Male and Female Imponderables- Water Cooler Chat

UPDATED: Thursday, January 18, 2007 18:59
VIEWED: 6403
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Thursday, January 18, 2007 4:22 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Mavourneen:
Morning, JQ.

The Norwegian page is a riot!

Somehow trying to sweet talk 18 walnut chair bases to America with this kind of language won't really work...but they all speak English so it's never a problem working with Ekornes.

My headache is gone, and I will have to live with the 3-4 week delay.

Their page of Gaelic is woeful. There are sooo many more colorful phrases.

I had no idea you are a Dead Like Me fanboy, JQ!

Sweet talk 'em some other way...

Yay for the headache being gone! Boo for the delay.

I thought everyone spoke Garlic. Growing up with a lot of Hungarian cuisine I know we sure did. I'm sure the site hardly exhaustive, but you can submit entries...

Actually, I'm death fanboy, like you...?

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Thursday, January 18, 2007 4:23 AM


Morning, all!

Qing ren!

Neko, not so much giving up as I am not going to bother with "the hunt"...if the love of my life is around here somewhere, it's up to her to find me for once.

Time I have almost died from something "safe"? Hmm. I think most of my near-death experiences have been brought about by weapons of some sort. Not that I live a dangerous life, just the Ren Faires and all...there were one or two nasty mistakes in choreography. Safe...near-death...yeah, I'm going to have to think on that for awhile.
I loved the bed story, though!

AbandonedCorsair, I remember seeing you a time or two, as well. Welcome back!

Gonna be another one of them days. I'll pop in when I can.
Hello to all, and here's hoping the day goes well and quickly for everyone!

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion.

Sign up now!
More Information:


Thursday, January 18, 2007 4:57 AM

MSG ROCK!!! that was a fantastic story ( though I am glad you're ok HUGS)I will now happily chuckle through the day when thinking of it...if it makes you feel better, yes I've done something like that. While camping I zipped myself into my mummy bag and had to get up. Well it was cold and I didn't want to struggle back into my clothes to go get my water bottle from the car so I got the brilliant idea to simply hop over there...well I underestimated the steepness of the hill, hopped halfway up and then began a comic slidedown/hop up thing. Gravity eventually won and I really started to slide, so I decided to sit down only I couldn't bend well so I fell instead and started rolling down the hill. At which point I crashed through my cousin's tent knocking it down and tangling us both up to the point where my dad( bless him) heard the commotion came out and ( while laughing so hard tears were pouring down his face) untangled us... so now you know why my family calls me steamroller:)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Thursday, January 18, 2007 5:09 AM


Near Death from Safe: When I was three years old, I almost killed myself with a flower pot. No, really. I was really short as a child (my parents describe me as a hovering diaper. All torso, no legs), and I was trying to be helpful and put a flower pot up onto the table. It was a strain, and at the last minute, the thing rolled down my arms and brained me good. I still have a scar under my nose from where it split my face open.

Beds: I have no fear of beds. Mostly because I never tuck my blankets in. Seriously, if you're sleeping alone in your bed, don't bother. Just wrap yourself up in your blankets like a cocoon! It's warmer, and you don't have to worry about faceplanting in the morning. It's great for cold climates, but onlookers might start calling you 'The Mummy'.

Toilets: I once cut myself really good on a toilet. It was at work (at a job I seriously despised), and the lid for one of the johns had just shattered. For some reason, it'd never occured to me that shattered ceramic would be sharper than my steak knives (maybe I just have piss-poor steak knives...), and I gouged myself right good on one of the shards. Them toilets is dangerous, I tells ye!

HK: Anti-social booth? Back corner, in the shadows, next to the fragile breakables and the manacles for people you don't particularly like. (James' Sulking Corner and Gormet Coffee Shop can not be held accountable in any way for injuries accrued on the property. Be careful while breaking things)

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Thursday, January 18, 2007 5:16 AM


HUGS James consolingly...yeah but loose sheets can lead to spider attacks ( spiders like to try and hide in my bedding or clothes to bite laugh but I'm serious. 3 separate times I have put on clothes only to find a spider nesting in them which bit me)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Thursday, January 18, 2007 5:49 AM


hmmm, catching up to do....

illness: if it's just a cold or something minor, I go throughout my day in silent misery. If it is something worse, like where I can't go to class or work, I lay in bed and don't move, don't eat, and don't much of anything besides read and sleep. I do, however, drink juice or something throughout the day. Doctors are to be avoided unless the serious illness lasts more than two weeks, at which point they look at me like I'm insane and ask why I didn't come in sooner.

