Male and Female Imponderables- our water cooler runneth over

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 00:39
VIEWED: 10227
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007 11:01 AM


She might be a hopeless romantic too. I've known people who think it would be just swell if two of their friends got together. They can be just as bad as a person with a crush in reading too much into comments. "She said he's cool. They're so going to get married and have kids and I'll get to baby sit!!"

So, it's possible the MF wasn't being a jerk. Just overly optimistic.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 11:22 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
Good morning to everyone! Here's hoping the day goes well for all.

Everyone called, they said thanks, and could you make sure to bring back the lawnmower?

Heeeey Magda, I'm glad I make you laugh, but I reckon I'll keep you guessing as to when I'm serious (hint:very rarely )

Does anyone else ever wish they didn't use 'I' so much when they talk, pretty often (avoided it there) feel like it's (and there) in every second thing that comes out of my mouth (sweet! hat-trick!). Makes me feel all self-centred, and pushy with what I (damn...) got to say about myself.

Ahhh, and Whitefall, didn't reply earlier, I didn't have much helpful to add, but I think your friend might have been trying to teach you something, in a fucked-up way. You always seem like a really sweet, earnest guy, trying hard to be the most even-handed, decent person you can, but I think that maybe you tend to expect the worst. Maybe there's something to learn in that, win or loose, nothing is irrecoverable, and it's generally best to try xD (which I'm guessing you'd openly acknowledge and agree with, but never quite bring yourself to act upon right? )

dagnabbit! gotten started on all those 'I's again...maybe if my own get gouged out, there'll be less on screen?

Oooh, let's see who can go the longest without using the word 'I' xD

Gods are great. But the heart is greater, for it is from the heart they come, and to the heart they shall return.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 11:36 AM



Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:
Does anyone else ever wish they didn't use 'I' so much when they talk, pretty often (avoided it there) feel like it's (and there) in every second thing that comes out of my mouth (sweet! hat-trick!). Makes me feel all self-centred, and pushy with what I (damn...) got to say about myself.

Oh, me, me, me.


Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:
Oooh, let's see who can go the longest without using the word 'I' xD

Does that^^ count?

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 11:43 AM


well, 'me' is not that-accursed-word-which-shall-not-be-spake-for-fear-of-being-selfcentred, so there's a thinking that it passes muster as not being that-word xD

so you've got a start, but there're expectations of plenty more from certain quarter's

Gods are great. But the heart is greater, for it is from the heart they come, and to the heart they shall return.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 11:46 AM


Yeah, I get that sometimes odds. Makes me feel a bit weird, like I'm a terrible listener or something. Doesn't help that I could talk for Ireland!

Graphics available at


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 11:50 AM



Originally posted by DesktopHippie:
Yeah, I get that sometimes odds. Makes me feel a bit weird, like I'm a terrible listener or something. Doesn't help that I could talk for Ireland!

Terry Wogan wants his championship prize title back

It's pretty neat to see that there's more then just me feel like that from time to time (really having to fight the urge to 'I' now...) So next question, who else makes an effort not to use it when they spot it and it bothers them?

Gods are great. But the heart is greater, for it is from the heart they come, and to the heart they shall return.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 12:02 PM


double post double post double post, but i feel a burning need to add my utter frustration at having dropped the strainer from my teapot when it was full of tealeaves >.< they are such a citag to clean up! =O

Gods are great. But the heart is greater, for it is from the heart they come, and to the heart they shall return.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 12:07 PM


Well he can't have it! I talk *way* more than he does. He has to pause to let the guests speak every now and then.

Think I'm figuring out why I say the word "I" so much...

Is "I" a word? I mean, if you say "I" as in "me" is that a word? Or is it still a letter even though it's being used as a word?

Graphics available at


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 12:09 PM


GED!~!!!!! Whee HUGS so good to see you sweety and glad you're well

NV- Hey HUGS glad things are looking up you deserve it!

Rugubug- I have but one thing to too me too me too

OK have to go to afterschool deal be back shortly ( well in an hour anyway)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 12:18 PM


That's pretty funny Odds. Seems the question crossed my desk just this morning. Who knew that word could scratch so deeply into ones psyche.

