Male and Female Imponderables - Stealing Society

UPDATED: Friday, December 15, 2006 04:30
VIEWED: 8182
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:00 AM


Alright, new thread time.

Old thread:

Imponderables Index Thread:

Hmmm, a ponderable to start of everyone's day:

What is the worst injury you have ever sustained ? (can be emotional or mental, not just physical)

I still haven't managed to think of an indulgence for myself. More on that later I guess.

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:04 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:05 AM


Morning all:)Thanks for the shiny new thread and such, but now I have to cut and paste a reply:) Oh well

I'd knit my cute little Fairytale, but I'm too clutzy and I drop stitches and end up looking like a 3rd grader's poorly made macrame:)

Dancing- yeah the life of a teacher, so glamorous and fun:)

Magda- HUGS and eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ( sorry Magda understands the squeal)

Tristan- morning sweety


James- how is your ear feeling honey? If it's still aching try heating some baby oil to skin temp and putting a few drops in your ear it'll help:)

NV- HUGS and sorry about the forgot to tell us how you indulge yourself ( though knowing you I expect you don't often)

WEll we were pondering what you do to indulge yourself, but how about the opposite. What chore is, for you , most hated?
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:12 AM


Third...I think...

Morning, MSG! :hugs: Here's hoping today goes better for you!

The meeting was delayed a bit...should be any time now.

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:13 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
What is the worst injury you have ever sustained ? (can be emotional or mental, not just physical)

I took a chance on a guy and he broke my heart. Months later, just as I was getting over it (i.e. had stopped crying), he wanted back in my life. We've been married 16 years.



Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:17 AM


Morning, RIMG. Hey to Tristan when you see this after your meeting.

I was in the Virtual Snowball fight most of yesterday and wasn't very Imponderable. The snowball fight was fun!

Biggest Indulgence? Time by Myself!It is a rare thing to have part of a day- even a few hours- by myself.
*gets misty just remembering the days of sleeping in on Saturdays, shopping after work, manicures, and watching tv by myself...*

Worst injury? Definitely mental - the loss of both of my parents, and my health, all within a 14 month period. A brutal year I couldn't relive between the depression of death and the haze of kidney disease.

I got my tattoo because of that year - a kanji to remind me that I lived through that, so I can face anything...but I really wouldn't want to know what would be worse than that year.

Well...enough of that! Can't wallow. Wallowing is for buffaloes.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:20 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

*JonnyQuest streaks through thread shamelessly plugging Christmas Blogs now with edits for those who’ve already been there*

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:22 AM


JQ - g'mornin, I haven't talked to you in a couple of days. How's your world?

MSG - *poke hugs* right back.

mornin' Mav, Clementine.

Indulgence - White chocolate, if we are going on the food level. Eating it straight or putting it into cookies or some other dessert, it's all good. I actually let myself indulge in video games sometimes as a reward for finishing something or going through a tough-ish time. Lastly, sometimes when I am supplying myself with the stuff LA29 and I use in the pub, I go for the higher quality stuff.

Injury - One day, one of my first loves calls and says "What would you do if someone called you and told you that they were completely in love with you?" I said I would have no response, and then she repeated the line to me without the hypothetical part, which caused me to produce the lack of responsee that I had predicted. After a month or so of seriously talking, she calls me after a weekend, tells me in detail about how she lost her virginity the past weekend and how she had been drinking and smoking (two things I was violently against at the time, and she knew it). Thank you Kendall, for showing me what a some girls can be. *sigh*

Chore - I really really really really really really hate cleaning up cat excrement. The isn't so bad but cleaning up the pee with it's amonia smell is just no fun.

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:25 AM



Originally posted by Clementine:

I took a chance on a guy and he broke my heart. Months later, just as I was getting over it (i.e. had stopped crying), he wanted back in my life. We've been married 16 years.


That's Beautiful...

"Am I talking to Miranda now?"


