Life Onboard Serenity: Journey To Beumount

UPDATED: Sunday, November 19, 2006 09:55
VIEWED: 13669
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Friday, October 6, 2006 1:56 PM


Life Onboard Serenity is a chain-story/rpg. If you want to join in the fun, your more than welcome too...

Previously On Battlesta- sorry: Life Onboard Serenity!...

Our latest adventure:

in which… we said hello to a new passenger, john won a brite yellow hovermule, niska escaped, wolf was shot in the chest, ertia was raped beaten and left to die, and pain was shoked to find out he had a daughter! So another normal day in Life Onboard Serenity…

we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!


Friday, October 6, 2006 6:10 PM


BUMPING!! Um Wolf isn't it Beaumonde?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, October 6, 2006 7:47 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
BUMPING!! Um Wolf isn't it Beaumonde?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?

Who cares if we go to the wrong planet? .. oh wait :(




Saturday, October 7, 2006 4:44 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the southeast corner of Texas, or would you rather go to the planet Beaumonde and visit The Maidenhead?

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, October 7, 2006 9:35 AM


i dont know how to spell! who the eggy guy?

we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!


Saturday, October 7, 2006 10:23 AM



Originally posted by bigwolf18:
i dont know how to spell! who the eggy guy?

we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!

Neither do i!! My spelling and grammer is utter go-se. "Eggy Guy"???? Perhaps some one from Beumount, Texas?

p.s: okay choices: Beaumonde, back hole planet with some twins OR Beumount, captial of planet of the Companions Guild? Which would you choose?




Saturday, October 7, 2006 11:45 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.


Originally posted by bigwolf18:
i dont know how to spell! who the eggy guy?

eggy guy? I have no idea who you're talking about, but if it's me, then you have a reading problem too, since my screen name is E C Gordon, not E G.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Saturday, October 7, 2006 6:37 PM


I don't have a say in the whole Beaumonde or Beumont thing since I've been kidnapped and all.

Meanwhile back to the story at hand

*Pain woke up feeling the familiar weight of a shackle around his wrist. His head hurt like hell and so did his stomach. He felt something crusty on his face and used his free hand to wipe it off the best he could. Whoever beat him and put the crusty stuff on his face was going to pay big time. Pain sat up, looked around the semi dark room and said to himself*

Well here I am back in my cage. I wonder what the others are doin'?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, October 7, 2006 8:20 PM


Mal looked around the engine room. It looked like MOST of the engine parts were back in place

(OoC: Kaylee was in the middle of cleaning/checking all of the engine parts when Pain got nabbed, and Erita lost her memory, so the crew worked hard to fit it back togther.)

Over in the corner, the ships engineer sleeped like a baby in her hammock.

"On heck of a Miricale Worker." Mal muttered to himself as he rubbed his face. What little sleep everyone had got, it was still welcoming...

Closing up the engine room, Mal headed to the galley. More coffee might help wake a few people up...

Blue Sun coffee: makes you rise and shine! [warning: side effects will include dizzyness, sleepyness, crazyness and might make you want to wear Blue Gloves]




Sunday, October 8, 2006 5:04 PM


I made BUMPY! (That just sounded so wrong didn't it?)

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, October 9, 2006 10:00 AM



Oh, and hey, Evelyn Cyril...


Monday, October 9, 2006 10:16 AM


OoC: Ah, a Heinlein fan!


Monday, October 9, 2006 2:30 PM


Where's the thread to add a new character?

For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die along, unremembered and unsung...


Monday, October 9, 2006 3:59 PM


Teach & ECGOrdon! Welcome to the party! Just leap on in, pretend you were here the whole time, or figure an exciting way to join up!

Sammy helped Fly get breakfast started, and surprisingly enough, she not only remembered how to cook but found she was rather proficient at it.

Mal came in and started a fresh batch of coffee, then hesitated and looked critically at her, "How you holdin' up, mei mei?"

Sammy shrugged, at a loss. "I'm confused. Dunno exactly what happened, I guess. The doctor said I might not ever rememb..."

She paused, meeting his gaze again. There was none of the pity that she'd met the night before, none of the sympathy that had made her so uncomfortable. There was kindness, though, and a mild curiousity.

"You're the captain, right? How long have I been flying with you?"

"Oh, a year, almost two. Badger set you up to do a job." Now Mal paused, "But I don't suppose you remember that either."

"I got a job...from a badger?" Sammy turned the sausage-like protien cakes in the skillet, trying to process that. It wasn't any stranger than anything else that had happened.

"You know, " A new voice came from the door. The blond-haired, bright eyed pilot with the name that had something to do with soap... "If you've forgotten the past three years since you got out of the slammer, there's only one person who can fill you in. Only one peron who's known you all that time. Who's still talkin' to you, that is."

At the blank stares from the rest of the room, Wash nodded seriously, "And that is Mr. Universe."


Monday, October 9, 2006 4:27 PM


What the beautiful Ertia said Teach & ECGordon.

