Male and Female Imponderables-Let it Snow

UPDATED: Sunday, December 3, 2006 17:19
VIEWED: 10781
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Friday, December 1, 2006 8:43 AM


Hug for you, LA. It's either the patience of a saint or duct tape. I've heard child prtective services frowns on the duct tape method.

Do what I did after the tidbit put a peanut butter sandwich in the VCR - I think he told me a character on tv was hungry...

Move it to higher ground!

EDIT: You DID say he climbed UP to it. It's already up high. I gather?


Friday, December 1, 2006 8:49 AM


Mav -
about 5 feet up ! He makes stairs out of his toys.I'm thinking shackles.Or valium for me.


She rings like a bell through the night,and wouldn't you love to love her ? Takes to the sky like a bird in flight and who will be her lover ? All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the sky.Would you stay if she promised you heaven ? Would you even try ? -Stevie Nicks


Friday, December 1, 2006 8:50 AM


LA29: Browncoats seem to be an easy-going lot. I slighted Zeek and JQ in another thread by NOT calling them lecherous humps.

5 years on: I'm happy to say that I'm more confident in my own abilities that I was then. A good work environment and a boss who trusts you is worth gold. And friends who let you be yourself are also important. Those here on the and my 3-D ones who accept my new FF obsession.

BTW: there's a UPS package on my dining room table with a brand new Tristan-made ZoeCoat waiting for me. I bet you can feel my excitment right through the keyboard.

How weird is that?


Friday, December 1, 2006 8:54 AM


My personality has changed from 5 years ago. Hopefully for the good. I feel that I have gotten more mature from the standpoint that fart jokes and gay inuendos really aren't that funny to me.

I think most of that comes from the different people that I have been hanging out with in that time. Before that I was around mostly people I knew from high school and college. The last 6-7 years I have been hanging around more learned folks from work and my sister more.

Unfortunately with my move to Omaha and my new job all of the people I know now are the immature people I don't really want to associate with anymore.


Friday, December 1, 2006 8:59 AM



Originally posted by Clementine:
there's a UPS package on my dining room table with a brand new Tristan-made ZoeCoat waiting for me. I bet you can feel my excitment right through the keyboard.

*feels the excitement right through the keyboard*

Ooh! Tingly!


Friday, December 1, 2006 9:01 AM


*pulls the Tazer off the back of DTH's neck*

Sorry that was me!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Friday, December 1, 2006 9:01 AM


afternoon Imponderables.

Not at work today. Feeling like , but you guys always seem to make my say shinier.

5 year difference - well, 5 years ago I met Ami, and now we are going through the process of figuring out how to split. I have cast off religion, began to think for myself (the two of which are related, IMHO), learned the joys and pains of being a father, learned how to be nice to people if I am being paid to do so, and found a whole new outlook on life by discovering Firefly and the shiny shiny shiny Browncoats that make up it's fandom.

Seriously, through this hard time in my life (almost a year now), had I not discovered the show (and this site), I would have gone crazy and possibly offed myself more'n once. In essence (so I will stop whinging), THANKS. :)

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Friday, December 1, 2006 9:04 AM


RIMG. You're one heck of a shiny guy.

And as I was going to post...:

I must not be as evolved as I had hoped ( see earlier post...)

***Seethes in jealousy over Clementine's coat. Rocks back and forth trying not to punch the monitor. Damn, I want that frakkin coat.***

Whew. I feel better now.


Friday, December 1, 2006 9:10 AM


Clementine- sure taunt us with the gorgeous coat...sigh You're very lucky and I don't know how you've resisted opening it

RIMG- we love you HUGS

Mavoureen- you are amazing as always

EDIT- LA I know a great kid distractor. Pen child up in playpen or small area. Cover area with butcher paper. Strip small child down to diaper only. Give small child bowl of pudding. Allow small child to "pudding paint" himself and his paper covered area. 20-30 minutes later, remove child's diaper and wash child completely in bath. Gather up butcher paper and throw it away.

