as we can." And maybe someday get handfasted and/or move in together and stuff.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Sunday, August 13, 2006 8:44 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by GrrrArg:
I got the claim that he/she has 19 screen names, and you all like 6 of them and its one big experiment.

OK, I am on here every day, basically. I can get on at work or home and do because it gets boring and lonely to be up all night. Even with that kind of time on my hands I don't think I could maintain 19 different personas. Even having two different e-mails is sometimes a drag. Who could actually maintain not only 19 different accounts, but give them all different personas and keep them straight? I think this kind of claim is another plea for attention, and complete .
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe there really is someone who can devote ALL their energy to doing something like this and enjoy it, but I can't see it. Even in my stay-up-all-night life I wouldn't have the time, and a socially inept 15 year old, as postulated, would presumedly have some commitments to keep. School, parents, that kind of thing.
I don't understand people who live to cause chaos. I think it's that more than attention-seeking. I mean everyone wants attention sometimes, and sometimes (like at twelve or younger) any attention will do as long as it's attention. But really, positive is better than negative. These trollish types seem to just love to stir things up and sew dischord. It's like they find it entertaining as much as a way to get attention.
I should stop ranting about it. It's just giving them what they want. I was just thinking about it and... ARG! I wanna flush them all away!

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Sunday, August 13, 2006 9:33 PM


Urgh, no comment on the River### issue... can't say I understand trolls.

Btw, Rose, I must complement you on your beliefs there: I think western culture has something of an obsession with marriage, and that once married, everything is different, etc. I think marriage should be something you do as a last resort, after doing the other stuff, like living together. I think that was mentioned earlier, that some folk just cant live together in peace. Anyhoo, I think marriage should be done only after both parties are totally totally sure, and I only need to look at the divorce rate to see that often that isnt the case.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Sunday, August 13, 2006 9:42 PM


werrrl, if anyone could keep 19 accounts in order, keep seperate persona's and make sense of it all, it'd be an autist, but then, could just be an attention seeking troll. the great mysteries of our times.

anyway, saw a film last night that reminded me of a topic in here a while back, about whether you could trust someone after they'd cheated, s'called 'this years love' (and it's very british, not hollywood british, actual british) which has an interesting take on how someone might come to forgive being cheated on, worth a look-see ^^


Sunday, August 13, 2006 11:35 PM


Neko! Another Kim Harrison fan! Shiny!

Jenks is really cute for a six inch tall guy...

Did I say that out loud?


Sunday, August 13, 2006 11:40 PM


*is very confused* Okay, you're gonna have to explain that six inch tall guy reference to me, cuz all that's coming to mind is a dirty joke about a very small pianist.

More animations available at


Sunday, August 13, 2006 11:40 PM


*blinks* Nope, Jenks is damn sexy when he's six feet tall. (Jenks is a pixy, DTH.)

*claps hands to mouth* I shouldn't say stuff that's in Fistful of Charms ...'less you read it.

I'd like a Jenks (or Mattalia, or one of their kids) as my own personal back-up. Don't you?


Sunday, August 13, 2006 11:52 PM


Haven't got FFC yet - but tall Jenks...hothothot!

Must buy it. *Heads off to Amazon with an unholy grin*


Monday, August 14, 2006 1:27 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

OK - can't stay for long tonight - but cannot ignore my shiney friends either

About that River with the Reaver personality thing - I just totally ignored and didn't even read the posts... must say though I actually feel sorry for someone that desperate for attention. I'd say young - that came accross, immature, clueless, and pointless in their comments...(until I stopped reading them) but I still feel sorry for them. Isn't there someone in the flesh that they can talk to? Someone who notices the cries for help and can give counciling/support/find a productive outlet?

We are a family here at - but there is a degree of anonymity with any internet forum... so why seek attention when you are anonymous... very, very sad, methinks...

I don't know what happened with Guy - but I love him so it he's just lurking - come and say hello Guy! Don't leave us coz we love you HEAPS!!!

I also want to say that I found everone's 9/11 experiences deeply personal and yet something we felt we connected with others on! I love you all and feel closer than ever to you - you all rock!

And I don't think I like the idea of my own personal pixie... whether 6" or 6'... I'd rather have my own personal Jayne-Bot ... and there I go - bring down the tone to one of droolworthiness again...

Mwaaah - Magdalena x x x

"I love my Captain!"


Monday, August 14, 2006 1:31 AM


There's nothing wrong with a droolworthiness tone, in my book. This is why we come here, for intellectual stimulation and because most of the Serenity crew are fantastically good looking

thread hijack! - Magdalena, your birthday banners are ready. I've done two up for you to choose from, though they're both pretty similar. Give me a shout if you want something else instead.

More animations available at


Monday, August 14, 2006 1:35 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Hi Magda! Sorry you can't stay long. Course once my shift is up I have to be off for awhile, too; got to get those apps turned in! (and shower, so I look presentable while turning apps in...)

I haven't read RiveR's posts, but saw it talked about here. And elsewhere. So I have a vague notion of what's been going on. People claiming to be people who claim to be other people who claim that they aren't that person and get mad and some of them might be playing on it and some of them might actually be a couple accounts playing off each other for effect... I just don't know anymore!
Yeah, it's a sad state of affairs.

Why're we still talking about this?

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Monday, August 14, 2006 1:46 AM


We're pondering!

We get a few of those types in here sometimes, yapping and barking and drooling on the cheese. You can actually have a more intelligent conversation with the cheese, quite often.

