Male and Female Imponderables--Time After Time

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 5, 2006 09:57
VIEWED: 7328
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Friday, September 1, 2006 1:27 AM


What? Gloom demons? I thought that was my job! Blarg, SpaceAnjl, sorry if we messed up your life! Umm... be happy!

Ok, friday, and i'm up early to do homework. Well at least I can do the happy dance with Tristan, as friday seems to be his favorite day of the week. School plus set building is sooo exhausting.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Friday, September 1, 2006 1:36 AM


books, books books books. been reading the ragged trousered philanthropist's recently edwardian working class misery, but with strong socialist undertone's (and about as subtle as a half-brick in a sock...i mean really, wasn't mincing around his points here) it's an interesting read, worth a look-see.

as for the rest, don't think i'd ever tape myself, but i don't feel strongly averse to the idea either, just *shrugs* m'kay. 'tever.



Friday, September 1, 2006 1:37 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Awwww, AnJL, you know those gloom demons won't stay all locked up nice and polite Mine never do.

A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if these minds get out of harmony with one another it is like a storm that plays havoc with them. - Gautama Siddharta


Friday, September 1, 2006 1:57 AM


Oh, PR, don't you be worrying. I got me a bigass stick with nails in it. Any gloom-demon rears it's gorram head, it's gonna be killin' time.

Yep, the Jayne-speak is back.

BTW, I love your quote-sig. It's very Firefly. Storm's comin' and all that.


Friday, September 1, 2006 2:07 AM


Arg.... must do more homeowrk..... then I stopped in the 'best damn trailer' thread.... now there is a trailer. Wish I'd had the DVDs on me so I could have done a vid. Oh well. I dont think I could have beat the guy with the awesome background music, lol.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Friday, September 1, 2006 2:13 AM


I thought that was the purpose of this thread. You unleash the gloom demons and all the lovely people gather round to exorcize them and make you feel better. Always works for me!



Friday, September 1, 2006 2:20 AM


/agree. Emma's right, imo. the point of the thread, besides pondering stuff, is talking about stuff.... cause talking tends to help.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Friday, September 1, 2006 2:38 AM


Really? You wanna share?

'Kay - so...I broke up with ex. And the world goes quiet. (Day of the Triffids stylee quiet) Then, a year later, my oldest friend from Uni drops an e-mail on me. She's been to my ex's wedding. And seen all my old work buddies there, the ones that have not been calling to check I haven't died. So everyone else has been getting on with their lives, and they finally think it might be nice to check in that the hopless loser with the sucky job is still down in the gutter so they can all feel better about their smug little world. The e-mail was a work of art, believe me. Not phrased that way, but it was one of those female things. All bitchy subtext. I did not reply.

Of course, the friends I have now are a) getting divorced after 12 years, b) OCD with a side order of depression, c) clinically depressed or d) a long way away and possessed of a bonkers family.

It is still much better than the ex's maniacal kin. Did I mention the holding of the toddler hostage at gunpoint?

This is why I try not to share. People sorta grin nervously and back away.


Friday, September 1, 2006 2:51 AM


You didnt really say when the email was, but imo, you need to delete it first thing. Considering the way you talked about your ex and his family before, you had every right to break it off and get the hell away (for your safety if no other reason, though i'm sure there were plenty).

You know, it's funny, in acting they tell you that everyone has a motivation, think from the other person's perspective, there's no such thing as just "mean". But gorramnit, that email looks like it. Just useless garbage to be virtually disposed of.

The way I see it, you decided that you needed to make a clean break from that past and those people, so don't let it bother you anymore.

But then, if you're pissed at your former coworkers for not dropping you a line, that's a whole 'nother argument why people suck.

And may I add.... if your alphabet list of friends up there are indeed friends, why do you have to list them by their (likely) worst qualities?

Don't mean to be preachy. Adopt, adapt and improve! And we're here for ya!

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Friday, September 1, 2006 3:03 AM


Whitefall, I was just saying that my buds have problems that I can unfortunately do very little to help them with. (Besides being a shoulder to cry on, provider of evil curries, good wine and dark chocolate as necessary.) I suspect what I failed to say was that I find it very difficult to unload about past events and writer's block, in the face of folks' present troubles. So I'm bottling it up rather. Hence the gloom-demons. (Also, husband is away for a month on business, over my birthday,too.)

