Firefly- The Animated Series

UPDATED: Friday, February 2, 2007 05:08
VIEWED: 29855
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:17 PM



I am an animation Producer (a Firefly fan as well) and am wondering what percentage of you would watch an animated continuation of the story where the movie left off? It would use the same actors voicing the characters.

I don't think it would be difficult to get backing for this given the huge fan base. We'd just have to get Joss on board to write and do the voice direction.

I'm going to Sundance Film Festival this year to promote my film strange frame. I'd like to know if you fans support an animated series or not - then I can try to see if I can get to Joss at the Fest.

]Is there a way to set up a poll on this forum page?

GB Hajim
Producer / Director
screaming wink productions


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:28 PM


Will that original cast be the voices?

EDIT: There's a "weekly" poll on the front page that has been the same thing since I can remember. It technically could be changed, but you'll have to get Haken to change it (good luck). I'd say, just let this thread be the poll.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:32 PM


I like the idea, go for it, the "Browncoat Banners" support you!


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:38 PM



Originally posted by SigmaNunki:
Will that original cast be the voices?

That is what we'd shoot for. The big issue (besides Fox blowing the promotion of the series) is cost versus audience. Firefly had a solid audience, but not quite large enough to support its big budget (all sci-fi is expensive) We could do the animated series for less than half of the live action budget and still have the same CG work (all the space ship stuff would look exactly the same as the live series)

Let me know if you have more questions or concerns.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:47 PM


This sounds like a shiny idea. I'll definitely be keeping my eyes open here.

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:50 PM


I dunno, animated seems kinda... eh. Maybe. I dunno how well each character and the chemistry of the ensemble would come through if it wasn't live action.

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When watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in theaters:
In the Shrieking Shack, with Sirius Black (Quote #1) and Harry Potter (Quote #2):
"It's Jesus!"
"Harry Potter's the AntiChrist!"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 1:00 PM



Originally posted by shameless:
I dunno, animated seems kinda... eh. Maybe. I dunno how well each character and the chemistry of the ensemble would come through if it wasn't live action.

We totally appreciate your honesty.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 1:28 PM


I'd love to see that! I'm actually working on a little Firefly annimated story myself. I'm not a producer or anything. Just a guy on a PC with a little knowledge of CG annimation. But to see a proffesionaly done animated Firefly show would be too cool!


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 1:42 PM


I'd welcome it, but I would hope it would serve as a bridge to more live action (big screen or small).

Some may remember the animated Star Trek series. Aside from its rather poor animation quality, it was actually quite solid, and brought in new science fiction concepts that went beyond the ST-TOS series. For instance, it had a truly non-human character that didn't look like a man in a rubber face prosthesis, and used stories from well-known SF authors like Larry Niven. While those specific items are not applicable to Firefly, the concept is: animation can allow things (like ultra-dangerous stunts) that live action can't.

All in all, it was a very sweet little tidbit that filled a gap (in real time, not so much in fictional time) between the series and the first movie.

I do have a number of concerns, however. First would be to maintain the quality of storytelling of the original. I can't see this going anywhere without Joss (or his blessing), and you'd have to get at least part of the original writing team involved.

Second, you could not target this at children. Firefly was very much an adult themed show and any continuation would have to be the same. I sure don't see FF as a Saturday Morning show (even though the ST animated series was). That's problematic, since the only successful adult-themed animated shows have all been comedies (Flintstones, Simpsons). And the more adult the themes, the less likely the success (witness the struggles of Futurama and Family Guy). So I wonder where a network client would think to slot such a show. Would any take a chance on this in prime time, given the risk?

Third, you say the CG would be the same as on a live action show... but isn't it the CG that's the expensive part? I don't understand the economies here. And how would you fit animated actors into the very realistic CG?

Finally (and no offense), who are you? Do you have a track record in the industry? Have you sold any shows of any kind to anyone, anywhere? The last thing this franchise needs is another perceived failure, and Joss (knowing that) would be unlikely to put his trust and cooperation in some upstart outfit. Now, if you were a Miyazaki-caliber studio, that would be one thing; otherwise...

So as I see it, you face a very tough road full of potholes. If this proposal is anything but pie-in-the-sky, I'm all behind it -- but you'll have to "show me the money" before I get all excited-like.