Where inanimate objects won a fight: A window in a restuarant attacked me. It was a floor to ceiling window that was right next to a door. Someone in the restaurant was OCD about keeping the window clean, so it never had any fingerprints on it for more than 2 minutes. We were done eating and I had just come out of the bathroom. Everyone else was waiting on the other side of the window/door. Since the window was so clean, to me it looked like a set of double doors where one was open, so instead of openning the closed door, I decided to walk through the open one, which was actually the window. I hit it so hard the entire wall shook. After that, they started putting window stickers on the windows so nobody tried to walk through it.

I'm a leaf on the wind


Thursday, January 18, 2007 6:08 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hello and goodnight my wonderful ponderers... sorry I have been a bit busy of late and when you throw some internet problems in I have really missed you guys!!

I will come by and ponder or just chat by the water cooler, some more!!

Special hugs to my li'l sis - and to my Qing ren!!

Love you all!!

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"


Thursday, January 18, 2007 6:20 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
I guess it's kinda like some people becoming vegetarians after walking through a slaughter house.

Or never eating out (let it go...) after being in the restaurant biz. Right RMIG? Oddly, this seems to be chain specific, like hating pediatricians but being okay with podiatrists. I know the same st happens at MickeyD's that does at TacoHell, but if you never worked at one it's somehow okay not to think about the backroom...

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Thursday, January 18, 2007 6:31 AM


Rhyianan, , thanks for the big smile! I know it may not have been funny at the time, but there is something hi-larious about a person walking into glass. Thank you for sharing that!

JTD...ouch! Green thumb I have heard of, green nose?
Toilet shards are sharp *making a note* Thank you. Never would have crossed my mind, either!

MSG, spiders seem to love you.

Goodnight, qing ren!

JQ, I was a supervisor for a caterer/restaurant for about two years...and I also saw the movie Waiting as a documentary...and I still eat out. But I am also a phenomenal tipper and one of the easiest-to-please customers these people have ever known.

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion.

Sign up now!
More Information:


Thursday, January 18, 2007 6:32 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by yinyang:

Originally posted by ASortaFairyTale:
I hate being sick...why am I always sick??

To make up for the fact that people like me are never sick. Sorry.

*curiously watches reenactment of "Unbreakable" unfolding*

Much better than Shyamalan's... ***1/2

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Thursday, January 18, 2007 6:33 AM


HUGS you big sis

Jonny- oh please don't tell us what happens or I'll starve on road trips( since I don't eat fast food any other time)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Thursday, January 18, 2007 7:09 AM


Just droppin' in to say hi. I got elected for the Directors meeting substitute so Yay Me!

'Neko- The kids are great. PB had some dental surgery to help correct the problems with his fronts. They pulled four in the front and capped a few in the back. Kinda sucks seein' as he gets soup for a few weeks. On the plus side I get to spoil him with low fat ice cream for the same amount of time.

Gotta get moving. Lots ta do today.


Thursday, January 18, 2007 7:17 AM


NV-aww that always sucks, but in the long run he'll be happy it's all fixed. PLus ice cream is a great thing after dental surgery.

Tristan- yes sadly spiders are drawn to me ( with the intent of killing me, obviously)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Thursday, January 18, 2007 7:19 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

You know, sputum-accidental, sputum-intentional, phlegm-hocked, mucus-wet,,sprayed, mucus-dried, picked, unwashed hands fresh from the bathroom, unmentionable scratching-exterior, unmentionable scratching-interior, ash dropping, smoking cook/chef, after the fact food recovery i.e. picking off fuzz, lint, assorted ick from floor droppage...need more?

Super-dedicated staff that won't miss a day's work just because of cold, flu or diphtheria, exactly how old is the deep frier grease? it's not spoiled just scrape off the moldy part...are we there yet.

Pack sammies, MsG, pack sammies...

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Thursday, January 18, 2007 7:40 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
I am going to be in Wisconsin in a week, am I going to need a translator for any of this 'wisconsinese' ???

Didn't see that in the listing of cussing in foreign languages site I posted earlier, but i'ma have the opinion that Wisconsinese is just like UpperPeninsular, which sounds a lot like some Minnesotan, eh? (cf. Fargo), all of which stem from the Finns what settled the Northern parts mentioned. So if'n you look up Finnish there, at least you'll be able to incite road rage at will...!

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Thursday, January 18, 2007 7:46 AM



I'm a very rare sickie as well, although I have no problem playing sick so that I can avoid work. And the "cramps from the demons" (as a rather bizarre friend used to call them) can knock me out until the handful of drugs I've taken kick in. Is that TMI?

