My Fire Fly CCG Rules

UPDATED: Friday, February 27, 2004 18:10
VIEWED: 3789
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Monday, February 2, 2004 12:43 PM


I saw the cards on the main site. I thought they were a joke, but I came in here to see if there was more to it, and there was. Well, I'm a ccg gamer and I'm a FANATIC Firefly fan. So I wipped up these rules. I saw some people talk about using contorlled worlds as rescourses, but that didn't feel right. I started form scratch and came up with these rules. I think they reflect the the importance of crew that the show did, as well as the freedom Mal craved. Anyways, here's my two bits. I wasn't lying when i said I was a fanatic though, it's like 6 pages long.

The Card Game Rules
(Beta 1)

Set up:
-Chose one ship card
-Chose up to three crew cards.
-Designate one crew member as Captain
-Draw four event cards.
-Turn four job cards face up on the table.
-Set your Alliance and Criminal reputation to 0
-Place a starting planet in the middle of the table (Must be a core world).
-Place your ship’s token on the starting location
-Place the location, event and job decks to the side.

Location cards: Planets with credit and, sometimes, Reputation values
Event cards: Characters, weapons, items, actions.
Ship cards: Each ship has a movement value, max inventory value and a max crew value.
Mission cards: Cards that have a reward that can be claimed after meeting the listed set circumstances.

Turn Cycle:

Reset Phase:
Cards with an effect of one turn expire. Pay upkeeps for cards that require them or return the card to your hand. Your opponent’s infamy recourses are reset to their reputation value. Your ship’s movement points and your captain’s command points are reset to their maximum values.

‘Verse Phase:
During your Verse phase you manage the malevolent forces of the game. You use you opponent’s infamy to play negative cards against them. Cards that do not target a specific player may be played using any one’s infamy. Infamy may not be combined from two different player’s pools in order to play a card. All encounters must be played at the same time, where instants may be played at any time during the phase. Follow these steps:

1.) Attack: Play all encounter cards that you wish/can and designate the order in which they will be fought.

2.) Response: Your opponents may play positive effect instants and assign other defenses.

3.) Resolve: If an encounter card was played that is a person it engages in combat with the crew of the player whose infamy was used to play it. The defending player chooses what character he controls will engage in combat with the attacking characters. Multiple characters can gang up on one unit. If the defending player assigns no one to fight an attacking character, the attacking player decides who the remaining unassigned attacking character(s) fight. Roll one six sided die for each time a character fights another character and add the card’s combat rating to the roll. This becomes their attack rating. The card with the highest rating wins, the losing card takes one point of damage. If a character’s health reaches 0 it dies. A tie means no wounds were inflicted. An enemy may only imitate one attack per turn as a free command. The player may chose to challenge the enemy if they have any remaining command points from their last turn. When a player crew character dies, their card is discarded and any inventory items they were carrying that can enter a crew inventory are placed in the controlling player’s crew inventory.

(I.E. Player A plays “Alliance Mercenaries” and “Bandits” using player B’s infamy points. Player B chooses to use “Jayne” to fight the mercenaries and, because he has no other crew members, player A assigns the bandits to fight Jayne. The Mercs roll a 1 and have a combat rating of 4, equaling an attack of 5. Jayne rolls a 2 and has a combat rating of 5 making an attack of 7. Jayne inflicts one damage on the Mercs. The Merc’s health is reduced from 2 to 1. Jayne rolls a 1, while fighting the bandits, and has a combat rating of 5. The bandits roll a 2 and have a combat rating of 1. Jayne inflicts one damage point on the bandits. The bandits have only one health so they are killed and discarded. Now only the Mercs and Jayne remain. Player B has a command point left from his last round, so he can challenge the Mercs if he wishes. Or he can do nothing and Player A moves to his the Reward step.)

4.) Reward: For every wound a crew member inflicts on a unit the controlling player of the crew member gets one credit. The player controlling the crew member also receives any infamy that is noted on the card for killing a character. This applies to all units save for mission specific unit’s because they have their on specific rewards.

5.) Squad: After combat any surviving units may go back into your hand or go into your squad. Your squad is a group of cards that you lay face up on the table. They are not part of your inventory and they are not items. Wounded units always go to your squad with wound tokens on them, or are discarded if they are defeated. You may keep five unit’s in your squad, excess unit’s are discarded (your choice). You play units from your squad the same way you do form your hand, they simply do not count towards your hand total.

Charter Phase:
Draw and place one location card at any legal space. Core worlds must be adjacent to at least one other core world. Rim Planets may not be adjacent to core world. If the card you drew may not be played shuffle it back into the deck.