I'm very good at clean breaks. The e-mail went to hell very quickly.


Friday, September 1, 2006 3:19 AM


Hmmm.... happy birthday? sometime soon?

SpaceAnjl, in my completely unproffessional opinion, I think you might be lonely.

As for your difficulty unloading, as I was saying before, unload away. Though not so much on me, I'm afraid I'm gonna try and sleep for half an hour before school. To hell with civics.

Sorry to abandon you, but the rest of the gang should be on in a bit, and the pondering the epic mystery that is SpaceAnjl can commence.

Sorry about the smiling followed by backing away that I seem to have self-fulfilling prophecied my way into.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Friday, September 1, 2006 3:21 AM


You know what I'd do in your position? I'd write a fictionalised version of what you went through with that sucky ex and the family from hell. And I'd be sure to include all those bitches who ditched you as soon as things got awkward too. The you can doctor it so when it's published they can't prove you're writing about them. Not without admitting what they're actually like anyway

More animations available at


Friday, September 1, 2006 3:41 AM


DTH - Errm... Let's just say that something along those lines has not only occurred to me, but has been drafted out. Everything in my life goes through the fiction filter at some point. Just typing it all out in one place for pretty much the first time here has been really good. I feel a lot better. Basically, I've had a few years of really horrendous jobs, coupled with all the personal stuff, and correspondingly, some dreadful health. But now, I'm on the up again. I just have friends in bad places right now who need someone to lean on, and I'm a little scared that I'm not quite strong enough for all of them yet.

Born on 21st September, incidentally. In case folks are interested.


Friday, September 1, 2006 3:56 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Oh man, I have tried to do that, but I can't bear to go over all the details and get them right Kudos to you, AnJL!

A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if these minds get out of harmony with one another it is like a storm that plays havoc with them. - Gautama Siddharta


Friday, September 1, 2006 4:09 AM


SpaceAnJL- Don't discount the impact of a shoulder to cry on and dark chocolate. With people who have severe problems that can mean the difference between finding the courage to go on and giving up the fight. Even if you can't "fix" their problems, the fact that you are there for them and provide them with someone who actually cares about them is worth so very much that it literally can be the difference between life and death ( not trying to put heavy pressure on you here or anything, just trying ot make you see that your contribution is not negligible)...Now about that recipe thread. I say we go for it. Tonight I shall hunt out my best recipes and post in a thread and you can continue it and I'd bet we can have the site awash in drool by morning( ok eeeew I know that was really icky imagery, but I'm very tired and haven't finished my lovely coffee)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, September 1, 2006 4:45 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

AnJL, listen to Ms G, she is a wise lady.
Speaking of very tired, I haven't gotten proper sleep all week. So I am going to bed. I will see you all tonight, and I will doubtless have to start a new thread. Well, ok, maybe it's not doubtless, but it's very likely...

A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if these minds get out of harmony with one another it is like a storm that plays havoc with them. - Gautama Siddharta


Friday, September 1, 2006 4:50 AM


HUgs night night Pr sleep well and deeply and dream of lovely women:) ( sorry had a princess bride moment there)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, September 1, 2006 4:56 AM


Morning all.

Eh, SpaceAnjl. It's never any good to compare where you are in life to where others are. You've got to evaluate what you've got and if you're happy and living life as a decent human being, then your miles above many others. The whole facade success is a waste of energy.

And if you're doing the whole sympathy, wine and chocolate, you're leagues ahead of me. I am so not good with the comforting. I try to be there to listen, but it's really hard for me because I want to fix. I'm a problem solver through and through. Friends know to come to me when they are looking for a solution...after they've gotten the comfort elsewhere. (I am getting better at just listening, but, eesh, it's hard).

Books: Not big on strictly romance novels. They just too unreal. I like a good story that may have a romantic line running through, but that can't be the point of the book.

Fun, quick read books: David Baldacci is good. Split Second, Last Man Standing and The Winner all receive a hearty thumbs up from Rugbug. The Da Vinci Code was interesting (just be sure to take it for what it is, fiction. Watched a Discovery channel show after reading it that attempted to follow the book to see how much truth was in it. It was VERY interesting, to say the least.)

