Ummm. . .we're not 'geeks'. . .how did that happen?

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 4, 2004 02:12
VIEWED: 8076
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Monday, February 2, 2004 6:58 AM


You know. . .I've written several posts that I re-read and deleted because I wasn't sure how to approach this. . .

But I guess I'll come out and say it. . .

I've noticed that as ENTHUSIASTIC and DEDICATED as we "Browncoats" are. . .we manage to artfully avoid falling into the stereotype of scifi fans that end up wearing prosthetic foreheads, spouting klingon and elvish and just generally creeping the regular public out.

"RAY. . .you're scaring the straights!"

Why is that. . .do you suppose? My theory is. . .

Firefly. . .compared to Star Wars, Trek and everything else. . .is actually FAIRLY EASY for someone to 'wrap their head around' . . .no uber-technology. . .no stupid holodecks, transporter beams, no friggin' 'aft thermocouple' that ALWAYS seemed to screw up, but Geordi never had the sense to have an EXTRA one. . .No alien races and wierd cultures where chewing with your mouth open might woefully offend them into war. . .

It's US. . .our SAME stuggles. . .our SAME conflicts. . .just spread out a bit more. Ya know? It's too close to reality for even the MOST die-hard fans to get unrealistic.

Am I making sense?

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Monday, February 2, 2004 7:05 AM


You are certainly making sense!

And I agree with you, that this level of devotion would normally have an associated 'geek'-factor. Maybe it's just that browncoats look like normal wear so we pass under the radar of oddness

"I think the right place to start is to say, fair is fair. This is who we are. These are our numbers." Mr Willis of Ohio - The West Wing


Monday, February 2, 2004 7:09 AM


You make good points, but what's wrong with being a geek? What's wrong with knowing how to fix the continually busted aft thermocouple? Or learning chinese, or klingon, or elvish?

To a certain point, it's not your problem if your passion makes people uncomfortable. So long as your not harassing them, scaring the straights is a good thing.

I'm a dying breed who still believes, haunted by American dreams. ---Neko Case


Monday, February 2, 2004 7:13 AM



Originally posted by BarneyT:
You are certainly making sense!

And I agree with you, that this level of devotion would normally have an associated 'geek'-factor. Maybe it's just that browncoats look like normal wear so we pass under the radar of oddness

I agree: Static makes a ton of sense; however, I think that BarneyT's answer is exactly right. Any "costumes" we might wear for Firefly look enough like normal clothing that we don't immediately stand out to the general public, unlike those that wear the Federation jumpsuits, prosthetic foreheads, Princess Leia cinnamon bun hair, elf ears, and all the other myriad incarnations of costuming prevalent among the fandom of other sci-fi shows.

I submit that we actually are geeks - and just as geeky as Star Trek, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, et all, fans - we just don't stand out as easily in a crowd of non-fans. (I am a fan of all the aforementioned, and have worn all the costumes, so I know whereof I speak. )


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Monday, February 2, 2004 7:18 AM


LOL- Maybe we ARE geeks, and just dont know it- For the love of Pete, I'm getting a Jayne hat- Do you think the guy who dresses up as a Klingon and learns the Klingon dialect thinks HE's a geek? doubt it- - But, I think what separates Browncoats is the lack of technobabble, the lack of aliens, etc.- I (we?) like FF because of the characters and the dialogue, not because they have cool looking aliens and a crew of geniuses (cmon, really, the folks on STTNG were Sci-Fi's UBERCREW, not realistic) -

But what do I know, I have a small collection of B5 merchandise, and bought a Jayne hat-

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Monday, February 2, 2004 7:22 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Maybe we are just geeks flyin' below the radar. LOL

I think Static has a point. Firefly is not based on uber-technology, does not have a bunch of aliens, nor is there a ton of techno-geek jargen to try to translate. For these reasons, Firefly is the best sci fi series I have ever watched.

The one thing about shows like Star Trek that just don't keep my attention is the writers need to fill lines of script w/ techno babble that is way over the average persons head. I especially hate it when two engineering types get together and start talking about thermowidgets and inverted phase thingamabobs and talk so fast that I get a headache trying to listen to them. They may as well be speaking Greek.

I love Stargate SG 1, but when Carter starts babbling on about technical things and spacial anamoly theories, I go crosseyed just like O'Neill and want to just tell her "Stop! Say it in Captain dumb speak."

