Male and Female Imponderables - Sex and Violins (Stolen from Martin Mull)

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 8, 2006 18:36
VIEWED: 11343
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Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:11 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

My gosh people. I just couldn't stand it anymore. I was getting claustrophobic under all that posting. Nothing lights up a Firefly like the Urge, eh?

Oh, and shipping off a hasty Hello to Traveler. Rarely in the same place at the same time and I don't want you to think I don't think of you now and again.

And Penguin, you're one of my favorite entertainers. Hugs to ya, Pal.

Old thread:

Please carry on. We'll find a new imponderable somewhere along the way, I'm sure. We always do.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:16 AM



EDIT: Damn I'm good at this!

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkiries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:18 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Hey Jonny were we making you uncomfortable? But these things should be talked about, you know! Openness, it's what we're all about.

And I am going to bed, just as soon as I can get 'Sex and Music' out of my head. (Great David Wilcox tune; give him a look some time)



Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:20 AM


Reposted from the bottom of last thread, in response to NV:

Originally posted by nvghostrider:

On the emotional seperation of self issue: What is missing in your lives? Or at what point did the disconnection start?

For me, it is friends. Living, breathing, goin' out to dinner/shop/see movies friends.

A few years ago, Husband and I went through a serious rough patch, and we separated for a few months. In the years leading up to that separation, I neglected my friendships just trying to keep my head above water. I was simply unable to take care of my infant son, my house, work 40 hours, and deal with my dissolving marriage AND keep friendships alive.
Some friends understood, and stood by me...but most didn't. They were simply too concerned with their own lives/children/jobs to be able to be there for me. Those relationships are irreparably damaged. I have online friends, here and on other sites I frequent. I have a few girlfriends across the country I talk to via phone or email now and again...but it isn't the same. I focus now on the Husband, the Tidbit...but I know that face to face friendships are missing in my life.

I am trying to reconnect with some of these women.
But somehow...this has really made me realize that maybe they weren't my friends to begin with.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:26 AM


re: Emotional separation.

I haven't been in touch with those things (emotions) in years, and I cannot specifically remember when it started. Caused more'n a few problems in my marriage as well. I really just don't feel anymore.

Time to go home and go vote now, been a long day.

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:28 AM


I guess proritising how we dole out our heart should be first and foremost. I am guilty of trying to help a friend to the nth degree and am currently still suffering in fiscal and emotional debt for it. I am always amazed at the folks who are able to manager their home, family, SO, work, school, etc, etc pretty much every day.
Sometimes reconnecting after some of these people realise how selfish they were is good and bad. Good because your hard work is finally justified. Bad because deep down some of those folks use people up, not just use them. Give it a try, just be cautious.

ADD: Have fun at the polls RIMG. And please be grateful for what you have. Appreciate every moment spent with the folks you love. I say this because I'd give alot to have my own family and miss the ones no longer with us.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:35 AM


CMH- I'm glad you had a good experience at that high school. Most of my kids grow to be great successes( I define that as having a job and a life that makes them happy) I always worry about the ones who don't make it and I feel awful when one of mine falls far enough to end up in jail. I don't think ANYONE is beyond help. Sometimes I am not the one who can help them , but there is always hope:)...and I don't think you're beyond help or even so far gone. You just need to find a way to behappy and work past some of the anger you have from previous damage:)HUGS

NV- I think the word toxic applies to those people who bring no goodness or joy into the world and drain the life from others. Sorry you had that in your life:)HUGS

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:40 AM


I honestly hold (very little) ill will towards the folks who weren't there for me. There's only so much someone can do for someone else. I'm okay with that. Since Husband & I reconciled, I've made some new friends...but they don't have the history I had with my "old" friends.

They weren't there when we were 19 and trying to sneak into the 'Vous (The Rendezvous Inn, a famous Univ Maryland watering hole). They don't remember that breathless phonecall I made at 23 when I met this great guy who is now my Husband of 12 years.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:45 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Hey Jonny were we making you uncomfortable? But these things should be talked about, you know! Openness, it's what we're all about.

And I am going to bed, just as soon as I can get 'Sex and Music' out of my head. (Great David Wilcox tune; give him a look some time)

Not at all. It was the volume, not the content. Please! (and remind me not to feel all shy and embarrassed next time I make even a slight hint of suggestive humor in your direction! I was being prudey for no reason it would seem...)

