Joss Discussed Sequel and Other Things

UPDATED: Friday, December 8, 2006 12:08
VIEWED: 40315
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Saturday, October 7, 2006 6:16 AM


Joss Whedon sets things straight after rumours of "no sequel" in a post on Whedonesque!

In the last part of the post he says this:

"Here's a thing: when "Firefly" was cancelled, my heart got broke. Sounds a bit much, but it changed me. Not even "Serenity" could patch that wound. I'm wearier, warier -- after all those years as a movie writer, you'd think I'd be prepared for another lesson on my unimportance in the scheme of things, but I wasn't. There are two very separate worlds: the marketplace, and the bustling bazaar that is my brain. The brain place is crowded with goods, ideas, sequels,spinoffs, animated versions, miniseries, radio dramas -- this is just the used goods. All the new wares are in there as well and it's deafening. Once I create a verse I never let go of it. And figuring
out how much of my energy should be devoted to reawakening the projects you all love with the actors and characters I all love, and how much should be forging ahead and creating entirely new works (which you are contractually obligated to love) is exhausting. More than you know. You know the horse caught bwtween two pools of water?
Add seven pools, and make the horse wicked A.D.D. The other world, the marketplace, I don't even begin to understand or predict. All these rumor of projects or the death of projects... When the two worlds align and something actually happens, whatever it is, you guys know I'll be on this site as soon as I'm allowed to be. And I'll be very very clear. There is no news. Not never, just now. I'm off to lunch with Lonelygirl."
Your Scribe, -j."

Mark Gorman


Saturday, October 7, 2006 9:47 AM


Seems to me that Joss is still inspired yet sailing ahead with optimistic-caution. Who wouldn’t do the same after being snake bitten by a company as pompous as the one that will go unnamed in this post. I can not for the life of me understand why the “green light” hasn’t been given to another FF/Serenity project. First thing that comes to mind is the money issue. I’ve been a member of the site here long enough to see/tell that this may not be the case. It may very well be tv-politics as another browncoat has stated in another thread.
“absolute power corrupts absolutely” to the point of not admitting mistakes. Cancellation of FF was a mistake no ifs ands or buts. Yet who in the world of tv land exects has the nerve to tell the “Big Guys” they were wrong for pulling the plug. Well we the fan do. You guys were wrong and you know it. I can only imagine where the show would be now if it had just been given another season. I would go as far to say it would be at the top of “___es” charts and there would be a smile from ear to ear on their happy mugs. Where is the smile now? FF never really got to see the dawn of a new day yet even now it is better that 99% of what is on the tube. In a world of competition it was a World- Class runner handicapped by the powers that be forced to use crutches. Well the runner is still World-Class but those in charge have dropped the baton and are refusing to pick it up. How silly is that?

The Browncoat corp. stand united. We will still be here years from now and each season that goes by without FF/Serenity is less coin in a “Suits” pocket.



Saturday, October 7, 2006 9:54 AM


Now I am learning about scary.

Thanks for posting this. It's kind of sad, isn't it? Nobody should mess around with a genius like Joss--they should have just trusted him. Look what he's already created and imagine what he still could create. I don't understand the network-that-shall-remain-unnamed either.

Here's hoping "the two worlds align" someday. We'll all be there to celebrate!

"We need to keep our heads so we can ... keep our heads."


Saturday, October 7, 2006 5:51 PM


An odd thought occured to me when I read you post. But I"m getting a head of my self, I'm deffinatly in the class of browncoat that thinks something is going on that we don't know about. I'm willing to let it unfold but can't help but "see" hopefull quasi hints everywhere.
So here's the thought, I agree the BDM2 should have been green lighted already. Maybe the hold up isn't Universal but Joss trying for a series instead?

I don't have a stitch of fact to back up the idea except for Joss's post speaking to 'Serenity not patching the wound of Firefly being canceled' and 'a crowded brain and it's deafening'
It sounds as tho Serenity didn't put the 'Verse to bed and there's a lot more ideas bouncing around in Joss's brain trying to find a way out.

Crimson Dark


Sunday, October 8, 2006 12:49 AM


Adapa your post has cast a subtle light on things that I haven't thought about. If you're saying a BDM2 is being viewed by the powers that be with a positive attitude but Joss is wanting to go a step further and take it all the way to another series. Well, isn't that a Win-Win situation for the browncoats :)
I'm not seeing it but I guess it can't be ruled out.

I guess I view Joss's statement about Serenity being only a patch over the scar of FF in a different way. My wife pointed something out to me a couple of months ago and it hit me like a hammer that she was right (she usually is). Serenity and Firefly are two separate animals. I'm saying this because we see it and there have been posts on the forum here by others that seem to confirm that it's felt the same by many.

The writing styles of Serenity and FF are different. Joss and company were writing the series in a carefree style were one story could flow into another. Hints of one eps could be allured to or talked about in the next eps or in another one down the road. The feeling was that there was plenty of time (and story ideas) to let the water run, so to speak, until the idea mill became but a drip. Cast and crew were blindsided by the network decision to cancel.

When the "green light" was given for the movie Joss was forced to write differently. He would have to write in a way that 1) would make the loyal FF fans happy and continue the story 2) Write in a way so that any non fans that went to see the show would “get the J/verse” and 3) Write in a way that could bring a certain amount of closure because by then he had become gun-shy and there was no promise of a sequel.

I really enjoyed Serenity. The BDM was what lead us to the dvd series in the first place. I love the Firefly series. A sequel to Serenity would be nice but a new series is a browncoat dream. Well that and another movie would be.



Sunday, October 8, 2006 3:35 AM


Interesting point about the writing styles. You're absolutely correct. Joss had seven years' worth of episodes arced out before filming Firefly, and he ended up with only 13 eps in the can. Then he gets the movie greenlight. I can only imagine the agonies he went through trying to cram as much closure as he could into those two hours. Two hours does not make up for seven years, period.

I read his post, and while I'm glad that he's still holding out hope for a continuation (of any kind), he seemed more resigned than anything else. From what I know of show biz, which admittedly isn't much, getting one chance means you're very fortunate, and two chances is downright miraculous. There are no third chances. At least, none that I've ever heard of.

