How do you cure the Firefly Blues

UPDATED: Friday, January 5, 2007 14:27
VIEWED: 3793
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Wednesday, January 3, 2007 9:41 AM



I've been a fan of Firefly for a couple of years now but never felt the need to come online and post (Although I did use some guerilla marketing lol lifetime ban from my local 'Global Video' store!)

The reason I decided to join and post (took me a couple of days what with the holidays) was because,

I watched the complete Firefly series, followed by Serenity at christmas and this has never happened before but I've got the Firefly blues and I can't seem to shift it.

Previously when I've watched Firefly or Serenity I have felt bad with the thought that there may not be anymore, but nothing like this. I tried to think of anything else it might be, but I can only trace it back this. Plus I know it's Firefly as that's all I'm thinking about. I just feel helpless I can't do more. I've never wanted to be a billionaire more lol at least then I could start a new channel just for Firefly.

So I was wondering if anyone here had any tricks or suggestions that they use to calm the Firefly blues, something that can help me too lol. It's been 10 days! lol

'You can't take the sky from me'


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 9:57 AM


Hi Ayceofspades: yeah, I feel your pain...and I just discovered Firefly this past year in August AFTER seeing Serenity on HBO. Well, what can I tell you; the only thing that helps with the FFB's is to visit this board, get involved in the "vote for firefly"...yeah, yeah I KNOW it doesn't mean much but it's SOMETHING to do, dammit. I've even surprised myself (and those who know me!) by joining up with the 76th Independent Army Battalion that will have its first ever march this coming Labor Day at DragonCon in Atlanta! Another thing that could help you; join the SciFi forums (it's free)... and post regularly; there's a move to push for SciFi running Firefly (in the CORRECT order) as a summer replacement. (SciFi HAS run Firefly marathons).. I think this year the actors contracts to do another movie run a letter or two to Universal couldn't hurt. That's all I can help ya with...not much, I know but maybe it's enough.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:06 AM



Originally posted by ayceofspades:
So I was wondering if anyone here had any tricks or suggestions that they use to calm the Firefly blues, something that can help me too

You're doing it right now. Welcome to the torment. Start yourself a "new browncoat" thread--FollowMal will show and award you your browncoat, and lots of shiny folk will happen it to say, "Hi."

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Vote Firefly!


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 10:57 AM


HI AOS.. I feel your pain.. or your blues (nice shade by the way.. ) I have no cure other than to come here and hang with the other coats.. they get it and they get me.. there is comfort there..

We hang together waiting for the next cycle, assured that it WILL COME, but we do not know when...

Sorry for your down in the dumps, hope it passes soon...



Wednesday, January 3, 2007 11:10 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by ayceofspades:
So I was wondering if anyone here had any tricks or suggestions that they use to calm the Firefly blues, something that can help me too lol. It's been 10 days! lol

I have just the thing:

They're a group of very talented writers that have gotten together and (in tv script format) picked up the series and tried to imagine "what might have been" had the show continued.

Simply stated they do an excellent job. I'm not a big fanfic person, but this is different - it's really the next best thing to the real deal. They just finished a 2 parter for season 2, eps 13 and 14, that was great. Give it a try!

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 5:05 PM


AYCEOFSPADES, I can't help feel that your post makes me think of the scene in the Serenity pilot eps.The scene where Mal is looking over Serenity Valley as the Alliance battle crusers demolish the independent army. Yepper it's a sad feeling and it's one that many of us share. That's where our strength lies. Browncoats united. Coming here and posting helps. Getting involved in different things help. there is an emptyness that won't go away but it can be dulled by not facing it alone. Ask questions and spread the SHINY world of the verse. It may help more that you think. Good luck.


PS: SISTER had a good idea also. Go to the Si/Fi channel forum for Firefly and get involved there. There's more browncoats goodiness.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 5:38 PM


Don't squat with your spurs on.

Reading this might help.

It's sort of missing episode, script was written but never filmed. Also try some of the fanfics. For example:

The author of the above suggests watching westerns and using your imagination to embellish them. Like pretend they're robbing a hover train instead of steam locomotive.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 5:42 PM


Hello Ayceofspades:

I realise you are sad about the short life Firefly had. The reason this website exists is to promote the return of the show and to discuss the episodes that exist.

Just as Serenity attracted a crew and passengers of different personalities, so does this site. If you become active here you will find we are not a bad group to get to know. So Firefly has gone beyond the show. It has brought people together from all types of backgrounds. And now it has found you.

Welcome Ayceofspades. Learn about the people who share the Firefly experience.



Wednesday, January 3, 2007 5:51 PM


First let me give you a hug.


Sharing and spreading the word helps. Talking to other Browncoats helps.

Have you watched Done The Impossible? The fan documentary of our struggle from Friefly to Serenity?

Its great because it shows you are not alone.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 5:54 PM


By watching the Big Damn Series and Big Damn Movie over and over again and then coming here. ;)

I am evil, I am sly, and if you get eaten no one will cry.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 6:24 PM



Originally posted by ayceofspades:

...(Although I did use some guerilla marketing lol lifetime ban from my local 'Global Video' store!)

Whoa , that is TOO Cool ! So Browncoat-y !


