5 lesser known movies you want people to see.

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Monday, November 20, 2006 4:23 PM


Here's my list:

5. Stoked, the Rise and Fall OF Gator.
It may help if you were into skateboarding in the mid 80's, but this is a great documentary about the mega famous skater Mark Rogowski going from top pro to commiting murder, and just why exactly it happened.

4.After Life.
A Japanese film that is stunning and will stick with you long after watching it. When people die they are given a case worker to help them decide on their favorite memory. Once they choose that memory, that will take it with them into eternity. I can't describe how powerful this film is. If you can stand subtitles then give it a shot.

3. Housekeeping.
Wish this were out on dvd. probably the best film of the 80's IMO. Just pure escapist enjoyment. Christine Lahti is excellent.

2.Vampire's Kiss.
Nic Cage thinks he's a vampire, and this comedrama is quite engaging. Cage's performance is beyond just normal acting, and the best way I can describe his performance is pure lunacy. He's funny to watch.

1. Paris, Texas.
This film is mesmerizing. If not for Sam Shepard's writing, then for Wim Wenders beautiful direction. Harry Dean Stanton is always great to watch, but this is his crowning achievment.

Please note: most of the films I listed are of the drama variety, so if you don't like dramas, then don't bother.

OK, that's my list, now please return the favor, and give me your 5 favorite lesser known movies so I can have something new to watch.


Monday, November 20, 2006 4:45 PM


It's weird. After racking my brain to think of five titles of movies no one has heard of but I think are kick-ass, I could only really think of four.

4. DOCTOR DOLITTLE - Not the crap Eddie Murphy version of the movie with the actual talking animals, but the original Rex Harrison version that came out in the 60's. When it first came out, I think it was a huge bomb. You know, one of the examples of how Hollywood was losing touch with the people in the late 60's just before EASY RIDER helped revolutionize the indusry. But when you're a little boy who doesn't know the behind the scene stories, and you see the movie for the movie, you see that it's actually a very charming and highly imaginative kids movie.

3. THE ADVENTURES OF BARON MUNCHAUSEN - I have only three words to decribe this movie. Pure, uncompromising imagination. This was another movie that people couldn't see the movie for the movie. They focused on the behind the scenes stories coming out of it. I keep waiting for The Criterion Collection to issue out a packed to the gills DVD of it to show the world what a truly magical movie it is.

2. LAST NIGHT - This is one of the most amazing sci-fi movies I've ever seen. And it's Canadian to boot. The movie covers the last six hours of human existence before the entire world evaporates. The film follows a loner determined to face the end by himself and the various people connected to him. It's the complete antithesis of every disaster movie you've ever seen, and I loved every minute of it. And the ending, which is edited to Pete Seeger's "Guantanamara" is one of the most transcendent and beautiful endings I've ever seen.

1. AUNTIE MAME - This is an old movie from the late 50's starring Rosalind Russell about a boy who goes to live with his eccentric aunt in New York and the relationship they have over the years. I saw it when I was a little kid, and it was that flick that opened my eyes to classic Hollywood movies. This, as well as AMADEUS, BACK TO THE FUTURE 3 and CLERKS were the four films that made me want to be a filmmaker.

"We have five million Cybermen. How many are you?"
You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?"
"We would destroy the Cybermen with ONE Dalek. You are superior in only one respect."
"What is that?"
"You are better at dying."

Trash talk between a Cyberman and a Dalek. It doesn't get any better than that.


Monday, November 20, 2006 4:53 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
It's weird. After racking my brain to think of five titles of movies no one has heard of but I think are kick-ass, I could only really think of four.

4. DOCTOR DOLITTLE - Not the crap Eddie Murphy version of the movie with the actual talking animals, but the original Rex Harrison version that came out in the 60's. When it first came out, I think it was a huge bomb. You know, one of the examples of how Hollywood was losing touch with the people in the late 60's just before EASY RIDER helped revolutionize the indusry. But when you're a little boy who doesn't know the behind the scene stories, and you see the movie for the movie, you see that it's actually a very charming and highly imaginative kids movie.

3. THE ADVENTURES OF BARON MUNCHAUSEN - I have only three words to decribe this movie. Pure, uncompromising imagination. This was another movie that people couldn't see the movie for the movie. They focused on the behind the scenes stories coming out of it. I keep waiting for The Criterion Collection to issue out a packed to the gills DVD of it to show the world what a truly magical movie it is.

2. LAST NIGHT - This is one of the most amazing sci-fi movies I've ever seen. And it's Canadian to boot. The movie covers the last six hours of human existence before the entire world evaporates. The film follows a loner determined to face the end by himself and the various people connected to him. It's the complete antithesis of every disaster movie you've ever seen, and I loved every minute of it. And the ending, which is edited to Pete Seeger's "Guantanamara" is one of the most transcendent and beautiful endings I've ever seen.

1. AUNTIE MAME - This is an old movie from the late 50's starring Rosalind Russell about a boy who goes to live with his eccentric aunt in New York and the relationship they have over the years. I saw it when I was a little kid, and it was that flick that opened my eyes to classic Hollywood movies. This, as well as AMADEUS, BACK TO THE FUTURE 3 and CLERKS were the four films that made me want to be a filmmaker.

Fantastic list reginaroadie. Number 2. on your list, Last Night sounds like an awesome film. I'll look for it.