I'm pointin' right at it!


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 1:52 PM


I'd be interested, particularly if you could make the elements combine well - the look and feel must reflect the series while still being realistic about it being an animated show.

Perhaps you should keep an eye on how well PVP the animated series develops - that has a similar setup with a group of cult fans as well as mainstream potential.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 1:57 PM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
I'd welcome it, but I would hope it would serve as a bridge to more live action (big screen or small).

Some may remember the animated Star Trek series. Aside from its rather poor animation quality, it was actually quite solid, and brought in new science fiction concepts that went beyond the ST-TOS series. For instance, it had a truly non-human character that didn't look like a man in a rubber face prosthesis, and used stories from well-known SF authors like Larry Niven. While those specific items are not applicable to Firefly, the concept is: animation can allow things (like ultra-dangerous stunts) that live action can't.

All in all, it was a very sweet little tidbit that filled a gap (in real time, not so much in fictional time) between the series and the first movie.

I do have a number of concerns, however. First would be to maintain the quality of storytelling of the original. I can't see this going anywhere without Joss (or his blessing), and you'd have to get at least part of the original writing team involved.

Second, you could not target this at children. Firefly was very much an adult themed show and any continuation would have to be the same. I sure don't see FF as a Saturday Morning show (even though the ST animated series was). That's problematic, since the only successful adult-themed animated shows have all been comedies (Flintstones, Simpsons). And the more adult the themes, the less likely the success (witness the struggles of Futurama and Family Guy). So I wonder where a network client would think to slot such a show. Would any take a chance on this in prime time, given the risk?

Third, you say the CG would be the same as on a live action show... but isn't it the CG that's the expensive part? I don't understand the economies here. And how would you fit animated actors into the very realistic CG?

Finally (and no offense), who are you? Do you have a track record in the industry? Have you sold any shows of any kind to anyone, anywhere? The last thing this franchise needs is another perceived failure, and Joss (knowing that) would be unlikely to put his trust and cooperation in some upstart outfit. Now, if you were a Miyazaki-caliber studio, that would be one thing; otherwise...

So as I see it, you face a very tough road full of potholes. If this proposal is anything but pie-in-the-sky, I'm all behind it -- but you'll have to "show me the money" before I get all excited-like.

I totally understand your concerns:
1. We'd only move forward with Joss and his writing team involved

2. We'd market this to the same audience that FFTOS was targeting. Indeed, this is not a proven animation market. We did fail at our attempts to make a seperate animated TV show with the same demographic, but our financial situation has changed and the venues for the show has changed. Time slots are going to be a secondary market. Downloads and on demand television will be dominant, especially for our market demographic.

3. CG tends to be expensive, but compositing between CG and live action is just as expensive. The blend between the CG and our style of animation seems to work fine. Obviously it wouldn't work with other styles of animation.

4. We are an independent studio. We'd finance this on our own. We have had a track record of successful productions in many parts of the industry. I think waiting for the networks to come around on this show is not realistic nor letting them have any control would be prudent (given the history). We do have connections with Miyazaki's studios, but design would come from ourselves and Jean Moebius Giraud who is working on our current project with us.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:05 PM


I would watch it as long as it wasnt Saturday morning garbage. Fox has proved that nightime animated series can work.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:07 PM


Artwork from animation samples below


Second Image removed by request

This is the style and quality of the animation. This is not your typical cel nor CG work.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:20 PM


Hmmm, it is a very intresting propersion you've put forword, I must confess I like the idear alot, but I, as with everyone here would be worried about it being balled by the network's, if you spin this thing wroung.

It's a nice idear but I can't see it gettin off the ground so to speek, go with my blessing's, but I dont think the network's will go with it.

Still aiming for the impossible is what the BrownCoats are all about
Good Luck with it.

The Operative: Are you willing to die for your beliefs?
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: I am...
[they draw. Mal fires first, and the Operative is forced to take cover]
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: 'Course, that ain't exactly plan A.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:20 PM


Hmmm, it is a very intresting propersion you've put forword, I must confess I like the idear alot, but I, as with everyone here would be worried about it being balled by the network's, if you spin this thing wroung.

It's a nice idear but I can't see it gettin off the ground so to speek, go with my blessing's, but I dont think the network's will go with it.

