Male and Female Imponderables - Everybody's Fool

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:27
VIEWED: 14609
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Monday, October 16, 2006 10:20 AM


Yeah I won't take those quizes either. Got enough shortcomings to not need to add more.

Edit: Wow I just reread this post and it makes my head hurt! I have enough shortcomings. I do not need to find out that I have more.

Much better


The Shirtless Forsaken


Monday, October 16, 2006 10:28 AM


I'd buy several.

So, yeah, I like the idea of waiting for her to call, but also having plans just in case.

I had another job put in front of me today. The tribe is trying to hire a Juvenile Probation officer for at least a year. I like the idea of being a non uniform officer and also being able to use the facilitator training I have to aid parents and teens in a more oficial capacity. Problem is that the tribe may also want to expand the service to the adult population. I don't much like the idea of handling adult cases, but it may be a good chance to do something different for a while. That and I'd be forced (by myself) to whip my ass back into a much better shape.

Just thought I'd share with the Ponderers.


Monday, October 16, 2006 10:45 AM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:

Back to SimonWho for a sec. Then why is it that butterflies can negatively impact the...other?

Well, most likely it's because they're associated with nerves and that can impact performance.

I like hanging out all over because the people are friendly, the conversation is intelligent and literate, and we all have a common frame of reference we can share with each other.


Monday, October 16, 2006 10:55 AM


NV- I think you'd be an excellent PO. You're tough enough and smart enough not to buy into bs or faked sob stories, but kind and caring enough to do a really good job helping kids back onto the right track...I say go for it. If later it becomes more about adults, you can always re-evaluate and change :) I always like having the back up plans 'cause then if they say " oh I changed my mind , etc." You can just say " oh no problem, I have ( insert specific acticity so it isn't phony sounding)to do, but I wanted to give you first chance at my time"

Edit- Simon It could also be that butterflies are violent devious creatures who cause problems wherever they go:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, October 16, 2006 11:03 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by SimonWho:

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Back to SimonWho for a sec. Then why is it that butterflies can negatively impact the...other?

Well, most likely it's because they're associated with nerves and that can impact performance.

Are you a Doctor in real life or do you just play one on

Mostly, I find the people here much more my ilk than their real-world equivalents. Now please pardon me; I am feeling a bit ilk. Think I'll head over to Kelkhil's. Maybe.

P.S. MSG, I your Tink pictured much more precious in my mind as would befit one of your royalish standing. *bows deeply, with plumed hat borrowed from one of Tristan's trunks. Er, drawers. Closets. Gorramit. You know what I mean.

"Well, here I am."


Monday, October 16, 2006 12:29 PM


Kinda wierd. Getting notifications for posts that don't exist.

On a brighter note:
My sister's back in jail. The county took over a month to get their paperwork to the DA so my sister was picked up in LA last month, causing her to miss her court date in Tribal court the day after she was to fly in. Tribal court issued a bench warrant for her no show, which they served today as she met with social services to start working on fulfilling her case plan. Now she's gonna miss her court date in District court tomorrow. I've already called all the courts and Lae Enforcement agencies to verify where she is and for how long. I'm pretty much guaranteeing a huge cluster F due to the half asses job already done by the County DA and the Tribal Judge. Do I really want to do buisness with these folks on a professional basis? I"m pretty sure I'll end up kickin' someone in the junk or punchin' some lawyer, let alone some overpaid go-se Judge in the teeth.
Actually, that almost sounds like fun.


Monday, October 16, 2006 12:42 PM


A little while ago I wrote a lengthy, yet heartfelt essay on why I am on FFF. This post was subsequently "Eaten" by FFF. I'm mad and I don't want to play anymore.

"When I write my memoirs, that sh!t'll be in there, guaranteed."


Monday, October 16, 2006 12:42 PM


A little while ago I wrote a lengthy, yet heartfelt essay on why I am on FFF. This post was subsequently "Eaten" by FFF. I'm mad and I don't want to play anymore.

"When I write my memoirs, that sh!t'll be in there, guaranteed."


Monday, October 16, 2006 12:59 PM


And yet you posted to tell us. Thats just cool.


Monday, October 16, 2006 1:14 PM


Hello Everyone:

For some reason I could not get to this site Sunday. My luck has been so bad I am about to go to bed and it is only 6pm.

But to answer your imponderable.

