Male and Female Imponderables--Jerry Was a Racecar Driver

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 04:55
VIEWED: 7807
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007 1:41 PM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
HK a starlet? Could it be? I gotta find out if Sahara ever found her copy and search until I go blind.

Guh, I hope not. Really.

Originally posted by nvghostrider (regarding H'sK being in "Done the Impossible"??):
I thought the same thing when I was watchin' it last night. I'll see if I can snap a pic and post it tomorrow.

No, please don't. When asked, I specifically told the guys who created that thing that I did NOT want to be in their DVD. Apparently, it doesn't actually matter what I want.

Originally posted by Fitch66:
What was your worst subject when you were/at school?

Oi, there were many. "Biomedical fluids transport phenomena," "Advanced computer programming for biomedical engineers" (cuz, um, they neglected to give me ANY of the prerequisit courses to even begin to understand what was going on), "Advanced electrical circuit design for biomedical engineering" (which, again, no electrical anything courses ever taken), and Organic Chemistry are the few I can recall. Geez. I hated university. Miracle I graduated....

Originally posted by Rhyianan:
My worst subject in school has always been math. Not because I can't understand it, but because it is so tedious. There's a formula and you follow it. There is no creative thought involved, no room for interpretation, it just is.

BLASPHEMY!!! HERETIC!! Er... ahem... um. Sorry. *puts on sane person disguise* There's actually a lot of creative thought involved in the higher level mathematics courses, including such things like Chaos Theory (yay! \o/ fun! fractals! chaos!). Once you get the basics of understanding formulas, how they were derived, and why they were derived, the creativity comes in... with... aw, hell, no one's interested. Ne'er mind. Infadel.

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
I'm keeping my on you.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Re: underwear / knickers
Over-rated. In the interests of full disclosure (and me temporarily misplacing my constraint... aaaaand ignoring the bad joke in that), if I wear undies, it's gotta be a g-string (excluding certain occassions), otherwise, nuthin. It's such a liberating feeling. *snikker*

I'm sure I've missed something, but I'm once again walking in late after work. Bah.



Tuesday, January 9, 2007 1:48 PM


Being autodidactic is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

Not enough people are this way... and I see the horrible effects of that every day.

Diplomas aren't worth the money they're printed on, if you don't have the head to understand, apply, and build upon anything taught during the journey to the diploma.

*stops before this turns into a rant*



Tuesday, January 9, 2007 2:21 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


What was your worst subject when you were/at school?

Hmm... I can honestly say I've never had a worst subject. There have been lackluster teacher, and times when the work was boring and pointless, but as far as subjects go, it wasn't so bad. As long as I show up, pay attention, and do the work, I'm alright. Granted, I'm not a genius at anything (sometimes it takes me a while to learn something, and then a while to recall it later), but I'm competent in everything.

There have been certain subjects I wished I hadn't missed a week in, though (I missed all the lessons on S, P, and D orbitals; parabolic function equations; and number typing in 4th grade).

Rules on voting here:


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 2:39 PM


HK, I have no doubt that higher level math has more creative elements to it, but I'd never survive in math classes long enough to get that far. I'd get too bored with the tedium of doing the same thing over and over, with the only difference being that the numbers were different.

Let me put it this way: With math, when you ask why 2+2=4, nobody truly can answer in a satisfactorily way. The answer you get is usually "because it does." If you ask why leaves change color in fall, you can be told that the reduction in the amount of sunlight the leaves recieve triggers them to stop producing chlorlophyll (sp) and start producing a hormone that breaks down the remaining chlorophyll (sp), which allows the secondary pigments in the leaf to be seen. Now, I don't know about you, but I find the second answer to be a whole lot more interesting.

Also, you can't argue with math. 2+2=4, it never equals 5 or 3. Most other subjects have some ambiguity to them, which means that you can think for yourself and come to your own conclusions, but that's next to impossible with lower level math.

*edit: Sorry for the rant, but I find math to be the epitome of evil.