I, too, will be sloping off soon. I posted a sad little blog, which made me feel a bit better, and then I went to Amazon, and ordered a new book and 'My Bodyguard' on dvd (young AB!) which made me feel a lot better.

I have the afternoon off - and I am planning to watch my favourite episodes and eat chocolate.


Monday, August 14, 2006 1:59 AM


depends how long you leave the cheese out first it can get quite bright after a few months at room temperature ^_~

i missed all the madness here last night, was working, think i'd've preferred the madness


Monday, August 14, 2006 2:00 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Desk top Hippie! Thank you - I will have to look and chose... I am the luckiest girl in the 'verse!!! I just looked at your animated gif's and I am blown away! You are so talented!!!!! Can I contact you tomorrow? I really have to go now...

Phoenix Rose - I don't know why we're still talking - maybe we ignored and then purged...? Yes, it's a drag, but life 'in the flesh' (as I've come to call it) sometimes has a claim on me too... got an early start tomorrow and I am already sleep deprived! Hope you get on OK with the 'Droolworthy guy' since the 'Sushi guy' was a bit of a wash-out... (clearly not a 'Wash'...)

I feel I've bonded with so many of you in the last week - it's good to be in this part of the 'verse!! I love you guys! Take care and see you all soon!

Magdalena x x x

"I love my Captain!"


Monday, August 14, 2006 2:02 AM


Of COURSE you can contact me tomorrow!!! I'm not asking you to choose right away, gorramitt! I just wanted to let you know because I was so late getting back to you!!

Go! Go on, woman! Go! *pushes Magdalena out of the thread* Get out of here, ya big silly!

More animations available at


Monday, August 14, 2006 2:03 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Whitefall:
Btw, Rose, I must complement you on your beliefs there: I think western culture has something of an obsession with marriage, and that once married, everything is different, etc. I think marriage should be something you do as a last resort, after doing the other stuff, like living together. I think that was mentioned earlier, that some folk just cant live together in peace. Anyhoo, I think marriage should be done only after both parties are totally totally sure, and I only need to look at the divorce rate to see that often that isnt the case.

Eep, this kinda got lost in the shuffle!
Yes, not sure last resort is really the right term, but I get what you're going for. Look at my mom and stepdad; not legally married until they had been together for way more than five years! They got "married" but didn't sign anything until insurance insisted on it. And look, they're happy!
I think too many people use marriage (and, in fact, children in some cases) as a way to "save" a relationship. A way to say "Ok, we HAVE to stay together now, we HAVE to make it work."
That's not healthy.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Monday, August 14, 2006 2:07 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by magdalena:
Hope you get on OK with the 'Droolworthy guy' since the 'Sushi guy' was a bit of a wash-out... (clearly not a 'Wash'...)

That's the best description ever!
Well, you have a good "in the flesh" day We'll see you later.

No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path. - Gautama Siddharta


Monday, August 14, 2006 3:11 AM


Morning, my fine Imponderable-ers!
I'm responding as I read, so bear with me...

Cozen, I commit totally and rather quickly in a relationship. It has caused problems in the past, but has also led to some wonderful relationships. My current marriage for example.

As far as the River issue, I am done with her unless she directly attacks someone else.

Marriage should not be entered into lightly, as I found out the first time. It's only effective if both parties are in love with each other, and in lust helps, too! And using children to save a marriage?!? Oy. That does not sound right, even though I know it happens. Poor children.

Ok, coffee time and I will be back. I'm at home sick today (just a head cold, nothing major, just enough to keep me away from work), so I may be on and off alot.



Monday, August 14, 2006 3:51 AM


Tristan HUGS so sorry you're sick sweety

Traveler- sorry I was off this weekend. There was much babysitting and such involved. So I have missed much

Dancing Neko- Irish are we???( which is good, as I am)

I loved all your lists. WE are such a diverse group of people, but it seems we all love to read and most of us watch t.v. shows on dvd more than we do on the actual screen...

9/11= the day my students learned newscasters lie... My school is 50 yars off of Hill Air Force Base South gate so as the news announces that there is no activity and that no planes are being scrambled fromt he base, my kids are listening to squadrons take off and giving me the "why is she lying" look.

Still so very out if it and looking at this week's calender SIGH fun summer is over it's time for school... I have trainings almost all week and then next week is the week teachers go back full I may be stuck just popping in:(

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, August 14, 2006 4:03 AM


MSG - missed you on the boards.

Another Celt here, too. (Scots-Irish in my case)


Monday, August 14, 2006 4:24 AM


Sorry it was a somewhat chaotic weekend. Babysitting crisis for one sis and family party and other things...Anyway, it seems like you were all well and truly busy with the deep discussions and fun. Now if I could just get my phone to stop ringing...argh I need fewer people who need me:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, August 14, 2006 4:37 AM


Poor Guy...nasty trolls got him. I only hope he's ok:(

Anyone have any thoughts on cat training. Sadly we seem to have trained ours to walk across the desk and stand in front of the's hard to see what I am typing and I already make enough typos without cat interference:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, August 14, 2006 4:58 AM



I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, August 14, 2006 5:47 AM


Morning, MSG! Thanks for the concern. Stupid cold...whoever heard of catching a cold inthe middle of summer!
Training cats? I don't think it's possible. They are born to train humans...

I'm going to start a new thread...this one is filling up quick. Be right back.

New home:







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