Please help verify/discredit rumor website?

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 4, 2006 14:19
VIEWED: 4930
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006 8:32 AM


I was browsing IMDB as I usually do under the Serenity forums. Someone there posted this link:

Has anyone heard of this website before? It's filled with adverts and junk which makes me think it's something along the lines of Wikipedia, ie. Joe Public submissions. But I tried the forum and it's in French and I can't understand a word of it. I forwarded this onto Whedonesque but I dunno what'll come of that. It isn't like Joss is gonna investigate it himself.

What makes me skeptical is the complete lack of source. Yes, they claim it's from Joss, but they don't explain when, where, how the interview was taken. What irks me is that if it IS a false interview or report, why would someone even bother doing it?



Tuesday, October 3, 2006 8:48 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Hadn't seen that particular page, but there are several others that are circulating that story.

The way I interpret what Joss said is that there is currently no sequel in the works, but not necessarily that there never will be. His comment about smothering it with a pillow refers only to the rumor that there is a sequel brewing so as to not get everyone's hopes up prematurely.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 8:52 AM

CHRONICTHEHEDGEHOG is usually pretty good, they've been around a long time, they do their own independent thing along with bringing together a lot of whedon related news.

Also, they do attribute their source, it's at the top of the page and says it's from


I do not kill with my hand.
He who kills with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I kill with my heart.


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 11:38 AM



The article also points you towards I went there and here it is, straight from Joss (via Alexis' laptop) and yeah, it really is Da Man.

Hi boys and odd, smooth, compellingly bumpy non-boys. I'm in Liverpool, on Alexis' lap... sorry, laptop, checking in and seeing all sorts of nonsense about a sequel to something. I did run into someone at Forbidden Planet, and he said something about that I ought to make more things, possibly art things, and I agreed. He didn't know the fellow I was with was Brian Hitch but it was 'cause I'm so, yeah, awesome. Yes, Warren and Natalie and Brian and I had dinner, after nattering on for SFX at the hotel (I like that mag) and it was blazingly fun. They're all three multitalented, urbane, and surprisingly sweet. I'm none of those things but I came the farthest so they had to be nice. BUT...

There's no sequel, no secret project regarding Serenity or somesuch and I'm not even sure how anyone thought there was talk there. I've seen Nathan and Tim (and Summer and Alan) recently because they're my friends because I'm so, yeah, awesome. So let's put that to bed and smother it with a pillow.

Fun fact: Didn't read the thread, but as for James playing Shinzon: that's the reason he left for darkest Africa at the end of season six. We were giving him the time off to do the film. When it didn't happen, the course was already set. But he got a nifty soul and that worked out okay.

Oh, and I heard Marvel pushed back X-Men 18? I've delivered 19, and Johnny's working steadily, so blame the marketplace. In fact, overturn the marketplace, the way Jesus did when he was cranky about that thing that time.

Rolling in Kittens, -j.

joss | October 01, 12:12 CET


"Those grenades?"
"Captain don't want 'em."
"Jayne, we're robbing the place, we're not occupying it."


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 12:06 PM


Well now.

That's just the downside of shiny, ain't it?

Well. At least he's trying not to get our hopes up...


The only animals I'm not comfortable with are parrots, but I'm learning as I go. I'm getting better and better at 'em. I really am. - Steve Irwin, our Honorary BDH


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 12:27 PM


This is NOT my best day ever :(



Tuesday, October 3, 2006 1:00 PM


I would have been more surprised if he had said they were even talking about one right now- I think we all knew there isn't exactly a poll going on at the Universal Studios intranet for executives to chime in on the whole "BDM 2: Back in(the)Black" idea. So, as usual, we keep working, keep the faith, and make new friends (ie- Browncoats) on the way...

"...let's not ruin an otherwise pleasant day with unnecessary bloodshed..."