Small whinge: My arm has been hurting like a mad dog the past few days. It's like I've taken a giant leap backwards. I'm pretty depressed about it (almost cried at PT on Wednesday...SOOOOO not my style). I'm getting a cortisone shot and hopefully that will help out, but

On an upnote: getting some winks from Some e-mails too, but since I haven't registered, I can't read those. What's up with that?

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Friday, September 1, 2006 5:22 AM


Rugbug- they want money( lots and lots of it) I say register. It's like paying what $50 for a whole bunch of new friends...
HUGS for you and your poor arm. I'd say hang in there, but that might be painful. You should have them check to see if there's an infection in the pockets of torn muscle( it can be sneaky and hard to detect, but if you miss it, it'll get worse)Not to scare you, just to make sure they aren't missing anything.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, September 1, 2006 6:01 AM


Guys! Guys!

I've just got the most amazing news! You know I was telling you that my sister was pregnant (hence the whole giving me her holiday to Madagasca phenomenon!)? Well, she has just been
for her 3 month ultrasound scan today. She's doing fine but got some rather shocking news.

She's carrying twins! Almost certainly identical and probably boys!

I'm over the moon for her. It is very freaky though and really relevant to our previous talk abour psychic abilities. I probably never got around to telling you all about the gypsy that visited a few months back and made some predictions about our family. She said that I would soon be getting a dream vacation to the rainforest (which I scoffed politely at, saying that there was no way I could afford that!). She also said that Mum would be a grandmother again soon (this was before my sister told us they were thinking of trying for a baby) and that it would be twins. We have therefore been teasing my sister for the last few weeks that she was going to be having twins and we were all flabaghasted when this happened. It's not as if there's a history of it in the close family!



Friday, September 1, 2006 6:31 AM


Congradulations Auntie Emma:) That's such wonderful news!!! Nothing like nieces and nephews to make the world so very much brighter. I love mine to pieces!!!
and how do I get in touch with this gypsy? I'd love to find out how much longer it's going to be before I'm pregnant:)
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, September 1, 2006 7:24 AM


Ugh, morning all.

So I had quite a long rant written out, and realized that its not really fair to dump it on all of you. The short version is: I ran a low-grade fever last night, which means that the two months of semi-health I've enjoyed are coming to an end. And I found out last night that I can't take hand sanitizer on the plane anymore, after the new August 10th restrictions. (You can take 4 oz of "personal lubricant" on the plane, but you can't take any amount of hand sanitizer. Does that seem right to you?) So yeah, I'm pissy. Flu season is around the corner, yet another year without the flu shot for me, and now I can't even try to keep my hands clean on airplanes.

But anyway... I was actually posting to say: MsG, if you post that recipe thread, put a link up in here, would you? I have a couple of recipes I'd like to share. That's a much happier thought that the gorramn plane situation.


You can't take the sky from me...


Friday, September 1, 2006 7:26 AM


Emma - wow, twins! Fabulous and congratuations! Yay!

Rugbug - Of course I say register! I think I paid $50 for three months, and it was totally worth it!

Good luck with the arm. That's scary!

Spaceanjl - vent away! I'm also coming off a dark spell, I've had others listen to my tirades. I'm happy to return the favor. if you ever need a virtual ear!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Friday, September 1, 2006 7:33 AM


Hello everyone! I really meant to join in on this thread sooner, but I sort of forgot...
Anyways, how're you all doing today? It's like really windy and rainy and icky outside today, but I actually like this kind of I the only one?


We're all just floating...


Friday, September 1, 2006 7:40 AM


CK- go to the store right now and buy Airborne it's this great vitamin/herb tablet that is in a nice plastic tube and then when you get on the plane ask for water, drop a table in and it fizzes up and gives you a huge shot of immune boost. It's really miraculous and meant for airplanes and other times when you'll be in enforced contact with a large number of germs. It totall rocks and there are quite a few research studies to back it's effectiveness. I use it when it's cold and flu season or like last nigth I was handling a germy child for a bit and it wards off a lot of stuff:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, September 1, 2006 7:50 AM


link to the recipe thread

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, September 1, 2006 8:19 AM



Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
Ugh, morning all.