Joss said it himself, he's got other obligations now. By the time he has the opportunity to get back to anything Firefly-related, everyone will be at least five years older and with obligations of their own. I'm sure they'd all love to do a movie or a show again (the actors seem to love it just as much as Joss), but where would you start? Summer especially is a problem, being young enough that there would need to be a considerable time jump forward to explain her age. It could be done, of course, but it's still a problem.

Anyway, the point of my ranting is to say that, while Joss' reassurance that he hasn't given up is a balm to this tortured Browncoat's soul, the reality is that the odds are not good. Not that that's ever stopped Firefly fans before, but they're even longer odds this time around. Here's hoping I'll be proven a pessimistic doom-sayer at some point. ;)

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

"There is another which states that this has already happened." - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Sunday, October 8, 2006 6:16 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
The Browncoat corp. stand united. We will still be here years from now and each season that goes by without FF/Serenity is less coin in a “Suits” pocket.


Here here! It takes a great person to admit they were wrong, which means that Firefly was canceled by a bunch of not just wusses, but super-wusses of a kind unseen before that network got on the air. The bad news is they'd probably be right if they said they were changing the way we look at TV. Yeah, by LOWERING EVERYONE'S STANDARDS AND EXPECTATIONS!!!

There is nothing wrong with believing in this show. It's funny, smart, action packed and, most importantly, has a good message: everyone should have the freedom to live their own lives. They brought back Family Guy, they brought back Futurama, they can bring back this.

No, I am not insane, I am crazy. Thank you for asking.


Sunday, October 8, 2006 10:27 AM



By the time he has the opportunity to get back to anything Firefly-related, everyone will be at least five years older and with obligations of their own.

Is that an official number or speculation based on his current obligations?

Don't make faces.


Sunday, October 8, 2006 1:38 PM


I had never seen Firefly, but went out and bought the Serenity widescreen DVD based solely on reviews posted at Amazon. I liked the movie from the first minute, but I wasn't real sure what I was looking at for most of the movie....I knew I was hooked once Mal decided to go after the Alliance after they slaughtered Sheppard Book...( whoever the heck he was?).
Buying Firefly DVD set immediately followed and I experienced what millions of Coats experienced...something unique & terrific...I loved all the characters and the stories.

What I mostly loved about Firefly was its' adult nature, action and humor, and MOST OF ALL the fact that it never, never becomes a kiddie-piece of cuddlieness. Since August I've seen the movie 3 times, and watched the entire TV series 3 times....I really do not watch much TV...very few "produced" TV shows..just sports and movies. I had kind of given up of sci-fi television a long time ago...feeling that the last generation of new wave sci-fi was way too special effects driven, but character-weak...fact is I couldn't think of any show with characters I liked or felt close to since the original Battlestar in 1979.

If Joss never does any more new Firefly/Serenity I will be quite satisfied with the 15 gems I have, sort of like a rare treasure. On the other hand I anxiously await and hope for more. These people are my folk.


Sunday, October 8, 2006 2:24 PM



Originally posted by Ana:
Here's hoping I'll be proven a pessimistic doom-sayer at some point. ;)

Hey, we've all had to be either pessimistic doomsayers or self-deceptive idiots at some point, some of us were probably both. The question is whether the fact that you're being a pessimistic doomsayer will have a negative effect.

If you still tell people who might be receptive, "There's this great thing called Firefly/Serenity, you should really watch it," what does it matter what you think of the future? If you don't ... well you're an ass for not spreading the goodness around, but I'm not gonna hold that against you.

If you never meet people who might be receptive the point is moot.


Sunday, October 8, 2006 2:27 PM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
Adapa your post has cast a subtle light on things that I haven't thought about. If you're saying a BDM2 is being viewed by the powers that be with a positive attitude but Joss is wanting to go a step further and take it all the way to another series. Well, isn't that a Win-Win situation for the browncoats :)
I'm not seeing it but I guess it can't be ruled out.

Yes, it would be a win win for us. Is it true? I don't have a clue. It was an odd thought based on the noted necessary difference in writing styles between Firefly & Serentity. Don't get me wrong, what ever Joss does in the 'verse will be great and I will pay $$ to see it.


Originally posted by zzetta13:

I guess I view Joss's statement about Serenity being only a patch over the scar of FF in a different way. My wife pointed something out to me a couple of months ago and it hit me like a hammer that she was right (she usually is). Serenity and Firefly are two separate animals. I'm saying this because we see it and there have been posts on the forum here by others that seem to confirm that it's felt the same by many.

The writing styles of Serenity and FF are different. Joss and company were writing the series in a carefree style were one story could flow into another. Hints of one eps could be allured to or talked about in the next eps or in another one down the road. The feeling was that there was plenty of time (and story ideas) to let the water run, so to speak, until the idea mill became but a drip. Cast and crew were blindsided by the network decision to cancel.

When the "green light" was given for the movie Joss was forced to write differently. He would have to write in a way that 1) would make the loyal FF fans happy and continue the story 2) Write in a way so that any non fans that went to see the show would “get the J/verse” and 3) Write in a way that could bring a certain amount of closure because by then he had become gun-shy and there was no promise of a sequel.

I really enjoyed Serenity. The BDM was what lead us to the dvd series in the first place. I love the Firefly series. A sequel to Serenity would be nice but a new series is a browncoat dream. Well that and another movie would be.


The thing that struck me the most about Joss's post was his exasperation with the multitude of ideas running threw his brain. Having only had that experience once or twice I can only imagine what that is like but I have read a bit & it seems as tho the ideas have to come out somehow or the person (Joss) goes a little nutters. I know this is a stretch but perhaps Joss is the type who has to create to keep the ADD horse focused. For me once the idea is on the page (or typed) I can let it go but until that point it keeps naging me causeing me no end of distraction.

The reason I thought of a series instead of a BDM2 was because if my theory is correct, Joss recognises his need to tell the whole story not just 2 hours of it.

I'm proably out to lunch & will be happy with anything Joss creates. Yes, even Wondygal & Gonners.

Crimson Dark


Sunday, October 8, 2006 2:29 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:

If you still tell people who might be receptive, "There's this great thing called Firefly/Serenity, you should really watch it," what does it matter what you think of the future? If you don't ... well you're an ass for not spreading the goodness around, but I'm not gonna hold that against you.