Monday, November 20, 2006 5:09 PM


Human Traffic - drug culture movie, British folks in the rave scene, X and other tasty substances

Waking Life - colored cell movie with ponderances on things varied and sundry

Spun - drug culture movie, about meth, shows how easily it can destroy lives, very true to life

Ordinary Decent Criminal - Kevin Spacey + Irish Accent + badass Linda Fiorintino

Waiting - may be known to some, but a funny vulger movie about stereotypical restaurant stuff (though some of it is actually true, I know from first hand experience)

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Monday, November 20, 2006 5:16 PM


THE ADVENTURES OF BARON MUNCHAUSEN: Are you talking the French one from the late 1970s or the Ex Pythons from the late 1980s?

Just off the top of the head, without thinking too hard, running it up the flagpole to see who salutes, totally expecting to get shot down in flames here:

1. AVALON the Japanese/Polish live action anime video game science-fiction hallucination that's nowhere near as confusing as that description sounds and a cinematic experience.

2. SMASH PALACE If it had been an American movie instead of a New Zealand one, Greer Robson would've won an Oscar. At the time she was 9-10 years old and she is rivetting. Movie's ok too.

3. QUIET EARTH stars Bruno Lawrence (as did Smash Palace) because he was such an iconic figure in the very small New Zealand film industry at the time. It is a very sober, atmospheric, end of the world story with a sly sense of humour.

4. THE CASTLE this will either have you laughing like a drain or barfing down the drain. The family at the centre of an attempt to evict them from their home to extend the airport are cringingly recognisable to any kiwi or ocker. Shot in 11 days, putatively because that was the extent of the catering budget. Sample dialogue: Dale Kerrigan: [voiceover] He loved the serenity of the place
Darryl Kerrigan: Hows the serenity?
Dale Kerrigan: [voiceover] I think he also just loved the word.
Darryl Kerrigan: So much serenity.

5. SERENITY I guess. - my life - my work


Monday, November 20, 2006 5:27 PM


Hmmm. I've seen Vampire's Kiss. It's...

I can't bring myself to describe it. It's no doubt one of the worst movies ever, yet it's sooo fun to watch. Cage plays loony very well.

My list...

1. Dead and Breakfast - Group of 20-somethings are heading to a friend's wedding, and stop in a sleepy little town in *mumblegenericsmalltownmumble*, USA. David Carradine is a owner of an ancient good luck charm, which, naturally, goes awry. Cue the zombies. Gore, low-brow humor, and Vincent Ventresca (of I-Man fame). Did I mention the zombie line-dancing?

2. The Legend of 1900 - Tim Roth is Danny Boodmann T.D. Lemon Nineteen Hundred... 1900 for short. Pianist who's spent, literally, his entire life on a trans-atlantic ship. Incredible musical battle between 1900 and "Jelly Roll" Morton. Very moving movie.

3. Clerks. 'nuff said.

4. Dog Soldiers - Yes, it was a made-for-tv scifi movie. Yes, some parts are predictable. But damn, is it a good movie. Werewolves, English special forces, and a very bad doggie.

5. Don Juan DeMarco - Johnny Depp is, well, Don Juan. DeMarco. An amusing take on schizophrenia. Is he really Don Juan, or is it all in his head? Also stars Marlon Brando as his shrink.


The best way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it. - Oscar Wilde


Monday, November 20, 2006 5:41 PM


Because I like movies that make my brain take a vacation all my movies are comedies .

1. Eating raoul - a dark comedy with bondage and cannibalism .Hysterical.

2.Dr.Strangelove - what can I say ? One of the most intelligent funny movies to date.

3.ANY of the Peter Sellers Pink Panther movies -classic and never mentioned.

4.Kind Hearts and Corenets - Alec Baldwin when he was young did some bizarre balck comedy.This is probably one of the funniest movies ever.

5.Kid's In The Hall Brain Candy - it's too funny to explain - you just have to see it.


I swallowed a bug.


Monday, November 20, 2006 5:47 PM


I've always liked Equilibrium. Great movie, but the studio decided not to market it in North America (it started making money overseas, didn't want to waste money on something that *might* fail).

See IMDb for more info.

Can't think of any others right now.

And if someday on some little piss-ant moon/My hand is a little too slow, or my aim a little bit off/At least I’ll go down fighting, not lying abed surrounded by quacks - "Sir Warrick" by Geezer


Monday, November 20, 2006 5:55 PM


I mean the late 80's Terry Gilliam directed version. It's the third part in whats been called his "Dreamer" trilogy, which are three movies about people looking to escape into their dreams and the harsh realities that act has on them. Started in childhood with TIME BANDITS, then into adulthood in BRAZIL and ended in old age with THE ADVENTURES OF BARON MUNCHAUSEN.

I've heard about THE QUIET EARTH. Been trying to track it down and watch it for myself.

"We have five million Cybermen. How many are you?"
You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?"
"We would destroy the Cybermen with ONE Dalek. You are superior in only one respect."
"What is that?"
"You are better at dying."

Trash talk between a Cyberman and a Dalek. It doesn't get any better than that.


Monday, November 20, 2006 6:06 PM


Wow, some good choices here, I don't have my movie library with me, so I can dig up the rare gems.
I support the following brought up here:
Don Juan DeMarco
Kid's In The Hall Brain Candy

Oh... and RIMG: I think I have to recommend this one for you: Groove
"I just want to commit to something without any fear."