(tries to continue without using the "it" word)

So "She Who Shall Not Be Named" calls yesterday morning to ask for the Housing departments address. Why the F should that be my concern. Answering with a proffessional, "The phone book should have their address." it seems some sort of game was averted, (though as a professional courtesy the address was looked up and communicated to her). What is y'alls opinion. Wouldn't you get to thinkin', "Why the hell is she calling"? after a while?
Just wondering what ya's think.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 12:20 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.


Originally posted by Zeek:
She might be a hopeless romantic too. I've known people who think it would be just swell if two of their friends got together. They can be just as bad as a person with a crush in reading too much into comments. "She said he's cool. They're so going to get married and have kids and I'll get to baby sit!!"

So, it's possible the MF wasn't being a jerk. Just overly optimistic.

Well, that sort of falls under the "stupid" category (and I mean that in the nicest way possible ).

But, seriously, if your friend has made another word to put in the place of love, isn't that indicative of how they might feel about dating, particularly in high school?

Nevermind. I'm out.



Tuesday, January 23, 2007 12:27 PM


Perhaps the mutual friends heart was in the right place, but just totally read the situation wrong. It happened to me recently. Everyone who knew me said I should go for it, "she adores you, its obvious you're just being a wimp". I was right, she had no interest. Sometimes people just get it wrong while trying to help you out.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 12:36 PM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
That's pretty funny Odds. Seems the question crossed my desk just this morning. Who knew that word could scratch so deeply into ones psyche.

(tries to continue without using the "it" word)

So "She Who Shall Not Be Named" calls yesterday morning to ask for the Housing departments address. Why the F should that be my concern. Answering with a proffessional, "The phone book should have their address." it seems some sort of game was averted, (though as a professional courtesy the address was looked up and communicated to her). What is y'alls opinion. Wouldn't you get to thinkin', "Why the hell is she calling"? after a while?
Just wondering what ya's think.

Two options.

1) The negative view: She's playing a game, making excuses to get in touch so you keep thinking about her and perhaps steer the conversation in a direction she likes, or simply so you pay attention to her. There may be an element of control here, her liking to set the rules of when and how much you talk.

2) The positive view: You have a sexy phone voice and she wanted a listen.

Graphics available at


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 1:14 PM



Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:
well, 'me' is not that-accursed-word-which-shall-not-be-spake-for-fear-of-being-selfcentred, so there's a thinking that it passes muster as not being that-word xD

so you've got a start, but there're expectations of plenty more from certain quarter's

Ah, but Odds...'me' is even worse, in my opinion. And to be uttered in triplicate not only heightens the self-centeredness, but points to a very childlike way of asking for attention. Thus, the brilliant part of the response was the ability to remain self-centered without a certain dreaded word. It takes talent to be this self-centered. :smokin':

NVG: She's a harpy. She couldn've used the damn phonebook to look up the address. She knows she's losing her grip on you and is trying to re-sink those talons in. Run, don't walk, away from that one.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 1:15 PM


I have to go with ( and yes I've said this before ) she's profoundly indecisive. What she seems to want is your attention, but she seems to just want you to be hanging on indefinitely pining away for her. It's like it gives her an ego boost to attract you, but once she does, she's all about jerking you around and finally not coming through in the end. I'd make her a nice phone directory of the numbers of all the people she regularly tries to use you as an intermediary for and say " Just thought it might help make your life easier if you had all those numbers you need right where you can get at them." This is of course the nice mature side of me saying this...the other side leans more toward " Stop calling me you freak and go play your demented passive aggressive psycho head games on some other unsuspecting victim!!! Now rot in the hell you so richly deserve(**(&**&%$%^^#$$@#@"
So pick whichever side suits you best darlin NV:)

Well after that little fit ( which might have been partially induced by two full days of extreme chaos and overwork)I shall take my leave and go home and make a nice dinner and relax for a while.I shall come back a much less psycho person ( hoepfully)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 1:34 PM



Originally posted by RugBug:
me, me, me.