I don't think I've every had a near death experience with a non-dangerous object. I'll have to think on that one.

But when I was a wee one, I almost killed myself with a sprinkler. It was one of those that you stake into the yard...and I was a wee lass (under the age of 1 or so). Those were bygone times when parents could actually leave the kids playing on the front lawn and come back and still have kids...rarely did they disappear at the hands of the "but-he-always-seems-like-such-a-nice-guy" neighbor. So mom leaves little me outside for just a minute and I manage to get a hold of the staked sprinkler and start sucking on the thing...stake part first. Maybe the weight of the sprinkler cause my little self to tip off balance, but in any case, I fell, face forward and the stake when through the rough of my mouth. No permanent damage was done, but let's just say I'm glad I can't remember anything from before I was five or so.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Thursday, January 18, 2007 8:12 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by RugBug:
Maybe the weight of the sprinkler cause my little self to tip off balance, but in any case, I fell, face forward and the stake when through the rough of my mouth. No permanent damage was done, but let's just say I'm glad I can't remember anything from before I was five or so.


And the "cramps from the demons" (as a rather bizarre friend used to call them) can knock me out until the handful of drugs I've taken kick in. Is that TMI?

Well, no. This is (at least for now) still Male and Female Imponderables. And we wanna know about stuff like that dammit!

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Thursday, January 18, 2007 8:25 AM


eeeeeeeeek Rugbug. If I should get lucky and have a baby, I will make sure they never ever suck a sprinkler

Jonny- sammies it is

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Thursday, January 18, 2007 8:39 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
*seeks out HK, lifting her up in a bigassjimibearhuggle for her struggles to separate us Imponderables from the work connotation, and also for her shared liking of anti-socialness at work*


I am going to be in Wisconsin in a week, am I going to need a translator for any of this 'wisconsinese' ???
Hmmm... if you get thirsty and need a "water fountain," be sure to ask for the "bubbler" instead, cuz that's what they're really called. And if you need at ATM to get cash? Ask for a Time Machine. Really. Or is it Tyme? Hm, no, I think it's Time. Anyway, yeah. It's a play on the "time is money" cliche, so the ATMs are labeled TIME.

Of course, alla that could just be more Muh-waukee specific.

So, where ya gunna beeeeee, RIMG?

Originally posted by Mavourneen:
I had no idea you are a Dead Like Me fanboy, JQ!

I love that show.

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
but i'ma have the opinion that Wisconsinese is just like UpperPeninsular, which sounds a lot like some Minnesotan, eh? (cf. Fargo), all of which stem from the Finns what settled the Northern parts mentioned.

Oh, no no no. While accents become horrifically more Min-uh-soootn as you approach the MN / WI border, Wisconsin-proper is not, I believe, ancestral Finn territory, nor does it sound like Minnesota. Besidse, MN is far more Norwegian / Swedish. WI is far more German / Polish / Italian. MI... well, I can't account for them. (Also? FARGO is in NORTH DAKOTA.)

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Actually, I'm death fanboy, like you...?


I was Death for Halloween one year.



Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:08 AM


Well, I've just had a few hours of fun poking around It's like myspace for browncoats only. I recognized a lot of names from -

I don't think I've had a near death experience with an inanimate object ( rake, bed, toilet...) like you guys have had.

When I was 16 I poisoned myself. I saw a bag of sugar lying next to a flat of strawberries in the kitchen. I dipped a berry in the sugar and man, was it bitter - so the next bite I REALLY dipped the strawberry in - and it was worse.
My mom had been using oxalic acid (granulated, looks like sugar) on a wet toothbrush to clean rust from a window. That was what was in the bag.

How embarrassing is it at 16 to have your mom call the poison control center!


Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:08 AM


LOL! A basic lesson in life... never suck on a sprinkler!

Or - pull a cord. That was my stupid baby trick. I crawled to the edge of a table, saw this cool cord coming off it, and yanked, looking up to see what would happen. The lamp smashed into my face, of course! Broke a tooth and I still have a scar on my lip. I also used to to take bites out of wine glasses, but I never cut myself. It's a skill.

So, these imponderables threads still grow too fast to keep up with. Yikes!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:16 AM


long long long me love you long time post...

monotonous job - the cure is FFF (or the 76th) :)


Originally posted by Mavourneen:
I had no idea you are a Dead Like Me fanboy, JQ!

I saw Ellen Muth (George) at D*C last year, she was this big *mimics height of roughly an inch with his thumb and forefinger*.


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
I guess it's kinda like some people becoming vegetarians after walking through a slaughter house.