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Friday, December 1, 2006 9:29 AM


Now you see; as a single male I would go for the duct tape.

But the pudding idea sounds like something I would do right now. I mean for myself. Especialy chocolate pudding.



Friday, December 1, 2006 9:37 AM


A.K.A. Clementine (since I found out that RimGirl could refer to a less than mainstream sexual practice.)

Not taunting, just sharing my excitement. Believe me, MSG, if I were home and not at work it would be open. It was received by my previously-mentioned stay-at-home-dad/writer of a husband.

I remember the toddler stage. We used to say, "He's not just two. He's soooooo two." Broke a centre speaker using it as a stepladder. The pudding games sounds like fun. They're 6 and 9 now and it does pass.

Hang in there,RIMG. Life can be very sweet.
**Grins the grin of having a ZoeCoat waiting.**

Holding 'till you get back, Captain.


Friday, December 1, 2006 9:38 AM


*hugs RiverIsMyGoddess* We love you! Don't ever leave!

Traveler, I now have a weird image of you pudding painting a playpen. It's a bit disturbing.


Friday, December 1, 2006 9:54 AM


Hmmm...DTH. Psychic Friends Network. I was thinking the same thing about Traveler.

Let's move away from fun with pudding, shall we?

**I was wondering...Have you ever had one of those wierd experiences where the same thing keeps popping up in odd places throughout the week?

A few months ago, it was The Great Gatsby. I saw it misplaced on a bookshelf at a used bookstore, I saw "Gatsby" on a license plate a few days later, then it was on tv, and finally I got an email from an old friend of mine, and I remembered his quote in our High School Yeardbook...the last two lines of The Great Gatsby ( And so we beat on...etc.)

This week I have been "haunted" by The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. Remember that TV show? I've been seeing references to it all week. On tv, on 'net sites I go to, I've even processed an order for a customer "Muir." What could it mean?

Is there a word for this type of occurance? I know if you are thinking about the phone ringing and it rings it is synchronicity...but what is this?


Friday, December 1, 2006 9:55 AM


My firstborn, Dylan was colicy and developmentally delayed and still my little Sean outdoes him with patience trying.

Msg - since I have no space ( small apartment )then the bathtub to do such an activity I'm not sure if it would work.I'm thinking the duct tape might help.He's broken my husband's guitar amp from playing with the on/off switch.And has completely broken the door off his crib.

RIMG - *hugs * what else can I say ? Our stories are similar.But not the religion part.
I'm a pagan through & through.
Of course it had to rain very hard for the 15 minutes I had to go pick up Dylan.I'm one drenched Albatross.

Mav -sometimes I think it's the verse trying to tell us something.Sometimes it's coincidence.


She rings like a bell through the night,and wouldn't you love to love her ? Takes to the sky like a bird in flight and who will be her lover ? All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the sky.Would you stay if she promised you heaven ? Would you even try ? -Stevie Nicks


Friday, December 1, 2006 10:04 AM


Mavourneen - I get that with songs and TV shows. A song or episode of something pops into my head, and the next thing I know I hear it on the radio or I'm watching it on TV.

Once it happened three days in a row with Simpsons episodes. I'd remember a scene from an episode of the Simpsons and the very next day I'd see that episode on TV. That being said, there's a TV station called Sky 1 that shows The Simpsons allll the tiiiime, but every time it happened I would come accross the episode on TV just as the scene I'd been thinking about came on. By day three I was well and truly freaked. I don't even watch that much TV!

*sigh* Time for me to leave. 'Night all!

*hands LA a towel* See, this is why Irish Pagans never have outdoor skyclad rituals. Rain, cold and the occasional hedgehog.


Friday, December 1, 2006 10:07 AM


Mav you got me all excited that you were going to say it was pudding wrestling this week. Then you went off in a totally different direction.


Friday, December 1, 2006 10:11 AM


Sorry, I was adjusting my top. What did you say?

EDIT: 'Night, DTH. See you tomorrow!


