Male and Female Imponderables--Gypsy Road

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 7, 2006 09:46
VIEWED: 7292
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Monday, November 6, 2006 6:22 PM


Well, here I am.

This is my first post in this thread and I just came here to tell Tristan that he's a goof (hey, no offense - magda made me do it!!!) s to magda

Separated at birth?


Monday, November 6, 2006 6:23 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Say you're sorry...

*keeps tickling*
... say you'll never accuse me of not being happy for you again!... go on!!

*tickle... tickle*


Monday, November 6, 2006 6:30 PM


McQ! Welcome to the thread! Glad you made it!

Magda, (quit it!) Ok, ok, I give! I'm sorry!



Monday, November 6, 2006 6:33 PM


Ummm....magda? Are you referring to me?

Separated at birth?


Monday, November 6, 2006 6:34 PM


Hello Everyone.

Well as usual I'm about fifty posts behind everybody else. Laundry night. Lots of fun. Folding towels and separating socks.

It appears were talking about fighting. I have been lucky there. When I was a slobbering drunk I would say any stupid thing in my head. Can't tell how many times people grabed my collar. Actually having someone grimicing at you can sober you up pretty fast. I was always a good talker and seemed to manage to bull my way out of things. Finally learned alcohol and Traveler don't mix. It has become a much easier life if since I got sober.

But even sobriety is not a sure bet you will be safe. That's where my luck comes in. I pissed a guy off in highschool and did not think much about it. Later that day when school let out I turned a corner in the hallway and that guy, I pissed off, picked me up off the floor by my collar. What's with collars? Anyway he is twice my size and tells me he is going to beat the out of me while he is hauling toward the mens room. Well I had nothing to lose so I just told him put me down before I wiped the floor with him. Of course he laughed. But he also stopped heading towards the toilet and started we shouting match. We went back and forth with insults while he held me off the floor. Well of course a teacher, hearing us shouting, came along. I was lucky, it was male teacher of cecent size who came along and told him to put me down. It must of looked funny listening to me tell the guy how lucky he was a teacher showed up. Needless to say he was expelled and transfered elsewhere. My big mouth saved me again. I am only 5'-6" now and was smaller back in highschool, I would have ended up in a body splint if I hadn't started my foolish threats and got him to stop draging me toward the mens room.

I learned not to anger people bigger than me. Now I try to stay far away from trouble. I just can't see anything worth gettig a broken face for. And now that I'm sober I find I don't hang out with people of a violent nature. I figure I have used my quota of good luck and had better start using my brain to remove myself from potential trouble. And to use my mouth for more productive purposes.

That is my vast experience with fighting.



Monday, November 6, 2006 6:35 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hello Q!!!! It's my Q in shining armour!!I made you??? What??? Oh you - you're just so sweet Q! !

Thank you Q


Monday, November 6, 2006 6:44 PM


Make that shiny tinfoil!! And you're welcome!


Monday, November 6, 2006 7:12 PM


*pinches herself*
Q? On a thread?
*pinches Q*

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Monday, November 6, 2006 7:19 PM


Yup, me on a thread. Not the first time, you know Just not a common sight, yet you asked for it - *pinches Whim in return*

Separated at birth?


Monday, November 6, 2006 8:06 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Ooooooh - enough of the tickles, eh?? We're having a pinching match now - are we??

*joins in with pinching Q & Whims!!*

Actually you two - I my secret weapon is the that I can make you ticklish without even trying!

*Waves her wand and recites 'Atmospherus Tickolarum!'*

Now all I have to do is this! *wriggles her fingers in Whims and Q's direction and they giggle in fits of laugher!!

Seriously - it's so very good to see you here Q! Please stay!!


Monday, November 6, 2006 8:12 PM


*suddenly feels the overwhelming desire to giggle - as if someone is tickling him*

Separated at birth?


Monday, November 6, 2006 8:20 PM


I am sorry sweet Magda but I have been immune to all tickle attempts since birth. You did make me giggle by just being you though.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Monday, November 6, 2006 8:39 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

*shuffles her feet and looks innocent*

now why is that Q??

*Hugs Whims very tight!!* Thank you darling one!


Monday, November 6, 2006 8:43 PM


I have no idea, magda - YOU wouldn't have had anything to do with that, now would you?

Separated at birth?


Monday, November 6, 2006 10:05 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

*stands with her hands behind her and looks innocent*

Me..? Have what? .. to do with what???


Monday, November 6, 2006 10:17 PM


Umm....well....hmmm. Funny, but, I forgot. I guess you're off the hook for now, magda.

*sees neko within the thread and waves to her from the distance* Hiya neko!!