Still aiming for the impossible is what the BrownCoats are all about
Good Luck with it.

The Operative: Are you willing to die for your beliefs?
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: I am...
[they draw. Mal fires first, and the Operative is forced to take cover]
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: 'Course, that ain't exactly plan A.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:47 PM



Originally posted by Mangolo:

That is what we'd shoot for. The big issue (besides Fox blowing the promotion of the series) is cost versus audience. Firefly had a solid audience, but not quite large enough to support its big budget (all sci-fi is expensive) We could do the animated series for less than half of the live action budget and still have the same CG work (all the space ship stuff would look exactly the same as the live series)

Let me know if you have more questions or concerns.

So, it'll be along the lines of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, except higher resolution?

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 3:37 PM


Being a huge animation fan, I'm really excited at the idea.

As you said, it's not a proven demographic in network television, but the success of adult-aimed anime series (Witch Hunter Robin, Ghost in the Shell: Stand-Alone Complex) proves that there is a market for it, and the success of teen-aimed shows (Justice League Unlimited, Avatar: The Last Airbender) demonstrates that long, intricate arcs are possible even in a half-hour serial.

Maybe pitch it to the specialty networks (I can see Cartoon Network or Sci-Fi being interested stateside, and there are Browncoats at Space up here in Canada). As long as Joss and the BDH are available (and the money's good), I can't see them turning it down.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:03 PM


As far as I'm concerned an animated series would have a lot to prove. An analogy with the Star Trek animated series has been made -- I never saw the animated ST, but it seems to me ST is far less about individual people and more about abstract ideas than Firefly is. Mal, Kaylee, and the rest are, to me, much more rounded, interesting characters than Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. A big part of Firefly's appeal is the degree to which we care about the people in it, and I think it'd be hard to maintain that quality in an animated show.

But not impossible.

I'd watch it. At least long enough to decide whether it worked for me. That is, I'd watch it if (as you say would be the case) Joss and his team were solidly behind it. I wouldn't insist on the original cast, though I'd strongly prefer it.

As to whether I'd support a push to get an animated series made -- maybe. If you could persuade me that doing it would not reduce significantly the chances of getting a new (Joss-backed) live action series or movie.

If you can get past those doubts, I think I'd be a diehard fan of such a show. But... those doubts are not minor ones!


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 4:25 PM


I am a fan of animation, particularly of CG japaniese anime. I do remember the Star Trek animated series (SO Help ME I'M OLD!) It was nice in and of itself with great storys but it just didn't have the same flavor as the "live show". If such a venture was atempted I would like to make a couple of suggations.
One: The characters, the Ship, and the 'Verse must be painted with the same animated brush-stroke.
Two: The stories need to have some continuity from one episode to the next. When I watch Firefly the next episode takes place where the last episode left off, If Jayne got stabbed in the leg he is limpin the next day unless they were in the black for a couple months. I enjoyed that about the show.
Three: This might sound blasphemous but a possibility might be to have a differant crew. Ow! Should have seen that commin. My reason for this is the fact that Wash and Book are dead, I liked Book but he wasn't intrigal to the crew, Wash on the other hand was not only the best pilot but Zoe's husband. It will be a long story line before I will believe Zoe will smile again.
Thats my take on the idea I hope it was useful.

I died my Browncoat black for those whom hve gone before..


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:34 PM


Sign me up!!!

I just hope it is not the last form of Firefly/Serenity. Ya know, I hope it helps make another movie, tv show or direct to DVD lilve action. But to help fill the void, bring it on!!


Keep Flying!!


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:43 PM


No matter what company, voice overs, or story I would watch anything Firefly animated.

Things are about to get interesting...Define interesting...Oh GOD oh GOD we're all going to die.


Thursday, January 11, 2007 12:52 AM


Go for it.

I think this could work provided the original cast did the voices, the animation was of an exceptional standard and the story lines remain at adult levels.

It'd be even better if you resurrect Book & Wash.


Thursday, January 11, 2007 1:47 AM



It'd be even better if you resurrect Book & Wash.

No. As much as I liked these characters, they're dead. And Firefly is about keeping it real. Resurrect them and it's not Firefly, it's just one more "oh, it's science fiction, we can get away with anything" piece of [Chinese].


Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:23 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

First off welcome to the site Mangolo! We are glad to have you here and look forward to your participation in discussions. So, make yourself at home. You're amongst friends.

I find your initial post intriguing. To be honest I am a complete Firefly fanatic and yes, I would most definitely watch a Firefly animated series. I daresay that a raider ship full of hungry Reavers couldn't keep me away. I am so eager for any continuation of the story that I would fully support (and pimp) any medium that delivered that story.

I think your working on other projects would give you the inside track to getting Universal to give you a nod for an animated series, but I believe ultimately it is up to Joss. As you no doubt know, Firefly/Serenity is Joss's baby and he is going to want a big hand in anything dealing with his 'verse. Of course his involvement would go a long way towards giving legitimacy to any project and cement fan support.

Keep us posted on how this develops.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Sergeant

[img] [/img]


Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:32 AM


You have my absolute support with this... Would be awesome if it happened


Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:38 AM


Sounds like a cool idea "Serenity: the animated series". Perfect material for a Saturday Morning ().

Although the hard part would be getting a major studio and/or Joss to say yes (and if you did it on the internet it'd have to be free). But it would be very intersting to see how this develops.

and, course, if you need story ideas, just check all those writers we have in the Blue Sun Room

BTW: sorry to be a pain: but can someone please shrink that huge gorram picture it really messes up the messages. Thanlk.




Thursday, January 11, 2007 3:41 AM


I would watch an animated version of Firefly. I'm for it 100%!

The first anime I got into was Outlaw Star. It was more Sci-Fi than western though. Still, it was very good. I recommend it to all the browncoats.


Thursday, January 11, 2007 4:18 AM



Originally posted by Roy:
Go for it.

I think this could work provided the original cast did the voices, the animation was of an exceptional standard and the story lines remain at adult levels.

It'd be even better if you resurrect Book & Wash.

I'm of a mind to agree with Roy here - would love to see Firefly in any way, shape or form as long as it maintains the integrity of the original, targeted to adult audience and high quality. This is a good venue to explore reactions with these avid Browncoats - they will definately give you honest, considered opinions.

Good luck! Looking forward to seeing how it develops.



Thursday, January 11, 2007 5:09 AM


Well, my mom told me, "if you can't say something nice...don't say anything at all," but you're asking for honesty, so - here goes.
While I am a fan of animation...I am not-so-much a fan of wonderful human-acted stories being "animated." The feel of the 'verse and the Firefly family was human; the superb, perfectly-cast characters; the lighting inside Serenity. What human actors bring to the screen, I'm afraid animation cannot duplicate. Even with the original cast's voice work; I think it would still be a smaller vision of the 'verse - the verse that has made such a huge impact (I believe Joss called it "invading people's dreams") that I would not care to see it diminished or made "smaller". Sorry; that's how I feel. I've seem some of those truly creepifying "live action to animation" commercials that make my skin crawl...and I've also seen some wonderful, captivating and magical animation; I just don't think the true magic of Firefly would translate (in my opinion and, as we all know: opinions are like...)


Thursday, January 11, 2007 6:09 AM


I would LOVE to see Firefly/Serenity in an animated series - IF IT IS DONE WELL!

I am a huge fan of animation in general, so I think it could be done, and I would give all of my support to the project.

I will say, however, that I think the original series/movie were so perfect that it would be difficult to live up to them in any other form. But an animated series would be very welcome, and certainly a step up from comic book adventures, which is all we can really hope for at the moment. If you had the support of some of the writing staff and voice actors, I think it could work very well.

"If wishes were horses, we'd all be eatin' steak."


Thursday, January 11, 2007 6:15 AM



Originally posted by Mangolo:

Originally posted by DonCoat:
I'd welcome it, but... (snip)

I totally understand your concerns:
1. We'd only move forward with Joss and his writing team involved

2. We'd market this to the same audience that FFTOS was targeting. Indeed, this is not a proven animation market. We did fail at our attempts to make a seperate animated TV show with the same demographic, but our financial situation has changed and the venues for the show has changed. Time slots are going to be a secondary market. Downloads and on demand television will be dominant, especially for our market demographic.

3. CG tends to be expensive, but compositing between CG and live action is just as expensive. The blend between the CG and our style of animation seems to work fine. Obviously it wouldn't work with other styles of animation.