The case is rested Rugbug, while it might be the case that this selfish person has an extraordinary talent for said self-centeredness, it seem that they aren't alone xD

okay methinks talking in the third person probably counts as cheating

And i'm sorry to hear you've had such a tough time MSG, *hugs* to help you over a shitty few days. hey, you know what they say, Always look on the bright side of it could've been worse things happen at sea

Hey their coulda been snakes in there with you! although the pacifying effect on the needy kids mighta been worth it, still got the ADHD ones to cope with, but a few snakebite's later and I'm sure the local A&E nurses, or ER, would've been cursing your name as the ward got wrecked ^_~

Gods are great. But the heart is greater, for it is from the heart they come, and to the heart they shall return.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 2:02 PM


This is a photo of an actual notice posted on a street somewhere. Wish I could remember where I found it, so I could give proper credit.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 2:11 PM


King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 3:10 PM


Sorry for posting a long catch-up post yet again.

Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:
American Gods is quite the thing RIMG ^^ although i think i might have gotten more from it if i knew America better.

See, I think the thing that's keeping me from really getting into that book is the fact that I actually live by the places being described. So I find it... mundane. I like his stories to take me away from where I am, not lead me around them.

Regarding GREEN TEA, as responded to by many good folk:
I've never had tea before. It’s not that I expected it to taste sweet or anything like Mountain Dew. I merely wanted it to taste yummy because that colour is, in my mind, associated with yummy things like Mountain Dew. And, um. Anti-freeze.

I still have an inexplicable need to like green tea. It’s probably because I’m either insane or obstinate. So I am going to continue to try it until I develop a taste for it. I will. Yes. Or it will kill me.

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Oh, and HK, if you must expire please post the rest of your pictures first! Um, so that we have something to remember you by.

Ah. Thanks for your concern. I posted links on the photo thread.

Originally posted by Tristan:
Coffee. Coffee is the drink you are looking for, Hell's Kitten...unless you already drink it regularly and this green tea thing was just a mistake. That's understandable.

Ha. “Mistake.” Nah. I do stupid things on purpose, quite often.

Oh, uh. I tried coffee once. It was like drinking burnt. Burned what? I dunno. Just burnt. Coffee is another great disappointment for me – it should taste as wonderful as it smells, but it does not. I walk down the coffee bean isle, breathing in the wonderful aromas, only to remember that it’s just an evil trick.

Originally posted by Dancingneko:
I give you full credit for trying green tea without trying any other types before, HK. I'm guessing that it wasn't sweet enough for you, based on that Mountain Dew comment. *wince* Although I think all of you have horrid taste in oversweetened drinks...I'd rather drink a "green river" (7-up with green lemon-lime syrup added) or Jolt before I'd stoop to Mountain Dew

I will like it! Heh heh. I don’t think that sweetness was the problem. My imagination and expectations were the problem. (Kinda like eating Vegimite. Hee.) Now that I know what to expect, I won’t be shocked into epileptic fits of heart-breaking disappointment.

Originally posted by Dancingneko:
...okay, I'm going to stop that before I start a long winded thing on "how to address a person in Japanese."

Nnnnooooooo! I want to learn! How / when is –sama used? And how should I address a female Manager at my company who is in a different department? Konnichi wa is too informal, isn’t it? {/end language dork}

Originally posted by Penguin:
I have created an emote-using monster!

Excellent. More things I can swipe for my own nefarious uses.

Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:
Does anyone else ever wish they didn't use 'I' so much when they talk, pretty often (avoided it there) feel like it's (and there) in every second thing that comes out of my mouth (sweet! hat-trick!). Makes me feel all self-centred, and pushy with what I (damn...) got to say about myself.

Yes! It makes me feel so artless and unimaginative, especially when sentences are started that way. Often times, it’s necessary for me to figure out a completely different sentence structure and a new way of saying what was going to be said, just to avoid the usage. ←(example) (And, yes, “I” is a word when used to signify oneself.)

Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Wouldn't you get to thinkin', "Why the hell is she calling"? after a while?

Yes, after a very, very short while. In fact, I thought that before I finished reading your post. You seem to have more patience than I when it comes to such things.



Tuesday, January 23, 2007 3:21 PM


Yes, the repeated use of the 1st person singular pronouns has brought on a sense of self centeredness. The form of writing actually intensifies that feels. The spoken word is not as noticable.

The game of not using the self-centered pronouns is very intriguing. The game starts here.

Back to the pondering. Advise can be detrimental. Everyone needs to find their own way in relationships. It is a high school thing to tell others that someone else likes them. It's how to learn how to read signals. Whitefall, the important part is did you learn something from the experience? The knowledge that you gain from each experience will make it better next time. The mutual friend's intensions could seem harmful, but there's a pretty good chance that she's not very good at reading signals, too.