Onboard the Tiger Claw

*The kick to the head messed Pain's internal clock up a little. He didn't know how long he was onboard Melanie's new ship, but he hoped it was only a few days. The door to his room opened and the two guards came in, one carrying a tray of processed protein, while the other carried an assault rifle. As Pain watched the man with the tray set it down next to him, he started to formulate a plan of escape.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, October 9, 2006 7:56 PM


Hello Teach & ECGordon. Hope you enjoy the ride!!

"Doc, you know you can give out sleeping pills, you got any 'wide awake' ones?" Choo asked, through the infirmary door. Simon was neatly seting out his domain for a another hard days work.

"Sorry, you'll have to ask the coffee machine." said Simon with a small grin.

"Great. Hopefully it will talk to me after the ho har of last night.

Heading for the kitchen Choo passed River staring intensly at her drawing. Before Choo could ask, she said: "Don't look, its a special picture...".

Slightly mystified, Choo headed up the stairs to where the chatter was coming from...

Whoa! Good Bible


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:34 PM


Sammy flipped the not-so-sausage patties onto a plate and sighed. Her head was starting to hurt again. Along with the rest of her.

Choo came into the kitchen with an "I'm not awake yet" glazed look on his face and she somehow sympathized. She was definately not awake. In fact, this must be a dream. An "Alice Went Down The Rabbit Hole" dream.

"So. I got a job from a badger, ended up in Serenity, and now I have to talk to the Universe?" Sammy sunk into a chair, utterly perplexed.

"Well, only because Hell went missing and the 3D is none to fond of us right now seeing as we shot up some of his folks." Mal filled in most helpfully.

Sammy closed her eyes and opened them again to find the Captain pressing a mug of hot coffee into her hands.

"Wash may be right that gettin' back to work might be the best thing." Mal prompted helpfully."Mei mei, a horse throws ya, what do you do?"

"Shoot the damned horse?" She suggested hopefully.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:20 PM


Bumping for the sake of bumpiness. Also I got nothing.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 3:33 AM


A space battle might be nice, Pain. Always did love a good space battle...


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 7:51 AM


Onboard the Tiger Claw

*Melanie looked to the pilot and said*

Are they still behind us?

*The pilot checked the vidscreens, nodded and replied*

Yes ma'am they're still on our tail and by the readouts I say they're powering up their weapons.

*Melanie slammed her fist into the chair's armrest and shouted*


Onboard the Animinaru

*The pilot situated in the pilot's seat turned and said to the captain*

Captain they know we're on to them. What are your orders Captain?

*The Captain smiled and said*

Fire a warning shot across their port bow.

*The pilot nodded, swung back around and said into the com to one of the gunners*

Activate Missile One and be ready to fire on the Captain's mark.

*There was some chatter on the other end then the gunner replied*

Missile One is active and is awaiting the Captain's order.

*The Captain grinned and said*


*The gunner hit the fire button and Missile One shot out of its missile tube and made its way over the Tiger Claw's port bow where it exploded a couple miles away.*

Onboard the Tiger Claw

*The ship shook as the missile exploded not far away. The two guards who were in Pain's room lost their footing and fell to the floor. Pain was tossed a little ways before the chain attached to the shackle on his wrist became taut and prevented him from sliding across the floor. On the bridge lights flashed and alarms blared. The pilot said to Melanie*

Ai ya that one was close.

*Before she could answer the voice of the Animinaru's Captain boomed over their com*

This is the Captain of the Animinaru. You are ordered to cut power and hand a Mr. Pain over to us. Failure to do so will result in a forced extraction and the blowing up of your ship. You have twenty minutes to decide. Have a nice day.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:10 AM



Mal stared open mouthed at Sammy, trying to find something to say...

"She's good," said Wash with a smug grin.

Mal was about to say something captainy to Wash when River ran in, screaming her head off, suddenly jumping on the table, still making a sound like a banshee.

"RIVER!!!" barked Mal as the din continued (something you didn't want to hear that early in the day). With that, the girl stopped, turned her head sideways and said quietly

"holes can be a problem, especially ones in space..." With that she continued on screaming. Mal jumped onto a chair, then the table, and covering her mouth with his hand, muffling the sound, looking straight into her painic striken eyes he asked;

"Child, you gonna listen to me without making one peep?" River gave a small knod. Without moving his hand he continued:

"Pain in trouble?"


"You know where he is?"

*funny face *

"I'll take that as a possibly. Could you piont it out on a starchart?"

*shakes head*

"Just you know he's in even more trouble than we first thought?"


"Good. Now you going to stop making that god awful noise when i take my hand away?"


"Good." With that, Quiet discended on the kitchen for a second. Most of the others had crowded around the doors after Rivers hissy fit and watched as she took of out of the kitchen down the stairs.

Mal remined on the table, staring at everyone he said firmly: "Might want to get some grub and say your goodbyes. Were going to be off this planet in two hours. Dong Ma?"




Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:46 PM


Onboard the Tiger Claw

*Melanie thought to herself as the minutes ticked away*

They wanted Pain of course that's why they're tailing them, but how? I remember telling the pilot to do a scan which turned up with nothing but a few frieghters, cargo liners, and the like, but no military vessels. Son of a I should of known Pain would have contacts, I just didn't know he had some in the military.