Or never eating out (let it go...) after being in the restaurant biz. Right RMIG? Oddly, this seems to be chain specific, like hating pediatricians but being okay with podiatrists. I know the same st happens at MickeyD's that does at TacoHell, but if you never worked at one it's somehow okay not to think about the backroom...


Originally posted by Tristan:
JQ, I was a supervisor for a caterer/restaurant for about two years...and I also saw the movie Waiting as a documentary...and I still eat out. But I am also a phenomenal tipper and one of the easiest-to-please customers these people have ever known.

I am like Tristan in this, even if you are a sub-par server, you still get 15%. Good service gets anywhere up to 50, depending on the total cost of the meal and the overall experience. I am also the easiest person in the world to wait on, unlike some servers I know who expect special treatment because they are actually being waited on for once. JQ, I do know what goes on in kitchens, and I am positive that it is not chain-specific, more like single restaurant specific. I also viewed 'Waiting' as a somewhat documentary, as most of the stereotypes portrayed in that movie I have seen come true (which can be scary if you think about it). To quote Monty: "Don't with people who handle your food."

Also, I recommend reading Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation (they made a movie out of it, Luis Guzman [ Raddimus from Waiting ] is in it). You will not want to eat McDonald's, or any fast food really, ever again.


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
You know, sputum-accidental, sputum-intentional, phlegm-hocked, mucus-wet,,sprayed, mucus-dried, picked, unwashed hands fresh from the bathroom, unmentionable scratching-exterior, unmentionable scratching-interior, ash dropping, smoking cook/chef, after the fact food recovery i.e. picking off fuzz, lint, assorted ick from floor droppage...need more?

Super-dedicated staff that won't miss a day's work just because of cold, flu or diphtheria, exactly how old is the deep frier grease? it's not spoiled just scrape off the moldy part...are we there yet.

Pack sammies, MsG, pack sammies...

I heartily second this. Though I try to be mindful of it myownself, I don't always remember, and I know several folks who don't bother washing their hands at all. *shudder*


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
So if'n you look up Finnish there, at least you'll be able to incite road rage at will...

Funny you should mention that, as the lass I am going to visit has quite a time of it when she is driving, often to my amusement.


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
So, where ya gunna beeeeee, RIMG?

hehehe, I made you squeak. :) I am going to Appleton Thursday-Sunday of next week to spend some time with a lovely Browncoat lass I know from FFF chat.


Originally posted by mal4prez:
So, these imponderables threads still grow too fast to keep up with. Yikes!

Yes they do sometimes, but all the same it is wonderful to have you (back?) among us. BTW, I have some more beer, Irish Red Ale. Let me know if you are interested. I think I still have your address around somewhere.

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:28 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
BTW, I have some more beer, Irish Red Ale. Let me know if you are interested. I think I still have your address around somewhere.

My goodness, how would I not be interested in that?

A friend of mine was brewing beer last weekend - an IPA. I helped him get it started but couldn't stay to the finish. Hopefully I'll get to sample the finished product though! I need to try my own hand at a beer.

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:48 AM


Hey guys, how're you all doing today?

Uh, getting attacked by inanimate objects? Well once it was dark in my room, so when I was heading towards my bed I tripped over a suitcase and banged my knee on my bed...and then I couldn't walk properly for days....But I am really clumsy, so stuff like that isn't very uncommon for me.

And I'm still sick. It's really weird being unable to talk, if I try to say something then it'll just come out as squeaks....

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Thursday, January 18, 2007 10:04 AM



Originally posted by mal4prez:

Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
BTW, I have some more beer, Irish Red Ale. Let me know if you are interested. I think I still have your address around somewhere.

My goodness, how would I not be interested in that?

A friend of mine was brewing beer last weekend - an IPA. I helped him get it started but couldn't stay to the finish. Hopefully I'll get to sample the finished product though! I need to try my own hand at a beer.

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.

Yes you do. As well as you do with mead, you would probably make some damn fine beer. I'll get a few in the mail once I have a bit more cashy-money.

Also (to all), you are reading the typings of the proud owner of a brand new Troublemaker t-shirt. Pictures sometime tonight, if'n I can make my dumb camera take them.

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Thursday, January 18, 2007 10:42 AM


Popping by the 'cooler to say see y'all later.

I'm off work tomorrow (family in town) and never seem to get online when I'm home. So, I suspect my next visit will be Monday morning.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Here's to RIMG and his trip up North
(wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, eh?) She said in her best Monty Python voice

Troublemaker shirt? Gads. Magda shows off her Kaylee jacket, Tristan's got his whole wardrobe. Gads. What's next? JQ gets River's blue dress?