Friday, December 1, 2006 10:16 AM


LA- yeah bathtub/bathroom is a good idea. If you take up towels and bathmats and such...they could just have at it with a giant sheet of butcher paper ( local market will usually just give you some) strip them both down and let them go to it. They'll have a blast and you'll get 30 minutes to do something. Keep the door shut and have them honk a squeak toy or ding a bell to get your attention or when they are done. Then just pop them in the tub and sponge up the floor/walls etc. Once they're clean pop em in their jammies and go read some books. It's great for wearing them out as well as letting them do something "naughty" which satisfies their needs and yours:) HUGS that's my best one when I babysit and it really works. They love it and it's really less messy to clean than the destruction they cause on their own:)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Friday, December 1, 2006 10:17 AM


Night Mavourneen! Guess we'd both better get back to work. *sigh*


Friday, December 1, 2006 10:24 AM


Wow it's like the stars have aligned in some great cosmic event. The women are posting girly wrestling pictures. Thank you universe!


Friday, December 1, 2006 10:28 AM


Those pictures are degrading and WRONG, here are some better ones!


I'm all the way to the right with the red shield, wearing my famous blue striped paja--- er, pants.

And in the interest of not overloading this thread, here's the rest.

I woulda put them on the pictures thread, but they're doing some stupid thing with hands and feet right now...

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkyries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Friday, December 1, 2006 10:35 AM


Hello DesktopHippie:

I must apologise about pudding. I took the off from work because of the snow storm and have been a bad boy all day.

But took the time to learn how to put an avatar on my posts. So I did do something constructive today. It is so nice we have these tutorials handy.

It is Zim from Invader Zim.



Friday, December 1, 2006 10:38 AM


You, a bad boy ? I'll never believe it !


She rings like a bell through the night,and wouldn't you love to love her ? Takes to the sky like a bird in flight and who will be her lover ? All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the sky.Would you stay if she promised you heaven ? Would you even try ? -Stevie Nicks


Friday, December 1, 2006 10:45 AM


Hmm, Traveler the single bad boy, pudding and duct tape. That has possibilities...

Okay, definately going now!


Friday, December 1, 2006 10:52 AM


Well LittleAlbatross when I'm having fun it usually means I'm doing something bad. Though my definition of bad is more in line with that of a two year old. I just don't break things because I paid for them.

EDIT: See, I've been a bad influence on DesktopHippie.



Friday, December 1, 2006 11:06 AM



Originally posted by RimGirl:
Hang in there,RIMG. Life can be very sweet.
**Grins the grin of having a ZoeCoat waiting.**

Yeah, he is going to make me a Browncoat at some point. I am very excited about it.


Originally posted by LittleAlbatross29:
RIMG - *hugs * what else can I say ? Our stories are similar.But not the religion part.
I'm a pagan through & through.
Of course it had to rain very hard for the 15 minutes I had to go pick up Dylan.I'm one drenched Albatross.

I tried looking into being a Pagan when I became disillusioned with the Christianity I was brought up with, but (and I mean no disrespect to any of you shiny pagan Browncoats) it was pretty much the same: no physical evidence to base things off of. I could possibly see becoming a green witch (I think that is the term, basically a herbologist, using the plants but not really anything else).

Sucks about being rained on, it was raining sideways when I tried to go to work this morning. Maybe we should get you out of those wet clothes?

Mav - I get that sometimes too, and I do wonder (I think LA29 suggested this) if it is some sort of sign, though I don't really believe in those either.

Yay for the girly wrestling pics. Those made me .

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Friday, December 1, 2006 11:42 AM


RIMG -you naughty boy !

As far as paganism goes it's all about faith , my dear.


She rings like a bell through the night,and wouldn't you love to love her ? Takes to the sky like a bird in flight and who will be her lover ? All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the sky.Would you stay if she promised you heaven ? Would you even try ? -Stevie Nicks


Friday, December 1, 2006 12:00 PM


CMH- LOL I love you darlin you are just adorable as adorable as your "pants" HUGS

LA- good luck with the space monkeys:)

Mavoureen- well well well:) nice pic



Everyone else I missed...HUGS and I am off to the gym. I desperately need my run today or I may be carried away by men in white coats

James- BIG HUGS and let me know if you need me sweety:)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Friday, December 1, 2006 12:31 PM



Originally posted by LittleAlbatross29:
RIMG -you naughty boy !