I long to another fansite but it not nearly as active as this one. I post here 100 times more often. That is because there some much going on here. As a fan of Firefly I want to give my support so I try to welcome newcomers and help anybody who is in need. I also like to join in some of the fun things that are started here, like this thread. We get to know each other better as we converse over these varied topics.

I'm actually going through a period with fewer friends. This may be why I have more time for this. But I am very close to my friends and I feel I am getting to know a lot of you. I certainly have been made welcome here and have had alot of nice exchanges through theres posts. I know we have differences but I have witnessed us break through them and grow stronger bonds between us.

Well there is my typical rambling.



Monday, October 16, 2006 1:19 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

I know I spouted off about CoPilot, but I don't want either NVG or Zeek to think I'm ignoring you or unsympathetic. I was just able to glean her situation quickly here but I don't know either of your situations well enought to make any educated comments. So I'll just say I wishing you both the best. NVG, aside from picking a way cool character as your screen name, I just want to say don't "Blaze" your way through the justice system. Don't go from to to to . 'Tain't worth it.

"Well, here I am."


Monday, October 16, 2006 1:22 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

[quote}Originally posted by Traveler
As a fan of Firefly I want to give my support so I try to welcome newcomers and help anybody who is in need.

And I always feel better knowing you're out there.

"Well, here I am."


Monday, October 16, 2006 1:28 PM


As Traveler stated about the rambling and such, I tend to do the same. It feels like friends, if not family listening to my crap from time to time and I am so greatful to have y'all.

As fro the justice system, I'm just fed up of some folks having too much job security. Due to their personal politics they are still in jobs that they should be working harder at and seem to need a good chain rattle.

Screen name: Been my handle from CB, Escort callsign, online, and to some of my IRL friends for a very long time. Stoked that the comic character will have a movie out in February.


Monday, October 16, 2006 1:28 PM


DOuble Postey. YAY!


Monday, October 16, 2006 1:31 PM


Well, of course, I was just fishing for sympathy.

Now, I've got that over with, and since I'm just overflowing with words today, I'll try to reconstruct:

1) Why FF? I still can't put my finger on why this show is so meaningful to me. Perhaps my interest will blow over soon like so many before it. And this from someone who has yet to watch the whole season. The show is simply much greater than the sum of its parts, like the Firefly itself (or a firefly, but I digress). Why did Cap'n defeat Saffron? Class: because he's got people with him that trust each other, that do for each other, etc., don't remember the whole line. Same with the show, the individual characters are good, all of them interacting together is great. Same with this site.

2) Why the web? We communicate here in the written medium (my forte). I don't have a lot of bandwidth for friends in RL. I am really starting to open up to the online environment because I find it easier to express myself, and because of we meet each other without ... bias.

Just think, you might be conversing with a pure, starry-eyed 14 year old maiden, or with some fat hairy old perv sitting naked in front of his computer. You're welcome for that image...

Many people find that distressing about the internet, but I find it liberating. Not because I am the aforementioned perv, but because I am forced to abandon my own preconceptions. The perv and the maiden will sort themselves out soon enough.

3) Why FFF? This is a special place. You've seen it in this thread again and again: "I'm not usually like this. I don't usually do this." There is a certain magic in this crew, like the fictional one. The fact that all of you shiny people have self-selected here is one of the most powerful things about FF. It's >almost< worth the show getting cancelled to see this community develop like this, because it would not have otherwise.

You see, we need each other to keep the thing going, for we all share a sense of loss about it. So we are kind and open. As others have mentioned, a lot of other fan communities are more concerned with who's the biggest fan and whether you're in or out, like high school. This crew rises above.

"When I write my memoirs, that sh!t'll be in there, guaranteed."


Monday, October 16, 2006 1:31 PM


Well, of course, I was just fishing for sympathy.

Now, I've got that over with, and since I'm just overflowing with words today, I'll try to reconstruct:

1) Why FF? I still can't put my finger on why this show is so meaningful to me. Perhaps my interest will blow over soon like so many before it. And this from someone who has yet to watch the whole season. The show is simply much greater than the sum of its parts, like the Firefly itself (or a firefly, but I digress). Why did Cap'n defeat Saffron? Class: because he's got people with him that trust each other, that do for each other, etc., don't remember the whole line. Same with the show, the individual characters are good, all of them interacting together is great. Same with this site.

