Browncoat Encounters: The College Experience

UPDATED: Saturday, September 9, 2006 16:57
VIEWED: 4879
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Tuesday, September 5, 2006 4:52 PM


Today was my very first day at Capilano College in beautiful North Vancouver, BC, Canada, and I was quite nervous and apprehensive. After all, I had just finished 5 glorious years at Seycove, my high school, last June. But, I woke up and prepared for my first day as a college student.

So, of course, I had to wear my Serenity shirt.

To test the water, you know? Show who I am while seeing if anyone takes notice, to see how many Browncoats there might be. And surely enough, hanging out outside the cafeteria at lunchtime, a group of people walked by and one guy within the group looked at me and said: "Nice." Not more than 15 minutes later, now inside by the doors, I was lounging about watching the people pass by, taking in the new reality of my college existence, and a girl about a year or so older than me (I wager), looks at me, stops, and says with a wide grin: "Great shirt!" I gave a big grin back and a thumbs up. Soon I plan to wear my "Who's Flying This Thing?" etc... shirt, see what i get.

Now to my point. Have any of you had random moments where a stranger nearby has been revealed to be a fellow Browncoat, either with or without advertising such as mine? Doesn't have to be from school, can be from anywhere.

I'm babbling like a moonbrain.


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 8:32 AM


I've been known to slip random Firefly quotes into conversation, which has been a great way to find browncoats.

My favourite one happened while I was training a small group in Microsoft Excel. I can't even remember what I said I used it for that earned me a class full of blank stares, but I responded with "Some people juggle geese!"

The result? Five of them looked even more confused, while one immediatly swung his swivel chair around yelling "OH MY GOD YOU WATCH FIREFLY!!!" and promptly fell off his chair. Good times.

More animations available at


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 10:22 AM


I won a Serenity ballcap at a prescreening last year. About a week later I was wearing it at a restaurant when I guy walking by complimented me on it.

Then of course, there was the time this big guy smiled and slapped me on the shoulder after he saw my "Fighting Elves" Jayne-replica shirt I bought at DragonCon last year. Course, that was Adam, so if anybody was going to notice it...

- Leto_V

"Well, my days of not taking you
seriously are certainly coming to
a middle." - Mal


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 10:31 AM


A quick and easy (yet not as much fun) way of finding fellow browncoats is through Facebook. If your college has it, get on there and do a search for 'Firefly' or 'Serenity' and see who lists those as favorites.

I started a Browncoat Facebook group for my school, right now we're 20 strong. Not many, but then there aren't many Browncoats here at UNC-Wilmington.

It's funny, because most of us have either the Serenity logo shirt, or the Blue Sun shirt, and sometimes four or five of us will wear the same shirt on the same day totally by accident.


"Bible, Wrath of Khan, what's the difference?"


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 10:34 AM


You met him? I would have just turned into a puddle. Which shirt is the elves one? Oh, well, guess I'll have to watch every episode and the BDM again until I find it...

I found a fellow Browncoat when out drinking with my husband and his work colleagues. I said something about 'can't stop the signal', and this bloke yelped. So I grinned, said, 'Browncoat?', and he said 'shiny'...and then we got very pissed, talked Firefly for about two hours straight, but were prevented from singing the Hero of Canton.

I see Firefly everywhere - song lyrics, especially.


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 12:57 PM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
You met him? I would have just turned into a puddle. Which shirt is the elves one? Oh, well, guess I'll have to watch every episode and the BDM again until I find it...

I found a fellow Browncoat when out drinking with my husband and his work colleagues. I said something about 'can't stop the signal', and this bloke yelped. So I grinned, said, 'Browncoat?', and he said 'shiny'...and then we got very pissed, talked Firefly for about two hours straight, but were prevented from singing the Hero of Canton.

I see Firefly everywhere - song lyrics, especially.

It's the bright orange one with 28 in big characters on the front. The chinese wording around it translates as "fighting elves".

For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die along, unremembered and unsung...


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 1:00 PM


I was wearing my blue sun t-shirt the other weekend at a bar I go to (it's the only bar in town with live bands), anyway, I'm sat near the stage slamming jack and cokes down my neck, when the band comes on. The singer has a look around, sees my shirt, gives me a thumbs up and a "browncoats ruke" over the mike right before their first number.

For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die along, unremembered and unsung...


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 1:08 PM


Yeah, we have both Browncoats and Firefly Facebook groups at the University of Maryland

No power in the 'verse can stop me!


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 4:38 PM


Post college buuut...
New York State Fair on Saturday. Standing in line with hubby and son for the really tall gondola ferris wheel. Hubby says to me "someone behind us named their child Serenity". Turned around to see two young women with three children between them, one of whom was well under two.

Now THAT'S a hard core fan.


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 5:07 PM



Originally posted by Orpheus:

I started a Browncoat Facebook group for my school, right now we're 20 strong. Not many, but then there aren't many Browncoats here at UNC-Wilmington.


Hey Orph ,

You still thinkin' 'bout a Serenity Screening at U-N-C-by-the-Kmart ? Or another venue , perhaps ? Methinks we can pull it together .
Send me a wave !

Keep the Faith . Share the Love . Feel the Joy !


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 6:31 PM


Hey, give me some names for Facebook groups. If they're global I can join 'em, if I haven't already. I'm a member of a bunch already. Somebody should start a club on Facebook for people who are active on these message boards, or on this website. It would be another way to connect.


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 6:51 PM


Mine is from my new job.
I work at a veterinary hospital and one day i came in to relieve the ER staff and noticed that one of the girls had a small keychain attached to her stethoscope of Mal. ( the one where he's half smiling and he's pointing his gun upwards)

I was so suprised, I just blurted "You're a Firefly fan!"