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:48 AM


hmmm worst injury would have to bemy senior year as a whole. I had spent 13 years of my life training to be a ballerina and had just landed top slot in RDT (premier dance company in SLC and in the top 5 in the western US) and we were rehersing for the second show. There was an accident during a lift and I shattered my ankle and after the operations to repair it was told I couldn't dance any more. Then 2 months later my boyfriend was killed by a drunk driver who crashed into his car, then 3 months after that one of my closest friends committed suicide in a really horrific way, then 4 months after that I was stalked during my first month of college by a guy who left threatening notes and such... so all in all not my most wonderful year, but it really helped me toughen up and deal. So I guess I think of it as worth it to some extent, though I'd rather not ever have it happen again.

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 5:54 AM


Wow MSG, that's just, wow. :-(

*lifts her up in a giant bear huggle*

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:16 AM


Well I think it'll be very overshadowed by MSG's post here, but I broke my collar bone clean through going down some stairs. Thats probably the worst injury. Pretty lucky in the injury department.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:24 AM


msg, that's definitely a horrible year. You are a strong woman to have weathered those storms.

I'm understanding you when you say:


so all in all not my most wonderful year, but it really helped me toughen up and deal. So I guess I think of it as worth it to some extent, though I'd rather not ever have it happen again.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:42 AM


Worst injury - My first girlfriend breaking up with me. It's nothing big, especially not compared to a lot of other people's stuff on here, but I'm an emotional wuss. She ended up doing a yo-yo deal with me, going out and breaking up with me multiple times over the next couple of months. She finally ended up staying with me again for about half a year, and at the end of that cheated on me with my best friend. I let her do all of it because I wasn't strong enough to just let her go the first time. Physical pain just becomes numbing after a while, but losing her hurt more than anything I've ever experienced.

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkyries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:50 AM


Well, that's over with!

So, where were we?
Most hated chore...hmm....I may be odd in that I enjoy all the stuff I have to do around the house. I would say, though, that the one I like the least is cleaning out the refrigerator. I am the type that keeps leftovers WAY past the good-eatin' date, and about once a month do a thorough cleaning. And it is not pretty.

Morning, JQ! Is it just me, or have your posts slowed down a bit?

Clementine, I love that story!

Morning, Mav! You are a strong person to have survived all of that! for still being with us and sane!

RIMG, I hated cleaning up after the cats, too. They lived in one room of the house, and the urine actually stripped the varnish off the hardwood floors in spots.

Hey, Fiddler! Not sure you have been in an Imponderable thread before, so welcome! I hope you decide to stick around and join us!

MSG...whoa. You and Mav are both heroes to me for having survived what you did! to you!

Morning, Navy! Ouch! Collarbones!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:54 AM


Crap! I keep missing you, CMH!
I wanted to ask you about the 76th. I know you will probably not be able to march, but we would still like you to be a member, if you are interested. Let me know!

I am sorry you had to go through that with the girlfriend. Believe it or not, that sort of sounds like what happened with the ex wife...and it was not a happy feeling!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:56 AM


Morning everyonw

My worst injury ? I've had lots of surgery, of all kinds .Does that count ? I tore the meniscus in my knee up and had laproscpy done .I've had my tonsils and appendix removed.2 c-sectionds and I had a cancer that was caught early & treated.Not to mention extensive oral surgery too.
My family calls me the queen of surgery.I've had a good year if I have nothing done.

When Dylan weas born I had ppd & that was the worst time, because it should have been the best & wasn't.

But, like you said Mav , it certainly teaches you that you can survive anything.

On that note - I think we all are one strong bunch of Browncoats !
or would we be a gaggle ? A herd ? or possibly a flock ?Help....

Edit : worst chore by far is diapers !



Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:00 AM


Worst for me was when my first kitty died. It took a few weeks for us to even figure out what was going on. He started losing weight and scratched a patch of fur off his neck. Then he stopped eating and things really started to plummet quickly. We had to put him to sleep the day before I left for college. That was not fun. Me and my mom were a wreck taking him to the vets.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:05 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:

Most hated chore...hmm....I may be odd in that I enjoy all the stuff I have to do around the house.

