Male and Female Imponderables--99 Luft Balloons

UPDATED: Sunday, September 24, 2006 17:42
VIEWED: 10854
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Friday, September 22, 2006 4:27 PM


Tristan, couldn't live life without a sense of humor ,it gets me by.Although I've been told mine is rather warped.

And Dylan lost his first tooth tonight.He's getting so big.Can you believe the tooth fairy is up to 1 dollar now ?


I swallowed a bug.


Friday, September 22, 2006 4:36 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Good... er... afternoon Imponderers!

*hugs all her friends* I am feeling extra snuggly today coz it rained last night and I love it when I am tucked up, snug in my bed listening to the rain...

Which leads me to an imponderable...

Guys & Gals - is there one thing that makes you feel 'safe'... for me I can trace most of them to my childhood - the abovementioned 'snuggling-in-bed-when-it's-raining' or having a huge bear hug with my Dad... there are comfort foods I love too, to my downfall! but I wondered if there is one ritual connected to feeling safe and/or loved that people revert to in times of need/insecurity?

MsG - were you really talking about your sister or was the FMF comment another hint again???

GPR - there are stages Dralin' - I only had one really hurtful break up and you go through stages - truely it does get better and then you can look back and realise how strong you are and how much you've grown...*hugs*

DancingNeko! - glad you came by - I was thinking and thinking of you!! *hugs* Go girl!! You catch up on that sleep and then come party with us!

Tristan - what should I bring to the Shindig? Is it the wrong season over there for a fruit platter? (I am loving all the fruits coming in to season here) Baileys?

Kelkhil - One of my very best friends is married to a soldier and he is like a big brother to me - come to think of it I feel pretty safe when he gives me a bear hug too! I think of you a lot like him... he is warm, caring and kind, but God help you if you cross someone he loves!

Well - lets ponder.... come on!

- Magda x x x


Friday, September 22, 2006 4:36 PM


LA29, glad to hear you have a warped sense of humor...that's why you're here, isn't it?

Wow. $1.00 per tooth? Mine were only 25 cents apiece!



Friday, September 22, 2006 4:37 PM


Magda! I'll be in our room!



Friday, September 22, 2006 4:47 PM


Yup one dollar.I also got 25 cents per tooth. Inflation show up everywhere I guess.

Hi Magda dear, how are things across the globe ?
I always fel better after a good long nap. Especially when I had my kitty, Snuffy.He used to sleep on my pillow & that always soothed me.


I swallowed a bug.


Friday, September 22, 2006 5:05 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Oh yes - all snuggly and safe LA!! *hug* But I am a little allergic to cats - my friend in NewZealand had one that would start at your feet and by the morning you'd wake up and find Nora wrapped around your neck - I wouldn't have minded but I'd have a sore throat and headache most of the day!

How are you going? Cheering on the pink Power Ranger I hope!!


Friday, September 22, 2006 5:34 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I have a Love Sack big poofy beanbag-like chair that I make a nest in and curl up with a blanket. It's very safe-feeling. And being not just hugged but held, and being able to rest my tired lil' head on someone's chest. I can't get enough of that, really! It's hard not having that much. Maybe that's why I'd not mind someone, you know, cluttering up my life.
Kidding. I'd want to go into a new relationship healthy and whole. But it is nice to be able to flirt and to know some of what I want. And I think I'm much, much closer to the 'healthy and whole' than I was even a week ago.
Hi magda jie-jie! I'd say I'd meet you at chatzy, but I can't get on there from this computer because it has a bad habit of storing everything I say there or in a search function in some weird form of cookie I can't delete, and I don't need someone to scream at me for chatting while I'm at work. Might be I'll try on a different computer if I can. - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Friday, September 22, 2006 5:36 PM


I'll scan and post my enlistment papers by Monday. I'd guerentee them by tommorow, but my schedual's pretty packed right now and I'm not sure I'll have the time. I'll also be happy to link to pictures and document scans of me after I took a 5.56 to the left shoulder and an M62 tracer to the gut.

To everything else you said: We can sit here and trade off "the military's like this" and "the military's like that" comparisons all day. I went through Ft. Benning, GA's ITB, which any grunt will tell you is intensive enough, and I don't give a crap what you other MOS's have to say about BCTB being the same thing. OSUT sucks, and it's almost exclusively combat MOS's that have to deal with it. You did your 9 plus AIT? I did 17 strait through. You got your 5 hollywood's maybe (Or possibly not even)? There's a reason we call you 5-jump-chumps. Whatever half-baked "training" you MAY have gone through (which I'm not entirely sure you have since you've stated your occupation to be "Network Specailist for Charter Communications", but hey, you could be prior) you obviously weren't being trained to fight.