2) Why the web? We communicate here in the written medium (my forte). I don't have a lot of bandwidth for friends in RL. I am really starting to open up to the online environment because I find it easier to express myself, and because of we meet each other without ... bias.

Just think, you might be conversing with a pure, starry-eyed 14 year old maiden, or with some fat hairy old perv sitting naked in front of his computer. You're welcome for that image...

Many people find that distressing about the internet, but I find it liberating. Not because I am the aforementioned perv, but because I am forced to abandon my own preconceptions. The perv and the maiden will sort themselves out soon enough.

3) Why FFF? This is a special place. You've seen it in this thread again and again: "I'm not usually like this. I don't usually do this." There is a certain magic in this crew, like the fictional one. The fact that all of you shiny people have self-selected here is one of the most powerful things about FF. It's >almost< worth the show getting cancelled to see this community develop like this, because it would not have otherwise.

You see, we need each other to keep the thing going, for we all share a sense of loss about it. So we are kind and open. As others have mentioned, a lot of other fan communities are more concerned with who's the biggest fan and whether you're in or out, like high school. This crew rises above.

"When I write my memoirs, that sh!t'll be in there, guaranteed."


Monday, October 16, 2006 1:44 PM


Well said Mink. I get the feeling we are like the charcters in the show. We are different but we share this site like they share Serenity. I have sais this before, I am waiting for Mal to say your part of the crew. That's how you make me feel.

Shorter ramble. But wait I will find time to put a long one hereabouts, maybe another thread.



Monday, October 16, 2006 1:54 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

You know, week to week Mal and crew don't know what may come their way, but they face it together. In that special intimate setting called Serenity. Each has their own place in the "family" and each has their own strengths. And weaknesses. And they care for each other. Sounds a lot like FFF to me Traveler, Mink; I think you got it right.

"Well, here I am."


Monday, October 16, 2006 2:11 PM


Lots of things in no particular order.

a.) Go with what MsG said. Have something else possibly lined up incase she decides to pull the carrot string again.
b.) If the job sounds good and interesting, go for it. As was pointed out, you can always change your mind if they change theirs. Also: government or anyone in charge usually is several brain cells short of just plain stupid. It'll be that way no matter what you do. However you may be able to get them to organize things better so conflicts of that sort have a harder time happening.
c.) good wishes for your sister and for you.
d.) Not surprised about phantom notifications. I couldn't get in at all yesterday, and only intermittentaly so today. Its reminding me of June.

MsG: Sorry to hear ya got the icky virus. Hugs and well wishes.

CoPilot...I can't add anything to what others have told you. Just know we'll be here for you regardless. *hugs*

Why am I here?
Short Form:'Cause folks here are mighty shiny.
Long Form: As I posted elsewhere, I've been on other boards (Rysher Highlander Board & Dwarflander) and some email groups (Forever Knight & Sunnydale Slayers) and have friends from them. Many I know IRL (actually I know most of SunS IRL as it was a closed list) and have met a few folks from here recently (*waves to MI Browncoats*). You all are as real to me as folks I see ftf. Sure, I'd like to meet more folks from here, but as I have considerably less funds now then I did then (I had a roommate then) and given how the costs of media cons has grown astronomically, I can't see it happening soon and it makes me sad.
One of the great things here is there is always someone to talk to. That and folks here are so very tolerant of each other. The Rysher forum was nice, and I had spent quite a bit of time there, but we had folks who thought that there should only be serious discussions and nothing else. Here there's a place for everyone, whether for serious discussions of the show, RL, other shows, or meeting plans as well as bits of silliness (Lasties & the Par-tay et al) or enjoying how our BDH look. Here we're not just fans...we're family.

um...I think there was something else, but I've plumb forgot as I've been typing for about 30 min.

Happy Monday.

EDIT D'oh! Found 'em!

Mink: I had to try 7 times to post earlier...and then it posted twice. *hugs*

Horses! Whoot!!! Ya'll forgot another classy horse breed: Friesians

Aren't they gorgeous? Have no horse of my own, gorammit. Can't fit a German Shepherd in here let alone 2000lbs of horse.

addendum: Traveler, we're happy to have you here, You're a wonderful person to talk with.

Banner courtsey of Aim2Misbehave (Thank you!!)
"Those grenades?"
"Captain don't want 'em."
"Jayne, we're robbing the place, we're not occupying it."