4. We are an independent studio. We'd finance this on our own. We have had a track record of successful productions in many parts of the industry. I think waiting for the networks to come around on this show is not realistic nor letting them have any control would be prudent (given the history). We do have connections with Miyazaki's studios, but design would come from ourselves and Jean Moebius Giraud who is working on our current project with us.

Okay, I'm officially impressed. Honestly, I'd love to see a short "test animation" of the style shown in the pics you posted, though I imagine you'd need permission (and a budget) to do even that much. If you can make "real humans" move and emote as convincingly as these characters seem to, you could have a winner.

Miyazaki is a magic word for me, so your connections there are most impressive. Obviously his style is quite different from what you propose, but one thing Miyazaki does is give the characters fully-realized personalities and expressions. There's a scene in "Spirited Away" that really struck me. As the family is walking through the tunnel into the magical world, the little girl's body language is wonderfully handled. Very little dialog but so much is communicated. That's the kind of work I'd be looking for from you.

I'm still not entirely clear on how you'd structure this, though. I'd have no problem paying a fair price to download episodes, but I wonder whether this distribution channel is mature enough to succeed. I'm not a user of on-demand services (my cable card doesn't support them).

Which leads to my next concern. How would this model lead to any growth in the fan base? Sure, we existing, content-starved Browncoats would do our part. But unless this project could expand the audience, it would seem unlikely to turn FF into the kind of mass market hit we'd all like to see it become. Internet downloads and on-demand haven't ever produced such a phenomenon, as far as I know. Yes, it would be great if FF was the first to do so, but what are the odds?

Oh, one other thing: it would be silly to do this project unless it was produced in full-resolution high-def widescreen format. But I'm sure that's a given already.

I'm pointin' right at it!


Thursday, January 11, 2007 6:21 AM


Just one other comment while I'm thinking about it.

I really, really appreciate that you've brought this in front of us (somewhat nutty) fans for comment and input. If this works out it will be great to feel we've had some influence on the project, and hopefully made the product even better.

I'm pointin' right at it!


Thursday, January 11, 2007 7:16 AM


I would definitely watch. Hell I would watch sock puppet theater if it was about the verse.


Thursday, January 11, 2007 9:08 AM



Originally posted by DonCoat:
Yes, it would be great if FF was the first to do so, but what are the odds?

Oh, one other thing: it would be silly to do this project unless it was produced in full-resolution high-def widescreen format. But I'm sure that's a given already.

One of the great things about playing with your own money is that you can play the odds as you see fit (studio executives rarely risk anything)

We will producing this like all our other current projects. In Hi Def.



Thursday, January 11, 2007 9:31 AM


I say your on the right beat. I do Maya 6.0 and Lightwave btw :) I wonder if we could put together a group of 200ppl to work on the series. You remember the Halo 2 animations don't you? Well, with grade a graphics, which takes nothing more than time and effort, that which we have :). We could make it look downright real. real enough anyways. If we could get the cast to do voice overs, we could do it as a non-profit thing. That's where the 200ppl come in :P since we'd all just be doing what we can as we can. I believe after a years worth of work on the verse ships and crew, then we could follow with animations every month or so at the very least. Either a 30minz episode every week or a movie every month would be great. But I do wonder about the time it would take to create the verse and the crew, cuz that would be the biggest portion of production. But once we got all that implimented, animating our creations should go pretty smoothly. I'm willing to help anyways, SHINY IDEA!!!


Thursday, January 11, 2007 9:59 AM


I'd probably watch, but personally I can't imagine this show animated. BUFFY has a pretty loyal fanbase, too, and the plans for an animated series fell through anyway.


Thursday, January 11, 2007 10:19 AM


No offense but I just hate the Idea of seeing Mal animated, Nathan Fillon is so great at what he does, it just wouldn't do him justice to be turned into a cartoon.


Thursday, January 11, 2007 11:45 AM


Interesting enough there was going to be an animated DVD prequel to Serenity (like what they did for Chronicles of Riddick) but it didn't happen and it become the Serenity comic mini-series instead.

There's a bit about what happened back in 2004.