Thursday, January 18, 2007 10:44 AM


*runs in*

Hi all!

*gulps water*

Bye all!

*runs out*

Graphics available at


Thursday, January 18, 2007 10:44 AM


ok now I feel bad Asorta since it sounds like you have just what I had...Can you catch a virus over the internet??

Mav...great now I have to poke out my mind's eye ( Jonny in a River dress)LOL

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Thursday, January 18, 2007 10:56 AM


Its been a very long time since I'd seen ya in M4P. So what's doin' these days? Hope everythings good.


Thursday, January 18, 2007 11:04 AM



Originally posted by msg:
ok now I feel bad Asorta since it sounds like you have just what I had...Can you catch a virus over the internet??

Hehe, I hope not or I'd be getting all you guys sick!
Yeah, and Jonny....please don't get a River dress...

Oh yeah, MsG, the other day in school we had to analyze quotes, and that one in your signature was one of them. It made me smile.

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Thursday, January 18, 2007 11:39 AM


Hey all..

Gotta apologize for yesterday...'twas an odd combination of things and serendipity that had me finding this example of my bad taste in people in what feels like a couple of lifetimes ago:

*shudder* CIO nowadays too. [snips rant about unfairness of things before it starts...Wonder if he ever finished his bachelor's or if it's still one project short?]

...Oh well, on to better things...


Originally posted by VerseExplorer:
Waves to Neko. It's great to see more of your lately.

Thanks VE...Wish that it was because I am actually productive instead of overwhelmed.


Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
I am in a very similar situation here in WR. There is one guy from the restaurant job that I consider a friend, and a dozen or so others who are work acquaintences, though I am sure I could call on them if need be (well, some of them, and depending on the time of day). You guys are the people that I interact with the most (withoug being paid for it), and I am ok with that right now. The blessing of the internet is that I have been able to meet such shiny people and make new friends, and it's curse puts you all over the rest of the world.

(snippage 'cause I'm responding to only these two parts)

Neko - *bigassjimipouncetacklebearhuggle*

MEEP! Thanks. Need hugs like that right now.

Yep, the internet is one of the ways to meet shiny folk worldwide. It's just stinks right now that you're all on a bigger rock than mine and it's at least half an ocean away! *hangs head* *kicks rocks in dejection*


Originally posted by Tristan:

Neko, not so much giving up as I am not going to bother with "the hunt"...if the love of my life is around here somewhere, it's up to her to find me for once.

G'luck with that Tristan. *h* I'm right on the edge of doing the "millions of people and nary a single one there that fits what I want/need in my life" thing.


Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Just droppin' in to say hi. I got elected for the Directors meeting substitute so Yay Me!

'Neko- The kids are great. PB had some dental surgery to help correct the problems with his fronts. They pulled four in the front and capped a few in the back. Kinda sucks seein' as he gets soup for a few weeks. On the plus side I get to spoil him with low fat ice cream for the same amount of time.

Owch on the dental surgery. Yay on the low-fat ice cream spoilage. *Donates a few dozen extra hugs to both PB and BV for NVG to use on them at random intervals*


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

I was Death for Halloween one year.

Cool. Death of the Endless. That's what my hair looks like on a normal day (even with brushing). Wish that I looked as good as she does though.

Note to whomever wanted a non-boring job: Take a job in education and become one of the truly dedicated ones. Never the same thing twice (even if you're teaching the same material), lots of things to do (with all the expectations of what needs to be done), and if you are one of those who becomes active in helping coordinate/plan/chaperone activities for (and with) the students, you'll never have enough time to be truly bored at work. (*shrug* Some say it's a calling.)

*waves to everyone else*


Thursday, January 18, 2007 11:43 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Its been a very long time since I'd seen ya in M4P. So what's doin' these days? Hope everythings good.

Not bad, actually. Still riding the waves of a break-up, but not a bad one. How's it in your corner of the `verse? Amything happen with the GND?

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Thursday, January 18, 2007 11:45 AM


*runs back*

Hey all!

Okay, I'm here for just a little bit since I jsut finished teaching an ECDL class (I think it's called the ICDL in the US) and now I have to clean up the centre and go home, but I may hang here for a bit as I walk home and it's absolutely pouring out of the heavens here, so somewhere warm and dry is good right n-HEY!!! DANCINGNEKO!!! DANCINGNEKO IS HERE!!! AND NVGHOSTRIDER!!!

*cough* Sorry, I just never seem to be here when you guys are. Hi! How are you???

EDIT: Mal4Prez too??? Okay, now I feel special!!!

