Male and Female Imponderables -- You Spin Me Right Round.

UPDATED: Friday, August 18, 2006 11:56
VIEWED: 9387
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Friday, August 18, 2006 5:59 AM


Gosh Tristan, I may be too. But the addictions are too numerous to list

Happy shiny good morning to all.

MSG- Give that man of yours a big hug from all of us. Gotta give thanks to the guy that keep our MSG happy.

For y'all worried about the religion threads: Try the beliefs/religion thread. It seems to have kept fair distance from the trolls and has been very civil. Lots of love and understanding.


Friday, August 18, 2006 6:04 AM


NVG, I thought we were only talking about coffee...

Yes, some of the religion threads have gone bad, but the one NVG mentioned seems alright so far.



Friday, August 18, 2006 6:05 AM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
Whitefall - That sig looks like it is The Ghost Rider cinema clip. It is a comic from the 80's and 90's that rocked out loud!
I used to love that comic. Not sure how good of a movie it will be though. Especially with Nick Cage playing John Blaze. (GR's alter ego)

okay, i read that as 'Nick Cave' at first and i was thinking 'that sounds awsome' for nearly 30 seconds before i figured it out



Friday, August 18, 2006 6:06 AM


Yeah, the thread seems to have recovered from the kaneman-yinyang-whitefall thing. We were hopping over numerous threads in General, that was one of them. Ugh, i never want to do that again.

and to tristan's comment...
(in group voice)


"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Friday, August 18, 2006 6:10 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

So how's this Cozen? Got notification???

Hello Shiney people! I love that you got your idea for 'Jailbait' from my comment Oddbods... I had forgotten that... and my version of 'jailbait' is definitely the cute one!

Hey Phoenix Rose - you go for it gorgeous girl!! I will cross every crossable thing for you ... hope he's a 'Wash' this time... also he'd better call you soon - I'm sending him vibes from 'New Melbourne' to call you right now!! ... and let's hope he brings you roses at some point!!

Tristan - I love coffee - I so relate to your morning greeting each day 'coz I can never wait to get on here, but then I realise I need coffee before I can do any thinking! I didn't know there was a purple carnation - purple is my favourite colour so I will have to find out if they're available in Australia!!

Space Angel! - I love roses and think that your choice for your nuptials sounds wonderful... were they fragrant? I laughed at the mention of Grand Prix being for your husbands 'rev head' benefit! I love watching the F1 Grand Prix when ever it's on - I have a soft spot for David Coulthardt, and of course Aussie Mark Webber and they will both be driving for Red Bull next year!! Living in Melbourne means I get to go to at least one, though I actually think you see and understand more watching it on TV... still sounds/smells special though!

Would I move interstate/OS for an SO - absolutely if the details were right! I would always hope that we'd come home to 'New Melbourne' or somewhere in the vicinity though! I have lived in the UK & worked in New Zealand and could see myself in either country for a few years - but the Australian lifestyle is way too good and Melbourne is often 'most liveable city in the world' in the official surveys - or at least top 5!

One last little thing though... how could anyone call Prince Edward Island a hole????? I might never have been there myself - but my beloved Anne Shirley grew up there and married Gilbert and had a family and... and all those things!! I will visit one day, but I'd better not hear anyone dis PEI again!!! or else...

Now - that's taken way too long to write after reading all the above posts so at 2.10am I am saying 'goodnight'!! Love you all Shiney people! - Magdalena x x x


Friday, August 18, 2006 6:24 AM


This is the quickest purple carnation I could find (assuming it works...)

The ones we got at the flower shop were a deeper purple, though.

Yes, coffee is life. Come into work, make the coffee, sign on to say "Hi", get coffee, come back to computer...every morning!



Friday, August 18, 2006 6:35 AM


'Night Mags. Just like to comment on your geography, or more on the racing. Aussie love Ford, and so do I. Always wanted to bring home a boatload of the 351 Cleveland engines (my favorite). Just wanting to root around in some of the salvage and junkyards.
That, and the female to male ratio.

So aside from Australia, I'd also like to visit Eastern Europe, (they LOVE American men). But if I had an SO, I would like to visit the UK and (don't hate me for saying this Tristan) France. Not for the "romance", but to retrace the steps of my grandpa in WWII. North Africa to England. That would be a mighty trip.
So what about y'all. Single trips, trips with SO, maybe even just day trips. What's your poision?


Friday, August 18, 2006 6:59 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
So what about y'all. Single trips, trips with SO, maybe even just day trips. What's your poision?