"But you sleep like a ghost with me
It's as simple as that
So tell me I'm mad
Roll me up and breathe me in
Come to my madness
My opium den
Come to my madness
Make sense of it again."
Goodbye to all that. III-The Opium Den (Brave)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Monday, November 20, 2006 6:12 PM


I can't think of five at the moment, but everyone should see:

Sneakers: about a small company that breaks other companies' security systems in order to show them their weaknesses, and is then hired by the NSA to find a black box for them that can break any computer encryption. Great movie, great actors, funny, smart, and enough action to keep you going.

Real Genius: best Val Kilmer movie ever (I'm not sure that's saying much though...). He is hilarious in this. Very funny, great (relatively unknown) actors. [Thanks JPStargazer for reminding me of this one]


Monday, November 20, 2006 6:14 PM


5) Silent Running- 1972, scifi thriller. Original r2d2s Bruce Dern saving the last of earth's enviroment stowed in ships out in space.

4) Will Penny- 1968, Classic Am. Western with crazy nutty christians trying to kill Charlton Heston over a deer. How a real cowhand would be.

3) The Last Detail- 1974, Jack Nicholson as a true Navy man at his best or worst. I am the Gorram Shore Patrol classic.

2) Empire of the Wolves- 2005, Man this movie freaked me out. Don't laugh its french I know please. Hollyweird take notes on this film. Is it a horror, scifi, or action thriller. It kicks. Jean Reno is a BA. Usually he overdubs in English but this one sub titles keeps the chemistry of it. The English sounds like a Jap movie. Very hard to find rate up their with Die Hard.

1) Triggermen- 2002, I could not stop laughing in this movie. Just a heap of fun to watch. Gangster, luv interests, and boobs and everybody confused.

You wanna leave this room. Damn right I do.


Monday, November 20, 2006 6:24 PM


Good call with Equilibrium.

I don't have five, but here are a few:

Real Genius-This is an early Val Kilmer movie and he is just hilarious. It seems it got buried in the mound of 80's comedies but it's really funny.

Leon (The Professional)-Okay, this was still a pretty big movie but it's limited/edited release in the US really make it sort of unknown here. Not only is Natalie Portman great but Jean Reno makes a great that a compliment?

Primer-I don't own this...yet. It is kind of a puzzle movie about time travel of sorts. I still haven't figured it out but I've only seen it once. I really respect that it was made for like $7,000 and it's better than a lot of crap that costs $40 mil.

The Killer-Okay, once again, this is like the most famous Hong Kong action movie ever but not so much in the US. This is one of THE best action movies ever and anyone who won't watch something because it "has those crazy subtitles" can go to h-e-double hockey sticks.

Alright, I'm done.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Monday, November 20, 2006 6:25 PM


1. Equilibrium- great sci fi future movie of the farenheight 451 variety staring the Dark Knight himself Christian Bale
2. Harrison Burgeron- This was a made for cable tv movie based on the short story by Kurt Vonnegut, another futuristic tale of government gone wrong.
3. The Last Time I commited Suicide- This is a movie based on Beat Writer Neal Cassadys early life in the 40's, it stars Thomas Jane, Keanu Reaves, and Adrian Brody... great film
4. Backbeat - This is a flick about the beatles before they were big when they played clubs in Germany. Centers on there original Bass player Stuart Sutcliffe who left the band to persue his art.
5. SFW - from imdb-- 5 people are being held hostage in a convenience store for 36 days. One of the demands of the hostage takers is that all TV-stations should broadcast the entire situation live. Cliff and Wendy are the only survivors, and when the are released, they are heroes. Especially Cliff is a national hero, and his apathetic ideology "so fucking what" turns into a national movement. Cliff himself is not that happy about all the fuzz.

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Monday, November 20, 2006 6:38 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Four Friends
The Conversation
The Duellists
The Fisher King


Monday, November 20, 2006 6:50 PM


1. "Passport to Pimlico", an indescribably droll British comedy. In post-war Britain, where rationing is still in effect to pay off the war debt, the accidental discovery of an ancient treaty proves that the London suburb of Pimlico is actually part of the long-defunct nation of Burgundy--and therefore exempt from British rationing! Hillarious satire on the earliest phases of the cold war, with biting echoes of the Berlin airlift...

2. "The Mind of Mr. Soames". A thirty-year old man who has been in a coma from infancy is awakened, and must be taught how to be a human. A thinking person's science fiction drama.

3. "Ruggles of Red Gap". In turn-of-the-century Paris, a pair of nouveau riche yokels win a British butler in a poker game, and bring him back to their native town of Red Gap, where he is mistaken for a visiting British war hero. Charles Laughton is hilarious and moving--don't miss his magnificently low-key recital of the Gettysburg address.

4. "One, Two, Three" - more cold war comedy, with James Cagney as a Coca-cola distributor in pre-Berlin-wall Berlin, dealing with a daughter who's fallen in love with a boy from the wrong side of the border. Impeccable comic timing from Billy Wilder.

5. "Mr. Vampire" - an hilariously bizzare Hong Kong vampire comedy. Love those hopping vampires. "Your father has been buried standing up for two years. He's going to be pissed."

"Hermanos! The Devil has built a Robot! Andale!" -- Numero Cinco


Monday, November 20, 2006 7:17 PM


I can only think of two right now.

1- Freeway- Reese Witherspoon plays a hilarious redneck high school girl who runs away from her social worker to live with the grandma she's never met. A modern day telling of Red Riding Hood. She's stalked by Keifer Sutherland, the big bad wolf. It's a very dark comedy and full of profanities, so if that's not your thing stay away.