Crew Phase:
During your crew phase you manage your ship’s members. You may spend credits to play positive effect event cards, such as items and characters. Any items that you play are placed in your crew’s inventory.
There are two states for item cards, attached (being carried/used) and in inventory (lying around the ship some place). A crew’s inventory may not have more items in it then the ship’s carry limit. Once a card has been played into your inventory it may be attached to a character. Attached cards do not count towards your inventory limit. Crew members may not carry more items then their indicated carry limit.
Some cards can only be attached to a crew member. (Upgrade cards that are labeled as “traits” such as “Brute Strength” or “Heightened Senses”.)
Some cards have a Reputation requirement, Criminal or Alliance. (Such as “Black Market Weapons” or “Illegal Cargo”) These cards represent things you can only get accesses to if you’re in good with a faction.
Some cards do not have a credit price but rather a Reputation price. (Cards like “Sensitive Information” or “A Favor”.) These cards are played by giving up reputation. This represents items/favors that factions are willing to give you if your Reputation with them is good, but asking for too many hand outs can affect how people see you.
If you wish to remove an attached card from a crew member it can either go to your crew’s inventory or be discarded, it may not return to your hand. Cards that can not go into your inventory are simply discarded if removed.
You may play a character card form your hand into your crew if you have the required credits and you meet any Reputation requirements there might be. You may not have more crew members then you ship’s crew limit.
Your movement points are listed on your selected ship. Your command points are listed on the character you selected to be your ship’s captain. You can not change your captain unless your current one is killed. You may spend movement/command points to perform any of the following actions in any order:

1.)Move: You may spend one movement point to move your ship from its current space to an adjoining one. Each Location card is a space. You pick up any credits or reputation listed on the location card. This represents unmentionable jobs (such as delivery missions, trade routes, passengers etc.) as well as the effect on your reputation for visiting certain locations and completing certain unmentionable jobs.
Simply add any listed credits to your credit pool. Specified Reputation points must be assigned to their indicated side. Non-specific Reputation points may be assigned to either criminal or Alliance by your choosing.
However for every point you assign to a Reputation above 7 you lose one point from your reputation in the other faction. (I.E. If you have 7 criminal standing and 4 Alliance standing and you assign one point to your criminal standing you have 8 criminal and 3 Alliance.) You can either try to play both sides, thus giving you access to jobs requiring Reputation from both sides, but never getting the best jobs from either. Or you can chose to go totally to one side and get the best of what that side has to offer. You may not move to a location that you do not meet the reputation requirements for. (I.E. You can’t walk into a criminal den if you’re an Alliance henchman, but the Alliance isn’t going to let just anyone into their most secure areas.) There is no limit to your Reputation or your Credit pool.
You may leave character(s) at a certain location if you wish. (Say, to work on a job while the rest of your crew works on another some place else.) To do this, simply move the crew member you’re leaving at that location in a group separate form the crew staying with the ship. Place a token on this group, and a corresponding token at the location where they are. (A two pieces of paper with “Away Team” written on it would work, or just a penny.)

2.) Charter: You may spend one movement point to draw and place a location card.

3.) Challenge: You may spend one command point to challenge any NPC or player crew if you are at the same location. Challenges can be used to attack a unit that has attacked you during another person’s ‘Verse Phase (assuming you have command points left at the end of your turn), to take away a escort job form another crew in the same space, or attack another crew in the same space. Use the combat rules listed in the ‘Verse Phase.

4.) Take a Job: You may spend one command point to take on a job that is turned face up on the table in the “Bulletin Pool”. Assuming you have all the required people (some job may require a doctor or a technician) and the required Reputation. (Turn over the next card form the job deck so there are always four job posted.)

5.) Look for Work: You may spend one command point to draw the top card from the Job deck. If you can accept the job you may at that point. If you do not meet the listed criteria shuffle it back into the job deck.

6.) Quit a Job: You may spend one command point to discard a current job. Resolve any penalties for doing so. (This may be a fight, a fine of credits and/or standing or nothing.)

7.) Finish a Job: You may attempt to complete a job at any time during your turn if you are on the space required by the job (if any) and have all the required items (if any). Each job has different requirements to complete it as indicated on the card. When you complete a job collect the reward indicated on the card and discard it.

Discard Phase: Discard one card form your hand and draw up back up to four. This ends your turn.

Goal: Your goal is to complete three epic jobs. (Any job with the word Epic in its name). These jobs are very hard to complete, my require visiting many locations and have large rewards.