Only with a SO. I'm not into trips. I could care less what niagra falls looks like in person. I've seen pictures. What's the difference? That's my general feeling on travel. Though traveling with a SO takes on a whole different meaning. That gets me psyched. One of my good friends tells me that it would never last. Which...I guess it hasn't, but not because I was the one to lose interest.

What's everyone else's thoughts on that? Longest I've ever gone is a year with a SO and my interest in taking trips with them never died down. Would it eventaully just because I don't actually care about the places we visit? I'm more into it because of the time spent with the SO totally one on one.


Friday, August 18, 2006 7:02 AM


NVG, France itself is not least all areas that are not Paris. It is a beautiful country...the only drawback is that it is full of French people.



Friday, August 18, 2006 7:11 AM


I must agree Zeek, time spent is more important then the trip. But the memory of many daytrips with the ex are priceless.

And yes Tristan, it is the same with Mexico. I always wanna go on foot, but a forties Harley trip would be cool too, (Grandpa rode one the last eight months in).


Friday, August 18, 2006 7:18 AM


Don't travel much. Even though everyone tells me I'm mad not to, since I'm qualified to teach English as a foreign language, which is basically a passport to anywhere.

I have been to Washington and New York and I loved them both. I've also been to Paris, where I stayed with a French family for a week. They were amazingly friendly, the city was gorgeous and I had a great time. Had to let you all know that in the interest of balance!

Where would I go? I'd like to see more of the US, as well as visiting Washington and New York again - I was only there for a few days and want to see all the stuff I missed! I'd also love to visit China some day. Maybe teach there for a spell.

More animations available at


Friday, August 18, 2006 7:26 AM


NVG, a Harley road trip would be a blast...I just need to learn to ride a motorcycle and we'll be ok!

DTH, if you ever make it to Alabama, and need a place to stay for a few days, let me know! Would love to have an Irish lass as a house guest!



Friday, August 18, 2006 7:41 AM


Ok, finally catching up on all the topics, so quite a few replies here...

Flowers: Hubby is pretty good about bringing home flowers a couple of times a year, sometimes for our anniversary or Valentine's, sometimes for nothing at all. And after three and a half years of marriage, he's finally learned the difference between lilies and tulips, and which of those is my favorite (lilies -- love the smell! -- and that means more tulips for Rugbug!)

SBDB, hiya girl! Been awhile since I've seen you around. My head is feeling much better, thank you. What have you been up to?

And Zeek, all men love some sort of food. A good woman will figure out your weakness, I'm sure.

Would I move for an SO? Yes, and I have. The deal hubby and I have is that whoever is making the most money gets to choose where we live. Right now that's him, so I get to telecommute. It actually hasn't been that bad, because despite the primary company I consult for being based in Austin, TX, I have more opportunities for other part time gigs out here, with the proximity to LA. Moving away from Austin also meant moving away from my family, but I've gotten used to seeing them just a few times a year.

Hey Rugbug, I've done the CA to Austin and back to CA circuit! Having visited other places in Texas, Austin is really the only place I could stand to live. It's green and pretty and has outdoor activities, and a fairly good nightlife, while also having a good tech sector. The one thing that was really odd to me living there was that there was no "going into the city". I grew up outside of San Francisco, and live driving distance to LA now. I like living away from the city, but I like that it's there. Nothing like that to be had in Austin. They do have two really awesome Ren Faires nearby though.

But yeah, my parents' five bedroom house with a pool in Austin cost just a hair more than our 1 bedroom condo out here. We're also about 10 or 15 miles from the beach, and planning on staying in this area long term. As in, we're picking out which community we want to retire in. Having never lived in one place for longer than 3 years ever, that idea still has me reeling.

Anyhow, if you're thinking seriously about moving to Austin, I'm sure Zeek and I could give you some pointers on neighborhoods.

Travel with or without an SO: Only with my hubby, when I can swing it. However, us being in the same industry but working for different companies means that we're often in the same place but with radically different schedules. For instance, this conference that's coming up in September (in Austin!), I am flying out on Tuesday morning and home on Saturday. He is flying out late Tuesday and flying home on Friday. He's staying in a hotel, I'm staying with my parents (about half of my contracting work is for my Dad's company). We'll both be at the conference center at the same time, but the reason he's going is to get to know some of the higher-ups from his company that are going, so he's going to be spending as much time with them as possible. I'm going because I'm speaking, I'm demoing one project I'm working on, and talking about another. We may end up at a few of the same parties and I may try to swing sitting by him during the keynotes and maybe even eating lunch together, but we're both going to be so busy that I'm not planning on anything definite.