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 1:22 PM


I heard of movies in the works with this or that actor slotted for the lead and the rumor persists for years making people bitter because nothing happens. At least we know the truth. I imagine if DVD sales continue and websites like this continue to grow, Fox or Universal will take another look at their options. I would rather wait until a direct quote comes from Joss than swelter in rumors. This not a bad sign. It only means they have other projects on their plate and Firefly has to wait its turn.



Tuesday, October 3, 2006 3:55 PM


Yeah, yeah I know, but still.....

*pulls self up by bootstrap*

Okay. So we gotta work harder. I'm ready!

"Those grenades?"
"Captain don't want 'em."
"Jayne, we're robbing the place, we're not occupying it."


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 3:59 PM


I, and I know I will not be alone, will still be holding the line.



Tuesday, October 3, 2006 4:34 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Please read Joss' comments again. All he is saying is that there is currently no sequel happening, not that there never will be one. I still think we have a 100% chance of a new production of some type within five years.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 4:42 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by Tristan:
I, and I know I will not be alone, will still be holding the line.

No - not alone at all! We're holding with you, Tristan!


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 5:16 PM


*holds line*

"And you can't stop me by gettin' all...bendy..."


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 5:28 PM


I don't buy a word of that for a second.
Math time:
(questionable source)+(contradicts Joss' nature)+(many people are out to depress the Browncoats)x(FOX)+(many people at Universal have openly stated how they love Serenity)+(successful DVD sales)-(that guy who owes me $5)= NOT TRUE!!!

No, I am not insane, I am crazy. Thank you for asking.


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 5:44 PM


I don't reaelly care what anybody says about our chances. I didn't fall in love with tht show because anybody told me to, I'm sure as heck not going to give up on it. If they never make another ANYTHING, then the Show and the BDM will be an undying series of of finite happy moments, something I shared with my friends, and something that brought new ones into my life. Like a summer in your childhood that just seemed bETter than the other ones somehow. Because of the adventures, or because of the company.

Semper Fidelis and still here (taking my place on the line),


"...let's not ruin an otherwise pleasant day with unnecessary bloodshed..."


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 6:36 PM



Originally posted by RMMC:

The article also points you towards I went there and here it is, straight from Joss (via Alexis' laptop) and yeah, it really is Da Man.

Hi boys and odd, smooth, compellingly bumpy non-boys. I'm in Liverpool, on Alexis' lap... sorry, laptop, checking in and seeing all sorts of nonsense about a sequel to something. I did run into someone at Forbidden Planet, and he said something about that I ought to make more things, possibly art things, and I agreed. He didn't know the fellow I was with was Brian Hitch but it was 'cause I'm so, yeah, awesome. Yes, Warren and Natalie and Brian and I had dinner, after nattering on for SFX at the hotel (I like that mag) and it was blazingly fun. They're all three multitalented, urbane, and surprisingly sweet. I'm none of those things but I came the farthest so they had to be nice. BUT...

There's no sequel, no secret project regarding Serenity or somesuch and I'm not even sure how anyone thought there was talk there. I've seen Nathan and Tim (and Summer and Alan) recently because they're my friends because I'm so, yeah, awesome. So let's put that to bed and smother it with a pillow.

Fun fact: Didn't read the thread, but as for James playing Shinzon: that's the reason he left for darkest Africa at the end of season six. We were giving him the time off to do the film. When it didn't happen, the course was already set. But he got a nifty soul and that worked out okay.

Oh, and I heard Marvel pushed back X-Men 18? I've delivered 19, and Johnny's working steadily, so blame the marketplace. In fact, overturn the marketplace, the way Jesus did when he was cranky about that thing that time.

Rolling in Kittens, -j.

joss | October 01, 12:12 CET

See, now, I was LOOKING for that all over the place. I could not find it anywhere.

Heck, if they're making a second Transformer movie and actually bringing Optimus Prime back, they sure as hell can do a sequel to Serenity. I haven't lost hope yet.

