2 more things I never noticed

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 06:34
VIEWED: 2449
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Friday, September 8, 2006 7:08 AM


I keep finding "new" things in the series and BDM....details that give me joy.

In "Objects in space"... The first shot is space, then we enter into the TOP of Serenity, through her and focus on River... at the end of the episode we focus on River Go down through Serenity and out of the Bottom and into space... I noticed the begining immediatly and the ending immediatly, but never connected them as "book ends" to the episode. It punctuates the correlation of River & Serenity being connected, another little punctuation detail in the episode happens in the middle when Simon describes how River thinks of this ship as more home than anywhere shes ever been... he looks around, past Kaylee at this "ship" not seeing Serenity as River does... not feeling the same connection that EVERYONE else on the ship feels (with the possible exceptions of Zoe & Jayne) Everyone in the series was drawn to the ship almost immediatly... Its more of an instance of coincidence that River chose Serenity... The first time she saw it was from the inside...and she didnt have a choice... They were in the vacuum of space. But she fell in love with it none the less... Shes always sleeping on her grids, pressing herself against her metal. She feels a real connection. Also (this is more obvious) OiS and OoG are the only 2 episodes that show no hint of a planet what so ever... this adds to the feeling of isolation and claustrophobia. Just Space.

Another detail that I didnt notice until recently was from the BDM..When they are ascending from the vault hiest and reaver chase. Mal's face is "lit up" with the flames at the window on Serenity's bow leaving "atmo" .When they exit into space the lighting on his face turns a cooler Here is the cinematic device I discovered... When Zoe is expressing her feelings about not taking the citizen on the mule with them... Mal's face is red. Its as if Zoe is projecting HER feelings on the situation onto him....Rage. When he explains his view its still red. But when he hits on a final point of logic and rationale, "What do you think Fanty & Mingo will do to us when they find out we skunked the job?" She sees his line of thinking, Guess what?....his face turns blue at that exact moment.

wonderful story telling devices.

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Friday, September 8, 2006 7:13 AM


Joss is a genius, and you are very observant and perceptive.

Film school Chrisisall


Friday, September 8, 2006 7:51 AM


You see. Now I have to watch the movie again to see this. But I have to watch the series first. Have to keep them in proper order. Will you guys ever stop noticing things so I can take a break.
You guys are really cunning you know that.

Like I really nead another reason to watch Firefly.


Friday, September 8, 2006 3:37 PM


If anyone else finds or discovers ANY little nuance or tid-bit... I would LOVE to hear it.

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Friday, September 8, 2006 3:52 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Also (this is more obvious) OiS and OoG are the only 2 episodes that show no hint of a planet what so ever... this adds to the feeling of isolation and claustrophobia. Just Space.

Actually, at the beginning of OiS, they pass a planet - one that looks very similar to the ball that Kaylee and River play jacks with at the end. Which, in a way, could be another form of punctuation for the episode.



Saturday, September 9, 2006 9:36 PM


I've written on another thread a few things, but here's something I'd meant to write down but didn't get around to it.

It's about Wash and Zoe, in particular very subtle expressions they make. The first is in the pilot Serenity when they're talking about what to do with simon and River after Kaylee was shot. Pay attention to Wash, and in particular Zoe's reaction when he turns to her and says "Tell him we're not going to do this." can't remember the exact quote.(this is about Mal putting the two off the ship early if Kaylee doesn't make it) Here we really see the triangle that they touch on more in War Stories. Zoe says nothing, she knows it's wrong, knows it would be murder, but instead of agreeing and taking her husbands side she just turns away from Wash, in essence taking Mal's side by not disagreeing with the suggestion and creating another wall between them (albiet a thin one) Then Wash's reaction, discust, anger, disbelief that despite what it would mean she would even consider it (or at the least not contradict Mal) and the realization that she (inadvertatly) chose Mal over him. Again stressed more in War Stories. It's very very subtle and you have to watch closely in all that chaos but I believe it was one more set-up of Joss's that would lead to the jealous animosity between these three.

The second is funnier. In OMR when they're in the kitchen and the whole play between Mal, Yo/Saff/Bridge, Zoe and Wash is over and Mal leaves Wash grabs Mal's plate and begins to eat. And though Zoe's back is turned you can see her follow his moves from reaching for the plate and bringing it to him and there's a brief glimpse of a face she makes (and I can imagine her still making while her back is turned) I don't know how to describe it but it's like "Just what the hell are you doing?" kind of look. Go play it and see and maybe someone can come up with a better description.

They're were others but I can't think of them right now.

Oh right, in the extended FF blooper reel with the hilarious The Message scene with Nathan keep your eye on Jewels arm while she's laughing. Adam playfully (out of shot) hits her arm with his hat. All for now.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Saturday, September 9, 2006 10:56 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by GrayFury:
OiS and OoG are the only 2 episodes that show no hint of a planet what so ever... this adds to the feeling of isolation and claustrophobia. Just Space.