Graphics available at


Thursday, January 18, 2007 11:50 AM


Neko- right with you! It's the best job ever. We just did our own Fables and you would die laughing over the fable ( re-write of boy who cried wolf) of the boy who cried ninjas.

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Thursday, January 18, 2007 12:02 PM


Hahaha! Boy who cried Ninjas! That sounds fun!

I heard of one teacher who got her kids to write the story of Jesus raising Lazarus as a news story. One kid had the headline "Local Man Ruins Funeral"

And asortafairytale is here too!!! How come I keep missing you guys normally? I mean, it's not like I don't love MSG and Jonny and the rest, but I never seem to get to post with you lot any more!

Graphics available at


Thursday, January 18, 2007 12:04 PM


At least it wasn't bad. Not that its ever good, but when there is little or no animocity it leaves a good space to be filled with only good things.

Eh, not alot to be said. Still really good friends, but I've decided that looking elswhere might be the smart choice. There's still something to be said for what goes unsaid, but I'm pretty sure neither of us is ready for one another. Like waitin' for the cookies to cool. Sure, they are so yummy and taste incredible right out of the oven, but the nursing required for the terrible blistering really ain't worth the interuption of flavor. I'd rather have my friend than not.

So this looking around thing really ain't so bad. Haven't committed to even asking anyone out yet, but the amount of freedom I feel on my shoulders is incredible. I was never tied down by anyone but myself. There are still down times, but the lows are never as low as they were before.

Glad to see ya. Gotta work now (the boss is watching).


Thursday, January 18, 2007 12:18 PM


Yeah, gotta go too. Seeya!


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Thursday, January 18, 2007 12:52 PM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
I'm pretty sure neither of us is ready for one

That's pretty much my situ too. And I agree, things aren't so bad this way.

I'm really glad you kept the friendship! I'm not sure where I am with that. We haven't talked much, it's only been a few weeks since we broke up, and I needed time off. It'd be hard for me to settle into a friendship when we never were friends to start. ie - I'd have a hard time being around him without being able to cuddle.

I'm sure there's an imponderables in there somewhere, but I'm too impatient to leave the office to find it. Tomorrow morning!

And Hi and Bye Desktophippie! Talk to you later I hope!

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Thursday, January 18, 2007 1:02 PM


NV- Hey freedom rocks! just remember to sharpen a stick to fend off all the gorgeous women who just want you for your hot bod and awesome tattoos

HUGS to all and I'm off to tutor SIGH!

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Thursday, January 18, 2007 1:39 PM


So much for the sharp stick MSG. I just get to talkin' and that seems to work.

Okay, at the training yesterday I went outside for fresh air and one of my co workers stated how absolutely charming I am and that where ever I go people fall in love with me. This makes me think that after I left the room there were words said about me.
I'm outspoken about the things I love. work just happens to be one of them. In general I stay quiet until its my time to speak. And according to everyone I speak well and hold the attention of a crowd extremely well. I'm confident and well versed. I don't ask folks to change their minds, but ask them to think about options and alternatives. This is what I'm told.

So if all this is true then why am I an utter failure when talking to women. Is it because I treat them as equals? Perhaps because I'm polite and courteous? Maybe because sex is the last thing on my mind when trying to complete a task?
There is no happy medium. Either you're tryin' for a piece or ya ain't. At least that's what I see for the most part.

Still considering throwing down the good guy hat for a while. But for now I'll just keep shootin' strait with everyone in the hopes that someone will appreciate my truth.


Thursday, January 18, 2007 1:55 PM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
So if all this is true then why am I an utter failure when talking to women. Is it because I treat them as equals? Perhaps because I'm polite and courteous? Maybe because sex is the last thing on my mind when trying to complete a task?
There is no happy medium. Either you're tryin' for a piece or ya ain't. At least that's what I see for the most part.

Eh NVG...that's sort of how I feel. People will tell me I'm a really neat person but somehow it doesn't translate on the dating front. (Although I don't get sweet and charming...I admit to being a little difficult...or what some people have called a "truth-teller." I take no BS, won't deliver it and expect others to do the same. Definitely not the peacekeeper...but I'm not nasty about it). I like to get to know men before I want to date them, but somehow I treat them all as friends and never get to the romance part.