Firefly to me is easier to follow and lacks all the unnecessary techno mombo-jombo other shows use to try to impress people. Me personally, I would rather have a good script and a damn fine cast than all of those fancy bells and whistles.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, February 2, 2004 7:29 AM


In answer to your question, SevenPercent, most of us that dress up as Klingons and attempt to (or actually do) learn the language actually DO think that we're geeks and nerds... and we revel in being outside the mainstream. Unfortunately, movies like Trekkies take the few that are truly, severely extremist and pretend that they are the majority, thus giving the world the impression that we all sit around wearing our costumes and speaking Klingon for no reason whatsoever (most of us only do that at conventions). End Rant

Sorry, this is just something I'm a bit passionate about... I truly hate wide-sweeping generalizations, and the media tends to exaggerate them.

Browncoat1: I am totally in agreement with your statements about being better able to get into Firefly because of the lack of technobabble. Until Firefly came along, I truly missed seeing the Star Trek that used to actually delve in character development, rather than the "technology of the week", and after a while, all the aliens start to look the same.

Now, in the words of Nathan and Allan (War Stories commentary): "Why did they cancel this show again?"

idiot central (FOX)


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Monday, February 2, 2004 7:39 AM


Okay. . .I can see that. That makes perfect sense.

I, myself, have always been a big fan of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. . .From Dr. Who to Andromeda to Farscape. . .all of it. I've attended several cons, and other such gatherings. . .but when I got around people I knew who wore the jumpsuits or Klingon armor or somesuch, my internal systems always said, "Whoa. . .whoa whoa whoa. . .calm down." And I NEVER posted on a fansite for ANY of these shows. . .no matter HOW much I loved them. Just never did.

I hope Joss read this thread and takes some measure of inspiration from the observation that HIS creation is the ONLY venue in the ENTIRE genre that I love so dearly. . .that I've delved into this DEPTH of devotion.

Yes. . .I have a website bookmarked where I can find a really good brown trenchcoat. . .I already have a lever-action 30.06 with the western style 'loop' lever for one-handed action that a gunsmith buddy of mine will cut down for me. . .AND the same gunsmith buddy said he can probably craft a WORKING replica of Mal's pistol.


I've ALWAYS preferred chopsticks to regular utensils, and I've toyed with learning how to swear in Chineese because I work with kids and officers (not much difference) whom I wouldn't want to swear in front of. . .

Boy I feel like I'm at a 'geeks anonymous' meeting. . .confession time. *laugh*

I think the reason I've always been a little 'edgy' about the ones I describe in my first post. . .wearing the foreheads. . .speaking Klingon. . .all that. . .is because I perform at a Renaissance Festival. . .enthusiastically, by the way. . .and every year, we have a contingent of Klingons that show up in full regalia.

Now. . .let me say that again.

Every year, we have a contingent of KLINGONS . . .that show up in FULL REGALIA. . .at a RENAISSANCE festival.

Now. . .

People who attend RenFests in Renaissance costumes don't bother me at all.

People who attend Sci-Fi cons in Sci Fi costumes don't bother me at all.

People who MIX the two. . .for reasons I can't describe. . .BUG THE CRUD out of me. If you're one of those types, then more power to you, I love you for who you are.

I could go on more about this, but I won't because you are all very cool people in my book and I really don't want to offend you or hurt your feelings.

MY delicate sensibilities are MY problem, and I'll deal with them. I just felt like offering some insight about myself and if I offended, please forgive.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Monday, February 2, 2004 7:46 AM



Originally posted by Static:
Boy I feel like I'm at a 'geeks anonymous' meeting. . .confession time. *laugh*

Hi, my name's Barney and I'm a geek... If I had enough money, I'd be a geek with a replica of Hadhafang (Arwen's sword from Lord of the Rings, for the non-Ring-geeks!)...

I suppose there isn't much to Firefly that shrieks 'geekdom' to the outside world, but I bet there are some non-fans out there who mutter everytime they hear someone say 'gorram'!

"I think the right place to start is to say, fair is fair. This is who we are. These are our numbers." Mr Willis of Ohio - The West Wing


Monday, February 2, 2004 7:46 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I have attended several Cons and met many people who like to get into costume and portray one Star Trek race or another. I have hung out with and got to know some of them and I must say they are good, perfectly sane folk, like anyone else.

A little story:

Two years ago at Dragon Con in Atlanta, we were sitting in a sports bar around midnight having a few drinks. They have karaoke at this bar, and there were a bunch of people singing that night. Karaoke is not normally my thing, but no way in a special Hell are you getting me up there. I have to say that anyone that does do it has guts.

Anyway, a guy in full Klingon costume including the forehead piece, wig, weapons, the whole nine yards takes the mic and sings Kenny Rogers "Lady". People heckled him at first, but this guy was a trooper, and he had one heck of a voice. He was the best singer that evening, and when he was done, we invited him to join us and bought him drinks. I got to talk to him awhile and he was a heck of a guy. I still email him and consider him a friend.