Separated at birth?


Monday, November 6, 2006 11:19 PM


*Gives Q a slightly miffed look, the tackle-hugs Q* Q!!!! Welcome to the imponderables.

Tristan...that sounds like a challenge... I'll see your challenge and have you laid out, unable to move when I'm done... ...once you get your wayward self here.

*looks at everyone giving funny looks* I've been told I give great massages -- even got proposed once after giving a friend a massage. So between that and giving Tristan a kiss...of course he's not going to be able to move. *innocent look*


Monday, November 6, 2006 11:59 PM


I got into a couple of fights at school. Okay, I was picked on and didn't have much of a choice. Everyone expected me to get beaten up, but they forgot that I had two brothers and a sister who, while tiny, had one hell of a kick on her. Not that I ever won a fight with the school bullies, but I did manage to hold my own until a teacher arrived to break things up and give us all extra homework. Which was really unfair because THEY STARTED IT dammit!

Since school I really haven't been in a whole pile of physical fights. Which of course is part of the hippie lifestyle :) Besides, trite as it sounds, I usually find that standing up and making it clear that if the other person gets violent you're going to get violent right back usually does the trick.

I did get into one very scary situation where I had to face down someone who had a knife with a broken bottle. Yes, I broke it against the bar. Which was kinda something I'd always wanted to do, but at the time I did it I was just terrified that a) I'd shred my hand or b) I'd have to use it. I didn't hurt myself - thankfully - and I didn't have to use it either - thankfully - and I had the added advantage of being able to drop it and look very innocent when the police walked in. Of course the innocent look was probably helped a lot by the fact that I couldn't stop shaking for about half an hour afterwards. That was one hell of a party.

I trust my reflexes in a fight. Mostly because I've been mugged twice and both times I held on to my back and fought even though you're supposed to let go and I KNOW you're supposed to let go and it was really STUPID of me not to but instinct just kicked in. I'll let go if it ever happens again. Promise.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:00 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Oh my Darling little Hippie... why is it that you have been in more scary fights than I have?? I do know what you mean about a scary thought though - I was with a friend once when he broke into his own home... lascerating his arm quite seriously, and then I had to drive him to hospital and I stillhad to ring his wife and tell her he'd locked himself out, but also that she now had a husband in hospital and a front window that needed repairing!! It looks so good on the movies/TV... but in real life!!??


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:11 AM


Knowing how to break into one's home in case of locking oneself out is something that should be learnt by everyone during spare time, so that they don't mess around with breaking windows or the like if they lock themselves out. It also means that you know how potential thieves could enter the house, and thus how to defend against them.


(Thx to Desktop Hippie for the banner)
If you find yourself getting too worked up about stuff that isn't real (RP Threads etc), then go outside, breathe in some fresh air and try feeding the ducks. (Because ducks don't care about your politics, religion, skin colour, choice of music or even your haircut. They like everyone, provided you bring them food.)


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 2:35 AM


mornin Imponderables.

You guys had a busy night. I was on a bit, but I am sorry to have missed all of this.

On the matter of fights, I haven't had too many at all. For starters, I have always been a big dude (I am 6'6", 300 lbs right now, see pic in one of the pic threads), and I think folks just assume that because I am big I can beat them with no problem. I don't know if I can or can't because no one ever starts anything. I am actually very passive, especially in this respect, and several of my female friends who know me have referred to me as nothing more than a bigass teddy bear. I do have one story though, and it involves the only person who I have ever fought: my brother.

We were in Panama City at the end of summer and had just finished striking out on the strip and at the club, so we were headed home. To make this next part more understandable, I was a superChristian, very vocal about my beliefs, and actually a part of a group that had signed a pledge to not do any drugs, alcohol, or tobacco for a full year as an example to my peers. Anyhow, as we headed out of the city, my brother Billy had a plastic glass of Bacardi 151 and Coke in his hand in the front seat, and our friend Chris was in the back seat. I took a turn a little too sharply, causing him to spill a bit of his drink on the floor of the car, and then the drama ensued.

Wow this is a long post, and I still have more to go. Thanks for staying with me.

Now, in addition to being against the consumption of alcohol (at the time of course), we were driving with an open container and all three under 21 in a city know for it's underage partying. Heated words were exchanged, wherein we both blamed each other for the spill (looking back, it was most certainly my fault - don't drink and drive, you might spill your drink), and being already frustrated from striking out, I decided to get his bottle of rum and break it (alcohol abuse is a serious crime, but I was young and naive). He came around and slammed the trunk before I could get it all the way open, at which point I slugged him and knocked him onto the road. He tried to get up, but I wrapped a chain I had (was going for this punk-ish look, so I was wearing several of them) around his throat and tightened it. He sat on the ground, attempting to punch my crotch, but falling short and hitting my leg. Chris stood and watched, afraid to get involved due to previous fights he has seen us have (more in a minute) and did nothing until people approached us.

