what Inara did...I don't get it

UPDATED: Thursday, November 9, 2006 07:49
VIEWED: 4221
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Monday, November 6, 2006 6:05 PM


What Inara did at the end of Firefly's run...just leaving like that...I don't get it. Never did. But now I think I'd like to know why. Anybody have an insight? Does it make sense for a woman who has an ongoing "do-we-or-don't we" thing with a guy to suddenly up and leave his life? Is it an unusual thing for a woman or does 'pulling an Inara' actually happen often? How can she be mad when she never attempted to committ to anything either. I'd be much obliged for some thoughts.


Monday, November 6, 2006 6:15 PM


In my opinion, it was apparent to Inara that since Mal finally wanted to talk about it, to bring the question into the open, she had two options: First (the one everyone wanted), say that she is in love with Mal, and start down a very complicated road for a companion to be in (she told Kaylee this about the "rules of dating for a companion"), especially on a disreputable ship. On top of that it would further be complicated because Mal is constantly in danger of being killed. The second choice is the one she made, leave and make everyone's like less complicated, even if she is less happy. It would be a hard choice to make for anyone. I actually think it was quite realistic that it happened the way it did. I mean, I've known plenty of girls that are in love with a guy, but don't want to complicate their friendship, and this is a magnified version of that. That is my opinion anyways.


Monday, November 6, 2006 6:38 PM


She couldn't commit to him - most ostensibly because of her profession, but there are other theories out there as well. I think she left because she was hurt - despite their words-without-speaking relationship, they did have an arrangement with each other. Mal knew it, that's why he looked so embarassed and regretful when he ran into her in the hallway. So long as neither of them had engaged in any kind of sexual or romantic relationship with someone else (e.g. not a professionla companion relationship) there was the potential to work things out. Once he stepped over the line it brought the question of their relationship to the breaking point, and for Inara the solution was to neutralize the problem by stepping away from it. Maybe, as some people theorize, it was because of something in her past, maybe because she wasn't willing or able to commit to Mal (she does say she never really gets to "know" him - maybe she thought things were still too complicated).

I think I would have done the same thing - both of them were torturing themselves day in and day out (anyone here every lived with someone you were in love with but couldn't have, and knew they felt the same way for you? that pit in your stomach gets bigger and bigger).

Don't make faces.


Monday, November 6, 2006 7:13 PM


Good point Marina. I hadn't thought about an "unsaid" agreement. But that makes perfect since, it's so obvious now. I think that played a very large part in in too, but I have to add in that I do not think that was necessarily the thing that made her decide to leave, I think it was the fact of how she reacted that made her want to leave. She realized that she was way too much in love with Mal. Like she said over and over again BEFORE the incident with Mal sleeping with another woman, she wanted to keep their relationship professional and business, not personal.


Monday, November 6, 2006 7:21 PM



Originally posted by BusinessMan:
I mean, I've known plenty of girls that are in love with a guy, but don't want to complicate their friendship, and this is a magnified version of that. That is my opinion anyways.

But do you think BusinessMan, that these women would actually sacrifice the friendship for the sake of the friendship itself. If they are going to walk away anyway why not confront the situation first?


Originally posted by Marina:
I think she left because she was hurt - despite their words-without-speaking relationship, they did have an arrangement with each other. Mal knew it, that's why he looked so embarassed and regretful when he ran into her in the hallway. So long as neither of them had engaged in any kind of sexual or romantic relationship with someone else (e.g. not a professionla companion relationship) there was the potential to work things out. Once he stepped over the line it brought the question of their relationship to the breaking point, and for Inara the solution was to neutralize the problem by stepping away from it....

...I think I would have done the same thing - both of them were torturing themselves day in and day out (anyone here every lived with someone you were in love with but couldn't have, and knew they felt the same way for you? that pit in your stomach gets bigger and bigger).

Interesting. Marina, you think what Inara and Mal had could really be considered an arrangement? I don't ask this in an accusatory or judgemental way. Studies have shown time and time again men and women perceive and process social situations in completely different ways-and I am just reaffirming my complete lack of comprehension regarding the female mind.