And, um, sleep tight little one, once you do sleep.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:53 AM


hmmm sneakin in to an Inn called the Rendevous??? do tell Mavoureen.

Jonny- you alway seem to be putting ideas in peoples heads...hmmm what am I thinking now???

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 9:57 AM


History has its good and bad points. But I can see why you'd like them back as frinds. Mindy is one of those friends, but I still question her stability as a friend. She wants to have all the fun friend get togethers and memories for the future, but she hates it when I state the truth. I told her the other day that she just needs to stick it out with her husband regardless if he's there all the time or not. But his career (Navy) takes him away from home at least 200 days a year. She wants to move back to Fallon, and it ain't a bad idea, but keeping her family together should be more important. I want my friend, but I also want her to have the stable family life she never had as a kid. Ultimately its up to her, but I hope she can keep it together.

Thanks MSG. There are a few people I'd still like to extinguish out there. One of our dad's nephews was a real piece of work. Neo-Nazi, abusive drug addict. If I gauged or dads harshness against his Dad was near to a saint. I can take abuse but I won't abide by the abuse of others. That man was evil to his children. As hard as it is to say it, I wouldn't mind spending 27 cents on him.

On a brighter note, I'm off to lunch. See y'all later.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 10:01 AM


Interestingly enough, when I was 18 (revealing my age, here) I was legal to drink in DC - only 7 miles from U-MD, College Park where I went to school. Couldn't drink in Maryland, though. I was "grandfather claused" in DC - the drinking age had just turned to 21.

The 'Vouz isn't what you think. It's a nasty college bar and the beer was/is so thick on the floor that you had to have "Vouz Shoes" - Shoes that you didn't care about because it was so gross in there! -

I just tried to find a pic on 'bucket or google but can't find one. You are better off, anyway.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 10:04 AM



Maybe the reason that I feel the way I do is that I am so very disconnected from my own emotions. I have love for Ami and my boys, and that keeps me here at work and also at second job. I love her but we are not 'in love' anymore, does that make sense to anyone? I don't feel fear or most pain or sorrow or even joy. I do feel happiness from time to time. I think I am just a seriously messed up person, though I am ok with that.

I feel you, brother. I've got the exact same difficulty. I haven't been legitimately angry in six years, and what it took to touch that off was somebody shoving me onto an active table-saw. The worst I can manage nowadays is irritated going on miffed.
Of late, I've been talking to councilors and suchlike, trying to suss out the root cause of this emotional disconnect. Right now, it's come down to ADD, anxiety, depression, and a touch of agoraphobia. Not or: and. Which is somewhat disconcerting.

Rose: Coming from you, TMI isn't really a problem
Try to go easy on Nico when he shows up, though. He'll be seriously jet-lagged when he arrives.

NVG: The closest I've come to weeping in recent years was when I got (totally unexpectedly) welled up reading the end of a book I'd gone over at least a half dozen times before. I was shocked. Of course, it was a good bit of writing, to reach through my husk and grab my atrophied soul and give 'er a twist the way it did. You just need to find your medium. Prose has always been mine.

(REPOST: Because I'm almost certain nobody saw it on the other thread)

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 10:05 AM


Enjoy your lunch :)
Oh happy day I found a replacement copy for my Harry Potter chess set ( destroyed during student tantrum) and it's less than $20. Oh good:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 10:46 AM


One more wardrobe malfunction and I am joining a nunnery and teaching catholic school while wearing turtlenecks and long pants!!!!!!!

Ok So I am currently wearing a skirt ( not that short about 2 inches above knee) and a boatneck sweater. I am still putting things away and cleaning my room, but it's dress for success Tuesday and we're supposed to wear office level attire. So I'm up on the shelf leaning out trying to hang something and slightly bent. One of my students( who has problems with impusiveness) blurts out " hey your panties match your skirt." So I right myself as the other boys shush him and he appologizes. I get down and start working on something else and ( I have ears like a bat and hear very well) I hear another one whisper to the first kid..." if her panties are red they match the bra" and I realize one of my bra straps is showing because my sweater's askew from all the moving things.... :embarrassed: SOOOOOO Embarrassed may need to crawl in hole! Am rushing out to purchase oversized sweatshirts, turtle necks and pants!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 10:53 AM


Honestly, MSG! Flashing your students again! Don't you know that leads to violence?


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 10:54 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by msg:
Jonny- you alway seem to be putting ideas in peoples heads...hmmm what am I thinking now???


Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Honestly, MSG! Flashing your students again! Don't you know that leads to violence?

I certainly didn't put that thought in your head! (Now, if you could just lean a little more to the right...that's it, that's...nope too far; wait that's got it: perfect) *settles back in chair and enjoys the view* Why should the real schoolboys have all the fun, us virtual types are all hormoney, too...

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:09 AM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Honestly, MSG! Flashing your students again! Don't you know that leads to violence?


Violence? Really? Being flashed by some of my teachers probably would have increased my ability to pay attention. Though most would have just traumatized me.

Q: How much does one man's sorrow weigh?
A: As much as he allows it to weigh.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:16 AM



Originally posted by Mircea:

Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Honestly, MSG! Flashing your students again! Don't you know that leads to violence?

Violence? Really? Being flashed by some of my teachers probably would have increased my ability to pay attention. Though most would have just traumatized me.

Q: How much does one man's sorrow weigh?
A: As much as he allows it to weigh.

I was teasing here about an incident that happened recently involving another wardrobe malfunction. I'm sure MSG would loooooove to tell you about it!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:22 AM


Hey quit making her feel bad!

If you keep it up DTH she will for sure go out and change her wardrobe and we can't have that!

*pulls up a chair next to JQ and pulls out a bag of popcorn to share*


The Shirtless Forsaken


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:22 AM



You have just shut down my brain...



Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:23 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Mircea:

Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Honestly, MSG! Flashing your students again! Don't you know that leads to violence?

Violence? Really? Being flashed by some of my teachers probably would have increased my ability to pay attention. Though most would have just traumatized me.

Is that why we read about it in the news so much? It's a form of gun control??

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:26 AM


Okay MSG, malfunctions aside, it really don't matter what you wear. The boys are always looking at the girls. It might be advisable to hide a little more as your boys are always watching, but like I said, they're always watching.
Did I mention that they are ALWAYS watching.
So regardless, I'm sure the mystery of whats under the sweater will continue no matter what.

Off to watch movies with GND this evening. I'm hopin' to find something good. Possibly Cars (it came out today).


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:27 AM


LOL, MsG! That's why I could never work with teenaged boys. I'll stick with grown men who act like teenaged boys.

But can I just say, I'm totally jealous of your bra and panties matching. I never have been able to do that, hehe.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:28 AM


Okay! Okay! No more teasing.

I'm very, very sorry MSG. I promise not to make fun of your wardrobe malfunctions ever again. Please don't change your attire on account of my thoughtless comments.

And I don't know who pinned the "pinch me if you like my underwear" sign to your back, but it *definately* wasn't me.



Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:29 AM


LOL Thanks a lot guys...never too busy to tease one of your own:) At this point I'm just hoping it was the strap showing and not that the neckline was gaping for the bra view. Seriously I am going to have to invest in some dress pants and higher necked sweaters and such.

CK- I have about a million ( seriously 20 or so) sets. I like matching and Victoria's Secret loves me for it. Now go out and turn yourself over to the sales clerks and then you can be matching too:)
DTH is referring to a kid making a comment about my clevage and getting pounded by my students. Unfortunately I happen to be fairly well endowed, yet strangely tiny everywhere else which can cause some problems ( and I look all disproportionate and such my dear friend Chris loves to joke I look like a pixie lollypop, and yes I did smack him silly for it)

Anyway, hopefully this isn't going to spread and become a topic for the kids... I am so buying turtlenecks today!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:31 AM


DTH-I see. apparently I'm not lurking enough these days. I'm missing the good stories.

Q: How much does one man's sorrow weigh?
A: As much as he allows it to weigh.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:36 AM


:deletes stuff because I was feeling all whiney. That's not a good time for me to post:

Sexiest song right now is "Ache for you" by Ben Lee. It's so full of longing...but you probably realized that with the song title and all.

MSG: That's why skirts are just evil unless they go all the way to your ankles. Malfunctions are just too frequent otherwise.

As for a bra strap...pshaw. That's nothing. Straps are always in danger of showing.

And I, too, am jealous of matchy-matchy bras and panties. I can never get over the practicallity of nude colored bras. And bras just too expensive to buy in all the fun colors. I tell ya though, it is an exciting day when I've got the black bra and panties on. Makes me feel sexy from the get go.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:37 AM


Heh, yeah, I'm with you on the "pixie lollypop" thing, MsG. I wear a 30G bra size, so I have to order from specialty shops, and it's difficult to find more than one or two styles that fit and that I like the shape of. And they all come in just nude or white. Pink if I'm lucky.