I guess what I am trying to say is that Astriana is right, you can't generalize all Trek fans into the stereotype the media tries to lump them into. I have yet to meet one of those the news speaks of, as all I have met are regular folk who are passionate about a show like I am about Firefly.

Astriana: I gave up on Trek when they got all wrapped up in the techno thing of the week. I really liked the original and the character development. I even liked the first three seasons of STtNG until it went over the top on me.

Guess Firefly for me is sci fi grounded with some reality and good old fashioned character development and good script writing.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, February 2, 2004 7:51 AM



Originally posted by BarneyT:

Originally posted by Static:
Boy I feel like I'm at a 'geeks anonymous' meeting. . .confession time. *laugh*

Hi, my name's Barney and I'm a geek... If I had enough money, I'd be a geek with a replica of Hadhafang (Arwen's sword from Lord of the Rings, for the non-Ring-geeks!)...

Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh geez. . .I HAVE the replica of Hadhafang. . .straight from "The Noble Collection". . .and Legolas' blades. . .

Dammit. . .it's worse than I thought!

I don't speak Elvish, but I DO speak Gaelic. . .but that's because I'm Irish.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Monday, February 2, 2004 8:01 AM


OH GOD it's worse than we thought!! *panics* somebody get this man a hypodermic of "mundanianism"!

I, personally am like Astriana. I revel in my geeky status, I LOVE being the geeky girl, I even have a shirt that says I my geek--'cause my husband is one too.....but there is one difference. We were always Comp-Sci geeks..hung out in the computer labs at college all hours of the night playing games...that sorta stuff. NOW I'm a fandom geek, and I LOVE IT. Like Static, I've always been into the Ren.Faire thing, always liked the idea of cosplay, though it kinda creeped me out too. I've NEVER never participated in that sort of thing. Never been to Ren.Faire, never cosplayed, never anything...until NOW.

I would GLADLY go out with you guys in long coats, high boots, Jayne hats, and swear in chinese to the world. And I still, after all this conversation, have NO CLUE why this fandom was SO much more powerful than any other I've ever been interested in. It's just the magic of Firefly.

Just a humble supplicant in service to all things Joss


Monday, February 2, 2004 8:11 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Ciara wrote:


I've always been into the Ren.Faire thing, always liked the idea of cosplay, though it kinda creeped me out too. I've NEVER never participated in that sort of thing. Never been to Ren.Faire, never cosplayed, never anything...until NOW.

I would GLADLY go out with you guys in long coats, high boots, Jayne hats, and swear in chinese to the world. And I still, after all this conversation, have NO CLUE why this fandom was SO much more powerful than any other I've ever been interested in. It's just the magic of Firefly.

You took the words right out of my mouth Ciara. I have been to Conventions and Ren Fairs, but have never had the slightest inclination to dress up in costume for anything until Firefly came along. Now I have a brown coat, boots, and am having a replica of Mal's gun made. I am even looking into getting a duplicate of the patch that was on Mal's uniform in the Battle of Serenity Valley.

I guess this show just really gets under your skin that way, like ST does for others.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, February 2, 2004 8:22 AM



Originally posted by Static:
Yes. . .I have a website bookmarked where I can find a really good brown trenchcoat. . .

Share, please!


I've ALWAYS preferred chopsticks to regular utensils. . .

Me too. You should see the looks on the servers' faces at the Oriental restaurants in the area when they bring me a fork and I ask for chopsticks...


Boy I feel like I'm at a 'geeks anonymous' meeting. . .confession time. *laugh*

Hi, my name is Astriana, and I'm a full-blown geek...


I think the reason I've always been a little 'edgy' about the ones I describe in my first post. . .wearing the foreheads. . .speaking Klingon. . .all that. . .is because I perform at a Renaissance Festival. . .enthusiastically, by the way. . .and every year, we have a contingent of Klingons that show up in full regalia.

Now. . .let me say that again.

Every year, we have a contingent of KLINGONS . . .that show up in FULL REGALIA. . .at a RENAISSANCE festival.

Now. . .

People who attend RenFests in Renaissance costumes don't bother me at all.

People who attend Sci-Fi cons in Sci Fi costumes don't bother me at all.

People who MIX the two. . .for reasons I can't describe. . .BUG THE CRUD out of me. If you're one of those types, then more power to you, I love you for who you are.

Oh, honey, I think those show up EVERYWHERE, and I'm not sure why. We get them here, too... and they bug the crap outta EVERYONE. (Sadly, I actually know a few of these... )

And, no, I don't think anyone would be offended by anything you've said. We still love ya! (The love letters are on their way! )


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Monday, February 2, 2004 8:46 AM



Originally posted by Astriana:

Oh, honey, I think those show up EVERYWHERE, and I'm not sure why. We get them here, too... and they bug the crap outta EVERYONE. (Sadly, I actually know a few of these... )

What really irks me about these folks is this. . .