I'm a leaf on the wind


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 2:45 PM


My least favorite subject was Latin. I liked the grammar which helped when I started to learn other Romance Languages. The problem was I never took the time to memorize all of the vocabulary words. After the 3rd year, I knew it was the "clausula" (translation - end).

HK, I agree. I love the creativity of higher level math. It's not always obvious because of the way that our school system teaches it. How you solve the problem is just as important as the answer.

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Tuesday, January 9, 2007 2:49 PM



Originally posted by VerseExplorer:
HK, I agree. I love the creativity of higher level math. It's not always obvious because of the way that our school system teaches it. How you solve the problem is just as important as the answer.

Uh oh, I'm surrounded, time to run away from here.

I'm a leaf on the wind


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 2:54 PM


No need to run away. I promise we won't make you solve any dull math problems. We just like it.

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans

Private VeX is serving under SFC Alexander in the Medical Corp, and marching with the 76th
Sign up NOW!
More Information:


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 2:56 PM


I have just noticed this, though I do not know why it took so long: I am one of the very few on here who is a real big fan of math. I can think of one other, a sexy Slytherin (EDIT: I wrote this before reading her long post above), who might be.

Maybe the others are all lurkers.

EDIT #2: Really really surrounded...

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 2:56 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by Rhyianan:
Also, you can't argue with math. 2+2=4, it never equals 5 or 3. Most other subjects have some ambiguity to them, which means that you can think for yourself and come to your own conclusions, but that's next to impossible with lower level math.

Why do we use the words we use? Who decided we would call those big greenish leafy things trees? You can't argue with words, either.

2+2=4 must work, or all of math changes. We must all agree on what words mean or communication becomes impossible.

That's not to say I don't understand your dislike of the tedium. All of those weeks with fractions (because they stuck me in the stupid class for that year) were grating. Grr!


Sorry for the rant, but I find math to be the epitome of evil.

The epitome of evil? But, but, but - everything is math, if you think about it! There's the Fibonacci sequence in nature; as previously mentioned, fractals are pretty awesome; and, well, patterns in general are fun. It's useful in calculating tips for the pizza delivery guy, balancing one's checkbook, finding a pair of socks in the dark (you know, if you're into that sort of thing), and figuring out how much longer a landfill will remain usable.

I guess my Pre-Calc teacher was right: I am a math geek! Eep!

Edit: Oh, Rhyianan, you really are surrounded! Sorry!

Rules on voting here:


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 3:05 PM


Now, see I usually have no problem if there's a real world situation where I must use math, it's a neccesary evil . However, the other examples, like the Fibonacci sequence may be present in nature, but I don't have to manipulate it at all.

*edit: And why would I want to know how long a theoretical landfill is usable?

I'm a leaf on the wind


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 3:08 PM


Hi all,

*waves to everyone, skipping in the naming of names 'cause this is going to be long as is*

Okay, the undies question: Yes, 'cause wearing pants of anysort without is just uncomfortable on the "tender spots" in that groinal region.

Meds: Tried it once, but did very little for me, and at the time (for various reasons) I chose not to pursue it.


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by Fitch66:
What was your worst subject when you were/at school?

Oi, there were many. "Biomedical fluids transport phenomena," "Advanced computer programming for biomedical engineers" (cuz, um, they neglected to give me ANY of the prerequisit courses to even begin to understand what was going on), "Advanced electrical circuit design for biomedical engineering" (which, again, no electrical anything courses ever taken), and Organic Chemistry are the few I can recall. Geez. I hated university. Miracle I graduated....

*blinks* As a former student of engineering those sound like scary/fun classes (scary 'cause the translating it into simple words for me would be almost as long as doing the design/calculations/etc; fun 'cause the geek in me had so much fun playing with circuits)
The Organic Chem...never had it, but I'll trade you a Physical Chem for it. (How hard is it? I had a friend keep ripping into me about how hard Organic Chem was and how I had "no concept" of hard chemistry -- then when I gave her a "Physical Chemistry Problems Solved" book for her sister studying Pharmacology, she relented and said I was right -- PChem's tough.)