I'm extra-small on the lower half, so that's the one thing I can find at Victoria's Secret (they don't carry band sizes smaller than 32, or cup sizes bigger than DD). But if I wanted to match, I'd have to wear nude or white underwear, and what fun is that?


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:43 AM


Rugbug all I can say is HUGS and much love...also good song choice ;)

CK- here check this out

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:48 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by msg:
Unfortunately I happen to be fairly well endowed

Obviously your idea of "Unfortunate" is vastly different from alla us guys in the front row here.
*elbows kelkhil hard in the ribs and whispers*

"You can keep the damn popcorn; did you bring the jello an' shots?"


Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
...I wear a 30G bra size...


"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:52 AM


LOL Jonny ok now goto your cupboard and get a 15 pound bag of flour and strap it to your chest using straps...we'll see how long you like it
I get that it facinates guys. I've always wanted a sign that says this way to face...what I don't get is WHY you people are so obsessed with them??? You have pretty much the same thing, just hard not what's the big draw??

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:54 AM


Starts singing with JQ

"Got it bad,
got it bad,
got it baaaddd!
We're hot for teacher!"

Well if we're talking about undergarments:

Laurelin picked me up a Pack (yes us guys have it real easy) of Boxer Briefs a few weeks back and she didn't pay attention to the colors. Well needless to say there was a Baby Blue pair in the pack. I stepped out of the bathroom after my shower and my daughter saw them on me. She just pointed at them as started laughing. She said "those are silly panties daddy". Guess she didn't like the color either

Edit: The 15 pound bag is just no the same though. Can't play with that!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:58 AM


Yeah, I've checked out BareNecessities but I haven't ordered from them yet. I've had pretty good luck with

Thankfully this is a family trait -- my two younger sisters wear the same size as me -- so I've got plenty of people to gripe to about it, hehe. We're all thinking about a reduction after we're 30/after we're finished having kids, whichever comes last. But I was talking with on my sisters the other day, and we realized that even with a reduction, we wouldn't be able to buy off the rack anyway, what with the 30 band size. Of course, getting rid of the extra weight and back strain might be enough of a reason to get the surgery. Ah well, I've still got a couple of years left before I'll even think seriously about it.

Btw, what are the imponderable topics we're, erm, im-pondering at the moment? I couldn't quite catch up with the last huge thread.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:58 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by msg:
LOL Jonny ok now goto your cupboard and get a 15 pound bag of flour and strap it to your chest using straps...we'll see how long you like it
I get that it facinates guys. I've always wanted a sign that says this way to face...what I don't get is WHY you people are so obsessed with them??? You have pretty much the same thing, just hard not what's the big draw??

Honestly, MsG? For me anyways, size does not matter. I saw a gal just yesterday that I had to do a double-take on because they just weren't there. Well, barely there. I mean quintuple A. And ya know what? They wuz just as fascinating. It's the "otherness" of it all.

But I do understand that it's nice to be looked at in the eye once in a while and I really try to keep that in mind, at least when conversing. Plus it's just not a good idea to ogle if'n the wife's right next to you...

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 11:59 AM


LOL - your daughter sounds hilarious! See now and forever she will be able to laugh at baby blue boxers...just hope the guy she marries doesn't have them on. He might be offended when she laughs at the sight of him:) Makes me think of the pair Bruce Campbell got from a fan that say " this is my boomstick" on the front. He says his wife cringes every time she sees them.

EDIT- see I don't care if my husband ogles...I've even pointed out women I saw that were his type:) I figure he's married, not blind. Now touching is right out, but looking...hey I don't figure it makes me any less attractive if he finds another woman hot:)
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 12:02 PM


For some dang reason I got the vision of a claymore on your chest.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 12:15 PM


NVG- Something about claymores always amuses me for some reason.

Woohoo! works done, time to go vote. talk to yall when I next have the chance to be around.

Q: How much does one man's sorrow weigh?
A: As much as he allows it to weigh.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 12:23 PM


NVG, normally I'm right there with you when you post....but claymores?



Tuesday, November 7, 2006 12:37 PM


Posted by MSG:
I get that it facinates guys. I've always wanted a sign that says this way to face[u/]...what I don't get is WHY you people are so obsessed with them??? You have pretty much the same thing, just hard not what's the big draw??