I am a paid performer at the RenFest in NC. . .one day I'm walking along and I cheerfully acknowledge one of these Klingons with a 'good morning' or somesuch. . .and this guy got belligerent with me because he was "Admiral Somesuch of Whatsizface fleet" and I had failed to acknowlege him properly!

I committed a cardinal sin and broke character right there. . .stepped close to him and said, "Okay, look, Chuck. . .Phil. . .Jimmy. . .whatever-the-fuk your REAL name is. . .you wanna play real deal here, that's fine. But if THAT is the case, you need to remember that this is SIXTEENTH CENTURY ENGLAND!!!!! If I 'react appropriately' to you, you'd already be hit over the head, tied to a stake and in the process of being burned alive because you're OBVIOUSLY a demon of some sort. Now. . .howsabout you calm down and enjoy yourself?"

He nodded soberly and had some mead.


"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Monday, February 2, 2004 9:20 AM


I just wanted to say, I am so NOT a geek. I've loved Sci-Fi all my life - read and watched it, but I've never gone to a Convention (never even thought about it), never dressed up (although I secretly suspect I actually am Vulcan), never learned Klingon or Elven or any other language. I've never surfed sci-fi websites and I've never exchanged messages with sci-fi fans.
In fact, I'm such a non-geek that my extremely hot, new computer (flat panel screen!) arrived the same day as my Firefly DVDs, and just try and guess which I was more excited about?! (I'm still trying to figure the computer out).
I don't know what the magic of Firefly is. All I know is I consider it a very smart show. The sort of show that will sail over the head of your "average joe".
I don't know anyone personally who has seen the show. The only people I "know" are the ones on the Firefly websites - and they are bound to be fans, otherwise they wouldn't be here.
But, I have to say, I'm pretty excited to discover that there are a lot of people out there smart enough to get it.
Maybe that's the magic? It appeals to our intellect, and let's face it - there's not a lot on tv these days that does that!!

Simon: Can you move your feet?
Kaylee: Are you asking me to dance?


Monday, February 2, 2004 9:21 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Static wrote:


I am a paid performer at the RenFest in NC. . .one day I'm walking along and I cheerfully acknowledge one of these Klingons with a 'good morning' or somesuch. . .and this guy got belligerent with me because he was "Admiral Somesuch of Whatsizface fleet" and I had failed to acknowlege him properly!

I committed a cardinal sin and broke character right there. . .stepped close to him and said, "Okay, look, Chuck. . .Phil. . .Jimmy. . .whatever-the-fuk your REAL name is. . .you wanna play real deal here, that's fine. But if THAT is the case, you need to remember that this is SIXTEENTH CENTURY ENGLAND!!!!! If I 'react appropriately' to you, you'd already be hit over the head, tied to a stake and in the process of being burned alive because you're OBVIOUSLY a demon of some sort. Now. . .howsabout you calm down and enjoy yourself?"

He nodded soberly and had some mead.

You are not the only one to run into someone who gets a little into their character. I ran across a group of four Klingons like that at Dragon Con this past September who got a bit beligerent when they were not "addressed by their proper title and rank" or some such foolishness. After being politely reminded that not all of us play Star Trek and prefer to dwell in reality, they left us alone.

Guess some people get too much into the spirit of things.

Astriana, here is a link for where I got my brown coat if you are interested. The walnut brown color is the one that matches Mal's:

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, February 2, 2004 10:13 AM


Keep the Shiny side up

Well, Serena stole my story. Reading sci-fi 40 years, LOTR fan since the '60s, knew all about fandom and cons and SCA and RennFairs and fan sites and stuff, but was never interested in participating.

Now I Firefly roleplay, and write poetry based on Firefly themes, ant tell my family and friends about this strange TV show that didn't run too long. Don't know if I'll ever get into the costume and Con thing, but seems change is in the air.

Yes, my name is Jerry, and I am a geek, after all.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Monday, February 2, 2004 10:18 AM


I purpose that not only are we all geeks, but that we must be the cool geeks. Not only is our show cooler than the others, but our fans are a full degree smarter too.

Think about it! Instead of this Elvish-ness and Klingon-ishness we learn Cantonese. What is it that people think when they hear that you are teaching your self Cantonese? That you are one smart MoFo. What do people often think when you say in passing “I’m teaching myself Klingon”? Often that statement is followed with thoughts of “You need sex, NOW, because obviously you have WAY too much free time on your hands.”

Instead of this pointy ear business, when we don our gear, do we look like we just got out of a 24 Treck Marathon? No, We look as though we have slightly odd but still Exceptionally cool fashion sense. Again how smart are we? We subject the world to our ‘verse and they are having no clues as to what is happening around them.