2- Murder By Death- Neil Simon's parody of the fourties detective genre. All star cast including Peter Falk and Truman Capote.

Oh wait...

3- Sweet Hostage- Martin Sheen, Linda Blair. An escaped mental patient kidnaps an illiterate teenage farm girl and takes her to his mountain hide-away, where they soon become friends and, eventually, lovers. Very strange, but it always stuck with me.



Monday, November 20, 2006 8:24 PM


The five titles you mentioned I've never heard in my life, but they sound like fantastic movies that I'll be looking for.

"We have five million Cybermen. How many are you?"
You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?"
"We would destroy the Cybermen with ONE Dalek. You are superior in only one respect."
"What is that?"
"You are better at dying."

Trash talk between a Cyberman and a Dalek. It doesn't get any better than that.


Monday, November 20, 2006 8:36 PM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
Spun - drug culture movie, about meth, shows how easily it can destroy lives, very true to life

I will be bold and post this edit:

It should be noted, this is not a film to watch if you are currently using cocaine or meth. It will simply send you into a spiral of panic. Believe me.

Don't make faces.


Monday, November 20, 2006 8:39 PM


My list.

Raise the Red Lantern
A Life Less Ordinary
Straw Dogs

All of the above have entirely different messages, will leave you feeling completely changed. They're just worth watching, for five different reasons :)

Don't make faces.


Monday, November 20, 2006 9:19 PM


Can't think of 5 bet here is 4.

Run Lola Run (1998) Germany: Probably one of the fastest paced movies I have ever seen, and one of my favorites. Three different stories about a girl needing to get 100,000 dollars that she doesn't have to her boyfriend in 20 minutes or he will be killed. The movie is actually set in real time almost like the TV show 24.

The Last Seduction (1994): Linda Fiorentino plays a woman who pretty much steals 1 million dollars from her husband whom needs that money to pay off a loan shark. She tries to hide from her husband and the police that keep coming after her. It was released in the theaters but nobody saw it even though it got great reviews. (sound familiar?)

Audition (2000) Japan: Seven years after a mans wife is killed he seeks a new wife through a series of auditions set up by his friend staged to be for a movie. But the girl he picks isn't what she appears to be. Watching this movie is worth it just to see the last 15 minutes.

Dog Day Afternoon (1975): A robbery that was supposed to last only 4 minutes turns out to last 12 hours and become a media circus. Based on a true story.


Monday, November 20, 2006 9:24 PM


I like show biz movies. I'm wierd. It's a niche market, so these ain't real popular.

1. State and Main- Hollywood movie crew descends on a New England small town, corrupts everybody in sight.

2. Noises Off!- actors doing a British sex comedy gop off the deep end. Great cast, if small. THe middle ( second act) is from behind the scenes, so it's in mime, but it's the funniest long physical comedy sequence I've ever seen.

3. Topsy Turvey-- period piece Gilbert and Sullivan produce The Mikado.

4. Cradle Will Rock - 1930's --capitalism vs fascism vs communism.A mostly true story. The last half hour, when all the plots come together and the actors perform their play, are worth the price.

5. and a better known show-biz / sci fi mvoie, Galaxy Quest


Monday, November 20, 2006 10:03 PM


I see Equalibrium was brought up several times. This is the best movie ever made, period.

I have a top 10, but there are a lot of movies that aren't exactly un-well-known... even the cult classics that have become mainstream. Since that's not the point here I will forego mentioning Pulp Fiction, Clockwork Orange or Army of Darkness. Five lesser known movies that I can recommend are in no particular order of greatness:

1. "eXistenZ" - Freaking mind blowing. Virtual reality gone insane. No stupid "Tron" special effects here. Just a wild ride of murder, mystery and suspense from the moment they plug in to the very end. I talked with my friend for hours about this one afterwards. Makes you wonder if in a world where virtual reality is 100% believably real and more often than not it's much more enjoyable than life, how many would choose real life over the virtual. I'm pretty sure that I was high when I watched that too. This one has Jude Law in it before I've ever heard about him for the ladies who are smitten by him.

2. "Angela's Ashes" - Admitedly, not my usual movie fare. This movie follows a family living in extreme poverty in Ireland. Not sure of the time, but I think it was before WWI. I'm pretty sure that it was an autobiography too. My girlfriend spent half of the movie crying her eyes out watching it. Really pulls at your heart strings, this one. I think everyone should watch this movie once a year and maybe everyone in this country would stop bitching about stupid shit all the time. Watching this one really made me feel guilty about complaining about anything for at least a month afterwards.

3. "GO" - It's a fun comedy movie about drugs and raves which uses a very Tarintinoesque time jumping method where little by little you find out more about the plot. I've only seen it once and forgot a lot about it. I was probably high and drunk when I saw it. Katie Holmes is in this one for any Scientologists here that wanna let their Thetans hang loose.

4. "Swingers" - Not sure why I like this movie so damn much. I think I've seen it a billion times. It's probably because I want to be like Vince Vaughn when I'm really John Favreau. Not so money baby.....