If you never meet people who might be receptive the point is moot.

Oh, have no fear. I'm spreadin' the word, or at least as much as I can while in med school purgatory. I've already converted two of my classmates into Firefly fans, but most of the rest aren't big sci-fi folks. I pity them.

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

"There is another which states that this has already happened." - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Sunday, October 8, 2006 10:29 PM


Well I for one am going to put myself out there and say that without any doubt Joss will bring our BDH's back. It's Joss - it doesn't mattter how many obstacles are put in his path his genius will find an outlet and someday we will see Serenity 2. I say Serenity rather than Firefly coz I really don't think a return to the series will come about - not to Firefly as it was.
If joss did have a 7 year arc planned out for the show then that gives us two more movies easily. if I remember correctly he said in an interview once that the movie only brought us to the end of what he had planned for series two. So .... 5 more years to go.
The only possible return to a tv series I can imagine is after Serenity 2 (and hopefully Serenity 3) and then not to Firefly but to another Verse related show based around new characters or old 'minor' characters and featuring occasional appearances from teh BDH's. I'd live to see another episode about Jubal Early.


Monday, October 9, 2006 3:45 AM


I have to get this off my chest.

I have to offer Joss and all the fans and everyone involved in Firefly a true and sincere apology. I love Sci Fi and never even knew about Firefly. Had heard about it but never checked it out. I live in Atlanta and we had DragonCon this past year which had Jane, River and Wash at the convention... but, I didnt know this because I had no clue about Firefly. So, this month on cable, OnDemand offered Serenity. My wife watched it and said I needed to check it out, so, 3 weeks ago, I did. I was blown away! I went out and bought the dvd set of the series and was even more impressed. After watching the shows, I cant help but feel guilty for being one of the many many people who were not exposed to Firefly when it was launched on Fox and feel responsible for the reason why it never took off. (even be a small percentage)

Needless to say, after watching the shows and the movie several times, I wish there was more.. way more. So, to all the fans and actors, production crew, etc., I apologize for not being there when fan support was needed most.


Monday, October 9, 2006 5:12 AM


Zepster, I understand completely. But the Original Browncoats don't want us to feel guilty, they just want us to be happy that they held the line long enough for us to find them!

(((hugs to all the Original Browncoats out there)))

High Priestess of Pork and Ag-Related Activities of the MYTHICAL LAND OF IOWA

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Monday, October 9, 2006 7:14 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
Serenity and Firefly are two separate animals. I'm saying this because we see it and there have been posts on the forum here by others that seem to confirm that it's felt the same by many.

The writing styles of Serenity and FF are different. Joss and company were writing the series in a carefree style were one story could flow into another... for the movie Joss was forced to write differently. He would have to write in a way that 1) would make the loyal FF fans happy and continue the story 2) Write in a way so that any non fans that went to see the show would “get the J/verse” and 3) Write in a way that could bring a certain amount of closure because by then he had become gun-shy and there was no promise of a sequel.

So true!

I was thinking about what Joss and Tim said about what the Firelfy Pilot episode was like before Fox asked for changes, and what it was like after. They said that Mal was too gruff, and they wanted a little humour injected into his character. You look at Serenity's mal, and his is grimmer and more battle scared. I'm beginning to think that the characters in the BDM are as Joss originally intended, before Fox got their claws in.

It makes me so frustrated when I think of all the creative freedom Joss was given to create Buffy. he had time to develop chrarcters, and time to build up a fan base. But Firely was not given that opportunity.

Please, someone, give Joss another chance to bring us more stories from the Firefly/Serenity 'verse. It's rough and ready, a little battle-scarred, bitter and torn up. But we love it, and want a chance to see the characters again.

Don't give up, fellow browncoats. Keep Believing! Joss is on the case.


"You know what the first rule of flying is?... Love. You can learn all the math in the 'verse, but you take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turning of worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you she's hurting 'fore she keens. Makes her a home." Mal, BDM


Monday, October 9, 2006 7:23 AM


Hey Zepster welcome to the boat and another thing don't feel guilty. Well, at least to much. I think every browncoat here that came to the show at a later time does carry a little guilt. We really shouldn't though. It wasn't the fans fault as much as the greedy suits that removed the show too quickly. We're just glad you found in the first place (and a big thank you to your wife for telling you about it). Tell all your friends about us.

Ok fellow B-coats this past weekend took the family to the Texas Renaissance Festival in Plantersville,Tx. Wore my “Serenity” shirt like I do much of the time to local events like this. Good news, about 15 ppl commented about my shirt and the show. I was all smiles and my wife got a big kick out of that. I venture to say that for every browncoat that finds and joins there are 40-50 that lurk, 200 that don’t have a computer or just don’t know that we’re here. 1000s that that love the show, would love to see more just need some push, and even more that just are unaware of the show. They are future COATS they just don’t know it yet. Smart thing for tv exects to do would be to get the ball rolling again. They are already guaranteed the $$$ from those of us that love the show and there are many, many sites of devoted FF/ Serenity fans. Heck there’s even a part of a “Smallville” fan site that is for Joss/Firefly fans. Are tv exects CRAZY or what?

Anyway, welcome again Zepster ( and get your wife to join too) great to have you here.


PS: I totally agree Humbug


Monday, October 9, 2006 7:30 AM


Yeah Zepster, we love seeing new Browncoats about. It lets us know that the signal is still spreading!

If memory serves, when Joss gave up on TV altogether he said it was because he couldn't "throw ideas against the wall and see what sticks." He cares about his characters. He can't just churn out a dozen ideas and drop them if no one else wants them. They're too close to him.

More graphics available at - yes, I've moved!


Monday, October 9, 2006 12:38 PM


I'm a newbie and I see no reason to feel guilty. At the time Firefly was aired I had already forsaken TV shows. It was only HBO that got me back into watching dramatic series, and that's still pretty much the only channel I watch series on. [grumblegrumbleDEADWOODgrumbleWTF?!?]

So I discovered the BDM first, like most people these days. Just started the series with my wife and I'm hopeful about converting her. I thought the BDM was awesome but to her it was just decent. She's an absolute sucker for series, though. Give her 3-4 episodes and she's hooked.