As far as paganism goes it's all about faith , my dear.

I actuallly keep most of my naughtiness to myself on here

See, the faith is the same problem I had with Christianity.

EDIT: I am out for the night, gotta go make drinks and pretend to like people. I may be on later tonight or sometime tomorrow.

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be manditory." - Bill Hicks


Friday, December 1, 2006 1:42 PM


As far as faith goes ,I personally couldn't live without it.It's the organized religion ,even organized Paganism that turns me off.

Have a good night sweetie.


She rings like a bell through the night,and wouldn't you love to love her ? Takes to the sky like a bird in flight and who will be her lover ? All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the sky.Would you stay if she promised you heaven ? Would you even try ? -Stevie Nicks


Friday, December 1, 2006 2:17 PM



Originally posted by LittleAlbatross29:
I just removed him from his millionth time out of the day & asked sternly "are you going to climb up to the dvd player again?" and he just smiled his best devil smile & said "Yes Mommy I am."

I've lost this battle.

I have a mental image of Sweet Pea from the Popeye cartoons crawling and climbing in every dangerous place that is possible. Well, at least you have to admit that he's honest.

Is this what life looks like living with him?

I hope he take a nap sometimes.

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Friday, December 1, 2006 2:50 PM


Yes it's like that.Or like living with the Tasmanian Devil .He is very cute though.He does nap and that is a break for about an hour and a half.But as soon as he's awake he's right back at it ! He is indeed a terrifying space monkey .


She rings like a bell through the night,and wouldn't you love to love her ? Takes to the sky like a bird in flight and who will be her lover ? All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the sky.Would you stay if she promised you heaven ? Would you even try ? -Stevie Nicks


Friday, December 1, 2006 3:17 PM


Hello LittleAlbatross29:

Looks like you need Kaylee. She knows all about space monkeys. At least Mal thinks so.



Friday, December 1, 2006 3:23 PM


My heart goes out to you, LA.

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Friday, December 1, 2006 4:13 PM


Well, today wasn't a very frugal day for me. I went to get my tire fixed, and I ended up having to dole out almost $600 in assorted repairs. Busted ball joint thingy and both of my rod whatsits were kaput. And that's not even the extent of it; the spring things on my rear wheels are also snapped, and they don't have any replacements for them.
I hate having to spend money, even if there's a damn good reason for it. I guess it's the Scot in me coming out. Come on, I managed to go for at least a year with all that wrong, the only reason I had to pay for its fixin' is 'cause they wouldn't let it back onto the road until it was.

And it's not like I have lucre spewing forth from my every orifice...

*Goes back to James' Sulking Corner and Gormet Coffee Shop*

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Friday, December 1, 2006 5:02 PM


Hello JamesTheDark:

I just went through the same thing. Only $250 though. But still, it does make you want to kick something. Not the car though. Good to let off some steam isn't it.



Friday, December 1, 2006 6:00 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Oh my! {{HUGE HUGS}} and total understanding coming your way James - I had my car serviced yesterday and AU$410.oo later I got home and found my registration notice had arrived for the next 12 months... another AU$560.oo!! When you consider that the Aussie dollar is about US$0.70 ... you get the idea... And, Honey - I hope things will just keep improving - remember the meds are to support you in this recovery, but you, yourself, are going to make those changes and you will be stronger and have greater insight for it! Believe me - I know of what I speak!

Little Albatross!! My wonderful friend - you made me smile again today! Thank you !! I hope you had a wonderful birthday Darling one! You know I was thinking of you, I hope - I just didn't actually manage to put your card in to the letter box when I should have... sorry... Can I take you to 'Chucky Cheese' next September to make up for it??

Hi TracyLane, I don't think we've met before! Wecome to the Imponderable family!!