Serenity Now

The recent delay of Joss Whedon’s Serenity isn’t the only intrigue taking place behind the scenes. Word is going around that Universal wanted to do a Serenity animated feature film direct to DVD, in the vein of The Animatrix or The Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Fury. And apparently, they were serious enough to commission a script. The writer chosen for this project was Brett Matthews, who wrote an episode of Firefly and also provided the script for Dark Fury. Matthews and Whedon came up with a story for the Serenity animated feature and Matthews was set to tackle the script.

However, for reasons that aren’t entirely clear, the Serenity animated feature isn’t happening. But that doesn’t mean this story won’t see the light of day. Dark Horse is rumored to be very interested in using the story Matthews and Whedon came up with as the basis for their first Serenity miniseries. If it happens, look for the miniseries to be written by Matthews, who already has a few comic scripts under his belt, including the Marvel Knights Spider-Man/Wolverine miniseries that came out last year.

This Has A “Reaver Nation” Factor of Eight Out of Ten,


Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:13 PM



Originally posted by BonaNaCroin:
This might sound blasphemous but a possibility might be to have a differant crew.

That's not an idea to be dismissed out of hand, for many reasons. Another is that a new, interesting (but what else, if Joss is involved?) animated cast might be easier for fans to accept than an animated version of the familiar crew. Yet another reason is that if all went really well, you could bring the original crew back for a live action sequel while continuing the animated series at the same time!

Over here is a thread about what happened to the Operative after the BDM. Did he fall on his sword? Or... something more interesting? Somehow or other, I think that could work better as an animated series than a direct sequel to Firefly would.


Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:46 PM


I'm looking forward to it! If Joss and co. write it, and the original cast is voicing, it's a no-brainer.

And to all those that say no way, just watch it with your eyes closed if you dare. It will be just fine, if you ask me. After all, if it's a question of no Firefly or animated Firefly, I'd bet you animated Firefly wins hands down.


Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:46 PM


As always, what makes the story is the script and the interactions of the cast.
This is why Firefly/Serenity still attracts fans and commands our loyalty, and desire for more, years after the series aired.

There are many types of animation today, some computer-animation being very life-like [a la Final Fantasy" for example] and need not necessarily be like the cartoons of our childhood [e.g. "Star Trek-Animated series"--though some of those scripts were very good, by the way].

Therefore: Good stories + our BDH's doing the voices = sales (probably equivalent to the DVD sales).

Let me know when I can order them.



Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:51 PM



Originally posted by Cybersnark:
Being a huge animation fan, I'm really excited at the idea.

As you said, it's not a proven demographic in network television, but the success of adult-aimed anime series (Witch Hunter Robin, Ghost in the Shell: Stand-Alone Complex) proves that there is a market for it, and the success of teen-aimed shows (Justice League Unlimited, Avatar: The Last Airbender) demonstrates that long, intricate arcs are possible even in a half-hour serial.

Maybe pitch it to the specialty networks (I can see Cartoon Network or Sci-Fi being interested stateside, and there are Browncoats at Space up here in Canada). As long as Joss and the BDH are available (and the money's good), I can't see them turning it down.

One name that I can't get out of my head as I'm reading this thread: Audu Paden.

He produced Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles and MTV's Spider-Man: The New Animated Series, and those are my two all-time favorite CGI series!

I wouldn't have a single worry about an animated Firefly series if he were involved.


Thursday, January 11, 2007 2:55 PM


I also checked out your site and trailer for StangeFrame: Love and Sax

Very nice.
And was it my imagination or were those Firefly-like class vessels in the trailer and a "save River"-like theme as part of the storyline?

However, if your output for this project is "Fall 2009", a Firefly/Serenity animated project would be many years away, would it not?



Thursday, January 11, 2007 3:31 PM


Sure I'd watch it,especially with a new cast.Also I think it would lend itself particularly well to a "pay as you go" format.
Please keep us informed.

"Come a day there won't be room for naughty men like us to slip about at all"


Thursday, January 11, 2007 4:59 PM



No. As much as I liked these characters, they're dead. And Firefly is about keeping it real. Resurrect them and it's not Firefly, it's just one more "oh, it's science fiction, we can get away with anything" piece of

Hi Doctroid.

I didn't mean forget Serenity didn't happen, it did and still will. But I believe the characters can come back without messing anything up - for a limited time only.