Two random guys come over and asked for a ride, said they would pay us a bit to take them. I was so angry/adrenaline rushed from the fight that I said ok, and proceeded to let them get in the car, another bad idea in retrospect. We took them home, then headed home ourownselves in silence. When we tell the story about it now it is usually in a joking manner. One reason for Chris being afraid was from a previous fight wherein I had locked Billy out, then hit him with a walking cane (swinger style cane), causing him to throw a cordless phone and later a brick at my head, to beat the bumper of my car with a metal rod, and to force two people to have to literally lie on us to keep us apart. Ah, brotherly love. Of course, we are the best of friends today, and I think the fighting is at least partially to blame for that.

On to sex. I agree somewhat with what has been said. Fourteen is way too young to have kids, especially alone and without the help of adults and/or medical professionals. I think that protection should be used no matter when you start having sex. That being said, I think I have a bit of a different view when it comes to the actual act.

I think that people (at least here in the U.S., not sure about the others) take sex way too seriously. The main problem is equating it to emotions. Now, I am not saying that emotions cannot be involved, I am only saying that the physical act of sex solely for pleasure and satisfaction doesn't happen enough. People get attached, get dependent, and eventually drama can be caused, making both people upset and negating the positive effects of the act altogether. I am all for a more relaxed atmosphere when it comes to casual sex (though not unprotected, there are beasties out there that don't need to be shared). To reiterate once more, I think that protection is the only way to go, no matter what your feelings are on the timing of when you start doing it, and that teaching kids that is the best way to go. They are going to have sex, and that age is getting younger and younger. There is sex on TV, in the movies, hell, even in the daily news. They are going to see and know about it and the best thing to do is to make them aware of the consequences, both good and bad.

An attempt to leave on a light/funny note:


Originally posted by nvghostrider:
When six guys jumped me after gym class and none of them left school without help, that is what I consider the first. And the last.

< Jayne voice >
Six men came to kill me one time...
< /Jayne voice >

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 2:59 AM


Good morning Imponderables!

I found this Calvin and Hobbes comic and thought it was cute!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 3:07 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Penguin - my Darling Penguin!!! You need affection??

I actually posted 6 times... smothering enough for you Darling!

I'd do a song and dance act for you!!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 3:07 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

...jump through hoops for you!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 3:07 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

... lead your cheer squad!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 3:07 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

...send you earmuffs to keep you warm (in that cold, but mythical land called Iowa!)


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 3:07 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

...I'll play Gibbs to your Denozo!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 3:07 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

... and I'll laugh at your jokes!!
. ...coz you're my Penguin!!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 3:12 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

RIMG, I... really can't express how violently I disagree with you, having seen so many emotions flood into so many young women who were not prepared for them. It ain't just a cliche that having sex can change you; in junior high and early high school, it is a dead-set fact. So, um, it's kind of irresponsible to say that it's not going to or 'doesn't have to' affect anyone's emotional state, because while someone older and more mature is much more able to deal with it and might not notice it because it won't be an abrupt rush... Well, if it's different for men... That would be upsetting, actually. I don't know what to think now.



Tuesday, November 7, 2006 3:20 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
RIMG, I... really can't express how violently I disagree with you, having seen so many emotions flood into so many young women who were not prepared for them. It ain't just a cliche that having sex can change you; in junior high and early high school, it is a dead-set fact. So, um, it's kind of irresponsible to say that it's not going to or 'doesn't have to' affect anyone's emotional state, because while someone older and more mature is much more able to deal with it and might not notice it because it won't be an abrupt rush... Well, if it's different for men... That would be upsetting, actually. I don't know what to think now.

Violently? Wow, I, well, I don't know what to say besides that.

Maybe I generalized too much, as younger folk [ teens ] may not be able to make that distinction, I will give you that. I guess my sex rant was more directed at adults who have at least a little bit of experience with it. I also think that men and women look at sex in completely different ways, and we cannot truely ever actually know the way the other feels about it except through these crude constructs called words, which aren't always the best at conveying emotion.

Regardless, I still think the best thing to preach is protection, especially to that younger group, because with the state of the media in this country, information and pressure are not going away anytime soon.

Penguin, I love the Calvin & Hobbes comic.

Magda, nice sextuple post.