*Melanie stormed out of the bridge ignoring the pilot's pleas of what to do and proceeded to the room that held Pain. She opened the door just as the two armed guards brushed themselves off, and walked over to Pain. Pain looked up at her and said*

So are those people shootin' at you friends of yours? 'Cause if'n they are they sure have a funny way of showin' their friendship.

*Melanie smiled at Pain and replied*

No you hou zi de pigu they're not my friends, they're yours. By the looks of it their military.

*Pain looked at Melanie all puzzled and said*

Military huh? I hate to tell you this Melanie but I don't know anyone in the military except for my Captain and his first mate, but they're veterans.

*Melanie spat at Pain and yelled*


*Pain wiped off the spit on his face and said*

Hey there's no need to yell Melanie. Calm down and use your indoor voice. Now I was tellin' the truth about not knowin' these folks, but if'n they're askin' for me, perhaps you should unlock this shackle on my wrist and let me chat with them.

*Pain could tell that Melanie was thinking it over and held out his shackled arm. He nodded to it and said*


*Melanie swore under her breath and said to one of the guards*

Unlock his shackle and escort him to the bridge ma shong.

*The two men grumbled and one of them walked over to Pain, bent down and unlocked the shackle around Pain's wrist. Melanie then looked at Pain and said angrily*

GET UP YOU LIU KOU SHUI DE BIAO ZI HE HOU ZI DE BEN ER ZI (Stupid son of a drooling whore and a monkey)!

*Pain got up, rubbed his wrist and said*

To think I let you kiss me with that mouth.

*Melanie growled and pushed Pain forward, yelling at him*


*Pain put his hands in the air and said*

Alright alright! There's no need to get tetchy.

*Pain let the guards escort him out of his room and to the bridge, Melanie following behind him.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, October 12, 2006 4:06 PM



WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, October 13, 2006 3:31 AM


I'd been in the middle of a heated game of Stretch with not-Chloe when River had let out those screams.

After they'd stopped abruptly, and her pounding footsteps sounded off, I sighed, and tucked the Stretch cards away into my coat.

"Apologies, Chloe. Have to handle this," I said to not-Chloe.

She seemed puzzled at my concern, but only said, "It's Zoe, by the way."

"Right. I knew that.


Friday, October 13, 2006 8:06 AM


Onboard the Tiger Claw

*Pain followed one of the gunmen towards the bridge as Melanie and the other gunman followed behind. As they reached the bridge the gunman leading the group stopped by the door and held his gun on Pain, awaiting orders from his captain. Melanie said to the two gunmen as she walked past Pain*

You two stay here and keep guard.

*The two men nodded as Melanie grabbed Pain's wrist and walked onto the bridge. She nodded to the pilot then unholstered her concealed gun and said to Pain as she pressed the gun into the small of his back*

Don't do anything stupid Pain or I'll make sure you never walk again.

*Pain replied*

I don't think my daughter would appreciate that Melanie. I mean how am I supposed to play horsey with her if'n I can't walk?

*Melanie pressed the gun harder into Pain's back and muttered*

Just shut up Pain and talk with the gorram captain of that rutting ship ok.

*One of the overhead vidscreens came to life and the face of the Animinaru appeared. When the captain saw Pain they replied*

Aw the infamous Pain. Such a pleasure to meet the man that 13 asked us to retrieve.

*Pain raised an eyebrow and said*

So 13 sent you to get me is that it? Well that's uh...awfully kind of him.

*The Animinaru Captain smiled and said*

Yes he did and it was considering it was a very big favor for him to ask of me. I don't usually rescue mercenaries of your caliber Pain or ordinary mercenaries for that manner, but 13 insisted that I get you back alive and who am I to turn down one of 13's requests.

*Pain was a very suprised that 13 would go to this much trouble to get him back. Pain wondered what 13 had in mind for him as repayment but shook that thought off as he said*

I honestly wouldn't know there Captain, but I thank 13 for sending someone to rescue me.

*The Captain of the Animinaru smiled and said*

Well you can thank him in person when the shuttle filled with armed soldiers dock with that piece of go se your on and bring you back to your crew. They should be in docking range in say five minutes.

*Melanie shoved Pain out of the way and said*

Like hell you are. I'll turn that gorram shuttle into scrap before it even touches on of the Tiger Claws outter airlocks.

*The other captain smiled and said*

That's quite amusing there considering the scans of your ship revealed no weapons.

*Melanie smiled and said*

Well your scans were wrong.

*Melanie commed the gunners and said*

Fire on the approaching shuttle!

Outside of the Tiger Claw

*To those onboard the shuttle it looked like one of the external cargo containers attached to the freighter was coming loose from its docking clamps. However that wasn't the case as the cargo container was one of two rear facing missle launchers. The crew didn't know that until a missile was fired and headed their way. The pilot of the shuttle tried to outmaneuver the missile but it was already locked onto its target. There was a flash of light then nothing else but floating debris.

Onboard the Animinaru

*The Captain's fist slammed down on the control panel as the crew on the bridge watched as the shuttle exploded. Extremely angry but managing not to show it the Captain of the Animinaru said to the gunners*

Open fire on that ship.