Front Toward Enemy

Just some random thought.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 12:38 PM


Ah! that makes sense...



Tuesday, November 7, 2006 12:46 PM


I just wanted to make my presence known on this thread - as for what you're all talking about, well, I can't rightfully say I know entirely. Yet, it's all still wacky fun!

Separated at birth?


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 12:53 PM


Its all good Q. I know it must be confusing with all the emotional disconnection/personnel mine/boob talk.

Lotsa reading to be done here.


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:09 PM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Its all good Q. I know it must be confusing with all the emotional disconnection/personnel mine/boob talk.

Lotsa reading to be done here.

Disconnection of the personnel emotional boob mine - okay, I think I got it now - maybehaps?

Separated at birth?


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:21 PM


See this is why confusion is good...everyone can have their own interpretation of what happens and we can all be right:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:24 PM


Thats about the jist of it.

"Sounds like a country song."- That old guy from The Wedding Singer


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:29 PM


MsG - I trust you believe me when I say I'm giggling with you rather than at you - I could never be brave enough to try to be a teacher even without worrying about that. IMO maybe you just have to laugh it off to yourself as well as other people.

Rugbug - whine away! We all care!

CaliforniaKaylee - I'm very close on your bra size so I feel your pain (can't tell how close as identical US and UK terminology means different things). Try the pretty-coloured sets on if you can shell out on shipping. At least things come in colours other than utterly boring and, occasionally, in non-full-cup styles...


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:39 PM


ooh good site Eloisa!! It's ok I laugh all the time. I thin I've lost the ability to take anything personally. I've a friend who has the bumper sticker " You don't scare me. I teach junior high" If you'd like to be a teacher, you should :)
Ok folks heading out to vote and then home to figure out what the smack I'm gonna cook for dinner...

Magda- as I know I will just miss you HUGS and such big sis...I've got the cage all picked out :)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:41 PM


Heres a little imponderable. Cybersex. Have you done it? Do you like it? Why do you/do you not do it and whats your general thought on the subject.

Myself, Ive never really "cyberd". Closest thing ive come is a really intimate kiss on a mmorpg. Granted, it was one hell of a kiss. So, whats your pondering on this subject?

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:41 PM


Heres a little imponderable. Cybersex. Have you done it? Do you like it? Why do you/do you not do it and whats your general thought on the subject.

Myself, Ive never really "cyberd". Closest thing ive come is a really intimate kiss on a mmorpg. Granted, it was one hell of a kiss. So, whats your pondering on this subject?

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:41 PM


Heres a little imponderable. Cybersex. Have you done it? Do you like it? Why do you/do you not do it and whats your general thought on the subject.

Myself, Ive never really "cyberd". Closest thing ive come is a really intimate kiss on a mmorpg. Granted, it was one hell of a kiss. So, whats your pondering on this subject?

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:41 PM


Heres a little imponderable. Cybersex. Have you done it? Do you like it? Why do you/do you not do it and whats your general thought on the subject.

Myself, Ive never really "cyberd". Closest thing ive come is a really intimate kiss on a mmorpg. Granted, it was one hell of a kiss. So, whats your pondering on this subject?

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:41 PM


Heres a little imponderable. Cybersex. Have you done it? Do you like it? Why do you/do you not do it and whats your general thought on the subject.

Myself, Ive never really "cyberd". Closest thing ive come is a really intimate kiss on a mmorpg. Granted, it was one hell of a kiss. So, whats your pondering on this subject?

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:41 PM


Heres a little imponderable. Cybersex. Have you done it? Do you like it? Why do you/do you not do it and whats your general thought on the subject.

Myself, Ive never really "cyberd". Closest thing ive come is a really intimate kiss on a mmorpg. Granted, it was one hell of a kiss. So, whats your pondering on this subject?

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 1:48 PM


Hi Eloisa! I loooooove Bravissimo, though I haven't ordered from them yet. They have the best clothes! I'm moderately able with a sewing machine, so I sew a lot of my clothes (like bikini tops) and take in other things I buy off the rack (like button up shirts). But man, I may have to give in and pay the shipping rates for some of Bravissimo's stuff. (Btw, according to Figleaves' UK site's international size converter, I'd be about a 30F in UK terms.)


You can't take the sky from me...






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