Which isn't to say I'm not glad he's going. There's a whole range of people I know from this conference that have never met hubby, since this is his first year going. And this year I won't have a repeat of last year's embarrassing moment: at a party, an old industry friend asked me where my "better half" was, and without thinking I pointed across the room to my dad. I got a look and a "Not that one, the one you're married to!!" from this old friend. And he made good on his promise to tell on me to hubby, too, hehe.


I could care less what niagra falls looks like in person.
Having been there once Zeek, I can say that it doesn't look like anything in person, but the sound is pretty impressive.


You can't take the sky from me...


Friday, August 18, 2006 7:41 AM


Double post


Friday, August 18, 2006 7:41 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
For y'all worried about the religion threads: Try the beliefs/religion thread. It seems to have kept fair distance from the trolls and has been very civil. Lots of love and understanding.

Eesh, I must have completely different perceptions that all of you. I didn't think those other threads got bad at all. Yea, there were a, a few mild insults (hey, whitefall was even guilty of one of those on the latest thread, but it's only an insult if you let it be) but it was overall civil.

Trips: I love to travel in theory, hate it in practice. I could have a three week trip to the most exotic exciting locale planned and up to and including the day of departure I would not want to go. But get me there and it's gold.

Imponderable: If an SO participated in a dangerous sport/hobby, would you ask them to stop? OR if you were the adrenaline junkie, would you stop for an SO?

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Friday, August 18, 2006 7:50 AM


Oh you girls and your double posteyness.

Having had the adrenaline addiction, I would say yes. After being in one dangerous place after another I feel it is time to put away those things. Not to mention I am a bit of a burnout. Wish I could get that rush now. Takes alot. Sure was fun while it lasted, (not to mention it was one hell of an aphrodesiac).


Friday, August 18, 2006 8:39 AM


Goin' home early. Maybe I can get crap done as to fully utelize my weekend (next week is shaping up to be craptacular).

Love and hugs to all.


Friday, August 18, 2006 9:23 AM


I guess that would have to depend on what is concidered dangerous. I have lots of hobbies that could be concidered dangerous that I feel safe at.
i.e Scuba Diving, Paintball, and a few others.
I love diving and fortunatly for me so does the wife so I do not have to worry about that.

The others I might give up but not all. I don't think.



Friday, August 18, 2006 9:36 AM


RugBug! Howdy!
To your imponderable...I used to be the type of junkie that got off on rappeling and climbing, but I never saw that as "dangerous". I still fight every now and then, but I'm much safer than I used to be...getting too old and I don't heal as fast anymore . As far as stopping for, I wouldn't; nor would I ask an SO to stop a hobby like that. I think what a person does as a hobby or rush is part of what makes them a whole, and having them stop would kill that part of them. Without the ocassional bought of fighting, I am a restless person. Luckily, the SO is the same way. I think she likes the fighting more than I do sometimes!

See you around, NVG!



Friday, August 18, 2006 10:14 AM



Try to have a good weekend NV...oh and take GND to Snakes on a Plane ( she'll spend the whole movie in your lap)
I liked Snakes on a Plane. It was funny and obviously intended as just a fun thrill ride, but it scared me quite a bit and I am NOT afraid of snakes. Really cool though:) Tristan you have to take the wife. She will love it!

SO doing dangerous things would be fine by me, but how would y'all feel about an SO with a dangerous job? You know like a cop, firefighter, military, etc????

"There can be only one."


Friday, August 18, 2006 10:14 AM


ARGHGHG And again my wife posts as me :)

The above post is MRSG :)

Oh and thank you all for the birthday wishes :) Snakes On A Plane ruled! WOO but it *IS* gory, and according to the wife, scary too. I found it intense but not scary :)

"There can be only one."


Friday, August 18, 2006 10:17 AM


MisterG! Happy birthday!



Friday, August 18, 2006 10:54 AM


Rugbug.... um.... did I offend someone? Do you mean the troll business? Well Kaneman was..... um..... I dunno, he was being a pain, I dunno if I offended anyone else. Sorry.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Friday, August 18, 2006 11:06 AM



I'll PM keep the religious talk off this thread.

It's no biggie, really.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Friday, August 18, 2006 11:56 AM


Ok, time to make a new thread before the right back!

New thread!!!







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