5. "Love Honor & Obey" - Brit comedy isn't for everyone. Not that this is Monty Python (Although I think MP is great but has plenty of threads of its own in the webverse), but the accents can be a bit hard for some to get past. This is a gangster movie / dramedy with Angelina Jolie's boyfriend from Hackers and Jude Law again. Funny how he made it into two of my 5 here. He picks good scripts, I guess. Also had his ex wife Sadie Frost is in it who's dead sexy in that down-to-earth, obtainable, anti-supermodel kind of way. Anyone who enjoyed Trainspotting, Snatch or Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels will enjoy this one.

Well that's my 5. Given a lot of time I'm pretty sure that only 2 of those 5 would make my list, but that's what I got now.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, November 20, 2006 10:42 PM


My five:

1. The City Of Lost Children (La Cité Des Enfants Perdus)
One of the most amazng films I've ever seen. Visually stunning, amazing acting, gripping (and ever-so-slightly creepy) story, great action sequences. Make sure you see the french version with subtitles, NOT the dubbed english version, and you will not be disappointed. Anyone who's seen a Jean-Pierre Jeunet film will know what to expect

2. Delicatessen
Another Jeunet film, probably the funniest dark comedy I've seen. Shot almost entirely in sepia tones, the mood and atmosphere is excellent. And as usual, Dominique Pinon is amazing as the retired clown turned handyman

3. Amelie (Le Fabuleux Destin D'Amélie Poulain)
Another Jeunet film. Probably the most hart-warming film I ever saw. The truest definition of a 'feel good' movie. I'm normally not a fan of this kinda film, but it had me hooked

4. The Ugly
A great, arty New Zealand horror movie. Along the lines of Silence Of The Lambs and Se7en. Very well acted, and a nice ending. One of the best horrors of the 90's

5. Taxi
I'm talking about the original french film, not the shitty american re-make. Funnier, better acted, better action. A great film, with some excellent car chases, and in the finale, one of the best endings to a car chase I've ever seen



Monday, November 20, 2006 11:45 PM


There is one film I liked but can't remeber the name, It is like the Blair Witch Project crossed with Signs, A faimily record themselves as they are stalked by aliens. it is not a good film but I enjoyed it.

Also Clonus: The Parts Horror (The film they ripped off to make the island) it is a bad film but has a great idea at it's base.

In fact there are several films I saw on Mystery Science Theatre where the film was actually very interesting in concept and could be better with a larger budget.

Vote Day 1st December 2006
Together we will triumph.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 12:13 AM


Apart from Serenity it would be...

#1 Wing Commander
despite critics panning it its a excellent sci-fi movie adaption of the hit game,with a all star cast

#2Judge Dredd
brillant,sci-fi,witty,& action packed,one of the best comic adaptions to date with Sylvester Stallone fitting the character perfectly

#2 Slither
not quite up to Firefly or Serenity standards but excellent nonetheless,of course our man Nathan Fillion

#4 eXistenZ
weird sci-fi/action/romance/horror/thriller with Jude Law when he was younger,Ian Holm,Willian Defoe,ect

#5 Battle Royale
great japanese movie about a students being forced to kill each other in a deathmatch,violent but raises polictical questions

Things are about to get interesting...Define interesting...Oh GOD oh GOD we're all going to die.

Go to

to see my cool trailer.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 12:23 AM


..............Now you wanna watch some movies that are so unbelievably shitty that your brain shuts down before you can reach the remote and you find that it's impossible to stop watching them until their fruition in your deep hypnotic stupor:

Troll - Sonny Bono, the swinger, gets trapped in a cocoon in his swinger pad, gets drank by a troll through a straw... nuff said.

Troll 2 - No miraculous return of Bono here, but we learn that Nilbog spelled backwards is Goblin in one of the most over-acted scenes in B-Movie history. Also... If you only have 5 seconds to convince your family, who thinks you're annoyingly imaginative, not to eat food laced with Troll enzymes that will turn them into sludge for the Trolls to feed on, nothing works like getting up on the table and giving the kitchen a wall to wall golden shower.

Leprechaun 5: Lep in da Hood - Do I even need to explain the comedy here? Okay... Ice-T, with a fro, and bell bottoms, rapping Warwick.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 12:28 AM


1) Equilibrium - Terrific Sci-fi
2) Last American Virgin - Terrific Drama/comedy
3) Severed - Terrific horror (zombies)
4) Hard Candy - Drama / Thriller...A lot of people have heard of this movie, I have yet to meet someone who admits to seeing it.
5) The Cavern - Sci-fi/horror

I tried to stay away from chick flicks and comedy. There are just so many good ones that people haven't seen. Picking sci-fi was hard, seeing this is a sci-fi board. I went with Equilibrium because it is one of the best movies ever made. I am also amazed at how many Sci-fi fans have not watched it.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 12:36 AM


["GO" - It's a fun comedy movie about drugs and raves]

call me crazy(I was also drunk while viewing this beauty), but isn't this movie about as noncomedic(?) as a movie can get? Maybe, I drank way too much when I saw this, because I would characterize this as a Heavy drama. But again I was drinking.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 12:36 AM


We may have our moments Kaneman, but I think we're more alike than you think. Equalibrium is my all time favorite movie. Too many Brooke Shields types would call it one of the worst movies ever made. I'll bet Tom Cruise and his Alien buddies loved it though.