Hello my wondereful Li'l Sis! I loved your email MsG! You are awesome! And your quote: "It might be a bumpy ride, but you'll get somewhere amazing in the end and then you can pity all those people with the smooth ride who don't know what you know" is exactly what my philosophy in life is at the moment, too - and I am finding my life so very much enriched for the privilege of being there for folk who are also on this journey that we call 'clinical depression'! It is turning out to be a great gift in my life - who would have guessed that a few years ago?

Hi Kelkhil! How's my twin brother? I have managed to post a card to AL for you - but I think I might have misplaced my 'little River's letter - I am looking for it, but it should come soon! Watch the letter box and give my love to AL & Laurelin!

Wow Mavourneen - I love that you have not only grown so much in the last 5 years but can see it and aknowlege it all! It is a privilege to have you share it with us! Thank you darling - and may I say your husband and son are the luckiest 2 boys in the State?

Hi Zeek! Hi BlackShamrock! Hello Clementine! How's you all travelling?

Hello dear Traveler - I have picked up hints of your huge changes in your life and I am truly in awe and admiration of you! You are such a warm and wonderful person and we are so lucky to have you here and sharing with us!

Hello gorgeous Kaylee-clone!! I think we all go through the mellowing and appreciating things in our lives - you summed it up so well... as usual I am rambling away here - but I have a few minutes on the internet and just had to... ah... where was I? Oh yes!! Hugs to my KC!!

Hey JohnnyQ I am a news junkie and always have been, but 11th September 2001 also changed things to a sort of obsession for me too... I think the fact that I was also coping with depression, and 'control', or lack thereof, in aspects of my life was a part of that too, meant that I had to have the latest info... I am much better now (though it irks me that whenever I have a 'news free day' something big always seems to happen! )

Penguin!! How are you dear one!? Always popping in at just the right moment I see!!

Hello DTH!! (*quickly scans the thread for signs of Tristan...*) OK... coast's clear - come on in Honey! Thank you for sharing too... I think a few of us find we can let our hair down here whereas we are too introverted to do so IRL... We are so lucky to share this part of your life too!

"Muuuuuuummmmm... Kelkhil's using his Tazer on my friends again!!"

RIMG I was just starting to worry becuase I hadn't seen you on my travels through the thread... How are you 'JimiBear'? Did you get my rather long and rambly email, Honey? We are so blessed to have you here - and IMHO thinking for yourself should not be hand-in-hand with casting off 'faith', as opposed to 'religion'... but therein lies a totally different debate... Love you HEAPS!

Wow - do you all feel the love in here?? (*quickly casts a sideways, warning look at Kelkhil...*) Don't even think about it Kel!!

Oh yes!! There is a word for that Mavourneen - it's called Clairsentience!! You are tuned in to some kind of message - though you almost never know what that message is... I have it happen all the time and I usually write things down so that - if some months later I work out what it was all about I have a referrence to it! It's a really good thing too!!! Means there are angels or a departed loved one watching over you! Do you remember someone who's gone, but who loved that show (I did!!!) or who also loved the Great Gatsby who might be watching over you in tough or troubled times?

Anyway - this has taken me so long to write I will probably have a few more posts to catch up with now... but as for growing in the past 5 years... I believe we constantly grow and change - our horizon's broaden (mine certainly have in the last few months with all these amazing, new and wonderful friends I have through!) we find new skills and new interests and our experiences add to the way we cope with each new one of lifes challenges...

Huge love and hugs to you my Darling Little Albatross... did you threaten to deport him? - we might still have a penal colony here in Australia somewhere... failing that I have access to a laundry that I can put him in for some serious 'time out!'


Friday, December 1, 2006 6:06 PM


The 5 year ponderance...I probably have changed in the past 5 years. Seeing as i was in the tail end of puberty, finishing school and putting up with a whole range of family problems I'd say its likely. My general personality won't have changed too much, I doubt I'mm be any more mature, i was always too mature for my own good. I do have a bit more fun these days, I was a real serious guy during school. At the same time I'm probably at the most unhappy I've ever been in life, a bit of a low point. Hopefully in another 5 years time I can do this again and have a great answer...