Monday, November 6, 2006 7:30 PM



Originally posted by ethan:

Originally posted by BusinessMan:
I mean, I've known plenty of girls that are in love with a guy, but don't want to complicate their friendship, and this is a magnified version of that. That is my opinion anyways.

But do you think BusinessMan, that these women would actually sacrifice the friendship for the sake of the friendship itself. If they are going to walk away anyway why not confront the situation first?

Actually ethan, sadly, yes. One of my very good friends sacrificed the entire friendship because she thought that it would ruin the friendship by her liking him, even if she didn't act on it, rather paradoxical, I know. When relationships come into the picture, all logic goes out the window. But I still don't think that is the main reason that she left. It wasn't to save their friendship.


Monday, November 6, 2006 7:40 PM



Originally posted by BusinessMan:

Actually ethan, sadly, yes. One of my very good friends sacrificed the entire friendship because she thought that it would ruin the friendship by her liking him, even if she didn't act on it, rather paradoxical, I know. When relationships come into the picture, all logic goes out the window. But I still don't think that is the main reason that she left. It wasn't to save their friendship.

Wow. This is so bizare to me I don't know what to say.


Monday, November 6, 2006 7:44 PM



Originally posted by BusinessMan:
When relationships come into the picture, all logic goes out the window. But I still don't think that is the main reason that she left. It wasn't to save their friendship.

I agree with that one too. To me, the main reason Inara left was that she realized how close she was to everyone on the ship (well, maybe not Jayne, but let's just say the crew in general). Inara saw how Nandi put down roots and loved everyone in the Heart of Gold and literally defended them with her life. Like Inara said in Out of Gas, she doesn't want to die at all (Tim Minear said that this was a Big Hint about Inara's past). Inara's fear came into conflict with her love of the crew. When she realized how much she was hurt by Mal sleeping with Nandi, and how Nandi died because she wouldn't let go of her home or her friends, I think Inara just wanted to cut all ties to her emotions and leave.


Monday, November 6, 2006 8:13 PM


Very interesting point amyel. It would sort of fit with a certain unfilmed idea that Joss had, though that may be a fringe idea. I probably shouldn't bring it up, I'm not sure it would really apply. But it definitely showed she is terrified of death more than anything else. If only this show had been even able to finish the first season we would probably have a much better idea of what was going through her mind.


Monday, November 6, 2006 8:14 PM


While this touchy-feely stuff is all very nice, IMHO it has little to do with the central narrative of Firefly.
Inara had received instructions to leave Serenity from her cadre of the True Alliance faction to enable her to provide support for Book's close surveillance of River from the cells she had been establishing among the disaffected and ambitious of the border worlds. The romantic tension of the Inara/Mal relationship continues to play against her political responsibilities, so this idea doesn't just make more sense, it produces a better story.
This thread was abandoned for the Movie, but then so much was.


Monday, November 6, 2006 11:34 PM


PurpleBelly, may I ask where this information came from? I'm not doubting you, I just want to know where you got the imformation from, so I can look at it too!


Monday, November 6, 2006 11:49 PM


I blame it all on Desperate Housewives. Inara loved that show so much.

Desperate Housewives is one of the few American shows Communist China actually allows its citizens to watch, but it should be noted that they call it "Crazy Housewives", no doubt to show China how messed up we are in America. And if you don't think that China thinks we're all like that after watching "Crazy Housewives" every week, tell that to Paul Hogan and all the Austrailians who we think walk around with boomerangs and macheties, wrestling crocodiles and saying crazy things like "Krikey!" or "Let's throw another shrimp on the barbie mate!"

Eva Longoria is sssssooooooo fine.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, November 6, 2006 11:55 PM


No idea where that came from, would also love to know though!!

I always put it down to the fact that Inara knew that Mal would not accept her employment, in the centre planets it may be seen as a worthy occupation but in the outer rim it would not be acceptable. Mal would have been too jelous and probably tried to make her quit, if she had no intention of doing this then she had to make a choice, when put into a love or carrer (or other interest) they often pick the career first and regret it later. (my brother chose his band over his girlfriend and has always had a bit of doubt.)