Did you see eXistenZ? It's a Darkfly recommendation too. It's great man. I think you'd like that Harrison Burgeron that was mentioned above too. If you haven't read that short story by Vonnegut, you should check it out. They got it posted all over online. Never saw the movie myself, but I'll be checking it out.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 12:41 AM



Originally posted by kaneman:
["GO" - It's a fun comedy movie about drugs and raves]

call me crazy(I was also drunk while viewing this beauty), but isn't this movie about as noncomedic(?) as a movie can get? Maybe, I drank way too much when I saw this, because I would characterize this as a Heavy drama. But again I was drinking.

You know Kaneman.... that one you might be right about. On my whole list, I'm sure that I was the most wasted when I watched this and maybe I thought it was more fun that it was because me and my friends were laughing at completely inappropriate things to laugh at. I'm thinking it had a bit of comedy in it though and it was much more lighthearted than something like "Wonderland" with Val Kilmer and Kate Bosworth.

But... maybe I should take back most of that review and just say that I enjoyed it and that it's worth a watch.... probably not one of the 5 that I would recommend if I was to answer that question tomorrow.

EDIT: I just checked on IMDB and it says that GO is a Action / Comedy / Crime / Drama / Thriller.... Guess it's got it all.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 12:56 AM


"me and my friends were laughing at completely inappropriate things to laugh at"

Sixstring, I know exactly what you mean.

Yep, I saw eXistenZ...What a trip.......


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 1:36 AM


I agree on eXistenZ, and Swingers is one of my favorites of all time (Vegas, baby!).


Originally posted by marina:

Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
Spun - drug culture movie, about meth, shows how easily it can destroy lives, very true to life

I will be bold and post this edit:

It should be noted, this is not a film to watch if you are currently using cocaine or meth. It will simply send you into a spiral of panic. Believe me.

Don't make faces.

As well it should. We saw it after our meth days (I lost entire groups of friends to the drug, and my wife actually had several friends die over it) and it was scary how close we came to that world.

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 1:56 AM


Okay I've been racking my brain for 5 movies... heres what I've come up with.

1. Equilibrium - One of the best sci fi movies I've ever seen. Oh and the action is kick ass too!

2. Last Night - Another Sci fi/Drama that was amazing. Gotta love Callum Keith Rennie!

3. Men With Brooms - Flippin Hi-larious. If you wanna see a movie that really... is just fun! See this one. Paul Gross is fantastic!

4. Hard Core Logo - A psuedo-rockumentary along the lines of 'This is Spinal Tap'. A little weird. But entertaining.

5. The Major and the Minor - my very favorite old movie. A woman disguises herself as a child to save on a train fare and is taken in charge by an army man who doesn't notice the truth. 1942 staring Ginger Rogers and Ray Milland.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 2:23 AM


The Station Agent okay, so, absolutely nothing happens in it, it's just one fo the gentlest little films. a man inherits a station depo in the middle of nowhere, that's about it. at one point he almost has sex, but doesn't. at another someone almost tops themself, but doesn't. the tension just keeps mounting but it's well worth he watching ^^

Secretary maybe not so very unknown, but, outwith the mainstream if nothing else. a very dark take on the love story, james spader is excellently unpleasant ^^

Night Watch russian language vampire's in moscow, if you don't mind really bad dubbing, this is absofuckinglutely incredible, just great fun from start to finish, bleak and black humoured xD

Spirited Away/Howl's Moving Castle/Princess Mononoke/anything else by Miyazaki Absolute genius this, some of the finest animation of recent years, gorgeous little fairy tales for children, with some very grown up theme's and subtext's.

Twelve Angry Men Another which i suspect should be fairly well known, but i'm including anyway 8-) One of the finest films of the 20th century, some of the best acting, and the most claustraphobic setting (the film takes place throughout in a jury room, we don't see anything outside of this until the credits roll) and it feature's an old man who looks like a gremlin xD

i could go on for quite alot longer but you said five, so five it is.

ooh, and little albatross, it was alec guinness, and not baldwin, who featured in so many roles in kind hearts and coronets, don't imagine baldwin was far out of his nappies at that point xD

Ah! What is not a dream by day
To him whose eyes are cast
On things around him with a ray
Turned back upon the past?


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 3:35 AM


#1 A Very Long Engagement ~ From the creators of Amelie, A dark, gritty, clever, and heartwarming story of uncompromising love in a time of war....(yeah I know ....corny)

#2 Secretary ~ A sympathetic point of view of the BDSM community, Shes not sick and disturbed, she knows what she wants, and contrary to everyone elses opinion around her...shes beautiful.

#3 Hero ~ A Jet Li masterpiece, makes Crouching tiger look like slam dunk ernest. The use of color and storytelling perspective makes it a modern, polished take on the theme of kurasawas (sp?) Rashamon.

#4 Harold & Maude ~ This is a fantastic story of a boy whos lost & finds himself, and how fantastic the world is through the meeting of an unlikely mentor.

#5 A company Of Wolves ~ Its a twisted little movie about little red riding hood... The "narrator" is sick with a fever and dreams of wolves... Its good with alot of pot, & almost as surreal as the foo fighters video for Everlong (go to you tube and watch it.)

"Smellin' alot of IF comin' offa' this plan!"


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 3:56 AM


Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage (2005)

Amazing movie about The White Rose, an anti-NAZI (underground) newsletter that was distributed... well I'm sure you get the idea.

Thankfully it doesn't cover any of the information we all know about that period of history. In fact you see little of it. I highly recommend it (if you can speak German or read subtitles that is).

Also, I second Amelie!