Friday, December 1, 2006 6:15 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hi Navy!! How are you doing Darlin'? It's good to see you here! I've been thinking of you and hoping all is well in your world at the moment! {{big Hugs}}

Oh - I meant to say that my referrence to the Aussie dollar being 70c in the USA stems from my realisation that I need to save HEAPS of money for my trip next year, coz the exchange is not favourable... but I am so coming!!

James!! Get out of your sulking corner and come for a walk with me young man! Oh... OK it might be raining... and it is a bit cold where you are... and I guess the coffee is pretty good in here... Damn it - I might have to join you... "so did you hear about the crap exchange rate between Australia and the US?"

Only kidding! Don't deprive people of your gorgeous company Dear James!! We love it - so it stands to reason that everyone else does too!

And with that I am going for a walk!


Friday, December 1, 2006 6:18 PM


An aussie dollar is only 70c magda? that sucks. Half of my love for the USA comes from the fact that sterling is about twice the value of a US dollar, everything is so cheap over there.


Friday, December 1, 2006 6:34 PM


Magda, my Aussie Kaylee Clone, It's great to see that you had a minute to post on the Imponderable thread. I have missed seeing you more often here at Thanks for the e-mail. I'm hoping to get something in the snail mail for you.

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Friday, December 1, 2006 6:38 PM


Hello Magdalena:

We got 10 inches of snow in Milwaukee. Actually, the whole central region of the country got covered. This was a big one. So after siting in my car for fourty-five minutes and only traveling about a half a mile I realised I was not going to get to work. It is over 20 miles. So have been here on and off all day. Good to hear from you. I have just about touched base with everyone I know here today. Seeing your post makes it complete.

Here are some warm fuzzy {{{hugs}}} right back at you.



Friday, December 1, 2006 7:34 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hey! People missed me!! Believe me - I am missing people too!

Thank you Kaylee-clone! Thanks to my dear Penguin I have huggles from Australia for you! I have been writing a lot of snail-mail myownself lately - due to the frustration of not having regular access to the internet!!

Hey Traveler Thank you too! Wow! I just told my 10-year-old neice about 10" of snow - that's about 25cm and she was pretty 'gob smacked' (to borrow from my British heritage) I think she thought it was a terrific excuse to not go to work though - but do folk get penalised for not turning up on a day like this? I would think you would have to have 'weather leave' up your sleeve... not something I've ever had to cope with! Here's a warm & fuzzy hug for you too!

Hey Navy! I do know about the exchange rate being better, but the Aussie dollar is not all that happy next to the pound Sterling either... believe me - my parents just got back from the UK... and they went to Scotland of course!! ... and have you noticed that I haven't once mentioned... ummmm... the 'h' word?


Friday, December 1, 2006 7:40 PM


Come one magda, just had to get it in there didn't you? Anyway, i wasn't aware that the aussie dollar was so weak compared to the pound. Bad though it may be for you, I'm kinda happy to hear it, my mother was talking of going to australia in the not too distant future. If that ever happens I'd of course be tagging along.


Friday, December 1, 2006 8:12 PM


Hello Magdalena:

When you have cars smashed up all over the highway employers tend to be forgiving about not showing up. I also have a good record as far as attendance. I can not remember when the last time I took a sick day. So they better be nice about it.

We will have snowmen all over town now.

I can not believe what you have to pay for registering your car. You could buy a car for that much cash. I will never complain about the price we pay here in the Wisconsin.

I almost forgot it was vote day for Firefly. So I was here and voted often. I want to see the results tomorrow. We are closing in on fourth place. I still do not know if anyone involved with TV or movies is paying any attention to this. I just vote and watch us move closer to the top. It feels good.

Did you have a good walk? I bet your weather is a lot different today than ours. We should have a SciFi convention in the winter so you can see our snow. When I was a child I would not come inside until my fingers were numb. Than they would warm up and start to hurt. But I would go out every time it snowed. You can not keep a youngster away from snow. To many things you can do with it.