Originally posted by ayceofspades:

Plus I know it's Firefly as that's all I'm thinking about. I just feel helpless I can't do more. I've never wanted to be a billionaire more lol at least then I could start a new channel just for Firefly.

So I was wondering if anyone here had any tricks or suggestions that they use to calm the Firefly blues, something that can help me too lol. It's been 10 days! lol

Not to worry , AYCE !

We're gonna find us a billionaire ! I'm still betting it'll be Paul Allen or maybe Richard Branson , not Gates . But , we won't be particular as to choice , so long as we get more Firefly .

One thing you might try is to re-watch all the eps in Spanish ! , but with English subtitles .
It's a whole different flavor ! I laugh my @$$ off everytime . From the first until the last !

First the titles come up , then the voiceover says , so-ooo dramatically , FI-UH-FLYYYY !

And I swear , sometimes they call our man Cobb
" JAYNIE " !

If you don't get the podcasts , you are really missing out ! Also , get the book , " Finding Serenity " , it is very interesting and thoughtful !

And by all means , get the " Done the Impossible " DVD , plus the soundtrack . It'll make you real proud to be a Browncoat !

Believe Unreasonably , and we will get new stories and shows in " our good girl " , Serenity !

Most importantly , share the 'Verse with some as need it told...

Lotta folk empathize with you , Love ! Sending warm , fuzzy , Browncoat salutations and affection out your way !

Keep the Faith . Share the Love . Feel the Joy !


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 7:07 PM


Hiya there, AYCEOFSPADES! First of all, like the other 'coats did you need a *hug*.

Pizmo already beat me to the Virtual Firefly. is a shiny remedy. Very accurate, very thrilling! These guys can produce the show themselves. Even without Joss ... NO. We need our Jossie! But I'm exposing state secrets.

We neither confirm nor deny the existence of our cupboard, nor that it may or may not contain one Joss "I love gravy" Whedon.We will not tell you that he is fed through a straw, and is allowed to see the sun on alternate Saturdays, permitting he keeps the cupboard unsoiled, which rarely happens, and now he does or does not have a Vitamin D deficiency. He may or may not be forced to write and reveal his Firefly secrets by threatening to make him watch Alien Resurrection four hourly.

Another way is ART!!! And VIDS! Time for shameless self-promotion --

and are my videos (youtube) and art (deviantart)

And then, like out2theblack says, watching eps in Espanol. Or Frnch. Or whatever. I'm gonna see if I can get the Russian Serenity. It's very entertaining, like JAYNIE. Honestly, the FI-UH-FLYYY scared me at first.

And then you can see movies/shows our actors was in. I've seen about every one everyone was in. The only one I don't plan on seeing anytime soon is the CSI where Sean plays creepy porn guy... In CSI they really managed to make Alan Tudyk not look sexy. It's a crime against humanity. Anyway, he plays the nicest pedophile you'll ever meet.



Wednesday, January 3, 2007 8:01 PM


Welcome home, ayce. You're #24410 on our very
shiny crew and we're right glad to see you here.
Yep, that SereniFly ache is hard to deal with,
but there's a lot to do, playing with the material
and spreading the love.

So have a dish of these strawberries -- best in
the 'Verse! -- and a mug of the Mudder's. We'll
go up to the galley to question the buffet when
the Captain decides it's chow time.

Meander 'round and someone'll no doubt hand you a
browncoat of your own.

Share the Firefly love with everyone.

~Bastards singed my turtle~
~We aim to exponentiate~


Wednesday, January 3, 2007 8:15 PM


I definitely will start reading that fanfic stuff pizmo, ty!

As for the blues, I cry in my sleep.


Thursday, January 4, 2007 2:04 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site Ayceofspades! Glad to have you finally log on & post here.

Thanks for telling us about your Firefly Blues. I think it is safe to say that every browncoat has had them at one point or another. The easiest way to cure them is to get online. I find discussing the show and BDM with other browncoats online helps. There is also fanfic galore on this site (in the Blue Sun Room) as well as other sites around the net.

Jump right in and make yourself at home.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Sergeant

[img] [/img]


Thursday, January 4, 2007 7:23 AM


Roll a fat one, guzzle down some cold brewskies, and just keep watching the episodes...over and over...then repeat..over and over.

Life never gets boring as long as Firely is on the screen...why watch anything else...I don't.

Where can I get a leather kilt?


Thursday, January 4, 2007 11:30 PM


I joined this forum just yesterday because I was having trouble dealing with it... I just keep watching the episodes and movie over and over whenever I feel it coming.


Friday, January 5, 2007 5:57 AM


Thanks for the support and suggestions, much appreciated.

I will definitely try them. Been try to post for a couple of days but my nets playing up.

Thanks again.

Right...I'm off to get my browncoat ;)

'You can't take the sky from me'


Friday, January 5, 2007 2:27 PM


Lol I also joined this forum some months ago since I had the Firefly blues. It's like a girl you can't stop thinking about, and there is nothing but that very girl that can make that feeling go away.


Anyways, I think I've watched every episode at least 3 times, and some of my favorite scenes more than 15 times. I've only watched Serenity once, and that was before I saw Firefly, so I intend to watch it again soon... see if I can spot some details I didn't notice before.

Also, have you read the comics? If not, I'd suggest you buy them, or if they aren't available in your area(I couldn't find em here I Denmark) then(I'm sorry) download them.






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