So I had quite a long rant written out, and realized that its not really fair to dump it on all of you. The short version is: I ran a low-grade fever last night, which means that the two months of semi-health I've enjoyed are coming to an end. And I found out last night that I can't take hand sanitizer on the plane anymore, after the new August 10th restrictions. (You can take 4 oz of "personal lubricant" on the plane, but you can't take any amount of hand sanitizer. Does that seem right to you?) So yeah, I'm pissy. Flu season is around the corner, yet another year without the flu shot for me, and now I can't even try to keep my hands clean on airplanes.

But anyway... I was actually posting to say: MsG, if you post that recipe thread, put a link up in here, would you? I have a couple of recipes I'd like to share. That's a much happier thought that the gorramn plane situation.


You can't take the sky from me...

That should be easy enough to avoid. Just go buy some Ky personal lubricant. Empty the bottle however you see fit and then fill it up with hand sanitizer. Plus I've heard they're fairly lax about these restrictions. My friend flew to Alaska and back the first week of the restrictions and said there were people bringing on liquids of all shapes and viscosities.


Friday, September 1, 2006 8:34 AM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
Rugbug - Of course I say register! I think I paid $50 for three months, and it was totally worth it!

Okay, so I did it. Ugh. I had three e-mails and the curiosity was killing me. I'm so weak.

Results: two nos and one maybe. Seems cute but he's way older than me. And I'm a young me (good or bad, i don't act my age...nor do I think I look it). But I'll e-mail him. I'm just realizing meeting people on the internet seems so artificial. 'Hrrmm, he's cute, I'll wink at him' or the more sophisticated "Hrmmm, he's cute and wrote nice blurbs, I'll e-mail him." Yeesh. I'm just sooooooo bad at this. It's always been about being friends for me. I just don't know how to approach someone from the interest standpoint first. Blargh! I'm destined to be single.

CK: eh...I'm sending healthy vibes your way. Make sure your only working as hard as you have to (which, I think from your posts is pretty hard right now). Stress'll get ya everytime. And try that Airborne. It's suppose to be fantastic.

Emma, twins. That's the way to go in book. Pop two out at once. Less fuss, less muss.

MSG: go get that tat now! then have the MsGlet.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Friday, September 1, 2006 8:50 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:
i don't act my age...nor do I think I look it). But I'll e-mail him. I'm just realizing meeting people on the internet seems so artificial.

I decided to do two things with the internet dating... 1) be shamelessly shallow (about pictures and the little details I want and don't want) 2) say no when I'm not feeling it. That avoids some of the artificial.

At first I chatted with guys who seemed nice but not great, but it never worked. The whole point of the internet is to find compatibility, right? And not get stuck in bad dates!

Just my .02!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Friday, September 1, 2006 9:06 AM


Lol Zeek, I can just imagine the reactions I'd get from my fellow passengers if I pulled out a bottle of KY, squirted the gel-like substance onto my hands, rubbed it in, and then ate. Almost worth it just for the looks, hehehe.

MsG, I've been giving some thought to trying out Airborne. I've heard it's good stuff (hubby loves it), but I've always been a bit wary of anything that claims to "boost" ones immune system. If my immune system is already so overactive that it attacks my thyroid, my hair follicles, and some as-yet unidentified third organ/system, should I really be boosting it? OTOH, taking an extra Vitamin C tablet in addition to my multivitamin has seemed to help...

And Rugbug, thanks for the vibes. I am working waaaaay too hard right now, and I know it. The problem is that with the way my health has been for the last three years or so, I can work full time for only about two months out of the year, usually July and August. A cold I catch in March can easily keep me too ill to work more than 20 or 30 hours a week up through the end of June (my last fever was in late March, and the effects have lingered all the way through the summer). And then flu season comes back around, and once I catch something its back to the part time schedule.

So I took on a second consulting gig when it was offered at the beginning of July, with a renegotiation date set for just after this conference (so about 10 days from now). It's been fantastic to be able to get all this work done, both in my primary gig and this secondary gig, and its done great things for my career, and my self-esteem about my career. But as the deadline of this conference looms, I'm putting in way longer hours than I should be. This past week I've been trying to detaching myself from the deliverable, which is really out of my hands now anyway, and reminding myself to stop working somewhere around the 12 hour mark, rather than closer to the 14 hour mark. (Hubby working 14 hour days right now doesn't help either.)

