Serenity (I/II) or Serenity (BDM)? ... An Original Viewer's Perspective

UPDATED: Friday, May 11, 2007 12:36
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Friday, May 11, 2007 5:58 AM



I trust you are all well, as you read this little treatise.

I am an 'Original Viewer' of Firefly, by which I mean I was blessed/cursed to have seen Firefly as it aired -- out of order and all over the schedule -- on F*X. One of the intrepid few Original Viewers, if F*X and the Nielsen's are to be believed.

To briefly recapitulate, I am a lifelong fan of science fiction. I stayed up past my bedtime, secreted behind my father's recliner, to watch Star Trek TOS when I was but a lad. I have avidly read the works of Herbert, Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke, Bear/Brin/Benford, among others (currently on a Pratchett binge, but it's sort of science-y: "In the beginning, there was nothing, and then it exploded."). I was a loyal viewer of Farscape on Fridays, when I learned that Fox (as they were then known) were premiering a new sci-fi series in the time slot immediately preceding. I figured I'd give it a watch... The rest, as 'they' say, is history. I was immediately hooked, so completely that Farscape soon became 'that show that follows Firefly', in my heart.

Then F*X (as they are now known) crept in and killed my darling infant love in its crib.

...But not before airing the two-hour pilot episodes, back-to-back. I was astounded that anything could be so magnificent as these episodes. As good as ST:TOS' pilot, "The Menagerie", was with the late Jeffrey Hunter as erstwhile Captain Christopher Pike, "Serenity" Parts I and II blew it out of the sky. I -- being the king of 'duh!' -- had no idea that Firefly had already been given the axe. Instead, I thought, 'Fox (sic) are really pulling out all the stops for this wonderful show! A two-hour Firefly extravaganza?! The future is truly looking bright. Oh, thank you so much, Fox! I love you to the depth and breadth of my soul!'


Then the other shoe fell, and the penny finally dropped for your faithful correspondent...

Since then, I have been a shell of a man, trapped in this alternate-universe Hell, in which there is no Firefly. A bit of me died. An important bit. (No, not that one; it works fine, thanks.) What perished is my deeply held belief that Art will always find a way to reveal itself. Now, I see that's simply not true. In fact, these days Art is likely to get Itself assassinated if It peeks out Its venetian blinds at the 'reality' shows skateboarding across Its driveway...

So, there's your 'brief recap'. My observation -- upon which I'd appreciate some commentary -- is that Serenity I/II as it appeared on TV may have been a better 'movie' than Serenity, the BDM, except for the obvious lack of movie-budget production qualities. I was more connected to the characters, and they were all more clearly delineated and more deeply revealed than they were in the BDM, which didn't seem to have enough room for all the roles.

What are your thoughts?

As a final aside, being an 'Original Viewer':
How apropos that the televised series run effectively ended with Jubal Early, marooned in space and awaiting a horrible death by asphyxiation, saying, "Well... Here I am..."

That's exactly how I've felt since I learned that Firefly was never coming back. My heart's been plucked from my body, but I've resigned myself to the notion that I'll just have to get used to it. Someday. Ostensibly, before my burial. Will there be a complete Firefly in Heaven? I hope so.



And how about this for an alternate reality? The BDM premieres at a different time nexus, in which Hurricane Katrina never materialized, gasoline prices consequently did not soar by a dollar per gallon within a two-week time span, and a whole host of people other than film critics and die-hard fans discover the film while it's still in theatres (because they can afford to). What might have been if Serenity had earned a respectable $100M in its theatrical run?

See? That's what I mean when I say that I'm 'trapped in this alternate-universe Hell'...

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Friday, May 11, 2007 7:20 AM



I, unfortunately, can not claim the great honor of being an "original" viewer. As a matter of fact, I had never heard of Firefly. I was in a theatre in London and saw a trailer for a new movie. It looked interesting and appealed to me on a "sort of Hans Solo-ly". The only person I recognized was that guy that shot the alien in Independence day.