Monday, October 16, 2006 2:49 PM


Thanks RMMC. I love the carrot string visual. Figured I'd do well to wait for her call. Like everyones said, no need to put myself out any further than I already have. Besides, it would be really ego boosting to have her call to make the arrangements. I don't have any clue what we'll be doing so it may be a bit refreshing to have her figure it out with me.
Well. I'm out for the day. Glad to see and hear from everyone. Can't wait for tomorrow. Goodnight.


Monday, October 16, 2006 2:52 PM


*FMF staggers through the dragging her blankey on the way to the Forsaken pyre*

hello and goodnight all

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Monday, October 16, 2006 2:58 PM


Good night FMF!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Monday, October 16, 2006 3:10 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by RMMC:
Lots of things in no particular order.
(*waves to MI Browncoats*).

*furiously waves back as onlookers expect hand to fly off wrist*


Originally posted by RMMC:
Horses! Whoot!!! Ya'll forgot another classy horse breed: Friesians...Aren't they gorgeous? Have no horse of my own, gorammit. Can't fit a German Shepherd in here let alone 2000lbs of horse.

Don't have a horse either but I do have a German Shepherd. (He sends doggy kisses but in a very professional manner...) I must say the Friesians are magnificent! I think we missing out on a lot of good horse action in this country because, like high fashion, we tend to focus on the sleek and trim race horses and overlook the draft horses--unless they're connected to draft beer--altogether. Are there other draft horse breeds of note?

"Well, here I am."


Monday, October 16, 2006 3:19 PM


'Night, FMF!

When you're spread a little less thin, the par-tay's back and hopping.

*Waves happily back at JQ*

'Night NVG. Good luck!

Hi Penguin!

Banner courtsey of Aim2Misbehave (Thank you!!)
"Those grenades?"
"Captain don't want 'em."
"Jayne, we're robbing the place, we're not occupying it."


Monday, October 16, 2006 3:26 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

Ditto Penguin. How's Iowa? Um, never mind. I read the news today, oh boy...So where do you come up with all those emoticons?

"Well, here I am."


Monday, October 16, 2006 9:35 PM


I have never been a part of a fan forum before, i was never really interested in the web, so this is my first! i stumbled into by total accident and i am incredibly grateful that i did. i love it here becuase everyone is so nice and genuinely interested and concerned for each other. it really feels like a family here. i love coming on and catching up with whats going on with everyone and i feel cheated if i don't have the opportunity to do so during the day.
the community on this site is just as real to me as real life communities i am a part of. i have never really made friends easily, mainly cause the mainstream kinda people i've always been stuck with always think i'm really weird, and i don't relate well to i don't really have a lot of friends, which is fine. but i truely feel as though i have finally found the people i was always meant to be friends with here.
i love my firefly family!

I'm a Librarian...don't make me shush your ass!!


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:07 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
You know, week to week Mal and crew don't know what may come their way, but they face it together. In that special intimate setting called Serenity. Each has their own place in the "family" and each has their own strengths. And weaknesses. And they care for each other. Sounds a lot like FFF to me Traveler, Mink; I think you got it right.

I think that sums it up so well JQ! I try to explain to folk who are not 'in this corner of the verse' that it's not just about a TV show - it's about making connections with people and talking about things that matter to each one of us and no matter what comes our way we're here for one another and we hold... When someone can't get here for a while (*blows a kiss in Oddsbodkins direction*) we keep the home fires burning, and when someone needs advice or support (*hugs CoPilot*) and when we have something good to share we celebrate it here!


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:07 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

My computer went bersek... sorry but I was just getting on to saying Hi to all those who've been posting...

*hugs NVG* - you deserve better than someone who'll play mind games just because she knows she's got under your skin! I'll come and do some bappin' with MsG any time you say the word (though it might have to be next September...)

*hugs MsG* hope you are feeling so much better my Darlin' girl! Tell MisterG from me that he can share everything with you but his nasty virus's...

ShinyKitten I love the Aussie invasion here! It's so shiny that we are growing in numbers - it makes this a true global community! And I have another someone to chat with when all the Yanks are asleep...

Mei Mei! You are the shiniest - I love you... just love you! (can't wait to meet!!)

Nico - my little Aussie brother - what would I do without you? Thanks for the cold shower by the way!!

Tristan - we miss you when you are not about!! Take care sweetheart!

