Joss won't be making 'Wonder Woman'

UPDATED: Sunday, February 18, 2007 21:53
VIEWED: 30767
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Friday, February 2, 2007 2:28 PM


Straight from the Boss Man's own keyboard...

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Friday, February 2, 2007 3:14 PM


Well...I'm going to say it.

This is great news for us. Sure, I feel sorry for Joss. But if Firefly/Serenity is ever going to fly again, the window has now been opened.

I'm a little pumped. Is this that first bit of news that we've been waiting for?

Thoughts people! Thoughts!


Friday, February 2, 2007 4:03 PM


This is big news people.

I can't believe this thread doesn't have 200 posts

No more "wait till after Wonder Woman is done and see what happens"

Our time is now.


Friday, February 2, 2007 4:17 PM


as much as i love joss's work, this doesnt bother me. I didnt care for the character at all.

"I already know you will not see reason" - The Operative
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Friday, February 2, 2007 4:24 PM


All I can say is Wow....


Friday, February 2, 2007 4:36 PM


all i can say is holy shit!

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Friday, February 2, 2007 4:42 PM


Zoinks. I wasn't too thrilled about Wonder Woman, but I would have seen it just to see what Joss did. That said, I agree with most everyone else. Isn't it about time that Sci-Fi or ??? brought back the best sci-fi show ever created?


Friday, February 2, 2007 4:56 PM


America loves a winner!

The spell worked ! Finally!!!!

Now, for the BIG DAMN SEQUEL !

People love a happy ending. So every episode, I will explain once again that I don't like people. And then Mal will shoot someone. Someone we like. And their puppy. - Joss

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, February 2, 2007 5:25 PM


All this means is I will definately not be seeing Wonder Woman when it comes out. Only reason I was going to was to support our man. This news just saved me $10.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Friday, February 2, 2007 5:31 PM



Originally posted by Bringitback:

Well...I'm going to say it.

This is great news for us. Sure, I feel sorry for Joss. But if Firefly/Serenity is ever going to fly again, the window has now been opened.

I'm a little pumped. Is this that first bit of news that we've been waiting for?

Thoughts people! Thoughts!

Well...I'm going to say it.

This is NOT great news for us. The more Joss is 'outed', the less chance of big studios contracting him for more 'Verse; dong-ma?

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Friday, February 2, 2007 7:11 PM


Asarian, thanks for saying that. I agree. We want Joss to be seen as the "it-man" in Hollywood with makin' the big, blockbuster hits. If "Wonder Woman" would have become a big success, then he'd have less trouble getting more backing to get the BDS on the big screen.

As much as I love, love, LOVE my captain and all the crew of Serenity, we've got to face facts: much as we all love the BDM, it didn't do so well bringing people into the theatres. DVD sales are one thing, box office, however, is the main thing for the muckety-mucks at studios who can hand out the big go-ahead to get Serenity flying again.

If I'm gonna dream, I'm gonna dream big.


Friday, February 2, 2007 7:40 PM


Here's where it helps....Wonder Woman would have consumed Joss's mind for the next year and a half. In this time, the cast is going to be moving on beyond the point of signing back up for another go at a Serenity movie. Think about it, if Wonder Woman came out summer 08, that means Serenity 2 wouldn't be released until potentially four years after the first film ( a long gap by today's standards where the 3 year gap for spider-man and batman has been called excessive) and a whopping SEVEN years after the show first aired. If this thing is going to happen, which we all hope it does, it will probably happen in the next half year (the announcement, that is) after that, hope for future adventures is going to turn into bittersweet nostalgia in a hurry......

"this ship will be with you 'til the day you die"


Friday, February 2, 2007 8:16 PM


Yah, I agree with Asarian and KayleeGirl. The more positive exposure Joss gets the more positive exposure our BDS gets.

But on the positive side, he will have time to spend on F/S...we'll have to see how it pans out and we've never got down before :)

If you can't walk, crawl, if you can't crawl...


Friday, February 2, 2007 8:27 PM


Yep. There goes the Wonder Woman movie (and the chance of Joss PLAYING wonder woman would of made things easier...)

I feel Joss would have made an excellent script for a DC character who's kind of run-of-the-mill/stuck in a niche.