The subterfuge is such a beautiful thing and such an obscenely smart thing that it just makes me want to shout SHINY in a very public place.

I will say this though for the techno babble. Coming out of the right mouth of the right person, it can be damn sexy.

Mal:"someone ever ties to kill you, you try to kill'em right back!"


Monday, February 2, 2004 10:25 AM


You know. . .in response to what someone said earlier. . .

I'd gladly don a brown trench with you guys. . .strap a pistol to my hip and hang out at a convention. We'd look WAY cooler than the folks dressed as stormtroopers and Klingons. . .in my opinion.

And I bet that damn plastic (trooper) and rubber (klingon) armor wouldn't do NOTHIN' against a .45 caliber lead slug.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Monday, February 2, 2004 10:30 AM



Originally posted by Static:

I'd gladly don a brown trench with you guys. . .strap a pistol to my hip and hang out at a convention. We'd look WAY cooler than the folks dressed as stormtroopers and Klingons. . .in my opinion.

And I bet that damn plastic (trooper) and rubber (klingon) armor wouldn't do NOTHIN' against a .45 caliber lead slug.

You dig .... (slang in my neck of the woods for 'with you 100%') - Besides, if Browncoats are geeks, give me the baton, brother, and I'll lead the geek parade in my brown coat- Best show ever-

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Monday, February 2, 2004 10:39 AM



Originally posted by Static:
You know. . .in response to what someone said earlier. . .

I'd gladly don a brown trench with you guys. . .strap a pistol to my hip and hang out at a convention.

Me too! Me too!


We'd look WAY cooler than the folks dressed as stormtroopers and Klingons. . .in my opinion.

Well, of course! Cooler by far, in both style and actual heat... You have no idea how HOT those prosthetics are!


And I bet that damn plastic (trooper) and rubber (klingon) armor wouldn't do NOTHIN' against a .45 caliber lead slug.

Hehehe... As long as it's not one of those serious die-hards that make their own armor from actual 16 gauge steel... LOL


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Monday, February 2, 2004 10:39 AM


You know. . .now that I think about this. . .

Why do I think the geek from "The Simpsons" who owns The Android Dungeon would have HATED Firefly?

And why do I envision some con where a bunch of browncoats mix it up with some stormtroopers and kick their asses?

"Police have not been able to identify any suspects, but witness accounts say the assailants were 'dressed like normal people, and kept saying things like "Alliance Bastards!" as they pistol whipped their victims."

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Monday, February 2, 2004 10:50 AM



It's US. . .our SAME stuggles. . .our SAME conflicts. . .just spread out a bit more. Ya know? It's too close to reality for even the MOST die-hard fans to get unrealistic.

I think it also helps that Firefly's heroes aren't nerds, unlike the vast majority of Star Trek's protagonists, and that the entirety of the problems they face aren't nerd problems. Instead of Geordi needing to reroute the diphasic coupler through the sensor array in order to emit a tetrion pulse in time to save the ship, Mal needs to negotiate with a desperado for a job without getting shot. The closest Firefly comes to a Star Trek plot is OoG, with, "Okay, cap'n, we need a new one of these dinguses, and it goes here like so."

"Yep. That's a cow fetus."


Monday, February 2, 2004 10:55 AM



Originally posted by Fortunatus:

The closest Firefly comes to a Star Trek plot is OoG, with, "Okay, cap'n, we need a new one of these dinguses, and it goes here like so."

"Yep. That's a cow fetus."

And it's made even better by the whole exchange of the whole exchange. . .(paraphrased)

Mal: Well. . .fix it!
Kaylee: Noooooooooo. . .we CAN'T 'fix it'. ..we have to REPLACE it.
Mal: Well we don't HAVE a replacement. . .so FIX it!
Kaylee: (rolls eyes) You're not paying attention. NO FIXEE PARTEE!!! REPLACEE PARTEE!!!

You're right. Very non-nerd. No computer geniuses in the scene. . .just a greasy mechanic and a guy who's in charge because he's the toughest.
(And yes, he IS the toughest, not Jayne, otherwise Jayne wouldn't be afraid of him.)

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Monday, February 2, 2004 11:01 AM


lol... funny thread.

I assume you don't mean 'geek' as in a performer but as ... oh let's say the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons.

I don't know if you're a geek just because you happen to like a Sci-Fi show. If so, obviously we who post here in a rather sad testimate to the fact that the second a decent TV show is broadcast, tptb will rush to cancel it.

Still, Firefly is a show about people. It isn't a Sci-Fi like Stargate is. Notice that the plots of SG-1 are pushed forward by the science while Firefly stories always move forward because of the characters.