But, eh...such is life.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Thursday, January 18, 2007 2:16 PM


Okay. I love romance. But true romance. Not all the artsy fartsy flowers and music dancing on the beach as the sun goes down with a perfect soundtrack playing in the background while butterflies land all over you sort of stuff. It sounds nice but what is the chance of that happening. There ain't nothin' wrong with bein' friends. Hell, most folks should give friendship a try before giving an intimate relationship a try. Sure would cut down on my tax dollars (and frustration) being spent on the treatment of STI's, chemical dependancy, and the care of unwanted children. Not to mention most people who "hook up" end up fightin' and carryin' on anyways. Dumb bastards.
I ain't sayin' folks sholdn't give love a chance. But I sure wish they'd think more before doing.
Back to romance the way I prefer it.
Being able to leave home for a few days without having to check in. Going out with friends without there being any worry or doubt or jealousy in the heart or mind of your partner. Being together to sit down and eat dinner to transition from work to home TOGETHER. Sharing the fact that you may not be together forever, but enjoying the together moments as if they are the last. Not depending completely on your partner for happiness. Working together to achieve a goal or complete a task so that you can both stand back and appreciate the work while claiming no defined divisions of who did what. Call me wierd, but this is how I want romance.

Maybe just call me wierd ( I read what I wrote).


Thursday, January 18, 2007 2:41 PM


Loosing the Fight: When my father was running a bottle exchange, I worked there from time to time. Child labor being free, as it is, it was all he could afford. Well, one day, I was zooming around the shop, and I stepped on the head of a broom without realizing it. The thing swung up, and with great speed and momentum, smacked me in the face. My father remarked that he could hear it from his seat in the forklift outside.

The next day, I went back there, and whilst zooming about again, I managed to step on the head of the same broom (in a different location), and with great speed and momentum, it again smacked me, in the exact same place it had the day before. My lip was, at the time, visible from outer space.

So, yes, not only did I lose a fight against a broom, I lost the rematch.

(Waits for MsG to go into 'Awww poor baby' mode )

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Thursday, January 18, 2007 3:21 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Hey, everybody!


Originally posted by Penguin:



Originally posted by VerseExplorer:
Penguin, I hope that YinYang sees that you took out the white background. You even made the eyes move. You are one talented Penguin.

Never would have noticed that until I read this. Double yay!

And, of course, the obligatory:

I may be easily pleased, but think how much more fun I have!


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by yinyang:
Here's another one of those penguins...

But... what... what's it doing with its eyes??
It's kinda creepin' me out.

It’s supposed to be a begging penguin. As for the eyes... yeah, I don’t know either.


Originally posted by JonnyQuest:

Originally posted by yinyang:

Originally posted by ASortaFairyTale:
I hate being sick...why am I always sick??

To make up for the fact that people like me are never sick. Sorry.

*curiously watches reenactment of "Unbreakable" unfolding*

Much better than Shyamalan's... ***1/2


Beds: I can tell you a freaky story, but not a near-death one. When I was younger, probably between 5 and 8 (the ages tend to blur), I predicted one night before I went to sleep that I was going to fall out of the bed. I don’t remember ever falling off my bed before, and I certainly didn't do it frequently; I just had a feeling. So, I put a few large pillows in the place where I thought I was going to fall. Lo and behold, I fell off my bed and onto the pillows. Isn’t that special?

Inanimate objects: I dropped a TV on my knees when I was 6 or 8(again, it’s blurred). I was laying on the ground watching a show, but it was too far away, so I just kept scooting the screen closer until the front plopped onto my knees and lower legs (which I had been quick enough to put up in defense). It sounds painful (it's a medium-sized TV, if you don't compare it to a 50" HDTV), but it wasn’t so bad - didn’t end up with anything permanent (no bleeding was involved), either. Oh, TV still works, and we use it, too.

That's probably the only time I've been stupid enough to injure myself. Except, of course, when I managed a really nasty concrete burn that took some skin off my knee (while playing tag hide-and-go seek).

I know... how boring of me.

Edited for BBC coding inconsistencies, and for this:


Originally posted by nvghostrider:

Maybe just call me wierd ( I read what I wrote).

Weird's my favorite kind of people.

Rules on voting here:


Thursday, January 18, 2007 3:29 PM


Toilets to broomsticks and then sleeping apparatuses. And a sprinkler. We are serious danger if we can't stop these evil devices.

Ya sure we speak the King's English if we are inclined here in the north. But bubbler is just the perfect word. So the rest of the country has to catch up eh. We of also speak loudly to be heard over the 100,000 Harleys with their straight pipes and $5,000 paint jobs.

You will be happy to learn we are rebuilding our downtown expressway. So expect to see a lot of orange barrels and sudden twists in the road if you enter Milwaukee proper. We like to wait until the potholes are bigger than the cars before we do any serious renovations.

But food poisoning and getting beat up by a toilet trumps my bed story. A laughed before you reached the toilet because I saw it coming.
Beds go to toilets for advice.