That, and he could write ass-kicking females awfully well

So goodbye Wonder Woman, hello "Serenity Returns!"evil:


Remember: When introducing Zoe to your shiny new ship, pay attention to where she's pointing when she says "What is that?" That's where you're going to be laying, bleeding someday.


Friday, February 2, 2007 8:36 PM


*in his best Hector Barbossa voice* Gents, OUR HOPE IS RESTORED!!!

Why is the rum always gone?


Friday, February 2, 2007 9:45 PM


Asarian is right.

First I'm devastated for Joss. This wasn't about Joss just having a writing assignment that he's not wanting to do now.

WB bought a spec script from two unknowns yesterday for WW. Today Joss ceased to work on WW. What does that say to you? This isn't about Joss now having free time to do what he wants so he'll be able to immediately launch into making the BDSequel. This is about Joss not working on a potential opportunity to make it big as a writer and director in Hollywood... something the BDM didn't do for him.

This is bad news.... all the way around. Joss was very brave to come right out and beat the news services and tell us, his fans right there on Whedonesque. Just like him... brave, fine and good thru and thru. That must have been wicked hard to do.

In his post on Whedonesque, Joss said Goners is what is next. We'll all just have to wait and see what happens now.

Go to for more info!


Friday, February 2, 2007 10:39 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
The spell worked ! Finally!!!!

Don't make me hurt you.

Cause I will!

Oh yes...I'll...I'll...I'll...flood your inbox with private messages...yeah, that's what I'll do.

*has been a WW fan since toddlerhood*

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Saturday, February 3, 2007 12:30 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
WB bought a spec script from two unknowns yesterday for WW. Today Joss ceased to work on WW. What does that say to you?

You and I obviously read different blog postings by the Big Guy. I seem to remember him saying this:

We just saw different movies, and at the price range this kind of movie hangs in, that's never gonna work....

...The worst thing that can happen in this scenario is that the studio just keeps hammering out changes and the writer falls into a horrible limbo of development. These guys had the clarity and grace to skip that part. So I'm a free man.

So what WB buying a script from two unknowns tells me is that WB found two guys who were willing to have their idea torn apart and rewritten by the studio. Something Joss has too much integriity and self respect to do. Joss wanted the movie one way, WB wanted it another and they couldn't find common ground.

Rather then bemoan the current situation, why not give Joss the credit he deserves? He was not willing to put out something he didn't believe in, wasn't willing to be just a cog in the media machine that is WB. Joss wouldn't do that to his fans. So rather than dig in their heels and force Joss to do it, they opted for a couple of no names that want so bad to get their names out there that they'd be willing to sell their own mothers (or completely bastardize their vision) to achieve that goal.

Does this mean we're getting a BDS? Hell no. There are never any garuntees when it comes to stuff like that, and in the end, it doesn't really matter anyway. The lack of any further adventures with the crew won't lessen the importance (at least to us) or the place in our hearts and minds that Firefly and Serenity have.

This isn't a setback for Joss, nor is it a springboard. It's simply another turn down the exiting adventure that is his career. Be thankful you're along for the ride.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Saturday, February 3, 2007 3:48 AM



Originally posted by babywiththepower:

You and I obviously read different blog postings by the Big Guy. I seem to remember him saying this:

We just saw different movies, and at the price range this kind of movie hangs in, that's never gonna work....

...The worst thing that can happen in this scenario is that the studio just keeps hammering out changes and the writer falls into a horrible limbo of development. These guys had the clarity and grace to skip that part. So I'm a free man.

So what WB buying a script from two unknowns tells me is that WB found two guys who were willing to have their idea torn apart and rewritten by the studio. Something Joss has too much integriity and self respect to do. Joss wanted the movie one way, WB wanted it another and they couldn't find common ground.

Insisting on one's own artistic integrity and walking away one's own self is quite different from getting fired, basically. Especially so late in the game.


I'm as relieved as I am disappointed, and both of those things lead to drink, so that's a plus.... That's the greatest relief of all. I can do interviews again!

When I read things like that, I read primarily between the lines (which is where most of the interesting stuff is found anyhow). Rarely have I seen a man get fired, walking out of his boss' office, saying to himself: "These guys had the clarity and grace to skip that part," and have not at least some huge part of that be a powerful need to cope with a blow that most folks find devastating.