Anyway, I'm going to go on a hunt this weekend for hand sanitizing wipes, travel-sized Clorox wipes, and some shoes that I can actually wear through the frickin' airport. No gel inserts? Give me a break.


You can't take the sky from me...


Friday, September 1, 2006 9:07 AM


ok this isn't really an imponderable, I'm just looking for ideas. Next weekend is a friend's birthday, but I'm going to be out of town. Another "friend" was just a jerk to her and I feel bad about ditching out on her celebration cause it might compound the bad vibes. So, what sort of thing could I set up for her birthday while being out of town. The first thing that came to mind is that a really yummy breakfast on a birthday is cool. Though I can't really think of some sort of breakfast delivery service and it might get pricey if there is one. I could just give some money to another friend to help cover her expenses on her night out, but money just seems lame. That's the best I've come up with so far. Any cool ideas out there?


Friday, September 1, 2006 9:17 AM


Zeek, how much do you want to spend? Does she work? If so, is her birthday on a weekday? Just asking all these things because you could look for something like this:

I linked you to the delivery page. We've had them deliver for us a few times and it is quite fun. Maybe there is something like that near you?

Or we have a place called "entree express" that will pick up take-out and deliver it for you (for places that don't deliver). Maybe you could have someone deliver starbucks (big party container) and some pastries.

'Course this all may be a pipe dream if you don't have access to either of those types of service.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Friday, September 1, 2006 9:26 AM


Do you know where she's planning on going for her night out? You might be able to arrange something with wherever she's going. Like having the DJ dedicate a song to her if she's going to a club, or ordering her a special dessert if she's going out for dinner, something like that.


You can't take the sky from me...


Friday, September 1, 2006 9:39 AM


She's a teacher. Birthday is on a weekend. She's planning on going to a ball game (round rock express) and then to a country place (broken spoke) to dance the night away (actual locations provided just because californiakaylee might actually know them).

I figured I could just give one of my friends money to cover all her food purchases and the cover at the club. Though those just don't seem all that cool.


Friday, September 1, 2006 9:49 AM


I'm outta here. Have a great long weekend, all!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Friday, September 1, 2006 9:57 AM


CK- yeah my iummune system has that lovely haywire component...unable to recognize real germs in any form, but perfectly capable of using my own defenses to render me sick and miserable ( bad allergies and asthma)I often wonder if my immune system needs glasses and the airborne really works great for me. The only thing it does is give you a mega dose of the vitamins that ward of viruses so it helps you when you're in close contact with a lot of germs. I use it when I have students with sniffles won't ward off strep, but it does a damn fine job preventing colds and flu

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, September 1, 2006 9:59 AM


Zeek- do an early birthday celebration and take her out before you leave...or call her and say you wanted to do something special with her for her birthday, but won't be there so can you take her out when you get back....I personally love having more than one birthday celebration. If you call her and ask for early/late celebration she'll know you're thinking of her and have a lovely pre/post birthday treat to look forward to:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, September 1, 2006 10:05 AM


Zeek - maybe you could book a breakfast for her somewhere fancy and surprise her with the details just before you go? That way she'll have something to do early that day that will hopefully make her nice and cheerful.

Just letting her know that she'll be in your thoughts should be enough though. She more than likely knows you're not actually ditching her.

More animations available at


Friday, September 1, 2006 5:16 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

No hand sanitizer. That ain't right
On a random note, do you drink pomegranite juice? I'm a particular fan of pomegranite blueberry. I heard it was supposed to be really good for immune health and such, so I tried some last time I got sick. It really helped a lot! It is sooooo loaded with antioxidants.
Not that you could bring it on a plane, of course but maybe just drinking some before and after. Or just regularly. Well, it's a thought.
You should raid KFC for their little sanitizing wipes! How could they object to bringing some of those on a plane?
*sqeeeeeeee!* Emma, that's wonderful! Two little boys, that'll be quite a handful Yay for you and sis!
Looks like I didn't miss as much as I thought I would. My birthday idea would also be a pre/post celebration. That can be really nice

A family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If these minds love one another the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if these minds get out of harmony with one another it is like a storm that plays havoc with them. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, September 2, 2006 7:17 AM


Oh, yeah, I LOVE that pomegranate blueberry stuff!
I thought I was the only one because whenever I have it everyone's all like "eeewwwww that stuff is icky!"
Oh and by the way does anyone else find the whole "not allowed to bring liquids in carry-on baggage" thing ridiculous? I mean how many people would know how to make a bomb thing that was disguised as shampoo??