Clarification of Reputation/Infamy: Reputation is a number that reflects your standing with the Alliance and the criminal world. It is effected only by completing missions and vesting certain locations. Your infamy pool is something that only your opponents can use. It is a recourse pool equal to your highest standing with a faction. Example if you have 7 Alliance reputation and 4 Criminal your Infamy pool is 7 during your opponents turn, giving them seven points which to play ‘Verse cards against you. Everyone’s Infamy pool is set back to their Reputation value at the end of anyone’s turn. This means that the more you accomplish the higher your Reputation goes, but it also means that more people are going to be looking to gun you down.

Clarification of board set up: Your crew cards do not move around the board, not even your ship card does, only the token for your ship. Your crew cards are placed in front of you, and any equipment/ability cards they have are placed underneath/near them. You simply move the ship token from planet to planet. The exception is when you chose/have to leave a member behind. Even then however they do not go on the board you simply move those cards to a different part of the area where you’re keeping your cards that are in play, and place corresponding tokens on them and the location.

Advanced Rules: Advanced rules are some optional rules that change the game play. Use one, any or all of them to enhance your game.

Mutiny Rules: Did I say no changing the captain? Well now you can. When you chose to mutiny select one character from your crew to be the new captain, this person is the mutiny leader. Roll one six sided die, this number is the number of crew member that the mutiny leader has convinced to join him. Select any crew members you wish (Save for the current Captain) up to this number. They make up the mutineers. The remaining crew members are loyalists. Randomly select another player to control your Loyalists, you control the mutineers. Resolve the conflict as using regular combat rules. Combat continues until one side is dead, or its leader is killed. If both the Captain and the Mutiny leader die, select a new captain.

Roving Squads: In this rule set you squad is not simply an extension of your hand. You may move them around the board and treat them as a crew with two movement points and one command point. They may not use action cards, or have items.

Revealed map: There is no build phase. Before starting the game each player takes a turn at drawing and placing one location card.

Looting: When a player crew character dies their items do not return to the crew’s inventory. Instead they are stacked up and placed to the side with a token on them. Place a corresponding token on the location where they died. Any crew can spend one command point to pick up any item if they are on the same location.

“Double Edge Sword” Rules: Some Character cards have a Reputation requirement. With these rules you target players who are trying to straddle the fence by keeping Alliance and Criminal reps at or below seven. If a player has a crew member with a rep requirement that is equal to or more then their standing with the opposite faction any other player my roll one six sided die to try and initialize a mutiny.
(Example: Player A has 6 criminal standing and a crew member, Kyle Gimshaw, whose reputation requirement is 4 Alliance points. Player B can make a mutiny roll because of this.)
Rolling a five or six means that the mutiny has started. The rest is then handled as stated in the above “Mutiny Rules”, save that the opposing player controls the Mutineers in place of the Loyalists.


Monday, February 2, 2004 3:44 PM


Wow I would defentely favor using a good sized chunk of these rules along with the ideas already floated for the CCG. Do the others involved in the game devlopment agree?


Monday, February 2, 2004 6:39 PM


"A good sized chunk". What did you like, what didn't you like? What sparks your intrest; and what makes your groan? I just sat down and tapped these rules out off the top of my head. I drew form some of the card gaems I've played over the years, but it's fairly a fairly primitive idea at this point.
I'm really toying with the idea of making crew cards a seprate deck and adding a "Recrute" action. Leaveing them as even cards seems to random for something like building a crew. I think the preutation system seems pretty solid, but I could use some input on it.
Frankly, I might just make my own cards and get them printed up at a kinko's or something.
Now that I've opened up the idea, I'd like to be able to play it, even if I'm the only one that ever does. Well, email me if anyone wants to collaborate on a project, because frankly my art skills are crap. I would personaly prefer a real set or cards to a computer game. I LOVE computer games but thought up this idea as a card game and that's the way it sticks in my mind. It just seems right to play it in person, kind goes with the dieas of the show I guess. People. Well I'm rambling now. Off with me. I would appreciate any input you guys have. Thanks for taking the time to read my stuff.


Monday, February 2, 2004 7:22 PM


Well I liked the idea of multi ways to win not just the Epic Jobs you discribed. Maybe that could be one of the ways to win. Also I'm not quite sure about a command point system, too may points to keep track of can get confusing even if you are writing them down (2 Reputations, Credits, command and maybe more). Also I think any dice rolls for combat should add a amount to a card's total attack value. Otherwise we could get a situation where an unarmed Kaylee kills Jayne who is packing Vera (not very realistic even if she gets the jump on him).