I wasn't "trolling" for shit, again, multiple people have responded to me, who've actually considered what I've had to say and given responses on it. And like usual, some shit head had to come along and start "making a stand". Congradulations, cause this time, you're the shit head.

My life's not centered around whatever half-baked philosophy you have about being a soldier, nor is it as sporadic and compulsive as any number (if not all) of you might think it to be. As extreme or as repulsive as you might take them to be, these are the foundations that my life is built on that started back when I was an ignorant 15 year old boy reading "Hagakure" with delusions about being a Samurai. I've studied and respect warriors of all creeds and nations, from Teddy Rosevelt to Otto Skorzeny to Minamoto Yoshitsune to Leonidas of Sparta.

And for the record, I've already done a 45/45. Confinement to Battalion and extra duty don't mean much when you're still in Basic Training, though.

"Pain is your friend, it is your ally. It will keep you awake, and angry, and remind you to finish the mission and get the hell home. But you know the best thing about pain? It let's you know that you're not dead yet."


Friday, September 22, 2006 6:32 PM


You know, I hope you don't represent the whole of the armed forces serving our country, since I don't think idolizing the Waffen SS is what I hoped a US soldier would be doing. Hey, but if you've studied the warrior class, I'm sure you know about the warm fuzzy side of Himmler I don't see.

I'm not trying to suppress certain topics, but could we please get back to the reason this thread is so great in the first place?

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Friday, September 22, 2006 6:55 PM


Chris - See now this is a conversation I can appreciate (minus the shithead part)(although I kinda deserved it). I mean come on now talking about killing a loved one to see if you actually love them? Something ain't right there man. You should seriously seek some help. Maybe with the Chaplin or someone. Especially with what you do for a living. Your buddies depend on you most in your occupation. Right now I am guessing a whole lot and you have to be all there. Last post you didn't sound all there and it is a little bothersome. Not to mention a little graphic for this board don't ya think?

I have been out for a while. But I did all my training in one shot as well. 19K10 so as far as not understanding what you went through at Benning maybe; but I was combat arms and did my 17 weeks all at once at Knox.

So my Network Specialist status (Hey someone actually went to my home page) comes from using my GI Bill to its full extent.

Hopefully we can continue this conversation, but I have gone on long enough.

Oh and if you are over in the Sand Box...Watch your . We've lost enough over there already.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Friday, September 22, 2006 7:32 PM


I love my captain

Hi there! I'm new to this particular batch of threads so I'm a little lost with all the personal stuff yopu know about each other. I'm feeling a little akward at the moment so bear with me if I sound kinda goofy.

Now I agree with JP. Back to the point.

What makes me feel safe? Hmmmm. Let's see. There's a wonderful combonation of a snuggly blanket and the sound of a train passing in the distance. Makes me think of home.

Let's see, no rituals. No real breakups. No real relationships tobreak up.

Actually I wanted to ask folks about that. What do you do if you get stuck as "one of the guys"?
I imagine this is similar to being "just friends" for the men. Very frustrating and somewhat dismaying. It tends to make me feel unatractive and depressed. I just whant a guy to think of me as a woman for once.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Friday, September 22, 2006 7:39 PM


I'm not active anymore, either, and I'm sorry if anything I said implied that I was. I was discharged for medical reasons after I got hit by what may or may not have been friendly fire (military intelligence = oxymoron). Currently, I'm trying my hardest to get back in, but I'm not really going anywhere with this...

If you're actually interested in "why" I think this way, it's nothing that I would consider to be a mental defect or sickness. The way I see life isn't conventional, but it's not violent either. I'd be happy to talk with you about it if you'd like, but if not, please, everyone, know for yourselves that I don't fantisize about killing people or look up pictures of dead bodies on the internet. There are no morbid curiosities or interests anywhere in my mind. It is all logical, well-thought out and rational workings that relate to a deeply held series of beleifs that I base my occupation, hobbies and EVERYTHING else in my life off of.

"Pain is your friend, it is your ally. It will keep you awake, and angry, and remind you to finish the mission and get the hell home. But you know the best thing about pain? It let's you know that you're not dead yet."