Penguin - thank you for keeping me happy when the site was down!

Keep pondering peoples...


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:20 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

*Does the Double-Posty Dance for Mags*

"Well, here I am."


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:28 AM


Morning, imponderable-ers!
Internet connection--check!!
Imponderable thread--working on it...

SBDB, that is a good idea. A small badge with a question mark overlaid on top of the male and female signs, maybe? That would be shiny.

NVG, that job offer sounds pretty good! Did they give a deadline on it? As far as getting back in are in fine shape, brudda. I would not want to have you even displeased at me!

Mink, I totally sympathize with you. Firefly has become a major part of my life, along with all the other Browncoats on this site. When I try to explain it to the uninitiated, I find that words are inadequate. It's a gut-love, and it's something we have to be part of to understand.
I also feel the same way about being online. I have a much more active social life here than I do IRL...and I don't mind it so much. I know that I will one day meet most of the people I talk to here, and that gives me something to look forward to.

Copilot, there has been a lot of good advice put forth on this thread...I really can't add anything beyond that my thoughts will be with you!

Horses...I'm still a big fan of the Ardennes:

Pretty, pretty horse...and big, too!

Hey, Magda! Nice new banner! I meant to comment on that yesterday.

Alright, time to wander off and find more coffee.



Tuesday, October 17, 2006 4:43 AM


Don't you just love draft horses...they're so cuddly:) I shall have to find good pics of Tink and her baby Diesel ( half Clydesdale half Percheron) He is such a cutie pie...we've raised him from birth and he has a very golden retriever disposition ( sadly he also belives he's an over large lap dog due to all the hand rearing)

FMF- so lovely to see if only for a brief flash.

NV- welcome to the joy that it the politics of difficult kids. It's really frustrating, but if you can manuever around it and actually help someone, very worth it. Seriously though there are days when you begin to wonder if our judicial system isn't just a really demented practical joke.

Mink- so eloquent, but what would one expect from a brilliant legal mind ( you are a lawyer right?)

Jonny- you're such a doll

Magda my darlin HUGS and HUGS again!!!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 5:04 AM


Ah, what a way to wake up...some that includes talk of horses. Yippee!


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Are there other draft horse breeds of note?

Well, the Friesian isn't really a "draft" breed (Shire, Clyde, Percheron, Suffolk Punch, Belgian, etc) any longer. It is descended from draft breeds, but Arabian blood, by way of Andalusians, was introduced to lighten the draft horse. It has mainly been used as a carriage horse until recently where it is enjoying a lot of popularity in dressage circles.

Speaking of Andalusians or PRE: This is one of the top dressage horses in the world today:

That's Invasor and Rafael Soto.

And another:

They are an very impressive pair. I'm not really into these heavier breeds as they aren't known for doing what I do, but they are still absolutely beautiful. I happen to prefer the Andie over the Friesian, who still exhibits too much cart-horse characteristics for my taste.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 5:17 AM


Rugbug- have you seen him jump? It's magical. I swear you just hold you breath the whole taime as he leaps so gracefully. I'd say as a pair Invasor and Soto are near perfect in their man/horse communication. I can't imagine being that perfectly in sync for a jump you can see them anticipate the jump mentally at the same time, then muscles bunch at the same moment, and then they just sort of glide over...don't you just wish it was you? I always do:)

And in a moment of pure joy for myself. i just changed the wav file on my signal program. Mal as he wakes up from Saffron's kiss " Is it Christmas" in that befuddled voice. *giggles*
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 5:28 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Thank you m'dear Tristan - I can't take full credit for the banner though - it was Josh06 who made it and Nico provided the Eureka flags and details for it... If any of you know the story of the Eureka Stockade and the uprising on Bakers Hill at Ballarat in the 1850s you'd know show appropriate it is that we go with the flag to represent the Aussie Browncoats...

Oh MsG!! I can't believe you have a big horse who thinks he's a lap dog!!! That is so wonderful - a bit like me I think - I am a grown up who thinks she's a kid!! and thank you for the HUGS!! I need them 'coz my computer is not playing fair tonight!! (& thanks for the candle!!)


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 5:43 AM


MSG: I've only seen a bit of what Invasor and Soto can do, but I'm in awe. That whole team is incredible and watching them do classical dressage is inspiring and watching them to haute ecole is jaw dropping.