Personally, what I think we NEED to do is start putting the idea out there that we want more NOVELS and COMICS. Grow the fanbase with a wider range and a more expanded 'verse. The studio would not sneeze at the cash and our fellow Browncoat KRAD would probably get another book deal! Make more fans through print and then start hitting the studio for another movie. Look at Star Trek. Look at crappy B movies. If they can make Nick Fury: Agent of Shield into a Hasselhoff movie, then they can make a second Serenity. (but it was produced by Fox, go figure! LOL)

I haven't lost hope. So many movies are planned and only a rare few get made. Some movies are made that shouldn't be. *shrug*

We must sacrifice newbie Browncoats to the displeased movie gods. Er... I mean...

Hold the line.



Tuesday, October 3, 2006 7:42 PM


I won't pretend to know anything about Joss. I don't even know some of the actors real names or other projects they're doing now or have done in the past, so most of the stuff alluded to and the people spoken in that letter went right over my head.

I don't have a clue if that letter would even sound like his writing or not. I've never seen anything he's ever written or watched a single interview he's done. The only reason I even know what he looks like is because of the face pic of him on this site, and for all I know that pic is 10 years old. I must admit that if he really did write that then that's some funny shit. That letter was so blatently arrogant if you can strip the flimsly layer of false modesty from the top. I was laughing pretty hard a few times 'cause I'd be just as arrogant in his shoes.... probably more.

I don't think he wrote it. But then again, this opinion is comming from a guy that doesn't believe we ever landed on the moon and that AIDS is a blanket generalization and cover-up for anywhere from 23 to 26 different government created diseases which have similar symptoms and fatality rates. If Joss came to my house to read the letter to me personally I would probably not even invite him inside for a beer out of fear that it was an Alliance Operative trying to trick me.

Soooooo............ Not so sure how valuable my opinion is on this matter to anyone here.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 8:08 PM


Oh yeah.... and another thing I meant to say was, wouldn't it be funny if they're all in the middle of making the movie right now but legally bound not to say anything about production by their contracts with Universal and/or "The Network Who Shall Not Be Named" in order for us to get a ton more copies sold?

Our great show is making lists of the greatest TV show of all time all over the place. This isn't just it's rabid fan-base. This is the critics opinions too. I think that the execs at "TNWSNBN" are a bunch of self satisfying -heads, but they didn't get where they're at because they were stupid. The way that show was ran out of order and then -canned was all part of an elaborate scheme. Perhaps Joss is a player, perhaps Joss is a Pawn.

Perhaps the killing of some, not all, of "TNWSNBN's" good shows is no more than a mere sociological experiment which is pretty easy to monitor now because of websites like this. Think about it... it wouldn't be worth it to kill a great show 15 or even 10 years ago to see what would happen without the rampant use of the internet we have today. Back then they would have to have live surveys of people at malls or door to door or via mailers, or it would require illegally wiretaping and screening millions of phone conversations to find out about what fans thought about the best show on TV getting cancelled (remember the good old days when illegal wiretapping was still illegal?).

The players know that the show will make money. The only question is will it make enough to make more money than half of the crap that's on the Network now. I say yes, and it's my opinion that the movie is already in black as well between theatre sales and ticket sales, no matter what they have to say about it. If I was an exec, with the bottom line and shareholders always in mind, and I saw thread like this asking people to keep buying and supporting the show, there is no way in hell I would allow a press release now about a new movie being made or the fact that the movie was in black if there was anything I could do to stop it. Let the viral marketing grow and see just how many movies and boxed sets the browncoats can sell for the Studio and the Network with virtually no advertising expenses at all. To release any such information like that could essentially kill thousands of DVD sales in the next year or two. If I was the boss of the person who let that information out, I would fire them on the spot.

This is not to say that I'm suggesting browncoats stop trying or even stop buying. I encourage you all to keep doing things exactly as you are doing. This is just food for thought.