Originally posted by Rhyianan:
My worst subject in school has always been math. Not because I can't understand it, but because it is so tedious. There's a formula and you follow it. There is no creative thought involved, no room for interpretation, it just is.

BLASPHEMY!!! HERETIC!! Er... ahem... um. Sorry. *puts on sane person disguise* There's actually a lot of creative thought involved in the higher level mathematics courses, including such things like Chaos Theory (yay! \o/ fun! fractals! chaos!). Once you get the basics of understanding formulas, how they were derived, and why they were derived, the creativity comes in... with... aw, hell, no one's interested. Ne'er mind. Infadel.

*pat pat* Don't mind 'em HK, they know not what they speak of Math can be so much fun ('course this is from a science teacher, so I'm a bit prejudiced ).

RIMG: *squee* sorry, slow in responding to posts, so *shnuggle*.

JQ: ('cause I'm too lazy to post in the pub right now) flower leis, (recommendation, check out some of the Hawaiian-music nominations for the Grammys from any year) slack-key guitar, hula kahiko (for various reasons, one of them *yum* ), the location where LOST is shot (where Nathan did a guest spot on), surfing without needing a wetsuit, white sand beaches, black sand beaches, green sand beaches (olivine)...need I go on ?

Side note (semi-overflow from another thread, but the issue started here) -- Sometimes I notice and wonder when people don't respond to me. But on the other hand topics flow and switch so fast that my .02 plat is my own, so if folks are feeling angry on my behalf that I'm "ignored" please stop. Yes, having validation is nice, but I'm used to be the oddball, so if no one responds, that's fine to.

(now here's hoping that this post don't get snacked on by the internet like my last try...)


Edit: Yay! it went through!
P.S. NVG: Some folks do well without a degree of any sort, other folks couldn't find their rear end with their degree, a map, and a clue... Degrees only help as far as possibly getting you in the door (it's supposed to be an indication of how flexible your brain is from one school of thought).


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 3:10 PM



Originally posted by Rhyianan:
Also, you can't argue with math.

But, yes! Yes, you can! *glee!*

2+2=4, it never equals 5 or 3.
It can so. You just need a smartass to selectively futz with the laws of mathematics. Which I will NOT do for the sake of keeping this thread alive and you awake.

Am I not merciful?

*coos at DancingNeko, RIMG (sexy Slitherin? *giggle!*), VerseExplorer, YinYang, and all the other secret math geeks*



Tuesday, January 9, 2007 3:15 PM


Yes, you are very merciful. By starting this argument that is meant only in fun, you have helped ease the loneliness of a poor college girl, and for that I thank you. I haven't had this much fun in a while.

I'm a leaf on the wind


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 3:28 PM


Glad to see ya hop in RugBug. Its rare to catch ya now. I didn't really see you as one in need of comfort, but it helps to have a cute public servant to distract from the pain.

I'm figurin' that some people really do need some alignment for their education. Some folks really benefit from being told as opposed to seeing or experiencing.
Oh, and if it was you that I saw last night don't be bashful. I thought the person I thought could be you was very energetic and enthusiastic. It says alot for a person who can communicate their absolute love for any given subject.

I got the call today. We go out ballin' again Sunday and I'm hyped beyond belief. My kit is gonna consist of a G36 style Light Machinegun-esque weapon. Extra patches for the 76th will be part of the ensemble. And my ass is workin' hard to get in better shape for our teams "scrimmage/sparring" with other teams.
Weapon specs: Tippmann A5 w/response trigger. G36 shroud (for that Independant look). 20 inch two piece barrel. Air through M-249 Saw style stock. 330 ball hopper. These are the basic asthetics of the A5 I'll be slingin'.

I'm way into this.