EDIT: time to vote:

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 3:23 AM


Wow, you're right RIMG. The Imponderables thread was jumpin' last night! So much tickling to catch up on.

13, if you come back to this thread...I'm sorry you are in the position you are in. The folks above are right. She needs to tell her parents, as difficult as it may be. 14 is too young to be handling such an adult thing. Good luck, and let us know what happens.

Penguin, I like the C & H cartoon! Here's the only one I have:

I like it because it's kind of Mythbusters. "I reject your reality and substitute my own."

I've also never been in a fight. Not the knock down, drag out kind. I've been in wars of words, but that's about it. I would like to think I could defend myself or the family if push literally came to shove.

EDIT: Congrats, Magda! That's the first 6 postiness I've ever seen. Double, sure...but 6. I'm impressed!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 4:00 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

If you really want to be impressed... I was actually typing a reply to Nico in the 'pub thread'when I suddenly found myself in this thread with sextuplets!!!! (all balnk at that - but I'm putting them to good use - don't you think?? )

I adore your little cartoon too Mavourneen!! That's the kind of reality I like! How's Carson and the husband??


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 4:08 AM


They're good, Magda. Thanks for asking! Next big obstacle in my house is the trauma of taking apart the enormous bird cage in the living room. Husband said last night that if he takes it apart, it's like admitting she's not coming back...and he isn't ready to admit it yet.

Schools in the US are closed for elections today. Carson is going on a field trip with his daycare to Jeepers, which is like Chuck E Cheese. Bad pizza ( by adult standards ), kid friendly video games, whack a mole, and a playground. He'll be in Heaven and very tired tonight!

What's going on at the other side of the world?


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 4:19 AM


Morning all. Wow this was a long read to catch up on.

Mags you are now officially the Queen of Postyness! *Places a crown on his Sis' head* Impressive.

Yeah one time I actually talked my way out of a fight by threatening to thumb the guys eye out and shove them down his throat. Threats are usaully the best to avoid a fight. Just make the person think you are not afraid of him. Although I think I am more afraid that I would do perminent damage to someone more than that I might get hurt.

So any new ponderings today???


The Shirtless Forsaken


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 4:27 AM


Magda - why have I been in more scary fights than you? I don't know! It's not like I go around looking for a fight or anything. I mean, I'm a hippie! Our first instinct is normally to chain ourselves to a tree or something, not get physical.

I have avoided most fights (since school anyway) and that one in the bar was a pretty unusual situation. Basically, a very nasty guy was threatening my friend with violence (she had broken up with him) and since there were no bouncers around and the bar staff and just about every other guy there were all very carefully examining their shoes it was basically down to me and two other friends who were there to stand between him and her. Which would have been fine if one of them hadn't been pregnant and the other hadn't been on crutches!

This is actually the first time I've talked about it since it happened, which was years ago now. It was the scariest situation I've ever been in, hands down. The guy had a filthy temper and I was very, very worried that he was going to stab me. I must have done an okay job of hiding it, but I was sooo scared. I'm really grateful it didn't go any further. The only reason I didn't stand aside is because I knew he was an awful lot more likely to stab my friend - he didn't know me, and I was babbling like a crazy person, which kept him talking.

Smashing the bottle against the bar was kinda cool though, now that I look back at it!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 4:30 AM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Smashing the bottle against the bar was kinda cool though, now that I look back at it!

*bigass bear hugs for being in that situation and not losing your head*

Also, I wanted to say that I have always wanted to do that, though if I could do it in a different situation it would be ideal.

I think I am a hippie born 40 years too late. At least, I have come to that conclusion in recent times.

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 4:30 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
Ah, brotherly love. Of course, we are the best of friends today, and I think the fighting is at least partially to blame for that.

Can't tell ya how refreshing it is to see someone else say that. I think too many people walk away from fights thinking that none of it was worthwhile. Also, majorly cool that you guys have the where-with-all to use objects when you get into a scrape. I loved the part about you using the chain.

I'll tell ya, if I had asked this question at the wrong time (probably a little over a month ago) people would have been all over me about it. Not because of what I asked, but because of who they thought I was back then. That makes me, for one, realize that sometimes conflict is a necessity in order to attain a greater peace. And now I'm just tickled to hell to hear all these stories about scrapes people have gotten into.

JQ - Loved the "Fight Club" poster, really added some flavor to the whole thing. I should have thought of that.

Sorry to hear you and your friend had to deal with that type of BS back in the day. Ending any type of persecution always involves enduring long periods of violence and misunderstanding while everyone adjusts. It's never very pretty, but welcome to the human race, am I right?

And let me just echo and "hooah!" for you takin a beatin for a friend. That's some nobility right there.