(Heh...I just found a picture of me for some work event on my 'puter. I have short hair in it...think I'll go post it.... back soon).

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 5:50 AM


Hey, I forgot to tell y'all some good news on my part. I actually have a date set up for this coming Saturday! It was kind of weird...I've known her for awhile (Drama dept. at the University) and she also just recently broke up with her fiance of 3.5 years. All of us were friends, but never really got to 'know' each other beyond basic info. We ran into each other through myspace, got to chatting, and discovered we have a lot in the next step is the date part. I have not gone on an official date since the beginning of college! I'm a bit nervous, but really looking forward to Saturday.
Vitals on her...she's 25 (I know I said I was looking for someone older, but she, unlike the ex, is a mature 25), graduated in 2005 with a degree in Drama. 4'11" tall, dark hair, beautiful eyes, bright smile, intelligent and incredibly witty. She is also not really a social butterfly, and enjoys staying home (like me).

So, imponderable-ers, I place myself in your hands. Advice? Comments? Pokes?



Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:06 AM


Tristan- Some advice from far away Maryland, from someone you've never met before...

Enjoy your date. Have fun. Enjoy someone's company. See a movie. Have dinner.


You are in serious "rebound potential" mode. Coming out of a relationship where you weren't getting what you need you could latch onto the first person who treats you kindly.

*Take it from me. I know of which I speak.*

Just take it casually, and you'll do great. Just two friends going out.

Good Luck, Tristan!

EDIT: Oh, yeah. The poke.

Well, at 4'11", you could always rest your beer on her head.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:07 AM


Advice....hmm... nope got none for ya bub. Been a while since I was in the dating pool.

But you should be careful not to make Mags too jealous!

Grats though on getting back out into the world. It is kinda hard to do after being married (or so I have been told) So at least you did not give up!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:10 AM


Tristan- where are you going on the date. I reccomend someting fairly casual and relaxed...maybe live theater...or if you have access to it, dinner theater is so much fun to laugh at. We have a comedy dinner theater here and it rocks...of course we have 3 equity theaters and 17 others in our city alone..strangely Utah's a real theater, ballet, opera kind of place...go figure.Anyway, do a nice dinner at a casual restaurant and then live theater or some such ...just don't do the movie thing, because that is just too cliched.

By the way, perfect second date is pack a midnight picnic and go somewhere with running water. Bring a cd player with some nice jazz or classical, or even better irish music and sit and talk, but you restrict the talking to childhood teacher, first crush, learning to drive, favorite family memory, worst thanksgiving ever etc..Takes the pressure off of the must make important conversation and allows you to learn a lot about each other in a fun way

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:19 AM


Mavourneen, thank you for that. We have both talked about the rebound thing as we both have that potential problem. That's why we will be taking it slow, one date at a time. I do appreciate you bringing that up, though.
As for the poke...yeah, that was a good one! Funny thing is that she enjoys beer, too!

KelKhil, Magda will always be my ain true love, and she knows it!

MSG, so far we have decided on dinner. We do not have any live theatre in this town, beyond the college. It really sucks, too, as that would have been perfect as we're both Drama geeks. Arrggh. If there are more dates, we may have to do that. Thanks!
I do like the idea for the second date. We have a nice speedbump of a mountain close by with nice trails and gorgeous views, even at night. Thank you again.



Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:31 AM


Hey I'd bet you have a high school...there is very little more fun than going to a high school production and reliving the silliness of high school drama..that's always an option:) As for the picnic. I like it because it's peaceful and fun and helps build the "couple" bubble around you. Gives you in jokes and such. Plus it's low cost and low maintainence. Kind of a nice get to know you without people and distractions...but still safe and silly.

Hey that's a great ponder...What would be your idea of a good Casual date???

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:34 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hey Tristan... she's too short, too young and too... too... local!

Nah seriously - I know I'm your first and foremost so enjoy!! I'm excited for you too and I am glad you're feeling appreciated again! (though you know you are!!) I told you that you wouldn't be single for long...

Kelkhil - thank you for thinking of my heart sweet one!

MsG - thank you for the messages - you reminded me that I didn't mention the kindred spirits I have here at


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:35 AM


I really like that second date idea too, MSG. Although in Ireland the running water would probably be falling from the sky!

More graphics and animations available at


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:43 AM


oh, Mavourneen, that you cheeky madam, that was so funny, I snorted so loud - good thing I'm at home!