ADD: Hey Neko. (Hugs) Hope all is well. Thanks for the lookin' out. I like not needing a piece of paper to tell folks I'm a semi-intelligent being. I do aspire to be something better, at least for myself. Maybe writting a book or ten after I can do most of the work for myself. Lord knows my grammar and spelling needs a ton of work.


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 3:34 PM


When I decided to return to school I to math and found I was good at it. Grammer, not so good. But I love to write anyway. And since I have not used calculus in the last ten years I can't remember any of it.

So if one person tells two people about Firefly, today, and those two people tell two more people the next day and this continues, you will have a whole lot of people knowing about Firefly by the end of the month.



Tuesday, January 9, 2007 3:36 PM


HK: I argue with math on a frequent basis.

In the words of the immaculate Patrick Stewart: "THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS!!!"

And I don't like that the antiderivitive of x^-1 is ln(x). It angers me. It fills me with generic rage.

Generic Rage ---->

Yeah. I'm feelin' silly.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 3:39 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

Awright, awright everybody. Step aside! You've all had your fun. Show's over. Step back and let a professional, conceptual physicist take over. The line between pure high level mathematics, physics, philosophy and mysticism is so blurred as to be non-existent. That makes everything important and everything trivial. Every opposite meets its own end. The infinite is all and all is naught. We are all one with the universe and the universe is infinite. Maybe. Or not.

Rhyianan, You have no idea how surrounded you are!

The best part about conceptual physics is that you can grasp the deep notions without all the rigors that the mathematics imposes on true physicists. Not withstanding, I love math. Godel and Ulam are among my personal heroes.

I don't remember any bad subjects, but I do remember being a bad student several times in various ways. Flunking was not beneath me if I chose to. And it was a choice. In grade school a B was the equivalent of failure. In high school that became less of an issue. By the time college came around, I really didn't give a .

Sorry I just a premature posticulation. How embarrassing!


Neko, I GIVE UP!

Hi VX!!

HK, responding to you will take a whole 'nuther post. And what else is new?

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 3:40 PM


Does generic rage cause a vision of an angry chimp stomping about throwing poop for anyone but me? I know thats how I feel in that basic or generic rage zone.


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 3:54 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by JamesTheDark:
And I don't like that the antiderivitive of x^-1 is ln(x). It angers me. It fills me with generic rage.

Generic Rage ---->

I find it QUITE derivative myself...Where's that monkey poop?

Hi Rugbug!

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 4:00 PM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Step back and let a professional, conceptual physicist take over.

Fundamentally, I don't believe in physics. Any subject that likes to tout its principles or laws as being "universal" without any actual understanding of what truly exists in the universe, outside the confines of earth, should be disregarded, and, in some instances, mocked.

(for a minute, i thought you were gonna tell us we exceeded our post count)

Originally posted by Dancingneko:
Okay, the undies question: Yes, 'cause wearing pants of anysort without is just uncomfortable on the "tender spots" in that groinal region.

Fabric softener is a wonderful thing.

I feel I should clarify instead of erasing my confession regarding undies. Part of the reason I don't partake often in the panty wearing is because of my Company's New Dress Code. Granted, I was fairly free prior to that, but I do so enjoy being contrary to Corporate.

Ya see, part of the New Dress Code is that it is unacceptable to be at work with a "visibly obvious lack of undergarments."

So, I really just want to be in HR's office, with my accuser, when my accuser tries to explain that (s)he noticed I'm not wearing knickers because (s)he spent an inordinate amount of time staring at my ass.

Originally posted by Dancingneko:
*blinks* As a former student of engineering those sound like scary/fun classes (scary 'cause the translating it into simple words for me would be almost as long as doing the design/calculations/etc; fun 'cause the geek in me had so much fun playing with circuits)

Granted, thinking back on it, it was kind of fun. But going into some of these high level courses without any fundamentals? Well, it's kind of like not knowing how to swim, and so your swimming instructor takes you, blind folded, up into a Boeing X-32 traveling at Mach 1.6 at 70,000ft above sea level, at night, East bound, and pushes you out the door without telling you anything and without a parachute over the Atlantic in order to teach you how to swim.