Friday, September 22, 2006 7:48 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Thanks for joining us, Kayna!
I wish I knew what to tell you about being one of the guys. I have never, ever had that problem. It's actually made me sad before that men have trouble seeing me as a friend, rather than a potential date. I like dates and everything, but I don't want to date everyone, you know? But if they pay me any attention, tht's usually the reason.
Maybe if you get some really lovely essential oil that suits you, they'll pick up on the yummy smell and say "Hey, that's a woman!" I've also found that even the slightest bit of cleavage will give them a little reminder - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Friday, September 22, 2006 7:49 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Oh Kayna! ... sweety if I knew the answer to that I'd be living it - believe me! I have had so many male friends that I crushed on initially, and just loved to be around...then they become more like brothers and all that...

not that I ever made it known that I had a crush on any of them - I always thought I'd rather have them as friends than alienate them too soon... but by the time I'd let them get to know me well enough to want me around the friendship-stakes were too high and i chickened out of saying anything - I suppose I regret not hitting on some men more than I have ever regretted hitting on a few! There is no man I wish I hadn't hit on - even when there was not the desired outcome - but there are quite a few I wish I had hit on... and many of them are no longer in my life anyway - so I wonder what I was worried about!

And now that I've worked that much out... they're all on the other side of the world...

But welcome to the Imponderables - we love having folk like you come here to ponder the tirals and tribulations of life and love and all that! *hugs Kayna*


Friday, September 22, 2006 8:02 PM


I love my captain

Yay! I get hugs!

I'm glad I poked my nose in here.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Friday, September 22, 2006 8:15 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Look, more hugs! - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Friday, September 22, 2006 8:49 PM


"It is not particularly difficult. Be determined and advance. To say that dying without reaching one's aim is to die a dog's death is the frivolous way of sophisticates. When pressed with the choice of life or death, it is not necessary to gain one's aim."

"Pain is your friend, it is your ally. It will keep you awake, and angry, and remind you to finish the mission and get the hell home. But you know the best thing about pain? It let's you know that you're not dead yet."


Saturday, September 23, 2006 12:49 AM


I love your sig PR, very appropriate!

Okay, I have an imponderable that may or may not have been raised before. What is the best way to break up with someone. I mean the least painful. In all of my one and a half (one was brief) relationships I was the one to end things so I've never experienced this from the other perspective but it's something that I hated and wince at the memory of how I dealt with it. Tips would be appreciated.



Saturday, September 23, 2006 1:01 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Oh gosh, Emma I wish I could remember everything that was said about this way back when when someone asked a similar question (though I think that was actually the worst ways to break up)
I have never had a painless breakup, even the one time I was doing the breaking up. The times I wasn't doing the breaking up were... Well, totally totally sucky.
I don't know if it would have actually made me hurt less, but what I really wanted in those cases was the total truth. The 'why' of it. Never got that, and I would tear my hair out wondering. So the only advice I can give is, if someone asks you why, for the love of everything under the sky just tell them! Other than that, just be as gentle as possible. Don't yell at them or say you hate them. And do not do not do not spit on the relationship like it was worthless.
That's what I have. - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, September 23, 2006 1:29 AM


Gosh, I have never been in such a negative place that a breakup was accompanied by shouting or anger. That would be awful. I was so unhappy that I could hardly talk for crying and he ended up comforting me! I'm sorry if anyone has been with such a jerk that they weren't upset over causing you pain.



Saturday, September 23, 2006 1:40 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Yeah, I've seen a few screaming breakups in my time but thankfully never taken part in one. As for the spitting on the relationship like it meant nothing thing, though, that's right out of the pages of my life. And probably would have been said, if not at a shout, in less-than friendly tones if it were not in e-mail. Upset over causing me pain? I'm not even sure anymore. - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, September 23, 2006 2:07 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hi Mei Mei & Emma,

I too have been there GPR, I think my words to him were (and this was in front of the new-SO/3rd-party-cause-for-the-break-up-woman) "I hope you have similar feelings for *** that I had for you and then I hope she pisses all over you just like you pissed all over me!"

...I then burst into tears and went out to my car, only to discover that I had left my headlights on and had a flat battery - probably a good thing coz I really shouldn't have been driving in that state!

Anyhow - I know that pain - the funny thing is I never imagined myself 'in love' with this one, it was more that I trusted him and thought we had a very honest relationship but I was proven wrong in the worst possible way!

The loss of contact with a lot of mutual friends, and the sudden cessation of my sex-life were just adding salt to the wound!

You get through it and every step you take makes you a better person... you grow and you learn and you even get to look at another man and think you can trust a member of the opposite sex again (or whom-ever sweetheart!)