Also I previously dated someone who was in a less than savoury career and it is not easy if you have any true feelings for them. even the least jelous guy in the world would go crazy sat waiting in the ship while she was on a call!


Monday, November 6, 2006 11:57 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I blame it all on Desperate Housewives. Inara loved that show so much.

Desperate Housewives is one of the few American shows Communist China actually allows its citizens to watch, but it should be noted that they call it "Crazy Housewives", no doubt to show China how messed up we are in America. And if you don't think that China thinks we're all like that after watching "Crazy Housewives" every week, tell that to Paul Hogan and all the Austrailians who we think walk around with boomerangs and macheties, wrestling crocodiles and saying crazy things like "Krikey!" or "Let's throw another shrimp on the barbie mate!"

Come on, all Americans are crazy and all Australians walk around with boomerangs, don't take that away from me!!

Anyway, where's my bowler hat, I have to go watch the cricket.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 12:04 AM


Saint Patrick preserve us! 'Tis terrible all these stereotypes on the board! That's what ye city types get for watchin' the tellybox. I'm off for a whiskey.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 12:07 AM


people don't like stereotypes,

I was flying into JFk last year and customs asked me my reason for visit, obviously being english I replied "Imperialism" guess what, no sense of humour, who would have thought!!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 12:11 AM


Well in fairness people at airports have to ask a lot of questions and probably just want a simple, straight and accurate answer more than anything else in the world.

But I think it was funny


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:56 PM


Mmm, very funny!

In the filmed-but-not-aired scene in War Stories where Inara tries to make her councillor client send police/army after Niska to save Mal, the shooting script has the councillor pointing out to her that Companions aren't allowed to take lovers. Maybe another aspect of the messy HoG situation - in addition to those mentioned earlier - is that Inara may have been fooling herself much of the time she spent on Serenity as much as she was fooling Mal about her real feelings for him, and was finally confronted in HoG with emotional evidence she couldn't deny that if their relationship progressed the way it was going to progress, she would end up sleeping with him, which was against Companion law. As mentioned, people are often irrational about love and/or emotions, so it is at least consistent that she was previously pretending to herself she only wanted to be "friends", and all the fighting they do was at least partially caused by a clash between the feelings she told herself she was allowed to have about Mal and the feelings she really had that she was trying to supress. Just a thought.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 2:12 PM


Okay, so I'd contemplated and mulled over the whole Mal/Inara thing way too long. But I think Inara was a bit jealous of Mal being with Nandy before she got a chance at her. Of course there is a mix of the Mal/Inara thing to consider right along withthis other complication. She saw the result of Two people she couldn't have because of her job and the emotional constipation she seems to carry. Perhaps she is as emotionally retarded as Mal and just couldn't come to terms withwhat she really wanted. Though the character of Inara came from Joss, she is truly female. And I wonder if men will ever understand. I for one may never.

Sounds like the old Tootsie Pop commercial.
"The world will never know."


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 3:03 PM


The trouble with a question like this (and it's a fine question, for sure) is that those penis-less imbeciles at fox (do i hold back to much?) never gave the story a chance to fully play out.

Good example: I was a Farscape fanatic, i still think the characters were as richly drawn as the BDH's (different, but just as good), and the writing was some of the best on TV, but they got 4 years to tell their story, before the peacekeeper wars, so you were ready for the movie.

This is why the blue sun room is so exciting, becuase I, and everyone else who writes in there, have our own ideas and theories, and the story is still playing out.

Simon: "Were there any Feds?"
mal: "No, no Feds, just an honest brawl between folk."


Thursday, November 9, 2006 7:49 AM


While I believe Inara was ready to leave the ship to avoid the continued complicated caused by her and Mal's relationship, I've also always had the feeling she partly did it to force Mal to admit his love for her.

When Inara tells Mal she's leaving I've always felt she was a little surprised Mal was just going to let her go. I think she would've quit being a Companion if Mal had finally just said something along the lines of: Don't leave, I love you.

And if someday on some little piss-ant moon/My hand is a little too slow, or my aim a little bit off/At least I’ll go down fighting, not lying abed surrounded by quacks - "Sir Warrick" by Geezer






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