What Joss needed was a big block buster. Some big studio cheese who came along, saying: "Yes, good, you have reputation. 'Joss Whedon gets it done.' is the talk." Now things, not so solid.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, February 3, 2007 3:55 AM


Asarian is wrong. Wonder Woman will bomb at the box office even if Joss makes it. How does Joss having a big flop under his belt help get another FF movie made? I am sure the average male fan that made the "other" super hero movies big hits will not turn out for WW.


Saturday, February 3, 2007 4:19 AM


Here's what I posted on Whedonesque:

I'm sure you have mixed feelings about letting WW go, Joss, but it will probably prove to be for the best. WW is a difficult project, and my personal opinion is that it's a trap; A project that may never see the light of day, and will suck if it ever does. -Especially now that you're not part of it!

As your fans, we all have our own take on what you should pursue as your next Project. But you, who have taught us so well that "the Journey is the Worthier Part", have your own path set before you. Please know that we will follow you on your Journey wherever it should lead, be it Comics, Movies, TV, Shadow Puppets, Radio....

We're with you, Boss :)

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Saturday, February 3, 2007 4:29 AM


How many times has a writer just walked away from something instead of compromising on his vision?

Damm few. Most of the time the writer will just bow to the powers that be and produce at best another run of the mill movie that disappoints at the box office or at worst really, really bombs.

Better to remian true to your artistic vision and make great movies that don't make much money. He displayed extraordinary grace under lots of pressure. He could have come out and really lambasted WB and air his grievances in public like most of Hollywood but he didn't.

I think in a perverse way it may inhance any other movie that Joss makes. The studios now know that he will only compromise so much and that both Joss and the studio better have the same vision in order to get a movie made.

That and the rising stars of the cast of Firefly/Serenity I think will insure that at least another BDM will be made.

BTW I agree that WW will definately flop now.


Saturday, February 3, 2007 4:32 AM



Originally posted by babywiththepower:
Rather then bemoan the current situation, why not give Joss the credit he deserves?

I believe I did when I said: "Just like him... brave, fine and good thru and thru. That must have been wicked hard to do."
My comment doesn't demean Joss' integrity. His integrity is not in question.

My comment doesn't just relate to Joss, it relates to everyone's reaction here that this is an opportunity for him to work on Firefly/Serenity. It's not.
It doesn't improve the odds that there will be a sequel to the BDM.


This isn't a setback for Joss, nor is it a springboard. It's simply another turn down the exiting adventure that is his career.

I'm sorry I disagree with you about this not being a setback for Joss. ( First understand that my next two sentences do not mean that I think it's Joss' fault.) The perception in Hollywood is that Firefly failed. The fact is that the BDM failed at the box office, although I believe personally that it's sold wonderfully on DVD. Now Joss is no longer attached to an opportunity that he had to be involved with a potential blockbuster. This is not a wonderful moment in his career nor were the other two. This doesn't however mean that I believe that he won't recover from this and work his magic as always.

I just believe that the chances he has to work that magic with the 'Verse are slimmer now.


Be thankful you're along for the ride.

Believe me, I am. I wouldn't want to be anyplace else and I told him so over on Whedonesque.

Go to for more info!


Saturday, February 3, 2007 4:39 AM



Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:
BTW I agree that WW will definately flop now.

I agree as well.

I'll certainly not be going to see it, as the only reason I ever thought about watching it was the chance to see Joss work his magic up on that screen again.

Go to for more info!


Saturday, February 3, 2007 5:02 AM


I think Joss is in a relatively bad position now as a movie script writer.

First, his take on "Alien IV" hasn't been exactly appreciated by many fans of the franchise (that would include me). In the DVD interviews, it becomes pretty clear that some of the "higher-ups" at Fox felt (and probably still feel) the same way.

Second, the BDM didn't do too well because of a lousy marketing campaign trying to sell it as your standard "Star Wars/Trek"-derivative which is - as we all know - pretty far off.

And now this "Wonder Woman"-case. In the eyes of the producers, Joss basically wrote a crappy script (I bet that's what they are going say) and Joss decided not to let his vision get raped by some unknown "script fixers".

Now where does that leave him (and us)? He is an ingenious writer, but his attempts at full scale movie scripts have not worked too well for him in the past and I wonder how many chances he will get in the future. Not too many, I am afraid.

After all, his position in the business as a whole is weakened by this.