*The pilot turned and said*

But what about that man onboard? Aren't we supposed to be bringing him back with us?

*The Captain replied, staring out of the windscreen*

If he's smart he'll get into one of the shuttles and get the hell out of the way before that and her ship become space junk.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, October 13, 2006 8:52 AM


Hey!!! Big Damn Space battle, and were missing it...serves me right i suppose.

And Pain remeber: sometimes you gotta role a hard six.




Friday, October 13, 2006 11:46 AM


You can say that again Choo.

Onboard the Tiger Claw

*The ship rocked as a missile from the Animinaru hit the starboard thruster, sending those who weren't seated, scrambling for something to hold onto. Pain slammed into the wall hard and Melanie slammed into him. Pain grunted out*

You know I don't think that was a wise decision Melanie. Unless of course killin' everyone onboard this heap IS the plan, then it's goin' quite lovely if'n I say so myself.

*Melanie pushed herself off of Pain and said*

Shut up and get your daughter Pain.

*Pain pushed himself off the wall, rubbing his arm as he walked over to the bridge entrance/exit. He stopped as the ship rocked again, sending a ceiling panel swinging down and hitting one of the guards. Pain gave a brief look then headed down the corridor to fetch his daughter. The other guard saw Pain leave, leveled his gun at him and said*

Where do ya think yer goin'?

*Pain turned, looked at the man, looked at the gun pointed at him, then said*

I'm goin' to get my daughter out of her. You goin' to stop me?

*Another smaller explosion rocked the ship, and the gunman lowered his gun. Pain gave a slight bow then headed off to his daughter's room. Pain thought to himself*

That last explosion was probably a room or something decompressin'. I hope it wasn't my daughter's room.

Out in the Black

*The two ships traded weapons fire back and forth, the Tiger Claw taking the majority of the hits, but that was due to cannon fire as opposed to the missile fire. The Animinaru took a hit to one of its missile batteries, the resulting explosion temporarily dwarfing the brightness of the nearest star. The fight wouldn't end much longer but that didn't mean both sides wouldn't give it their all.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, October 13, 2006 6:44 PM


Onboard the Tiger Claw

*Pain made it to his daughter's room just as the ship rocked again and the lights started to flicker. Pain knew the ship wasn't going to hold out any longer and opened the door. Annabelle came running out of her room screaming, tears streaming down her cheeks. Pain knelt down to pick her up as she said weeping*

Daddy what's happening?

*Pain lifted the girl up and carried her down the corridor. Pain felt the girl's arms tighten around his neck as he tried to find the way to the cargo bay and to the shuttles. He said to the frightened girl*

Bad thing are happenin' babe and we need to get out of here.

*Annebelle replied*

What about mommy? Is she coming with us?

*Pain stopped for a brief moment and thought about that. He had only known his daughter for a few days but Melanie knew the girl for seven almost eight years. Pain bit his lower lip and said as he changed direction and headed for the bridge*

Lets go see about that kiddo.

*Pain and Anabelle made their way through the dying ship, stepping over bodies of those who were dead or dying. They approached the bridge only to find that the pilot was dead, having a support beam crushing his chest, but Melanie was nowhere to be seen. Pain muttered something to himself and made his way back in the direction of the cargo bay. They made their way down the stairs to the second level, Pain having to brace himself against the wall as another explosion shook the ship. Pain could hear the sounds of metal groaning and guessed that they had a few minutes at best to get the hell out of there. Annabelle asked her father*

Is the ship dying daddy?

*Pain winced at the pain that shot through his arm. He had hit the wall pretty hard and he'd probably have a good sized bruise to show for it. Pain made it down the stairs and said*

Yeah baby it is.

*They made their way to the to the cargo bay entrance and noticed Melanie slumped on the ground near the floor not looking so good. Pain knelt down next to her, letting go of Annabelle and said to Melanie*

Hey you alive?

*Pain checked Melanie's vitals while Annabelle tugged on her mom's arm. Melanie was alive but barely. There was a big gash on the right side of Melanie's temple and Pain said to her*

Hey Melanie you with us or not?

*Groggily Melanie opened her eyes, blinking away the blurriness, and seeing Pain come into veiw. Her first reaction was to go for the gun that was no longer holstered on her thigh, but when she saw her daughter standing beside him, she gave her a slight smile and said*

Hey there bao bei daddy's going to take good care of you I know it.

*Pain felt sadness for Melanie in his heart. He propped her chin up with his right hand, noticing that Melanie didn't bat it away, and said*

Hey you're coming with us now come on.

*Pain reached for one of Melanie's arms but she pulled it away, grimacing as she did so. She looked into Pain's eyes, saw the warm look in them and said*

No I'm not Pain. I lost a lot of blood and I know I won't make it.

*She placed a hand on Pain's and continued*

You go on and take Anabelle, get her to safety. There's an ASREV in the cargo bay. It's much faster than the shuttles. You take it and get our daughter away from all the death and destruction.