Tristan - Cracked his eye socket?! Maybe you shoulda tried for a career in pro-boxing. You can't learn to punch like that, you gotta be born with it, so don't squander your God given talents!

DesktopHippie - I got a hearty laugh forming an image of a sweet, innocent looking girl wielding a broken bottle. It's funny that you're so against violence, cause chances are you'd be really good at it with that type of mentality.

Ok, so, I think I'd like to share some of my war stories. My first real fight that I can remember was in Middle School. Kid's name was Russel Butt (Honest to gosh, that was his last name.) He was one of those oversized brutes, about half a foot taller than everyone else. I forget what I said to piss him off, but he offered up a cheek for my to swing at. I froze, of course, so he decked me with a haymaker of a right hook to my jaw that sent me face first against the wall. Mother fucker then proceeded to turn me around and give me some over hand punches to the chest until I fell to the ground. He decided I had enough and walked off. I was still frozen. Didn't cry or anything, just rocked and kinda numb.

Worst fight was one I don't remember. It actually happened before my first fight, but it was so horrible that it doesn't qualify. The way it's remember by some childhood friends of mine, some kid named Josh jumped on me. We "tried" to wrestle, but he stayed on top the whole time, and no one actually got any holds or strikes in. So my friends ran around promoting it as "come watch the two homos hump each other!". We were in Elementary School, damnit, I didn't even know what a homo was!

Other "Worst fight" in the sense of me getting fucked up the most was v. my girlfriend's Dad. Asshole had just finished beating on her, and she called me up. By the time I got to her house, he had left. I went downstairs to her room to comfort her, don't know for how long. Then he got home, comes downstairs and tells me "Time for you to go" in that heavy Peruvian accent. I just stare at him, cause I can't think of anything to say. Finally, he comes in and grabs her to tear us away from each other, and I grab his arm that he's grabbing her with... well, he uses his other arm to backfist me with. Literally took me off of my feet. He must have thought that he was done with me, cause he didn't turn around, so I tried to get him from behind. That's when I found out he used to take Judo. A 6'4", 270 pound Peruvian tossed me over his shoulder, and my body crashed halfway through a wall. So now, I'm figuring I gotta wise up, as him being drunk and out of shape isn't giving me as much of an advantage as I thought it would. He's still focusing on her instead of me, so I gather myself up from the pile of drywall and plaster, and rush at him with a kick. He catches it, but I bend my leg so that I get a nice clean right cross in. He answers a lot quicker than I expected with a strait right to my nose, breaking it and causing blood to come out everywhere.

By now, me girl's screaming and bawling her eyes out. Her mother and siblings are downstairs (one of em's on the phone with the police), frightened all to hell. After his strait, he picks me off of the ground by my head and smashes it through a portion of the door frame before he discards me like a ragdoll onto the floor outside my girlfriend's room. About as soon as I hit the ground, I push off and just try to tackle him, but he gave me a swift kick to the sternum (fatass had to grab the wall just to stay upright) before I even reached him, then stomped on me once while I was down. Whatever can be said for adrenaline, I can actually feel that somethings wrong by now. I can hardly breath, but I'm panicking, so I try and get up. He grabs me by my hair and leans back to build up what probably would have knocked me out and broken part of my face. Last ditch effort/reaction, I foreknuckle him in the throat, then drop all my body weight to go for a takedown. I get lucky for once in my life, when his knee locks up, and my body weight breaks it.

I'm diagnosed with a broken nose, dislocated jaw, mild concussion, 3 cracked ribs, and my left eye's swollen completely shut. Julio's got a broken knee, no permanent neck or throat problems, but he's also in jail. My girl's mom decided not to press charges for me being on their property, so I got off scott free.

And best fight... technically speaking, it was this one "stud" from Airborne holdover. I had gone through Basic with this jerk off, and he was for real a great physical specimen. Got a 300 on the APFT, which is a perfect score for anyone who doesn't know. He's giving me shit for only getting a 260, and telling everyone who doesn't know about how pathetic I was when I first got to Basic (and I was, one of 7 guys in a company of about 300 who couldn't support his own fat ass on the monkey bars). I'm taking it in stride. Finally, he pokes at my belly to show how pudgy I am, even though by that time I'm extremely lean. I block his hand away, so he tries to slap me in the face before I can react. I block it with my left arm and give him a slap under the jaw with my right hand.