She's such a non-geek, it's difficult sometimes. Don't expect to see us dressed up at a convention anytime soon. The closest I ever got to that kind of activity was the George R.R. Martin book signing in Petaluma last year.

I think there was a point in that post somewhere, but maybe not.

It's okay to leave them to die.


Monday, October 9, 2006 12:38 PM


I'm a newbie and I see no reason to feel guilty. At the time Firefly was aired I had already forsaken TV shows. It was only HBO that got me back into watching dramatic series, and that's still pretty much the only channel I watch series on. [grumblegrumbleDEADWOODgrumbleWTF?!?]

So I discovered the BDM first, like most people these days. Just started the series with my wife and I'm hopeful about converting her. I thought the BDM was awesome but to her it was just decent. She's an absolute sucker for series, though. Give her 3-4 episodes and she's hooked.

She's such a non-geek, it's difficult sometimes. Don't expect to see us dressed up at a convention anytime soon. The closest I ever got to that kind of activity was the George R.R. Martin book signing in Petaluma last year.

I think there was a point in that post somewhere, but maybe not.

It's okay to leave them to die.


Monday, October 9, 2006 10:37 PM


pinballwizard wrote, in part:

...They brought back Family Guy, they brought back Futurama, they can bring back this.

The ironic part (don't start, wannabe Websters) of this is that now there are two studios that have no intention of doing anything further with the property (unless someone sacrifices a virgin to the God Of Cluelessness ...and in Hollywood, no less). So, F*x won't make more TV eps, and they won't sell their 'precious' 10-year rights to anyone else; meaning that SciFi/NBC, etc. cannot make new TV eps, even if they were so inclined. Likewise, Universal are dragging their feet on sequelizing Serenity, but they're also not going to give up the movie rights to anyone else, either.

Why is it that studios don't care enough to make more of something that so many of their customers find irresistible, while at the same time caring enough to keep the competition from getting a hold of it, for fear that they might make it a success? If you fear Firefly/Serenity might be successful if properly handled, then why not simply handle it properly yourself? By the same token, if you're certain you've done everything right and that the property simply will never be profitable, then why not just let it go, and dare your competitors to make something of it?

...But to just lock it up forever out of greed... jealous possessiveness... a desire to never be proven fallible? I just don't understand this behavior. Is this what being rich is all about: Clutching something you don't even want so tightly that it bleeds, for fear that someone else might lavish the love upon it that it deserves, and make something beautiful out of it? It sure is looking that way to me, and it saddens me to the depths of my soul...



If the above conjecture on the rich person's mentality is in any way accurate, then Children of the Rich, you have my deepest sympathies. Better you had been born to the poorest of parents; at least you'd have been loved, instead of growing up seeing everything and everyone as an object to be owned...

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:48 AM


Does anyone have any idea where the September 2007 date Sean Maher mentioned figures into all of this?



Originally posted by zoid:
If you fear Firefly/Serenity might be successful if properly handled, then why not simply handle it properly yourself? By the same token, if you're certain you've done everything right and that the property simply will never be profitable, then why not just let it go, and dare your competitors to make something of it?

It makes no sense, it's supposed to be about profit, that's the point right? The evil greedy godless desire to make money above all else? Isn't that supposed to be where it's at?

But if that were the case one of two things would be happening:
1 There would be more Firefly/Serenity being made.
2 There would now be two separate attempts to get rid of the rights to make more for any sum of money (no matter how small) anyone considered offering unless someone else was offering more (or seemed like they would soon.)

Even if you think of it in terms of wanting to screw over your competition there are only two possibilities:
1 It could work - make it work yourself and watch the profits come in.
2 It can't be profitable - let someone else run with it (for free if you have to), they lose some of their money and are less able to compete for however short a time.

It does seem like there is no consideration for making money, instead it is a simple act of, "Mine, you can't have it, all mine." Even though they never want to do anything with it. Sort of like the people who have relics stolen for their private collection that they never look at or buy one of a kind clothing they'll never wear just so no one else gets it.

It's screwed up beyond all comprehension.

(By the way, it isn't just the rich who do this. For example, when my sister's car broke down and she needed a car to get to work and school she asked to borrow my grandmother's my aunt tried to override that because her daughter might want it. Her daughter never went near it, of course, but the point was to make sure someone else couldn't use it. They aren't rich, they're just assholes, thus the behavior isn't limited to the rich.)


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:08 AM



...And then of course, there's the 'humorous' observation made by a forgotten stand-up comedian: "A woman will buy a pair of shoes, just to make sure no other woman gets them." (NB: Not to say that the comic himself -- yes, it was a male comedian -- has been forgotten entirely, rather that his name escapes me, personally.)

Still, there's a prevalence of this type of 'mine, mine, mine!' type of thinking among the rich, to whom procurement is the straw that stirs their drink, regardless whether they need (or even especially want) the object of their desire or not. Ownership is the king of their hearts...


Chairman: [of the Very Big Corporation of America]... which brings us once again to the urgent realisation of just how much there is still left to own. Item 6 on the Agenda, the Meaning of Life... Now Harry, you've had some thoughts on this...

Harry: That's right, yeah. I've had a team working on this over the past few weeks, and what we've come up with can be reduced to two fundamental concepts... One... people are not wearing enough hats. Two... matter is energy; in the Universe there are many energy fields which we cannot normally perceive. Some energies have a spiritual source which act upon a person's soul. However, this soul does not exist ab initio, as orthodox Christianity teaches; it has to be brought into existence by a process of guided self-observation. However, this is rarely achieved owing to man's unique ability to be distracted from spiritual matters by everyday trivia.


Max: What was that about hats again?

Harry: Er... people aren't wearing enough.

Chairman: Is this true?

Edmund: [who is sitting next to Harry] Certainly. Hat sales have increased, but not pari passu... as our research -

Bert: When you say 'enough', enough for what purpose...?

Gunther: Can I ask with reference to your second point, when you say souls don't develop because people become distracted... [distractedly] Has anyone noticed that building there before?

[They all turn towards the window to see a building approaching or sliding into position outside.]



Tuesday, October 10, 2006 3:25 PM



Originally posted by christhecynic:
Does anyone have any idea where the September 2007 date Sean Maher mentioned figures into all of this?