NVG, this has been going on for quite awhile. What do you think? Do you want her to stop? If so, tell her. The buzz word phrase is "You teach people how to treat you by your actions." Some people are just crazy, and no anount of logical thought will make them sane. There is a ton of love always heading your direction from

HK, funny sign. The readers of the note would no doubt have some pretty funny facial expressions.

1st Post that is devoid of the dreaded 1st person singular pronouns.

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 3:24 PM


Just thought I'd demonstrate my ability to not use I.But she really did call and seems to do so at least twice a month. She lacks the cajones to say whatever it is that she's thinkin'. It ain't my problem and I don't want it. I won't run from this one. I'll stand my ground 'cause I deserve the esteem I've worked so gorram hard for.

Goodnight folks.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 3:37 PM


HK: you know, it might well still be worth trying american gods, there's a good chance it'll at the very least make you look at those things you live beside in a whole new way, which might even be better then just escaping them
been alot of top-notch suggestions regarding tea, bloody-mindedly trying to make yourself like green tea is probably not the easiest, although if you insist, weak jasmine green tea might be easier on the palate ^^ kudos for the determination though
Reworking entire sentance's to find a new way to phrase things end express yourself might be one of the better things to come out of the obvious overuse of the singular pronoun (thanks VE) 'cos there're few things more pleasurable then stumbling upon a particularily elegant turn of phrase xD

VE, you've 'wordified' the original topic quite quite marvellously, most proffessional work *welikes*

NVG, Not sure any comment on my part would be very erudite, can't really claim enough knowlede of the situation to judge, so will stick to saying that between them, the bodies here have probably got all the bases covered with their advice, and to listen and learn

Gods are great. But the heart is greater, for it is from the heart they come, and to the heart they shall return.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 3:57 PM


Best thing learned in school: It's an old imponderable, I know, but I don't want to miss it. The only thing I really appreciate from school (and I do mean the ONLY) was learning how to type. It had to be bludgeoned into me with a large, heavy stick, but eventually I learned how to type at 40+ W/Min, which I use even for my own recreation. I'm thankful I took that class.

Oh, and Drama. The 'projecting' voice makes people sit up and take notice. You don't need to shout to get your point across when you can ramp up the decibels without changing your tone.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 4:05 PM


Words are wonderful, and they can be eloquently rearranged.

Odds, you did great. There were no 1st person singular pronouns that showed up in your last post.

NVG, you're right. She does call, and she does lack the cajones. It appears your choices are to be polite when she calls, ask her why she's calling all the time, tell her to stop calling, and/or hang up when she calls. (MsG had a great way to put her in her place with her last quote.). It's not your problem, and you shouldn't run. You should most definitely stand your ground. You deserve the BEST. It sounds like you do know what to do. Hugs from all Imponderables.

(2nd post that is hopefully missing the 1st person singular pronouns)

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 4:16 PM


Hey everybody!! I have been around in so long...I've missed you all so much!

Sorry it will take me forever to catch I can't respond to much.
The best thing that I learned in school was probably learning how to do public speaking without having my head explode, which is a very useful skill.

Hk, I would probably be one of the people looking bewildered and/or freaked out at that sign...
and here's another funny picture for you guys!

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 5:30 PM


*steps in somewhat grumpily, muttering about daylong confrences and state ASSessments*

Notices that RIMG had a comment:

Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:

Originally posted by Dancingneko:
*shrieks in shock (and glee) at Jimi-bear's hug snare* ACK! 's too early to shock me awake.

Sorry to shock you, but at least you are awake.

Meh...after the rest of today, that was at least plesant.

*re-sets the hug snare trap for when Neko returns*

*Completely misses the trap* (Looks like it went off from me stomping, sorry.) *Notices the hug and swipes it in a completely immature fashion* 1,2

And yes, it is a very good thing that it is being fixed. Otherwise, you guys would have seen a very angry Yeti.

Yay! Good. 'Cept there's a very pissed off neko (actually, at this rate, the neko is more tora-sized) looking for a few heads to bash.

Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Wish I could stay longer, but I can come back this afternoon. Howdy to all. Eventhough its ugly cold outside the sun is shining and I'm strangely content. Things are getting better and it feels good. I wanted to tell someone that and it happens to be all of you.

Whoo-HOO! We rate the goodstuff (news-wise)!

Originally posted by nvghostrider:
So "She Who Shall Not Be Named" calls yesterday morning to ask for the Housing departments address. Why the F should that be my concern. Answering with a proffessional, "The phone book should have their address." it seems some sort of game was averted, (though as a professional courtesy the address was looked up and communicated to her). What is y'alls opinion. Wouldn't you get to thinkin', "Why the hell is she calling"? after a while?
Just wondering what ya's think.

WHAT!?!!! *Surges forward to go hunt down some "She who will not be named" hide offa her back* *Is restrained by the snare RIMG set -- it did work* 3 It sounds like the fool-woman is confused, wants something that she's playing for, and lemmegoandhuntherdowngorramnit.4

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Regarding GREEN TEA, as responded to by many good folk:
I've never had tea before. It’s not that I expected it to taste sweet or anything like Mountain Dew. I merely wanted it to taste yummy because that colour is, in my mind, associated with yummy things like Mountain Dew. And, um. Anti-freeze.

I still have an inexplicable need to like green tea. It’s probably because I’m either insane or obstinate. So I am going to continue to try it until I develop a taste for it. I will. Yes. Or it will kill me.

Well, you already read my other suggestions, but a couple more: Sip the stuff they serve when you're at a Chinese restraunt. It's usually a bit milder (and jasmine-scented). Seriously though, green-tea ice cream from a good icecream place (B-n-R is not considered "good" in this case)...


Originally posted by Tristan:
Coffee. Coffee is the drink you are looking for, Hell's Kitten...unless you already drink it regularly and this green tea thing was just a mistake. That's understandable.

Ha. “Mistake.” Nah. I do stupid things on purpose, quite often.

Oh, uh. I tried coffee once. It was like drinking burnt. Burned what? I dunno. Just burnt. Coffee is another great disappointment for me – it should taste as wonderful as it smells, but it does not. I walk down the coffee bean isle, breathing in the wonderful aromas, only to remember that it’s just an evil trick.

That's why Tristan drinks it nearly white (and with sugar) (just teasing Tristan). I'd suggest what MsG calls the "froofy" girly coffee drinks -- a well made mocha or a frappuchino-type of ice coffee drink.


Originally posted by Dancingneko:
I give you full credit for trying green tea without trying any other types before, HK. I'm guessing that it wasn't sweet enough for you, based on that Mountain Dew comment. *wince* Although I think all of you have horrid taste in oversweetened drinks...I'd rather drink a "green river" (7-up with green lemon-lime syrup added) or Jolt before I'd stoop to Mountain Dew

I will like it! Heh heh. I don’t think that sweetness was the problem. My imagination and expectations were the problem. (Kinda like eating Vegimite. Hee.) Now that I know what to expect, I won’t be shocked into epileptic fits of heart-breaking disappointment.

See above


Originally posted by Dancingneko:
...okay, I'm going to stop that before I start a long winded thing on "how to address a person in Japanese."

Nnnnooooooo! I want to learn! How / when is –sama used? And how should I address a female Manager at my company who is in a different department? Konnichi wa is too informal, isn’t it? {/end language dork}

Remind me later okay? 's been a fuskin' long day, and I'm ready to a few .

1 It's mine, I tell yas, MINE! *squeezing the life outta the hug*

2 I *loathe* the whole thing about ASSessments. Plus, there's been new developments lately involving the fact that our test coordinator is leaving the end of the month.

3 Lemmeatherlemmeather...*sigh* Oh fine. MsG and Magda can use their bappin' hands on her...

4 NVG, could you give PB and BV some extra hugs this week for me? RIMG, Mav, LA (if you read this) could you hug your lil' ones too? (Yes, I need hugs today BADLY, but I'll settle for someone to substitute for me.)

Edited: Delete 5 (you really don't want to read how bad today was.) Adding: HK: Do I wanna know why you were tasting antifreeze? *shudder* *mutter* crazy onna...


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 5:40 PM


Funny pic, Asorta.

Public speaking is a good skill to learn. You never know when you'll be called upon to speak in front of others. Now you have the skills.