You might wanna watch Bushwhacked again...

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. - Gautama Siddharta


Sunday, September 10, 2006 2:21 AM


just a slight observation I notice in the BDM

when Jayne asked Mal why he ever brought River back to Serentiy ((after the bar fight)) Mal and Zoe exchange a look--I'mthinking iis coz of their earlier exchange about leaving no man behind-perhaps Mal realizes this is leading to a war of sorts

Also, I can kill you with my brain.


Sunday, September 10, 2006 3:35 AM



Originally posted by rivergirl:
just a slight observation I notice in the BDM

when Jayne asked Mal why he ever brought River back to Serentiy ((after the bar fight)) Mal and Zoe exchange a look--I'mthinking iis coz of their earlier exchange about leaving no man behind-perhaps Mal realizes this is leading to a war of sorts.

I noticed that too (and posted something about it on another thread, some time back). I have a slightly different take on it, though. I think Mal's look is one of irony. He's got to be thinking, "Yesterday I caught hell for leaving someone behind. Now I'm hearing it for NOT leaving someone behind. Is there anything I can do that doesn't get me bashed?"

I'm pointin' right at it!


Sunday, September 10, 2006 11:35 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Originally posted by GrayFury:
OiS and OoG are the only 2 episodes that show no hint of a planet what so ever... this adds to the feeling of isolation and claustrophobia. Just Space.

You might wanna watch Bushwhacked again...

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. - Gautama Siddharta

My appologies. You are so right....I didnt catch that. But I'll tell you what I DID catch....(I hope this one isnt complete common knowedge ....I'll feel dumb) there IS a planet seen in Objects in space... Its a little planet about 1/8th the size of the frame in the upper right quadrant, at the VERY begining of the episode...its smooth and multi colored. It looks EXACTLY like the ball that River holds while playing jacks with Kaylee at the end of the episode... Which, and heres the interesting part, is about 1/8th the size of the frame in the upper right quadrant for most of the shot. I'm sure if someone could super-impose these 2 shots it would line up.

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Sunday, September 10, 2006 11:43 PM


Not perfect, but here's one I made earlier :)

My personal favourite subtle moment comes right after the Serenity battle scene at the beginning of the pilot. We get a close up of Mal's face at the end of the battle, watching his world fall apart right in front of him. Then there's a cut to him several years later, and he's upside down. To me this was our first clue that Mal had changed completely from the person he was. His entire existance has been turned upside down.

More animations available at


Monday, September 11, 2006 4:27 AM


Thanks Hippie... Thats a brilliant, subtle touch that I hadnt seen until pointed out... and thanks for the splice/overlay thingy....just what I was looking for.

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Monday, September 11, 2006 6:21 AM



Originally posted by GrayFury:
If anyone else finds or discovers ANY little nuance or tid-bit... I would LOVE to hear it.

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"

There is one amazing thing I noticed between Mal and Inara when watching Serenity for the, uh, 10th time. I ended up rewinding that part over and over again. My apologies if everyone already knows about it!

So overall, there's not a lot going on between Mal and Inara in the BDM -- understandable given the limitations of a movie with a cast of nine but still disappointing.

If we focus on the scene after everyone learns that Wash is dead, and the area has been prepped for the Reaver battle and Mal is about to leave at Zoe's insistence: Mal says that great line about holding til he gets back, then leaves. But right before he leaves, he and Inara exchange this LOOK that basically tells the whole story between them. The look is intense, and passionate, and if anyone catches it, you immediately know that something incredible was between them, that both their hearts are breaking at the very good chance one, or both, of them will die.

It's only a second and it's all we get, but I was floored that the two of them could each establish that connection in such a subtle, powerful way.

Did anyone else catch this??


Tuesday, September 12, 2006 5:04 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Yes - I so did notice that look - and I agree with you about it telling the whole story - 'no time for goodbye, but just want to know you know' and then it's broken...

There is just such a brilliant depth to Nathan Fillion - and Adam, Jewell, Morena, Gina, Summer, Sean, Alan and Ron... heck - Joss just got it all RIGHT!



Tuesday, September 12, 2006 6:34 AM


One thing I noticed for the first time the last time I watched Objects in Space. When River is psychically listening in on Wash and Zoe necking, all you here is the sound of waves washing up on a beach. Then River listens in on Mal and Zoe -- they do their internal monologues/dialogue ("I'm a big girl. Just tell me." "None of it means a damn thing."), and then there's the sound of the waves again, even though they aren't touching or even looking at each other.

The other thing I noticed is that Kaylee has no internal monologue for River to listen in on. Apparently she hides nothing; it's all worn on her sleeve.

Indigo S.






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