No, you aren't TOO much a freak of Nature. Single AND enjoy housework? Come up and see me some time!


Morning, Mav! You are a strong person to have survived all of that! for still being with us and sane!

That wishes doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Husband would question the "sane" part sometimes!


RIMG, I hated cleaning up after the cats, too. They lived in one room of the house, and the urine actually stripped the varnish off the hardwood floors in spots.

Wanna be REALLY grossed out? When I first met him, Husband cleaned carpets for a living and would show this to customers. At night, with lights off, shine a black light onto the pee pee area. Even years later, it will glow. Now go downstairs directly UNDER that area and shine the light up. Chances are you'll see glowing on the ceiling too! :blech:


MSG...whoa. You and Mav are both heroes to me for having survived what you did! to you!

I think msg has me "beat" for the year from hell, but to you.
A year like that would break a lesser person. So much loss, especially the dancing. To lose your career, your boyfriend...*shudders*


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:05 AM


CMH- HUGS Sweety that sounds utterly awful and I can't imagine being treated so badly over and over by someone I really loved. That kind of pain is soul destroying and it's not wimpy at all. Can I call her a skanky ho bag who should rot??? ( 'cause that's what she is)

Navy- hey broken collar bone hurts like all get out and takes an endless time to heal. I wouldn't say that's less in comparison.

LA- ok now scary childbirth stories. It'll make me all nervous and since today and tomorrow are my optimum days for the baby making..don't scare me:)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:13 AM


Tristan - No worries man, I'm trying to hold down two jobs right now to pay off some bills before I ship out on the 8th of next month, so I haven't had a lot of time to be around for you to catch me. I'd love to join the 76th, I'll probably go to the website and check it out/sign up this evening (around 1AM or so...). It's just been slipping me mind.

I'm not at all surprised that you experienced something similar to me. But you're older, probably had more time to get used to that type of situation and bounce back. But I just couldn't handle something like that again. It's funny, everyone keeps telling me to stay low and not die when I get deployed, but one of my largest ambitions in life is to take it in the field before I reach 40. I really don't want to grow old with all the injuries I have to my body, especially without a companion, but I'm also convinced that if I had one they'd just leave and make it all the worse. I'm not suicidal or angst driven about it, but death, a good death, is what I'd prefer.

MSG - You can call her whatever you want, I personally try not to be bitter about it anymore, but I usually fail. So I certainly wont try and defend what she did. She actually even tried to rekindle the romance a couple months back after I told her I was willing to be friends with her again. But that was the last straw, I told her that I couldn't decide if she was truly evil and trying to hurt me, or just so stupid that she didn't see what our history together would lead to. In either case, she's just not responsible enough emotionally or mentally for me to be around.

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkyries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:20 AM


CMH- don't make me smack you...You will not run out there and try to get hurt!!! Are you listening ?? HUGS we would be so sad if you were hurt. We're all going to miss you tons already, so don't lets go darting out into danger ok. That being said I just know you're going to end up in some Mal like moment where some jackasses are hurting some women and children and you step in and protect them all by yourself. So I do feel better knowing at least they have you ( since you at least can stay calm and not randomly mow down pedestrians/other soldiers in your unit in a friendly fire panic)So big HUGS and I will be soooo mad if you don't duck~!

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:20 AM


Mav...I believe you about the blacklight thing...and now I am going to have to do that. I am afraid.

CMH, good deal. I am glad you still want to be part of it.
I don't know about the bouncing back part. I have had bad breakups before, but in this last one I felt betrayed...and I hate that feeling. It is not something I want to go through again, which is why I am a bit more hesitant now about starting another relationship.
I don't want to see you dead by any means, but if that is your chosen path, then I hope you go out with a smile, protecting your buddies and for a good cause.