She admitted she was more of a Nathan fan than anything, but still...

Want Firefly/ Serenity/ BtVS/ Angel desktop wallpapers? Take a look at the ones I've created at:
Now hosting the Firefly Extended Gagreel


Wednesday, September 6, 2006 7:01 PM


Yesterday was the first day of classes and I had just arrived and was making my way. Then out of no-where, I hear a girl yell "I love the Serenity shirt!" or some such.

I was in my own little world at the time, so it took me a couple seconds to realized that she was refering to me (I didn't realize that I was wearing my Blue Sun t-shirt). I then shouted back, "Thanks."

So, I know that there is at least a dis-embodied voice that is a Firefly/Serenity fan at my U

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, September 7, 2006 9:12 AM


I was in the engineering computer lab doing homework, and then I had a half hour to waste before my next class. So I started surfing around on the web and then came here to catch up on posts. I was hoping someone would notice me on the Firefly boards, especially since engineers have a tendancy to like sci-fi, but no one did. I was kinda upset. Oh well, maybe next time. I guess I'll have to get a shirt or something to really advertise my browncoatiness.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Thursday, September 7, 2006 2:18 PM



Originally posted by Terri:
Hey, give me some names for Facebook groups. If they're global I can join 'em, if I haven't already. I'm a member of a bunch already. Somebody should start a club on Facebook for people who are active on these message boards, or on this website. It would be another way to connect.

We oughta start a FireflyFans.Net Facebook group. It'd be cool way for the college-bound among us to put some names with some faces. It'll be great!


"Bible, Wrath of Khan, what's the difference?"


Thursday, September 7, 2006 2:41 PM


I was sitting in a restaraunt and at the bar I found myself arguing with a guy. It looked like it was going to come to blows, and the band wasn't coming on for another few minutes, so we weren't going to have that distraction before something bad happened. He insulted me, something about being a complete idiot or somesuch. I replied "Say that again to my face." so he turned and obliged, and as if on cue asked "And what are you gonna do about it?" I couldn't resist and said "Oh me, nothing, I just wanted you to turn around so she could get behind you." He flipped about, then turned back to me laughing so hard he was crying. After that all we could talk was the BDH's and the Verse. Good times.

"I'm not going to say Serenity is the greatest SciFi movie ever; oh wait yes I am." - Orson Scott Card


Thursday, September 7, 2006 3:17 PM


The first day I ever wore my Blue Sun T-shirt, a girl gasped when I stepped onto an elevator, and told me how cool it was.


Thursday, September 7, 2006 5:39 PM


What do you think the Facebook group should be called?

Let me know, and I'll kickstart it.


"Bible, Wrath of Khan, what's the difference?"


Thursday, September 7, 2006 6:12 PM


1. Facebook. I thought the groups were only by school so we wouldn't all be able to be on one. Also, does anyone else find the mini-feed function to be super creepy? I do.

2. I was doing some scuba certication dives and was sitting there reading "Finding Serenity" because I was too sick to dive. One of the women in the club got really excited because she loves the show/movie and we went on and on for awhile. And then I found a few others that liked it there.

Wisconsin sucks. I don't want to be here.

~Forsaken Forever


Thursday, September 7, 2006 7:51 PM


Oh I have a few good ones.

A friend of mine, she likes to do the sorta fake attacking thing, and one time last year, she was just messing about, and she play-punched me with a flat hand in the back gut. I spun around and said, "You've seen Serenity!!!" and she said something to the effect of hell yeah! awesome stuff.

And my crowning achievement, I wore my Jayne hat to a the California State Thespian Festival last year. Best three days ever. I would just sit in the crowd with this bright orange snow hat. I got tons of complements from fans, i counted 20-30 people who noticed or were fans. Twas really awesome. And by the end, people were just coming up to me and saying I was so cool to be wearing a bright orange snow hat, and didnt even know about firefly. It's the hat: instant fame.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Friday, September 8, 2006 4:11 AM



Originally posted by Sassalicious:
1. Facebook. I thought the groups were only by school so we wouldn't all be able to be on one. Also, does anyone else find the mini-feed function to be super creepy? I do.

Now they're letting us make 'global groups'.

And yeah, the News Feed creeps me out.


"Bible, Wrath of Khan, what's the difference?"


Friday, September 8, 2006 5:31 AM


Okay, yeah, you'll have to hit me up on that Facebook thing. Just post something around here and create the club over there. I'll definately join when you start it up. I've got to be "Right Hand Warrior Woman" or something like that. That would rock. So, I'm leaving that all with you. Unless you want me to do it, but you'll have to tell me.


Friday, September 8, 2006 5:43 AM


I've got it! We'll call it Balls and Bayonets Brigade! That's great. I'm the meanest genius. If you see it on Facebook, join and I'll make you all officers. Or as many as I can, I mean. So join now!


Friday, September 8, 2006 12:54 PM


They have global groups now?

Well what are we waiting for???

Wisconsin sucks. I don't want to be here.

~Forsaken Forever


Saturday, September 9, 2006 4:57 PM


Another event to report. Earlier today i went to my optometrist to try on a set of glasses, since i apparently need them now, and these ones were, of course, brown, and are, of course, what i'm getting. They also work best with my hair colour.

Anyhow, i walked in, wearing my "Who's flying this thing?!?(front) Oh, right, that would be me. FIREFLY (back)" shirt. Thanks TCM! The woman who had done the tests on my eyes called me over, i walked over to the place i was supposed to sit down while she got the lenses, and she came over and sat in front of me. She then said: "I saw the front of your shirt, t it when i saw the back. I really liked that show. I didn't catch on until after it was cancelled, but i really liked it." EEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Yeah. That's my story.

I'm babbling like a moonbrain.






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