And if someday on some little piss-ant moon/My hand is a little too slow, or my aim a little bit off/At least I’ll go down fighting, not lying abed surrounded by quacks - "Sir Warrick" by Geezer


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 4:03 AM


1. Poolhall Junkies - panned by the critics but I thought it was great

2. Waiting - having worked in restaurants for a while you'll be surprized how true the adage is "Never f*** with the people who handle your food"

3. PCU - Pretty much my college experience

4. Memphis Belle - OK this one has a personal effect. I never thought about past life stuff til this film. The scene where they show the view inside the ball turret gave me a strong chilling deja vu, so strong it made me a bit nauseous. Also I know how to work the controls and have never sat in one before, that kind of came flooding in at the same time. It was creepy and a bit unsettling but I still like the film.

5. Eurotrip - This one kills me, flat out toilet humor... it's the best.

That's just what we call pillow talk baby!
The Baltimore Ravens and Orioles the Internet and scifi. Now you know everything about me.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 4:28 AM



Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:

Night Watch russian language vampire's in moscow, if you don't mind really bad dubbing, this is absofuckinglutely incredible, just great fun from start to finish, bleak and black humoured xD

Spirited Away/Howl's Moving Castle/Princess Mononoke/anything else by Miyazaki Absolute genius this, some of the finest animation of recent years, gorgeous little fairy tales for children, with some very grown up theme's and subtext's.

I thought Night Watch was amazing. Forget the awful dubbing, what really put it into my favourites list was the subtitles...they kinda made the film just that much more shiny!

As for Miyazaki...Porco Rosso is my all time favourite animated film. I used to use it in my English essays at school, just going on and on about subtext and journey...God I hated school.

1. Dazed and Confused- The last day of school in 1976, following a group of students. Just awesome.

2. Appleseed- A Japanese cel style anime done in CG. It's one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen. A visual experience that'll make you watch it again and again, depite it's flaws.

3. 187- Yeah, okay it was made by Water World director Kevin Reynolds...he redeems himself here. It's a really great movie about what happens when someone is pushed too far. Sam Jackson rocks the house in this.

4. Open Range- The only good western to come out since Tombstone and the only great one since Unforgiven. It did halfway decent box office so obviously some people saw it, but not anyone I've ever met. It's slow burn, but oh how it pays off!

5. The Proposition- An Australian/UK co-production. From a script by Nick Cave, you can almost smell the disgust, blood, sweat and hardship out in Australia's colonial outback. It's brutal, almost to a fault, but it all serves a purpose. Then there's the storyline..won't spoil it for anyone.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 5:25 AM



Originally posted by BornToFly:

4. Open Range- The only good western to come out since Tombstone and the only great one since Unforgiven. It did halfway decent box office so obviously some people saw it, but not anyone I've ever met. It's slow burn, but oh how it pays off!

5. The Proposition- An Australian/UK co-production. From a script by Nick Cave, you can almost smell the disgust, blood, sweat and hardship out in Australia's colonial outback. It's brutal, almost to a fault, but it all serves a purpose. Then there's the storyline..won't spoil it for anyone.

well i think i have to say i share your taste in western's, and the proposition was fighting to get onto my five, as far as night watch with subtitle's goes, i'll have to start playing around with my version again, couldn't find any before (on the whole i much prefer them to dubbing)

and porco rosso, i must confess, is one miyazaki i've not yet seen :$ very nearly bought it the other week, but spared a thought for my rent at the last minute

Ah! What is not a dream by day
To him whose eyes are cast
On things around him with a ray
Turned back upon the past?


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 5:44 AM


1) Slingblade- Billy Bob Thornton and John Ritter.
2) Oh Brother where Art Thou- The Cohn Brothers, nuff said.
3) Real Genius- someone mentioned it before. Check out Van Wilder. Very similar
4) *61 - Excellent baseball flic. Thomas Jane.
5) Memphis Belle- once again an echo of someone else's pick.

Kids in the Hall... Squish your head, squish squish .

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 5:45 AM


The Red Violin - In present day Montreal, a famous Nicolo Bussotti violin, known as "the red violin," is being auctioned off. During the auction, we flash back to the creation of the violin in 17th century Italy, and follow the violin as it makes its way through an 18th century Austrian monastery, a violinist in 19th century Oxford, China during the Cultural Revolution, and back to Montreal, where a collector tries to establish the identity and the secrets of "the red violin."

Blackbird fly into the light of the dark, black night.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 5:50 AM



Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:

Originally posted by BornToFly:

4. Open Range- The only good western to come out since Tombstone and the only great one since Unforgiven. It did halfway decent box office so obviously some people saw it, but not anyone I've ever met. It's slow burn, but oh how it pays off!

5. The Proposition- An Australian/UK co-production. From a script by Nick Cave, you can almost smell the disgust, blood, sweat and hardship out in Australia's colonial outback. It's brutal, almost to a fault, but it all serves a purpose. Then there's the storyline..won't spoil it for anyone.

well i think i have to say i share your taste in western's, and the proposition was fighting to get onto my five, as far as night watch with subtitle's goes, i'll have to start playing around with my version again, couldn't find any before (on the whole i much prefer them to dubbing)

and porco rosso, i must confess, is one miyazaki i've not yet seen :$ very nearly bought it the other week, but spared a thought for my rent at the last minute

The Night Watch subtitles rock, you should definetly give them a go. Timur Bekmambetov (the director) seamlessly weaves them into the action, sometimes having them whisp on and off the screen in smoky italics, sometimes blasting them out in capitals, or in different colours. They become part of the movie, so you're not just reading it.