*Melanie's grip slackened and Pain knew that Melanie was gone. He picked up Annabelle and said to her as they entered the cargo bay*

We got to leave now. Mommy's in a better place now.

*Annabelle sniffled, tears started to form as she said*

Is she with Aunty Serena in Heaven?

*Pain knew he killed the girl's aunt but smiled and said*

Yeah kiddo mommy's in Heaven with Aunty Serena.

*Annabelle hugged her dad as Pain made his way to the ASREV, his survival mode kicking in at full force. They climbed onboard and Pain sealed the entry hatch as Annabelle took a seat near the nav control station. Pain sat in the pilot's seat and activated the startup sequence just as the lights in the cargo bay flickered and the ship started to shutter. Pain muttered something in Chinese and said to his daughter*

Buckle up kiddo you're in for a bumpy ride.

*Annabelle nodded and quickly strapped herself in as Pain searched for the controls to open the exterior cargo bay doors. Not finding it Pain loudly swore, forgetting that there was a child onboard. Pain quickly turned around to Annabelle and said*

Sorry about that kiddo I'm sure you didn't need to hear that.

*Annabelle smiled at her dad and said*

That's ok daddy I've heard worser words before.

*Pain gave his daughter a brief smile then turned his attention back to the matter at hand. He looked at the cargo bay doors then at the red button on the control stick just as the ship shuddered again, the lights finally going dark. Pain let out a heavy breath and pressed the button twice. Two missiles left the respective pods and slammed into the doors, creating a fireball that quickly got sucked into the Black, along with everything that wasn't bolted down in the cargo bay. Pain retracted the landing gear into the ship and launched the ship out of the cargo bay just as the Tiger Claw exploded.*

Onboard the Animinaru

*The crew on the bridge watched as the freighter blew up. The captain looked at the pilot and said*

Are you picking up any shuttles?

*The pilot shook his head and said*

No sir. The last explosion that we had took out our sensors and there's no visual sighting of any shuttles.

*The captain let out a sigh and said*

Alright put me in touch with the ship that 13's on and tell them that we're sorry but we were unable to retrieve Mr.Pain. Also tell them that I'd like to personally meet with their captain and offer my condolences.

*The pilot nodded and relayed this message to Serenity*

This is the military vessel Animinaru. The captain is sorry to inform you that we were unable to retrieve the man called Pain due to grave circumstances. The captain wishes to personally meet with your captain and offer his condolences.

*The pilot hit the send button and set a return course for the planet.*

Meanwhile out in the Black

*The ASREV continued its course to the destination that Pain put into the navcomp. He smiled at Annabelle and said to her*

You're going to like it bao bei I promise. There's fields as far as your eyes can see and there's horses too.

*Annabelle's eyes lit up and she replied*

Really! Is there brown ones and black ones? How long until we get there?

*Pain smiled again and said*

Ok ok calm down little one. Yes there'll be brown ones, black ones, even tan ones. Now as for how long it'll take us to get there, lets just say that we'll be onboard this ship for a week. Which is plenty of time for us to get caught up.

*The girl smiled and hugged her dad as the sleek ship hurtled towards its destination.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, October 13, 2006 7:27 PM


Can someone pass the popcorn? This movies getting, wait Keanu Reeves! bad! BAD! BAAAADDDDD!!!!

anywho: good to have a heroic resue Pain. And yet so...sad...

BTW: where is everybody???? Hello? anyone else home? Nico, 13, Wolf, Erita, Oath???




Friday, October 13, 2006 8:30 PM


Did I miss anything? *passes the popcorn to Choo* I don't know where everyone else is, but Ertia did tell me that she was going to post something sometime in the morning. Oh hey I heard this part was the best! *munches on popcorn*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, October 14, 2006 5:58 PM


"So...are you...alright?" I said plainly, awkwardly, biting the insides of my cheeks. The girl was curled up in the corner of the room, knees drawn tight into her chest.

" 'Alright' is impossible to define. Too many perspectives and too many views on the specifics. Even a generalized term can't be reached." She didn't raise her eyes to look at me as she said this, something that unsettled me a bit.

"Right then. I'll be...not here. Or really not anywhere, if you want to stay metaphysical."

She smiled at me, which re-settled me quite nicely, saying, "Maybe we're all everywhere at once..."

"...since we're all made of the same molecules." I smiled back. "It's good to see somebody with a sense of philosophy around here."

"My mother always said it was from my father," she said candidly, now observing her nails with rapt interest.

"Did she, now?" Regan. Still bitter, it seemed. Who could blame her? "Let's just say I'll definitely be somewhere and call it even."

With that, I was gone.

Alright. What had I learned?

A) She was a few miles above the speed limit, so to speak. Your average seventeen-year old wasn't very concerned with metaphysicism.

B) She was a few too many miles below in some areas as well. Such as the screaming, sneaking, hiding, crying, and the few mentions of 'smoothers' being used. For her protection, of course.

Which leaves me with what I have to learn:

A) What exactly was wrong, and B) exactly what I had to do to make it better.


Saturday, October 14, 2006 8:38 PM


"Why am i on coffee duty again?" asked Choo.

"'Cause your good at it," said Kaylee sleeply, head resting on the table.