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:36 AM


I stubbed my toe once... *shrugs*

Truth is, my life has been a cascading series of painful moments, but one day, I walked in on my girlfriend having sex with a friend of mine (she was supposed to be out of town, and he was supposed to be at work, I had his spare key, and was going to borrow his Calculus book). Later on I got an F back on an exam forcing me to have to drop the class. (It was too late for refunds). One of my best friends was arrested in a drug raid at her boyfriend's house (she didn't know he was into dealing, we all thought she just ignored it). I got kicked out of a seminar because I asked a question that seemed rude. (Why should we listen to you? What are your credentials?)Then there was a huge fight, followed by a shooting outside the grocery store, when the news camera came and asked me... I had a booger on my nose. I noticed it later when I watched the report in the evening news. That night I went to bed thinking about my ex from a year and a half back and how I hurt her and would try to get back with her (strangely enough, the betrayal from earlier was almost expected). in the middle of the night I get a call from her brother, my classmate, saying she was engaged (damn!). As I went back to bed I stubbed my toe. It hurt so gorram much! After the day from bloody hell, that was the last thing I needed. I laughed for a good hour non stop. How much more ridiculous could life get? To have a shitty day and then stub your toe to boot! Ever since then (2 years ago) When I have a really shitty day, I stub my toe on purpose. It's my little thing. (I now have a bizarre crooked pinky toe, so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone).

"Am I talking to Miranda now?"


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:38 AM


I stubbed my toe once... *shrugs*

Truth is, my life has been a cascading series of painful moments, but one day, I walked in on my girlfriend having sex with a friend of mine (she was supposed to be out of town, and he was supposed to be at work, I had his spare key, and was going to borrow his Calculus book). Later on I got an F back on an exam forcing me to have to drop the class. (It was too late for refunds). One of my best friends was arrested in a drug raid at her boyfriend's house (she didn't know he was into dealing, we all thought she just ignored it). I got kicked out of a seminar because I asked a question that seemed rude. (Why should we listen to you? What are your credentials?)Then there was a huge fight, followed by a shooting outside the grocery store, when the news camera came and asked me... I had a booger on my nose. I noticed it later when I watched the report in the evening news. That night I went to bed thinking about my ex from a year and a half back and how I hurt her and would try to get back with her (strangely enough, the betrayal from earlier was almost expected). in the middle of the night I get a call from her brother, my classmate, saying she was engaged (damn!). As I went back to bed I stubbed my toe. It hurt so gorram much! After the day from bloody hell, that was the last thing I needed. I laughed for a good hour non stop. How much more ridiculous could life get? To have a shitty day and then stub your toe to boot! Ever since then (2 years ago) When I have a really shitty day, I stub my toe on purpose. It's my little thing. (I now have a bizarre crooked pinky toe, so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone).

"Am I talking to Miranda now?"


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:39 AM


I stubbed my toe once... *shrugs*

Truth is, my life has been a cascading series of painful moments, but one day, I walked in on my girlfriend having sex with a friend of mine (she was supposed to be out of town, and he was supposed to be at work, I had his spare key, and was going to borrow his Calculus book). Later on I got an F back on an exam forcing me to have to drop the class. (It was too late for refunds). One of my best friends was arrested in a drug raid at her boyfriend's house (she didn't know he was into dealing, we all thought she just ignored it). I got kicked out of a seminar because I asked a question that seemed rude. (Why should we listen to you? What are your credentials?)Then there was a huge fight, followed by a shooting outside the grocery store, when the news camera came and asked me... I had a booger on my nose. I noticed it later when I watched the report in the evening news. That night I went to bed thinking about my ex from a year and a half back and how I hurt her and would try to get back with her (strangely enough, the betrayal from earlier was almost expected). in the middle of the night I get a call from her brother, my classmate, saying she was engaged (damn!). As I went back to bed I stubbed my toe. It hurt so gorram much! After the day from bloody hell, that was the last thing I needed. I laughed for a good hour non stop. How much more ridiculous could life get? To have a shitty day and then stub your toe to boot! Ever since then (2 years ago) When I have a really shitty day, I stub my toe on purpose. It's my little thing. (I now have a bizarre crooked pinky toe, so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone).

