Thanks Ben !!!

UPDATED: Monday, October 2, 2006 09:54
VIEWED: 1436
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Sunday, October 1, 2006 4:09 AM


I'm sure you all know by now that our own Bentor is a manager at the glorious Bryn Mawr Film Institute on Lancaster Avenue. He is a Browncoat who pulled to get a copy of Serenity brought to the his theater last winter. He assured the (owner?) that our BDM would have a good turnout... He was right. The first night it showed, Friday, there were about 75 people there ( is this correct Ben?) and I'm not sure how many came out the next night. Because it was the blizzard of the year and my punk ass stayed home. But I remeber there being a buzz that more people showed up then should have, considering the conditions.Any way the point is, is that the showings did well enough that Ben was able to bring it back again for the anniversary. With that I would like to tell you all about the Saturday night turn out...

I got to Gulifties around 9 o'clock and there were Browncoats-a-plenty. (My Fiancee couldnt make it, but she came the night before, so she gets to keep her coat.) They sat us at about 12 small tables pressed together. Making a twenty foot long tank tread of people. I was a little tardy so when I got there they had to add more tables to the end. I sat with a group of a about six of the nicest people you'll ever meet. I forget names...I stink at names. But we had some food, had some drink and had pleasant conversation on all manner of topics.

Round' 11 we made our way to the coffee house where I met even more great folks...(I gotta tell ya though, I've never met a sucky Browncoat.) I sat at a large round table with more fine individuals whose names I cant remember. But I did sit next to a gentleman who wore the ACCTUAL costume worn by "Take me with you!" guy in our BDM. He bought it from the prop store in London, and favored us with it during the costume contest... I think he should have won, but 2nd place aint so bad. There were scene recreations, Hi-larious. and stories of fandom. One of the people who shared was none other than Lisa Lassik's Mother. She came out to support the project and was more than charming. I could tell she was so proud of her daughter. and why shouldnt she be?...can you name a movie with finer editing? She even cheered when Lisa's name came during the opening credits. Shiny.

Ben ushered us into the theater at just shy of midnight. He did some trivia, I won a copy of the graphic novel for "those left behind" for my trivia prowess (Check out the big brain on Brad!)The snacks there are hella cheap, a tub of corn, a couple of drinks, and some junior mints, set me back only 7 bucks. The Ballad of Serenity led us into our BDM. and I gotta tell ya. theres nothing like seeing such a good movie with a room full of people that love it as much as you do. I'm not sure of the accual numbers, but turn out appeared to be in the niegborhood of 100-125 peole. Not too shabby.

Ben told me that when he gets each copy of Serenity he cleans it, and uses some special film lubricant to preserve it. saving all the copies of the BDM he can, for posterity. So for that, for rallying to get it shown, promoting it, and being the most gracious host possible... Thank-you Ben. I'll see you next year, or sooner if it comes sooner.

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Sunday, October 1, 2006 6:23 AM


Ben told me that when he gets each copy of Serenity he cleans it, and uses some special film lubricant to preserve it. saving all the copies of the BDM he can, for posterity. So for that, for rallying to get it shown, promoting it, and being the most gracious host possible... Thank-you Ben. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i didn't know this, thanks once again to ben! we had a great time, have already been rehashibg the night with dtr.


Monday, October 2, 2006 9:54 AM


I brought two rookies w/me Friday night and we had a blast and they, of course, loved the movie. It was a nice crowd and the location was great so I didn't mind losing sleep before a double-shift at work the next day.

Thanks Ben(LOVED your Washesque shirt!)!!!

"That's my good girl."






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