Okay. Better now.

And lookee the time! I must go pledge bits of my soul to House now. *glee!*



Tuesday, January 9, 2007 4:10 PM


Enjoy the House HK. I have to admit havin' fought for the commando team for some years now. Don't know where I'm goin' with this so I'll shut up about it.
Oh, if your smim istructor does this, he needs to learn to do more than swim. Mach 1.6 is something like 1100 miles per hour and 70,000 feet is a little over 13 miles up. Either of those factors would kill a person instantly.

Guess the blindfold was good for something.


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 4:27 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

Merciful, my ass. Exceeded your post count. you! And I'll be the judge of your ASSets.

Hi Traveler! Hi YinYang! I think that's everyone here at the moment anyway...

Now as promised:


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
HK a starlet? Could it be? I gotta find out if Sahara ever found her copy and search until I go blind.

Guh, I hope not. Really.

Originally posted by nvghostrider (regarding H'sK being in "Done the Impossible"??):
I thought the same thing when I was watchin' it last night. I'll see if I can snap a pic and post it tomorrow.

No, please don't. When asked, I specifically told the guys who created that thing that I did NOT want to be in their DVD. Apparently, it doesn't actually matter what I want.

Aren't they supposed to have you sign a release or something before they put you into it? You could sue them. Yeah! That's it. Think of how popular that would make you around here. Damn. What's the mathematical expression for Catch 22?

BLASPHEMY!!! HERETIC!! Er... ahem... um. Sorry. *puts on sane person disguise* There's actually a lot of creative thought involved in the higher level mathematics courses, including such things like Chaos Theory (yay! \o/ fun! fractals! chaos!). Once you get the basics of understanding formulas, how they were derived, and why they were derived, the creativity comes in... with... aw, hell, no one's interested. Ne'er mind. Infadel.

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
I'm keeping my on you.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Who's watching the Watchmen?


Re: underwear / knickers
Over-rated. In the interests of full disclosure (and me temporarily misplacing my constraint... aaaaand ignoring the bad joke in that), if I wear undies, it's gotta be a g-string (excluding certain occassions), otherwise, nuthin. It's such a liberating feeling. *snikker*

Guh! (In quite the opposite sense you used it above...the pain, the pain)

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Being autodidactic is a wonderful, wonderful thing.

Especially when clad as indicated above?

Not enough people are this way... and I see the horrible effects of that every day.
Diplomas aren't worth the money they're printed on, if you don't have the head to understand, apply, and build upon anything taught during the journey to the diploma.
*stops before this turns into a rant*

As an employee of an institution of higher learning, I can say after nearly two decades of observation, the number of letters following one's name is absolutely no indication of intelligence or erudition. It's sad because they ought to mean something, and it's especially sad when in the case of most of the people here it actually is an indicator of smarts and schooling. It just doesn't seem to work that way. Just like the kids that have the silver spoon thing going on not caring a whit about the education they are getting and the ones who are working two jobs, raising their kids and trying to make a better life for themselves. It just doesn't work that way. Give me someone who knows what they're talking about anytime over someone who is spouting off meaningless jargon that makes them sound like they know. /rant. I think we's all the same on this one...

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 4:48 PM


Environment has a lot to do with learning. I grew up in an insane home and accomplished very little. When I finally started to put my life together I found out I could learn and enjoy the process.



Tuesday, January 9, 2007 4:53 PM


Still at work waiting for my gorram truck. Oh well. Not too angry seein' as I get to spend more time on the boards.

Jq, my current title initials are Admin. Asst. which to alot of folks means "Secretary". I believe my title initials to be HNICON, (Head Native In Charge Of Nothing).
For the folks who like to call me a secretary I simply call myself BOHICA. Normally I'm JAFO. Either way all those people with the alphabet behind their names can say what they want as long as they aren't bent on passing judgement on things they either have no concept of or in situations they've never been in.