We're all just floating...


Saturday, September 2, 2006 9:40 AM


Cant really think of much to say, but just wanted to say hi!

And dangit CK, dont work too hard! Cause that's... um... bad.

Descriptive, aint I.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Saturday, September 2, 2006 4:30 PM


Droppin' in to say "Hi". Be back Tuesday. Hope the weekend treats all of you well.
Off for a beer, some sleep, then range time tomorrow.


Saturday, September 2, 2006 11:09 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
... But how do you make a move on a handsome barista at a very popular coffee shop right next to the college? For one, very surprised if he's single. For two, what do I say? "You wanna have a cup of coffee?"

Gorgeous Phoenix Rose! You could just give him the flirty eye and say "I was wondering if you might be interested in not going for a coffe some time?" Good luck lovely one!

Hello everyone! I have missed chatting with you all - but I have been living withg my parents for 6 whole days and only have internet access on Dad's 'puter which he has had to have surgically detatched in order to leave the country!!

California Kaylee - so sorry to hear about your temp being up... My parents left for London today with letters from their doctors covering what they were to be allowed to have on the plane. Could you get your doctor to write a letter regarding the hand sanitation gel? You might have to buy a new, sealed bottle of it, but it's worth a shot - maybe ring the airline and ask them about this possibility? Good luck

(Edit: due to premature posting...)

Zeek - I think it would be lovely if you could take your friend out somewhere before/after her birthday so that you are part of the memory you'll be creating! (makes sense? You'll be there in person and not just in spirit!) You could perhaps have the DJ/band/MC announce a special birthday message from you and that you'll be taking her out for dinner/lunch/to a show...??? next Saturday so that it is still part of her special night and she gets some quality time with you too! You are so wonderfu to put this much thought into it!

Rugbug - take care of that arm - if it isn't improving have someone do some tests! It is often the case that the patient knows when something is not right and it is not good enough to just 'treat the symptoms' rather than address the cause... take care sweet thing...

Tristan - Am I even talking to you? You get BDH goodness this weekend and a wicked sex life... some people get all the luck! Nah - we love you too much to be that jealous - can't wait to hear about it all... the BDH's not the video-sex!!! Still love you -

Emma!!! Twins!!! They are awesome little people and they're so much fun (so much work too, but they're worth it)!! Congratulations to you and your sister & all...

Well - love you all - it is good to be back! of contentment... Magda x x x


Sunday, September 3, 2006 6:31 AM


Tis an awful quiet weekend here on the thread... guess all the cool people are at dragon con, or... ya know... doing something... something.

Yeah, we're out of ideas this weekend.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Sunday, September 3, 2006 11:53 AM


Packing for moving into apartment. Not much time for pondering. Biggest problem with apartment: I won't have internet for just shy of a week. Gorram Aliant...

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Sunday, September 3, 2006 12:00 PM


Hello, all.
Brief drop-in while I have a moment. Life has definitely taken a turn for the weird. I posted it in my blog...I don't want to take up too much space here. I'll be back by on Tuesday for a spell.
Hope you all have a great holiday (those that get one, that is)!



Sunday, September 3, 2006 12:06 PM


Hey, Tristan I posted in your blog. I'm thinkin' of you!

Talk to you Tuesday we all hope I know!

Go here to Boost the Signal!

Ask me how to join the Appreciatin' Nathan Crew!


Sunday, September 3, 2006 1:30 PM


Likewise Tristan. We're here for you.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Sunday, September 3, 2006 11:26 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by Tristan:
Hello, all.
Brief drop-in while I have a moment. Life has definitely taken a turn for the weird. I posted it in my blog...I don't want to take up too much space here. I'll be back by on Tuesday for a spell.
Hope you all have a great holiday (those that get one, that is)!

Hey - same here Tristan... we're here and holdin' for you! Take care of yourself - Magdalena x x x


Monday, September 4, 2006 1:30 AM


As I've said during similarly unpleasant situations:

Do what you have to. We'll take care of the rest.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.






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