I believe the date is when the opinions run out to do a BDM2. Universal must declare their intentions by that point or risk losing the actors plus they'd have to renegotiate the contracts.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:03 PM



Originally posted by zoid:

♪Full speed ahead, Mr. Cohen!

Up, up, up your premium.
Up, up, up your premium.
Scribble away!

Up, up, up your premium.
And balance the books.

Up, up, up your premium.
Scribble away!

Up, up, up your premium.
But manage the books.

Up, up, up.

It's fun to charter an accountant,
And sail the wide accountancy.
To find, explore the funds offshore,
And skirt the shoals of bankruptcy.
It can be manly in insurance.
We'll up your premium semi-annually.
It's all tax-deductible,
We're fairly incorruptible.
We're sailing on the wide accountancy.

Oh, this is fun, Mr. Cohen!

Sail away!...

Up, up, up... ♪

That was a song cue, right?

I don't get the whole "mine,mine,mine" thing either, but have seen it too much to be surprised. The best I can think is that the "logic" may be a what if it balloons over time like Star Trek? Then they figure they'd be sitting pretty on a gold mine, with very little effort on their part.

Banner courtsey of Aim2Misbehave (Thank you!!)
"Those grenades?"
"Captain don't want 'em."
"Jayne, we're robbing the place, we're not occupying it."


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:23 PM


RMMC replied, in part:

...The best I can think is that the "logic" may be a what if it balloons over time like Star Trek? Then they figure they'd be sitting pretty on a gold mine, with very little effort on their part.

...Well, they may have something there. I, for one, would pay a lot of money to see Nathan -- 10 years from now -- reprising the role of Mal, whilst wearing a bad hair weave and a girdle in order to fit into the 'tight pants', a la fellow Canadian, Bill Shatner. Better avoid the Molson's, boy-o...



"I aim to misbehave, but only with a zero-carb beer." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, sorta, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 6:10 PM


I am new here. A friend turned me on to Serenity shortly after it came out on DVD. I only wish I had watched the series when it aired and the movie when it was in theatres. I have since purchased both the movie, the series, and the sound track. I am just as hopeful as everyone else for another movie or series or whatever we can get.

We need heroes in the times we now live in. Especially heroes who share problems we share. They don't have to be real, they just have to exist in our minds and in our hearts.

The profession I have chosen requires me to deal with many evil people, and many decent people who just happen to be having their worst day. I see little of the good side of society. It sometimes feels as though goodness, truth, and justice are things we remember like a long lost friend, but no longer have with us.

Life is a constant struggle between the good and the evil. Serenity tells that story in a way that makes me feel as though others also realize we must constantly work to make things better. It is seldom easy, and sometimes evil will win, but we must never quit trying. For it is not the end result that will make us better, but the journey we must take to achieve it.

Joss loves his 'verse. All the actors seem to love it just as much. And we all love it too. It makes us feel good. It gives us hope. I hope someday there is more to come. But if there is not, I know that the story Joss did tell us, the characters, and the actors that brought them to life, will forever be a positive memory for me, and will help me remember that there still is some good in the world, and it is worth fighting for.


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:54 PM



Originally posted by Rosewood022:
I am new here. A friend turned me on to Serenity shortly after it came out on DVD. I only wish I had watched the series when it aired and the movie when it was in theatres. I have since purchased both the movie, the series, and the sound track. I am just as hopeful as everyone else for another movie or series or whatever we can get.

We need heroes in the times we now live in. Especially heroes who share problems we share. They don't have to be real, they just have to exist in our minds and in our hearts.

The profession I have chosen requires me to deal with many evil people, and many decent people who just happen to be having their worst day. I see little of the good side of society. It sometimes feels as though goodness, truth, and justice are things we remember like a long lost friend, but no longer have with us.

Life is a constant struggle between the good and the evil. Serenity tells that story in a way that makes me feel as though others also realize we must constantly work to make things better. It is seldom easy, and sometimes evil will win, but we must never quit trying. For it is not the end result that will make us better, but the journey we must take to achieve it.

Joss loves his 'verse. All the actors seem to love it just as much. And we all love it too. It makes us feel good. It gives us hope. I hope someday there is more to come. But if there is not, I know that the story Joss did tell us, the characters, and the actors that brought them to life, will forever be a positive memory for me, and will help me remember that there still is some good in the world, and it is worth fighting for.

Rosewood022, first off welcome. Usually I'm light and tend to be very happy when welcoming a newcomer, for you new folk mean that the 'verse has gained another person who loves it.

And it's not that I'm not happy ... it's that you profoundly touched me tonight.

I have been musing all day about where we are in the scheme of things with FF/Serenity. The anniversary is over, the Summer of Serenity is past, the holiday season is coming and we still don't have news of a sequel.

Over on Whedonesque there is a thread that started as a report on a LiveJournal site that has open letters of thank you to Joss. It's a wonderful idea and the stories over there are touching. There have been folks who have met the best friends of their lives, chosen a profession, or even met their spouse thru the love of Joss Whedon's 'verses. How can these stories written by this man, who has so profoundly changed lives, including mine go unappreciated and waiting? It astounds me.

But.. as I read your post, I remembered what a hero Mal is to me, and how the cohesive family that is alive and breathing in that show helped me get thru the death of my father. How I laughed and cried. How my heart bled when Simon and River's father didn't do what needed to be done to save River, and how I wept tears of happiness when Mal did do what was necessary to save River.

I remembered that while watching it for the first time, even before coming here, I was filled with belief in the goodness of folks again. In freedom again. Then after coming here I was certain-- dead certain-- I was home. As always, when I am confused about such things, someone here, a fellow Browncoat says just exactly what needs said. Thank you for that.

Now, also.. welcome home. I hope you come to love this wonderful place as much as I do.
Oh.. and here's a gift...

Everyone who joins us here gets a token, and sometimes they may think it's silly.. virtual browncoat.

*hands Rosewood022 a browncoat*

I am very proud to do that, and very proud to call you one of us.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal

Go to and check it out!


Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:18 PM


Hey all!
I am new to the whole serenity /firefly thing and, i trust like you all, i am sad to find that the series was long over before i found out about it. Reminds me of discovering the lordof the rings a year after the death of JRR.
I gotta say though, with the whole experience of viewing the series and the movie just behind me ( as of an hour ago) that i disagree with the view that any new series would have to follow the old in a linear fashion. The series has some of the best writing there is, period. There is a consistant balance between plot, character developement, humour and message. Each of the above being, for lack of a more detailed term .....Beautiful. The series is a s moving as the theme music.
Ok so what is my point? Just that the series is more than worth revivng and i for one will overlook a jump in rivers age, and the fact that we all know the dark secret of rivers torment in order to enjoy more episodes. I would love to see them develope the story and i can forget the fact that i know how it will end in order to see the show, with the whole cast play itself out the way it should have. Hell's bells, Joss can change the damn ending if he really wants to!
So who do i have to pay to get a network to pick up the series? You know, there is a lot of money for films and tv in canada...... Maybe Mal is canadian!

no witty quote. i just aint that witty


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:39 AM


Rosewood022 and Caranmacil welcome to the boat. We're very glad that you've found us. There's a fresh keg of mudders milk in the galley. Help youself. Join the fun and post till your hands turn blue. Well maybe not that :)

Anyway enjoy yourself fellow browncoats.

See ya,Z


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 1:47 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Glad to see Joss clearing some of the speculation up.

Of course this is really telling us what we already knew. There is no news at this point. The studio is not saying anything about a sequel, most likely because they are watching the Serenity dvd #s to see how they add up.

So, our mission is the same browncoats. We need to keep holding the line. We have to keep introducing the show & movie to new people. We have to keep converting the uninitiated to grow our ranks. We have to push the Serenity dvd to get more money into the coffers of 'Versal. Money is what will greenlight a sequel and that is only gonna happen if we keep doing what we have been doing all along. According to a recent interview w/ Sean, the contracts w/ Universal expire in September of 2007. That gives us eleven months for a big push, to sell those dvds and flood Universal with their proceeds to convince them to give a sequel a chance.

So, let's get to it!

Holding the line since December '02!

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:17 PM


Hey all, I'm new here. I have owned the series and movie for a short time, and decided to join the community.

Just the possibility of a BDM2, or a revival of the series is exciting to me. This is the ONLY series I've ever bought, it's the only one that, in my opinion, was worth it, and it's not even a whole season! Anyways, I'm not a long-winded man. I probably won't post often, and not long posts when I do.

P.S.I just have to say, I'm impressed with Browncoats as a whole. I have visited MANY forums, and never encountered such an encouraging and polite community.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 8:19 PM



Originally posted by RMMC:

Originally posted by zoid:

It's fun to charter an accountant,
And sail the wide accountancy.
To find, explore the funds offshore,
And skirt the shoals of bankruptcy.
It can be manly in insurance.
We'll up your premium semi-annually.
It's all tax-deductible,
We're fairly incorruptible.
We're sailing on the wide accountancy.

Oh, this is fun, Mr. Cohen!

Sail away!...

Up, up, up... ?

Damn,but I love the Python-coats but... I always envisioned that transcript as using the word(s), "Accountant Sea"... sort like the Mediterranan Sea... makes ya wonder whatthe hell a "Meditteranean" does for a living... or geographical origin...


That was a song cue, right?

I don't get the whole "mine,mine,mine" thing either,

Gosh... oh my age is showing, but... this is obvious: It's Daffy Duck from around the 1940's or 1950's - an episode written around a fantasy he and Bugs had about ...damn...I don't remember if it was Aladdin & the Magic Lamp or if it was Ali Baba & the 40 Thieves... ANYWAY... Daffy's line was, " 'Mine, mine, mine'... I'm a Happy Miser..." which line I've been using for decades whenever I bogarted something from some friend/family member that deserved to have "that thing" bogarted from them...

Bogart something"or your friends will think you're a stupid, inbred stack of meat."

PS... yeah, yeah, yeah... I know I'm hijacking the original context but... just like, Bugs Bunny... the oppportunity was too ripe with... opportunity... to resist.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:09 PM



Originally posted by Grizwald:
Zepster, I understand completely. But the Original Browncoats don't want us to feel guilty, they just want us to be happy that they held the line long enough for us to find them!

(((hugs to all the Original Browncoats out there)))

Damn, you Iowa Priestesses sound sweet, thoughtful & generous

Okay, okay... at the risk of buggin' the rest of 'em, I'm just gonna say, "Hey! That's ME!!" I'm an "Original Browncoat!" I was one o' ..."THEM"... within the first 30 seconds of "The Train Job's" first airing on ... YOU know... THAT' one nobody names around this website... I mean, that BDJoss-fellow had me at... ...that scene where the belly dancer slipped the note to Cappy Mal...

The fact that this site (, that is) even exists, much less that it can help generate so many new Browncoats... MUCH LESS... promulgate the incredibly deep and articulate opining happening in this thread (alone)... I mean... it blows me away or, at least, the Original Browncoat that BDJoss blew away, lo, those several years ago, is blown away. The "I" that remains after-that-fact is a ...(ahem)... "Changed Man" and, as a 'Changed Man'... I look forward to being blown away by a new BDsequel or BDseries... or whatever "BDS" that BDJoss BDthrows at me, whenever he so feels like it. In that spirit, I went to the comic store at Citywalk & bought every one of those 'X-Men' comics he's been writing, that they had. It's not FF but it IS(!) ...BDJoss... and, well... I sure do like that Kitty Pryde... (among others)...

So ...just like "Grizwald" said, only 2 days ago, I'm SO FRIGGIN' HAPPPY that all you folks keep discovering my... Favorite Cheap Thrill of... whatever freakin' year FF came out... I just keep finding friends to give the boxset to & dvds of the BDM... and next thing I know... those peeps have a handle on and they're finding an articulate way to bitch about Foxiversal and the damned trolls ...or whatever...

Now, continuing on... near the top of this thread, somebody - don't remember if it was "Anapa" or "Ana"... one o' ya who's handle begins with "A"... said something about the 'rarity of chances that Hollywood gives its ...participants...' to the effect of ...'one chance being super rare' and... 'the second chance being'... another quantum leap rarer, but - 'a third chance was unheard of...'