It could be worst... you could be a football fan.


Monday, February 2, 2004 11:02 AM


I too have no problem with the term geek. Everyone has something that sets them apart. When it comes to geeks however, we are the cool click. It's not because we are better, smarter, stronger, etc... It is simply due to the fact that our passion melds more socially then other Sci-Fi.

I have no problem with however wierd someone wants to be, hell if you want to pour mustard on your head and worship a pack of Hot Dogs, more power to you. As long as what you like hurts nobody else, or yourself, be as strange as you want to. Unfortunately, the average person likes to point out others differences negatively, so people will not notice what is actualy wrong with them (i.e. Astriana being a part time cheese-grater head) ,love to you Klingons by the way! Crapola I forgot she knows where I live

The exremists in our Sci-Fi culture however, give us all a bad name with those that don't follow Sci-Fi. I have personally known a guy who used to come into my store and refuse to speak anything but Klingon, another individual who had his ears surgically altered to look like an elf, and yes I know the Star Trek dentist and his wife. I applaud these people for living their life the way they want but, you have to live with the repercusions of that decision.

Sometimes as fans we have a scewed vision of what is cool. I'm very sure the guy that attends comic book cons dressed in tight spandex, weighing 300 plus pounds, thinks he makes a cool superman, but looks more like Jelly Donut Man to us. I just don't think its right to make judgements out loud about it. Snicker or recoil in horror as much as you want inside your head, you have that right. Don't however crush some poor persons dream.

We are lucky that our show uses a style of dress and languages that are not so far from the norm. We might make a few law enforcement officials nervous with our side-arms, but in general only the serious trendy fashion people will have anything negatve to say about our clothing.

Well thats my rant and I'm stickin' to it. Ifin' ya don't like it, please make yer complaints to, response will be instantaneous.

The Hero of Canton, the man they call... Meeeeee!


Monday, February 2, 2004 11:09 AM


You're very right about everything you said, SSon. I think that's why I chose to voice my views on this topic in this forum. I would certainly never stand up on a table at a Convention and say, "YOu're all LOSERS" or anything like that. . .because I don't think anyone like that is. Maybe more extreme than I am, but that's cool. I like to ride skateboards, but I don't think Tony Hawk is crazy just because he's more extreme about it than I am.

Like I said before . . .I really hope nothing I've said has offended anyone here. No matter how moderate or extreme you are in ANY fandom of ANY sci-fi or fantasy, I revel in the kinship WE share in our love of the greatest show ever made.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Monday, February 2, 2004 11:10 AM


Normalcy sucks.

I tend to hang with a lot of the Renfaire, SciFi Convention and related crowd, most of whom, save for extreme examples, are just regular folk with a hobby the mainstream considers "odd".

Hell I drive a cab, in detroit, which is pretty mainstream, tho not real safe...

Browncoats don't generally creep folk out the way, say.. Klingons do, but I have no doubt we equal them in passion, so if that makes us geekish, bring it on.

I live near Ann Arbor, Michigan, too which is like the home of all weirdness, the only town where if you cuss out someone who cuts you off in Klingon, they might retaliate in kind..

DEFINATELY more fun than normalcy.

We're ok, they're just amusement-impaired, what's life worth if it ain't no fun ?



Monday, February 2, 2004 11:15 AM


Hey, SerenitysSon, I bet you pro'ly didn't know that actually leads to "Virtus Energy - Renewable Energy Leaders"...

For the rest: Hear! Hear!

Loves back at ya! (From all of us crazy costumed players.)


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Monday, February 2, 2004 11:18 AM



Originally posted by Static:
I'd gladly don a brown trench with you guys. . .strap a pistol to my hip and hang out at a convention. We'd look WAY cooler than the folks dressed as stormtroopers and Klingons. . .in my opinion.

And I bet that damn plastic (trooper) and rubber (klingon) armor wouldn't do NOTHIN' against a .45 caliber lead slug.


When do we go?

We could SO take 'em! We have BOOTS.

Mal:"someone ever ties to kill you, you try to kill'em right back!"


Monday, February 2, 2004 11:21 AM


I'm so glad I managed to open this topic and express myself honestly without offending you guys.

Honestly, that's one of the reasons I 'shy away' from other . . .shall we call them. . .'enthusiasts' of other groups, because for some reason, I always manage to find the ones who get all offended if you DON'T go to the same levels they do. . .with the makeup, costumes, language, etc.

Another reason why I really appreciate you guys. Especially while I'm out here 'in the black'.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Monday, February 2, 2004 12:00 PM


Hey Static, wheres the Ren Faire you work at in NC?

This is all completely true by the way. I just like to view them as a different variety of people. You know, like the French or something.