Does that tell you how to not break up with someone? Or does it help in the slightest? Or did I just vent coz I have a large (but almost empty) glass of chilled Cruchen Riesling from Brown Brothers sitting here beside me? Sorry Emma - I am the queen of rambling!! But now that you're here - how are you - I love you and have been thinking of & praying for you - hope you are much better and I am looking forward to hearing about S3!

Ah - time for a refil I think!


Saturday, September 23, 2006 2:31 AM


Morning Magda & all,

It's a yucky rainy morning here.FEH.
But I just made Pillsbury cinnamon rolls. There's lots of coffee too.

This morning is kinda empty,and I'm leaning towards sad.But I am channeling Zoe & finding my strenght.And wilth friends like you -no power in the 'verse can stop me !

I wish my kids slept later, I need more sleep.


I swallowed a bug.


Saturday, September 23, 2006 3:29 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Of course you need more sleep Sweet Little Albatross! You are emotionally as well as physically exhausted... but thank you for comeing here so we could give you a hug *hugs LA*

It's the middle of the night here - 11.30pm - but I love this time as my friends accross the US wake up and welcome their new day! It'll be Sunday soon for me and you have a whole Saturday before you!

And I think I told you how much I love rain!

You keep channeling Zoe and you'll be fine my sweet friend!

Love you - Magdalena x x x


Saturday, September 23, 2006 3:33 AM


Thanks Magda,
I really needed the hug.
I love the rain too, but it also means being stuck inside the apartment with the space monkeys all day.It gets a little much sometimes.

But Dyaln wants to watch Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets today ,so it shouldn't be too bad.

Today is the Autumnal eqinox - I think I'll do some meditation tonight after the kids go to sleep.


I swallowed a bug.


Saturday, September 23, 2006 3:40 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

*hugs LittleAlbatross*
It's kinda cold and rainy here, too. But that's good because we haven't had enough rain letely.
I'm sad I had to/have to be working today. They didn't let us request days off this year, so who knows how many sacred days I'm going to spend at work? (Notmanynotmanypleasepleasepleaseletmegetanotherjobsoon!) - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, September 23, 2006 3:42 AM


To go waaaaay back - I took the quiz. I tied between Inara and River, with Jayne a close third. What this says about me, I dread to think...

Breaking up etc - I am very big on own space, whether physical or mental. And on the taking care aspects - bubble baths, decent food, good wine. Clean sheets are such a good feeling.

Basically I am a lazy sybarite, possibly tabby in a past life...

And as for the psychopath - nothing says 'I love you' like a round to the head, huh? I am not surprised that you are on your own, and I really think you need to get some help. Seriously, you do not come over as well or happy, whatever you might think of yourself.

One reason I am freaked out by you? I had a stalker at college. He was going to be an officer. He also liked to drink a lot, then hover around in the darkened corridors with a big-ass hunting knife, 'thinking of me'. It is not flattering, okay?


Saturday, September 23, 2006 3:53 AM


Sacry stalker story there SpaceanJL.I had one in college too,but he nevr got too violent scary,although if someone hadn't frightened him off , who knows.I was getting scared of him though ,couldn't go anywhere alone.

Don't let him get to you ,we'll say an anti troll spell .Magical energies are strong today.

at least this year is almost over.I hope you don't have to work on Samhian !


I swallowed a bug.


Saturday, September 23, 2006 4:00 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by LittleAlbatross29:
Sacry stalker story there SpaceanJL.I had one in college too,but he nevr got too violent scary,although if someone hadn't frightened him off , who knows.I was getting scared of him though ,couldn't go anywhere alone.

Don't let him get to you ,we'll say an anti troll spell .Magical energies are strong today.

at least this year is almost over.I hope you don't have to work on Samhian !

An anti-troll spell would be shiny! Do you have one? Oddly my magda was saying that I should find one. Must be in the air

As far as working on Samhain, I'm sure I will. That was the only one I could not get for anything last year, because I work with so many mummies who just HAVE to take their kids trick-or-treating. You know, my dad always took me; he was bigger and scarier after all. And of course they don't give a damn how sacred a day is to me. They liked the fact that I would work all the 'normal' holidays, though. Yep, sure didn't complain about that! - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, September 23, 2006 4:00 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hello SpaceANGL! I know what you mean - I briefly had a stalker who was weird and in the army reserve... *shudders (& not in a good way)* You are really among friends here anyway and we all love you!