As for Porco Rosso, don't worry, as I haven't seen My Neighbor Totoro yet, so I guess we're even. I wanna work for Studio Ghibli something fierce.

Just like to second (third, tenth, whatever) all the positive comments about Equilibrium. It's a highly under rateed sci-fi actioner, and contains some truly inspired ideas (gun-kata anyone?), set within a framework laid down by Ray Bradbury in Fahrenheit 451 and George Orwell in Nineteen Eighty-Four, as well as in some regards Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, it's full of great acting, clever action and awesome (if not wholly original) concepts. Watch it.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 7:50 AM


I like this idea! Some movies to check out - I'd be open for some good book referrals, too. Anyway,
here are a few of my movie picks:

1) The Secret of Roan Inish -Irish film made early 90's (I think). It's a fairy tale but told as if it were true (and very believable) set in post-WWII Ireland. Based on a Scottish story. Acting is exceptional, scenery is gorgeous and music is delightful! This is one of my very favorites, I had it on VHS and then bought DVD.

2) Waking Ned Devine - another irish film - one of the characters (selkie woman) from Roan Inish is in it. Small Irish town - dead guy wins the lottery and townsfolks trying to figure out how to collect the money. Fun and clever.

3) Goddess Remembered - Documentary on Goddess Culture by Canadian Donna Read - lot os interviews and again loved the scenery, music and quite interesting account of history (herstory?) rewritten for the winner.

4) The Burning Times - Another Donna Read documentary following up Goddess Remembered with Matthew Fox, Starhawk and others recounting the inquisition as told from another perspective. Grim and moving. Donna does a great job incorporating historical imagines, interviews and again - the music is incredible.

5) Billie Elliot - loved the dancing and the story.



Tuesday, November 21, 2006 11:47 AM


OddBodskins , thank you for pointing that out . I have a terrible time with names of actors .Come to thnk of it I'm laughing picturing Alec Baldwin as Obi-Wan Kenobi. .Too funny !
And you know the movie which earns you many bonus points in my book ! I applaud your good taste !


I swallowed a bug.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 12:34 PM


Ok late into the fray again!! But just wanted to include a few, apologies if I repeat any already mentioned.

1. WAGES OF FEAR - the original version starring Yves Montand, based on a group of luckless men finding themselves with a life of zero prospects in a backwater, dead-end French colonial town in south America.

2. TRON - Jeff Bridges takes a brave move and expands the fantasy genre by starring in the first ever computer animated/live action film. Full with Light Cycles, Pelota with neon rings and Frisbees from a circuit board. Insightful, way, way ahead of it's time and still impressive for visual realisation and synthesizer score. Beautiful to look at and as far as I know first and only back-lit film.

3. RIFIFI - Brilliant stark heist movie with a much celebrated 20 minute silent robbery with gang members perfectly co-ordinated through-out. Stylish, dark and engaging.

4. AMERICANA - Quiet gentle tale of a vietnam vet wondering through a quiet American town, taking time to renovate a kids merry-go round.

5. PASSPORT TO PIMLICO - Delightfully odd British comedy, about a borough in London [Pimlico] finding out, through recently discovered treasure, that it is under Burgundian[French] rule and decides to declare its independnce from the British Crown. Clever and witty all the way through.

Man I could go on. There are so many but these spring to mind first.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 12:56 PM


1) The Chronicles of Riddick - not really all that lesser-known sci-fi action, and quite an attempt by its producers at something grand, but I think this movie was really dismissed my many too quickly. Sure it has its flaws, but very interesting characters overall.

2) Serenity - excellent movie although I vastly preferred the series. Please support it anyways to keep Firefly going!

3) The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - again, not all that lesser-known, but did not gain a lot of popularity although it is an interesting premise, and fun to watch.

4) Star Trek: Insurrection - did not receive all that much attention for a Star Trek film. Even though it seems boring to some, I found it very interesting, especially the subtle character traits and message.

5) Pitch Black - prequel to Riddick, sort of like the Hobbit to LOTR, although the Riddick sequels apparently aren't being made.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 1:13 PM


You may have seen some or all:
1. The Emperor and the Assassin
Chinese but not kung fu; an epic drama with Gong Li; this is how historical epics should be

2. The Heroic Trio
best described as Hong Kong hokum; the trio are women; in short, when the going gets tough, the girls get going

3. The Quiet Earth
an end of the world fim from New Zealand - total cast three people; the final image is terrific.

4. My First Mister
no idea if this is well known or not; humane and humourous story of an adolescent girl growing up and getting to grips with the world.

5. Central Station
a Brazilian drama about an orphaned boy and a cynical middle aged single woman seeking his remaining relatives


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 1:21 PM


Ooooooh....lesser known goes!

1)Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - Tim Roth and Gary Oldman are hilarious!
2)Space Explorers - I lived on this movie as a kid. Now everytime I see a Tilt-a-Whirl at a carnival I think of this movie (some kids turn one into a space craft).
3)Time Bandits - words cannot describe, you simply must see it.
4)Permanent Record - one of Keanu Reeves first movies (and IMHO, his best acting). Please see this movie!
5)The Last Starfighter - you'll never look at video games the same!

You're never too old to have a happy childhood!


Tuesday, November 21, 2006 1:33 PM


3000 Miles to Graceland

The Maxx


Tender Mercies

September Tapes






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