No one was really eating (except Jayne, who was giving a pig a run for its money) or talking. Last Nights (that short?!?) events had slowly sunk in. Just kind of sat there in mostly silence, trying to make conversation.

"Hey, Anyone seen 13? He didn't show up earlier. Amazing what some people can sleep through..." asked Guy, something clicking into place, lots of heads turned.

The crew had got 13 and his goons trailing there asses trying to take River back, and with their dear captain not in sight, there could be problems...

"oh..not good." was all Guy sad before Zoe and Fly headed downstairs to the passenger dorms...




Monday, October 16, 2006 1:45 PM



WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 11:17 AM


BUMPING AGAIN! Will someone please make with the posty.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:16 PM


This is the military vessel Animinaru. The captain is sorry to inform you that we were unable to retrieve the man called Pain due to grave circumstances. The captain wishes to personally meet with your captain and offer his condolences.

The message came through as Choo was pouring the coffee for a second round.


Then a shattering crash echoed across the kitchen. "GORRAM STUPID HWOON DAHN!" Fly's coffee cup quickly followed her plate as they struck the wall and slammed into the cabinets.

"I TOLD HIM! I TOLD HIM! If he was gonna DIE he was gonna let me DIE FIRST! BASTARD!"

No one moved to stop her rant, recognizing the fury as grief. After Jack, losing Pain was a bitter blow. Fly stormed herself out, and then sunk to a chair. "I... sorry, gang."

Standing up, she strode from the room, "I'll be in my bunk."

Suddenly, Sammy realized they were all looking at her. Someone was dead. Someone they said she'd shared a bunk with. Clearly they were expecting something from her. An outburst? Tears? She didn't have any tears left. When she thought of the name, Pain, it meant nothing. There was nothing there.

Sammy gazed around the dining room, her gaze finally meeting Mal's, and she shook her head. "I ..don't know what you want from me..."

"That's alright." Simon's voice, calm and reassuring, "Don't worry about it."

Another long silence, and then Mal sighed, "Y'all get things cleaned up and stowed, then I want us in the air. Shepherd? Maybe you could prepare to say a few words?"

"Surely can, Captain." Book assured quietly, "You worry about the ship, God will worry about her flock."

"God don't much worry about us, I reckon." Mal swallowed down the last of his coffee and reached behind him, producing E's black case. "Mei mei, you finish your breakfast and then see if you feel up to workin' some."

Sammy looked at the black case, and smiled. This, at least, was familiar to her.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 5:28 PM


*Jayne watched as Fly stormed off to her bunk. He turned to everyone and said*

So since Pain's dead an' all can I have his guns?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:35 PM


nice one, Pain! gonna take over writin' Jayne while Pain is off getting to know his daughter?


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 8:04 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
*Jayne watched as Fly stormed off to her bunk. He turned to everyone and said*

So since Pain's dead an' all can I have his guns?

^lol. excellent. So no more Pain for a while. Well, less chance of getting shot then

Mal shot Jayne the "out-the-airlock" look. "What?"

"Kaylee, whats the soonest we can be in the air..." Mal asked

"'bout five minutes Cap'n!" said Kaylee.

"....Without fear of exploding?"

"'bout five hours."

"I'll take the first one. Get to work." Mal ordered. "Anyone needs me, i'll be on the bridge."

"I suppose you know Pain's next of Kin? They'd want to know what happened to him." said Choo as he picked up a broom to clear up Fly's mess.




Wednesday, October 18, 2006 3:29 AM


"You're nothing."

Sammy looked up from her computer to see the cold eyes of 13, glowing bright.

"Yeah. Nothing. I know that you can't remember him, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't care. You shrug this off like it' it's a bee."

"You make me sick."


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 11:19 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
nice one, Pain! gonna take over writin' Jayne while Pain is off getting to know his daughter?

Yes I'll be taking over the writing for Jayne and Shipscat while Pain is off spending time with his daughter.


Originally posted by Choo1701:
^lol. excellent. So no more Pain for a while. Well, less chance of getting shot then

Pain'll be back sometime in the near future and yes that means one less person to accidently shoot you Choo.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 1:46 PM


"You're nothing."
"Yeah. Nothing. I know that you can't remember him, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't care. You shrug this off like it' it's a bee.

"You make me sick."

The man was glaring at Sammy in fury, his eyes a disconcerting shade of scarlet. Confusion roiled through her, and she frowned. "I... I'm sorry. I care... I do... someone you all loved is dead, and I know... I know you expect me to have loved him, too. But."

She stopped speaking, unable to pull her thoughts together. "I'm sorry."

Sammy stared down at her hands on her keyboard. Her hands. Not her hands.
These hands had scars. There was no ring on that hand, and this left pinky finger was crooked.

"Oh god. Who am I?"

She looked back up at 13, wishing she could understand, that she could feel the pain that he was feeling, to understand what they all wanted from her.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 5:01 PM


*Mal looked at Choo and in a solemn tone said*

Yes in fact Pain has an uncle on Persephone. A very good man if I say so myself. Had the pleasure of doing a job for him.