Now, I won't 'dispute' this on the face of it, but... if you've ever seen any successful actor or filmmaker (of any kind) interviewed, fr'example... on some 'red carpet'... and they were asked what advice they - as a successful filmmaker or actor - would give a would-be filmmaker or actor trying to come up in ...(damn)... "Tha' Biz"... that advice is always the same, namely... ...(ahem)...

"NEVER GIVE UP!! NEVER!!!! EVER!!!!!! ...EV... ...ER!!!!!!!!"

The people who have succeeded have made it through, perhaps, not just one, or two, or three ...or FORTY-three!!... "chances." The BDPoint is: they have Never Stopped Trying!
!! Never...
"Stopping trying," much like rehab, "...Is for quitters." That having been said, there is No Limit to the number of "Chances" that "Tha' Biz'" gives to anyone who wants to partake of 'It." (See Steve Martin's "L.A.Story," eh hoser?) I mean, the story's of Biz-Success-Despite-The-Wackiest-Odds... are endless. For just one example: it took the wife of the (at that time) current President of Columbia Pictures (Steve Canton), twelve YEARS(!!) to get "Forrest Gump" through its "development hell" before it had the privilege of being produced into a motion picture... which went on to become Pic' O' (that) Year.

So, in (much-delayed) conclusion, "You Hold! You HOL-LL-LDDDD!!" ...dunno what else an Original Browncoat can offer but...

...if Summer Glau can't still touch the back of her head with her big toe in 5 years, I'll be "a stupid, inbred stack of meat."


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:41 PM



Originally posted by BrownCoat1:
That gives us eleven months for a pig push,

I suspect, Oh BC1, that you mean, "Big Bush"... damn... I'm sure the only reason that's wildly funny to me is that I don't know what the proper etiquette is over whether one should spoonerize or one should malapropize"... what to do, what to do... but... you'll see, in my latest missive just prior to this one, my total concurrance with your idea of the idea of "What to do, what to do," being...

..."You Hold!!! You... HO-OLD-DDDD!!!!"

And, speaking as Browncoat0.1...

If you don't "Hold," "Your friends will think you're a stupid, inbred stack of meat."


Wednesday, October 11, 2006 11:30 PM



Originally posted by saskboy123:
Hey all, I'm new here. I have owned the series and movie for a short time, and decided to join the community.

Just the possibility of a BDM2, or a revival of the series is exciting to me.

Having just posted a buncha crap reminisicin' about some crap or other, I wanna say, "Sorry I missed your note, saskboy123 - I was distracted by replying to... I think it was a buncha goils..." SO(!!!) I hope you'll allow a Very Original Browncoat to welcome you to "Dis 'Verse," with many Happy Thanks for taking the time to partake and say 'Howdy."

"Live long and Prospect" I think is how it goes... wait - wait... unless it's "Give lungs and perspire..." ... ... "...EX-pire...(??)"

Heck... do I LOOK like I know??

Wait a minit... none a' all y'all know what I LOOK like, hehheh ... just wait'll this gits back ta Dick, Laur' 'n' Condi... hehheh... SHEE-it!!!!' all y'all who wunder't why I named "unsardonic" Secretary of Overpowerin' Charisma have a buncha friends linin' up who think all y'all are just "stupid, inbred stacks o' meat."

PS, Laur' an' I think it'd be just PEEchy if'n y'all would pirnt this note out an' FRAME(!) it an' mount it over your flippitydippity DESK!

PPS... or I'll have "Unspecified Sanctions" occurin' on yer behind...


Thursday, October 12, 2006 12:31 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Unsardonic:
I suspect, Oh BC1, that you mean, "Big Bush"... damn... I'm sure the only reason that's wildly funny to me is that I don't know what the proper etiquette is over whether one should spoonerize or one should malapropize"... what to do, what to do... but... you'll see, in my latest missive just prior to this one, my total concurrance with your idea of the idea of "What to do, what to do," being...

..."You Hold!!! You... HO-OLD-DDDD!!!!"

And, speaking as Browncoat0.1...

If you don't "Hold," "Your friends will think you're a stupid, inbred stack of meat."

Sorry about the typo. Guess the hands were moving faster than the brain for a moment there. Could be that the lack of coffee at the time had something to do with it.

Holding the line since December '02!

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:23 AM


Hello Saskboy123, welcome to the boat. So you love FF/Serenity, well you're in the right place.Grab some mudders milk. Take a seat and tell us how you came across the BDM/BDS and anything eles you want to tell.

Glad to have you aboard, Z


Thursday, October 12, 2006 3:39 PM



Originally posted by Unsardonic:

Damn,but I love the Python-coats but... I always envisioned that transcript as using the word(s), "Accountant Sea"... sort like the Mediterranan Sea... makes ya wonder whatthe hell a "Meditteranean" does for a living... or geographical origin...

We do seem to be somewhat think on the net here, don't we?

What does a Mediterranean do.....Doctor the earth (terrain) maybe? My Gwad, they're landscapers! *giggle*


Originally posted by Unsardonic:

Posted by RMMC: That was a song cue, right?

I don't get the whole "mine,mine,mine" thing either,

Gosh... oh my age is showing, but... this is obvious: It's Daffy Duck from around the 1940's or 1950's - an episode written around a fantasy he and Bugs had about ...damn...I don't remember if it was Aladdin & the Magic Lamp or if it was Ali Baba & the 40 Thieves... ANYWAY... Daffy's line was, " 'Mine, mine, mine'... I'm a Happy Miser..." which line I've been using for decades whenever I bogarted something from some friend/family member that deserved to have "that thing" bogarted from them...

YES!!!!!! That is exactly what I was thinking! I guess that means my age is showing as well. (Our area has Bugs on 2-3 each DAY. I've memorized most of them.) "Consequences, schmansequesnces, as long as I'm rich." Yea, I do tend to use it for bogarting purposes, or when I'm unwilling to share something I had through honest means.

"Arise, Sir Loin of Beef!"


Thursday, October 12, 2006 3:45 PM


Wow! Lots of new 'Coats!

Welcome, Saskboy123, Caranmacil and Rosewood022!

Please let me offer you all a glass of Irish whiskey to sip.

It's great to see new folks coming in! Yea!!!!!

Banner courtsey of Aim2Misbehave (Thank you!!)
"Those grenades?"
"Captain don't want 'em."
"Jayne, we're robbing the place, we're not occupying it."