I must be a little envious of the alphabet people, I suddenly had chimp urges. I just wanna go home.

ADD: I'm with ya Traveler. I actually enjoy learning again now that life had stabilized to a bearable point. Though sometimes I do get the occasional new brain wrinkle headache.

ADD PT 2: I'm gone for a couple days (more than likely Friday). Training's gettin' in the way of my quality time with y'all. Just give me a heads up is anyone's got answers to the line of questions I always seem to have open. Goodnight. Love and hugs to all.


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 5:14 PM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Merciful, my ass. Exceeded your post count. you! And I'll be the judge of your ASSets.


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Who's watching the Watchmen?

...travesty... FING travesty against all that exists.

Hm. Is this post # 125 of this thread?
I'ma go to bed now before this thread is abandoned for a new one.

*stares at JoQu*



Tuesday, January 9, 2007 5:15 PM


Geesh, it's been a while since I've posted more than once a thread...


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by Dancingneko:
Okay, the undies question: Yes, 'cause wearing pants of anysort without is just uncomfortable on the "tender spots" in that groinal region.

Fabric softener is a wonderful thing.

I feel I should clarify instead of erasing my confession regarding undies. Part of the reason I don't partake often in the panty wearing is because of my Company's New Dress Code. Granted, I was fairly free prior to that, but I do so enjoy being contrary to Corporate.

Ya see, part of the New Dress Code is that it is unacceptable to be at work with a "visibly obvious lack of undergarments."

So, I really just want to be in HR's office, with my accuser, when my accuser tries to explain that (s)he noticed I'm not wearing knickers because (s)he spent an inordinate amount of time staring at my ass.

*snigger* Yeah, that'll be a very entertaining... *blinks with a scary thought* Unless they're complaining 'cause you're wearing a skirt and they're wearing mirror-shiny dress shoes or something. (Bad brain! Stop acting like the teens you teach! )



Originally posted by Dancingneko:
*blinks* As a former student of engineering those sound like scary/fun classes (scary 'cause the translating it into simple words for me would be almost as long as doing the design/calculations/etc; fun 'cause the geek in me had so much fun playing with circuits)

Granted, thinking back on it, it was kind of fun. But going into some of these high level courses without any fundamentals? Well, it's kind of like not knowing how to swim, and so your swimming instructor takes you, blind folded, up into a Boeing X-32 traveling at Mach 1.6 at 70,000ft above sea level, at night, East bound, and pushes you out the door without telling you anything and without a parachute over the Atlantic in order to teach you how to swim.


Okay. Better now.

By the way: "Secret Math Geek?" I'm more of the lightweight math geek (as some of the math teachers I work with claim). Physics is my favorite subject to teach (so many hands-on things to do and excuses to use.."I'm doing a sound and light demonstration for the final class. You may bring snacks and finish consuming the materials from the bouyancy lab."* )

Yeah, that too...been there, done that waaaaaaay too many times (and let's not count the times I've forgotten the newest/latest jargon for theories, etc. for work *shudder*).

JQ: Darnit, I had a few more things to mention. Seriously though, if you want to hear some of the best Hawaiian music, check out the albums made by the Grammy Nominees for any year (since it started).

Rhyianan: Live on a rock in the middle of the Ocean and then the useability of that "theoretical landfill" becomes a "real landfill". (Not that I want to go out my way to figure out the answer, mind you.)

NVG: Things are good...break's almost over (boo) but I've been going into work a lot anyways so...

Heh. I think I've got the most responses to this last post that any in a long time. *giggle* I'm wondering if my side note is partially a reason.

* Translation: "We're watching a video on the last day of school, bring snacks, you can finish the canned drinks (sodas and juices) we used for our bouyancy lab." (Yes, my students thought I was odd at times. )


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 5:15 PM


Man- I take a day off and nap to try a get ahead and prevent cold and you guys go for the panties/theoretical math constructs while I'm gone???