"Am I talking to Miranda now?"


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:40 AM


I stubbed my toe once... *shrugs*

Truth is, my life has been a cascading series of painful moments, but one day, I walked in on my girlfriend having sex with a friend of mine (she was supposed to be out of town, and he was supposed to be at work, I had his spare key, and was going to borrow his Calculus book). Later on I got an F back on an exam forcing me to have to drop the class. (It was too late for refunds). One of my best friends was arrested in a drug raid at her boyfriend's house (she didn't know he was into dealing, we all thought she just ignored it). I got kicked out of a seminar because I asked a question that seemed rude. (Why should we listen to you? What are your credentials?)Then there was a huge fight, followed by a shooting outside the grocery store, when the news camera came and asked me... I had a booger on my nose. I noticed it later when I watched the report in the evening news. That night I went to bed thinking about my ex from a year and a half back and how I hurt her and would try to get back with her (strangely enough, the betrayal from earlier was almost expected). in the middle of the night I get a call from her brother, my classmate, saying she was engaged (damn!). As I went back to bed I stubbed my toe. It hurt so gorram much! After the day from bloody hell, that was the last thing I needed. I laughed for a good hour non stop. How much more ridiculous could life get? To have a shitty day and then stub your toe to boot! Ever since then (2 years ago) When I have a really shitty day, I stub my toe on purpose. It's my little thing. (I now have a bizarre crooked pinky toe, so I wouldn't recommend it to anyone).

"Am I talking to Miranda now?"


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 7:43 AM


Sorry my browser froze. and kept reposting till I closed it. (Everything where I am is possessed by evil)

"Am I talking to Miranda now?"


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:00 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Tristan:
Morning, JQ! Is it just me, or have your posts slowed down a bit?

Yes, well, it's like this. Our home computer caught the same stomach flu that's going around these parts and has slowly been deteriorating for a while now. It finally got to the point that, well, it became very anti-social. So we're having it wiped. Clean. The virus compromised a lot of the start up and shut down rountines taking a bit of the virus protection with it, hence the gradual breaking up. Or that's my take on it. Whatever. We have a loaner that I'm not touching lest my hand of doom kill it also.

At the same time work has been alternately busier and more cognizant of non-work-related activities (on my part anyway). So between the two issues I'm having a really hard time keeping up. If it keeps up this way for a while I might be resorting to emails to keep in touch with you all (easier to disguise as work). I love you guys and it's hell missing out on what's new. I've been staying out of several threads on purpose until I know my plans for D*C are solid as rep-u-tation, or at least my way is clear; a way is as good as a plan, right? (76th and Toga in a particular).

This sucks because it might indeed be a while before I have unlimited access again.
*glances in Magda's direction*
Don't know how you do it, sweetie, dad's computer an' all.

RIMG, I hated cleaning up after the cats, too. They lived in one room of the house, and the urine actually stripped the varnish off the hardwood floors in spots.

Uh, Tristan, you have heard about litter boxes, right?

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:01 AM


My apartment building is cursed ,so that nothing is ever fixed for more than 5 minutes before it brakes again.And don't even get me started on the doorknob situation !

Next time I stub my toe, I'm going to be thinking of your story !



Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:06 AM


Hey look, it's a broken record.....

Edit: that was refering to the four identical posts, which were the only ones there when I started to post this.

Okay, my year from hell was when I was 14. I was homeschooled and my mother worked in our home, so I was pretty much with her 24/7, which didn't make our lives any easier, since our relationship wasn't the best. Add to that the fact that she was supposed to be teaching me (or at least explaining how I was supposed to do the homework), but she was too busy with her job and then afterwords was too exausted, so I was expected to use the book and teach myself, which would be okay except sometimes the instuctions were worded strangely. I also didn't have very many opportunities to socialize, so I was lonely and didn't know how to relate to other people my age. At the same time, my parents were constantly fighting over the stupidest stuff (I remember once I told them I was going to eat a cookie and it started them off) and I always seemed to be in the middle of it. It got to the point that I wished they'd stop their cycle and either work it out (like they'd been trying for months) or just get a divorce and be done with it. And if that wasn't enough, I was also suffering from depression and had suicial thoughts (nearly turned thoughts into actions too, but that's another story).