And you'll never know if I'm an exec from "TNWSNBN" myself, and I'm just fueling your passion for the show by making you skeptical of such a sinsiter plot behind the scenes by just throwing it right out there in your faces.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 8:48 PM


From Tristan


I, and I know I will not be alone, will still be holding the line.

No, Tristan, you won't be alone.. I'll be right there on the same line I've been on everyday and night since last year about this time.

From Ryan


I don't reaelly care what anybody says about our chances. I didn't fall in love with tht show because anybody told me to, I'm sure as heck not going to give up on it. If they never make another ANYTHING, then the Show and the BDM will be an undying series of of finite happy moments, something I shared with my friends, and something that brought new ones into my life. Like a summer in your childhood that just seemed bETter than the other ones somehow. Because of the adventures, or because of the company.

Semper Fidelis and still here (taking my place on the line),


Although, I really do believe that we will get something of the 'Verse, Ryan.. I share your attitude about this. If they don't make a sequel or a show or a direct to DVD movie or a miniseries ( see folks the possibilities are good!) I am still happy! I want more. But I'm grateful for what I have too. I'm grateful for the adventures I've had the last year and the ones to come and mostly I'm grateful for meeting Browncoats ( the shiniest folk in the 'Verse!) and for being a Browncoat.

This boat is my home....

Go to and check it out!


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 9:48 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

From Tristan


I, and I know I will not be alone, will still be holding the line.

No, Tristan, you won't be alone.. I'll be right there on the same line I've been on everyday and night since last year about this time.

From Ryan


I don't reaelly care what anybody says about our chances. I didn't fall in love with tht show because anybody told me to, I'm sure as heck not going to give up on it. If they never make another ANYTHING, then the Show and the BDM will be an undying series of of finite happy moments, something I shared with my friends, and something that brought new ones into my life. Like a summer in your childhood that just seemed bETter than the other ones somehow. Because of the adventures, or because of the company.

Semper Fidelis and still here (taking my place on the line),


Although, I really do believe that we will get something of the 'Verse, Ryan.. I share your attitude about this. If they don't make a sequel or a show or a direct to DVD movie or a miniseries ( see folks the possibilities are good!) I am still happy! I want more. But I'm grateful for what I have too. I'm grateful for the adventures I've had the last year and the ones to come and mostly I'm grateful for meeting Browncoats ( the shiniest folk in the 'Verse!) and for being a Browncoat.

This boat is my home....

This series of comments from the buncha you guys (goils?) was so sweetly profound... really made me, uhhh, "hum" (??) in harmonic resonant agreement wit' all'y'all.

Who cares about all the OLD movies-produced-because-some-studio-twerp-figured-out-there-might-be-a-fanbase-for-it (speaking of which, Comedy Central's® roast of William Shatner was a (delightfully-disturbing) hoot, in case y'haven't seen it)... when the NEWest Serenity finally gets made, it'll be the NEW movie that got made because all you delightfully-profound people deSERVE having that movie made...

wait(!) what am I saying(?!?)... BDJossie's gotta make the second BDnextmovie to placate MY BDdumbass(!)... our relationship of these last few years has been rather intimate, y'see(?): Joss keeps making the shows/movies I wanna see and... I go see 'em to my everlasting joy, edification and sublime elevation.

ANN-Nnn-nnnd... as I desire at least five ("5, each") more Firefly sequels, my "movie-mour," (a slight malapropism on "paramour," if y'all will... ) BDJoss, will OBviously provide me with those joyful, edifying & sublimely elevating new sequels... I mean... how could it be otherwise?

I mean, have you seen me? puh-LEASE... The Universe OBviously revolves around me, pretty much no doubt about that... In fact, there's only room for ONE Solipsist in this universe so... the resta all'y'all, GET OUT! I mean... unless you're helping me get more Firefly episodes, you must be working for Fox - I MEAN(!)... you must "be aGAINST us" ...I mean, "me"...