Oh and NV- Angry chimp flingin' poop would be a great name for a rock band. Oh I have not laughed so hard in a while...

James- I have and do take Ritalin daily. I went off for a bit and thought eeeeeeeeeeeek I have no mind. So for me, it's really been valuable, however, I'd agree with the second opinion and try other types of meds thing first....also side note. A lot of kids with ADD end up given depression meds when they really need the ADD meds because the ADD behavior and difficulties are what is making them depressed and when they get rid of that problem, the depression lifts :)

I believe I answered the underwear question, but in case I didn't ...yes I do wear it( and it matches my bras and is lacy and silk and in lots of fun colors) see now that is oversharing :)
HUGS to you all and I will be on tomorrow at my normal time:)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 5:22 PM


Still here waitin' for my truck. Blushing a little at the description of MSG's underthingies. Feel a little underwear envy.

Neko, I thought you were supposed to be stayin' away from work as much as possible. Might need to drag you away for some fun AWAY FROM WORK!!! Just a thought.

ADD: Okay. I'm gone now.


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 5:28 PM


Depression is hard to diagnose. My doctor had a hell of a time with me because I was such a mess.
Now I am on meds that have been working for years. It just took years to learn what I needed.



Tuesday, January 9, 2007 7:56 PM


NVG, in reference to the post that starts with "For those who've posted here for a while..."
You are one hell of a man, you know that? *big huge man hugs* I cannot wait until we meet face to face and I can tell you how much I love and respect you, brudda.

Hell's Kitten, I add my own set of eyes to the mix...well, not mine, but...

Ego, cum gladiis et fustibus

(Confession time...Latin is a turn-on for me...)

Math...ok, here's my thing with math. If you set a problem down in front of me and tell me to solve it, I freeze like a deer in brain literally shuts down. However, and I only discovered this recently, I can do complicated figurin' in my head if I don't know what I am doing. I mean this more in the case of patterning, armoring, things of that nature. Where there is a way of writing down a solution to a...hell, this is going nowhere....
I can do math if I don't think about it, but it was my worse subject in all of my schooling.

I'm done for the evening, and this may be posted on a thread that has already moved...we'll see!

Hello and goodnight to all I missed!

Oh, qing ren?

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Tuesday, January 9, 2007 9:50 PM


Hmm... meds and math.

I have come close many times to taking depression meds, but I never actually have. Maybe I should have. But right at this moment, with the show taking up the vast majority of my time it seems, I couldnt be happier. Well I could, by my usual standard, anyways.... Cause I get to see people every day that I get to hug, and I get to do whacky things in funny ways, and I get to buy kneepads for better kneeling and falling. At this particular moment, I don't need no stinkin' meds, which encourages me to believe that maybe I never did, and so its no loss that I... never did.

And math... *shudder*. I am firmly in the anti-math category. I'm currently in AP calc A/B, and while I can do it, and its not insanely weird, its as monotonous as ever, and its so gorram pointless. And more to the point, I'd go insane if I spent my life doing math, so I'm not going to. Sure math is interesting, but of things to care about on the existential scale of "life is meaningless" etc, math is pretty darn low.

Talk to you all anon. Maybe the dang ASB will remember to let me present Firefly Club tomorrow. Maybe.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"We take all the money we got saved right now, we could maybe buy a moderately sized gerbil." -Mal


Tuesday, January 9, 2007 10:18 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by RugBug:
Again popping in to say hi. And on a thread that I can actually read without it taking an hour or so. How'd I get so lucky? And one of my favorite Primus songs? I should go buy some lottery tickets.

Hello gorgeous RugBug!! You have been missed... I really mean it!! How are you??

Now that I have pounced on your post and replied to it and asked all these questions I will probably scroll down some more and find that you have already answered all my questions... and more! But I was just so happy to see you've posted at last!!!

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:54 AM



Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:55 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"






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