*Mal turned and walked into the bridge, closing the door behind him. He sat in the copilot's chair and activated the vidscreen in front of him. Pain's uncle's face came onto the screen and Mal said*

Greetin's Mr. Cameron do you have a moment?

*Pain's uncle noted the seriousness in Mal's voice and said*

Greetin's Mr. Reynolds. What shall I ask is the reason for the wave?

*Mal looked into the other man's eyes and replied*

Well Mr. Cameron I hate to say this but Pain is dead. He was killed when the ship he was on blew up.

*Mr. Cameron nodded his head and replied*

You care to tell me the details Mr. Reynolds? If'n that's alright with you?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 8:18 PM


*yay* no more chance of getting sho - *bang* ah! MY SPLEEN!!!

"ALL ABOARD!" shouted Zoe from the cargo bay ramp. Everyone had spread out as Mal was making his call.

John caming running up the ramp "Sorry, wanted to say good bye to my bro."

"Sure thing," seaid Zoe closing the ramp. "Wanna make sure everyone's aboard before we explode..."

John gave here a strange look as he checked the mule was doing okay, 13 came stomping out from the dorms, and headed for the bridge, not saying a word, bumping into Inara, Guy and Choo.

"Hey 13," shouted Choo, "look were your walking." But the man had already turned the corner.

"13's always been crabby. Leave him too it, Captain does. most of the time." replied Guy.

"You forget: he left me for dead!" Choo said angrily.

"Looks like someone's had way too much coffee over the last few hours." Zoe said with a grin.

"That, and do we land anywhere ... i don't know, acceptable."

"No." shot back the companion "Mal seems to be..."

"Allergic?" said Guy with a grin, leaning against the Mule. "Heard all the preattyness of the core can make some go insane."

Choo just shot him a look and sat on a crate. Tiedness slowly kicking in.

"Any idea how Erita is doing?" Inara enquired to Zoe.

"Nope. Last thing i heard, she wanted to access the cortex." Zoe said, as Inara headed off to the infirmary.



Thursday, October 19, 2006 11:44 AM


*Mal filled Pain's uncle in on the events that happened, including the wave from the Captain of the Animinaru. Mr. Cameron nodded and said*

Thank you for the news Mr. Reynolds. I'll be sure to tell the family at once. If there's anythin' you need you can always wave me. How's Fly takin' the news if'n you don't mind me askin'?

*Mal replied*

You're more than welcome Mr. Cameron. I'll certainly wave you if'n there's anything that my crew might need. As for Fly she's not taking it so well. At the news of Pain's death she ran to her room yelling and screaming. She's a strong woman though and I reckon she'll get through this.

*Mr. Cameron gave a slight chuckle and said*

Yeah that sounds like Fly alright. Always stubborn yet strong willed. Well I have another call on the line so I'll bid my goodbyes and wish your crew the best.

*Mal replied*

Ok then Mr. Cameron. It was nioce talking to you again.

*Mr. Cameron replied*

Goodbye Mr. Reynolds.

*The vidscreen Mal was using went black and Mal just sat there in the copilot's seat for awhile.*

Meanwhile on the other line of Mr. Cameron's vidscreen

*Mr. Cameron thought for a second and said*

So did you get all that?

*Pain nodded and replied*

Yeah uncle I did.

*Pain's uncle replied*

So are you goin' to tell them you're alive?

*Pain rubbed his chin, looked at his daughter sleeping in the nearby chair, then turned back to the vidscreen and said*

When the time's right perhaps I will., but right now they'll have to think I'm dead for the moment.

*Pain hoped he was doing the right thing. He wondered how Ertia was taking the news as well as Fly. He wanted to tell them really he did but that wasn't an option right now. Perhaps he'd return to Serenity but after he got his daughter situated somewhere safe and out of harm's way.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, October 19, 2006 2:03 PM


You'd let Ertia think you were dead? You cruel bastard! See if I ever remember you! HAH!

Sammy sat for a long time, staring at the screen. Familiar, and yet not. Evolving code, knew securities, different doors.

"Someone changed the locks." River said, certainly. "You don't have the keys now."

"I'll find them." Sammy's voice was certain and strong, as she weaved her way through the layers of numbers and letters and symbols, adjusting, formulating, absorbing the change. "This is what I do."

River cocked her head. "It isn't the key. It's the other side of the door."

"What was he like?" Sammy changed the subject abruptly. River must be sharing the same grief as the rest of the crew, maybe she wanted to talk about it. "DrPain. What was he like?"

Now the girl smiled a secretive smile through her bangs. "With you, he is warm." Her eyes closed, "Passion. Red. Sunlight." Then her eyes shot open, her expression surprised, "The sun hasn't set yet, but no one knows. It's a secret."

Then she was gone. Sammy stared after her, puzzled, then suddenly the screen before her beeped to life,

"bk U R insane."

Well, no surprise there.
"Yah. I noticed that. Who u?"

A scrambled frequency, a torrent of code, and the screen cleared, revealing a pair of clear blue eyes topped by curly black hair and a cheery smile. "You are nuts! That back-serve is chopped! You suddenly develop a death wish?"