So... to recapitulate...: more Firefly/Serenity movies/shows will must needs occur, OR... the universe will cease to have any further relevance as... I will NOT have been placated. And that would be bad...

Placate me "or your friends will think you're a stupid, inbred stack of meat."


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 9:53 PM


lousy, rotten brackets...


Tuesday, October 3, 2006 10:07 PM


Don't you mean, lousy Gorram brackets, wacky one?

Hehe.... wacky one... ain't that the pot calling the kettle black?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Wednesday, October 4, 2006 12:54 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by ecgordon:
Please read Joss' comments again. All he is saying is that there is currently no sequel happening, not that there never will be one. I still think we have a 100% chance of a new production of some type within five years.


Everyone reread Joss's comments & then what ECGordon just said. Look at the wording. No where does Joss say there will never be a sequel, only that he is not working on one right now.

His not working on a sequel now is not new browncoats. We all know he is chest deep in Wonder Woman. He also has the Xmen comic he works on, as well as the next installment of the Serenity comic he is planning, plus he was just recently announced as taking over another comic writing job. The man is busy.

You all keep the faith! You all hold the line! Nothing has changed. It's still up to us, just like it has always been. We have to push those Serenity dvds! We have to keep recruiting new browncoats. Our voices were heard once and we got the BDM for our efforts. If we want to be heard again, we need more browncoats. We need to be legion. We need numbers. That means we ramp up our efforts and we spread the word.

So what are you standing around for? Get out there and do what we do best!

Keep flyin'!

Holding the line since December '02!

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, October 4, 2006 11:24 AM


Thanks, Browncoat1 and ECGordon.

I think this message was strictly to dispell a rumour that came up over the past week from a misinterpeted comment that Joss made to a fan at the Forbidden Planet store in England. I'm taking heart from this thought that the purpose of that post was to smother that rumour and that rumour only.

The post says that there is no "secret project" or "sequel" in the works.

Doesn't say there's not any talk going around. Just says there's nothing concrete happening now.

"Those grenades?"
"Captain don't want 'em."
"Jayne, we're robbing the place, we're not occupying it."


Wednesday, October 4, 2006 12:48 PM



The post says that there is no "secret project" or "sequel" in the works.

Doesn't say there's not any talk going around. Just says there's nothing concrete happening now.

In my opinion, it doesn't even really say that. Hollywood Non-Disclosure Agreements being what they are, for all we know there could be something in the works, something being talked about, but that Joss can't talk about publicly yet. He was squashing the rumor that he said something about a sequel or secret project to a fan in England. He did not indicate that to a fan, either because there isn't anything in the works currently (probable), or because he's under a strict NDA not to say anything about what is in the works (still possible, if not probable, IMO).

But I agree that nothing has changed. Joss will tell us when he is able to tell us. Until then, we just hold the line.


You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, October 4, 2006 2:11 PM


Okay ... recollecting on past cons and articles, it appears there is NO script draft being written and Universal has said nothing, but they very well are talking about concepts.



Wednesday, October 4, 2006 2:19 PM


Hey, kind of an interesting read:

Talks about how worthless box office is nowadays at about 17% of total revenues. It's all about home theater (and I got the 55" HD, baby! Saw Serenity in full glory!). But, in my ongoing web surf efforts I found that the actual DVD sales figures are really hard to come by. They don't want you to know.

So keep plugging those discs!!!

It's okay to leave them to die.


Wednesday, October 4, 2006 2:19 PM


Hey, kind of an interesting read:

Talks about how worthless box office is nowadays at about 17% of total revenues. It's all about home theater (and I got the 55" HD, baby! Saw Serenity in full glory!). But, in my ongoing web surf efforts I found that the actual DVD sales figures are really hard to come by. They don't want you to know.

So keep plugging those discs!!!

It's okay to leave them to die.






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