Then you will have to have a convention in Melbourne so I can see a wombat. That sounds fair.



Friday, December 1, 2006 8:16 PM


Magda, I love the huggles from Australia. Penguin, is a genius!

Navyseils, I'm thinking of heading down to Australia, too. Right now I have to try and find my passport to see if it's still current.

Traveler, I did love a snow day when I lived in the mid-west. It's kind of like playing hooky from school. I hope you enjoyed your day at home.

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Friday, December 1, 2006 9:15 PM


Hello VerseExplorer:

I had a very nice day. Posted a sorts of silly things here and had a couple of good laughs. I don't get a chance to join in on the imponderables because so much happens while I am at work. So it was nice to get involve today.

Watched Jaynestown. I think it is my favorite episode. When Jayne turns to the crowd and says, "There are only people like me", I just feel for the guy. I think I am getting sentimental.



Friday, December 1, 2006 10:21 PM



Originally posted by LittleAlbatross29:
As far as faith goes ,I personally couldn't live without it.

The problem I have with faith is that I have trouble believing in anything I cannot see with my eyes or feel with my hands or even re-create as an experiment. I suppose it is the scientist/engineer in me.


Originally posted by magdalena:
RIMG I was just starting to worry becuase I hadn't seen you on my travels through the thread... How are you 'JimiBear'? Did you get my rather long and rambly email, Honey? We are so blessed to have you here - and IMHO thinking for yourself should not be hand-in-hand with casting off 'faith', as opposed to 'religion'... but therein lies a totally different debate... Love you HEAPS!

I didn't get on until 1pm-ish my time, slept in due to feeling like and calling out of work. Still feel like it, though it is more emotional/relationship/unknown kind of down. Meh, you guys don't need to be bothered with that. I got the e-mail, and will most likely respond to it sometime tomorrow. As for the faith/thinking for myself, I think my bit for LA29 is going to have to do for now. *hugs* I hope you had a good day and I also hope to talk to you soon.

jimi dot spettel at gmail dot com
Self-Proclaimed Grand Vizier of Georgia
Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Brigade

- Animation by DesktopHippie

"Marijuana not only should be legal, it should be mandatory." - Bill Hicks


Friday, December 1, 2006 10:30 PM


It's 4:30 in the morning here, and it's too cold to sleep. Lacking anything better to do, I'm going to watch some Firefly.
Bugger, it's cold.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Friday, December 1, 2006 10:54 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hey everyone!! Hello again Navy! I thought I didn't mention it though... Ooooooooh - yes!! Do come to Australia! I would love to meet you and your Mum if you get to Melbourne! I know a really good tour guide *ahem... me!* and I would love to show you my beautiful city! If I have a spare bed at the time - it's yours!! (& feel free to 'bring your friend' if you want to..)

Hey Kaylee-clone our Penguin does have a gift! I am so glad you're still thinking about coming 'down under' for a trip - I have my fingers crossed and was hoping you were still thinking about it all!!

Hey Traveler! I was 18 the first time I saw snow and so very sick at the time too... My only other time was in August 2000 and I was with the family for whom I have worked full time for the last 6 years - their Cam-boy was just 2 at the time aqnd he was turning blue and telling us (through chattering teeth) that he wasn't cold and didn't need to go inside! We built a snowman of sorts, but I have never made 'snow angels'... that is something I will do one day!!

RiverismyGoddess!! It sounds like you are really having a tough day, Sweetheart! Please know that there is much love for you and that we are all here for you! Hang in there and remember I'll be giving you a warm Aussie hug in just 270-odd days... Hey - look there's a guy doing the Otso Otso dance!!--> <--Now that made you smile... right?

Hi James - that is just not fair! Mind you, I love being snuggled in bed on really cold nights! I always feel so very safe and somewhat child-like when I have the dooner and blankets pulled up to my nose and I'm all curled up in a ball...






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