Not as bad as some of the other stories here, but fairly painful nonetheless.

I'm a leaf on the wind


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:07 AM


Fiddler...just...damn. I am sorry to hear all of that!

JQ, ah, I understand now. I have enjoyed the Christmas blog, though. Thank you for taking the time with that.
A way is as good as a plan, no doubt about that at all!
We will be here in whatever capacity you are able to join, posts, whatever.

Oh, and I am well aware of the concept of a litter box, as was my cat...the ex's cat, however, was having none of that at all. That was the ultimate reason for finding them new homes. Please don't think I was living in a hell-hole smelling of cat piss...I cleaned every bloody day until I could no longer take it anymore, and the cats went for a nice ride down to the Humane Society. They are a no-kill shelter, or I would not have done it that way.

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:16 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
Most hated chore...hmm....I may be odd in that I enjoy all the stuff I have to do around the house. I would say, though, that the one I like the least is cleaning out the refrigerator. I am the type that keeps leftovers WAY past the good-eatin' date, and about once a month do a thorough cleaning. And it is not pretty.

RIMG, I hated cleaning up after the cats, too. They lived in one room of the house, and the urine actually stripped the varnish off the hardwood floors in spots.

I can't stand that. I am completely anal retentive about where things go in the fridge and how long they stay there. As for the cats, they aren't even mine, wife just couldn't/didn't take them when she left. I 2nd the


Originally posted by LittleAlbatross29:
On that note - I think we all are one strong bunch of Browncoats !
or would we be a gaggle ? A herd ? or possibly a flock ?Help....

I think we should be a plethora. A plethora of Browncoats.

CMH - I don't think I have ever known anyone who has claimed that they want a good death, especially in the connotation that you used it, and I think that is damn shiny.

Woah, quad-posties....

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:21 AM


Howdy Yall

Worst injury huh? Lets see, I used to rock climb a lot until I fell when I was twenty and tore my back up really bad. Put me out of commision for about 6 months and unfortunately still causes me to freeze up on cliffs every now and then.

Q: How much does one man's sorrow weigh?
A: As much as he allows it to weigh.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:26 AM


RIMG, "Do you know what a plethora is?" hehehe

Cats. Cute animals as long as they are someone else's...sorry to the cat lovers in here.

Mircea, how's the hand-shredding going?

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:29 AM


Tristan, well it had been until I started working this morning. Now I have a new box the shread.

we're getting computer upgrades so I'll prolly not be in much any more today.

Q: How much does one man's sorrow weigh?
A: As much as he allows it to weigh.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:32 AM


I'll take all the kittys.
To keep the peace in my house, we have no pets right now.I hate living without a cat or 2.



Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:32 AM


Mircea, I feel for you. Shred well, my friend...shred well!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:35 AM


Tristan- I understand. We had a male cat who hadn't been neutered until 7 and was an outdoor cat before we rescued him from the shelter and he felt a "marking" need. I was so glad when we got a house and hew as able to be an outside cat again free to pee wherever he wanted:)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:35 AM


Worst injury?, well I played Rugby for 6 years. I was quite good too; but the list of injuries is long:

2 broken ankles
13 broken toes (3X2)
dislocated elbow
2 separated shoulders
1 torn ACL
4 broken ribs
3 broken fingers
sprained neck
broken scapula
bruised sternum
monocular duplopia (eye injury)
6 concussions
and innumerable muscle pulls and tendon strains

The worst part, though, is the cumulative effect they have. Random intense headaches, pains, tendionitis and arthritis.

I've been rode hard and put away wet or as they say it's not the age it's the mileage.


That's just what we call pillow talk baby!