Now there's "oohs" all around, so he's just gotta stand up for his macho pride, right? I was leaning against a wall to begin with, so he tries to grab my collar while giving me a short, quick jab with his right hand. I got my guard up now, shrink to my right, and uppercut him in the ribs. The jolt makes him let go of me, so I push him just far enough away to give him a solid boot to the chest. That doesn't do much besides just push him further, but now he's hoping back towards me (no shit, hoping) trying to swing down on me from above. I've got me back off of the wall now, and I dodge a right strait, weave under a left hook, and gave em my own left right into his liver. He's doubled over (still standing) when I open to my right and use the momentum to give em a right cross to the side of his face. That topples him for good.

All in all, that last one was a real fight, for sure, but with no real negative feelings for either of us. He just got up going, "Damn Moorhead, you rocked me!", and I had a smirk on my face the whole time. He stopped giving me shit after that, though.

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkiries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 4:35 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
On to sex. I agree somewhat with what has been said. Fourteen is way too young to have kids, especially alone and without the help of adults and/or medical professionals. I think that protection should be used no matter when you start having sex. That being said, I think I have a bit of a different view when it comes to the actual act.

I think that people (at least here in the U.S., not sure about the others) take sex way too seriously. The main problem is equating it to emotions. Now, I am not saying that emotions cannot be involved, I am only saying that the physical act of sex solely for pleasure and satisfaction doesn't happen enough. People get attached, get dependent, and eventually drama can be caused, making both people upset and negating the positive effects of the act altogether. I am all for a more relaxed atmosphere when it comes to casual sex (though not unprotected, there are beasties out there that don't need to be shared). To reiterate once more, I think that protection is the only way to go, no matter what your feelings are on the timing of when you start doing it, and that teaching kids that is the best way to go. They are going to have sex, and that age is getting younger and younger. There is sex on TV, in the movies, hell, even in the daily news. They are going to see and know about it and the best thing to do is to make them aware of the consequences, both good and bad.

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

Hey Jimi... I am sorry that you feel this way - to me, and to most friends with whom I have had frank discussions about sex, there is something really missing if there are no emotions involved! Maybe the majority of my friends who have expressed this are female - but I have several male friends who have expressed the same thing. Apart from anything else sex is an issue of huge trust and there have to be emotions involved in this! Maybe for women it is a more loaded issue - the risks are greater and the actual act itself is more 'intrusive' for them. I don't know if men can really imagine how intimidating it can be to literally let someone 'enter you'. (please note I said 'can' not 'is' or 'should', I am trying not to use rashly general statements here, but offer a differing point of view!)

Whether there is an understanding of the circumstances into which 2 people enter a sexual relationship, the relationship is bound to change and evolve over time so emotions inevitably come into it!

I personally believe that love is essential to make it possible to hold the degree of respect and care/concern a partner should have for the other - I have never entered into a sexual relationship without some degree of clarity on the nature of the relationship or a degree of love being present - bar once! That experience taught me that I will never find that interaction satisfying or particularly memorable.

Please forgive me if this seems personal - I guess it is - but not against you - just that I feel you are missing out on something if you approach sex as an act alone and of itself the desired outcome. Sex is many things to many people - but I have never found anyone willing to discuss a sexual encounter that was without attached emotion who actually found it fulfilling or 'honest'.

I hope this makes sense...


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 4:47 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:

Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Smashing the bottle against the bar was kinda cool though, now that I look back at it!

*bigass bear hugs for being in that situation and not losing your head*

And not losing several pints of blood. Lets not forget that part.

Honestly, I don't know which of us was more shocked at my reaction, me or the knife weilding maniac. I dimly recall my friends expressing shock at what I'd done, but I don't remember a lot of what happened that night very clearly. Just the knife part.


Also, I wanted to say that I have always wanted to do that, though if I could do it in a different situation it would be ideal.

There's something about smashing a bottle against a bar that just makes you want to do it. Even if you can't stand violence (and I really, really do hate violence) you still want to try it. Mind you, I love throwing glass bottles and jars into the glass recycling bins and hearing them smash, so there must be a part of me that enjoys the destruction of glass products in general. *makes mental note to steer clear of windows*


I think I am a hippie born 40 years too late. At least, I have come to that conclusion in recent times.

Awww, don't say that! I know the sixties seem like they were great fun, but this age would be so much duller without you!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5:05 AM


Magda - I suppose it is different for all of us, with respect to the emotions being involved. I have had sex based on very deep emotional connections, and at the same time, I have done it for purely the physical act of ing. I also admit that there is a difference, but have been honestly satisfied/fulfulled with it both ways. As for being entered, I have been down that road, and I do understand how intimidating it can be. And it's not that I look at all sex as if is should be only physical, I just think that some people put too much focus on the emotions to even be able to enjoy the sex. People I know have tried to keep it to just sex they have failed miserably, gotten emotions involved, and sooner or later had to go their separate ways because it got like that, so I know and agree that over time it almost cannot be helped. There is no forgiveness needed for being personal, as these are your feelings and beliefs and you are entitled to express both freely. I know mine might have sounded a bit personal to some people as well, though it was meant to be a broad generalization.