Thursday, October 12, 2006 5:25 PM



Now, continuing on... near the top of this thread, somebody - don't remember if it was "Anapa" or "Ana"... one o' ya who's handle begins with "A"... said something about the 'rarity of chances that Hollywood gives its ...participants...' to the effect of ...'one chance being super rare' and... 'the second chance being'... another quantum leap rarer, but - 'a third chance was unheard of...'

NOT me...

Crimson Dark


Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:04 PM


Hi all, new member here!
Never was a big fan of Firefly when it was aired here in Sweden. Always have problems following series, usually I miss some episodes and the context is lost. So more or less Im not a TV-series person :) However as a SciFi fan I try to watch movies and series when I can.

So this week I got hold of the series and marathonwatched all episodes incl pilot. Three evenings staring at the BDH´s. Was really hooked but at the same time I was sad as I come to understand that there probably wouldnt be any more Firefly episodes. Its BDS (Big Damn Shame) as this is one of the best series I have seen.

So here it is... Pipewrench Dale joining the ranks.


Thursday, October 12, 2006 11:52 PM


Welcome to all the shiny new browncoats. Just remember, there's no complaining until you've been holding as long as I have.

And that ain't happening unless I quit an go home. That hasn't happened yet, ain't likely to happen.

We hold.

The more I get to know people the more I like my dogs.


Friday, October 13, 2006 1:01 AM


Welcome Pipewrenchdale, glad to have you on the boat. Yes I don't know of any show that could have aired the way FF was and would have not been canciled. What was F_X thinking? Anyway enjoy yourself. Grab some mudders milk out of the galley and mingle.

See ya,Z

"RobinHood why do you steal from the rich?"
"Because the poor have no money!" Time Bandits


Friday, October 13, 2006 6:02 AM


I'm sad.

I've always been severely frenetic in my obsessive support of Firefly. Even when I thought I was the only one. Even way back when before I saw the websites and the communities. Even before I knew there were other Browncoats. Before I heard about the BDM.

When it showed on SABC3 (South African Broadcast Commission Channel 3) in 2003, and suddenly stopped, I waited patiently for the second series. Only later did I learn that the show was cancelled. That's when I saw the support. The fans rallied and Hope surfaced. We got our movie. The itch was scratched.

I never, for one second thought we wouldn't get a second one.

But now we're talking about the possibility of failure. Not enough profits. Joss is tired, and probably a litte fed up with our nagging. And I ache with sadness. Because if I love this verse so much, while only being a visitor, how much more must this hurt it's creator? Why didn't more fans watch the movie? It wasn't shown here, but what went wrong everywhere else? If we are so many, why couldn't we make Serenity a blockbuster? Did we fail our crew?

Is this our Serenity Valley?

....And why can't I just give up and forget about it? I'm holding...holding till they come back. But they could hurry a little.

Burn the land and boil the sea...


Friday, October 13, 2006 6:55 AM


The reason wasn't the fans who went to see it, it was the crappy comercials for it that didn't draw new fans. The comercial made it look like every other two bit action film out there, at least the one in America did, the one they showed in Briton I saw, and was a lot better. I don't blame the comercial maker though, cause its like Princess Bride. When somethings just so great with so many different things you could say it is, and its a new theme and everything how do you say that?

I think what we need to do is keep up the faith. Joss didn't give up on us the first time, he kept us going and worked and worked and now its our turn. I believe that if we keep the faith we will get our sequal, cause we won't go away. Eventualy someone will notice that and want more of the money firefly brings in, and then we'll finally get what we want.

Fox said they'd kill our show and we chocked em' with those words, lets do it again to anyone who thinks they can take the sky from us. :)

Jayne: "Testing, testing. Captain, can you hear me?"
Mal: "I'm standing right here."
Jayne: "You're coming through good and loud."
Mal: " 'Cause I'm standing right here."


Friday, October 13, 2006 7:13 AM


I'm over the worst of the comes and goes. Feeling better now.

I just saw a site where someone worked out a whole history of how the Unification War started and ended. With different battles and everything.

I suppose as long as we have Browncoats like that, we'll never waver.

You know the old saying......

If you can't run, you crawl...and if you can't find someone to carry you.


urn the land and boil the sea...


Friday, October 13, 2006 12:40 PM


Sean's September 2007 reference may coincides with a Marina quote recently to the effect that the three-movie contract deal with the actors is soon set to expire. So she didn't sound too optomistic about having a sequel lined up before then but she didn't mention a specific date (this was at one of the recent cons-i forget which).

Mark Gorman


Friday, October 13, 2006 1:18 PM


I meant Moreno...geez sorry bout that



Friday, October 13, 2006 2:00 PM


But, but ... don't you mean Morena?

Ah, well. It's amazing how many new B-coats this thread has flushed out of the brambles. There's got to be a way to make this work.

I feel like my Grandma could have done a better job marketing the series and the movie - and she's been dead for years.

In response to earlier posts, let's not get hung up on rich v. poor. It's a far more complex system than that, with profits being the primary driver, but egos certainly playing a role, and let's not forget the nearly unstoppable combination of slack-jawed, mindless incompetence and blind, drooling, stupidity and (gimme some adjectives here) vaporous, stupefying ignorance.

The irritating thing is not knowing what exactly it is.

"When I write my memoirs, that sh!t'll be in there, guaranteed."


Friday, October 13, 2006 2:00 PM


But, but ... don't you mean Morena?

Ah, well. It's amazing how many new B-coats this thread has flushed out of the brambles. There's got to be a way to make this work.

I feel like my Grandma could have done a better job marketing the series and the movie - and she's been dead for years.

In response to earlier posts, let's not get hung up on rich v. poor. It's a far more complex system than that, with profits being the primary driver, but egos certainly playing a role, and let's not forget the nearly unstoppable combination of slack-jawed, mindless incompetence and blind, drooling, stupidity and (gimme some adjectives here) vaporous, stupefying ignorance.

The irritating thing is not knowing what exactly it is.

"When I write my memoirs, that sh!t'll be in there, guaranteed."


Saturday, October 14, 2006 6:42 AM


Grawwwwwwkkkk....yes I meant Morena! And to think I've been a Browncoat for over year now....I gotta go back to basic Browncoat training.







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