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:35 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
As for the cats, they aren't even mine, wife just couldn't/didn't take them when she left. I 2nd the

Took the kids and left the kits? Oh, HELL NO! MsQ nearly went off her nut about the first part. (Me, too, in my internalizing, festering gut sort of way!) That's just not right.


Originally posted by LittleAlbatross29:
On that note - I think we all are one strong bunch of Browncoats !
or would we be a gaggle ? A herd ? or possibly a flock ?Help....

I think we should be a plethora. A plethora of Browncoats.

Band of Browncoats. We could turn it into an HBO miniseries.

CMH - I don't think I have ever known anyone who has claimed that they want a good death, especially in the connotation that you used it, and I think that is damn shiny.

Not trying to rob you of your glory, just we'll be sore wounded if you don't come home. We're selfish that way.

Woah, quad-posties....

Is that a record? (Not the skipping kind; the Guiness kind. No wait, that would be at the Pub. The record book kind...) Sounds like a cereal. Try new Quad-Posties! Now with LOTS of sugar and artificial colors! (fluoride sold separately)

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:39 AM


JQ - You are just so shiny.



Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:47 AM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Took the kids and left the kits? Oh, HELL NO! MsQ nearly went off her nut about the first part. (Me, too, in my internalizing, festering gut sort of way!) That's just not right.

Band of Browncoats. We could turn it into an HBO miniseries.

It's life man, and I gotta look forward, or I will get into a severe depression. You shiny Browncoats help me through the days a lot.

I have the perfect person for the male lead. He's a Colonel in the 76th Independent Army. Well, he's the colonel.

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:51 AM


Morning, LA29! I keep missing responding to you, too! Is the tree still in one piece?

MSG, both of these cats were females. "Mine" was not really a cat at all...she acted more like a cross between a parrot and a dog. She liked to ride around on my shoulders, had to find the highest spot in any room, and had the loving mannerisms of a dog. She was a Russian Blue/Manx mix...gorgeous kitty. If I ever think about it, I'll post a picture of her.
The other ex wife's...was a fluffy tabby with a severe attitude problem. Never used the bloody litter box and liked to tear things up. In order to remove her from the house, I had to give up mine, too.
Sorry, did not mean to post that much on cats...

Kinetic...another "Damn!" must be posted. Um...I am going to guess you know several Drs on a first-name basis!

JQ, the quad-post is a pretty good one, but somewhere in the recent past (before now and after April of 2006), someone had over 400-500 posts in one thread. There was a lock or something, and it just kept posting. Somewhere in the archives is an innocent-sounding thread with about 900 posts in it. That would be the one.

I like the idea of Band of Browncoats...

We posted at the same time, RIMG...just read the "lead" suggestion....hehehe....thanks!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:07 AM


Tristan - Our coach was an M.D.


That's just what we call pillow talk baby!


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:25 AM


Oh I so wish I was home, but on the good side, I am off tomorrow ( got a sub and everything) figured if I have a doctor's appointment I can consider that illness related and take a sick day ( what I'm really sick of is the kids, but a day off can help with that too)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:26 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by LittleAlbatross29:
JQ - You are just so shiny.

I am out-shined by so many here, but thanks just the same and thank you for the comments on me blogging. You too, MsG, my original BDH, hereabouts.

Worst Physical Injury - would have to be the broken finger chronicled in another thread in days gone by. I have had a few surgeries but each of them of them could be classified as either elective or unwarranted so I choose not to count them. I've had several incidents regarding undocumented broken toes. Or not.

Worst Emotional Injury - Well, having lived to such an advanced age, I will only say that is

A Long Story

of a

A Checkered Past.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:37 AM


Just thought this is a nice relevant link from ponderables past

and the world makes sense again.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:38 AM


You know I always wanted a checkered past, but the best I could do was a harris tweed one:)
HUGS Jonny:)

EDIT- Zeek, could be worse, could be pasta:)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:50 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by msg:
You know I always wanted a checkered past, but the best I could do was a harris tweed one:)
HUGS Jonny:)

No Herringbone or Houndstooth? At least a Gingham...!

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"






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