°°°°°°°°°°°° - my selfmade ambient/lounge/chillout music - mphillips 100 in 1 Packs


Saturday, February 3, 2007 5:04 AM


Yes, but this is still another big-screen movie that Joss won't be getting credit for.

And all those who are saying Wonder Woman isn't an interesting character; have you even read the comics? I was eager to see what Joss could've done with her.

Any chance we can talk him into "accidentally" releasing what he has done of the script? If it's not gonna reflect the film itself, then I fail to see the harm.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, February 3, 2007 5:13 AM



Originally posted by CBY:

I think Joss is in a relatively bad position now as a movie script writer.

First, his take on "Alien IV" hasn't been exactly appreciated by many fans of the franchise (that would include me). In the DVD interviews, it becomes pretty clear that some of the "higher-ups" at Fox felt (and probably still feel) the same way.

Second, the BDM didn't do too well because of a lousy marketing campaign trying to sell it as your standard "Star Wars/Trek"-derivative which is - as we all know - pretty far off.

And now this "Wonder Woman"-case. In the eyes of the producers, Joss basically wrote a crappy script (I bet that's what they are going say) and Joss decided not to let his vision get raped by some unknown "script fixers".

Now where does that leave him (and us)? He is an ingenious writer, but his attempts at full scale movie scripts have not worked too well for him in the past and I wonder how many chances he will get in the future. Not too many, I am afraid.

After all, his position in the business as a whole is weakened by this.

I don't disagree on any particular point. In fact, I agree with everything you said wholeheartedly. And painful as it is to hear, it's also true.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, February 3, 2007 5:36 AM


I'd kind of given up on a sequel anyway and I agree with the people who say this makes it less likely.

I'd like to see goners made soon but it's probably going to be harder to get someone to make that now too maybe he'll go back to tv where he's got a much better track record and more bankability? as long as he's doing something I don't really mind what it is...

and in the meantime we've got buffy 8 to keep us going

"I'm an artist, with an e and a beret."


Saturday, February 3, 2007 6:14 AM


To me this is an "OK" situation. This isn't a "you'll never work in this town again" instance. This is more akin to the whole Kevin Smith/Jon Peter's SUPERMAN incident, where it was just a respected writer/director/comic book geek gets a chance to work on a huge project, him and the producer don't see eye to eye and they split amicably.

And to tell you the truth, that's probably the best outcome of a situation like that. Keep in mind that he was working with Joel Silver. I don't know if a lot of you guys know this, but he had a cameo in WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT as the hot headed director who was berating Roger for seeing birds instead of stars. "I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about the refrigerator!!" And on the commentary track, Bob Zemekis says that he wasn't acting. Next to Don Simpson, Scott Rudin and Harvey Weinstein, Silver is notorious for being the loud mouthed, egocentric, bullying producer who eats assistants for breakfast. So I'm pretty sure that him and Joss would have been butting heads and having screaming matches every day on set.

Only now, we're probably going to miss out on some great stories from Joss about how much a fucked up, kooky dude Joel Silver is.

So yeah, him dropping out of WONDER WOMAN is probably a blessing in disguise. He can do GONERS, which might have the potential to be his PAN'S LABRYNTH (even though I felt PAN'S was slightly overrated), which can get him enough clout to make SERENITY 2. Look at Guiellermo Del Toro. He's prepping for HELLBOY 2, which actually sounds better than the original. Or maybe, just maybe, he might get back into TV, and hopefully on a creative friendly cable network, like SCI-FI or that great dangling carrot known as HBO. I always thought Joss and HBO would make a good match. HBO has always had that policy of "Do what you want, we'll pick up the tab."

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Saturday, February 3, 2007 6:21 AM


Even though Wonder Woman is now probably going to get focus-grouped to death trying to work out a movie that appeals to everyone under the sun, in my opinion WB just lost themselves an easy $20 million from the Browncoat community.

From everyone else's comments, odds are most of us won't be seeing this now. I still might, since I'm a sucker for comic book films. But that's not the point. In a strange way, WB just alienated a whole demographic by dropping Joss.

Not really saying it's good or bad. I just think it's an odd nuance to the whole thing.

As to what this means for the future of Firefly, I think the whole thing just got thrown back up into the air.


"Bible, Wrath of Khan, what's the difference?"