And yes, I would happily join you all at the big storm-trooper/klingon ass-kicking thingy.

Dont ask me silly questions.
I wont play silly games.
Somebody tries to kill you you go ahead and try to kill them right on back!


Monday, February 2, 2004 12:05 PM


You got a Jayne hat?! Where did you get a Jayne hat? Captain, can I have some money for a Jayne hat? ;)

*suddenly feels the need to visit the Fireflygasm thread...*

...still a little whimsical in the brain pan...


Monday, February 2, 2004 12:10 PM


I am sooo confused, here. I have indeed been confused right out of my usual lurking to respond. I have never dressed up as anything, attended any fan convention, or any of that but I know that I am undoubtedly, unquestionably, and professionally a geek.

And I like being one.

I like knowing how to fix things, and why things are physically possible--or not. And because of this I HATE technobabble. It's just distracting nonsense, so I just tune it out. I love the fact that Firefly doesn't really engage in that sort of thing. Let's just keep it at the captain dummy talk level.

So I am thinking here, that we just lack a proper definition of the word. Which just goes to what a geek I am!



Monday, February 2, 2004 12:24 PM



Originally posted by Dracos:
Hey Static, wheres the Ren Faire you work at in NC?

I'm a member of the Royal Court at the Carolina Renaissance Festival just outside Charlotte, NC.

I wasn't there THIS season because I was too busy killing terrorists and such, but I'll be back NEXT season.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Monday, February 2, 2004 12:27 PM



Originally posted by Dracos:
Hey Static, wheres the Ren Faire you work at in NC?

I'm a member of the Royal Court at the Carolina Renaissance Festival just outside Charlotte, NC.

I wasn't there THIS season because I was too busy killing terrorists and such, but I'll be back NEXT season.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Monday, February 2, 2004 12:53 PM


You familiar at all with Stellarcon in High-point?

Dont ask me silly questions.
I wont play silly games.
Somebody tries to kill you you go ahead and try to kill them right on back!


Monday, February 2, 2004 12:59 PM


Why yes. . .and many years ago when I was in college at UNCG, Tera Pitts (now Tera someone-else) recruited me to work security for them with my roomates and a couple of others.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Monday, February 2, 2004 2:36 PM


I'm afraid that I have to come down on the side of my dear friend Sarah Zettel on this one. It is part of her own personal philosophy that "Everyone is a geek about something." I completely agree with her.



Tuesday, February 3, 2004 2:41 AM



Originally posted by Static:
Am I making sense?

Yes absolutely! I am not above freaking the mundanes, but it is a bit harder to do with Firefly, because of its western elements. Which sends me off on two points.

First, good science fiction, or good fiction in general, is alway about the here and now, even when it takes place in a galaxy far far away. Its always about our struggles, our feelings, and characters that interact as we would. Even aliens are essentially props, or humans with certain attributes enhanced or diminshed. Note Spock.

Second, Firefly is a science fiction program with American Western flavor and setting. But the great thing about space travel is that science fiction can posit ANY culture or society that one can dream up. Anything from Clan of the Cave Bear primitive, through Star Trek replicator post capitalism and beyond. You want a planet that mimics the Ming dynasty, or you want to retell the story of ancient Mesopotamia on a space station, go for it. Science fiction allows creative license to do all those kinds of things.

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 2:47 AM



Originally posted by Static:
People who MIX the two. . .for reasons I can't describe. . .BUG THE CRUD out of me. If you're one of those types, then more power to you, I love you for who you are.

That may be all they are trying to do. Freak the mundanes. Shake up folk's sensibilities a bit.

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 2:49 AM



Me too. You should see the looks on the servers' faces at the Oriental restaurants in the area when they bring me a fork and I ask for chopsticks...

You should see the look on their faces at Occidental resturants too. I carry my and my SO's chopsticks permanently in my purse and even if most American resturants don't cut things up enough for regular use, they are better than a fork for salad in my opinion.

In my younger days, I have done some cosplay and such, but this truly has a different feel. More real, less posing if that makes any sense. Truly Hardcore fans, the type where when you meet them you wonder if they have any other life (I have met a few that won't drop out of character) really creep me out)

FireFly is utterly different. I can't really define it but why bother. I'm happy and it's fun anyway.


If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 6:40 AM


Firefly just isn't a geeky show. If I were a big Star Trek fan, there's no way I'd bring episodes I taped to my college, and offer them to my friends there. But I always loan out my Firefly DVDs, even to classmates who are scarcely more than acquaintances. And you know what? Everyone likes it. Never met a person who didn't like Firefly. Whatever race, or gender, or background. And perhaps that's the difference; the wide appeal. How many female Star Trek fans are there?