Chamber of Secrets is so good LA! I am a Harry Potter devotee and that one took a while to grow on me, but it is so wonderful in book or on film! Enjoy! (and if your Dylan is engrossed enough, and Sean is having a nap - doze!)

GPR have you tried my 'targeting' method of job finding yet? I am sending good vibes and prayers your way every day! I love you Mei Mei!


Saturday, September 23, 2006 4:13 AM


Magda -I'm also crazy about HP.Chamber of secrets is my least favorite, but will do for today.
He's only 6 ,so I'm not sure yet if I'll let him go further into the series.from here on in it gets rather serious.I can't wait for book 7 .

PR- I also take the Space Monkeys out,but the night is mine after they go to bed ! I hate when people don't respect that we have different holidays,which are just as important.


I swallowed a bug.


Saturday, September 23, 2006 4:19 AM


I will not only be working Samhain, but my boss has buggered off on yet another jolly, so I will be de facto in charge for the week - ie all the hassles, none of the perks and no extra pay.

But I will light a candle for all you shiny folks.

And LA - hope all is well for you. You are amongst HP fanatics, too. PR started a thread about bk 7 a while back, should be in the archives...


Saturday, September 23, 2006 4:22 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I love the books with a passion, but I have many issues with the movies. You do not wanna go down that road with me.
I haven't gotten a chance to target places, yet, jie-jie Too much work. I will when I get a fresh week. I have to find some places to target!
Oh, LA, you should have seen that meeting last year! Everyone had written down the dates they wanted off in the coming year, and the office manager at the time was looking them over and pretty much deciding who got which days off, and she got to mine and kinda stared blankly at it for a moment, and then looked at me and said "We were really supposed to be bidding which holidays we wanted off here." I said "Yeah, I know. Those are the ones I want." and she said "But they aren't holidays!" and I said "Wanna bet?" There was about 30 seconds of dead silence while everybody stared at me and understood that I was possibly threatening a religious descrimination suit. She didn't argue with me after that
*edit* Yep, my Harry Potter thread is in "Other science fiction series" and I'd love for it to be brought back from the dead! - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, September 23, 2006 4:29 AM


*sigh* At least you get taken seriously. I tend to keep quiet - (pagan with a small 'p', since I am what I think is technically known as a hedge-witch, being solitary and non-Wiccan...)


Saturday, September 23, 2006 4:45 AM


I'm solitary & not stricly Wiccan either.Sometimes I'm just a heretic.
But I use the term Pagan usually.

PR- That must have been some meeting.I'm going to look for that HP thread.I liked the movies, but nothing can compare to the books.
I generally feel that way about all books made into movies. With some few exceptions the movie is never as good.
And please don't get me started on the Lord of The Rings movies.


I swallowed a bug.


Saturday, September 23, 2006 4:45 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Well, I'm solitary, too. Never been a member of a coven, and not in the most technical terms Wiccan. But I am Pagan, and I think so are you. I don't ram it down anyone's throat, but they can't legally give me any guff about it, so I just remind 'em of that from time to time. - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, September 23, 2006 4:46 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Yay! LA - another Harry Potter fan! I am reading the books to 'my boys' (I've been their nanny for almost 6 years!) Matthew will be 7 in Nov and Cam is 8 1/2 - and they love them - also, they have seen all the movies to date! Did you find that you appreciated the 'Chamber of Secrets' more after reading book 6? I re-read them before and after reading 'Half Blood Prince' and I just found things so much clearer!

Lets all say those prayers and spells in a positive way and hope for happier & healthier times for all the folk here at!

Here's to you having a free night on "Hallow e'en" my dearest PR! Love you so much Mei Mei - you make me smile with your emails!

Keep waking up people and come and say 'hello' - I will have to go and get my beauty sleep soon enough!

Love you all my shiney family! - Magda x x x


Saturday, September 23, 2006 5:03 AM


Yay ! I just love HP ,but can't bring myself to read HBP again right now.I've gone through it twice & I just get so upset.

Magda - I always try to be positive in my spells /prayers .I've learned the hard way that karma is not to be trifles with.So I always try to treat others as I would want to be treated.You are wise to remind us of that.

PR- Oh yes,
been a practicing witch for at least 15 years now.My speciality is the Tarot.
I was in a coven once ,but it turned ugly quicly ,with lots of drama & the like.Never again.And the "Official " ones are so heirarchal, that I can't deal.


I swallowed a bug.


Saturday, September 23, 2006 5:36 AM


Morning all...Evening Magdalena.