Monday, February 2, 2004 7:41 PM


Having skimmed through the rules, I'd certainly like to play-test something like this. It seems to have elements of the Middle Earth, Star Wars and ST:TNG CCGS. When I first saw some cards, I thought a bit of Net Runner style play would be applicable. Each side could have several jobs that the other person could score, and they'd be able to deploy defenses to protect the job or something like that.

The planet placement rules mention that Core worlds have to go next to core worlds and rim worlds can't be next to core worlds. I was wondering how that would work?

Anyway, it would be interesting to desing a FFCCG.

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 2:27 PM


First, some worlds would be marked core, some would be marked rim and some woulnd't be marked as anything. I should have said that there were three card types and not two.

In responce to the question about combat rolls. I'm not sure what you mean. I already have it wirtten to add the combat roll to a combat skill on the card. Anyways. I'm thinking of differnt ways to win. I'll come up with something soon.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 4:25 PM


If reputation were like honor from L5R, you could have a reputation win. Or perhaps putting some device into play after you have met some specific and complicated requirements (i.e. a ring victory.) I'm very partial to L5R, heh.

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 7:00 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I have to admit that I have never been a big CCG player. I dabbled a bit w/ Magic when it first came out, but got tired of getting crushed by people who spent no small amount of money on decks that could wipe you out in several minutes.

I wouldn't mind playing a Firefly CCG. The rules set down in this thread look pretty promising.

Where are the cards located? Someone said on the official site. Anyone have a link?

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 7:06 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Perhaps I missed it somewhere, but how many players per game? I'm going to try and create an online version based on these rules.


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 8:07 AM


@RADAR75: Ooops I must have missed the part about combat rolls adding on...

@BrownCoat1: Currently the cards that have been made (thou they probaly will be changed once the rules are finalized) can be found under the "100 recent content additions to FIREFLYFANS.NET." just click "THERE'S MORE! DISPLAY THE TOP 100 RECENT ITEMS..." on the home page of this site.

I may thow together a site to showcase the cards soon.


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 7:15 PM


I suppose the logical limit would be about 6, seeing as how many more then that and you'd be waiting a long time for your turn. Probbly be better at 4. I don't envy you the task of programming this. That's alot of variables to program. I personly think it would be better as a physical card set. Anyone have any idea how that could be done? I suppsoe some one could make a set of cards and we could use those for both hard and soft copys of the game.
I'd really like to see a hard copy. Nothing would be cooler for my (or anyone elses) next Firefly party.


Thursday, February 5, 2004 4:17 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by GunRunner:
[B]@RADAR75: Ooops I must have missed the part about combat rolls adding on...

@BrownCoat1: Currently the cards that have been made (thou they probaly will be changed once the rules are finalized) can be found under the "100 recent content additions to FIREFLYFANS.NET." just click "THERE'S MORE! DISPLAY THE TOP 100 RECENT ITEMS..." on the home page of this site.

I may thow together a site to showcase the cards soon.

Just checked out the CCG card images and must admit I am very impressed. The cards look great and the layout of the cards themselves is very orderly and well thought out.

Great work.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, February 26, 2004 8:32 PM


I was just wondering if anyone had done anything with these rules or not. If not, I'll probbly start out on my own soon, work permitting.


Thursday, February 26, 2004 9:16 PM


I've created a few more cards but thats about it. Perhaps we sould get together on MSN/ICQ/AIM and disscuss this game and get this game closer to reality.


Friday, February 27, 2004 6:48 AM


Hmmm. Seems a bit overly complex to me, just in my opinion. But then I'm working on my own version of Firefly CCG rules, contemplating cards, figuring out locales, and thinking about game mechanics...

Your ideas have a great deal of promise. The difficulty I have with it is that it seems like you have to keep track of a hell of a lot, not to mention segregating your cards into ship, crew, events, and whatnot.

History doesn't always repeat itself. Sometimes it merely shouts "Weren't you listening the first time?!?" and lets fly with a club.


Friday, February 27, 2004 6:10 PM


Rules always sound complex until you find out they're not. Rember the first time you played chess? Ever played the baord version of Warcraft III? Add to that the fact it's not like I can really show you anything over a message baord and yeah, it'll seem pretty goram complex. Sorry about that.

On another topic, my AIM call sign is PFCHardCharger. Actually getting ahold of me might be a trick because of the hours I work but if anyone really wants to look at creating this drop me a line.






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