Assuming that Serenity covered in 2 hours what was intended to take to the end of the 2nd season. I see no reason why the series cannot continue from Objects in Space and interlace the Serenity storyline into the next 20 or so episodes. We all know what's coming but it would be interesting to see what they get up to in the meantime.

This would allow the writers to give us more clues to Books background - though we'd never find out all the details. It also gives an opportunity to see different angles on Zoe - without Wash she's less than 50% of the character she is with him & I'd like to know more about her before the Zoe/Wash pair is lost.

Speaking of characters, I'd prefer to explore more of what Inara is and what she wants rather than her occupation.

I would not accept "average" animation, it has to be leading edge and special. As an example, I'd expect Firefly to have a level of improvement to Ice Age II as that movie was to Ice Age I. The animated characters must be able to convey the non verbal subleties that the cast (esp Kaylee & River) were able to do. Getting animated expressions and body language realistic will be a massive challenge - hey, doing the impossible makes us mighty !!

Of course I'd prefer the show to return with the 9 BDH but if that doesn't happen I'd be content to watch a quality amine production.


Thursday, January 11, 2007 8:57 PM


I would be very interested. I'd thought about posting about the possibility of someone doing an anime version of the show, but now here you are.

I don't know how to set up a poll, since I am only an occasional lurker here who sniffs around occasionally to see what's new.

I think this is a fantastic idea, provided it is done well--I'd rather have nothing at all than some half-assed version of the show. I'm pretty sure you could get a lot of people behind this. I'd love to help if there's anything a regular nerd-type like me can do besides spread the buzz amongst his fellow nerdlings.


Thursday, January 11, 2007 10:17 PM



Originally posted by cljohnston108:

One name that I can't get out of my head as I'm reading this thread: Audu Paden.

He produced Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles and MTV's Spider-Man: The New Animated Series, and those are my two all-time favorite CGI series!

I wouldn't have a single worry about an animated Firefly series if he were involved.

Audu has been involved fringely on strange frame . He does have his plate full which just about answers the second question by History - we could concurrently begin pre-production soon (while [strange frame is in post and be in full production by the beginning of 2009 for a possible Fall release of the first few episodes.


Friday, January 12, 2007 3:53 AM



Originally posted by Redlava:
Hell I would watch sock puppet theater if it was about the verse.

I think hes on to something!

On topic though, I think it should have a different crew and cast. The way I see it, it could expand the verse a bit more.


Friday, January 12, 2007 8:12 AM


I'm with SISTER on this one...
While I'm a fan of animation, having gone to school for it, the thought of not having the original cast doing what they do is well... heartbreaking. There's so much that a perfectly cast actor brings to the table that the director, writers, and creators never thought of. I didn't just watch Firefly for the story, but for the actors as well, the camera use, the lighting... you're talking about an entirely new medium that struggles even more than live-action-tv-sci-fi... which makes no sense when the original already struggled, nevermind that it's the best sci-fi to hit screen since... ever.

The only way you could really get the feel of the original cast would be to roto the whole thing, and that just gets too pricey, and at which point it's just easier to film it live. I would personally rather see producers lend their support in getting Firefly back on the air... on HBO with no commercials so we could have a full hour every week!! But seriously, I love animation to death, but I love for what it is, which is not reality. To try and reporduce reality... well that's just missing the point of animation. I am personally not very interested in seeing anyone captain Serenity other than Nathan Fillion; don't really care to see anyonefix Serenity other than Jewel Staite... etc.

Some kind of prequel, as was mentioned with Riddick... now that would be cool... but we don't need a prequel to Serenity the movie, because we have the 14 episodes... help Joss get Firefly back on the air... that's what I say. But good luck with whatever road you choose!

~Daniel Daya Landerman


Friday, January 12, 2007 9:55 AM


Fact is, anyone on here who says they wouldn't watch it is being economical with the truth. Honestly, how many of the doubters, and I'm not saying your doubts aren't valid, haven't read "Those Left Behind." We're fanatical - that's why we post here.

We'd all give it a go but it'd have to be good to keep us. I think if you didn't have Joss and the cast, you'd lose us pretty quick.

My first choice would be a new season but I'd take this if it didn't go the Matrix route. Best of luck. - my life - my work






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