Saturday, February 3, 2007 6:22 AM


Normally I would agree with you, but Wonder Woman was a WB project. If it was a Universal movie, or Universal studio execs that did this to Joss than I would definitely say that the chances of a BDS were in jeopardy.


Saturday, February 3, 2007 6:59 AM


Poor Joss, he's really had a rough few years.

Firefly - Cancelled
Angel - Cancelled
Serenity - Poor Box Office, no sequel
Spike Movie/Buffyverse Direct to DVD movies: DENIED
Wonder Woman - Fired by WB
Goners - *Crickets* from Universal, they've had over 2 years to greenlight this movie and have not.

Comic books are fun, but it should be something Joss does for fun, it shouldn't be the only job he can get.

I'm very sad about this.

"Gott kann dich nicht vor mir beschuetzen, weil ich nicht boese bin."


Saturday, February 3, 2007 7:05 AM



Originally posted by charliethebloody:
I'd kind of given up on a sequel anyway and I agree with the people who say this makes it less likely.

Hmph. So much for Browncoat optimism...

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

Vote for Firefly at


Saturday, February 3, 2007 7:06 AM


Well, at least now Joss can give his attention to ideas worthy of him, and stuio execs that'll understand his work.
I wasn't too thrilled about Wonder Woman - would've been a big waste of Joss' time and energy and creativity if you ask me. I agree that positive exposure is good - key word there being 'positive'. i.e. not wonder woman

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Saturday, February 3, 2007 9:14 AM



Originally posted by kaneman:
Asarian is wrong. Wonder Woman will bomb at the box office even if Joss makes it. How does Joss having a big flop under his belt help get another FF movie made? I am sure the average male fan that made the "other" super hero movies big hits will not turn out for WW.

Sorry to burst your bubble, Kaneman, but there are two kinds of chick flix: 1. the romantic, needin'-some-tissue-at-the-end kind and 2. the omigod-so-many-hot/cute-guys-in-one-movie kind, which includes war and adventure movies.

I've gone to see all the Batman and Spiderman (not to mention LOTR)films in the theatre with a large group of friends in tow -- and most of them have been women. Same group would go to see WW, especially if Joss wrote it![b/]

If I'm gonna dream, I'm gonna dream big.


Saturday, February 3, 2007 10:24 AM



Originally posted by kaneman:
Asarian is wrong. Wonder Woman will bomb at the box office even if Joss makes it. How does Joss having a big flop under his belt help get another FF movie made? I am sure the average male fan that made the "other" super hero movies big hits will not turn out for WW.

Got yourself a shiny crystal ball, have you?

And turning from the subject of Kaneman to the more general topic of fortune-telling, please do not make me remind us all of the "bigger than Star Wars" predictions before the release of the BDM. Just saying.

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Vote Firefly!


Saturday, February 3, 2007 10:29 AM



Originally posted by derangedmilk:
Hmph. So much for Browncoat optimism...

Right! Because everyone knows that in order to be a true fan, you have to be optimistic to the point of the irrational.

I'm not one for optimism, myself. More like realism. And on a realist view, this news is both good and bad. It ain't the end of the world, but it's hardly as if the heavens have split asunder and Serenity herself flown down to Earth. How's about we take things as they come?

On a related note, one has to wonder what would happen to the fanbase if something happened that crushed all hope. I reckon these boards would be a mite emptier...

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Vote Firefly!


Saturday, February 3, 2007 10:29 AM


the only way MAKING wonder woman would be good for Joss is if it did great at the box office. And I dont see any iteration of Wonder Woman doing big numbers. So this is a double edge sword. On one hand, if Joss is somehow outed in hollywood or given a bad rep, we will NEVER see anything more of the verse. But its good because he can get a better project to come out with and wow everyone. Wonder Woman wouldnt of done that.

"I already know you will not see reason" - The Operative
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Saturday, February 3, 2007 10:40 AM



It's simply another turn down the exiting adventure that is his career. Be thankful you're along for the ride.

i hope that was a typo


Saturday, February 3, 2007 10:58 AM


Look, everybody! O-1985 has a crystal ball, too!

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

I wish I had a magical wish-granting plank.

Vote Firefly!


Saturday, February 3, 2007 11:05 AM


I've read most of the postings here but I'm a little pressed for time so I'll post this and get to the rest later. I did want to put my 2 cents in.