That's why, even if I were a huge Stargate fan, I'd never consider attending a sci-fi convention, yet would love to meet with fellow Firefly fans. I just, don't like hanging out with geeks. They aren't fun.
Sadly, I've never met a Firefly fan, spare the ones I created.

And by that, I mean corpses I pieced together and brought to life, before forcing them to watch the show. Muah-ha-ha!!


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 7:48 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by BrownCoat1:

You are not the only one to run into someone who gets a little into their character. I ran across a group of four Klingons like that at Dragon Con this past September who got a bit beligerent when they were not "addressed by their proper title and rank" or some such foolishness. After being politely reminded that not all of us play Star Trek and prefer to dwell in reality, they left us alone.

...or look 'em in the eye and tell them you're "Zi-Ploc, the Guardian of Freshness", in disguise.

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 8:14 AM


I'm a full-on geek. Kindergarten and Captain Kirk both found me in 1966.

I think I've seen your Klingons at the RenFest. Are you in Minnesota?

Being a geek, I have an Elizabethan velvet brocade gown that would knock your socks off; however, I spend most RenFests in belly-dancing clothes. The MN RenFest has a MiddleEastern weekend and the entire Guild of Oriental Dance shows up to entertain.

"Train Job" had a belly dancer in the opening scene. I need to watch it again, but she appeared to have a clue or two about oriental dance. Translate this to mean, she didn't think belly dance means acting like a slut but rather, dancing in an expressive and sensual manner.

*shimmy shimmy*

Every year, we have a contingent of KLINGONS that show up in FULL REGALIA at a RENAISSANCE festival.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 9:19 AM



Originally posted by Steve580:
Firefly just isn't a geeky show. If I were a big Star Trek fan, there's no way I'd bring episodes I taped to my college, and offer them to my friends there. But I always loan out my Firefly DVDs, even to classmates who are scarcely more than acquaintances. And you know what? Everyone likes it. Never met a person who didn't like Firefly. Whatever race, or gender, or background. And perhaps that's the difference; the wide appeal. How many female Star Trek fans are there?


Ummm, *raises hand* well here's one. I liked ST in most of it's incarnations from Classic to DS-9. (Couldn't get into Voyager. Enterprise just couldn't hold me, but it's occassionally interesting if I happen to catch it.)

I first started watching Classic when I was about 9 but it was already in syndication by then. The thing that mostly sold me on ST was that it was in a loose sense about a "created family". Kinda like our favorite show!

You're gonna come with us...


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 9:19 AM



Originally posted by Steve580:
Firefly just isn't a geeky show. If I were a big Star Trek fan, there's no way I'd bring episodes I taped to my college, and offer them to my friends there. But I always loan out my Firefly DVDs, even to classmates who are scarcely more than acquaintances. And you know what? Everyone likes it. Never met a person who didn't like Firefly. Whatever race, or gender, or background. And perhaps that's the difference; the wide appeal. How many female Star Trek fans are there?


Ummm, *raises hand* well here's one. I liked ST in most of it's incarnations from Classic to DS-9. (Couldn't get into Voyager. Enterprise just couldn't hold me, but it's occassionally interesting if I happen to catch it.)

I first started watching Classic when I was about 9 but it was already in syndication by then. The thing that mostly sold me on ST was that it was in a loose sense about a "created family". Kinda like our favorite show!

You're gonna come with us...


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 9:24 AM


*raises hand*

I'm another female Star Trek geek, among other things.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 12:12 PM


um *raises hand*
I'm another female ST fan.

Simon: Can you move your feet?
Kaylee: Are you asking me to dance?


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 1:25 PM


I can never understand using chopsticks in a
restaurant. Chopsticks as an eating implement is good for somethings. Forks are good for others. Chopsticks are meant to use with foods that are chopped up into bite size pieces (as you have mentioned) and with a rice bowl! Every single restaurant I've been to uses plates. Chopsticks are absolutely no good on plates. Forks are much better to poke at bits of meat on a plate and a spoon would be much better to shovel up rice from a plate.

And that Uncle Ben's rice drives me bananas. While I am at it, stop pouring Soy Sauce (Shoyu) or any kind of condiment on your rice (unless if you are from Hawaii). It's not mash potatoes. Ugh.

Novelty aside, I say use the correct tool for the right job. Utility is what matters.


Originally posted by MercedesTroy:


Me too. You should see the looks on the servers' faces at the Oriental restaurants in the area when they bring me a fork and I ask for chopsticks...

You should see the look on their faces at Occidental resturants too. I carry my and my SO's chopsticks permanently in my purse and even if most American resturants don't cut things up enough for regular use, they are better than a fork for salad in my opinion.



If Justice is the dish, then I am your waitress

Like your .sig... is it 'The Tick' ?

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.






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