Desktop Hippie - I thank you for sharing your story, and elaborating, and for your comment about the age being less dull as it is

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5:08 AM



Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
DesktopHippie - I got a hearty laugh forming an image of a sweet, innocent looking girl wielding a broken bottle. It's funny that you're so against violence, cause chances are you'd be really good at it with that type of mentality.

Well, I'm Irish. I think there's a bottle-breaking gene somewhere in our DNA.

I did look very innocent though. I had finished college at that stage, but I still looked like a student. I had my hair tied back in a ponytail, I wear glasses and since I'd arrived late for the party in the first place I was looking particularly frumpy and uncool that night (never a stretch where I'm concerned anyway.) The police didn't even question me! They just asked if I had witnessed the guy threatening my friend with a knife and I said yes. And he was too busy trying to explain his behaviour to mention me and the bottle. And no one else there mentioned it either. I was bloody lucky now that I think about it. It's weird the way all this is only coming to mind now!

I am against violence though. I've never seen the appeal. I mean, I'll defend friends and family to the death (and I do mean that literally) but I absolutely hate fighting. I hate making people hurt, I hate causing them harm, I hate being hurt (natch) and I bitterly resent it when someone forces me into a situation where I have to use my fists - or a weapon.

Ireland is neutral (officially) but I wouldn't even be able to avoid army service if we had conscription as I hate people having to fight on my behalf just as much as I hate fighting. I'd probably just do my best to get into some kind of non-combat role. I wouldn't mind being on the front lines if I was doing something to save lives rather than taking them. I don't think I'd ever fire a weapon unless I was sure that there was really, really no alternative to war.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5:18 AM


RIMG - you're welcome my dear!

I've never been able to seperate sex from my emotions. I take sex very seriously, mostly because I see it as something incredibly important. I strongly believe that when you have sex with someone, something of your souls is shared. Even if it's just a one night stand, something of that person becomes a part of you, and part of you is left with them.

I hasten to add this doesn't mean I don't enjoy sex. It's my very favourite passtime It just also means that I'm really choosy about who I sleep with and don't go for one night stands. If I'm going to wind up with a piece of someone's soul, I damn well want to get to know him first!

Some people can seperate sex from their emotions and some can't. The key is to recognise which category you fall into and protect yourself accordingly. I'm in the "can't" group, so I just have to make sure I'm protected emotionally as well as physically. It sounds complicated, but it's pretty simple if you're me


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5:30 AM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
RIMG - you're welcome my dear!

I've never been able to seperate sex from my emotions. I take sex very seriously, mostly because I see it as something incredibly important. I strongly believe that when you have sex with someone, something of your souls is shared. Even if it's just a one night stand, something of that person becomes a part of you, and part of you is left with them.

I hasten to add this doesn't mean I don't enjoy sex. It's my very favourite passtime It just also means that I'm really choosy about who I sleep with and don't go for one night stands. If I'm going to wind up with a piece of someone's soul, I damn well want to get to know him first!

Some people can seperate sex from their emotions and some can't. The key is to recognise which category you fall into and protect yourself accordingly. I'm in the "can't" group, so I just have to make sure I'm protected emotionally as well as physically. It sounds complicated, but it's pretty simple if you're me

That is a very good way to put it, I think. I am obviously in the other category. That isn't to say that I prefer anonymous sex, as the time it was purely physical I knew the other couple well, but had no attachment to them other than that.

Also, I think sex is a lot of people's favorite passtime, and from the replies I have read, you are all doing well in your emotional connections, which makes me happy for you.

Maybe the reason that I feel the way I do is that I am so very disconnected from my own emotions. I have love for Ami and my boys, and that keeps me here at work and also at second job. I love her but we are not 'in love' anymore, does that make sense to anyone? I don't feel fear or most pain or sorrow or even joy. I do feel happiness from time to time. I think I am just a seriously messed up person, though I am ok with that.

time to vote:

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5:33 AM


Morning, all!

CMH, you are right...and I am glad it has gotten to this point. I have always looked forward to your posts...I will admit sometimes with a bit of trediptaion...but I am happy that things have turned out the way they have. You are indeed a colorful character, and I appreciate your outlook on life.
As for the eye socket, it was a once in a lifetime hit...just landed it perfectly. That's why I decided to quit fighting...there is no way I could have followed up on that one!
Your own experiences had me wincing at times...