I loved the HP books too! Stopped reading them though. One of my biggest peves is reading a series and having to wait for the next book. (Thank you Jordan) So now I do not read a series until it is finished so that I do not forget the little things. Got a whole lot to read eventually. the wifey is a Biblioholic (sp) That is all she does is read. I normally do not like to borrow books so we have quite a collection. Darn near fills up our spare bedroom.

Chris - Sorry you are no longer in. It is hard to have a dream taken away. I do hope that you will take the advice of the wise around here though. Talk to some one. It can't hurt man. I mean at worst you will be told that there is something wrong but they will try to help you with it. At best you will be told "hey nothing wrong here". It is win win. Most times if there is a problem the ones that have it do not even realize it. Next thing they loose it, black out and go on a rampage.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Saturday, September 23, 2006 5:41 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

We could try a protective circle... Can you put a protective circle around a website? - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, September 23, 2006 5:45 AM


I also have that issue with borrowing books.Now I have them everywhere.Even the kids books are overflowing.

Never thought of waiting till a series is complete before reading it. now I just might, because ther is alot of sci-fi I haven't gotten to yet.


I swallowed a bug.


Saturday, September 23, 2006 5:49 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I find it very difficult to wait for a series to be all out before I read it. Plus I love re-reading books and do all the time, so I don't forget a lot of details. In fact, I am a wealth of useless Harry Potter, Hitchhiker's Guide, Black Jewels, and Firefly trivia! - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, September 23, 2006 5:52 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

...hey - apparently I am a Light Witch as well as a practicing Christian - I believe all things are possible!

Lets put a protective spell around the whole website and all of those who venture into it!

Love you Mei Mei! LA! Kelkhil...

But I am starting to fade and needing to go to bed soon - will hang on as long as pos but...


Saturday, September 23, 2006 5:57 AM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:

Chris - Sorry you are no longer in. It is hard to have a dream taken away. I do hope that you will take the advice of the wise around here though. Talk to some one. It can't hurt man. I mean at worst you will be told that there is something wrong but they will try to help you with it. At best you will be told "hey nothing wrong here". It is win win. Most times if there is a problem the ones that have it do not even realize it. Next thing they loose it, black out and go on a rampage.


The Shirtless Forsaken

I do appriciate your concern, but I was actually just cleared by a psychiatrist to apply for service again. I know all about service related psychosis, though, a friend of mine both recounted our "Don't Kill Your Family" classes to one another when he got back from his tour of duty. I told him what it was like to get the "How to be a civilian" class prior to discharge.

Anyways, thanks again for your concern. I might drop in again if something sparks my interest. Right now they're talking about peganism, and the last pegan I knew was my bunkmate in ABholdover. He kept a black widow in an empty gatorade bottle in his locker, which was at the foot of my bed. Cool guy, but.. whew.

"Pain is your friend, it is your ally. It will keep you awake, and angry, and remind you to finish the mission and get the hell home. But you know the best thing about pain? It let's you know that you're not dead yet."


Saturday, September 23, 2006 6:00 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Alright! I invoked protection against the insincere, the trolls, and all those who mean harm, to weave through the code and the people of this site! So mote it be!
Enough people do this, or something like it, it should work, don't you think? - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, September 23, 2006 6:06 AM


Goodnight Magda,sweet dreams .I'll start working on that protection spell.

PR _ I too have my head full of trivia.It's great when playing the game ,but not all that useful to me otherwise.


I swallowed a bug.


Saturday, September 23, 2006 6:06 AM


I always read before going to bed. I reread books that I love. I just finished rereading "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" and started rereading "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire."

I just love the series!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Saturday, September 23, 2006 6:18 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Good night everyone I need to get a decent amount of sleep today, so Ima head to bed. See you all tonight! - show Universal your gratitude!

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, September 23, 2006 6:19 AM


So has anyone read the Cold Fire Trilogy. It is one of my favorites. By CS Friedman (sp). Also there is The Deed of Pakisnarian (SP again) can't remember who that one is by at the moment. Shows how a true Paladin should be. really good read.

I am real big on SF Fan. DragonLance, Wheel of Time (own all of these in Hardcover cause they fall apart in paperback), HP, and a whole bunch others.

Edit: Nighty night Mags and PR. Sleep well.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Saturday, September 23, 2006 6:19 AM


I would expect that A Browncoat king would have good taste in books.
I just finished the FF companion.Lots of shiny stuff there.Not sure what to read next.


I swallowed a bug.






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