Good Luck Tristan, I really hope it goes well for you!!

Eight out of ten voices in my head prefer Whiskers.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:49 AM


Hey DTH the falling from the sky thing would make it even better. Then you have to share an umbrella and get closer!

Mags - You are very welcome (my Twin sister seperated at birth and somehow years apart and on different continents)

Tristan - Seriously though, good luck. The date is always the hardest. At least you knew each outher a little beforehand. makes it easier to create conversations.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:54 AM


Good Morning all.

So, a first real date in a while huh Tristan. Well, good luck and have fun. I do see a little problem with both of you possibly bein' on the rebound, but here is a great opportunity to test yer sea legs. Wow, I'm a bit nervous for ya.

Tons more stuff but the morning is busy. Now that I can post pics it seems that I forgot one thing. I'm always taking the pictures. Thank god the camera has a remote. Would shoot at lunch, but I gotta finish Tank Girl. Watched the first half before work (got up early and everything). What a way to start a morning.

ADD: DTH-But the water falling from the sky is so damn sexy while wrapped up in a blanket with your date sipping coffee on the front porch.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:57 AM



Hey DTH the falling from the sky thing would make it even better. Then you have to share an umbrella and get closer!

Ooh! Or they could both run giggling to a large tree to take shelter under the branches, and then she smiles at him while he smooths a her wer hair away from her face...

...sorry, what were we taking about?

Oh yeah! Enjoy the date, Tristan! Just relax and have fun. She's bound to love you. All the girls here do!

More graphics and animations available at


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 7:00 AM


Whoa. Good visual.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 7:02 AM


Oh! I want to be on a porch wrapped in a blanket sipping coffee watching the rain sitting next to...

a) Val Kilmer
b) George Clooney
c) Sean Bean
d) ?


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 7:03 AM


I am getting filling my application form for a 6th form college place at sir John Deanes, I reallly hope I get a place there, because not only are they the best college in Cheshire and one of the best in the country, but they also have an extra-curricular activity called Kubudo, or ancient weapons training!! funfunfunfunfunfunfunfunfun


Originally posted by Mavourneen:
Oh! I want to be on a porch wrapped in a blanket sipping coffee watching the rain sitting next to...

a) Val Kilmer
b) George Clooney
c) Sean Bean
d) ?

Alan Tudyk, perchance?
Eight out of ten voices in my head prefer Whiskers.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 7:04 AM


Thanks, Magda! Were you closer... *sigh*

SBDB, thank you, too. Mavourneen made me laugh out loud!

KelKhil, I'll be in the pub Monday to let my drinking fellows know how it went.

NVG, thanks, brudda! I do feel a bit like a pimply high school boy going to Prom...

DTH...I agree with NVG...good visuals. Thank you!



Tuesday, October 17, 2006 7:08 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hey Kelkhil!! I forgot that we're twins - so of course you knew my heart was breaking on this side of the world!! Seriously though I love the close friendships here, we are all so very lucky to have been brought together by Firefly/Serentiy and to have found our on-line family - especially when it includes twin brothers separated by time, distance and years...

DTH - ditto what Kelkhil said... or dance in the rain!! (though I suppose it might be a little bit cold for that right now!)

Tristan - be good... or be good at it! and don't do anything I wouldn't... Oh hang on yeah - just be good...

Good night my dear imponderers - my bed is calling me! Talk soon - love Magda x x x

Edit: coz my 'puter is so damn slow that you all posted at the same time!!

Hello & goodnight NVG!! I love the sound of rain on a tin roof or a verandah roof for that matter!

Mav - of that list I'd go with Sean Bean - I think George Clooney is way sexy but somehow I think I'd be tongue tied, Sean Bean has been a crush of mine for ever and I love his Yorkshire accent and resonant voice *shivers in a good way* Val Kilmer might look pretty but from everything I hear - he's a prick! Sorry to burst your bubble, but I actually know people who have worked with him and... well you know me - if anyone hurts someone I love...

SBDB - Whereabouts in Cheshire are you now? (If indeed that's where you are?) I lived just over the border for a while in Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent in Staffs. I could see Mow Cop from my bedroom window and often went into Biddulph or Congleton to shop! Fingers crossed for you - the weapons training sounds awesome!!

Good night all! - Magda x x x






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