Magda! Morning, qing ren! No, wait...Australia...America...time evening!
I agree for the most part about the sex, but I do think good sex is possible without strong emotions involved. Now, this only works for a casual-type thing...for a solid relationship, love and trust are both very necessary, and they make the act that much more intense.

DTH, I fear you....and at the same time...damn!

RIMG. 6'6"....300lbs....I am also pleased to call you 'friend' as well....just let me know if that changes!

That should have me caught up...for a spell. Coffee time!



Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5:42 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
RIMG. 6'6"....300lbs....I am also pleased to call you 'friend' as well....just let me know if that changes!

Trust me, you will know, because it will take a lot of effort on your part to make it so. Once I have decided that I like somebody (a rare occurance in RL, but more frequent on here, due to the shared tastes of being Browncoats) it takes a hell of a lot to change my mind.

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5:42 AM


RIMG - it just sounds like you have a stronger barrier than usual between your mind and your emotions. Which is no bad thing in some ways as it leaves you better able to handle stuff that would some other people up completely.

I'm actually at the opposite end of the scale. I've been very emotional since I was little, and it drives me nuts. I can't just be happy or sad or angry or frustrated or in love - I feel it so completely it swamps me, which can make day to day events very difficult to deal with. Imagine trying to become a professional businessperson when you want to cry every time your boss gives out to you for messing something up!

It took me years to learn how to shut my strongest emotions out. (Weirdly, it was the one thing suffering from depression actually helped with!) I'm a lot better at it now than I was, but if I'm telling a sad story or even watching a sad movie I can still feel myself welling up sometimes. Half the time I'm not even upset! I just seem to get a strong, almost physical reaction to every emotion. It follows that dating me can be very annoying sometimes. I try to warn potential boyfriends in advance.

EDIT: Huh! Reading this back made it sound like I was referring to you as a potential boyfriend! I wasn't. Not that I'd be adverse to the prospect having seen your photo I was just making a general comment.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5:46 AM


Tristan - you fear me? But I'm so sweet and innocent! Look! see? Innocent face! *looks very innocent*

And why are you staring at my bottle of cola in that weird way?


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5:52 AM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
RIMG - it just sounds like you have a stronger barrier than usual between your mind and your emotions. Which is no bad thing in some ways as it leaves you better able to handle stuff that would some other people up completely.

I'm actually at the opposite end of the scale. I've been very emotional since I was little, and it drives me nuts. I can't just be happy or sad or angry or frustrated or in love - I feel it so completely it swamps me, which can make day to day events very difficult to deal with. Imagine trying to become a professional businessperson when you want to cry every time your boss gives out to you for messing something up!

It took me years to learn how to shut my strongest emotions out. (Weirdly, it was the one thing suffering from depression actually helped with!) I'm a lot better at it now than I was, but if I'm telling a sad story or even watching a sad movie I can still feel myself welling up sometimes. Half the time I'm not even upset! I just seem to get a strong, almost physical reaction to every emotion. It follows that dating me can be very annoying sometimes. I try to warn potential boyfriends in advance.

EDIT: Huh! Reading this back made it sound like I was referring to you as a potential boyfriend! I wasn't. Not that I'd be adverse to the prospect having seen your photo I was just making a general comment.

It sounds to me like they have stripped your amygdala. Honestly. Maybe with my emotionless state I am meant for something specific, well, as much as anyone who doesn't believe in anything he cannot prove himself can be meant for something.

As for the potential BF comment, I didn't take it that way, though I wouldn't be adverse to the prospect either, when/if I move to Germany/Italy/UK.

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5:53 AM


Wow- I leave you people alone for a few hours and you go all serious and post crazy...

Sex- NO KID SHOULD EVER BE HAVING SEX~!!!!! OK sorry teacher moment, but I have seen so many kids so totally messed up because they had sex when they were too young to really understand...Also did you know what when polled (girls 14-20 years )25% of girls said their first sexual experience had been voluntary, but not wanted( felt like they had to) and another 18% said it hadn't been voluntary?? Further the poll went on to over 100,000 kids ( both male and female) and over 40% said it was acceptable for a man to force a woman to have sex if they had been dating for more than 6 months or he had spent a lot of money on her..ok How did we as a society do this? We've convinced kids that sex is a bargining tool, a way to gain friends and influence, and mandatory whether both people want to or not...we suck!

Just to lighten up the pondering and all, and not in anyway negating all the serious discussions, but What do you think the sexiest song is>???

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 5:54 AM


MsG- While catching up on the morning news, I read this and thought of you: Couples Go On Procreation Vacations.






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