James, from all of the terrible school stories that you've told, it is nice to know that you came out with two great ways to communicate. Typing is a great thing to learn. It helps you share things, and the Imponderables are able to get to know you. Voice projection is always handy in noisy places. This smilie is probably more appropriate for your loud projecting voice.

(#3 - no 1st person singular pronouns)

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 6:01 PM


Yikes, Neko! Tomorrow has to be better. Day long conferences and State ASSessments are the pits. You are entitled to a major rant.
Do you need more time to rant?
Or do you think you can start to relax once you've purged the day?

What helps to take the stress away? Hot chocolate and a fireplace? Music and a hot bath? Reading and chocolate? Chatting with friends on

(#4 - Hey, Odds, are you still playing?)

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 6:16 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by Penguin:

I have created an emote-using monster!

Edit...yes, a really cute, dear emote-using monster!

He thinks I'm cute!!

Hang on!! there's an emote-using monster? Where??

Oh - and Qing ren?

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 6:46 PM



Originally posted by Oddsbodskins:
Ahhh, and Whitefall, didn't reply earlier, I didn't have much helpful to add, but I think your friend might have been trying to teach you something, in a fucked-up way. You always seem like a really sweet, earnest guy, trying hard to be the most even-handed, decent person you can, but I think that maybe you tend to expect the worst. Maybe there's something to learn in that, win or loose, nothing is irrecoverable, and it's generally best to try xD (which I'm guessing you'd openly acknowledge and agree with, but never quite bring yourself to act upon right?

Good gorram odds, that's a disturbingly apt description of me! (and for the parts that are complements, thanks )

Yeah, all in all the whole thing turned out alright. The lighting designer and I are really on the same terms (did i tell you guys that the first time i saw her after the whole email/chat thing about her not being interested, the first thing she asked was "do you want a hug"..... i love that woman, read my mind, lol....) and in a way its better, we can be more open cause i know how she feels, and she knows i know how she feels, and it might be oddly better. Cause ultimately, i didnt have huge hopes of high school romance, and in my night of agonizing worry, i decided that the most likely good outcome would be for stuff to go on as normal.

As for the mutual friend (and yes you all assumed right, that meant friend of both myself and the lighting designer) its not a qeustion of forgiving cause there's nothing to forgive. I once said to PheonixRose that most of us have spent most of our lives in privacy, and really want some company: in that spirit, I really appreciated that MF took an interest, as pathetic as that may sound. Sure she caused me to say things that i'm pretty damn sure i wouldnt have done otherwise, but... I believe in people being honest about stuff, maybe she was just helping me along.

Either way, all is more or less well in the land of me, (finally gonna present the firefly club to the ASB tomorrow, wish us luck!) and this whole thing has been, as you guys mentioned, an experience.

But i'm not changing my signature back.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"All love is unrequited... All of it." -Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 8:05 PM


Magda, you are too cute.

You are the emote using Queen!

Whitefall, it sounds like it is working out OK.

(#5 - Odds, are you counting?)

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 8:17 PM


I suppose i am reasonably ok...

well, off to bed for me, gotta get up at the absurd hour for school, and then gotta present Firefly Club... grrr they'd better approve it, i've been waiting since thanksgiving. 'Night all awesome imponderablers!

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon.

"All love is unrequited... All of it." -Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 8:20 PM


Sorry about the venting earlier.

VeX -- some of us at work (and yes, a couple of folks are still at work at 8 p.m.) had a long, meandering conversation with our new principal.

Chocolates sounds nice, but 'twould be loverly if there was a good looking masseur or snuggle-un to snuggle with.

*bah* going home to have dinner and collapse.

(heh...does this posting count as #1?)


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:36 PM


Neko, no problem. All the workshop stuff and meeting with the new principal had to be a draining day. It's 8 PM? Go home.

Here's a little something for you.

You just have to remind him to hold the claws. He's great for snuggling with afterwards. Here's a bit of chocolate, too.

Yes, you did a great job. Your down for #1, so that Odds will have a record when he comes back.

(#6 - VeX
#1 - DancingNeko)

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Wednesday, January 24, 2007 12:39 AM


New thread time at

Demolitions specialist for the 76th Independent Battalion.
From blowing open locked fridges, to destroying Alliance gun emplacements, it's all fun for me.






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