"Tor?" He'd aged a bit, no longer the punk kid...

The face changed to horror. "Universe. What the go se is wrong with you, Kitten? You scramble yer brainpan?"

"Hey. Mr.Universe." Wash spoke over Sammy's shoulder, leaning into the camera, "Good to see you! And yea, she's a bit whimsical these days. Thought a chat with an old friend would cheer her up."

"I know you." Sammy stared at the screen.

"In the carnal sense?" Mr Universe raised his eyebrows, one eye winking at the camera hopefully.

"No joke, Mr. U." Wash helped out. "She's lost her memory. Doesn't remember a thing since prison. Care to dish it to her straight?"

"You're serious." Mr Universe's face turned serious. "Mr. Washburne, leave us alone for a bit. Kitten, you'd best sit back and relax. I've got a tale to tell."


Thursday, October 19, 2006 5:15 PM


It's only until things settle down. I'm sure Pain'll try contacting Serenity some day. Besides you've got amnesia.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, October 19, 2006 5:39 PM


Hey, all! I'm still here. Just not much for a lil kitty to do except hide in the ductwork, what with all the fighting and all.

As Wash leaves the grey tabby cat slinks in, low to the ground and ears twitching nervously. Wash reaches down to pet her as they pass, but the cat twists out from under his hand before he can touch her.

"Fine, be that way! See if I forgive you the next time you knock one of my dinos off the console!" Wash grumps to the cat, but the grin on his face says he is just joking - as usual.

The little cat flicks her tail disdainfully but otherwise ignores him, instead sauntering over to Ertia and sitting down by her foot. When the woman doesn't immeadiately pick her up, the cat mews plaintively and rubs against Ertia's ankle.

Why isn't the kind one showing the proper attention? Another plaintive mew should do the trick. After all, it always works on the toy-sharing snack-bringer and the snuggly, bubbly one.

The grey cat meows again, and this time it sounds less like a plea and more like a demand.


Thursday, October 19, 2006 7:18 PM


The mew drags Sammy's attention from the screen in front of her. She needs the distraction right now, because the story Tor ...err... Mr. Universe.. is telling her is the biggest load of go se she's ever heard.

"Heya, kitty! Where'd you come from?" Gently, she picks up the cat and sets it on her lap, experimentally rubbing behind it's ears.

"Hey, Jayne hasn't eaten that yet?" Mr. Universe grins at the camera and Sammy crosses her arms over the cat protectively.

"NO! Now go on with what you were saying." It was all insane. Diggs was dead? She'd escaped from prison? This was... "I don't believe any of it, but go on."

"So, a few months back, you faked your own death, yours and that of Robot-Boy, and voila, there you are."

"Diggs is dead?" Her voice was uncertain, but Shipscat butted her hand with her head, demanding that she keep petting.

Mr. Universe's face turns serious, and he glances down for a minute. "Kit, I had to guess, I'd say you and I are the only ones left who remember his name. Be careful, there are strange rumors floating."

"I don't believe it." She didn't. She didn't know what to believe.

"Believe it. And stay off the synet! It's not safe." Mr.Universe signed off and the screen went dark.

Silence. Shipscat, peering up at her face for a long moment, finally turning away to lick her paw.

"So, do you believe that story, cat?"

Shipscat reaches up and bats at a loose string that hangs from the sleeve of her blouse.

"Is that yes? Or no?"

"If she's talking back, we're all gonna start doubtin' your sanity." Mal's voice from behind her.

Then Oath, "No. If that cat deigns to speak to humans, it's the CAT'S sanity that I'd doubt. How are you doing, Sammy?"

She shook her head, worry creasing her brow, "It's like a dream. And I can't decide what's awake and whats sleeping. I look in the mirror and I don't know who's looking back. I see you all looking at me, expecting... something...and I ... I don't know what."

"Well," Mal says slowly, his eyes ranging between Oath and Sammy, "You just take your time. You talk to the Universe?"

"Yeah. He made about as much sense as that room down the hall that's all my stuff mixed with someone elses stuff." Sammy frowns, biting her lips, "There are grenades mixed with my underwear..."


Thursday, October 19, 2006 7:45 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
"There are grenades mixed with my underwear..."

no comment

Also: HURRAH!!! welcome back to shipscat.



Friday, October 20, 2006 11:24 AM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
"There are grenades mixed with my underwear..."

ROFLMAO!!!!! Oh and welcome back Shipscat

Somewhere out in the Black

*The voice in Pain's head spoke to him again*

So you're just going to let them think you're dead is that it? You're not even going to try and contact Fly or Ertia? You're a cruel S.O.B. you know that?

*Pain muttered something to himself, careful not to wake the sleeping chil in the copilot's seat. Pain then said in a low voice*

Alright fine I'll contact them but only in text.

*Pain's fingers danced over the vidscreen in front of him and accessed the Cortex. He went onto a secured channel and typed a brief message.*


The wolf's on the prowl. Will return to the pack someday, but must take care of some things first. Tell E. I love her and don't let Jayne touch my guns.

*Pain pressed the send button and hoped the crew onboard the Serenity would understand.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?






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