I want to here from down under. Magna you must have had a duel with some quiet piece of furnature. You can't tell me Australians don't get attacked by inanimate objects.



Thursday, January 18, 2007 3:56 PM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
So if all this is true then why am I an utter failure when talking to women. Is it because I treat them as equals? Perhaps because I'm polite and courteous? Maybe because sex is the last thing on my mind when trying to complete a task?

Yes, of COURSE, you fool! Talk down to us, treat us like dirt, make us cook and clean for you, cheat on us... we love that!

Oh, wait, no....
Sorry, I was thinking about something else.

Stupid women like that. (And B&D / S&M fetishists, but let's stay on topic, people, sheesh.)

Maybe the chicks you meet are slightly paranoid and suspect you're great qualities are masking some horrible personality / behavioral flaw. I'm kinda that way: I see someone with a great personality and qualitites to them, I immediately think (1) he's secretly insane and hides his girlfriends' chopped up bodies in his cellar, (2) he's taken, (3) he's gay, or (4) there's no way he'd be interested in someone like me, so why bother. People are weird.

Okay. I love romance. But true romance. Not all the artsy fartsy flowers and music dancing on the beach as the sun goes down with a perfect soundtrack playing in the background while butterflies land all over you sort of stuff.
I like butterflies. I have a strange obsession with them right now. I blame the Cowboy Bebop movie.

*giggles like an idiot*



Thursday, January 18, 2007 4:10 PM


*grins at the giggling HK*

Clowns to the left of me… ...Jokers to the right...


Thursday, January 18, 2007 5:18 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Yes, of COURSE, you fool! Talk down to us, treat us like dirt, make us cook and clean for you, cheat on us... we love that!

Hasn't gotten me anywhere with you...

Oh, wait, no....
Sorry, I was thinking about something else.

What, pray tell.

Stupid women like that. (And B&D / S&M fetishists, but let's stay on topic, people, sheesh.)

And you would know this how?

I'm kinda that way: I see someone with a great personality and qualitites to them, I immediately think (1) he's secretly insane and hides his girlfriends' chopped up bodies in his cellar, (2) he's taken, (3) he's gay, or (4) there's no way he'd be interested in someone like me, so why bother. People are weird.

Hmm. 3 out of 4. Not bad. And weirdness is a plus. You know that...


I like butterflies. I have a strange obsession with them right now. I blame the Cowboy Bebop movie.
*giggles like an idiot*


Originally posted by Penguin:
*grins at the giggling HK*

*cackles maniacally at...everyone*

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Thursday, January 18, 2007 5:21 PM



Originally posted by Penguin:
*grins at the giggling HK*



*giggles idiotically some more*


Thursday, January 18, 2007 5:25 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

Catching up a previous almost post. (Got one from two days ago that's tragically obsolete that I'm still gonna post)

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Really, HK, I'm almost offended that you would believe my geography is so askew. I was refering to the movie "Fargo" which takes place primarily in Minnesota, Twin Cities area I believe.

I was Death for Halloween one year.

Why does this not surprise me?


Originally posted by Mavourneen:
I dipped a berry in the sugar and man, was it bitter - so the next bite I REALLY dipped the strawberry in - and it was worse.

You think the strawberry was somehow prescient of your love of Firefly?
Trying for sugar when you're sweet 16 and getting poisoned fruit instead? Sounds like a fairy tale in the making. All that and you were one of the unfortunate generation that had Mr. Yuck?

Originally posted by mal4prez:
So, these imponderables threads still grow too fast to keep up with. Yikes!

Some things never change. If a thread posting is like a packet, the rate of their growth would be like Planck's Constant which he thought up while eating chili in Quantum Hall, however the speed at which they grow approaches lightspeed and as a result their mass increases to the point where they become victims of their own gravity or levity as Einstein relatively pointed out using Maxwell's Silver Hammer. No, not Thor's...

A friend of mine was brewing beer last weekend - an IPA.

I"ve been trying to get my ISP to have a Beer 'n' Blog service installed for months...Oh, Not "ISP"., Alright then. I think your friend might be on to something putting his brew out there with an IPO, could bring back huge returns. What? "IPA"? What the hell has the International Phonetic Alphabet got to do with brewing? Bah! You're all nuts!

Originally posted by msg:
Mav...great now I have to poke out my mind's eye ( Jonny in a River dress)LOL

I think I'm rather fetching...

Oh, and RMIG and Tristan, I did do a short (S-H-O-R-T) stint as a waiter at Big Boy, so my creds are somewhat credible.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"






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