From the begining I really got the vibe that Joss wasn't in to WW. Sorry if that hurts anyones feelings but it's JMO. I've read what he's posted on Whedoncom and I just don't see heartbreak there. If this is giving him the chance to move on to ANY other project that he IS more in tune with then I think it's great! I'm with him all the way and I know the browncoats haven't given up on any FF/Serenity works that I would love to see come up.

Joss didn't compromise himself on FF or Serenity and I don't think he should on WW,if his heart wasn't into it. If he hadn't given full effort to FF and the BDM we wouldn't love them as much as we do. You can always tell when someone Cherishes their "Baby" and when they do not.



Saturday, February 3, 2007 11:24 AM



Originally posted by Causal:
How's about we take things as they come?

On a related note, one has to wonder what would happen to the fanbase if something happened that crushed all hope. I reckon these boards would be a mite emptier...

We've certainly had some "happenings" that have come close, haven't we?

-The "No Serenity Sequel Ever" Rumor, when Joss was misquoted in almost every "news" link on the web

-The Universal Legal Department's crackdown on Unlicensed Vendors, which alienated a lot of Folks from the 'verse

-The infamous Cancellation of FLAN II

-And now this.

But Guess what? We're still here, still strong!

-Joss denied the no Serenity EVER rumor by simply saying "If someone writes a check..." .

-The Vendors backed down a bit, the Legal Department did too, and you can still satisfy your need for 'verse Pretties, be they Licensed or fan made

-The wonder that was B3... need I say more about That?

-And now, Joss has options he can pursue, and he will. We just have to Hold; Hold until our time arises again. When, and in what form that will be... who knows? Joss did indeed say it best:
"The Journey is the Worthier Part"

I have both good and bad memories of this Journey we're on, but I won't trade it for ANYthing!


"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Saturday, February 3, 2007 11:24 AM


Gorram double posts... my first one on This Board!


Saturday, February 3, 2007 11:44 AM



Originally posted by Causal:
Look, everybody! O-1985 has a crystal ball, too!

no its called common sense. If a movie doestn do well in the box office, studios are less prone to hire you. I dont have a crystal ball, but you have a really lame sense of humor.

"I already know you will not see reason" - The Operative
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Saturday, February 3, 2007 11:54 AM


Actually I think he meant typoing "exiting" (leaving now) for "exciting" (woohoo).

One describes Joss' career. The other most certainly does not.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Saturday, February 3, 2007 12:04 PM


I'm with the Good News crowd on this. Mabye not enough millions of people went to see Serenity in the theaters to generate a box-office mandated sequel, but now many more millions have seen the movie on HBO, and Netflix, bought all the DVD's and are hungry for more. Joss knows this...With potential release date of Christmas 2009, with big-time sequel promotion effort like so many un-deserving films always seem to get, Firefly's 'verse could become really hot and then spawn another tv series.


Saturday, February 3, 2007 1:37 PM


which has a fan community

Goners Internet movie database page search Goners not listed under Popular Results It is listed right now under Other Results.


Saturday, February 3, 2007 2:00 PM


Well, I no longer have any interest in seeing WW. I'm big into comic book movies, but I can't imagine this turning out well without Joss. Now I'm picturing it something like Catwoman (which I admittedly haven't seen). Joss could have pulled it off because he knows how to make powerful women characters that don't look ridiculous. WW is a cool character in comic books, but in the flesh it's hard to get past that outfit. She looks like a patriotic dominatrix.

Or maybe I just don't get it because I'm a chick.


Saturday, February 3, 2007 2:47 PM



Originally posted by Aerin:
Well, I no longer have any interest in seeing WW. I'm big into comic book movies, but I can't imagine this turning out well without Joss. Now I'm picturing it something like Catwoman (which I admittedly haven't seen). Joss could have pulled it off because he knows how to make powerful women characters that don't look ridiculous. WW is a cool character in comic books, but in the flesh it's hard to get past that outfit. She looks like a patriotic dominatrix.

Or maybe I just don't get it because I'm a chick.

trust me, catwoman is as bad as everyone says it is.

"I already know you will not see reason" - The Operative
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Saturday, February 3, 2007 2:56 PM



Originally posted by hiiamjanet:

It's simply another turn down the exiting adventure that is his career. Be thankful you're along for the ride.

i hope that was a typo

Why would it be?


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion






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