Anyway, I remember telling my boys to keep an eye out for that movie. Fast forward about a year and I am back in CONUS (continental US) and start talking to a co-worker about Blade Runner, Star Trek yada yada and I suddenly remember that trailer. I knew it had a one word title and spent the morning on the internet trying to find it. Mush to my surprise (I think it was the Firefly Gods) it was opening a few days later. I rushed my boys and I to the local 12 screen and sat with anticipation when it started.

I LITERALLY was on the edge of my seat through the whole thing. My heart dropped when -thatwhichshallnotbenamed-happened.

I left the theater with an immediate desire to see the show and rushed to my local Hellmart to find that they didn't have any copies. I ordered it and waited impatiently and watched all the dvd's in order straight through till I was done. And then started all over again.

Whew, that being said I will answer the question.

I think both the BDM and the 2 part are perfect in their own rights. I THINK I prefer the show, simply because it is in its purest form. But when I want to hook someone, I use the BDM.

It shows just enough to make them want more.

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Friday, May 11, 2007 8:14 AM



Thank you for your reply. It's definitely a different perspective from my own, and one that is very probably more common to most current fans. Again, the Nielsen numbers for the TV series were so low, there could not possibly have been many loyal viewers. But what a difference that demonstrative few have made, hmmm?

...Just not enough of a difference, apparently. The property's just not flashy/sexy/grotesque enough, I suppose.

...And I certainly did not mean to imply that the BDM was an inferior product. Quite the contrary. Regardless the untimely demise of a couple of favorite characters, it was a well-told story and a diamond in the mountainous manure pile that Hollywood spews out every year.

I simply feel that Serenity I/II was somehow purer, less cramped by an apparent perceived necessity to suspend the audience on the edge of their collective seats. Serenity I/II had plenty of action (well, enough action at any rate), while remaining mostly about the individual characters. I mean, are explosions and gun/kung fu fighting really what motion pictures are all about? Or is Art about the personal introspection a group of well-rounded characters invite? I am more moved by the latter than the former, as it applies to Literature and its human-performed derivatives.

Unfortunately, the current generation of movie making seems to be primarily a vehicle for ever more spectacular explosions and stunts, with or without green screens and digitally erased wires. Such 'characters' as exist in a movie today are only there to move the explosions, gun battles and grisly axe mutilations of teen-aged campers along. (NB: Not that I have anything against the axe-mutilation of teenagers. On the whole, it's probably a satisfying and societally beneficial avocation. )

I just wonder if someone at the studio suggested to Joss that there was a per-scene quota of action elements that had to be met, or else. ...Or did he do it of his own volition, and if he did, why? Was he feeling internally pressured to 'make or break' on Serenity, and that he must make it ADD-level action-y in order to ensure its success? Why did he venture outside his proven forte -- strong characterizations -- to the point of becoming almost frenetic in the movie's pacing, compared to the leisurely Serenity I/II? ...And the series' pilot was a complete story with a beginning, middle and end. It doesn't cliff-hang to suggest a series. If anything, Serenity BDM leaves more unanswered questions than the premature end of the series did.

I loved the BDM, too. But those unanswered questions almost make this Hell Without Firefly worse, for this condemned soul. Know what I mean?



"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Friday, May 11, 2007 12:36 PM


Personally, I like the episode better than the BDM. I am a semi-original viewer. I watched the show when it was on fox, but not religiously and I know I missed several episodes due to other commitments (and the psychotic schedule pre-empts). I only re-discovered Firefly because I heard there was a movie coming out and I couldn't remember anything about it other than I watched it when it was on tv.

The episode captures your imagination, makes you care about the characters. The movie doesn't, not for me, not for a friend that saw it without realizing there was a show. I seriously had to threaten to tie her down and tape her eyes open to get her to watch it because the BDM had such a negative impact.

I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with the BDM, just that I would definately show someone the series before showing them the movie. It has greater impact if seen as part of a whole than as a stand alone.

I'm a leaf on the wind






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